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Ertad SVX01F E4

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Series R™ Air-Cooled Helical Rotary

Liquid Chiller

RTAD 085 - 180 (50Hz)

Standard, Free Cooling and Heat
Recovery models

General information

Foreword Safety recommendations

These instructions are given as a To avoid death, injury, equipment or
guide to good practice in the property damage, the following
installation, start-up, operation, and recommendations should be
maintenance by the user, of Trane observed during maintenance and
RTAD chillers. They do not contain service visits:
full service procedures necessary for 1. The maximum allowable pressures
the continued successful operation of for system leak testing on low and
this equipment. The services of a high pressure side are given in the
qualified technician should be chapter "Installation". Always
employed through the medium of a provide a pressure regulator.
maintenance contract with a
reputable service company. Read 2. Disconnect the main power supply
this manual thoroughly before unit before any servicing on the unit.
start-up. 3. Service work on the refrigeration
Units are assembled, pressure system and the electrical system
tested, dehydrated, charged and run should be carried out only by
tested before shipment. qualified and experienced
Warnings and cautions
Warnings and Cautions appear at
appropriate sections throughout this On arrival, inspect the unit before
manual. Your personal safety and the signing the delivery note.
proper operation of this machine
require that you follow them Reception in France only:
carefully. The constructor assumes In case of visible damage: The
no liability for installations or consignee (or the site representative)
servicing performed by unqualified must specify any damage on the
personnel. delivery note, legibly sign and date
WARNING! Indicates a potentially the delivery note, and the truck
hazardous situation which, if not driver must countersign it. The
avoided, could result in death or consignee (or the site representative)
serious injury. must notify Trane Epinal Operations -
Claims team and send a copy of the
CAUTION! Indicates a potentially delivery note. The customer (or the
hazardous situation which, if not site representative) should send a
avoided, may result in minor or registered letter to the last carrier
moderate injury. It may also be used within 3 days of delivery.
to alert against unsafe practices or
for equipment or property-damage- Note: for deliveries in France, even
only accidents. concealed damage must be looked
for at delivery and immediately
treated as visible damage.

©American Standard Inc. 2006 RTAD-SVX01F-E4

General information

Reception in all countries except Maintenance contract

France: It is strongly recommended that you
In case of concealed damage: The sign a maintenance contract with
consignee (or the site representative) your local Service Agency. This
must send a registered letter to the contract provides regular
last carrier within 7 days of delivery, maintenance of your installation by
claiming for the described damage. A a specialist in our equipment.
copy of this letter must be sent to Regular maintenance ensures that
Trane Epinal Operations - Claims any malfunction is detected and
team. corrected in good time and
minimizes the possibility that
Warranty serious damage will occur. Finally,
Warranty is based on the general regular maintenance ensures the
terms and conditions of the maximum operating life of your
manufacturer. The warranty is void if equipment. We would remind you
the equipment is repaired or that failure to respect these
modified without the written installation and maintenance
approval of the manufacturer, if the instructions may result in immediate
operating limits are exceeded or if cancellation of the warranty.
the control system or the electrical
wiring is modified. Damage due to Training
misuse, lack of maintenance or To assist you in obtaining the best
failure to comply with the use of it and maintaining it in perfect
manufacturer's instructions or operating condition over a long
recommendations is not covered by period of time, the manufacturer has
the warranty obligation. If the user at your disposal a refrigeration and
does not conform to the rules of this air conditioning service school. The
manual, it may entail cancellation of principal aim of this is to give
warranty and liabilities by the operators and technicians a better
manufacturer. knowledge of the equipment they
are using, or that is under their
Refrigerant charge. Emphasis is particularly
The refrigerant provided by the given to the importance of periodic
manufacturer meets all the checks on the unit operating
requirements of our units. When parameters as well as on preventive
using recycled or reprocessed maintenance, which reduces the cost
refrigerant, it is advisable to ensure of owning the unit by avoiding
its quality is equivalent to that of a serious and costly breakdown.
new refrigerant. For this, it is
necessary to have a precise analysis
made by a specialized laboratory. If
this condition is not respected, the
manufacturer warranty could be


General Information 2
Unit Inspection 7
Loose Parts Inventory 7
General Data - Standard cooling unit 8
General Data - Free-cooling unit 16
General Data - Heat Recovery unit 18
Unit Dimensions 23

Installation - Mechanical 24
Installation Responsibilities 24
Nameplates 24
Storage 26
Location Requirements 26
Isolation and Sound Emission 26
Neoprene Isolator Installation 26
Noise Considerations 26
Foundation 27
Clearances 27
Drainage 28
Unit Water Piping 28
Unit Piping 28
Entering Chilled Water Piping 29
Leaving Chilled Water Piping 29
Heat Recovery Water Piping 29
Evaporator Drain 29
Evaporator Flow Switch 29
Water Treatment 30
Water Pressure Gauges 41
Water Pressure Relief Valves 41
Freeze Protection 41


Installation - Electrical 42
General Recommendations 43
Installer-Supplied Components 48
Power Supply Wiring 48
Control Power Supply 48
Heater Power Supply 48
Water Pump Power Supply 48
Interconnecting Wiring 49
Chilled Water Flow (Pump) Interlock 49
Chilled Water Pump Control 49
Alarm and Status Relay Outputs
(Programmable Relays) 52
Low Voltage Wiring 54
External Emergency Stop 54
External Auto/Stop 54
External Circuit Lockout - Circuit 1 and Circuit 2 54
Ice Making Option 55
External Chilled Water Setpoint (CWS) 55
External Current Limit Setpoint (CLS) 56
Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor 56
Communication Card CSR 57
Communication link connection procedure 57
LonTalk communication interface 58

Operating Principles 64
System schematics 64

Pre-Start Checkout 67
Installation Checklist 67
Receiving 67
Unit Location and Mounting 67
Unit Piping 67
Electrical Wiring 67
General 68
Unit Voltage Power Supply 69
Unit Voltage Imbalance 69
Unit Voltage Phasing 69
Water System Flow Rates 70
Water System Pressure Drop 70


Unit Start-up Procedures 71

Daily Unit Start-Up 71
General 72
Seasonal Unit Start-Up Procedure 73
System Restart After Extended Shutdown 73

Unit Shutdown Procedures 74

Temporary Shutdown And Restart 74
Extended Shutdown Procedure 74

Maintenance 75
General 75
Weekly Maintenance 75
Monthly Maintenance 75
Annual Maintenance 75

Maintenance Procedures 76
Refrigerant Emission Control 76
Refrigerant and Oil Charge Management 77
R134a Field Charging Procedure 77
Refrigerant Charging 77
Isolating the Refrigerant in the High Pressure Side 78
Isolating the Refrigerant in the Low Pressure Side 78
Adding Refrigerant 79
Refrigerant Filter Changing Procedure 79
Lubrication System 80
Oil Charging Procedure 80
Factory (initial) Oil Charging Procedure 81
Field Oil Charging Procedure 82
Evaporator Heat Tape Checkout Procedure 83
Safety recommendations 83

General Information

Figure 1 - Typical Unit Nameplate

Unit Inspection Loose Parts Inventory

When the unit is delivered, verify Check all the accessories and loose
that it is the correct unit and that it is parts which are shipped with the
properly equipped. Compare the unit against the shipping list.
information which appears on the Included in these items will be water
unit nameplate with the ordering vessel drain plugs, rigging and
and submittal information. A typical electrical diagrams, and service
unit nameplate is shown in Figure 1. literature, which are placed inside
the control panel and/or starter
panel for shipment.

General Information

General Data - SI Units

Table 1 - General Data RTAD Standard
Size 085 100 115 125 145 150 165 180
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85 100/85 100/100
Evaporator Model EG120 EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 106 270 222 204 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 4.1 6.0 7.3 8.8 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow (l/s) 17.3 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 30.7 38.0 38.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (mm) 2743 3658 3658 3658 4572 4572 5486 5486
Coil Height (mm) 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 5/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 23.4 28.5 27.0 27.0 37.0 39.0 44.9 46.8
Nominal RPM 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915
Tip Speed (m/s) 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5
Motor kW (kW) 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Low Ambient Unit (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 24/24 30/32 35/36 36/37 44/48 44/48 61/59 61/61
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 9/9 10/10 10/10 10/10 15/11 15/15
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 2660 3105 3555 3570 4260 4520 5440 5525
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 2554 2838 3333 3368 4057 4317 5023 5108

Table 2 - General Data RTAD High Efficiency

Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 270 222 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 6.0 7.3 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow (l/s) 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 38.0 38.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (mm) 3658 3658 4572 4572 5486 5486
Coil Height (mm) 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 27.0 31.2 35.0 39.0 44.8 46.8
Nominal RPM 915 915 915 915 915 915
Tip Speed (m/s) 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5 36.5
Motor kW (kW) 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Low Ambient Unit (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 32/34 35/36 42/45 42/45 59/61 59/61
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 10/10 10/10 11/11 11/11
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 3240 3370 3905 4000 5390 5445
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 2973 3148 3702 3797 4973 5028

(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges

General Information

Table 3 - General Data RTAD Standard Low Noise

Size 085 100 115 125 145 150 165 180
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85 100/85 100/100
Evaporator Model EG120 EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 106 270 222 204 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 4.1 6.0 7.3 8.8 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow (l/s) 17.3 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 30.7 38.0 38.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (mm) 2743 3658 3658 3658 4572 4572 5486 5486
Coil Height (mm) 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 5/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 18.1 22.4 21.0 21.0 28.7 30.1 34.7 36.2
Nominal RPM 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730
Tip Speed (m/s) 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1 29.1
Motor kW (kW) 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Low Ambient Unit (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 24/24 30/32 35/36 36/37 44/48 44/48 61/59 61/61
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 9/9 10/10 10/10 10/10 15/11 15/15
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 2760 3205 3655 3670 4360 4620 5540 5625
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 2654 2938 3433 3468 4157 4417 5123 5208

Table 4 - General Data RTAD High Efficiency Low Noise

Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 270 222 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 6.0 7.3 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow (l/s) 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 38.0 38.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (mm) 3658 3658 4572 4572 5486 5486
Coil Height (mm) 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 21.0 24.1 27.2 30.1 34.7 36.1
Nominal RPM 690 690 690 690 690 690
Tip Speed (m/s) 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5
Motor kW (kW) 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Low Ambient Unit (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 32/34 35/36 42/45 42/45 59/61 59/61
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 10/10 10/10 11/11 11/11
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 3340 3470 4005 4100 5490 5545
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 3073 3248 3802 3897 5073 5128

(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges

General Information

Table 5 - General Data RTAD Standard Low Noise with Night Noise Set Back option
Size 085 100 115 125 145 150 165 180
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85 100/85 100/100
Evaporator Model EG120 EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 106 270 222 204 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 4.1 6.0 7.3 8.8 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow (l/s) 17.3 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 30.7 38.0 38.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (mm) 2743 3658 3658 3658 4572 4572 5486 5486
Coil Height (mm) 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 5/5
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 13.4 20.5 19.3 19.3 25.0 25.0 30.7 30.7
Nominal RPM 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550
Tip Speed (m/s) 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9
Motor kW (kW) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Low Ambient Unit (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 24/24 30/32 35/36 36/37 44/48 44/48 61/59 61/61
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 9/9 10/10 10/10 10/10 15/11 15/15
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 2660 3205 3655 3670 4310 4520 5490 5525
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 2554 2938 3433 3468 4107 4317 5073 5108

Table 6 - General Data RTAD High Efficiency Low Noise with Night Noise Set Back option
Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 270 222 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 6.0 7.3 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow (l/s) 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 38.0 38.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (mm) 3658 3658 4572 4572 5486 5486
Coil Height (mm) 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 5/5
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 19.2 19.2 24.9 25.0 30.6 30.6
Nominal RPM 550 550 550 550 550 550
Tip Speed (m/s) 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9
Motor kW (kW) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Low Ambient Unit (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 32/34 35/36 42/45 42/45 59/61 59/61
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 10/10 10/10 11/11 11/11
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 3340 3370 4005 4000 5440 5445
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 3073 3148 3802 3797 5023 5028

(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges

General Information

Table 7 - General Data RTAD Standard High External Static Pressure

Size 085 100 115 125 145 150 165 180
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85 100/85 100/100
Evaporator Model EG120 EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 106 270 222 204 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 4.1 6.0 7.3 8.8 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow (l/s) 17.3 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 30.7 38.0 38.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (mm) 2743 3658 3658 3658 4572 4572 5486 5486
Coil Height (mm) 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 5/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 23.7 29.5 27.6 27.6 37.6 39.5 45.5 47.4
Nominal RPM 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935
Tip Speed (m/s) 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3
Motor kW (kW) 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Low Ambient Unit (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 24/24 30/32 35/36 36/37 44/48 44/48 61/59 61/61
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 9/9 10/10 10/10 10/10 15/11 15/15
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 2660 3105 3555 3570 4260 4520 5440 5525
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 2554 2838 3333 3368 4057 4317 5023 5108

Table 8 - General Data RTAD High Efficiency High External Static Pressure
Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 270 222 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 6.0 7.3 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow (l/s) 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 38.0 38.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (mm) 3658 3658 4572 4572 5486 5486
Coil Height (mm) 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 27.6 31.5 35.6 39.4 45.4 47.3
Nominal RPM 935 935 935 935 935 935
Tip Speed (m/s) 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3
Motor kW (kW) 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Low Ambient Unit (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 32/34 35/36 42/45 42/45 59/61 59/61
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 10/10 10/10 11/11 11/11
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 3240 3370 3905 4000 5390 5445
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 2973 3148 3702 3797 4973 5028

(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges

General Information

English Units
Table 9 - General Data RTAD Standard
Size 085 100 115 125 145 150 165 180
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85 100/85 100/100
Evaporator Model EG120 EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (Gallon) 28.0 71.3 58.7 53.9 53.9 53.9 109.6 109.6
Minimum Flow (GPM) 65.2 95.1 115.0 139.2 139.2 139.2 184.0 184.0
Maximum Flow (GPM) 274.6 329.9 393.1 486.4 486.4 486.4 603.0 603.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (inch) 108 144 144 144 180 180 216 216
Coil Height (inch) 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 5/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (inch) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Total Air Flow (CFM) 49556 60460 57194 57248 78439 82716 95103 99250
Nominal RPM 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915
Tip Speed (Ft/s) 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8
Motor kW (kW) 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°F) 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Low Ambient Unit (°F) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (lbs.) 52.9/52.9 66.1/70.5 77.2/79.4 79.4/81.6 97/105.8 97/105.8 134.5/130.1 134.5/134.5
Oil Charge (1) (Gallon) 1.59/1.59 1.85/1.85 2.38/2.38 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 3.96/2.91 3.96/3.96
Operating Weight (4) (lbs.) 5864 6845 7837 7871 9392 9965 11993 12181
Shipping Weight (4) (lbs.) 5631 6257 7348 7425 8944 9517 11074 11261

Table 10 - General Data RTAD High Efficiency

Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (Gallon) 71.3 58.7 53.9 53.9 109.6 109.6
Minimum Flow (GPM) 95.1 115.0 139.2 139.2 184.0 184.0
Maximum Flow (GPM) 329.9 393.1 486.4 486.4 603.0 603.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (inch) 144 144 180 180 216 216
Coil Height (inch) 64 64 64 64 64 64
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (inch) 30 30 30 30 30 30
Total Air Flow (CFM) 57108 66046 74100 82628 95008 99132
Nominal RPM 915 915 915 915 915 915
Tip Speed (Ft/s) 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8
Motor kW (kW) 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°F) 32 32 32 32 32 32
Low Ambient Unit (°F) 0 0 0 0 0 0
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (lbs.) 70.5/75.0 77.2/79.4 92.6/99.2 92.6/99.2 130.1/134.5 130.1/134.5
Oil Charge (1) (Gallon) 1.59/1.59 1.85/1.85 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 2.91/2.91 2.91/2.91
Operating Weight (4) (lbs.) 7143 7430 8609 8818 11883 12004
Shipping Weight (4) (lbs.) 6554 6940 8162 8371 10964 11085

(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges

General Information

Table 11 - General Data RTAD Standard Low Noise

Size 085 100 115 125 145 150 165 180
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85 100/85 100/100
Evaporator Model EG120 EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (Gallon) 28.0 71.3 58.7 53.9 53.9 53.9 109.6 109.6
Minimum Flow (GPM) 65.2 95.1 115.0 139.2 139.2 139.2 184.0 184.0
Maximum Flow (GPM) 274.6 329.9 393.1 486.4 486.4 486.4 603.0 603.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (inch) 108 144 144 144 180 180 216 216
Coil Height (inch) 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 5/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (inch) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Total Air Flow (CFM) 38246 47434 44514 44568 60751 63878 73628 76644
Nominal RPM 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730
Tip Speed (Ft/s) 95.6 95.6 95.6 95.6 95.6 95.6 95.6 95.6
Motor kW (kW) 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°F) 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Low Ambient Unit (°F) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (Lbs.) 52.9/52.9 66.1/70.5 77.2/79.4 79.4/81.6 97/105.8 97/105.8 134.5/130.1 134.5/134.5
Oil Charge (1) (Gallon) 1.59/1.59 1.85/1.85 2.38/2.38 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 3.96/2.91 3.96/3.96
Operating Weight (4) (Lbs.) 6085 7066 8058 8091 9612 10185 12214 12401
Shipping Weight (4) (Lbs.) 5851 6477 7568 7646 9165 9738 11294 11482

Table 12 - General Data RTAD High Efficiency Low Noise

Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (Gallon) 71.3 58.7 53.9 53.9 109.6 109.6
Minimum Flow (GPM) 95.1 115.0 139.2 139.2 184.0 184.0
Maximum Flow (GPM) 329.9 393.1 486.4 486.4 603.0 603.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (inch) 144 144 180 180 216 216
Coil Height (inch) 64 64 64 64 64 64
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (inch) 30 30 30 30 30 30
Total Air Flow (CFM) 44426 50964 57562 63784 73521 76510
Nominal RPM 690 690 690 690 690 690
Tip Speed (Ft/s) 90.3 90.3 90.3 90.3 90.3 90.3
Motor kW (kW) 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°F) 32 32 32 32 32 32
Low Ambient Unit (°F) 0 0 0 0 0 0
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (Lbs.) 70.5/75.0 77.2/79.4 92.6/99.2 92.6/99.2 130.1/134.5 130.1/134.5
Oil Charge (1) (Gallon) 1.59/1.59 1.85/1.85 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 2.91/2.91 2.91/2.91
Operating Weight (4) (Lbs.) 7363 7650 8830 9039 12103 12225
Shipping Weight (4) (Lbs.) 6775 7161 8382 8591 11184 11305

(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges

General Information

Table 13 - General Data RTAD Standard Low Noise with Night Noise Set Back option
Size 085 100 115 125 145 150 165 180
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85 100/85 100/100
Evaporator Model EG120 EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (Gallon) 28.0 71.3 58.7 53.9 53.9 53.9 109.6 109.6
Minimum Flow (GPM) 65.2 95.1 115.0 139.2 139.2 139.2 184.0 184.0
Maximum Flow (GPM) 274.6 329.9 393.1 486.4 486.4 486.4 603.0 603.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (inch) 108 144 144 144 180 180 216 216
Coil Height (inch) 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 37318 37289 37318 37318 37318 37318 37318 37318
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 5/5
Diameter (inch) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Total Air Flow (CFM) 28479 43376 40791 40842 52929 52962 64956 65000
Nominal RPM 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550
Tip Speed (Ft/s) 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0
Motor kW (kW) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°F) 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Low Ambient Unit (°F) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (lbs.) 52.9/52.9 66.1/70.5 77.2/79.4 79.4/81.6 97/105.8 97/105.8 134.5/130.1 134.5/134.5
Oil Charge (1) (Gallon) 1.59/1.59 1.85/1.85 2.38/2.38 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 3.96/2.91 3.96/3.96
Operating Weight (4) (lbs.) 5864 7066 8058 8091 9502 9965 12103 12181
Shipping Weight (4) (lbs.) 5631 6477 7568 7646 9054 9517 11184 11261

