EFT Manual: by Natalie Hill
EFT Manual: by Natalie Hill
EFT Manual: by Natalie Hill
by Natalie Hill
About EFT
Meridian Tapping - Ancient Roots
About EFT
Meridian Tapping - Ancient Roots
Roots of Emotional Freedom Tapping Tapping therapy can be used to help overcome a wide range of
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Once you’ve done the process a few times, you’ll be able to use
tapping therapy on your own to improve your life in many ways.
Psychological Acupressure
EFT therapy is a form of psychological acupressure.
There are success stories in everything from PTSD (Post At the same time, you think about your
Traumatic Stress Disorder) to anxiety to phobias to cancer. specific problem.
When doing EFT, specific points on the skin are stimulated and This can be a disturbing memory, past
result in scientifically measurable neurological effects. trauma, a current difficulty or emotional upset, a goal or intention.
About EFT
Getting Started
When you stimulate the body’s energy system, while thinking I often call this first, negative stage of EFT “dumping.” As in
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about your problem, energy moves, emotions shift and you dumping the trash or dumping all your negative thoughts and
experience a clearing or release. emotions.
Instead of strengthening the negative emotions, as often happens It clears the block in your body’s bioenergy system and restores
when doing typical complaining... your mind and body to balance.
...if you complain while tapping you feel relief. This allows new, more empowering, resourceful, creative, healthy,
loving, joyful and peaceful thoughts and emotions to emerge.
What Do You Do?
It Looks So Silly!
While tapping on the
specific points on your Many people (I was one of them), are put off by the looks of
head and chest, you emotional tapping.
give voice...
Let’s face it, it looks silly.
...to your problem.
Tapping on your head to clear a bad mood?
The combination of
stimulating the energy And to others, it seems unscientific.
meridians and voicing
I know that at first, EFT seemed silly
your thoughts – while
and unscientific to me ...and I
feeling the emotions – works to clear what was previously a
rejected EFT on my first exposure
stuck energetic pattern.
(SO glad I took a second look!).
Where you previously could see and feel only one way about a
Without previous experience or
situation or past event…
knowledge of the electromagnetic
…the process of moving the energy while activating energy that flows through our body -
thoughts and emotions about it, clears the emotional block
– and how it affects our thoughts,
that was previously keeping you in a negative state.
emotions and physical health, we
About EFT
What’s It All About?
may not be able to make any sense of how or why it could work. I’ve concluded that
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… and you want to be tapping in the best location for It’s All In the Fingertips
stimulating the meridian, however you don’t need to worry
Many meridians start or end at the fingertips.
about being absolutely precise.
So, as you tap, you’ll be stimulating the energy meridians on the
This is why we generally tap with several fingers, to maximize the
chances of hitting the mark.
This is why it’s better to tap with your fingertips than with an
Also, if you study from more than one EFT expert, you’ll find that
object or another body part.
we all have our own preference for tapping points.
Second, you’re tapping on specific energy meridians and
Some add the liver point, others tap the wrists together, etc.
stimulating them too.
How to Do EFT
Step By Step
Steps in the Tapping Process Your assessments will help guide you to your next step and affirm
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Since we have no scale to stand on or no blood test to take, the In fact, this part of the EFT process is expressly designed to
assessment will be subjective. pacify the subconscious gatekeepers who want to keep you safe
(stuck) in your habitual patterns.
You simply listen to what your inner voice is saying about your
issue and feel the intensity of the related emotions. They are designed to keep you safe, but their methods don’t
always make you happy, free and whole.
Here’s what you do:
The Problem
Sit quietly, close your eyes and tune in.
the Karate Chop point, just
When tuned in, take an assessment of the intensity of your under my fingertips, is hwere
emotional state. you tap while stating the
Get an intensity number, from 0 - 10. Zero means you have no
emotion about the issue. Ten means you feel maximum intensity Begin by tapping on the
about it. karate chop point and say,
Instead of using your brain to think about your number, let it be Even though ___________
more of a body response. Just let a number pop into your mind. (describe your problem), I
love and accept myself.
