Ertad SVX01F E4
Ertad SVX01F E4
Ertad SVX01F E4
General information
General Information 2
Unit Inspection 7
Loose Parts Inventory 7
General Data - Standard cooling unit 8
General Data - Free-cooling unit 16
General Data - Heat Recovery unit 18
Unit Dimensions 23
Installation - Mechanical 24
Installation Responsibilities 24
Nameplates 24
Storage 26
Location Requirements 26
Isolation and Sound Emission 26
Neoprene Isolator Installation 26
Noise Considerations 26
Foundation 27
Clearances 27
Drainage 28
Unit Water Piping 28
Unit Piping 28
Entering Chilled Water Piping 29
Leaving Chilled Water Piping 29
Heat Recovery Water Piping 29
Evaporator Drain 29
Evaporator Flow Switch 29
Water Treatment 30
Water Pressure Gauges 41
Water Pressure Relief Valves 41
Freeze Protection 41
Installation - Electrical 42
General Recommendations 43
Installer-Supplied Components 48
Power Supply Wiring 48
Control Power Supply 48
Heater Power Supply 48
Water Pump Power Supply 48
Interconnecting Wiring 49
Chilled Water Flow (Pump) Interlock 49
Chilled Water Pump Control 49
Alarm and Status Relay Outputs
(Programmable Relays) 52
Low Voltage Wiring 54
External Emergency Stop 54
External Auto/Stop 54
External Circuit Lockout - Circuit 1 and Circuit 2 54
Ice Making Option 55
External Chilled Water Setpoint (CWS) 55
External Current Limit Setpoint (CLS) 56
Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor 56
Communication Card CSR 57
Communication link connection procedure 57
LonTalk communication interface 58
Operating Principles 64
System schematics 64
Pre-Start Checkout 67
Installation Checklist 67
Receiving 67
Unit Location and Mounting 67
Unit Piping 67
Electrical Wiring 67
General 68
Unit Voltage Power Supply 69
Unit Voltage Imbalance 69
Unit Voltage Phasing 69
Water System Flow Rates 70
Water System Pressure Drop 70
Maintenance 75
General 75
Weekly Maintenance 75
Monthly Maintenance 75
Annual Maintenance 75
Maintenance Procedures 76
Refrigerant Emission Control 76
Refrigerant and Oil Charge Management 77
R134a Field Charging Procedure 77
Refrigerant Charging 77
Isolating the Refrigerant in the High Pressure Side 78
Isolating the Refrigerant in the Low Pressure Side 78
Adding Refrigerant 79
Refrigerant Filter Changing Procedure 79
Lubrication System 80
Oil Charging Procedure 80
Factory (initial) Oil Charging Procedure 81
Field Oil Charging Procedure 82
Evaporator Heat Tape Checkout Procedure 83
Safety recommendations 83
General Information
General Information
(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges
General Information
(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges
General Information
Table 5 - General Data RTAD Standard Low Noise with Night Noise Set Back option
Size 085 100 115 125 145 150 165 180
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85 100/85 100/100
Evaporator Model EG120 EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 106 270 222 204 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 4.1 6.0 7.3 8.8 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow (l/s) 17.3 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 30.7 38.0 38.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (mm) 2743 3658 3658 3658 4572 4572 5486 5486
Coil Height (mm) 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 5/5
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 13.4 20.5 19.3 19.3 25.0 25.0 30.7 30.7
Nominal RPM 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550
Tip Speed (m/s) 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9
Motor kW (kW) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Low Ambient Unit (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 24/24 30/32 35/36 36/37 44/48 44/48 61/59 61/61
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 9/9 10/10 10/10 10/10 15/11 15/15
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 2660 3205 3655 3670 4310 4520 5490 5525
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 2554 2938 3433 3468 4107 4317 5073 5108
Table 6 - General Data RTAD High Efficiency Low Noise with Night Noise Set Back option
Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 270 222 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 6.0 7.3 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow (l/s) 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 38.0 38.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (mm) 3658 3658 4572 4572 5486 5486