Table 14 - General Data RTAD High Efficiency Low Noise with with Night Noise Set Back option
Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (Gallon) 71.3 58.7 53.9 53.9 109.6 109.6
Minimum Flow (GPM) 95.1 115.0 139.2 139.2 184.0 184.0
Maximum Flow (GPM) 329.9 393.1 486.4 486.4 603.0 603.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (inch) 144 144 180 180 216 216
Coil Height (inch) 64 64 64 64 64 64
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 37318 37318 37318 37318 37318 37318
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 5/5
Diameter (inch) 30 30 30 30 30 30
Total Air Flow (CFM) 40710 40746 52846 52904 64872 64906
Nominal RPM 550 550 550 550 550 550
Tip Speed (Ft/s) 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0
Motor kW (kW) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°F) 32 32 32 32 32 32
Low Ambient Unit (°F) 0 0 0 0 0 0
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (lbs.) 70.5/75.0 77.2/79.4 92.6/99.2 92.6/99.2 130.1/134.5 130.1/134.5
Oil Charge (1) (Gallon) 1.59/1.59 1.85/1.85 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 2.91/2.91 2.91/2.91
Operating Weight (4) (lbs.) 7363 7430 8830 8818 11993 12004
Shipping Weight (4) (lbs.) 6775 6940 8382 8371 11074 11085

(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges

General Information

Table 15 - General Data RTAD Standard High External Static Pressure

Size 085 100 115 125 145 150 165 180
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85 100/85 100/100
Evaporator Model EG120 EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (Gallon) 28.0 71.3 58.7 53.9 53.9 53.9 109.6 109.6
Minimum Flow (GPM) 65.2 95.1 115.0 139.2 139.2 139.2 184.0 184.0
Maximum Flow (GPM) 274.6 329.9 393.1 486.4 486.4 486.4 603.0 603.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (inch) 108 144 144 144 180 180 216 216
Coil Height (inch) 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 37683 37654 37683 37683 37683 37683 37683 37683
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 5/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (inch) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Total Air Flow (CFM) 50118 62540 58514 58578 79569 83640 96363 100368
Nominal RPM 935 935 935 935 935 935 935 935
Tip Speed (Ft/s) 122.4 122.4 122.4 122.4 122.4 122.4 122.4 122.4
Motor kW (kW) 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°F) 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Low Ambient Unit (°F) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
General Unit
Refrigerant R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (lbs.) 52.9/52.9 66.1/70.5 77.2/79.4 79.4/81.6 97/105.8 97/105.8 134.5/130.1 134.5/134.5
Oil Charge (1) (Gallon) 1.59/1.59 1.85/1.85 2.38/2.38 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 3.96/2.91 3.96/3.96
Operating Weight (4) (lbs.) 5864 6845 7837 7871 9392 9965 11993 12181
Shipping Weight (4) (lbs.) 5631 6257 7348 7425 8944 9517 11074 11261

Table 16 - General Data RTAD High Efficiency High External Static Pressure
Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (Gallon) 71.3 58.7 53.9 53.9 109.6 109.6
Minimum Flow (GPM) 95.1 115.0 139.2 139.2 184.0 184.0
Maximum Flow (GPM) 329.9 393.1 486.4 486.4 603.0 603.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (inch) 144 144 180 180 216 216
Coil Height (inch) 64 64 64 64 64 64
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 37683 37683 37683 37683 37683 37683
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (inch) 30 30 30 30 30 30
Total Air Flow (CFM) 58412 66796 75432 83562 96257 100248
Nominal RPM 935 935 935 935 935 935
Tip Speed (Ft/s) 122.4 122.4 122.4 122.4 122.4 122.4
Motor kW (kW) 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°F) 32 32 32 32 32 32
Low Ambient Unit (°F) 0 0 0 0 0 0
General Unit
Refrigerant R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (Lbs.) 70.5/75.0 77.2/79.4 92.6/99.2 92.6/99.2 130.1/134.5 130.1/134.5
Oil Charge (1) (Gallon) 1.59/1.59 1.85/1.85 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 2.91/2.91 2.91/2.91
Operating Weight (4) (Lbs.) 7143 7430 8609 8818 11883 12004
Shipping Weight (4) (Lbs.) 6554 6940 8162 8371 10964 11085

(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit.
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges

General Information

All Free Cooling units must be freeze protected with 30% Ethylene Glycol in the cooling loop circuit which is the most convenient percentage in order
to protect the unit against freezing.
Protection coverage with 30% Ethylene Glycol:
- freezing point without burst effect = -13°C;
- freezing point with burst effect = -50°C.

Table 17 - General Data RTAD FC Standard

Unit Size 085 100 115 125 145 150 165 180
Number of Compressors 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85 100/85 100/100
Evaporator Model EG120 EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 106 270 222 204 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 4.1 6 7.3 8.8 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow (l/s) 17.3 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 30.7 38 38
Number of Coils 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Fin series (Fins/ft) 152 152 122 122 152 152 152 152
Number of Rows 4 4 6 6 5 5 5 5
Water Storage (l) 265 481 538 520 531 531 806 806
Number of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 3/3 3/3 4/4 5/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 17.9/13.0 21.6/15.7 20.4/14.7 23.5/17.2 28.4/20.6 29/21.2 34.2/24.8 34.7/25.4
Nominal Speed (rpm) 935/740 935/740 935/740 935/740 935/740 935/740 935/740 935/740
Motor kW (kW) 1.7/0.85 1.7/0.85 1.7/0.85 1.7/0.85 1.7/0.85 1.7/0.85 1.7/0.85 1.7/0.85
Min Starting/ (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
Oper Ambient(2)
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Weight. Capacities & Dimensions
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 24/24 30/32 35/36 36/37 44/48 44/48 61/59 61/61
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 9/9 10/10 10/10 10/10 15/11 15/15
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 3685 4492 5291 5446 6296 6241 7884 7969
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 3300 3740 4530 4720 5560 5505 6665 6750
Length (mm) 3900 4850 4850 4850 5770 5770 6810 6810
Width (mm) 2420 2420 2420 2420 2420 2420 2460 2460
Height (mm) 2605 2605 2605 2605 2645 2645 2745 2745
Water Connection (mm) 139.7 139.7 139.7 139.7 139.7 139.7 168.3 168.3
Water Connection Type Victaulic Victaulic Victaulic Victaulic Victaulic Victaulic Victaulic Victaulic

(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2

(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s wind across the condenser
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C ambient and 7°C leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit.
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges

General Information

Table 18 - General Data RTAD FC High Efficiency

Unit Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Number of Compressors 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG 140 EG 170 EG 200 EG 200 EG 250 EG 250
Water Storage (l) 270 222 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 6 7.3 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow (l/s) 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 38 38
Number of Coils 1 1 1 1 1 1
Fin series (Fins/ft) 152 122 152 152 152 152
Number of Rows 4 6 5 5 5 5
Water Storage (l) 481 538 531 531 806 806
Number of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 20.8/15.1 23.5/17.2 26/18.9 28.9/21.2 34.1/24.8 34.7/25.4
Nominal Speed (rpm) 935/740 935/740 935/740 935/740 935/740 935/740
Motor kW (kW) 1.7/0.85 1.7/0.85 1.7/0.85 1.7/0.85 1.7/0.85 1.7/0.85
Min Starting/ (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
Oper Ambient(2)
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Weight. Capacities & Dimensions
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 32/34 35/36 42/45 42/45 59/61 59/61
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 10/10 10/10 11/11 11/11
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 4627 5106 5905 6000 7834 7889
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 3875 4345 5170 5265 6615 6670
Length (mm) 4850 4850 5770 5770 6810 6810
Width (mm) 2420 2420 2420 2420 2460 2460
Height (mm) 2605 2605 2645 2645 2745 2745
Water Connection (mm) 139.7 139.7 139.7 139.7 168.3 168.3
Water Connection Type Victaulic Victaulic Victaulic Victaulic Victaulic Victaulic

(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2

(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s wind across the condenser
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C ambient and 7°C leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit.
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges

General Information

Table 19 - General Data RTAD Heat Recovery Standard

Unit Size 085 100 115 125 145 150 165 180
Number of Compressors 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85 100/85 100/100
Evaporator Model EG120 EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 106 269 223 204 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 4.1 6 7.3 8.8 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow (l/s) 17.3 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 30.7 38.0 38.0
Water Connection Type Victaulic
Water Connection (inch-mm) 5"1/2 O.D.- 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3
Diameter 139.7
Heat Recovery Heat-Exchanger
Type Brazed Plates
Water connection type Victaulic
Connection diameter (inch-mm) 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3
Water Storage capacity (l) 8 8 9 9 11 11 12 12
Connection diameter (inch-mm) - 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 3" O.D. - 3" O.D. - 3" O.D. - 3" O.D. -
76.1 76.1 76.1 76.1
Water Storage capacity (l) - 10 14 14 16 16 19 19
Number of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 5/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 23.4 28.5 27.0 27.0 37.0 39.0 44.9 46.8
Nominal Speed (rpm) 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930
Motor kW (kW) 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
PHR (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
THR (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Weight. Capacities & Dimensions
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 26/26 33/35 38/39 39/40 47/51 47/51 65/63 65/65
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 9/9 10/10 10/10 10/10 15/11 15/15
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 2736 3176 3635 3650 4345 4605 5535 5622
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 2622 2899 3403 3437 4130 4390 5108 5195
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) - 55 / 52 67 / 64 68 / 64 86 / 84 86 / 84 100 / 95 100 / 98
Oil Charge (1) (l) - 5/4 8/7 8/7 8/7 8/7 13 / 7 13 / 12
Operating Weight (4) (kg) - 3347 3833 3848 4615 4875 5806 5891
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) - 3061 3589 3623 4382 4642 5359 5444
Length (mm) 3507 4426 4426 4426 5351 5351 6370 6370
Width (mm) 2260 2260 2260 2260 2260 2260 2260 2260
Height (mm) 2095 2095 2095 2095 2115 2115 2215 2215

(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2

(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C ambient and 7°C leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit.
(4) With aluminum fins

General Information

Table 20 - General Data RTAD Heat Recovery High Efficiency

Unit Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Number of Compressors 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 269 223 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 6 7.3 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow l/s) 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 38.0 38.0
Water Connection Type Victaulic
Water Connection (inch-mm) 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3
Heat Recovery Heat-Exchanger
Type Brazed Plates
Water connection type Victaulic
Connection diameter (inch-mm) 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3
Water Storage capacity (l) 8 8 9 9 11 11
Connection diameter (inch-mm) 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 3" O.D. - 76.1 3" O.D. - 76.1
Water Storage capacity (l) 10 10 14 14 16 16
Number of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 27.0 31.2 35.0 39.0 44.9 46.8
Nominal Speed (rpm) 930 930 930 930 930 930
Motor kW (kW) 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
PHR (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0
THR (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Weight. Capacities & Dimensions
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 35/37 38/39 45/48 45/48 63/65 63/65
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 10/10 10/10 11/11 11/11
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 3311 3441 3984 4079 5474 5529
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 2375 2504 3045 3140 4532 4587
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 63 / 60 65 / 62 86 / 84 86 / 84 97 / 95 97 / 95
Oil Charge (1) (l) 5/4 5/4 8/7 8/7 8/7 8/7
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 3494 3624 4238 4333 5731 5786
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 3208 3384 4013 4108 5287 5342
Length (mm) 4426 4426 5351 5351 6370 6370
Width (mm) 2260 2260 2260 2260 2260 2260
Height (mm) 2095 2095 2115 2115 2215 2215

(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2

(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C ambient and 7°C leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit.
(4) With aluminum fins

General Information

Table 21 - General Data RTAD Heat Recovery Standard Low Noise

Unit Size 085 100 115 125 145 150 165 180
Number of Compressors 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85 100/85 100/100
Evaporator Model EG120 EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 106 269 223 204 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 4.1 6 7.3 8.8 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow (l/s) 17.3 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 30.7 38.0 38.0
Water Connection Type Victaulic
Water Connection (inch-mm) 5"1/2 O.D.- 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3
Diameter 139.7
Heat Recovery Heat-Exchanger
Type Brazed Plates
Water connection type Victaulic
Connection diameter (inch-mm) 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3
Water Storage capacity (l) 8 8 9 9 11 11 12 12
Connection diameter (inch-mm) - 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 3" O.D. - 3" O.D. - 3" O.D. - 3" O.D. -
76.1 76.1 76.1 76.1
Water Storage capacity (l) - 10 14 14 16 16 19 19
Number of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 5/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 18.1 22.4 21.0 21.0 28.7 30.1 34.7 36.2
Nominal Speed (rpm) 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750
Motor kW (kW) 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
PHR (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
THR (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Weight. Capacities & Dimensions
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 26/26 33/35 38/39 39/40 47/51 47/51 65/63 65/65
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 9/9 10/10 10/10 10/10 15/11 15/15
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 2836 3276 3735 3750 4445 4705 5635 5722
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 2082 2520 2978 2991 3686 3946 4873 4960
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) - 55 / 52 67 / 64 68 / 64 86 / 84 86 / 84 100 / 95 100 / 98
Oil Charge (1) (l) - 5/4 8/7 8/7 8/7 8/7 13 / 7 13 / 12
Operating Weight (4) (kg) - 3447 3933 3948 4715 4975 5906 5991
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) - 3161 3689 3723 4482 4742 5459 5544
Length (mm) 3507 4426 4426 4426 5351 5351 6370 6370
Width (mm) 2260 2260 2260 2260 2260 2260 2260 2260
Height (mm) 2095 2095 2095 2095 2115 2115 2215 2215

(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2

(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C ambient and 7°C leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit.
(4) With aluminum fins

General Information

Table 22 - General Data RTAD Heat Recovery High Efficiency Low Noise
Unit Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Number of Compressors 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 269 223 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 6 7.3 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow l/s) 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 38 38
Water Connection Type Victaulic
Water Connection (inch-mm) 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3
Heat Recovery Heat-Exchanger
Type Brazed Plates
Water connection type Victaulic
Connection diameter 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3
Water Storage capacity (l) 8 8 9 9 11 11
Connection diameter (inch-mm) 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 3" O.D. - 76.1 3" O.D. - 76.1
Water Storage capacity (l) 10 10 14 14 16 16
Number of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 21.0 24.1 27.2 30.1 34.7 36.2
Nominal Speed (rpm) 750 750 750 750 750 750
Motor kW (kW) 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
PHR (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0
THR (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Weight. Capacities & Dimensions
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 35/37 38/39 45/48 45/48 63/65 63/65
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 10/10 10/10 11/11 11/11
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 3411 3541 4084 4179 5574 5629
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 2655 2784 3325 3420 4812 4867
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 63 / 60 65 / 62 86 / 84 86 / 84 97 / 95 97 / 95
Oil Charge (1) (l) 5/4 5/4 8/7 8/7 8/7 8/7
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 3594 3724 4338 4433 5831 5886
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 3308 3484 4113 4208 5387 5442
Length (mm) 4426 4426 5351 5351 6370 6370
Width (mm) 2260 2260 2260 2260 2260 2260
Height (mm) 2095 2095 2115 2115 2215 2215

(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2

(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C ambient and 7°C leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit.
(4) With aluminum fins

General Information

The below hydraulic module operating weight must be added to the RTAD operating

Table 23 - Hydraulic module additional operating weight - SI units (kg)

RTAD 115 HE - RTAD 125 HE - Expansion vessel
RTAD 145 SE - RTAD 150 SE
Pump type Pump model Without 50 litres 80 litres
LRN 208-13/5.5 - LRN 208-14/7.5 400 460 500
SIL 208-16/11 - SIL 208-17/15 455 515 555
JRN 208-13/5.5 - JRN 208-14/7.5 490 550 590
SIL 208-16/11 - SIL 208-17/15 600 660 700
RTAD 145 HE - RTAD 150 HE - Expansion vessel
RTAD 165 SE - RTAD 180 HE
LRN 208-13/5.5 - LRN 208-14/7.5 510 570 610
SIL 208-16/11 - SIL 208-17/15 565 625 665
JRN 208-13/5.5 - JRN 208-14/7.5 600 660 700
SIL 208-16/11 - SIL 208-17/15 710 770 810

Hydraulic module addtional operating weight - English units (lbs)

RTAD 115 HE - RTAD 125 HE - Expansion vessel
RTAD 145 SE - RTAD 150 SE
Pump type Pump model Without 50 litres 80 litres
LRN 208-13/5.5 - LRN 208-14/7.5 882 1014 1102
SIL 208-16/11 - SIL 208-17/15 1003 1135 1224
JRN 208-13/5.5 - JRN 208-14/7.5 1080 1213 1301
SIL 208-16/11 - SIL 208-17/15 1323 1455 1543
RTAD 145 HE - RTAD 150 HE - Expansion vessel
RTAD 165 SE - RTAD 180 HE
LRN 208-13/5.5 - LRN 208-14/7.5 1124 1257 1345
SIL 208-16/11 - SIL 208-17/15 1246 1378 1466
JRN 208-13/5.5 - JRN 208-14/7.5 1323 1455 1543
SIL 208-16/11 - SIL 208-17/15 1565 1698 1786

General Information

Unit Dimensions
Figure 2 - Unit Dimensions and Minimum Recommended Clearances

Table 24
Unit Dimensions (mm) Minimum clearances (mm)
Length Width Height A B C
Unit Size
Standard, Partial Heat Recovery, and Total Heat Recovery
RTAD 085 3507 2260 2095 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 100-115-125 4426 2260 2095 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 145-150 5351 2260 2115 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 165-180 6370 2260 2215 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 085-100 HE 4426 2260 2095 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 115-125 HE 5351 2260 2115 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 145-150 HE 6370 2260 2215 1200 1000 1000
Free Cooling
RTAD 085 3900 2420 2605 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 100-115-125 4850 2420 2605 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 145-150 5770 2420 2645 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 165-180 6810 2460 2745 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 085-100 HE 4850 2420 2605 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 115-125 HE 5770 2420 2645 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 145-150 HE 6810 2460 2745 1200 1000 1000

Note: Size 085 does not exist for Total Heat Recovery option but HE version is available

Installation - Mechanical

Installation Responsibilities ❏ Furnish and install a drain valve to

the bottom of the evaporator shell.
Generally, the contractor must do
the following when installing an ❏ Supply and install a vent cock to
RTAD unit: the top of the evaporator shell.