This is not a logical decision, but more of a “gut reaction.”
Make this statement three
Note your starting number on paper. times, while tapping
continuously on the karate chop point.
You’ll be continually re-assessing as you go through the process.
How to Do EFT
Step By Step
Fill in the blank with a short description of what’s bothering you. Even though I ____________, I know deep down I am ok.
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You will say something like, Even though I ____________, I’m ok.
Even though I feel Examples, with the whole statement:
Even though I feel overwhelmed, I love and accept myself.
Even though I’m furious right
now... Even though I’m feeling furious, I accept myself and all my
Even though I’m terrified about
___... Even though I am terrified about the presentation I have to
give, I’d like to accept myself just as I am.
Even though I have this
throbbing headache... Even though I have this throbbing headache, I know deep
down I’m ok.
Even though I have this craving for ___ (sugar, carbs,
chocolate, alcohol, gambling, shopping, etc.)... Even though I have this craving for carbs, I’m ok.
The Affirmation 3. TAP THE POINTS
In the Set-Up, you do two things: state what’s wrong and affirm After you do the Tapping Set-up, you do one or more “rounds” of
that you accept yourself anyway (or make any type of positive EFT tapping on the meridian points.
(At the end of this manual, I’ve included a whole-page version of
Here are a few possible affirmations to get you started (See the this tapping chart and photos of each of the tapping points.)
Tapping Tips section for many more options).
One round starts at the Eyebrow point and ends at the Top of the
Even though I __(the problem)_, I accept myself and all my Head.
At each point, you say a statement, called the EFT reminder
Even though I ____________, I accept myself right now. phrase.
Even though I ____________, I’d like to accept myself just as I
How to Do EFT
Step By Step
You can say the same thing at each point, or you can vary your What is your intensity level now?
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Ideally, you keep tapping until you bring your intensity level down
Let’s say you’re problem is that you are feeling overwhelmed. to a zero.
At each point, you can repeat the statement, “This overwhelm.” You can do a new Set Up every five rounds or so.
Take a deep breath.
This helps move more energy, oxygenates the mind and body and
helps bring mental clarity.
Tune in and assess again.
How to Do EFT
Step By Step
This is the simplest form of EFT and can be very effective, if you
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5. Deep breath and re-assess. But there are times when the simple form of EFT doesn’t quite do
the trick.
6. If memories, insights or new emotions
You need a tapping technique that goes deeper.
came up, tap on them.
Here is another simple form of EFT that will take you to a deeper
7. Do a new Set-Up every five rounds or level.
so, or when you begin a new topic. I call it Going With the Flow.
How to Do EFT
Step By Step
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How to Do EFT
Step By Step
4. TAP Then tap while venting anything else that comes up for you. It’s
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So let your first round be extemporaneous - not looking at your Take a deep breath and reassess your emotional state. If you’re
list. still above a five, in intensity, do more rounds of the above
tapping, to reduce your
Then, after you’ve tapped everything on your mind, tap your list, stress level even more.
one statement at each point.
I find this is a very thorough method and is very efficient in WANT?
resolving my upset. When you’re down to a
five or lower, ask yourself
Eyebrow: I’m totally overwhelmed.
some questions, to get
Side of Eye: Completely overwhelmed. at how you’d like to feel,
what you’d like to think
Under Eye: Feeling anxious and overwhelmed. or do. Ask yourself,
Under Nose: All these things to do. “How do I want to feel instead?”
Collarbone: I can’t handle it all. In the case of overcoming overwhelm you might answer:
At this point, you read your list aloud as you tap. Read one calm
statement while tapping at each point.
How to Do EFT
Step By Step
capable Eyebrow: I’d like to feel confident.
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ready to face what’s most important Side of Eye: I’d like to be focused.
willing to do just one thing at a time Under Eye: I’d like to feel calm.
willing to be patient with the process Under Nose: What if I could be energized about my tasks?
wisdom that we can only do one thing at a time Chin: What if I could be ready to face what’s most important?
