General Notes and Specifications For Structural Works (Issued As A Supplement To The Structural Plans)
General Notes and Specifications For Structural Works (Issued As A Supplement To The Structural Plans)
General Notes and Specifications For Structural Works (Issued As A Supplement To The Structural Plans)
1.1 This "General Notes & Specifications for Structural Works" shall form a part of the
Structural Plans.
1.2 In the interpretation of these structural plans, indicated dimensions shall govern and 9
distances or sizes shall not be scaled for construction purposes.
1.3 In cases of conflict in details or dimensions between the Architectural and Structural
Plans, refer to the Structural Engineer or his authorized representative of final
1.4 In cases of conflict between the Structural Plans and the General Notes and
Specifications, the Plans shall govern.
These design live loads shall never be exceeded at any time during the life of the
structure without the written consent of the Structural engineer.
It shall be the responsibility of the Owner of the building to get the approval of the
Structural Engineer of any live load that will be imposed on any area of the building
different from and or exceeding the design live loads specified herein.
Structural Specifications
The design earthquake loads are as per the provisions of the "Uniform Building Code
(USA) 1997 Edition” for Earthquake Zone 4. These loads are assumed to be statically
applied to the structure.
The design wind loads are as per the provision of the National Structural Code of the
Philippines 2010 Edition.
3.2 Concrete aggregates shall conform to ASTM C33 except the aggregates failing to
meet these specifications but which have produced concrete of adequate strength and
durability may be used to the approval of the Structural Engineer.
3.3 Water used in mixing concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oil,
acids, alkalis, salts, organic material or other substances deleterious to concrete or
3.5 Admixtures to be used in concrete shall be subject to prior approval by the Structural
3.6 Cement and aggregates shall be stored in such a manner as to prevent their
deterioration or the intrusion of foreign matter.
3.7 Concrete cylinder samples for strength tests of each class of concrete shall be taken
not less than twice a day nor less than once for each 110 cu. m. of concrete or for
each 490 sq. m. of surface area place. The cylinder samples for strength tests shall be
taken cured and tested in accordance with ASTM C172, ASTM C31, and ASTM C39.
Concrete poured will be considered satisfactory if the average of all sets of these
consecutive strength tests results equal or exceeds the required concrete strength (fc') and
not individual strength test falls below the required fc' by more than 500 psi.
If individual tests of laboratory cured cylinder samples produced strength more than 500
psi below fc' core test and or load tests may be resorted subject to the approval by
the Structural Engineer.
Structural Specifications
All concrete shall be mixed until there is a uniform distribution of the materials and shall
be discharged completely before the mixer is recharged.
Concrete shall be conveyed from the mixer to the place of final deposit by methods that
will prevent the separation or loss of materials.
3.13 Curing
Concrete shall be maintained in a moist condition for at least 7 days after placing. Wet
burlap may be laid over the slab constantly applied with water.
Unless otherwise indicated in the drawings, the minimum 28 day cylinder compressive
strength shall be as specified in S-1.
5.1 Assumed allowable Soil Bearing Capacity, in the absence of soil investigation report,
is 100 Kpa.
5.2 Existing underground pipes, tunnels, etc., shall be brought to the attention of the
Structural Engineer for evaluation.
5.3 An excavation adjacent to an existing structure shall be provided with adequate sheet
piling by the Contractor. The sheet piles shall be properly designed to resist earth and
water pressure as well as surcharge loading on the footings of the adjacent existing
5.4 Unless otherwise detailed in the plans CHB wall footing shall be as per figures on
Sheet S-1.
5.5 RC slab on fill other than pressure slab @ basement shall be. 100mm thick with
10mm bars at 0.30 m.o.c. each way unless otherwise indicated in the plans.
Structural Specifications
5.6 All earth fill supporting ground slabs for flooring, parking sidewalk, etc., shall be
compacted to 90% proctor in layers of 0.30m. unless otherwise specified by the structural
6.1 Unless otherwise noted in the plans or specifications camber all RC beams at least
6mm (1/4”) for every 4500mm (15’) of clear span except cantilevers which shall be
18mm (3/4”) for every 3000mm (10’) of clear span.