Coil Height (mm) 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 5/5
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 19.2 19.2 24.9 25.0 30.6 30.6
Nominal RPM 550 550 550 550 550 550
Tip Speed (m/s) 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9
Motor kW (kW) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Low Ambient Unit (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 32/34 35/36 42/45 42/45 59/61 59/61
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 10/10 10/10 11/11 11/11
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 3340 3370 4005 4000 5440 5445
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 3073 3148 3802 3797 5023 5028
(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges
General Information
Table 8 - General Data RTAD High Efficiency High External Static Pressure
Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 270 222 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 6.0 7.3 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow (l/s) 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 38.0 38.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (mm) 3658 3658 4572 4572 5486 5486
Coil Height (mm) 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626 1626
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 27.6 31.5 35.6 39.4 45.4 47.3
Nominal RPM 935 935 935 935 935 935
Tip Speed (m/s) 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3
Motor kW (kW) 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Low Ambient Unit (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 32/34 35/36 42/45 42/45 59/61 59/61
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 10/10 10/10 11/11 11/11
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 3240 3370 3905 4000 5390 5445
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 2973 3148 3702 3797 4973 5028
(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges
General Information
English Units
Table 9 - General Data RTAD Standard
Size 085 100 115 125 145 150 165 180
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85 100/85 100/100
Evaporator Model EG120 EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (Gallon) 28.0 71.3 58.7 53.9 53.9 53.9 109.6 109.6
Minimum Flow (GPM) 65.2 95.1 115.0 139.2 139.2 139.2 184.0 184.0
Maximum Flow (GPM) 274.6 329.9 393.1 486.4 486.4 486.4 603.0 603.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (inch) 108 144 144 144 180 180 216 216
Coil Height (inch) 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 5/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (inch) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Total Air Flow (CFM) 49556 60460 57194 57248 78439 82716 95103 99250
Nominal RPM 915 915 915 915 915 915 915 915
Tip Speed (Ft/s) 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8
Motor kW (kW) 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05 2.05
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°F) 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Low Ambient Unit (°F) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (lbs.) 52.9/52.9 66.1/70.5 77.2/79.4 79.4/81.6 97/105.8 97/105.8 134.5/130.1 134.5/134.5
Oil Charge (1) (Gallon) 1.59/1.59 1.85/1.85 2.38/2.38 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 3.96/2.91 3.96/3.96
Operating Weight (4) (lbs.) 5864 6845 7837 7871 9392 9965 11993 12181
Shipping Weight (4) (lbs.) 5631 6257 7348 7425 8944 9517 11074 11261
(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges
General Information
(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges
General Information
Table 13 - General Data RTAD Standard Low Noise with Night Noise Set Back option
Size 085 100 115 125 145 150 165 180
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85 100/85 100/100
Evaporator Model EG120 EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (Gallon) 28.0 71.3 58.7 53.9 53.9 53.9 109.6 109.6
Minimum Flow (GPM) 65.2 95.1 115.0 139.2 139.2 139.2 184.0 184.0
Maximum Flow (GPM) 274.6 329.9 393.1 486.4 486.4 486.4 603.0 603.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (inch) 108 144 144 144 180 180 216 216
Coil Height (inch) 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 37318 37289 37318 37318 37318 37318 37318 37318
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 5/5