Using those phrases, you will move into a more positive form of Collarbone: I’m willing to do just one thing at a time.
EFT, tapping in your positive intentions.
Under Arm: I choose to be patient with the process.
This is powerful and can be quite energizing.
Top of Head: I have the wisdom to know that we can only do
7. SET UP one thing at a time. And that’s enough.
Even though I’m still feeling a little overwhelmed, what if I
could feel calm and confident? 9. DEEP BREATH AND REASSESS
Again, take a deep breath and reassess.
Even though I’m still a little anxious about everything I have to
do, I’d like to be focused, ready to face what’s most important. Where are you now? If you are at a 2 or lower, you are likely
ready to spring into action - no longer feeling that overwhelmed,
Even though part of me wants to do everything NOW, I’m
willing to be patient and do just one thing at a time. stuck feeling.
8. TAPPING But if you’re still over a 2, do a little more looking inside to see
what your resistance is.
Now you begin tapping in your positive intentions.
It’s possible there is another issue that you haven’t tapped on.
If any of the previous overwhelmed feeling come up, just tap them
too, interspersing them with the positive. Why This Works
This will help you to continue transitioning toward the positive. By first dumping or venting all your negative emotions and
thoughts, you’ll begin to calm down, to reduce the intensity.
How to Do EFT
Step By Step
You can then gently move into the positive. Do this by beginning That enables those childish and petty thoughts and emotions to
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your first positive phrases with “I’d like to,” or “What if.”
Finally, when you feel ready, you can state your positive intention
beginning with, “I choose.”
But, if you’re curious to learn more, read on for a deeper look into
EFT and some Frequently Asked Questions
get up and out.
After each one or several rounds of tapping, stop and take a deep
FAQs breath. This helps move more energy and clear your thoughts.
After the deep breath, tune in again and notice how you’re
Why is Whining Good When Doing EFT? thinking and feeling about your issue.
It REALLY helps to get as petty and childish and whiny as you can
when tapping your first few rounds.
How to Do EFT
Step By Step
YOU FEEL BETTER 3. You are not tuned in emotionally to the issue. You are tapping,
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NOTHING CHANGED Before resuming tapping, take a moment to close your eyes and
imagine the circumstances around your upset.
If you feel just the same as you did when you started, maybe
nothing did change. Do whatever you can to heighten your emotions about it. And
while you tap, really feel you emotions. Like an over-the-top
Possible causes: actor, make them stronger.
1. Alcohol, drugs or chemical toxins can all interfere with EFT 4.You have stronger
working because they affect your body’s energy system. reasons for keeping this
problem than you have for
If you are under the influence of any of these, EFT may be letting it go.
In other words - you’re
2. Inadequate water in the system can block energetic changes. stuck!
If you haven’t drunk enough water, or have consumed only
drinks like coffee, tea, juice or soda, drink water and begin EFT These reasons can be
again. conscious or unconscious.
I once did a session with a man who made no shifts at all If you don’t want to let go of
during our session, which is extremely rare. At about the your anger, because you’re
half way point, when I’d tried every remedy I knew, I asked using it to punish someone, you may not make any shifts
him about his water intake. with EFT.
He told me he was unable to drink water, as it made him If you perceive your anxiety is keeping you safe, even EFT
nauseous and had consumed his morning medications with won’t make you let it go.
beer. And hadn’t eaten all day.
5. You’re not tapping on the real issue. Often, our upset today
No wonder he wasn’t making any shifts! is rooted in a related upset from years ago, even way back into
childhood. Tune in and ask yourself one or all of the following...
How to Do EFT
Step By Step
What does this remind me of? This is actually a good sign, because that deep emotion has been
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But 30 minutes later, I was angry at him again. Again, I After tapping a couple of
cleared it with tapping. rounds on your hurt
thoughts and feelings, a
Another 30 minutes later, it was back. This time I got new emotion may arise.
suspicious and asked myself, “What could this be related
to?” Perhaps anger or guilt.