6.2 If there are two or more layers of reinforcing bars, use 25mm separators spaced at
0.90 m.o.c. In no case shall there be less than two separators between layers of bars.
6.3 If beam reinforcing bars end in a wall, the clear distance from the bar to the farther
face of the wall shall be not less than 5 bar diameters. The reinforcing bar shall terminate
on a standard 90 degrees hook.
6.4 Beam reinforcing bars supporting slab reinforcement shall be 25 mm from the bottom
of the finish.
6.5 When a beam crosses a girder, rest beam bars on top of the girder bars. At column
intersection girder bars shall be on top of beam bars.
6.6 Length of bar cur off and bar clearances shall be as specified in Sheet SS-1.
6.7 Top bars splices shall be located at midspan and bottom bar splices at column
supports. Unless otherwise indicated in the plans splice lengths shall follow those given
for developments length as per figure on Sheet SS-1.
7.1 Unless otherwise noted in plans or specifications, camber all R.C. slabs 3mm (1/8”)
per 3000mm (10’) of shorter span.
7.2 If slab are reinforced both ways, bar along the shorter span shall be placed below
those along the long span at the center and over the longer span bars near the supports.
7.4 Unless otherwise specified by the Engineer, bar chairs shall provided at least 600mm
each way to support top and bottom bars separately.
8.1 Unless otherwise specified, the vertical and horizontal reinforcements for CHB shall
be 10 mm bar diameter, spaced at 400 mm o.c. for all wall thickness. Lap splices shall
be 300 mm long (minimum)
Structural Specifications
8.2 Lintel beams to be used shall be (t x 0.20m) reinforced by 4-12 mm bars with 10mm
at 300mm o.c. ties where "t" is the CHB wall thickness.
8.3 Lintel beam shall be provided at top of CHB wall openings. It shall extend at least
200 mm beyond the openings.
8.4 For high walls, lintel beams shall be provided at 3000 mm o.c.
8.5 For long walls, vertical lintel beams acting as columns shall be provided at 6000 mm
8.6 Where CHB walls adjoin R. C. Columns and beams, provide dowels on R.C. column
and beams prior to pouring to match CHB wall reinforcement. The dowels shall be 12
mm bars at 400mm o.c. (L-600 mm).
8.7 Where the top of CHB wall adjoin a beam, provide 50 mm gap to be filled with a
soft material like styropor. Rebars as required in 109.6 shall be retained for stability.
8.8 Where the sides of a CHB wall adjoin a column provide 50 mm gap to be filled with
a soft material like styropor. Rebars as required in 109.6 shall be retained for stability.
8.9 Where columns and beams have been poured without the CHB wall dowels, provided
12 mm dia expansion bolts at 400 mm o.c. These anchors shall be drilled and hammered
in place. No chipping off of concrete columns and beams is allowed unless permitted by
the Engineer.
9.1 Unless otherwise indicated, the column pedestal embedded in the ground shall be 50
mm larger than the column as per plan at the basement floor level, or ground floor level if
there is no basement.
9.2 Construction joints in columns shall be located at the top of the pedestal (basement
floor line, or ground floor line if there is no basement) or at least a distance above the
floor equal to the maximum dimension of the column or 1/6 story height.
9.3 All ties shall be fastened to column vertical reinforcement by means of wires at all
intersection portions of ties and columns rebars.
9.4 Not more than one-half (1/2) of the total number of bars shall be spliced at the same
level. The lap splice be 1.3 ld of the bar development length. Splices shall be staggered
at a distance of at least 40 bar diameters.
9.5 Column bar splice lengths shall follow those tabulated for development on Sheet
9.6 Lap welded splice maybe used in lieu of the above. The capacity of the weld
provided shall be 125% larger than the tensile capacity of the bigger bar being spliced.
No butt welded splices are allowed unless otherwise permitted by the structural engineer.
Structural Specifications
10.1 Unless otherwise indicated in the plans, the R.C. wall horizontal bars shall be inside
the vertical bars – (retaining wall).