❏ Install unit on a flat foundation, ❏ Furnish and install strainers ahead

level (within 1/4" [6 mm] across of all pumps and automatic
the length of the unit), and strong modulating valves.
enough to support unit loading. ❏ Provide and install field wiring.
❏ Install unit per the instructions ❏ Install heat tape and insulate the
contained in this manual. chilled water lines and any other
❏ Install any optional sensors and portions of the system, as
make electrical connections at the required, to prevent sweating
UCM-CLD. under normal operating conditions
or freezing during low ambient
❏ Where specified, provide and temperature conditions.
install valves in water piping
upstream and downstream of ❏ Start unit under supervision of a
evaporator water connections to qualified service technician.
isolate the evaporator for
maintenance, and to balance/trim Nameplates
The RTAD outdoor unit nameplates
❏ Furnish and install flow switch (Figure 1) are applied to the exterior
and/or auxiliary contacts to prove of the control panel. A compressor
chilled water flow. nameplate is located on each
❏ Furnish and install pressure compressor.
gauges in inlet and outlet piping
of the evaporator. Outdoor Unit Nameplate
The outdoor unit nameplate
provides the following information:
• Unit model and size description
• Unit serial number
• Identifies unit electrical
• Lists correct operating charges of
R-134a and refrigerant oil (Trane
• Lists unit test pressures

Compressor Nameplate
The compressor nameplate provides
following information:
• Compressor model number.
• Compressor serial number.
• Compressor electrical
• Utilization range
• Recommended refrigerant

Installation - Mechanical

Figure 3 - Rigging the Unit



Table 25
Unit Size Lengths (mm) Maximum weight (kg)(1)
A B L H max W Aluminium Copper
RTAD 085 4000 2400 3507 2215 2260 2740 3070
RTAD 100-115-125 4000 2400 4426 2215 2260 3565 4005
RTAD 145-150 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 4530 4940
RTAD 165-180 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 5345 5855
RTAD 085-100 HE 4000 2400 4426 2215 2260 3345 3785
RTAD 115-125 HE 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 4010 4560
RTAD 145-150 HE 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 5265 5775
Partial Heat Recovery
RTAD 085 4000 2400 3507 2215 2260 2810 3140
RTAD 100-115-125 4000 2400 4426 2215 2260 3635 4075
RTAD 145-150 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 4605 5015
RTAD 165-180 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 5430 5940
RTAD 085-100 HE 4000 2400 4426 2215 2260 3405 3845
RTAD 115-125 HE 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 4080 4630
RTAD 145-150 HE 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 5340 5850
Total Heat Recovery
RTAD 100 4000 2400 4426 2215 2260 3260 3540
RTAD 115-125 4000 2400 4426 2215 2260 3820 4260
RTAD 145-150 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 4855 5265
RTAD 165-180 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 5680 6190
RTAD 085-100 HE 4000 2400 4426 2215 2260 3580 3845
RTAD 115-125 HE 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 4320 4870
RTAD 145-150 HE 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 5580 6090
Free Cooling
RTAD 085 4600 2600 3900 2605 2420 3485 -
RTAD 100-115-125 4600 2600 4850 2605 2420 4920 -
RTAD 145-150 4600 2600 5770 2645 2420 5720 -
RTAD 165-180 4600 2600 6810 2745 2460 6985 -
RTAD 085-100 HE 4600 2600 4850 2605 2420 4540 -
RTAD 115-125 HE 4600 2600 5770 2645 2420 5480 -
RTAD 145-150 HE 4600 2600 6810 2745 2460 6905 -
RTAD 145-150 SE 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 5265 5675
RTAD 165-180 SE 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 6145 6655
RTAD 115-125 HE 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 4740 5150
RTAD 145-150 HE 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 6145 6655
Note: Size 085 does not exist for Total Heat Recovery option but HE version is available
(1) Maximum weight with all options

Installation - Mechanical

Storage Location Requirements Neoprene Isolator (optional)

Isolation and Sound Emission Installation
Extended storage of the outdoor unit
prior to installation requires the The most effective form of isolation Refer to submittals for diagrams.
following precautionary measures: is to locate the unit away from any 1 Secure the isolators to the
• Store the outdoor unit in a secure sound sensitive area. Structurally mounting surface using the
area. transmitted sound can be reduced mounting slots in the isolator base
by elastomeric vibration eliminators. plate. DO NOT fully tighten the
• At least every three months Spring isolators are not isolator mounting bolts at this
(quarterly), check the pressure in recommended. Consult an acoustical time.
the refrigerant circuits to verify that engineer in critical sound
the refrigerant charge is intact. If it 2 Align the mounting holes in the
applications. For maximum isolation base of the unit with the threaded
is not, contact a qualified service effect, isolate water lines and
organization and the appropriate positioning pins on the top of the
electrical conduit. Wall sleeves and isolators.
Trane sales office. rubber isolated piping hangers can
• Close the discharge and liquid line be used to reduce the sound 3 Lower the unit onto the isolators
isolation valves. transmitted through water piping. To and secure the isolator to the unit
reduce the sound transmitted with a nut. Maximum isolator
CAUTION! Refer to nameplate for deflection should be 1/4 inch
through electrical conduit, use
unit weight and additional (6 mm).
flexible electrical conduit. State and
installation instructions contained
local codes on sound emissions 4 Level the unit carefully. Fully
inside the control panel. Other lifting
should always be considered. Since tighten the isolator mounting
arrangements may cause equipment
the environment in which a sound bolts.
damage or serious personal injury.
source is located affects sound
pressure, unit placement must be Noise Considerations
carefully evaluated. Sound power
Locate the outdoor unit away from
levels for Trane air-cooled RTAD
sound sensitive areas. If required,
chillers are available on request.
install rubber vibration isolators in
For additional reduction of sound all water piping and use flexible
and vibration, install the optional electrical conduit. Consult an
neoprene isolators. Construct an acoustical engineer for critical
isolated concrete pad for the unit or applications. Also refer to Trane
provide concrete footings at the unit Engineering Bulletins for application
mounting points. Mount the unit information on RTAD chillers.
directly to the concrete pads or
footings. Level the unit using the Important note for Free-cooling
base rail as a reference. Use shims units:
as necessary to level the unit.
To reduce sound levels, a sound
enclosure can be mounted around
the compressors. For further sound
level reduction, the fan speed
should be forced onto low speed
(e.g. 740 rpm). This can be done
using the control panel. Make sure
that option 20, shown on the wiring
diagram, is correctly wired.

Installation - Mechanical

Foundation Unobstructed flow of condenser air

Provide rigid, non-warping mounting is essential to maintain chiller
pads or a concrete foundation of capacity and operating efficiency.
sufficient strength and mass to When determining unit placement,
support the outdoor unit operating give careful consideration to
weight (i.e., including completed assuring a sufficient flow of air
piping, and full operating charges of across the condenser heat transfer
refrigerant, oil and water). Refer to surface. Two detrimental conditions
Tables 1-23 for unit operating are possible and must be avoided if
weights. Once in place, the outdoor optimum performance is to be
unit must be level within 1/4" (6 mm) achieved: warm air recirculation and
over its length and width. A base or coil starvation. Warm air
foundation is not required if the recirculation occurs when discharge
selected unit location is level and air from the condenser fans is
strong enough to support the unit's recycled back to the condenser coil
operating weight. Trane is not inlet. Coil starvation occurs when
responsible for equipment problems free airflow to (or from) the
resulting from an improperly condenser is restricted. Both warm
designed or constructed foundation. air recirculation and coil starvation
cause reduction in unit efficiency
Note: To allow for cleaning under the and capacity due to the increased
condensing coil, it is recommended head pressures. Debris, trash,
that an opening be left between the supplies etc. should not be allowed
unit base and the concrete pad. to accumulate in the vicinity of the
unit. Supply air movement may
Clearances draw debris into the condenser coil,
Refer to Figure 2 for minimum blocking spaces between coil fins
clearances. Provide enough space and causing coil starvation. Special
around the outdoor unit to allow the consideration should be given to
installation and maintenance low ambient units. Condenser coils
personnel unrestricted access to all and fan discharge must be kept free
service points. Refer to submittal of snow or other obstructions to
drawings for the unit dimensions. A permit adequate airflow for
minimum of four feet is satisfactory unit operation.
recommended for compressor
service. Provide sufficient clearance
for the opening of control panel
doors. In all cases, local codes which
require additional clearances will
take precedence over these

Installation - Mechanical

In situations where equipment must Unit Water Piping Unit Piping

be installed with less clearance than
recommended, such as frequently Thoroughly flush all water piping to Components and layout will vary
occurs in retrofit and rooftop the unit before making the final slightly, depending on the location
applications, restricted airflow is piping connections to the unit. of connections and the water source.
common. The Main Processor will CAUTION! If using an acidic Note: The chilled water piping to the
direct the unit to make as much commercial flushing solution, evaporator is to be Victaulic type
chilled water as possible given the construct a temporary bypass connections. For Free Cooling units,
actual installed conditions. Consult around the unit to prevent damage Free Cooling coil connections are
your Trane sales engineer for more to internal components of the also to be VictaulicTM type
details. evaporator. To avoid possible connections.
Note: If the outdoor unit equipment damage, do not use To prevent damage to chilled water
configuration requires a variance to untreated or improperly treated components, do not allow
the clearance dimensions, contact system water. evaporator pressure (maximum
your Trane Sales Office CAUTION! As the unit contains working pressure) to exceed 16 bar.
Representative. Also refer to Trane pressure approved vessels and Provide shutoff valves in lines to the
Engineering Bulletins for application sensitive electronic equipment, do gauges to isolate them from the
information on RTAD chillers. not use arc welding directly on the system when they are not in use.
unit or even close to the unit. Do Use rubber vibration eliminators to
Drainage not weld near the Victaulic prevent vibration transmission
Provide a large capacity drain for connections. through the water lines. If desired,
water vessel drain-down during install thermometers in the lines to
shutdown or repair. The evaporator monitor entering and leaving water
is provided with a drain connection. temperatures. Install a balancing
All local and national codes apply. valve in the leaving water line to
The vent on the top of the control water flow balance. Install
evaporator shell is provided to shutoff valves on both the entering
prevent a vacuum by allowing air and leaving water lines so that the
into the evaporator for complete evaporator can be isolated for
drainage. service.
CAUTION! A pipe strainer must be
installed in the entering water line.
Failure to do so can allow
waterborne debris to enter the
"Piping components" include all
devices and controls used to provide
proper water system operation and
unit operating safety. These
components and their general
locations are given below.

Installation - Mechanical

Entering Chilled Water Leaving Chilled Water Evaporator Drain

Piping Piping A 3/4" drain connection is located
❏ Air vents (to bleed air from ❏ Air vents (to bleed air from under the evaporator shell. This may
system). system). be connected to a suitable drain to
permit evaporator drainage during
❏ Water pressure gauges with ❏ Water pressure gauges with unit servicing. A shutoff valve must
shutoff valves. shutoff valves. be installed on the drain line.
❏ Vibration eliminators. ❏ Vibration eliminators.
❏ Shutoff (isolation) valves. ❏ Shutoff (isolation) valves. Evaporator Flow Switch
Thermometers (if desired). ❏ Thermometers. Specific connection and schematic
❏ Clean-out tees. ❏ Clean-out tees. wiring diagrams are shipped with
❏ Pipe strainer. the unit. Some piping and control
❏ Balancing valve.
schemes, particularly those using a
CAUTION! Install strainer in ❏ Flow Switch single water pump for both chilled
evaporator water inlet piping. Failure
CAUTION! To prevent evaporator and hot water must be analyzed to
to do so can result in evaporator
damage, do not exceed 16 bar determine how and or if a flow-
tube damage.
evaporator water pressure. sensing device will provide desired
Follow the manufacturer's
Heat Recovery Water Piping
recommendations for selection and
installation procedures. General
❏ Air vents guidelines for flow switch
❏ Water pressure gauges installation are outlined below
❏ Vibration eliminator / expansion 1. Mount the switch upright, with a
compensator minimum of 5 pipe diameters of
straight horizontal run on each
❏ Shutoff valve side. Do not install close to
❏ Thermometers elbows, orifices or valves.
❏ Pipe strainer Note: The arrow on the switch must
❏ Clean-out tees point in the direction of flow.
2. To prevent switch fluttering,
Leaving: remove all air from the water
❏ Air vents
❏ Water pressure gauges
Note: The UCM-CLD provides a
6-second time delay after a "loss-of-
❏ Vibration eliminator / expansion flow" diagnostic before shutting the
compensator unit down. Contact a qualified
❏ Shutoff valve service representative if nuisance
machine shutdowns persist.
❏ Thermometers
3. Adjust the switch to open when
❏ Balancing valve
water flow falls below nominal.
❏ Clean-out tees
Evaporator data is given in
Tables 1-22. Flow switch contacts are
closed on proof of water flow.
4. Install a pipe strainer in the
entering evaporator water line to
protect components from
waterborne debris.

Installation - Mechanical

Water Treatment Proper water treatment must be

determined locally, depending on
CAUTION! If calcium chloride is used the type of system and local water
for water treatment, an applicable characteristics. Neither salt nor
corrosion inhibitor must also be brackish water is recommended for
used. Failure to do so may result in use in Trane air-cooled Series R™
damage to system components. chillers. Use of either will lead to a
Dirt, scale, products of corrosion and shortened life to an indeterminable
other foreign material will adversely degree. Trane encourages the
affect heat transfer between the employment of a reputable water
water and system components. treatment specialist, familiar with
Foreign matter in the chilled water local water conditions, to assist in
system can also increase pressure this determination and in the
drop and, consequently, reduce establishment of a proper water
water flow. treatment program.
Using untreated or improperly
treated water in these units may
result in inefficient operation and
possible tube damage. Consult a
qualified water treatment specialist
to determine whether treatment is
needed. The following disclamatory
label is provided on each RTAD unit:
Note: The use of improperly treated
or untreated water in this equipment
Figure 4 - Evaporator Water Pressure Drop RTAD
may result in scaling, erosion,
corrosion, algae or slime. The
services of a qualified water
treatment specialist should be
engaged to determine what
treatment, if any, is advisable. Trane
warranty specifically excludes
liability for corrosion, erosion or
deterioration of Trane equipment.
CAUTION! Do not use untreated or
improperly treated water. Equipment

damage may occur.


1 = 085 STD
2 = 115 STD, 100 HE
3 = 100 STD, 085 HE
4 = 125 STD, 145 STD, 150 STD, 115 HE, 125 HE
5 = 165 STD, 180 STD, 145 HE, 150 HE

Note: Valid for standard, Free-cooling and Heat Recovery versions

Installation - Mechanical

Figure 5 - RTAD 115HE - 125HE - 145SE - 150SE

Single pump available static pressure




1 = LRN 208-13/5.5
2 = LRN 208-14/7.5
3 = SIL 208-16/11
4 = SIL 208-17/15

Figure 6 - RTAD 115HE - 125HE - 145SE - 150SE

Dual pump available static pressure



1 = JRN 208-13/5.5
2 = JRN 208-14/7.5
3 = DIL 208-16/11
4 = DIL 208-17/15

Installation - Mechanical

Figure 7 - RTAD 145HE - 150HE - 165SE - 180SE

Single Pump Available Static Pressure



1 = LRN 208-13/5.5
2 = LRN 208-14/7.5
3 = SIL 208-16/11
4 = SIL 208-17/15

Figure 8 - RTAD 145HE - 150HE - 165SE - 180SE

Dual pump Available static pressure



1 = JRN 208-13/5.5
2 = JRN 208-14/7.5
3 = DIL 208-16/11
4 = DIL 208-17/15

Installation - Mechanical

Figure 9 - RTAD 115HE - 125HE - 145SE - 150SE

Pump Capacity Curve Single Pump



1 = LRN 208-13/5.5
2 = LRN 208-14/7.5
3 = SIL 208-16/11
4 = SIL 208-17/15

Figure 10 - RTAD 115HE - 125HE - 145SE - 150SE

Pump Capacity Curve Dual Pump


1 = LRN 208-13/5.5
2 = LRN 208-14/7.5
3 = SIL 208-16/11
4 = SIL 208-17/15

Installation - Mechanical

Figure 11 - RTAD 145HE - 150HE - 165SE - 180SE

Pump Current Curve Single Pump





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

1 = JRN 208-13/5.5
2 = JRN 208-14/7.5
3 = DIL 208-16/11
4 = DIL 208-17/15

Figure 12 - RTAD 145HE - 150HE - 165SE - 180SE

Pump Current Curve Dual Pump



1 = JRN 208-13/5.5
2 = JRN 208-14/7.5
3 = DIL 208-16/11
4 = DIL 208-17/15

Installation - Mechanical

Figure 13 - Water Pressure Drop RTAD Free Cooling - Compressor Mode



Figure 14 - Water Pressure Drop RTAD Free Cooling - Free Cooling Mode

1 = 085 STD
2 = 085 HE, 100 STD
3 = 100 HE, 115 STD
4 = 115 HE, 125 HE, 145 STD, 150 STD
5 = 125 STD
6 = 145 HE, 150 HE, 165 STD, 180 STD

Installation - Mechanical

Figure 15 - Condenser Water Pressure Drop RTAD Partial Heat Recovery - Heating Mode


1 = 085-100
2 = 115-125
3 = 145-150
4 = 165-180

Figure 16 - Condenser Water Pressure Drop RTAD Total Heat Recovery - Heating Mode


1 = 085-100
2 = 115-125
3 = 145-150
4 = 165-180

Installation - Mechanical

Figure 17 - 3-way Valve Pressure Drop RTAD Total Heat Recovery - Heating mode



1 = 085-100-115-125
2 = 145-150-165-180

Figure 18 - Suggested piping for typical RTAD Standard and Heat Recovery evaporator
without hydraulic module

7 5


4 9 3

1. Gate valve 6. Valved pressure gauge

2. Water strainer 7. Vent
3. Thermometer (user option) 8. Drain
4. Vibration eliminator 9. Flow switch (chilled water flow)
5. Relief valve 10.Balancing valve

Installation - Mechanical

Figure 19 - Suggested piping for typical RTAD with hydraulic module

7 1





6 2


1. Gate valve 8. Drain

2. Water strainer 9. Flow switch (chilled water flow) Trane-
3. Thermometer (user option) supplied
4. Vibration eliminator 10.Balancing valve
5. Relief valve 11. Pressure port
6. Pressure gauge 12. Expansion vessel (option)
7. Vent

Figure 20 - Suggested piping for typical RTAD Free Cooling evaporator

1. Gate valve 7. Vent

2. Water strainer 8. Drain
3. Thermometer (user option) 9. Flow switch (chilled water flow)
4. Vibration eliminator 10.Balancing valve
5. Relief valve
6. Valved pressure gauge

Installation - Mechanical

Figure 21 - Suggested condenser piping for typical RTAD PHR

A. Trane-supplied 6. Valved pressure gauge

1. Gate valve 7. Vent
2. Water strainer 8. Drain
3. Thermometer (user option) 9. Flow switch (warm water flow)
4. Vibration eliminator 10.Balancing valve
5. Relief valve 11. Clean out tee

Figure 22 - Suggested condenser piping for typical RTAD THR with 3-way valve

A. Trane-supplied with 3-way valve 6. Valved pressure gauge

option 7. Vent
1. Gate valve 8. Drain
2. Water strainer 9. Flow switch (warm water flow)
3. Thermometer (user option) 10.Balancing valve
4. Vibration eliminator 11. Clean out tee
5. Relief valve

Installation - Mechanical

Figure 23 - Suggested condenser piping for typical RTAD THR without 3-way valve

A. Trane-supplied without 3-way valve 6. Valved pressure gauge

option 7. Vent
1. Gate valve 8. Drain
2. Water strainer 9. Flow switch (warm water flow)
3. Thermometer (user option) 10.Balancing valve
4. Vibration eliminator 11. Clean out tee
5. Relief valve