Diameter (inch) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Total Air Flow (CFM) 28479 43376 40791 40842 52929 52962 64956 65000
Nominal RPM 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550
Tip Speed (Ft/s) 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0
Motor kW (kW) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°F) 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
Low Ambient Unit (°F) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (lbs.) 52.9/52.9 66.1/70.5 77.2/79.4 79.4/81.6 97/105.8 97/105.8 134.5/130.1 134.5/134.5
Oil Charge (1) (Gallon) 1.59/1.59 1.85/1.85 2.38/2.38 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 3.96/2.91 3.96/3.96
Operating Weight (4) (lbs.) 5864 7066 8058 8091 9502 9965 12103 12181
Shipping Weight (4) (lbs.) 5631 6477 7568 7646 9054 9517 11184 11261
Table 14 - General Data RTAD High Efficiency Low Noise with with Night Noise Set Back option
Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (Gallon) 71.3 58.7 53.9 53.9 109.6 109.6
Minimum Flow (GPM) 95.1 115.0 139.2 139.2 184.0 184.0
Maximum Flow (GPM) 329.9 393.1 486.4 486.4 603.0 603.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (inch) 144 144 180 180 216 216
Coil Height (inch) 64 64 64 64 64 64
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 37318 37318 37318 37318 37318 37318
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 5/5
Diameter (inch) 30 30 30 30 30 30
Total Air Flow (CFM) 40710 40746 52846 52904 64872 64906
Nominal RPM 550 550 550 550 550 550
Tip Speed (Ft/s) 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0
Motor kW (kW) 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°F) 32 32 32 32 32 32
Low Ambient Unit (°F) 0 0 0 0 0 0
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (lbs.) 70.5/75.0 77.2/79.4 92.6/99.2 92.6/99.2 130.1/134.5 130.1/134.5
Oil Charge (1) (Gallon) 1.59/1.59 1.85/1.85 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 2.91/2.91 2.91/2.91
Operating Weight (4) (lbs.) 7363 7430 8830 8818 11993 12004
Shipping Weight (4) (lbs.) 6775 6940 8382 8371 11074 11085
(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges
General Information
Table 16 - General Data RTAD High Efficiency High External Static Pressure
Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Compressor Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (Gallon) 71.3 58.7 53.9 53.9 109.6 109.6
Minimum Flow (GPM) 95.1 115.0 139.2 139.2 184.0 184.0
Maximum Flow (GPM) 329.9 393.1 486.4 486.4 603.0 603.0
Qty of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Coil Length (inch) 144 144 180 180 216 216
Coil Height (inch) 64 64 64 64 64 64
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 37683 37683 37683 37683 37683 37683
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (inch) 30 30 30 30 30 30
Total Air Flow (CFM) 58412 66796 75432 83562 96257 100248
Nominal RPM 935 935 935 935 935 935
Tip Speed (Ft/s) 122.4 122.4 122.4 122.4 122.4 122.4
Motor kW (kW) 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.21
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
Standard Unit (°F) 32 32 32 32 32 32
Low Ambient Unit (°F) 0 0 0 0 0 0
General Unit
Refrigerant R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a R134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Refrigerant Charge (1) (Lbs.) 70.5/75.0 77.2/79.4 92.6/99.2 92.6/99.2 130.1/134.5 130.1/134.5
Oil Charge (1) (Gallon) 1.59/1.59 1.85/1.85 2.64/2.64 2.64/2.64 2.91/2.91 2.91/2.91
Operating Weight (4) (Lbs.) 7143 7430 8609 8818 11883 12004
Shipping Weight (4) (Lbs.) 6554 6940 8162 8371 10964 11085
(1) Data containing information on two circuits shown as follows: ckt1/ckt2
(2) Minimum start-up/operation ambient based on a 2.22 m/s (5mph) wind across the condenser.
(3) Percent minimum load is for total machine at 10°C (50F) ambient and 7°C (44F) leaving chilled water temp. Not each individual circuit.
(4) Weights with aluminium fins, power disconnect switch, isolators and pressure gauges
General Information
All Free Cooling units must be freeze protected with 30% Ethylene Glycol in the cooling loop circuit which is the most convenient percentage in order
to protect the unit against freezing.
Protection coverage with 30% Ethylene Glycol:
- freezing point without burst effect = -13°C;
- freezing point with burst effect = -50°C.