10.2 Reinforcing bars shall have at least 30mm concrete clearance except in 100mm wall
or less where they shall be at the center.
10.3 Carry vertical bars 600mm above floor level to provide for splices when necessary.
Elsewhere stop at 50mm below the top of the slab. The bar shall terminate on a standard
90 degree hook.
10.4 Horizontal and vertical bars conforming to ASTM A615 shall have a minimum
splice lapping and wired with No. 16 G.I. wire provided that splices in adjacent bars are
staggered at least 1.50 m.o.c. not more than one-half(1/2) of the total number of bars shall
be spliced at the same line. Splices shall be staggered a distance of at least 40 bar
10.5 All opening walls or slabs less than 300mm thick shall be reinforced as per Figure
on Sheet SS-1.
10.6 At wall intersections and corners, the anchorage length provided shall be as shown
on Figures on Sheet SS-1.
Unless otherwise specified by the Engineer , the following are the acceptable structural
tolerances for cast-in place concrete construction. All dimensions which are not within
the required tolerances shall be corrected prior to pouring of concrete. Tolerances for
pre-cast concrete construction shall be ½ of the values given below:
Structural Specifications
The following minimum concrete cover shall be provided for reinforcing bars,
prestressing tendons or ducts. For bar bundles, the minimum cover shall equal the
equivalent diameter of the bundled bars needed but not be more than 2 inches on the
tabulated minimum whichever is greater.
c) Not exposed to weather or in contact with ground, slabs, walls and joints.
13.2 Unless otherwise noted in the plans the minimum yield strength of the reinforcing
bars to be used corresponding to the structural member shall be as enumerated below:
a.) fy = 40,000 psi for 12mm & smaller sizes (Unless Specified)
b.) fy = 60,000 psi for 16mm & larger sizes
13.3 Development length requirements (ld) shall be as per Table on Sheet SS-1
13.4 Splice and anchorage lengths shall follow those set for development length (l d)
unless otherwise indicated in the plans or approved by the Structural Engineer.
13.5Equivalent metric size bars when used shall be as per tabulations below:
No 3 10 mm ø
No 4 12 mm ø
No 5 16 mm ø
No 6 20 mm ø
No 8 25 mm ø
No 9 28 mm ø
No 10 32 mm ø
Structural Specifications
No 11 36 mm ø
14.1 A standard hook for rebars if required shall be either of the following:
a) A semicircular turn plus an extension of at least 4 bar diameter but not less than 62
mm at the free end of the bar
b) A 90-degree turn plus an extension of at least 12 bars diameter at the free end of the
14.2 Minimum diameter of bend measured on the inside of the bar shall be as follows:
15.1 Construction joints shall be located near the middle of the span of slabs, beams or
15.2 Where a joint is to be made, the surface of the concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned
and all Latinate and standing water removed. Vertical joint also shall be
thoroughly wetted and coated with near cement grout immediately before
placing of new concrete.
15.3 Construction joints in walls, slabs and other structures that are subjected to water
pressure shall be provided with water stops. Kind, type, and size of water stops
shall be as approved by the Engineer.
15.4 At beam –girder intersection, the construction joint on the girder shall be offset a
distance equal to twice the width of the beam. Diagonal bars shall be provided to resist
100% shear of the construction joint.
15.5 Construction joints in columns shall be located a distance above the floor equal to at
least the maximum dimensions or 1/6 of story height.
16.1 Pipes with their fitting shall not displace more than 4% percent of the cross-sectional
area of the column.
16.3 Concrete cover for pipes shall be at least 38mm for concrete surfaces exposed to the
weather or in contact with the ground or 18mm for concrete surfaces not exposed to the
ground or weather.
Structural Specifications
16.5 Horizontal pipes may punch through a beam or girder subject to the approval of the
structural engineer. The contractor shall submit to the engineer the actual location where
pipes cross a beam or girder. Where permitted by the engineer, provide at least 2-16mm
(600mm long) U bars to enclose the pipe at the point of intersection of each face of the
17.1 Forms shall removed in such a manner as to ensure complete safety of the structure.
17.2 Unless otherwise specified by the Structural Engineer , the following shall be the
basis of removal of forms and shoring for reinforced concrete (R.C) construction.