Installation - Mechanical

Water Pressure Gauges Freeze Protection In ambient temperatures below

-18°C, the water circuit must be
Install field-supplied pressure If the unit will remain operational at protected against freezing by the
components as shown in subfreezing ambient temperatures, one of the following methods:
Figure 18-23. Locate pressure the chilled water system must be
protected from freezing, following - purge the water circuit or add an
gauges or taps in a straight run of
the steps listed below an anti-freeze fluid.
pipe; avoid placement near elbows,
etc. Be sure to install the gauges at 1 Heaters are factory-installed on the - Activate the heat tapes on the unit
the same elevation on each shell if packaged unit evaporator and will and do not shut the unit down.
the shells have opposite-end water protect it from freezing in ambient
connections. temperatures down to -18°C (0°F). Freeze protection with hydraulic
module and dual pump
To read manifolded pressure 2 Install heat tape on all water
gauges, open one valve and close piping, pumps, and other To protect the chiller against freezing,
the other (depending upon the components that may be damaged there are 5 means of protection:
reading desired). This eliminates if exposed to freezing • Using the proper glycol percentage
errors resulting from differently temperatures. Heat tape must be in the water (no risk of damage due
calibrated gauges installed at designed for low ambient to power failure)
unmatched elevations. temperature applications. Heat
• Draining the unit during the cold
tape selection should be based on
season. However, be aware of the
Water Pressure Relief the lowest expected ambient
corrosion process when drained.
Valves • Using the heat tape protection
3 Add a non-freezing, low
CAUTION! To prevent shell damage, (protect the unit down to -18°C)
temperature, corrosion inhibiting,
install pressure relief valves in the • Using freeze protection by pump
heat transfer fluid to the chilled
evaporator water system. activation.
water system. The solution must
Install a water pressure relief valve be strong enough to provide • Using pump activation and heat
in the evaporator inlet piping protection against ice formation at protection one being a safety for the
between the evaporator and the inlet the lowest anticipated ambient other.
shutoff valve, as shown in temperature. Refer to Tables 1-22
Figures 18-23. Water vessels with CAUTION!
for evaporator water storage
close-coupled shutoff valves have a capacities. When using the freeze protection by
high potential for hydrostatic pump activation during the cold
Note: Use of glycol type antifreeze
pressure buildup on a water season, water must be able to
reduces the cooling capacity of the
temperature increase. Refer to circulate freely. Check that no closure
unit and must be considered in the
applicable codes for relief valve valve or other device might block
design of the system specifications.
installation guidelines. waterflow.
Note: All Free Cooling units must be
For dual pump hydraulic model,
freeze protected with 30% Ethylene
activation of the heat tape is not done
Glycol in the cooling loop circuit
through the thermostat but by the
which is the most convenient
pump controller.
percentage in order to protect the
unit against freezing. Single pump hydraulic module does
not provide protection by pump
Protection coverage with 30%
activation and require the thermostat.
Ethylene Glycol:
- freezing point without burst effect
= - 13°C;
- freezing point with burst effect
= - 50°C.

Installation - Electrical

Using glycol with hydraulic module

If the glycol brine percentage is not at
the recommended percentage
(greyed area), corrosion inhibitor
present in the glycol may not be
efficient enough.
For instance, not only a glycol
Glycol (%)

protection of 15% will only provide

protection to the unit against freezing
down to -5°C but also it might
generate additional corrosion that
could damage the pumps mechanical
Some corrosion inhibitors may be
harmful to the mechanical seal or to
the cast iron of the pump.
In case of application with negative Leaving water temperature (°C)
temperature at the evaporator or
usage of another type of fluid, please
contact your local Trane sales
engineer. A relief valve is located at
pump suction limiting water circuit
pressure at 4 bar. Nitrogen pressure
inside of the expansion tank must be
equal to the geometric height of the
installation + 0.5 bar. In order to avoid
air entering in the water circuit,
expansion tank must be inflated with

nitrogen. Pressure must be checked

yearly. For a good pump operation,
pump suction pressure must be
between 0.5 and 3.5 bar when pump

Heat Recovery Units

The heat recovery condenser(s) is
(are) insulated and a heater is
factory-installed (only available on %
Total Heat Recovery units) and will % = % ethylene glycol
protect from freezing in ambient °C = Brine temperature
1 = Liquid
temperatures down to -18°C.
2 = Freezing without burst effect
Note: The inlet and outlet tubes and 3 = Freezing with burst effect
the optional 3-way valve (Total Heat
Recovery units) should be protected
against freezing by one of the
following methods:
- install heat tape on all water piping
and around the 3-way valve
- add ethylene glycol or equivalent
anti-freeze fluid.

Installation - Electrical

General Recommendations CAUTION! To avoid corrosion and

WARNING! The warning label shown overheating at terminal connections,
in Figure 24 is displayed on the use copper conductors only. Failure
equipment. Strict adherence to to do so may result in damage to
these warnings must be observed. the equipment.
Failure to do so may result in Do not allow conduit to interfere
personal injury or death. with other components, structural
members or equipment. Control
All wiring must comply with CE codes. voltage (115V) wiring in conduit
Typical field wiring diagrams are must be separate from conduit
included in the unit control panel. carrying low voltage (<30V) wiring.
Minimum circuit ampacities and other CAUTION! To prevent control
unit electrical data are on the unit malfunctions, do not run low
nameplate and in the general data voltage wiring (<30V) in conduit
tables. See the unit order specifications with conductors carrying more than
for actual electrical data. Specific 30 volts.
electrical schematics and connection
diagrams are shipped with the unit.

Figure 24 - Warning Label

Installation - Electrical

Table 26 - Unit Wiring 400/3/50 - Standard cooling unit / Partial Heat Recovery and Total Heat Recovery units

Nbr of Power Maximum Starting Power Disconnect Compressor Evaporator

Unit Size Connections Amps (1) Amps (2) Factor (5) Switch Size (A) Fuse Size (A) heater (kW)
085 1 242 255 0.90 250 6 x 125 0.217
100 1 282 306 0.88 400 6 x 160 0.217
115 1 323 359 0.89 400 6 x 200 0.217
125 1 387 425 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
145 1 437 471 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
150 1 477 502 0.89 630 6 x 250 0.217
165 1 527 570 0.89 630 315 + 250 0.217
180 1 576 608 0.89 630 6 x 315 0.217
High Efficiency
085 1 242 255 0.90 250 6 x 125 0.217
100 1 291 315 0.88 400 6 x 160 0.217
115 1 332 368 0.89 400 6 x 200 0.217
125 1 405 443 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
145 1 446 480 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
150 1 486 511 0.89 630 6 x 250 0.217
High Ambient
085 1 242 255 0.90 400 6 x 160 0.217
100 1 291 315 0.88 400 6 x 200 0.217
115 1 332 368 0.89 400 6 x 250 0.217
125 1 405 443 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
145 1 446 480 0.90 630 6 x 250 0.217
150 1 486 511 0.89 630 6 x 315 0.217
165 1 527 570 0.89 630 400 + 315 0.217
180 1 576 608 0.89 800 6 x 400 0.217
Standard Low Noise
085 1 230 243 0.90 250 6 x 125 0.217
100 1 270 294 0.88 400 6 x 160 0.217
115 1 311 347 0.89 400 6 x 200 0.217
125 1 375 413 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
145 1 419 453 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
150 1 457 482 0.89 630 6 x 250 0.217
165 1 505 548 0.89 630 315 + 250 0.217
180 1 552 584 0.89 630 6 x 315 0.217
High Efficiency Low Noise
085 1 230 243 0.90 250 6 x 125 0.217
100 1 275 299 0.88 400 6 x 160 0.217
115 1 316 352 0.89 400 6 x 200 0.217
125 1 385 423 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
145 1 424 458 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
150 1 462 487 0.89 630 6 x 250 0.217
Standard Low Noise with Night Noise Set Back option
085 1 226 238 0.90 250 6 x 125 0.217
100 1 270 295 0.88 400 6 x 160 0.217
115 1 312 348 0.89 400 6 x 200 0.217
125 1 376 414 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
145 1 417 451 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
150 1 453 478 0.89 630 6 x 250 0.217
165 1 503 546 0.89 630 315 + 250 0.217
180 1 548 580 0.89 630 6 x 315 0.217
High Efficiency Low Noise with Night Noise Set Back option
085 1 231 244 0.90 250 6 x 125 0.217
100 1 270 295 0.88 400 6 x 160 0.217
115 1 317 353 0.89 400 6 x 200 0.217
125 1 381 419 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
145 1 381 456 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
150 1 381 483 0.89 630 6 x 250 0.217

Installation - Electrical

Table 27 - Unit Wiring 400/3/50/ cont - Standard cooling unit / Partial Heat Recovery and Total Heat Recovery units

Nbr of Power Maximum Starting Power Disconnect Compressor Evaporator

Unit Size Connections Amps (1) Amps (2) Factor (5) Switch Size (A) Fuse Size (A) heater (kW)
Standard with High External Static Pressure
085 1 231 244 0.90 250 6 x 125 0.217
100 1 278 302 0.88 400 6 x 160 0.217
115 1 319 355 0.89 400 6 x 200 0.217
125 1 383 421 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
145 1 427 461 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
150 1 463 488 0.89 630 6 x 250 0.217
165 1 516 559 0.89 630 315 + 250 0.217
180 1 561 593 0.89 630 6 x 315 0.217
High Efficiency with High External Static Pressure
085 1 239 251 0.90 250 6 x 125 0.217
100 1 278 302 0.88 400 6 x 160 0.217
115 1 327 363 0.89 400 6 x 200 0.217
125 1 391 429 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
145 1 435 469 0.90 500 6 x 250 0.217
150 1 471 496 0.89 630 6 x 250 0.217

Table 28 - Motor Data 400/3/50 - Standard cooling unit / Partial Heat Recovery and Total Heat Recovery units

Compressor (Each) Fans (Each) Control

RLA Amps Max Amps (3) Starting Amps (4) Fans fuse (400V)
Unit Size Qty Ckt 1 Ckt 2 Ckt 1 Ckt 2 Ckt 1 Ckt 2 Qty kW FLA size (A) VA A
085 2 80 80 106 106 144 144 6 2.05 4.5 3 x 50 1600 4
100 2 95 95 125 125 180 180 6 2.05 4.5 3 x 50 1600 4
115 2 111 111 146 146 217 217 6 2.05 4.5 3 x 50 1600 4
125 2 135 135 178 178 259 259 6 2.05 4.5 3 x 50 1600 4
145 2 162 135 214 178 291 259 9 2.05 4.5 3 x 63 1600 4
150 2 162 162 214 214 291 291 10 2.05 4.5 3 x 63 1600 4
165 2 196 162 259 214 354 291 11 2.05 4.5 3 x 63 1600 4
180 2 196 196 259 259 354 354 12 2.05 4.5 3 x 63 1600 4
High Efficiency
085 2 80 80 106 106 144 144 6 2.05 4.5 3 x 50 1600 4
100 2 95 95 125 125 180 180 8 2.05 4.5 3 x 50 1600 4
115 2 111 111 146 146 217 217 8 2.05 4.5 3 x 50 1600 4
125 2 135 135 178 178 259 259 10 2.05 4.5 3 x 50 1600 4
145 2 162 135 214 178 291 259 11 2.05 4.5 3 x 63 1600 4
150 2 162 162 214 214 291 291 12 2.05 4.5 3 x 63 1600 4
Standard Low Noise
085 2 80 80 106 106 144 144 6 1.30 2.5 3 x 50 1600 4
100 2 95 95 125 125 180 180 6 1.30 2.5 3 x 50 1600 4
115 2 111 111 146 146 217 217 6 1.30 2.5 3 x 50 1600 4
125 2 135 135 178 178 259 259 6 1.30 2.5 3 x 50 1600 4
145 2 162 135 214 178 291 259 9 1.30 2.5 3 x 63 1600 4
150 2 162 162 214 214 291 291 10 1.30 2.5 3 x 63 1600 4
165 2 196 162 259 214 354 291 11 1.30 2.5 3 x 63 1600 4
180 2 196 196 259 259 354 354 12 1.30 2.5 3 x 63 1600 4
High Efficiency Low Noise option
085 2 80 80 106 106 144 144 6 1.30 2.5 3 x 50 1600 4
100 2 95 95 125 125 180 180 8 1.30 2.5 3 x 50 1600 4
115 2 111 111 146 146 217 217 8 1.30 2.5 3 x 50 1600 4
125 2 135 135 178 178 259 259 10 1.30 2.5 3 x 50 1600 4
145 2 162 135 214 178 291 259 11 1.30 2.5 3 x 63 1600 4
150 2 162 162 214 214 291 291 12 1.30 2.5 3 x 63 1600 4
Standard Low Noise with Night Noise Set Back option
085 2 80 80 106 106 144 144 4 1.05 2.6 3 x 50 1600 4
100 2 95 95 125 125 180 180 6 1.05 2.6 3 x 50 1600 4
115 2 111 111 146 146 217 217 6 1.05 2.6 3 x 50 1600 4
125 2 135 135 178 178 259 259 6 1.05 2.6 3 x 50 1600 4
145 2 162 135 214 178 291 259 8 1.05 2.6 3 x 63 1600 4
150 2 162 162 214 214 291 291 8 1.05 2.6 3 x 63 1600 4
165 2 196 162 259 214 354 291 10 1.05 2.6 3 x 63 1600 4
180 2 196 196 259 259 354 354 10 1.05 2.6 3 x 63 1600 4

Installation - Electrical

Table 29 - Motor Data 400/3/50/ cont - Standard cooling unit / Partial Heat Recovery and Total Heat Recovery units

Compressor (Each) Fans (Each) Control

RLA Amps Max Amps (3) Starting Amps (4) Fans fuse
Unit Size Qty Ckt 1 Ckt 2 Ckt 1 Ckt 2 Ckt 1 Ckt 2 Qty kW FLA size (A) VA (400V)
High Efficiency Low Noise with Night Noise Set Back option
085 2 80 80 106 106 144 144 6 1.05 2.6 3 x 50 1600 4
100 2 95 95 125 125 180 180 6 1.05 2.6 3 x 50 1600 4
115 2 111 111 146 146 217 217 8 1.05 2.6 3 x 50 1600 4
125 2 135 135 178 178 259 259 8 1.05 2.6 3 x 50 1600 4
145 2 162 135 214 178 291 259 10 1.05 2.6 3 x 63 1600 4
150 2 162 162 214 214 291 291 10 1.05 2.6 3 x 63 1600 4
Standard with High External Static Pressure
085 2 80 80 106 106 144 144 4 2.21 3.9 3 x 50 1600 4
100 2 95 95 125 125 180 180 6 2.21 3.9 3 x 50 1600 4
115 2 111 111 146 146 217 217 6 2.21 3.9 3 x 50 1600 4
125 2 135 135 178 178 259 259 6 2.21 3.9 3 x 50 1600 4
145 2 162 135 214 178 291 259 8 2.21 3.9 3 x 63 1600 4
150 2 162 162 214 214 291 291 8 2.21 3.9 3 x 63 1600 4
165 2 196 162 259 214 354 291 10 2.21 3.9 3 x 63 1600 4
180 2 196 196 259 259 354 354 10 2.21 3.9 3 x 63 1600 4
High Efficiency with High External Static Pressure
085 2 80 80 106 106 144 144 6 2.21 3.9 3 x 50 1600 4
100 2 95 95 125 125 180 180 6 2.21 3.9 3 x 50 1600 4
115 2 111 111 146 146 217 217 8 2.21 3.9 3 x 50 1600 4
125 2 135 135 178 178 259 259 8 2.21 3.9 3 x 50 1600 4
145 2 162 135 214 178 291 259 10 2.21 3.9 3 x 63 1600 4
150 2 162 162 214 214 291 291 10 2.21 3.9 3 x 63 1600 4

1. Maximum Compressors FLA + all fans FLA + control Amps
2. Starting Amps of the circuit with the largest compressor circuit including fans plus RLA of the second circuit including fans + control Amps
3. Maximum FLA per compressor.
4. Compressors starting Amps, Star delta start.
5. Compressor Power Factor

Table 30 - Compressor motor electrical data - 50 Hz - Free Cooling unit

Unit Size Nominal voltage Maximum unit kW Maximum RLA (1) Starting amps Power factor
(V/Ph/Hz) (kW) (A) (A)
RTAD 085 FC STD 400/3/50 149 239 251 0.90
RTAD 085 FC STD 400/3/50 149 239 251 0.90
RTAD 100 FC STD 400/3/50 169 278 302 0.88
RTAD 115 FC STD 400/3/50 199 319 355 0.89
RTAD 125 FC STD 400/3/50 244 391 429 0.90
RTAD 145 FC STD 400/3/50 268 431 465 0.90
RTAD 150 FC STD 400/3/50 291 471 496 0.89
RTAD 165 FC STD 400/3/50 294 520 563 0.89
RTAD 180 FC STD 400/3/50 352 569 601 0.89
RTAD 085 FC HE 400/3/50 149 239 251 0.90
RTAD 100 FC HE 400/3/50 174 286 310 0.88
RTAD 115 FC HE 400/3/50 204 327 363 0.89
RTAD 125 FC HE 400/3/50 249 399 437 0.90
RTAD 145 FC HE 400/3/50 273 439 473 0.90
RTAD 150 FC HE 400/3/50 296 479 504 0.89

(1) To take in account for the sizing of power cables

Installation - Electrical

Table 31 - General electrical data

Crankcase heater
Unit Size Nominal voltage Compressor Control circuit Short circuit intensity
(V/Ph/Hz) (W) (VA) (kA)
RTAD 085 FC STD 400/3/50 150 1600 35
RTAD 100 FC STD 400/3/50 150 1600 35
RTAD 115 FC STD 400/3/50 150 1600 35
RTAD 125 FC STD 400/3/50 150 1600 35
RTAD 145 FC STD 400/3/50 150 1600 35
RTAD 150 FC STD 400/3/50 150 1600 35
RTAD 165 FC STD 400/3/50 150 1600 35
RTAD 180 FC STD 400/3/50 150 1600 35
RTAD 085 FC HE 400/3/50 150 1600 35
RTAD 100 FC HE 400/3/50 150 1600 35
RTAD 115 FC HE 400/3/50 150 1600 35
RTAD 125 FC HE 400/3/50 150 1600 35
RTAD 145 FC HE 400/3/50 150 1600 35
RTAD 150 FC HE 400/3/50 150 1600 35

Table 32 - Electrical connections

Compressor Disconnect Minimum connecting Maximum connecting
Unit Size fuse size (1) switch size (1) wire (1) wire (1)
(A) (A) (mm²) (mm²)
RTAD 085 FC STD 6 x 125 250 95 150
RTAD 100 FC STD 6 x 160 400 185 240
RTAD 115 FC STD 6 x 200 400 185 240
RTAD 125 FC STD 6 x 250 500 240 240
RTAD 145 FC STD 6 x 250 500 240 240
RTAD 150 FC STD 6 x 250 630 2 x 150 2 x 300
RTAD 165 FC STD 315 + 250 630 2 x 150 2 x 300
RTAD 180 FC STD 6 x 315 630 2 x 150 2 x 300
RTAD 085 FC HE 6 x 125 250 95 150
RTAD 100 FC HE 6 x 160 400 185 240
RTAD 115 FC HE 6 x 200 400 185 240
RTAD 125 FC HE 6 x 250 500 240 240
RTAD 145 FC HE 6 x 250 500 240 240
RTAD 150 FC HE 6 x 250 630 2 x 150 2 x 300