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
Table 22 - General Data RTAD Heat Recovery High Efficiency Low Noise
Unit Size 085 100 115 125 145 150
Number of Compressors 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nominal Size (1) (Tons) 40/40 50/50 60/60 70/70 85/70 85/85
Evaporator Model EG140 EG170 EG200 EG200 EG250 EG250
Water Storage (l) 269 223 204 204 415 415
Minimum Flow (l/s) 6 7.3 8.8 8.8 11.6 11.6
Maximum Flow l/s) 20.8 24.8 30.7 30.7 38 38
Water Connection Type Victaulic
Water Connection (inch-mm) 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3 6" - 168.3
Heat Recovery Heat-Exchanger
Type Brazed Plates
Water connection type Victaulic
Connection diameter 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3
Water Storage capacity (l) 8 8 9 9 11 11
Connection diameter (inch-mm) 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 2" - 60.3 3" O.D. - 76.1 3" O.D. - 76.1
Water Storage capacity (l) 10 10 14 14 16 16
Number of Coils 2 2 2 2 2 2
Fin series (Fins/ft) 192 192 192 192 192 192
Number of Rows 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3
Condenser Fans
Quantity (1) 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 6/5 6/6
Diameter (mm) 762 762 762 762 762 762
Total Air Flow (m3/s) 21.0 24.1 27.2 30.1 34.7 36.2
Nominal Speed (rpm) 750 750 750 750 750 750
Motor kW (kW) 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23
Min Starting/Oper Ambient (2)
PHR (°C) 0 0 0 0 0 0
THR (°C) -18 -18 -18 -18 -18 -18
General Unit
Refrigerant HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a HFC 134a
No. Of independent 2 2 2 2 2 2
Refrigerant Circuits
% Min. Load (3) 17 17 17 17 17 17
Weight. Capacities & Dimensions
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 35/37 38/39 45/48 45/48 63/65 63/65
Oil Charge (1) (l) 6/6 7/7 10/10 10/10 11/11 11/11
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 3411 3541 4084 4179 5574 5629
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 2655 2784 3325 3420 4812 4867
Refrigerant Charge (1) (kg) 63 / 60 65 / 62 86 / 84 86 / 84 97 / 95 97 / 95
Oil Charge (1) (l) 5/4 5/4 8/7 8/7 8/7 8/7
Operating Weight (4) (kg) 3594 3724 4338 4433 5831 5886
Shipping Weight (4) (kg) 3308 3484 4113 4208 5387 5442
Length (mm) 4426 4426 5351 5351 6370 6370
Width (mm) 2260 2260 2260 2260 2260 2260
Height (mm) 2095 2095 2115 2115 2215 2215
General Information
The below hydraulic module operating weight must be added to the RTAD operating
General Information
Unit Dimensions
Figure 2 - Unit Dimensions and Minimum Recommended Clearances
Table 24
Unit Dimensions (mm) Minimum clearances (mm)
Length Width Height A B C
Unit Size
Standard, Partial Heat Recovery, and Total Heat Recovery
RTAD 085 3507 2260 2095 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 100-115-125 4426 2260 2095 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 145-150 5351 2260 2115 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 165-180 6370 2260 2215 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 085-100 HE 4426 2260 2095 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 115-125 HE 5351 2260 2115 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 145-150 HE 6370 2260 2215 1200 1000 1000
Free Cooling
RTAD 085 3900 2420 2605 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 100-115-125 4850 2420 2605 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 145-150 5770 2420 2645 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 165-180 6810 2460 2745 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 085-100 HE 4850 2420 2605 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 115-125 HE 5770 2420 2645 1200 1000 1000
RTAD 145-150 HE 6810 2460 2745 1200 1000 1000
Note: Size 085 does not exist for Total Heat Recovery option but HE version is available
Installation - Mechanical
Compressor Nameplate
The compressor nameplate provides
following information:
• Compressor model number.
• Compressor serial number.