Age of Concrete
Beam side forms 2 days
Column side forms 2days
Slab bottom forms 7days
18.1 All electrical conduits shall be placed between the top and bottom reinforcement of
slabs and R.C. walls.
18.2 The spacing of these conduits shall be at least three diameter on cantilever.
This work includes performing site preparation, excavation, borrow, filling, backfilling,
compacting and finished grading necessary to construct the finished grades indicated for
structures and on - grade slabs or site work. Contractor shall be responsible for evaluating
soil borings and data shown on the drawings and shall include in his tender rock
excavation as required.
Unless indicated otherwise, remove trees, stumps, shrubs, and brush within the limits of
construction. Protect from damage trees and shrubs which are to be saved or which are
outside the limits of construction. Except where area is indicated “Clearing Only”, grub
out matted roots over 2 inches in diameter to at least 18 inches below the existing
Remove organic matter, muck, rubbish, and unsuitable clays under structures which are
less than one meter in thickness and under pavements or slabs on grade. The depth of
removal of such unsuitable material shall be directed by the Engineer.
Structural Specifications
Excavate to the contours and dimensions indicated. Keep excavations free from water
while construction is in project notify the Engineer immediately in writing in the event
that it is necessary to remove rock, hard material, or other material defined as
unsatisfactory to a depth greater than indicated. Refill excavations cut below the depths
indicated with approved fill material and compact as specified herein. Excavate soils
permitted to soften from exposure to weather.
Excavate to depth indicated. If excavation is deeper than indicated, then fill with
concrete when the foundation or footings are placed.
Shore and sheet excavations as necessary to prevent injury to persons and damage to
structures. Also arrange shoring and sheeting to preclude injurious caving during
Select borrow materials to meet requirements and conditions of the particular fill to be
used. Perform necessary clearing, grubbing, disposal of debris, and satisfactory drainage
of borrow pits as indicated operations to the borrow excavation.
Place backfill adjacent to structures and compact to prevent wedging action or eccentric
loading upon or against the structures. Step or serrate slopes bounding or within areas to
be backfilled to prevent sliding of the fill. Do not use equipment for backfilling
operations for the formation of emabankments against structures retaining walls that
will be done after approval has been obtained from the Engineer.
Compact each layer or lift of material specified so that the in-place density tested is not
less than the 96 percentage of maximum density.
Grade to finished grades indicated within 3 centimeters Grade areas to drain water away
from structures and provide suitable surface herein.
Structural Specifications
Protect newly graded areas from traffic, erosion, and settlements. Repair damage grades,
elevations, or slopes prior to acceptance of works.
124.1 Unless otherwise indicated in the plans, structural steel shapes and plates shall conform to
ASTM -A36. Certified Mill Test shall be submitted by the fabricator to the Structural Engineer.
124.2 Welding shall conform to AWS standard, E60 or E70 electrodes shall be used unless otherwise
specified by the Structural Engineer.
124.3 The fabricator shall have the welds tested by X-ray method by an independent company engaged
in non-destructive testing as directed by the Structural Engineer. The welds are considered satisfactory
if 9 out of 10 samples passed the requirement otherwise the welds shall be corrected.
125.1 Steel fabricator shall submit shop drawing showing complete detailed connections for approval
by the Structural engineer. No material shall be ordered nor fabrication started until such drawings are
approved by the Structural Engineer.
125.2 All dimensions in the plans shall be verified by the steel fabricator in the field in coordination
with the general contractor.
125.3 Unless otherwise specified in the plans, gusset plates and stiffeners shall be 6 mm thk.
125.4 All splices shall be staggered. No splices shall be permitted at point where critical stressed
occur. Splice plate shall have a minimum length of 300 mm.
125.7 All erection bolt holes shall be 3 mm plus nominal bolt diameter
125.9 Shop paint (red lead primer or any equivalent brand ; 2 coats) shall be provided. Any work that
is not in conformance with these specifications will be rejected at any time during the progress of the