(1) To take in account for the sizing of power cables

Table 33 - Hydraulic module electrical data

Single or dual pump
Pump 1 Pump 2 Pump 3 Pump 4
Standard Efficiency unit
145 kW (1) 5.0 6.5 9.2 12.1
150 kW (1) 5.1 6.8 9.7 12.7
165 kW (1) 5.1 7.1 10.1 13.2
180 kW (1) 5.2 7.3 10.5 13.6
High Efficiency unit
115 kW (1) 4.7 5.9 8.3 11.0
125 kW (1) 4.9 6.4 9.1 12.0
145 kW (1) 5.0 6.6 9.3 12.2
150 kW (1) 5.1 6.8 9.7 12.6
All sizes
Maximum amps (A) 10.3 13.8 20 26.5
Power factor 0.89 0.89 0.88 0.88

(1) Power input at Eurovent conditions: Ambient temperature 35°C, water temperature 12/7°C

Installation - Electrical

1. As standard, all units have single Power Supply Wiring Control Power Supply
point power connection. The unit is equipped with a control
All power supply wiring must be
2. LRA (Locked Rotor Amps) - based sized and selected accordingly by power transformer; it is not necessary
on full winding (x-line) start units. the project engineer in accordance to provide additional control power
LRA for wye-delta starters is 1/3 of with EN 60204. voltage to the unit. The RTAD units are
LRA of x-line units. factory-connected for 400V/3/50 with a
WARNING! To prevent injury or factory-installed control power
3. VOLTAGE UTILIZATION RANGE: death, disconnect all electrical transformer.
power sources before completing
Rated Voltage Utilization Range wiring connections to the unit.
400/50/3 340-460 Heater Power Supply
All wiring must comply with CE The evaporator shell is insulated from
For the RTAD 100 only, the electrical codes. The installing (or ambient air and protected from
Utilization Range is 360 - 460 Volts electrical) contractor must provide freezing temperatures by electric
and install the system heaters. A heater also protects the
interconnecting wiring and the heat recovery condenser(s) (only
Installer-Supplied power supply wiring. It must be available on Total Heat Recovery
Components properly sized and equipped with units). The heaters will provide
the appropriate fused disconnect protection from ambient
CAUTION! Customer wiring interface
switches. The type and installation temperatures down to -18°C (0°F). The
connections are shown in the
location(s) of the fused disconnects heaters are factory-wired back to the
electrical schematics and connection
must comply with all applicable unit control panel.
diagrams that are shipped with the
unit.The installer must provide the As an option, the heater will be
following components if not ordered CAUTION! Use only copper energized by a thermostat when the
with the unit: conductors for terminal connections temperature drops to 43°F (6.1°C).
to avoid corrosion or overheating.
❏ Power supply wiring (in conduit) CAUTION! Control panel main
for all field-wired connections. Cut holes into the sides of the processor does not check for loss of
control panel for the appropriately power to the heat tape nor does it
❏ All control (interconnecting) wiring
sized power wiring conduits. verify thermostat operation. A
(in conduit) for field supplied
devices. The wiring is passed through these qualified technician must verify power
conduits and connected to the to the heat tape and confirm
❏ Fused-disconnect switches or
terminal blocks, optional unit- operation of the heat tape thermostat
circuit breakers.
mounted disconnects, or circuit to avoid catastrophic damage to the
❏ Power factor correction capacitors. breakers. evaporator.
To provide proper phasing of
3-phase input, make connections as Water Pump Power Supply
shown in field wiring diagrams and Provide power supply wiring with
as stated on the Warning label in the fused disconnect for the chilled
starter panel. For additional water pump(s).
information on proper phasing, refer
to "Unit Voltage Phasing." Proper
equipment ground must be provided
to each ground connection in the
panel (one for each customer-
supplied conductor per phase).

Installation - Electrical

Interconnecting Wiring 1. External Auto/Stop (terminals

Chilled Water Flow (Pump) Interlock A1 TB3-3 and -4). This input is
supplied by the field. A contact
The model RTAD chiller requires a closure will start the chiller water
field-supplied control voltage contact pump and chiller, via the UCM-
input through a flow proving switch CLD pump control contacts.
6S56 and an auxilary contact 6K51 of Opening the contact will put the
the chilled water pump contactor. operating compressors into
IMPORTANT: Do not turn the chiller "Run:Unload" mode and initiate a
on or off using the chilled-water timing period (1 to 30 minutes,
interlocks. adjustable through the Clear
Language Display). This will delay
When making field connections,
termination of the chilled-water
refer to the appropriate field layout,
pump operation via the UCM
wiring schematics, and control
pump control contacts. Examples
diagrams that ship with the unit.
of the input terminals 1UTB3-3
and -4 would be a time clock,
Chilled-water pump control
ambient thermostat, building
CAUTION! The chilled-water pump
automation system, etc.
must operate for a minimum of one
minute after the UCM-CLD receives 2. UCM-CLD Pump Control Contacts
a command, through the external (Terminals A1 TB4-8 and -9)
Auto/Stop input, to shut down the This output is a set of contacts that
chilled-water system. will close, starting the chilled-water
pump when the external Auto/Stop
contacts are closed. When the
On the RTAD units, the controller
contacts are opened, 1 to 30 minutes
will initiate the "Run:Unload" mode
later (adjustable through the Clear
to terminate a cycle from any of the
Language Display), the UCM-CLD
pump control contacts open.
• Stop key pressed
3. Proof-of-Chilled-Water-Flow
• Loss of load Interlock (Terminals A1 TB3-1
• External Auto/Stop input opened and -2)
The "Run:Unload" operating mode This terminal must be field-installed.
commands the compressor to Contact closure between the
completely unload, which takes terminals indicates proof of chilled-
about ½ minute. This will allow the water flow. Examples of this are a
compressors to be totally unloaded pump starter auxiliary contact, flow
for the next start-up. If only the switch, differential pressure switch,
proof-of-chilled-water-flow interlock or a contact from a building
is used, the chiller will shut down automation system. Opening of this
with an immediate (non-friendly) contact will immediately shut down
shutdown and initiate an automatic the chiller and initiate an automatic
reset diagnostic. reset diagnostic, indicating loss of
chilled-water flow.

Installation - Electrical

Specification for Free Cooling units: 3. Proof-of-Chilled-Water-Flow

1. External Auto/Stop (terminals Interlock (Terminals A70 J18-
A70 J8-IDH14 and 6X2-1). IDC13 and -ID13H)
This input is supplied by the field. This terminal must be field-
A contact closure will start the installed. Contact closure between
chiller water pump and chiller, via the terminals indicates proof of
the UCM-CLD and A70 (regulation chilledwater flow. Examples of
for Free Cooling mode) pump this are a pump starter auxiliary
control contacts. Opening the contact, flow switch, differential
contact will put the operating pressure switch, or a contact from
compressors into "Run:Unload" a building automation system.
mode and initiate a timing period Opening of this contact will
(1 to 30 minutes, adjustable immediately shut down the chiller
through the Clear Language and initiate an automatic reset
Display). This will delay diagnostic, indicating loss of
termination of the chilled-water chilled-water flow.
pump operation via the UCM 4. Free Cooling enable input
pump control contacts. Examples (terminals A70 J5-IDI and 6X2-4).
of the input terminals 1UTB3-3 This input is supplied by the field.
and -4 would be a time clock, This is a digital input that
ambient thermostat, building indicates if the Free Cooling mode
automation system, etc. is validated, or if only the
2. UCM-CLD and A 70 Pump Control Compressor mode must run. If
Contacts (Terminals A70 J14-C7 this input is open, then only the
and -NO7) Compressor mode will be
This output is a set of contacts available. If this input is close,
that will close, starting the chilled- then the control will select the
water pump when the external best mode (Free Cooling mode or
Auto/Stop contacts are closed. Compressor mode).
When the contacts are opened,
1 to 30 minutes later (adjustable
through the Clear Language
Display), the UCM-CLD and A70
pump control contacts open.

Installation - Electrical

Specification for Total Heat Recovery Note: the hot water pump should
units run at least 3 minutes after heat
The heat recovery mode should be recovery mode is off. During these
validated by a dry contact supplied 3 minutes, the water flow through
by the field. The chiller will run in the heat recovery condenser will
heat recovery mode if the dry gradually be reduced to switch
contact is closed and if there is a smoothly to the conventional
need for cooling. A 3-way valve will cooling mode. See Figure 25 for
protect the operation of the chiller details.
when the return hot water
temperature is too low. This 3-way
valve will not be used if a variable
speed pump is used. In this case,
the control module for Heat
Recovery (A70) will provide a 2-10V
output proportional to the water

Figure 25 - Control wiring for pump

Installation - Electrical

Alarm and Status Relay Output Notes: For Free Cooling units a
(Programmable Relays) programmable relay output
Alarm/Running/Maximum Capacity (terminals A70 J17-C12-NO12 and
Outputs Terminals 1 to 7 on terminal -NC12) is available. It provides a
strip TB4 of the A1 board provide a normally close contact. Following
variety of contact outputs on the functions are available:
RTAD. These are dependent on the ❏ A70 ready to work, or working: the
setting of Programmable Relay normally open contact will close
Setup (Service Setting Menu) and its as soon as the controller is
relationship to diagnostics, powered and run, without any
compressors operating, and the sensor(s) or sequence(s) failure.
system operating at full ❏ A70 failure: the normally open
capacity. As shown in Figure 26, contact will close as long as there
there are three relays. is a failure detect on sensor(s) or
in sequence(s).
❏ Free cooling on: the normally
open contact will close as long as
the unit is making cold water with
free cooling.

Figure 26 - Alarm / Running / Maximum capacity relay output for the RTAD unit.

Installation - Electrical

Table 34 - Alarm / Running / Maximum capacity relay output configuration

Relay output configuration

1 Relay 1 Alarm
Relay 2 Compressor running
Relay 3 Maximum capacity

2 Relay 1 Circuit 1 alarm

Relay 2 Circuit 2 alarm
Relay 3 Maximum capacity

3 Relay 1 Alarm
Relay 2 Circuit 1 running
Relay 3 Circuit 2 running

Table 35 - Alarm / Running / Maximum capacity menu setting

Diagnostic that the Alarm

relay(s) is active
Programmable Relay Output
Relay Setup Setting Configuration MMR / CMR MAR / CAR IFW
(service setting menu) (Table 26) diag. diag. diag.
MMR: Machine Manual Reset
CMR: Circuit Manual Reset
MAR: Machine Auto Reset
CAR: Circuit Auto Reset
IFW: Informational Warnings

Installation - Electrical

Low-voltage wiring External Emergency stop External circuit lockout -

The remote devices described below (normal trip) Circuit 1
require low-voltage wiring. All wiring The Clear Language Display The UCM provides auxiliary control
to and from these remote analog provides auxiliary control for a of a customer-specified or -installed
devices to the UCM-CLD (and A70 customer-specified or -installed contact closure, for individual
for Free cooling/Heat Recovery latching tripout. When this remote operation of circuit number 1. If the
units), as described in this contact 6S2 (furnished by the contact is closed, the refrigerant
paragraph, must be made with customer) is provided, the chiller will circuit will not operate. The
shielded, twisted-pair conductors. Be run normally when the contact is refrigerant circuit will run normally
sure to ground the shielding only at closed. When the contact opens, the when the contact is opened. External
the Clear Language Display. unit will trip off on a manually circuit lockout will only function if
CAUTION! To prevent control resettable diagnostic. This condition External Circuit Lockout (service
malfunction, do not run low-voltage requires manual reset at the chiller setting Menu) is enabled.
wiring (<30V) in conduits with switch on the front of the Clear Connections are shown in the field
conductors carrying more than 30 V. Language Display. To connect, first diagrams that are shipped with the
remove the jumper located between unit.
terminal 3 and 4 of A1 TB1. Refer to
the field diagrams that are shipped
with the unit.
External circuit lockout -
Circuit 2
External Auto/Stop The UCM provides auxiliary control
of a customer-specified or -installed
If the unit requires the external contact closure, for individual
Auto/Stop function, the installer operation of circuit number 2. If the
must provide leads from the contact is closed, the refrigerant
remote contacts 6S1 to the proper circuit will not operate. The
terminals of the module A1 (to A70 refrigerant circuit will run normally
for Free-cooling units) terminals when the contact is opened. External
TB3-3 and TB3-4 (J8-IDH14 and 6X2- circuit lockout will only function if
1 for Free cooling/Heat Recovery External Circuit Lockout (service
units), in the control panel. setting Menu) is enabled.
The chiller will run normally when Connections are shown in the field
the contact is closed. When the diagrams that are shipped with the
contact opens, the compressor(s), if unit.
operating, will go to the
RUN:UNLOAD operating mode and
cycle off. Unit operation will be
inhibited. Re-closure of the contacts
will permit the unit to automatically
return to normal operation. Field-
supplied contacts for all low voltage
connections must be compatible
with dry circuit 24VDC for a 12 mA
resistive load. Refer to the field
diagrams that are shipped with the

Installation - Electrical

Ice-making option Isolated 2-10 V (dc) voltage source

Ice-machine control (Operator
Setting Menu) must be enabled. The Set dipswitch SW1-1 of the option
UCM provides auxiliary control for a module A9 to "OFF." Connect the
customer-specified or installed voltage source to terminals 4 (+) and
contact closure for ice making. When 5 (-) on option module A9 TB1. CWS
the remote contact connected to the is now based on the following
module A9, terminals TB1 1 and 2, is equation:
provided, the chiller will run CWS °C = (V (dc) * 4.51) - 26.83
normally when the contact is open. Sample values for CWS vs. V (dc)
Upon contact closure, the UCM will signals are shown in Table 36
initiate an ice-building mode, in
which the unit runs fully loaded at Table 36 - Input values vs. External
all times. In ice-building, the current chilled-water setpoint
setpoint will be set at 120%. For
example, if the front panel or Voltage Current chilled-water
external current limit setpoint is set (V (dc)) (mA) setpoint (°C)
to 80%, in ice-building the active 3.7 7.2 -10
current limit is 120%. 4.8 9.2 -5
5.9 11.3 0
If, while in ice-building mode, the 7.1 13.3 5
unit gets down to the freezestat 8.2 15.4 10
setting (water or refrigerant), the
unit will shut down on a manually Isolated 4-20 mA current source
resettable diagnostic, just as in input
normal operation.
Set dipswitch SW1-1 of the option
module A9 to "ON."
External chilled-water Connect the current source terminals
setpoint: voltage source 4 (+) and 5 (-).
2-10 V (dc), or current CWS is now based on the following
source 4-20 mA equation:

This option allows the external Setpoint (°C) = (mA * 2.44) - 27.56
setting of the chilled-water setpoint
(CWS), independent of the front
panel chilled-water setpoint, by one
of two means:
1 - An isolated voltage input 2-10 V
2 - An isolated current loop input
4-20 mA
Note: For Free-Cooling units, this
option will be available only in
Compressor mode.

Installation - Electrical

External current limit Minimum setpoint: 40% (2.0 V Outdoor air-temperature

setpoint: voltage source sensor
Maximum setpoint: 120% (10.0 V
2-10 V (dc) or current (dc)input) This sensor is used for low ambient
source 4-20 mA. 4-20 mA Current source input
lockout and chilled-water reset by
outdoor air temperature. This sensor
This option allows the external Set dipswitch SW1-2 of the option is optional on the RTAD units.
setting of the current limit setpoint module A9 to "ON." Connect the Remove the sensor from its shipping
(CLS), independent of the front panel current source to terminal 7 (+) and location in the control panel and
current-limit setpoint, by one of the 8 (-) of option module A9. CLS is install it in the fresh-air intake on the
two means: now based on the following north wall of the building. Protect
1 - an isolated voltage input 2-10 V equation: the sensor from direct sunlight and
(dc) shelter it from the elements. Connect
CLS % = (mA * 5) + 20
2 - an isolated voltage input 4-20 mA leads to terminals 1 and 2 from
Sample values for CLS versus mA module A9 TB1. All wiring to and
To enable external current-limit signals are shown in Table 29. from the remote sensor must be
setpoint operation, external current- Minimum setpoint = 40% (4.0 mA) made with shielded, twisted-pair
limit setpoint (operator setting conductors.
menu) should be set to "E" using the Maximum setpoint = 120% (20.0 mA)
clear language display. Be sure to ground the shielding only
Table 37 - Input values vs. external at the UCM-CLD. Apply tape to the
1- 2-10 V (dc) voltage source input current-limit setpoint
sensor end of the shielding to
Set dipswitch SW1-2 of the option prevent it from contacting the
module A9 to "OFF." Voltage Current chilled-water surface.
(V (dc)) (mA) setpoint (°C)
Connect the voltage source to 2.0 4.0 40
WARNING! To prevent injury or
terminals 7 (+) and 8 (-) of the option 3.0 6.0 50 death, disconnect the electrical
module A9. CLS is now based on the 4.0 8.0 60 power source before completing
5.0 10.0 70 wiring connections to the unit.
following equation: 6.0 12.0 80
CLS % = (V (dc)*10) + 20 7. 0 14.0 90 Note: Not available for Free-Cooling
8.0 16.0 100 units.
Sample values for CLS vs. 9.0 18.0 110
V(dc)signals are shown in Table 33. 10.0 20.0 120

Installation - Electrical

CAUTION! To prevent overheating at Communication-link

the terminal connections, use
copper conductors only.
connection procedure
1. Refer to the Tracer installation
literature to determine proper
Communication card CSR communication-link termination
This option allows the Clear connections at the Tracer module.
Language Display in the control 2. Connect the shield of the
panel on RTAD units to exchange communication-link wiring to the
information (operating setpoints and designated shield terminal at the
Auto/Standby commands) with a Tracer module.
higher-level control device, such as
Tracer. A shielded, twisted-pair 3. Connect leads to terminals 1 to 4
connection establishes the of TB2 of the module A9 of the
bidirectional communications link UCM-CLD to the Tracer. There is no
between the unit control panel and polarity requirement for the
the Tracer. connection.
Note: The shielded, twisted-pair 4. At the UCM-CLD, the shield
conductors must run in a separate should be cut and taped to
conduit. prevent any contact between the
shield and ground.
CAUTION! To prevent control
malfunction, do not run low-voltage Note: On multiple-unit installations,
wiring (<30V) in conduits with splice the shielding of the twisted
conductors carrying more than pairs that come into each UCM-CLD
30 volts. in the "daisy chain" system. Tape the
spliced connections to prevent any
Field wiring for the communication contact between the shield and
link must meet the following ground. At the last Clear Language
requirements: Display in the chain, the shield
1. All wiring must be in accordance should be cut and taped off.
with local codes. 5. To get the chiller to communicate
2. Communication link wiring must with a Tracer on a multiple-unit
be shielded, twisted-pair wiring. controller, the ICS address under
3. The maximum total length for the "service settings" menu must
each communication link is be set and the optional A9 module
1,500 meters. must be installed. Contact your
local Trane representative for this
4. The communication link cannot matter.
pass between buildings.
5. All UCM-CLD on the
communication link can be
connected in a "daisy chain"

Installation - Electrical

LonTalk® Communications Network variables Communications

Interface for Chillers (LCI-C) LonTalk uses network variables to The Tracer LCI-C controller
communicate points on a communicates via Trane's LonTalk
The unit controller provides an communication link. LonMark has protocol. Typically, a communication
optional LonTalk Communication defined a list of standard network link is applied between unit
Interface (LCI-C) between the chiller variables. controllers and a building
and a Building Automation System automation system. Communication
(BAS). An LCI-C LLID shall be used to Chiller Functional Profile also is possible via Rover service
provide "gateway" functionality tool. Peer-to-peer communication
between a LonTalk compatible LonMark calls their standard list of
variables for chiller control the across controllers is possible even
device and the chiller. The when a building automation system
inputs/outputs include both Chiller Functional Profile. This profile
is meant to allow interoperability is not present.
mandatory and optional network
variables as established by the between control systems and You do not need to observe polarity
LonMark Functional Chiller Profile chillers, regardless of chiller type or for LonTalk communication links.
8040. manufacturer. The LonTalk communications
This section introduces the LCI-C protocol allows peer to peer
The LCI-C Extension communications between
device for RTAD. For further
information please refer to the The LCI-C Extension is a list of controllers, which allows controllers
manual ACC-SVN32A-EN. additional network variables Trane to share information or data. A
created that are over and above the communicated variable input such
If you are connecting the LCI-C to a ones defined by the Chiller as setpoint, space temperature, or
Tracer Summit™ system, you will Functional Profile. The LCI-C outdoor air temperature has priority
not need the network variable Extension is considered "open" over a locally wired input to the
information given in this part. because the network variables are controller.
If you are connecting the LCI-C to a not proprietary. The network Example: if the LCI-C controller has a
non-Trane building automation variables in the LCI-C Extension are wired outdoor air temperature
system using LonTalk™, Appendixes defined in the "User defined types" sensor and Tracer Summit or
A through B will provide you with section. another LonTalk controller sends it a
the system integration information communicated outdoor air
you will need regarding network LCI-C shipment and inspection temperature, the communicated
variables. The LCI-C is either factory-installed value is used by the LCI-C controller.
with the chiller controller or shipped If a communicated input value is
LonMark certification as an individual part for field lost, the LCI-C controller reverts to
The LonMark organization promotes installation. using the locally wired sensor input.
LonTalk as an industry standard for
control communication. The LCI-C is Storage Device Addressing
certified to the LonMark Chiller If the LCI-C is stored for a period of LonTalk devices are given a unique
Functional Profile 8040 Version 1.0, time prior to being installed, it must address by the manufacturer. This
and follows LonTalk FTT-10A be protected from the elements. The address is called a Neuron ID. Each
communications system technology. temperature of the storage location LCI-C controller can be identified by
Compliance with this technology should be between -40 °C and 70 °C its unique Neuron ID, which is
means that the LCI-C can provide an and the relative humidity should be printed on a label on the controller.
interface for non-Trane LonTalk 0-95%, non-condensing.
networks. The Neuron ID is also displayed
when communication is established
using Tracer Summit or Rover
service tool. The Neuron ID format is
00-01-64-1C- 2B-00.