I was immediately reminded of the way my brother would This is also a good sign, as our thoughts, feelings and beliefs
tickle me until I was screaming in agony and in a violent around the events of our lives can have many layers, like the
rage, incapable of stopping him except for biting. layers of an onion.
I tapped to clear that memory. Then the present day issue Feeling a new emotion means you are making progress and have
was gone for good. moved to a new layer.
YOU FEEL WORSE Tap on the new emotion.
By tapping and tuning in, you have probably tapped into a greater
welling of emotion than you realized was there.
Sometimes, during tapping, you may remember an event from
your life that is related to your present-day issue.
How to Do EFT
Step By Step
When this happens, take a little side-trip and tap on the memory. That research shows us that even if the meridian is stimulated on
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just one side of the body, the matching meridian on the other side
The easiest way to do this is to simply tap while telling the story of is stimulated too.
the memory and including what you thought and how you felt.
Then return to tapping on your present-day issue. This means you can tap on just one side of the body and you’ll
get a whole body effect.
This is a very thorough and valuable way to clear an event, and
the roots that keep stimulating similar events in your current life. You can tap on both sides of the body, one side, or even switch
sides or hands as you tap.
What Makes EFT Work?
While I can’t claim to know the mechanism that causes EFT to
work, there are some critical elements that are clear.
Tapping Tips
The two key elements that make EFT work are:
Here are some general tapping tips, based on the things I’ve
- being tuned in to the thoughts and emotions of your learned over the years that makes EFT work especially well.
issue while
- tapping on the meridian points. Make sure that if you’re going to take the time to tap, you really
tune in. Tapping the meridian points will work to move the energy
When tapping the energy meridians while tuned in to your that’s related to what you’re tuned into, not just what you’re
disturbing state, you enable your mind and body to go from a saying.
stressed out, fight or flight state, to one of greater calm. This
changes your perspective and allows wisdom, creativity and MAKE A LIST
resourcefulness to emerge.
Make a list, then tap on the list, plus add in extemporaneous
(related) thoughts as you tap. This really helps you to thoroughly
Tap On One Side or Both?
clear the issue.
Research can measure and record the electrical stimulation of
acupuncture needles.
How to Do EFT
Step By Step
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It REALLY helps to get as petty and childish and whiny as you feel • Cravings
when tapping your first few rounds.
• Any emotional upset
That enables those childish and petty thoughts and emotions to
get up and out. • Repetitive
It also communicates to the parts of you with those thoughts and thoughts
feelings that you value all of you.
• Haunting
And if you’re not making progress as fast as you think you could • Headaches
be, doing EFT aloud, with increased focus and emphasis, can
often make a big difference in results. • Fatigue
• As founder Gary
Craig said, “Try it on everything!”
How to Do EFT
Step By Step
Good Times to Do EFT How to Get Started...
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• Walking, hiking You may also want to do some sessions with an EFT professional.
• On aerobic equipment like a That can make a huge difference in you feeling confident in your
treadmill or stationary ability to “do it right.”
It can also be great to get an EFT buddy.
• Waiting - stop lights, traffic
Meet weekly, on the phone or in person and swap doing EFT for
jam, etc.
each other - as if you’re both practitioners.
• Before sleep
That will speed your progress greatly.
• Middle of the night - when you can’t sleep
• Whenever you’re triggered Boosters
• When your brain gets foggy or you lose concentration Several things can help
you get comfortable and
• When you’re drowsy and need to stay alert (driving, confident with tapping.
Some suggestions:
•Take a workshop -
nothing beats learning
with others
How to Do EFT
Step By Step
• Read articles on how to do EFT - from a variety of authors If you haven’t experienced it before, I think you’ll be amazed at the
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quick results.
• Do a few sessions with an EFT practitioner - great way to
combine learning and healing Can’t Stomach the EFT Set Up?
• Do EFT yourself whenever you get upset or feel stuck What if you just can’t stomach saying “I love and accept myself?”
• Sign up for my free EFT video course - a new video will Will EFT still work?
come to your email every few days, giving you an easy way
to learn the various techniques YES!