• Compressor electrical
• Utilization range
• Recommended refrigerant
Installation - Mechanical
Table 25
Unit Size Lengths (mm) Maximum weight (kg)(1)
A B L H max W Aluminium Copper
RTAD 085 4000 2400 3507 2215 2260 2740 3070
RTAD 100-115-125 4000 2400 4426 2215 2260 3565 4005
RTAD 145-150 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 4530 4940
RTAD 165-180 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 5345 5855
RTAD 085-100 HE 4000 2400 4426 2215 2260 3345 3785
RTAD 115-125 HE 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 4010 4560
RTAD 145-150 HE 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 5265 5775
Partial Heat Recovery
RTAD 085 4000 2400 3507 2215 2260 2810 3140
RTAD 100-115-125 4000 2400 4426 2215 2260 3635 4075
RTAD 145-150 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 4605 5015
RTAD 165-180 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 5430 5940
RTAD 085-100 HE 4000 2400 4426 2215 2260 3405 3845
RTAD 115-125 HE 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 4080 4630
RTAD 145-150 HE 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 5340 5850
Total Heat Recovery
RTAD 100 4000 2400 4426 2215 2260 3260 3540
RTAD 115-125 4000 2400 4426 2215 2260 3820 4260
RTAD 145-150 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 4855 5265
RTAD 165-180 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 5680 6190
RTAD 085-100 HE 4000 2400 4426 2215 2260 3580 3845
RTAD 115-125 HE 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 4320 4870
RTAD 145-150 HE 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 5580 6090
Free Cooling
RTAD 085 4600 2600 3900 2605 2420 3485 -
RTAD 100-115-125 4600 2600 4850 2605 2420 4920 -
RTAD 145-150 4600 2600 5770 2645 2420 5720 -
RTAD 165-180 4600 2600 6810 2745 2460 6985 -
RTAD 085-100 HE 4600 2600 4850 2605 2420 4540 -
RTAD 115-125 HE 4600 2600 5770 2645 2420 5480 -
RTAD 145-150 HE 4600 2600 6810 2745 2460 6905 -
RTAD 145-150 SE 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 5265 5675
RTAD 165-180 SE 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 6145 6655
RTAD 115-125 HE 4000 2400 5351 2215 2260 4740 5150
RTAD 145-150 HE 4000 2400 6370 2215 2260 6145 6655
Note: Size 085 does not exist for Total Heat Recovery option but HE version is available
(1) Maximum weight with all options
Installation - Mechanical
Installation - Mechanical
Installation - Mechanical
Installation - Mechanical
Installation - Mechanical
1 = 085 STD
2 = 115 STD, 100 HE
3 = 100 STD, 085 HE
4 = 125 STD, 145 STD, 150 STD, 115 HE, 125 HE
5 = 165 STD, 180 STD, 145 HE, 150 HE
Installation - Mechanical
1 = LRN 208-13/5.5
2 = LRN 208-14/7.5
3 = SIL 208-16/11
4 = SIL 208-17/15
1 = JRN 208-13/5.5
2 = JRN 208-14/7.5
3 = DIL 208-16/11
4 = DIL 208-17/15
Installation - Mechanical
1 = LRN 208-13/5.5
2 = LRN 208-14/7.5
3 = SIL 208-16/11
4 = SIL 208-17/15
1 = JRN 208-13/5.5
2 = JRN 208-14/7.5
3 = DIL 208-16/11
4 = DIL 208-17/15
Installation - Mechanical
1 = LRN 208-13/5.5
2 = LRN 208-14/7.5
3 = SIL 208-16/11
4 = SIL 208-17/15
1 = LRN 208-13/5.5
2 = LRN 208-14/7.5
3 = SIL 208-16/11
4 = SIL 208-17/15
Installation - Mechanical
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
1 = JRN 208-13/5.5
2 = JRN 208-14/7.5
3 = DIL 208-16/11
4 = DIL 208-17/15
1 = JRN 208-13/5.5
2 = JRN 208-14/7.5
3 = DIL 208-16/11
4 = DIL 208-17/15
Installation - Mechanical
Figure 14 - Water Pressure Drop RTAD Free Cooling - Free Cooling Mode
1 = 085 STD
2 = 085 HE, 100 STD