Installation - Electrical

LonTalk Communication Link Wiring The physical limits are defined in

Requirements Chapter 4, Network Cabling and
The LonTalk communications link is Connection. This User's Guide is
for connection to a Building LonTalk available on the Echelon Web page.
Network. The Communications link A typical wire recommendation is
wiring is dependent on the network Belden 85102, single twisted pair,
architecture. It is recommended that stranded 19/29, unshielded, 150 C.
a System Integrator refer to For additional wiring information,
"LonWorks FTT-10A Free Topology refer to Trane's "LonTalk Wiring
Transceiver User's Guide" by the Installation guide" (BAS-SVN01A-EN.)
Echelon Corporation for proper wire

Table 38 - Glossary

Comm5 Tranes implementation of the LonTalk protocol.

IPC Acronym for interprocessor communications.
LonMark International LonMark International is a global membership organization created to promote and advance the business of
efficient and effective integration of open, multi-vendor control systems utilizing ANSI/EIA/CEA 709.1 (LonTalk)
and related standards.
LonMark Chiller Functional profile A standard list of network variables, mandatory and optional, that LonMark defines for chiller controller
communications on a LonTalk network.
LonMark communications interface An interface developed by Trane to allow unit controllers to communicate using LonTalk protocol.
LCI-C Extension software Trane LCI-C software that implements network variables from both the LonMark Chiller Functional Profile and
Trane Chiller Extension.
LonTalk Protocol An interoperable protocol developed by the Echelon Corporation and named as a standard by the Electronics
Industries Alliance (EIA-709.1). It is packaged on a Neuron processor that is on the LCI-C LLID.
LonTalk network A collection of LonTalk devices that communicate and interact with one another.
network variable input (nvi) A controller's input data item that enables it to exchange data values with other devices on the LonTalk network.
This type of data item can be changed and controlled.
network variable output (nvo) A controller's output data item that enables it to exchange data values with other devices on the LonTalk
network. This type of data item is for status only.
network variable type A pre-defined structure for a network variable. A network variable type can be either a standard network variable
type (SNVT) or a user-defined network variable type (UNVT).
Neuron ID A unique 48-bit digital identifying number assigned by Echelon to every Neuron processor produced. This
number is printed on a label that is attached to the LCI-C. Neuron IDs eliminate the need to set addresses with
DIP switches.
Neuron software Software within the LCI-C Neuron processor that defines its program ID and network variables.
Program ID An identifier stored in the LCI-C Neuron processor that identifies the application program that is running. All
controllers with the same Program ID have the same network variable list.
Rover service tool A Trane software program used as a service tool to configure Trane LonTalk controllers, flash download Neuron
software, make LonTalk bindings between network variables, and otherwise install devices on a LonTalk network.
Rover can also be described as a LonTalk network management tool.
SCPT Acronym for standard configuration parameter type. A pre-defined structure for communicating configuration
SNVT Acronym for standard network variable type. See network variable type.
System integration Generally, the ability for products designed independently to communicate with each other by using the same
communications protocol. Specifically in relation to Trane products, the ability for them to monitor and/or control
another vendors equipment by using an open, standard protocol.
Trane Chiller Extension The network variables that Trane provides in addition to the network variables provided by the LonMark Chiller
Functional Profile, 8040 Version 1. (Not all network variables in the Trane Chiller Extension are available for every
chiller type.)
UCPT Acronym for user-defined configuration parameter type. A pre-defined structure for communicating configuration
UNVT Acronym for user-defined network variable type. See network variable type.

Installation - Electrical

Table 39 - Network Variable List

Index Network Variable SNVT Type Index Network Variable SNVT Type
0 nciLocation SNVT_str_asc(36) 34 nviTraneVar2 UNVT
1 nciChillerEnable SNVT_switch(95) 35 nvoTraneVar9 UNVT
2 nciMinOutTm SNVT_time_sec(107) 36 nvoStatusOutputs SNVT_state(83)
3 nciSndHrtBt SNVT_time_sec(107) 37 nvoCprsrsRunning SNVT_state(83)
4 nciCapacityLim SNVT_lev_percent(81) 38 nvoCondFans SNVT_state(83)
5 nciCoolSetpt SNVT_temp_p(105) 39 nvoEvapWtrPump SNVT_switch(95)
6 nciMode SNVT_hvac_mode(108) 40 nvoEvapWtrFlow SNVT_switch(95)
7 nciHeatSetpt SNVT_temp_p(105) 41 nvoCondWtrPump SNVT_switch(95)
8 nciDefaults SNVT_switch(95) 42 nvoCondWtrFlow SNVT_switch(95)
9 nciRcvHrtBt SCPTmaxRcvTime(48) 43 nvoOutdoorTemp SNVT_temp_p(105)
10 nciRefrigerant UCPT_refrig_type 44 nvoUnitVoltage UNVT_3phase_volt
11 nciMfgLocation UCPT_manufacturing_location 45 nvoEvapRfgtPrsC1 SNVT_press_f(59)
12 nciChillerType UCPT_chiller_type 46 nvoEvapRfgtPrsC2 SNVT_press_f(59)
13 nciDevMajVer SCPTdevMajVer(165) 47 nvoEvapRfgtTmpC1 SNVT_temp_p(105)
14 nciDevMinVer SCPTdevMinVer(166) 48 nvoEvapRfgtTmpC2 SNVT_temp_p(105)
17 nviChillerEnable SNVT_switch(95) 49 nvoCondRfgtPrsC1 SNVT_press_f(59)
18 nviCoolSetpt SNVT_temp_p(105) 50 nvoCondRfgtPrsC2 SNVT_press_f(59)
19 nvoOnOff SNVT_switch(95) 51 nvoCondRfgtTmpC1 SNVT_temp_p(105)
20 nvoActiveSetpt SNVT_temp_p(105) 52 nvoCondRfgtTmpC2 SNVT_temp_p(105)
21 nviCapacityLim SNVT_lev_percent(81) 53 nvoAirFlowPctC1 SNVT_lev_percent(81)
22 nviMode SNVT_hvac_mode(108) 54 nvoAirFlowPctC2 SNVT_lev_percent(81)
23 nviHeatSetpt SNVT_temp_p(105) 55 nvoOilTempA SNVT_temp_p(105)
24 nvoActualCap SNVT_lev_percent(81) 56 nvoOilTempB SNVT_temp_p(105)
25 nvoCapacityLim SNVT_lev_percent(81) 57 nvoOilTempC SNVT_temp_p(105)
26 nvoLvgChWTemp SNVT_temp_p(105) 58 nvoOilTempD SNVT_temp_p(105)
27 nvoEntChWTemp SNVT_temp_p(105) 59 nvoCurrentA UNVT_3phase_current
28 nvoEntCndWTemp SNVT_temp_p(105) 60 nvoCurrentB UNVT_3phase_current
29 nvoLvgCndWTemp SNVT_temp_p(105) 61 nvoCurrentC UNVT_3phase_current
30 nvoAlarmDescr SNVT_str_asc(36) 62 nvoCurrentD UNVT_3phase_current
31 nvoChillerStat SNVT_chlr_status(127) 63 nvoStartsRunTmA UNVT_starts_runtime
32 nviRequest SNVT_obj_request(92) 64 nvoStartsRunTmB UNVT_starts_runtime
33 nvoStatus SNVT_obj_status(93) 65 nvoStartsRunTmC UNVT_starts_runtime
66 nvoStartsRunTmD UNVT_starts_runtime

Installation - Electrical

User defined types In many cases, the Trane user-

defined types contain standard
This appendix includes network
❏ User-defined network variable variable types (SNVTs) to make
types them easy to understand.
❏ User-defined configuration
property types
These user-defined types have been
created by Trane for use by Trane

User-defined network variable types


Structure definition

Field in structure Byte Bit definition Description

SNVT_state Byte 0 (MSB) Bits 0-7 (MSB) Validity of bits 8-15 (1=Valid)
Bit 8 Refrigeration Circuit On (1)
Bit 9 Pumping Out (1)
Bit 10 Regenerating (1)
Bits 11-15(LSB) Not Used
SNVT_time_f Byte 1-2 (LSB) Purge 24 Hour
Pumpout Average

Structure definition

Field in structure Definition

SNVT_count_f Compressor Starts
SNVT_time_f Compressor Run Time

Structure definition

Field in structure Definition

SNVT_amp_ac L1 Current (Amps)
SNVT_amp_ac L2 Current (Amps)
SNVT_amp_ac L3 Current (Amps)
SNVT_lev_percent L1 Current (%RLA)
SNVT_lev_percent L2 Current (%RLA)
SNVT_lev_percent L3 Current (%RLA)

Structure definition

Field in structure Definition

SNVT_volt_ac AB Voltage
SNVT_volt_ac BC Voltage
SNVT_volt_ac CA Voltage

Installation - Electrical

Range of enumeration values

Enumeration Definition Description (reference: ARI guideline K)

0 RT_R11 R-11 (Trichlorofluoromethane)
1 RT_R12 R-12 (Dichlorodifluoromethane)
2 RT_R13 R-13 (Chlorotrifluoromethane)
3 RT_R13B1 R-13B1 (Bromotrifluoromethane)
4 RT_R14 R-14
5 RT_R21 R-21
6 RT_R22 R-22 (Chlorodifluoromethane)
7 RT_R23 R-23 (Trifluoromethane)
8 RT_R32 R-32
9 RT_R40 R-40
10 RT_R112 R-112
11 RT_R113 R-113 (Trichlorotrifluoroethane)
12 RT_R114 R-114 (Dichlorotetrafluoroethane)
13 RT_R115 R-115
14 RT_R116 R-116
15 RT_R123 R-123 (Dichlorotrifluoroethane)
16 RT_R124 R-124 (Chlorotetrafluoroethane)
17 RT_R125 R-125
18 RT_R134a R-134a (Tetrafluoroethane)
19 RT_R141B R-141B
20 RT_R142B R-142B
21 RT_R143A R-143A
22 RT_R152A R-152A
23 RT_R401A R-401A (Chlorodifluoromethane, Difluoroethane,
24 RT_R401B R-401B (Chlorodifluoromethane, Difluoroethane,
25 RT_R402A R-402A (Chlorodifluoromethane, Pentafluoro-ethane, Propane)
26 RT_R402B R-402B (Chlorodifluoromethane, Pentafluoro-ethane, Propane)
27 RT_R403B R-403B (Chlorodifluoromethane, Octafluoro-propane, Propane)
28 RT_R404A R-404A (Pentafluoroethane, Trifluoroethane, Tetrafluoroethane)
29 RT_R406A R-406A (Chlorodifluoroethane, Isobutane, Chlorodifluoroethane)
30 RT_R407A R-407A (Difluoromethane, Pentafluoroethane, Tetrafluoroethane)
31 RT_R407B R-407B (Difluoromethane, Pentafluoroethane, Tetrafluoroethane)
32 RT_R407C R-407C (Difluoromethane, Pentafluoroethane, Tetrafluoroethane)
33 RT_R408A R-408A (Chlorodifluoromethane, Trifluoroethane,
34 RT_R409A R-409A (Chlorodifluoromethane, Chlorotetrafluo-roethane,
35 RT_R410A R-410A (Difluoromethane, Pentafluoroethane)
36 RT_R414B R-414B (Chlorodifluoromethane, Chlorotetrafluo-roethane,
Chlorodifluoroethane, Isobutane)
37 RT_R416A R-416A (Tetrafluoroethane, Chlorotetrafluore-thane, Butane)
38 RT_R500 R-500 (Dichlorodifluoromethane, Difluoroethane)
39 RT_R502 R-502 (Chlorodifluoromethane, Chloropentafluo-roethane)
40 RT_R503 R-503 (Chlorotrifluoromethane, Trifluoromethane)
41 RT_R507 R-507 (Pentafluoroethane, Trifluoroethane)
42 RT_R508B R-508B (Trifluoromethane, Hexafluoroethane)
43 RT_R717 R-717
44-254 RT_RESERVED Reserved for future use
0xFF RT_INVALID Invalid (default)

Installation - Electrical

User-defined configuration property types

Structure definition

Item Type Bytes Range and meaning

Model information Unsigned 8-bit (enum) 1 Range of enum values in
(See enumeration definitions UCPT_chiller_type
table below.)
Unit capacity SNVT_power_f 4 Capacity of unit (in watts)
Cooling type Unsigned 8-bit (enum) 1 0 = water-cooled 1 = air-
cooled 2-254 = unused
Number of circuits Unsigned 8-bit 1 0-2; number of circuits on
Number of compressors on circuit 1 Unsigned 8-bit 1 0-3; number of
compressors on circuit 1
Number of compressors on circuit 2 Unsigned 8-bit 1 0-3; number of
compressors on circuit 2
Total length 9

Enumeration definitions for UCPT_chiller_type

Enumeration um n (Trane chiller
model designators)
10 RTX
11 RTU
12-254 Unused
255 Invalid (unknown)

Range of enumeration values

Enumeration Enumeration definition

0 Field applied
(unknown location)
1 La Crosse, Wisconsin
2 Pueblo, Colorado
3 Charmes, France
4 Rushville, Indiana
5 Macon, Georgia
6 Waco, Texas
7 Lexington, Kentucky
8 Forsyth, Georgia
9 Clarksville, Tennessee
10 Ft. Smith, Arkansas
11 Penang, China
12 Colchester, UK
13 Curitiba, Brazil
14 Taicang, China
15 to 254 Unused
255 Invalid (unknown location)

Operating Principles

Figure 27 - System/Oil system schematic for Standard cooling /Partial Heat Recovery units

1 = Screw compressor PZH = High pressure switch

2 = Evaporator PZL = Low pressure switch
3 = Air-cooled condenser TT = Temperature sensor
4 = Evaporator water inlet connection TCE = Electric expansion valve
5 = Evaporator water outlet connection OPT = Option
6 = Oil service valve DL = Discharge line
7 = Oil separator SL = Suction line
8 = Discharge service valve LL = Liquid line
9 = Liquid shutoff valve A = Circuit A
10 = Filter drier B = Circuit B
11 = Electric expansion valve LA only = Low or wide ambient
12 = Relief valve temperature only
13 = Service valve FSL = Flow switch
PI = Gauge (supplied by Trane - option)
PT = Pressure transducer PHR = Partial Heat Recovery option
PSH = High pressure relief valve CW = Chilled water
PSL = Low pressure relief valve WW = Warm water

Operating Principles

Figure 28 - System schematic for Free-Cooling units

LA only LA only




1 = Screw compressor PZH = High pressure switch

2 = Evaporator PZL = Low pressure switch
3 = Air-cooled condenser TT = Temperature sensor
4 = Evaporator water inlet connection TCE = Electric expansion valve
5 = Evaporator water outlet connection OPT = Option
6 = Oil service valve DL = Discharge line
7 = Oil separator SL = Suction line
8 = Discharge service valve LL = Liquid line
9 = Liquid shutoff valve A = Circuit A
10 = Filter drier B = Circuit B
11 = Electric expansion valve LA only = Low or wide ambient
12 = Relief valve temperature only
13 = Service valve FSL = Flow switch
14 = 3-way valve
PI = Gauge
PT = Pressure transducer
PSH = High pressure relief valve
PSL = Low pressure relief valve

Operating Principles

Figure 29 - System schematic for Total Heat Recovery units


1 = Screw compressor PSL = Low pressure relief valve

2 = Evaporator PZH = High pressure switch
3 = Air-cooled condenser PZL = Low pressure switch
4 = Evaporator water inlet connection TT = Temperature sensor
5 = Evaporator water outlet connection TCE = Electric expansion valve
6 = Oil service valve OPT = Option
7 = Oil separator DL = Discharge line
8 = Discharge service valve SL = Suction line
9 = Liquid shutoff valve LL = Liquid line
10 = Filter drier RL = Auxiliary oil cooler refrigerant line
11 = Electric expansion valve A = Circuit A
12 = Relief valve B = Circuit B
13 = Service valve LA only = Low or wide ambient
14 = 3-way valve temperature only
PI = Gauge FSL = Flow switch
PT = Pressure transducer
PSH = High pressure relief valve