All you need is a tapping chart You can just make a positive statement after the problem
so you get a reminder of statement.
where the points are and
some guidance about what to Examples of these other possibilities follow.
It’s better to make a statement that you can be sincere about
With a little practice, you can instead of making a statement you don’t believe.
get relief from EFT in less
It’s good tapping technique to learn a few set-up affirmations, so
than 5 minutes. And it’s free!
you don’t have to think too hard when doing EFT.
That means that in 5 minutes
When learned, EFT is so quick to do, and so effective and rapidly
or less, you can go from stuck
transformative, you want to let it be as easy as possible.
and confused to clear,
energized and focused.
How to Do EFT
Step By Step
I personally use EFT nearly every day. If it wasn’t quick, easy and Even though I ____________, wouldn’t it be great if I could
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Even though I ____________, I accept myself just as I am. Just make any positive statement you can.
Even though I ____________, I know deep down I am good. The set-up usually takes around 15-20 seconds, even if you add
embellishments or use some alternative language. It’s very quick.
Even though I ____________, I’m ok.
Even though I ____________, deep down I know I’m ok. When to Work With an EFT Professional
Even though I ____________, God loves me. TRAUMA
There are times when it’s actually not a good idea to do EFT by
Even though I ____________, I want to accept myself.
Even though I ____________, what if I could accept myself?
How to Do EFT
Step By Step
Those include working on highly charged issues like trauma of It can take some detective work to find and clear all the original
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EFT works wonderfully on those issues, but it requires sensitivity, It’s difficult to have the perspective you need when you are caught
skill and in the midst of your problems.
Having a professional guide, who knows EFT and gets to know
Also, doing EFT you, can enable you to make deep and lasting change.
yourself on your
issues is like Are you interested in becoming an EFT practitioner and working
performing a root with others? Terrific! It’s so rewarding to help others let go of the
canal on yourself. limiting emotions and
beliefs that hold them
Very difficult to see
what you’re doing back.
and maintain
Like I did when I was first
distance and perspective.
learning, you may just feel
YOU WANT LIFE CHANGE NOW! like you need more
instruction to be really
Another reason to get professional help is to greatly speed up good at doing EFT.
your progress.
Working with an EFT
Your sessions with the professional will make a big impact - and practitioner can greatly
be sure to ask for homework to be doing between sessions. boost your skill and
confidence - and help you
awaken and heal at the
You may also need help getting at the roots of your current same time.
This is critical if you want to
become an EFT practitioner yourself.
How to Do EFT
Tapping Points
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Tap the fleshy outside part of one hand the Tap with two or three fingers on the bony
the fingers of the other hand. ridge just under the eye – gently here!
How to Do EFT
Tapping Points
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Tap firmly, with three fingers, on either side of Tap with all five fingers of one hand, in a
the sternum and just below the collarbone. circular motion, to cover the many meridians
You can alternatively use one hand – the crossing over the head.
thumb on one side of the sternum, your
fingers on the other.
Tap or slap, with several fingers or your
whole hand. Tap along your shirt seam-line,
around four inches below the armpit or in the
middle of your bra strap. If you locate a
painful spot, you are likely on the meridian
How to Do EFT
Tapping Points
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Who Wrote This Book?
About Natalie Hill
Natalie Hill has been helping powerful women become more If this describes you and you’d like to get on Natalie’s waiting list,
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influential for the past seven years. we can set up a complementary 20 minute chat with Natalie to
see if you might be a fit for doing some blockbusting together,
She calls herself a Blockbuster because she helps creative, when there’s an opening.
talented women break any blocks holding them back from
success and abundance in You can contact Natalie by email at [email protected].
all areas of their lives.
Natalie specializes in
removing the blocks of
anxiety and procrastination.
Take a free video course and learn more about Natalie's favorite
block-busting tool, Matrix Reimprinting with EFT, at her website,
EFTTappingTechniques.com. Photo Credits
Paints rabanito
Natalie loves helping people and works with only five clients at
any time. Creek Nicholas_T