D. When Does A Communication System Become A Language

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College Of Teacher Education

Bachelor of Secondary Education – Major in English

When does a
communication system
become a language
Alliana Layug Basa

Ms. Sheila Marie O. David

Course Instructor

September 7, 2021
Date of Presentation
To know when does a communication system become a language
To differentiate what is pre-language and a language

Language has been already existed even before we exist. It is a thing that people
have been using and just pass to the next generation. It a constant thing that is always
evolving as years passes. But if we ask, when or where the language originated, we will
have years of debating it due to its broadness. But if we will talk about what is language
then it will simply say that it is a set of vocal sounds that use together to make a meaning.
If this is the definition of language then the whole era of hominid has been language less.
But if the whole era of hominoids are language less then what about on how they
communicate that time? Did the hominids just suddenly gathered a meeting to talk and
decided to make a language? Base on the history, it is said that the earliest way of
communicating of hominids are thru signals that were both visual and acoustic and that is
called a pre-language and soon evolved to language that we have now. It’s like the pre-
language also evolved as how the humans evolved. Because of that, anthropologies
attempted to reconstruct the evolution of human communication to have an order on how
language evolved.


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