3 = 100 HE, 115 STD
4 = 115 HE, 125 HE, 145 STD, 150 STD
5 = 125 STD
6 = 145 HE, 150 HE, 165 STD, 180 STD
Installation - Mechanical
Figure 15 - Condenser Water Pressure Drop RTAD Partial Heat Recovery - Heating Mode
1 = 085-100
2 = 115-125
3 = 145-150
4 = 165-180
Figure 16 - Condenser Water Pressure Drop RTAD Total Heat Recovery - Heating Mode
1 = 085-100
2 = 115-125
3 = 145-150
4 = 165-180
Installation - Mechanical
Figure 17 - 3-way Valve Pressure Drop RTAD Total Heat Recovery - Heating mode
1 = 085-100-115-125
2 = 145-150-165-180
Figure 18 - Suggested piping for typical RTAD Standard and Heat Recovery evaporator
without hydraulic module
7 5
4 9 3
Installation - Mechanical
7 1
6 2
Installation - Mechanical
Figure 22 - Suggested condenser piping for typical RTAD THR with 3-way valve
Installation - Mechanical
Figure 23 - Suggested condenser piping for typical RTAD THR without 3-way valve
Installation - Mechanical
Installation - Electrical
Installation - Electrical
Installation - Electrical
Table 26 - Unit Wiring 400/3/50 - Standard cooling unit / Partial Heat Recovery and Total Heat Recovery units
Installation - Electrical
Table 27 - Unit Wiring 400/3/50/ cont - Standard cooling unit / Partial Heat Recovery and Total Heat Recovery units
Table 28 - Motor Data 400/3/50 - Standard cooling unit / Partial Heat Recovery and Total Heat Recovery units
Installation - Electrical
Table 29 - Motor Data 400/3/50/ cont - Standard cooling unit / Partial Heat Recovery and Total Heat Recovery units
1. Maximum Compressors FLA + all fans FLA + control Amps
2. Starting Amps of the circuit with the largest compressor circuit including fans plus RLA of the second circuit including fans + control Amps
3. Maximum FLA per compressor.
4. Compressors starting Amps, Star delta start.
5. Compressor Power Factor
Unit Size Nominal voltage Maximum unit kW Maximum RLA (1) Starting amps Power factor
(V/Ph/Hz) (kW) (A) (A)
RTAD 085 FC STD 400/3/50 149 239 251 0.90
RTAD 085 FC STD 400/3/50 149 239 251 0.90
RTAD 100 FC STD 400/3/50 169 278 302 0.88
RTAD 115 FC STD 400/3/50 199 319 355 0.89
RTAD 125 FC STD 400/3/50 244 391 429 0.90
RTAD 145 FC STD 400/3/50 268 431 465 0.90
RTAD 150 FC STD 400/3/50 291 471 496 0.89
RTAD 165 FC STD 400/3/50 294 520 563 0.89
RTAD 180 FC STD 400/3/50 352 569 601 0.89
RTAD 085 FC HE 400/3/50 149 239 251 0.90
RTAD 100 FC HE 400/3/50 174 286 310 0.88
RTAD 115 FC HE 400/3/50 204 327 363 0.89
RTAD 125 FC HE 400/3/50 249 399 437 0.90
RTAD 145 FC HE 400/3/50 273 439 473 0.90
RTAD 150 FC HE 400/3/50 296 479 504 0.89
Installation - Electrical
(1) Power input at Eurovent conditions: Ambient temperature 35°C, water temperature 12/7°C
Installation - Electrical
1. As standard, all units have single Power Supply Wiring Control Power Supply
point power connection. The unit is equipped with a control
All power supply wiring must be
2. LRA (Locked Rotor Amps) - based sized and selected accordingly by power transformer; it is not necessary
on full winding (x-line) start units. the project engineer in accordance to provide additional control power
LRA for wye-delta starters is 1/3 of with EN 60204. voltage to the unit. The RTAD units are
LRA of x-line units. factory-connected for 400V/3/50 with a
WARNING! To prevent injury or factory-installed control power
3. VOLTAGE UTILIZATION RANGE: death, disconnect all electrical transformer.
power sources before completing
Rated Voltage Utilization Range wiring connections to the unit.
