Unofficial Transcript

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UNOFFICIAL University at Buffalo Transcript (GRAD)

Name: Sullivan, Shawn Thomas

Student ID: 5021-1365

Date Issued: 09/16/2021

Fall 2017
Beginning of GRADUATE Record
Program: Grad Sch of Ed Masters
Fall 2016 Plan: School Librarianship
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
Program: Grad Sch of Ed Masters LIS 524TUT Smc Field Experience 3.000 3.000 S 0.000
Plan: School Librarianship LIS 534LEC Resrces & Srvcs for Child 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
LIS 505LEC Intro to Library & Info 3.000 3.000 A- 11.010 Attempted Earned GPA Units Points
Study Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 6.000 6.000 3.000 12.000
LIS 506LEC Intro to Info Technology 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 Cum GPA 3.835 Cum Totals 21.000 21.000 18.000 69.030

Attempted Earned GPA Units Points Spr 2018

Term GPA 3.835 Term Totals 6.000 6.000 6.000 23.010
Cum GPA 3.835 Cum Totals 6.000 6.000 6.000 23.010 Program: Grad Sch of Ed Masters
Plan: School Librarianship
Spr 2017 Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
LIS 532LEC Curric Role of Media Spec 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Program: Grad Sch of Ed Masters LIS 536LEC Multicultural Materials 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Plan: School Librarianship
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points Attempted Earned GPA Units Points
LIS 518LEC Reference Srcs & Svcs 3.000 3.000 A- 11.010 Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 6.000 6.000 6.000 24.000
LIS 571LEC Information Organization 3.000 3.000 A- 11.010 Cum GPA 3.876 Cum Totals 27.000 27.000 24.000 93.030

Attempted Earned GPA Units Points Sumr 2018

Term GPA 3.670 Term Totals 6.000 6.000 6.000 22.020
Cum GPA 3.753 Cum Totals 12.000 12.000 12.000 45.030 Program: Grad Sch of Ed Masters
Plan: School Librarianship
Sumr 2017 Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
LIS 568LEC Computer Applic in Slmc 3.000 3.000 A- 11.010
Program: Grad Sch of Ed Masters
Plan: School Librarianship
Attempted Earned GPA Units Points
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points Term GPA 3.670 Term Totals 3.000 3.000 3.000 11.010
LIS 535LEC Resrces & Srvcs Yng 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 Cum GPA 3.853 Cum Totals 30.000 30.000 27.000 104.040
Spr 2019
Attempted Earned GPA Units Points
Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 3.000 3.000 3.000 12.000 Program: Grad Sch of Ed Masters
Cum GPA 3.802 Cum Totals 15.000 15.000 15.000 57.030 Plan: School Librarianship
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
LIS 585LEC Mgt of School Libraries 3.000 3.000 A 12.000
Page 2 of 2 in Graduate Record

UNOFFICIAL University at Buffalo Transcript (GRAD)

Name: Sullivan, Shawn Thomas

Student ID: 5021-1365

Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points Graduate Career Totals

LIS 587LEC Collection Development 3.000 3.000 A 12.000 Attempted Earned GPA Units Points

Attempted Earned GPA Units Points Cum GPA: 3.880 Cum Totals 39.000 38.000 33.000 128.040
Term GPA 4.000 Term Totals 6.000 6.000 6.000 24.000
Cum GPA 3.880 Cum Totals 36.000 36.000 33.000 128.040 End of Graduate Record

Fall 2019

Program: Grad Sch of Ed Masters

Plan: School Librarianship
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
LIS 525TUT School Media Ctr Prac 1.000 1.000 S 0.000

Attempted Earned GPA Units Points

Term GPA 0.000 Term Totals 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000
Cum GPA 3.880 Cum Totals 37.000 37.000 33.000 128.040

Spr 2021

Program: Grad Sch of Ed Masters

Plan: School Librarianship
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
LIS 525TUT School Media Ctr Prac 1.000 1.000 S 0.000

Attempted Earned GPA Units Points

Term GPA 0.000 Term Totals 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000
Cum GPA 3.880 Cum Totals 38.000 38.000 33.000 128.040

Fall 2021

Program: Grad Sch of Ed Masters

Plan: School Librarianship
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
LIS 525TUT School Media Ctr Prac 1.000 0.000 0.000

Attempted Earned GPA Units Points

Term GPA 0.000 Term Totals 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Cum GPA 3.880 Cum Totals 39.000 38.000 33.000 128.040

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