Pre-Start Checkout

Installation Checklist Unit Piping Electrical Wiring

Complete this checklist as the unit is ❏ Flush all unit water piping before WARNING! To prevent injury or
installed and verify that all making final connections to the death, disconnect electrical power
recommended procedures are unit. source before completing wiring
accomplished before the unit is CAUTION! If using an acidic connections to the unit.
started. This checklist does not replace commercial flushing solution, CAUTION! To avoid corrosion and
the detailed Instructions given in the construct a temporary bypass overheating at terminal connections,
"Installation -Mechanical" and around the unit to prevent damage use copper conductors only.
"Installation -Electrical" sections of to internal components of the
this manual. Read both sections ❏ Connect the unit power supply
evaporator. To avoid possible wiring with fused-disconnect to
completely, to become familiar with equipment damage, do not use
the installation procedures, prior to the terminal block or lugs (or unit-
untreated or improperly treated mounted disconnect) in the power
beginning the work. system water. section of the control panel.
❏ Connect the chilled water piping to ❏ Connect power supply wiring to
Receiving the evaporator. the evaporator heater.
❏ Verify that the unit nameplate data Note: On Free-Cooling units, the ❏ Connect power supply wiring to
corresponds to the ordering chilled water piping will be the chilled water pump.
information. connected to the evaporator on one
side and to the 3-way valve on the ❏ Connect power supply wiring to
❏ Inspect the unit for shipping
other side (see Figure 28) any auxiliary heat tapes.
damage and any shortages of
materials. Report any damage or ❏ Install pressure gauges and ❏ Connect the auxiliary contact of
shortage to the carrier. shutoff valves on the chilled water the chilled water pump (6K51) in
inlet and outlet to the evaporator. series with the flow switch, if
installed, and then connect to the
Unit Location and ❏ Install a water strainer in the proper terminals.
Mounting entering chilled water line.
❏ For the External Auto/Stop
❏ Install a balancing valve and flow function, install wiring from
❏ Inspect the location desired for
switch (recommended) in the remote contact (6S1) to the proper
installation and verify adequate
leaving chilled water line. terminals on the circuit board.
service access clearances.
❏ Install a drain with shutoff valve or ❏ Check chilled water pumps
❏ Provide drainage for evaporator
a drain plug on the evaporator interconnection to control panel.
❏ Remove and discard all shipping Note: On Free-Cooling units, for free
❏ Vent the chilled water system at cooling enable output, install wiring
materials (cartons, etc.)
high points in the system piping. from remote contact (6S3) to the
❏ Install optional rubber isolators, if
❏ Apply heat tape and insulation, as proper terminals on the circuit
necessary, to protect all exposed board.
❏ Level the unit and secure it to the piping from freeze-up. CAUTION! Information in
mounting surface.
Interconnecting Wiring: Chilled Water
PHR/THR units Pump Interlock and External
Units with hydraulic module
❏ Ensure that the heat recovery Auto/Stop must be adhered to or
CAUTION! water piping is ready to operate, equipment damage may occur.
❏ The pump must not be used to fill filled with water and air purged.
the water loop. ❏ Ensure that a water strainer is Heat Recovery units
❏ The pump must not be activated installed. ❏ Ensure that the Heat Recovery
until the system is fully filled with ❏ Check the position of mode input is correctly wired (dry
water. thermometers and manometers. contact)
❏ Using the pump with absent or ❏ Check that the hot water pump
unsufficient water will end up in has a 3 minute time delay after the
damaging the mechanical seal. Heat Recovery mode is switched

Pre-Start Checkout

❏ If alarm and status relay outputs 3 Check the power supply voltage to 6 Close the fused-disconnect
are used, install leads from the the unit at the main power fused- switch(es) that supplies power to
panel to the proper terminals on disconnect switch. Voltage must be the chilled water pump starter.
circuit board. within the voltage utilization range 7 Start the chilled water pump to
❏ If the emergency stop function is and also stamped on the unit begin circulation of the water.
used, install low voltage leads to nameplate. Voltage imbalance Inspect all piping for leakage and
terminals on circuit board. must not exceed 3%. make any necessary repairs.
❏ Connect separate power for the 4 Check the unit power phasing L1- 8 With water circulating through the
External Emergency Stop option, L2-L3 in the starter to be sure that system, adjust water flow and
if applicable. it has been installed in an "ABC" check water pressure drop through
phase sequence. the evaporator.
❏ If the ice making-option is used,
install leads on terminals TB1-1 CAUTION! Improper power phasing 9 Adjust the chilled water flow
and 2 on module A9. can result in equipment damage due switch for proper operation.
to reverse rotation.
WARNING! Use extreme caution
CAUTION! Do not use untreated or
General improperly treated water.
when performing the following
procedure with power applied.
When installation is complete, but Equipment damage may occur. Failure to do so can result in
prior to putting the unit into service, 5 Fill the evaporator chilled water personal injury or death.
the following pre-start procedures circuit. Vent the system while it is
must be reviewed and verified 10 Reapply power to complete
being filled. Open the vents on the procedures.
correct: top of the evaporator shell while
WARNING! Disconnect all electric filling and close when filling is 11 Prove all Interlock and
power including remote disconnects completed. Interconnecting Wiring Interlock
before servicing. Failure to and External as described in the
Important: The use of improperly Electrical Installation section.
disconnect power before servicing treated or untreated water in this
can cause severe personal injury or equipment may result in scaling, 12 Check and set, as required, all
death. erosion, corrosion, algae or slime. UCM-CLD menu items.
1 Inspect all wiring connections in The services of a qualified water Note: On Total Heat Recovery and
the compressor power circuits treatment specialist should be Free-Cooling units, also check and
(disconnects, terminal block, engaged to determine what set the A70 module.
contactors, compressor junction treatment, if any, is advisable. Trane
13 Stop the chilled water pump.
box terminals, etc.). to be sure warranty specifically excludes
they are clean and tight. liability of corrosion, erosion or 14 Energize compressor and oil
deterioration of Trane equipment. separators 24 hours prior to unit
CAUTION! Verify all connections are
Trane assumes no responsibilities start-up.
made. Loose connections can cause
overheating and undervoltage for the results of the use of
conditions at the compressor motor. untreated or improperly treated
water or saline or brackish water.
2 Open all refrigerant valves in the
discharge, liquid, oil and oil return
CAUTION! Do not operate the unit
with the compressor, oil discharge,
liquid line service valves and the
manual shutoff on the refrigerant
supply to the coolers "CLOSED".
Failure to have these "OPEN" may
cause serious compressor damage.

Pre-Start Checkout

Unit Voltage Power Supply CAUTION! Provide adequate voltage Unit Voltage Phasing
to the unit. Failure to do so can
Voltage to the unit must meet the cause control components to WARNING! It is imperative that L1,
criteria given in the Installation- malfunction and shorten the life of L2, L3 in the starter be connected in
Electrical Section. Measure each leg relay contact, compressor motors the A-B-C phase sequence to prevent
of the supply voltage at the unit's and contactors. equipment damage due to reverse
main power fused- disconnect. If the rotation.
measured voltage on any leg is not CAUTION! Power supply with TT or
TN earthing arrangement is not It is important that proper rotation of
within specified range, notify the the compressors be established
supplier of the power and correct compatible with IT (Insulated
Neutral) earthing arrangement. before the unit is started.
the situation before operating the
unit. Proper motor rotation requires
confirmation of the electrical phase
Unit Voltage Imbalance
sequence of the power supply. The
Excessive voltage imbalance motor is internally connected for
between the phases of three-phase clockwise rotation with the incoming
system can cause motors to power supply phased A, B, C.
overheat and eventually fail. The
Basically, voltages generated in each
maximum allowable imbalance is
phase of a polyphase alternator or
3 percent. Voltage imbalance is
circuit are called phase voltages. In
determined using the following
a three-phase circuit, three sine
wave voltages are generated,
% Imbalance = [(Vx - V ave) x differing in phase by 120 electrical
100]/Vave degrees. The order in which the
V ave = (V1 + V2 + V3)/3 three voltages of a three-phase
system succeed one another is
Vx = phase with the greatest called phase sequence or phase
difference from V ave (without rotation. This is determined by the
regard to the sign) direction of rotation of the alternator.
For example, if the three measured When rotation is clockwise, phase
voltages are 221, 230, and 227 volts, sequence is usually called "ABC,"
the average would be: when counterclockwise, "CBA."
(221+230+227)/3 = 226 This direction may be reversed
The percentage of the imbalance is outside the alternator by
then: interchanging any two of the line
wires. It is this possible interchange
[100 * (221-226)] / 226 = 2.2% of wiring that makes a phase
This exceeds the maximum sequence indicator necessary if the
allowable (2%) by 0.2 percent. operator is to quickly determine the
phase rotation of the motor.

Pre-Start Checkout

Proper compressor motor electrical Water System Flow Rates

phasing can be quickly determined
and corrected before starting the Establish a balanced chilled water
unit. Use a quality instrument, such flow through the evaporator. The
as the Associated Research Model 45 flow rates should fall between the
Phase Sequence Indicator, and minimum and maximum values
follow this procedure. given on the pressure drop curves.
Chilled water flow rates below the
1 Press the STOP key on the UCM- minimum values will result in
CLD. laminar flow, which reduces heat
2 Open the electrical disconnect or transfer and causes either loss of
circuit protection switch that EXV control or repeated nuisance,
provides line power to the line low temperature, cutouts. Flow rates
power terminal block(s) in the that are too high can cause tube
starter panel (or to the unit- damage in the evaporator.
mounted disconnect).
3 Connect the phase sequence Water System Pressure
indicator leads to the line Power
terminal block, as follows:
Measure water pressure drop
through the evaporator at the field-
Phase Sequence Lead Terminal
installed pressure taps on the
Black (Phase A) L1
system water piping. Use the same
Red (Phase B) L2 gauge for each measurement. Do
Yellow (Phase C) L3 not include valves, strainers fittings
in the pressure drop readings.
4 Turn power on by closing the unit
supply power fused-disconnect Pressure drop readings should be
switch. approximately those shown in the
pressure drop charts in the
5 Read the phase sequence on the Installation - Mechanical section.
indicator. The "ABC" LED on the
face of the phase indicator will
glow if phase is "ABC."
WARNING! To prevent injury or
death due to electrocution, take
extreme care when performing
service procedures with electrical
power energized.
6 If the "CBA" indicator glows
instead, open the unit main power
disconnect and switch two line
leads on the line power terminal
block(s) (or the unit mounted
disconnect). Reclose the main
power disconnect and recheck the
CAUTION! Do not interchange any
load leads that are from the unit
contactors or the motor terminals.
Doing so may damage the
7 Reopen the unit disconnect and
disconnect the phase indicator.

Unit Start-up Procedures

Daily Unit Start-Up For Free Cooling units only: To allow the system to operate even
At power up, the unit will choose in case of failure on chiller or on free
The time line for sequence of cooling side, a menu allows the
operation is shown at the end of this either if it should start in Free-
Cooling mode or in Compressor service technician to choose
section and depicts the nominal between the following modes:
delays and sequences that a chiller mode through the CarelTM module:
would experience during a typical • If only Free-Cooling is available, ❏ Auto mode: This is the default
operational cycle. The time line then Free-Cooling mode will be mode. If enable by external Free-
begins with a power up of the main entered immediately at this time. Cooling Enable input (FCE), the
power to the chiller. The sequence software will choose between
• If only Compressor mode is Free-Cooling mode or Compressor
assumes a RTAD chiller with no available, then Compressor mode
diagnostics or malfunctioning mode. If disable by FCE, the
will be entered immediately at this Compressor mode will always be
components. External events such as time.
the operator placing the chiller in enabled. In auto mode the RTAD
Auto or Stop, chilled water flow • If both modes are available, then Free-Cooling unit will always start-
through the evaporator, and the mode to enter will depend on a up in Compressor mode and then
application of load to the chilled few conditions. If ( (Leaving Water if conditions to pass in Free-
water loop causing loop water Temperature) - (Active Chilled Cooling mode are verified for at
temperature increases are depicted Water Setpoint) > 2 * (Dead band), least 15 minutes, the Free-Cooling
and the chillers responses to those or if Free-Cooling coil cannot mode will be enabled.
events are shown, with appropriate generate more than 5% of its delta ❏ Compressor mode only:
delays noted. The effects of T at current conditions, then the Compressor mode will always be
diagnostics, and other external Compressor mode will be entered enabled.
interlocks other than evaporator immediately. If these conditions are
false for at least 15 minutes, then ❏ Free-cooling mode only: Free-
water flow proving, are not Cooling will always be enabled.
considered. The response of the CLD the Free-Cooling mode will be
entered immediately. This will allow service on
Display is also depicted on the time compressor side of the unit.
WARNING! This menu will enable
function made by the software, but
service technician must remove all
power supply before servicing parts,
especially on moving dangerous

Unit Start-up Procedures

General CAUTION! To prevent compressor 4 A shortage of refrigerant is

damage, do not operate the unit indicated if operating pressures
If the pre-start checkout, as until all refrigerant and oil line are low and subcooling is also low.
discussed above, has been service valves are opened. If the operating pressures, sight
completed, the unit is ready to start. glass, superheat and subcooling
5 Verify that the chilled water pump
1 Press the STOP key on the CLD runs for at least one minute after readings indicate a refrigerant
module. the chiller is commanded to stop shortage, gas-charge refrigerant
(for normal chilled water systems). into each circuit, as required. With
2 As necessary, adjust the setpoint
the unit running, add refrigerant
values in the UCM-CLD « Operator 6 Press the AUTO key. If the chiller vapor by connecting the charging
Settings » menu. control calls for cooling and all line to the suction charging service
3 Close the fused-disconnect switch safety interlocks are closed, the valve port until operating
for the chilled water pump. unit will start. The compressor(s) conditions become normal.
Energize the pump(s) to start water will load and unload in response to
the leaving chilled water CAUTION! If both suction and
temperature. discharge pressures are low but
4 Check the service valves on the subcooling is normal, a problem
discharge line, oil line and liquid Once the system has been operating other than refrigerant shortage
line for each circuit. These valves for approximately 30 minutes and exists. Do not add refrigerant, as this
must be open (backseated) before has become stabilized, complete the may result in overcharging the
starting the compressors. remaining start-up procedures, as circuit. Use only refrigerants
follows: specified on the unit nameplate
1 Check the evaporator refrigerant (HFC 134a) and Trane Oil 00048.
pressure and the condenser Failure to do so may cause
refrigerant pressure under compressor damage and improper
Refrigerant Report on the CLD unit operation.
Module. The pressures are Note: On Free-Cooling units, in
referenced to sea level (1013 mbar Compressor mode, the procedure
-14.7 psia). will remain the same. In Free
2 Measure the system discharge Cooling mode, only point 1 needs to
superheat. be checked, as the compressors are
not running. To release more cooling
3 Measure the system subcooling.
capacity and reduce pressure drop,
Trane recommends using 50%
nominal water flow while in Free
Cooling mode.

Unit Start-up Procedures

Seasonal Unit Start-Up System Restart After

Procedure Extended Shutdown
1 Close all valves and re-install the Follow the procedures below to
drain plugs in the evaporator. restart the unit after extended
2 Service the auxiliary equipment shutdown:
according to the start- 1 Verify that the liquid line service
up/maintenance instructions valves, oil line, compressor
provided by the respective discharge service valves (when
equipment manufacturers. supplied) are open (backseated).
3 Close the vents in the evaporator CAUTION! To prevent damage to the
chilled water circuits. compressor, be sure that all
4 Open all the valves in the refrigerant valves are open before
evaporator chilled water circuits. starting the unit.

5 Open all refrigerant valves to 2 Check the oil separator oil level
verify they are in the open (see Maintenance Procedures
condition. section).

6 If the evaporator was previously 3 Fill the evaporator water circuit.

drained, vent and fill the Vent the system while it is being
evaporator and chilled water filled. Open the vent on the top of
circuit. When all air is removed the evaporator while filling and
from the system , re-install the close when filling is completed.
vent plugs on top of the CAUTION! Do not used untreated or
evaporator shell. improperly treated water.
CAUTION! Ensure that the Equipment damage may occur.
compressor and oil separator 4 Close the fused-disconnect
heaters have been operating for a switches that provides power to
minimum of 24 hours before the chilled water pump.
starting. Failure to do so may result 5 Start the evaporator water pump
in equipment damage. and, while water is circulating,
7 Check the adjustment and inspect all piping for leakage.
operation of each safety and Make any necessary repairs before
operating control. starting the unit.
8 Close all disconnect switches. 6 While the water is circulating,
9 Refer to the sequence for daily unit adjust the water flows and check
startup for the remainder of the the water pressure drops through
seasonal startup. the evaporator. Refer to "Water
System Flow Rates" and "Water
System Pressure Drop".
7 Adjust the flow switch on the
evaporator piping for proper
8 Stop the water pump. The unit is
now ready for start-up as
described in "Start-Up

Unit Shutdown Procedures

Temporary Shutdown And Extended Shutdown

Restart Procedure
To shut the unit down for a short The following procedure is to be
time, use the following procedure: followed if the system is to be taken
1 Press the STOP key on the UCM- out of service for an
CLD. The compressors will extended period of time, e.g.
continue to operate and, after seasonal shutdown:
unloading for 20 seconds, will stop 1 Test the unit for refrigerant leaks
when the compressor contactors and repair as necessary.
2 Open the electrical disconnect
Note: On Free-Cooling units in Free switches for the chilled water
Cooling mode, only the fans will pump. Lock the switches in the
stop. In Compressor mode, there is "OPEN" position.
no change.
CAUTION! Lock the chilled water
2 Stop the water circulation by pump disconnect Switch in the
turning off the chilled water pump. "OPEN" position, to prevent pump
To restart the unit after a damage.
temporary shutdown, enable the
chilled water pump and press the 3 Close all chilled water supply
AUTO key. The unit will start valves. Drain the water from the
normally, provided the following evaporator.
conditions exist: 4 Open the unit main electrical
❏ The control module receives a call disconnect and unit-mounted
for cooling and the differential-to- disconnect (if installed) and lock on
start is above the setpoint. the "OPEN" position.
❏ All system operating interlocks CAUTION! Lock the disconnects in
and safety circuits are satisfied. the "OPEN" position to prevent
accidental start-up and damage to
the system when it has been setup
for extended shutdown.
5 At least every three months
(quarterly), check the refrigerant
pressure in the unit to verify that
the refrigerant charge is intact.
Note: For Free-Cooling units, check
the percentage of ethylene glycol in
the water circuit in order to protect
against freeze-up.


General Weekly Maintenance Annual Maintenance

Perform all maintenance procedures While unit is running in stable 1 Perform all weekly and monthly
and inspections at the conditions. procedures.
recommended intervals. This will 1 Check UCM-CLD pressure for 2 Check oil sump oil level while unit
prolong the life of the chiller and Evaporator, Condenser and Oil. is off.
minimize the possibility of costly
failures. Record an operating history 2 The subcooling should never be Note: Routine changing of the oil is
for the unit, which will serve as a less than 3°C (5.4°F) under any not required. Use an oil analysis to
valuable diagnostic tool for service circumstances. determine the condition of the oil.
personnel. By observing trends in CAUTION! A clear sightglass alone 3 Have a qualified laboratory
operating conditions, an operator does not mean that the system is perform a compressor oil analysis
can anticipate and prevent problem properly charged. Also check rest of to determine system moisture
situations before they occur. After system operating conditions. content and acid level. This
the unit has been operating for analysis is a valuable diagnostic
3 Inspect the entire system for
approximately 30 minutes and the tool.
unusual conditions and inspect the
system has stabilized, check the
condenser coils for dirt and debris. 4 Contact a qualified service
operating conditions and complete
If the coils are dirty, refer to coil organization to leak test the chiller,
the procedures below:
cleaning. to check operating and safety
Note: On Free-Cooling units, the controls, and to inspect electrical
Free Cooling coil has to be checked components for deficiencies.
too. 5 Inspect all piping components for
leakage and damage. Clean out
any inline strainers.
Monthly Maintenance
6 Clean and repaint any areas that
1 Perform all weekly maintenance show signs of corrosion.
7 Clean the condenser coils.
2 Record the system subcooling.
WARNING! Position all electrical
3 Record the system superheat. disconnects in the "Open" position
4 Make any repairs necessary. and lock them to prevent injury or
5 Clean the strainer after 2 hours of death due to electrical shock.
operation. Note: On Free-Cooling units, the
Free Cooling coil has to be checked
8 Check and tighten all electrical
connections as necessary.