400/50/3 340-460 Heater Power Supply
All wiring must comply with CE The evaporator shell is insulated from
For the RTAD 100 only, the electrical codes. The installing (or ambient air and protected from
Utilization Range is 360 - 460 Volts electrical) contractor must provide freezing temperatures by electric
and install the system heaters. A heater also protects the
interconnecting wiring and the heat recovery condenser(s) (only
Installer-Supplied power supply wiring. It must be available on Total Heat Recovery
Components properly sized and equipped with units). The heaters will provide
the appropriate fused disconnect protection from ambient
CAUTION! Customer wiring interface
switches. The type and installation temperatures down to -18°C (0°F). The
connections are shown in the
location(s) of the fused disconnects heaters are factory-wired back to the
electrical schematics and connection
must comply with all applicable unit control panel.
diagrams that are shipped with the
unit.The installer must provide the As an option, the heater will be
following components if not ordered CAUTION! Use only copper energized by a thermostat when the
with the unit: conductors for terminal connections temperature drops to 43°F (6.1°C).
to avoid corrosion or overheating.
❏ Power supply wiring (in conduit) CAUTION! Control panel main
for all field-wired connections. Cut holes into the sides of the processor does not check for loss of
control panel for the appropriately power to the heat tape nor does it
❏ All control (interconnecting) wiring
sized power wiring conduits. verify thermostat operation. A
(in conduit) for field supplied
devices. The wiring is passed through these qualified technician must verify power
conduits and connected to the to the heat tape and confirm
❏ Fused-disconnect switches or
terminal blocks, optional unit- operation of the heat tape thermostat
circuit breakers.
mounted disconnects, or circuit to avoid catastrophic damage to the
❏ Power factor correction capacitors. breakers. evaporator.
To provide proper phasing of
3-phase input, make connections as Water Pump Power Supply
shown in field wiring diagrams and Provide power supply wiring with
as stated on the Warning label in the fused disconnect for the chilled
starter panel. For additional water pump(s).
information on proper phasing, refer
to "Unit Voltage Phasing." Proper
equipment ground must be provided
to each ground connection in the
panel (one for each customer-
supplied conductor per phase).
Installation - Electrical
Installation - Electrical
Installation - Electrical
Specification for Total Heat Recovery Note: the hot water pump should
units run at least 3 minutes after heat
The heat recovery mode should be recovery mode is off. During these
validated by a dry contact supplied 3 minutes, the water flow through
by the field. The chiller will run in the heat recovery condenser will
heat recovery mode if the dry gradually be reduced to switch
contact is closed and if there is a smoothly to the conventional
need for cooling. A 3-way valve will cooling mode. See Figure 25 for
protect the operation of the chiller details.
when the return hot water
temperature is too low. This 3-way
valve will not be used if a variable
speed pump is used. In this case,
the control module for Heat
Recovery (A70) will provide a 2-10V
output proportional to the water
Installation - Electrical
Alarm and Status Relay Output Notes: For Free Cooling units a
(Programmable Relays) programmable relay output
Alarm/Running/Maximum Capacity (terminals A70 J17-C12-NO12 and
Outputs Terminals 1 to 7 on terminal -NC12) is available. It provides a
strip TB4 of the A1 board provide a normally close contact. Following
variety of contact outputs on the functions are available:
RTAD. These are dependent on the ❏ A70 ready to work, or working: the
setting of Programmable Relay normally open contact will close
Setup (Service Setting Menu) and its as soon as the controller is
relationship to diagnostics, powered and run, without any
compressors operating, and the sensor(s) or sequence(s) failure.
system operating at full ❏ A70 failure: the normally open
capacity. As shown in Figure 26, contact will close as long as there
there are three relays. is a failure detect on sensor(s) or
in sequence(s).
❏ Free cooling on: the normally
open contact will close as long as
the unit is making cold water with
free cooling.