Pump maintenance
Pumps motor bearings and
mechanical seals have a designed life
expectancy of 20000-25000 hours of
operation. For critical applications it
might be necessary to change the
components as a preventive measure.

Maintenance Procedures

All the air-cooled RTAD chillers are Refrigerant Emission 6 Take extra care to properly
given a complete functional test at the maintain all service equipment that
factory covering sensors, wiring,
Control directly supports refrigeration
electrical components, Conservation and emission service work, such as gauges,
microprocessor function, reduction can be accomplished by hoses, vacuum pumps and
communication capability, expansion following recommended Trane recycling equipment.
valve performance and fans. Where operation, maintenance and service 7 Stay aware of unit enhancements,
applicable, each unit is factory preset procedures, with specific attention to conversion refrigerants,
to the customer's design conditions, the following: compatible parts and
including leaving water temperature 1 Refrigerant used in any type of air manufacturer's recommendations
setpoint, current limit, and reset conditioning or refrigerating which will reduce refrigerant
temperature setpoint. equipment should be recovered for emissions and increase equipment
Note: Free-Cooling units are freeze- reuse, recovered and/or recycled operating efficiencies. Follow
protected with 30% ethylene glycol for reuse, or reprocessed manufacturer's specific guidelines
in the cooling loop circuit which is (reclaimed). Never release for conversion of existing systems.
the most convenient percentage to refrigerant into the atmosphere. 8 In order to assist in reducing
protect the unit against freeze-up. 2 Always determine possible recycle power-generation emissions,
Protection coverage with 30% or reclaim requirements of the always attempt to improve
ethylene glycol: recovered refrigerant before equipment performance with
- freezing point without burst effect = beginning recovery by any improved maintenance and
-13°C method. operations that will help conserve
3 Use approved containment vessels energy resources.
- freezing point with burst effect =
- 50°C and safety standards. Comply with
all applicable transportation
It is necessary to regularly check the standards when shipping
percentage of ethylene glycol in the refrigerant containers.
water circuit (at least every three
months). 4 To minimize emissions while
recovering refrigerant, use
recycling equipment. Always
attempt to use methods which will
pull the lowest possible vacuum
while recovering and condensing
refrigerant into containment.
5 Refrigeration-system cleanup
methods that use filters and dryers
are preferred. Do not use solvents
that have ozone depletion factors.
Properly dispose of used materials.

Maintenance Procedures

Refrigerant and Oil Charge Some symptoms of a refrigerant Some symptoms of an oil under
over charged unit: charged unit:
- High Subcooling - Compressor rattle or grinding
Proper oil and refrigerant charge is - Larger than normal condenser sound
essential for proper unit operation, approach temperatures (Entering
unit performance, and - Lower than normal pressure drop
Condenser Saturated Temperature through oil system
environmental protection. Only - Entering Air Temperature)
trained and licensed service - Seized or Welded Compressors
personal should service the chiller. - Condenser Pressure Limit
- Low oil sump level after normal
Some symptoms of a refrigerant - High Pressure Cutout diagnostic shut down
under charged unit: - More than normal number of fans - Lower than normal oil
- Low Subcooling running concentrations in evaporator
- Larger than normal evaporator - Erratic Fan Control
approach temperatures (Leaving - Higher than normal compressor R134a Field Charging
Water Temperature - power
Saturated Evaporator Temperature) - Very low discharge superheat at
startup Be certain that the electrical power
- Low Evaporator Refrigerant to the unit is disconnected before
Temperature Limit - Compressor rattle or grinding performing this procedure.
- Low Refrigerant Temperature sound at startup
WARNING! Position all electrical
Cutout diagnostic Some symptoms of an oil over disconnects in the "OPEN" position
- Fully open expansion valve charged unit: and lock them to prevent injury or
- Larger than normal evaporator death due to electrocution.
- Possible whistling sound coming
from liquid line (due to high vapor approach temperatures (Leaving
velocity) Water Temperature - Refrigerant Charging
- Possible low discharge superheat Saturated Evaporator Temperature)
If the refrigerant charge needs to be
at high loads - Low Evaporator Refrigerant adjusted, be certain to monitor the
- High Condenser + Subcooler Temperature Limit subcooling and superheat
Pressure drop - Low Refrigerant Temperature measurements. The subcooling
Cutout diagnostic needs to be between 6°C (10°F) and
12°C (20°F) when the unit is running
- Very erratic liquid level control fully loaded. The ambient
- Low unit capacity temperature is between 24°C (75°F)
- Low discharge superheat and 38°C (100°F) and the leaving
(especially at high loads) water temperature is between 5°C
(41°F) and 13°C (55°F).
- Compressor rattle or grinding
- High oil sump level after normal
shut down

Maintenance Procedures

Isolating the refrigerant 5 Once the compressor stops, close Isolating the refrigerant
the discharge service valve on the
charge in the high pressure compressor (this valve is optional
charge in the low pressure
side for Low Side Repairs. on RTAD). side for High Side Repairs
To perform this operation the unit 6 The remaining refrigerant needs to If the refrigerant charge needs to be
must be equipped with the optional be recovered from the suction line isolated in the low side of the unit,
discharge service valve service valve. Attach the inlet of a perform the following procedures:
If the refrigerant charge needs to be recovery system to the port of the 1 Press the STOP key and send the
isolated in the high side of the unit, charging valve. Attach the outlet of unit to a stopping mode.
perform the following procedures: the recovery system to the
manifold gauge set that is already 2 Close the discharge service valve
1 Press the STOP key and send the attached to the access port on the (optional on RTAD).
unit to a stopping mode. liquid line service valve. The 3 Before closing the liquid line
2 Place a manifold gauge set on the condenser will be used as a service valve, attach a manifold
backseat port of the liquid line storage vessel. gauge set to the liquid line
servive valve before actually 7 Complete all necessary repairs. backseat port.
closing the valve. 4 Close the liquid line service valve.
8 Evacuate out of the suction line
3 Close the liquid line service valve. service charging valve. 5 Attach the inlet of a liquid transfer
4 While the unit is in the STOP 9 Break the vaccum by adding pump to the manifold gauge set
mode, enable Service Pumpdown refrigerant in the suction line and the outlet of the service valve
for the specific compressor. through the service valve. mounted on the suction line.
Service Pumpdown is found under This will transfer the liquid
the Service Tests menu of the 10 Open all valves, start the unit and
verify the refrigerant charge by refrigerant. As the low pressure side
UCM-CLD. cannot contain all the charge, the
measuring the subcooling.
Note: Service Pumpdown can only remaining refrigerant will be
be enabled for one compressor at a transferred to a separate vessel.
time. Only one pumpdown per 6 Remove all of the vapor from the
compressor can be performed, until high side of the system.
the unit has been reset.
7 Complete all necessary repairs.
With Service Pumpdown enabled,
the Restart inhibit will be ignored, 8 Evacuate the high side through the
the EXV will be prepositioned and access port on the liquid line
the selected compressor will start service valve.
and run for one minute. 9 Open all the valves and run the
unit. Verify the refrigerant charge
by measuring the subcooling.

Maintenance Procedures

Adding Refrigerant Table 40 - Refrigerant Charge Refrigerant Filter Changing

per Circuit (kg).
If the entire charge has been Unit Size Circuit A Circuit B
removed, perform the following Standard A dirty filter is indicated by a
procedures to recharge the unit. Free Cooling
RTAD 085 24 24 temperature gradient across the
1 Open all service valves RTAD 100 30 32 filter, corresponding to a pressure
2 Establish water flow through the
RTAD 115 35 36 drop. If the temperature downstream
RTAD 125 36 37
evaporator. Connect a hose from of the filter is 4.4°C (8°F) lower than
RTAD 145 44 48
the refrigerant bottle to the RTAD 150 44 48 the upstream temperature, the filter
backseat port on the liquid line RTAD 165 61 59 should be replaced. A temperature
RTAD 180 61 61 drop can also indicate that the unit is
shutoff valve. Midseat the valve. RTAD 085 HE 32 34
RTAD 100 HE 35 36
undercharged. Ensure proper
CAUTION! The evaporator water RTAD 115 HE 42 45 subcooling before taking
flow needs to be established and RTAD 125 HE 42 45 temperature readings.
maintained while adjusting the RTAD 145 HE 59 61 1 With the unit off, verify that the
charge to avoid freezing and RTAD 150 HE 59 61
Partial Heat Recovery
EXV is closed. Close liquid line
rupturing the tubes. RTAD 085 26 26 isolation valve. On units with
3 It may not be possible to put the RTAD 100 33 35 remote evaporators or oil cooling
RTAD 115 38 39 circuits, close ball valve on oil
entire amount of refrigerant charge RTAD 125 39 40 cooler liquid line.
required using step 2. If so, start RTAD 145 47 51
2 Attach vacuum hose to service
the unit and add liquid refrigerant RTAD 150 47 51
RTAD 165 65 63 port on liquid line filter flange.
through the liquid line service
RTAD 180 65 65 3 Evacuate refrigerant from liquid
valve. RTAD 085 HE 35 37 line and store.
4 Once the unit has been charged RTAD 100 HE 38 39
4 Remove vacuum hose.
RTAD 115 HE 45 48
with refrigerant, start the unit. RTAD 125 HE 45 48 5 Depress schrader valve to
Measure the subcooling and verify RTAD 145 HE 63 65 equalize pressure in liquid line
that the refrigerant charge is RTAD 150 HE 63 65 with atmospheric pressure.
Total Heat Recovery 6 Remove bolts that retain filter
correct. RTAD 100 55 52
RTAD 115 67 64
RTAD 125 68 64 7 Remove old filter element.
RTAD 145 86 84 8 Inspect replacement filter element
RTAD 150 86 84 and lubricate o-ring with Trane
RTAD 165 100 95
RTAD 180 100 98
RTAD 085 HE 63 60 Note: do not use mineral oil. It will
RTAD 100 HE 65 62 contaminate the system.
RTAD 115 HE 86 84
RTAD 125 HE 86 84
9 Install new filter element in filter
RTAD 145 HE 97 95 housing.
RTAD 150 HE 97 95 10 Inspect flange gasket and replace
Note: Size 085 does not exist for Total Heat Recovery
if damaged.
option but HE version is available 11 Install flange and torque bolts to
19-22 mN (14-16 lb-ft).
12 Attach vacuum hose and
evacuate liquid line.
13 Remove vacuum hose from liquid
line and attach charging hose.
14 Replace stored charge in liquid
15 Remove charging hose.
16 Open liquid line isolation valve.
On units with remote evaporators
or oil cooler circuits, open oil
cooler liquid line ball valve.

Maintenance Procedures

Lubrication System Oil Charging Procedure The standard oil charge for each
circuit size is in Table 41.
The lubrication system has been Proper charging of the oil system is
designed to keep most of the oil critical to the reliability of the Table 41 - Standard oil charge (l) (1)
lines filled with oil as long as there compressor and chiller. Unit size Circuit A Circuit B
is a proper oil level in the oil sump. Too little oil can cause the compressor
Partial Heat Recovery
The total oil charge can be removed to run hot and inefficiently. When Free Cooling
by draining the oil system, oil return taken to an extreme, low oil level may RTAD 085 6 6
RTAD 100 7 7
line from the evaporator, the result in infant failure of the
RTAD 115 9 9
evaporator, and the compressor. compressor. Too much oil will result in RTAD 125-145-150 10 10
Very small quantities of oil may be high oil- circulation rates, which will RTAD 165 15 11
found in other components. foul the condenser and evaporator RTAD 180 15 15
RTAD 085 HE 6 6
performance. This will result in RTAD 100 HE 7 7
inefficient operation of the chiller. RTAD 115-125 HE 10 10
Taken to an extreme, high oil levels RTAD 145-150 HE 11 11
may result in erratic expansion valve Total Heat Recovery
RTAD 100 5 4
control or shut down of the chiller due RTAD 115-125-145-150 8 7
to low evaporator-refrigerant RTAD 165 13 7
temperature. Too much oil may RTAD 180 13 12
RTAD 085-100 HE 5 4
contribute to long-term bearing wear.
RTAD 115-125-145-150 HE 8 7
Additionally, excessive compressor
wear is probable when the Note: Size 085 does not exist for Total Heat Recovery
option but HE version is available
compressor is started with the oil (1) Including oil charge within compressors.
lines dry.
Note: The oil system schematics are Recommendation: check the oil level
represented in Figures 27-29. in the sump using a sight glass
The oil system consists of the attached to charging hoses.
following components:
• Compressor
• Oil separator
• Discharge line with optional service
• Oil line from separator to
• Oil line drain (lowest point in
• Oil cooler
• Oil temperature sensor
• Oil line shut off valve with flare
service connection
• Oil filter (internal to compressor)
with flare fitting service connection
and schrader valve
• Oil flow control valve (internal to
the compressor after the filter)

Maintenance Procedures

1 To measure the oil level, use the Factory (initial) Oil-

oil drain valve on the oil line and a
service valve on the discharge line.
Charging Procedure
This measurement can only be The initial charging procedure
made when the circuit is not should be followed any time the unit
running. is new or has had all of the oil
Note: the bottom plate of the oil removed.
separator is approximately 25mm 1 Add 1 liter oil to the motor cavity
(1'') thick. or suction line prior to installing
2 After the unit has run for a while, the compressor into the chiller.
the oil level in the sump can vary 2 The oil-line shutoff valve must be
greatly. However, if the unit has open to allow the oil to pass into
run "normal" conditions for a long the oil lines and the oil separator.
time the level should be between
25 to -100mm (+1" to - 4" ) 3 The oil charging port is a ¼"
(6mm) flare fitting with a schrader
valve that is on the side of the oil-
The field charging procedure filter housing. This is the port that
depends on the circumstances that must be used to add oil into the
resulted in the need for oil compressor so that the filter and
charge. lines are full at the first start of the
1 Some service procedures may
result in loss of small quantities of 4 Oil may be put into the unit using
oil that must be replaced (oil either of two methods:
analysis, compressor filter CAUTION! Use only Trane Oil 00048
replacement, re-tubing the in the RTAD units to avoid any
evaporator, and so forth.). catastrophic damage to the
2 Additionally, some maintenance compressor or unit.
procedures may result in virtually • Have the unit in vacuum. Hook up
all of the oil being removed the oil charging hose to oil
(compressor motor burn or total charging fitting and submerse the
removal of the charge to trouble other end into the oil container. Let
shoot a unit). the vacuum draw the required
3 Finally, leaks may result in a loss amount of oil into the unit.
of oil that must be replaced. • Have the unit at the same pressure
as the oil. Hook up the oil charging
hose to the oil charging fitting and
the other end to an oil pump. Use
the pump to draw oil out of the oil
container and push the required
amount of oil into the unit.
Note: the compressor filter has an
internal shut off valve that will
prevent oil from entering the
compressor while the compressor is
not running. Therefore, there is no
concern about flooding the
compressor with oil.

Maintenance Procedures

Field Oil-Charging Note: Ensure that the compressor is 11 Open the other compressor
not pressurized. isolation valves.
3 Open the flare fitting on the oil-line Note: this procedure assumes that
Use the initial charging procedure shut off valve. the oil that is put into the filter
when virtually all of the oil has been housing does not have contaminants
removed. 4 Open the flare fitting on the filter
housing. This is the port that must such as non-condensable gases. The
Note: this procedure can be followed be used to put oil into the oil forces these gases out of the filter
even with the refrigerant charge compressor. and oil line shut off valve without
isolated in the evaporating section of the need to pull a vacuum on this
the unit. 5 Install charging hose on oil small volume. If the oil has been in
charging port (with the Schrader an open container or is otherwise
valve) and the other on the oil contaminated, then this small
If small quantities of oil were canister. volume must be subject to vacuum
removed to service refrigeration 6 Lift the oil canister, or use a pump, as well. However, the filter cavity is
components, such as the to pour oil into the filter housing. full of oil. Therefore, be sure to use a
evaporator, simply replace the oil flash tank in line with the vacuum
7 When oil comes out of the flare
that was removed into the serviced pump to make sure that oil, that is
fitting on the oil line shut off valve
component prior to vacuum and pulled out of the filter cavity, does
the filter is full. Stop adding oil.
recharge of the refrigerant. not slug the vacuum pump.
8 Put the cap on the flare on the oil
line shut off valve, remove the
If oil was removed to service a charging hose and put the cap
compressor or change the filter back on the flare on the filter
follow this procedure: housing.
1 If the compressor is a new 9 Vacuum the compressor (low side)
compressor or has been removed and prepare it for inclusion in the
from the system and reworked, system. There is a service valve on
add 1 liter oil to the motor cavity the suction line. Use these valves
prior to installing the compressor to vacuum the compressor.
into the chiller. 10 Open the oil line shut off valve.
2 Install the compressor in the Severe damage to the
system. Make sure that the filter compressor can result if the oil
shut off valve is closed. line shut off valve is closed when
Other compressor isolation valves the compressor is started.
may also be closed depending upon WARNING! Catastrophic damage to
the service that was completed. For the compressor will occur if the oil
example, changing the oil filter line shut off valve or the isolation
would require the compressor to be valves are left closed on unit start-
isolated and pulled into vacuum. up.

Maintenance Procedures

Evaporator Heat Tape Safety recommendations

Checkout Procedure To avoid accidents and damage, the
CAUTION! If the heat tapes wrapped following recommendations should
around the evaporator barrel fail, the be observed during maintenance
evaporator will freeze causing and service visits:
catastrophic damage to the entire 1. The maximum allowable
unit. pressures for system leak testing
To check the heat tapes wrapped on low and high pressure side are
around the barrel follow the given in the chapter "Installation".
procedures below. Always provide a pressure
1 Locate the connection under the
evaporator insulation near the 2. Disconnect the main supply
bottom of the barrel. before any servicing on the unit.

CAUTION! Do not cut past the 3. Service work on the refrigeration

evaporator insulation. Electrical system and the electrical system
damage to the heat tape wires will should be carried out only by
occur if cutting of the insulation is qualified and experienced
done improperly. personnel.

The resistance can be checked with

an ohmmeter to determine if there is
an open or a short. If a heater has
failed, replace as follows:
1 Remove the insulation around the
2 Remove the old heater.
3 The factory installed heaters have
the wire run under the insulation
of the evaporator. This can be
copied by cutting a small strip of
insulation out and replacing it with
4 Replace any insulation that was
5 Wire the heaters into the system
as per the wiring diagram.
6 Recheck the resistance to verify
that they are wired correctly.

Literature Order Number RTAD-SVX01F-E4
Date 1007
New / Supersedes RTAD-SVX01E-E4_1206
Stocking Location Europe
Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to
change design and specifications without notice. Only qualified technicians should perform the
installation and servicing of equipment referred to in this publication.
Trane BVBA
For more information, contact your local Chaussée de Wavre 1789 - 1160 Brussels, Belgium
sales office or e-mail us at [email protected] ON 0888.048.262 - RPR BRUSSELS

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