Figure 26 - Alarm / Running / Maximum capacity relay output for the RTAD unit.
Installation - Electrical
1 Relay 1 Alarm
Relay 2 Compressor running
Relay 3 Maximum capacity
3 Relay 1 Alarm
Relay 2 Circuit 1 running
Relay 3 Circuit 2 running
Installation - Electrical
Installation - Electrical
This option allows the external Setpoint (°C) = (mA * 2.44) - 27.56
setting of the chilled-water setpoint
(CWS), independent of the front
panel chilled-water setpoint, by one
of two means:
1 - An isolated voltage input 2-10 V
2 - An isolated current loop input
4-20 mA
Note: For Free-Cooling units, this
option will be available only in
Compressor mode.
Installation - Electrical
Installation - Electrical
Installation - Electrical
Installation - Electrical
Table 38 - Glossary
Installation - Electrical
Index Network Variable SNVT Type Index Network Variable SNVT Type
0 nciLocation SNVT_str_asc(36) 34 nviTraneVar2 UNVT
1 nciChillerEnable SNVT_switch(95) 35 nvoTraneVar9 UNVT
2 nciMinOutTm SNVT_time_sec(107) 36 nvoStatusOutputs SNVT_state(83)
3 nciSndHrtBt SNVT_time_sec(107) 37 nvoCprsrsRunning SNVT_state(83)
4 nciCapacityLim SNVT_lev_percent(81) 38 nvoCondFans SNVT_state(83)
5 nciCoolSetpt SNVT_temp_p(105) 39 nvoEvapWtrPump SNVT_switch(95)
6 nciMode SNVT_hvac_mode(108) 40 nvoEvapWtrFlow SNVT_switch(95)
7 nciHeatSetpt SNVT_temp_p(105) 41 nvoCondWtrPump SNVT_switch(95)
8 nciDefaults SNVT_switch(95) 42 nvoCondWtrFlow SNVT_switch(95)
9 nciRcvHrtBt SCPTmaxRcvTime(48) 43 nvoOutdoorTemp SNVT_temp_p(105)
10 nciRefrigerant UCPT_refrig_type 44 nvoUnitVoltage UNVT_3phase_volt
11 nciMfgLocation UCPT_manufacturing_location 45 nvoEvapRfgtPrsC1 SNVT_press_f(59)
12 nciChillerType UCPT_chiller_type 46 nvoEvapRfgtPrsC2 SNVT_press_f(59)
13 nciDevMajVer SCPTdevMajVer(165) 47 nvoEvapRfgtTmpC1 SNVT_temp_p(105)
14 nciDevMinVer SCPTdevMinVer(166) 48 nvoEvapRfgtTmpC2 SNVT_temp_p(105)
17 nviChillerEnable SNVT_switch(95) 49 nvoCondRfgtPrsC1 SNVT_press_f(59)
18 nviCoolSetpt SNVT_temp_p(105) 50 nvoCondRfgtPrsC2 SNVT_press_f(59)
19 nvoOnOff SNVT_switch(95) 51 nvoCondRfgtTmpC1 SNVT_temp_p(105)
20 nvoActiveSetpt SNVT_temp_p(105) 52 nvoCondRfgtTmpC2 SNVT_temp_p(105)
21 nviCapacityLim SNVT_lev_percent(81) 53 nvoAirFlowPctC1 SNVT_lev_percent(81)
22 nviMode SNVT_hvac_mode(108) 54 nvoAirFlowPctC2 SNVT_lev_percent(81)
23 nviHeatSetpt SNVT_temp_p(105) 55 nvoOilTempA SNVT_temp_p(105)
24 nvoActualCap SNVT_lev_percent(81) 56 nvoOilTempB SNVT_temp_p(105)
25 nvoCapacityLim SNVT_lev_percent(81) 57 nvoOilTempC SNVT_temp_p(105)
26 nvoLvgChWTemp SNVT_temp_p(105) 58 nvoOilTempD SNVT_temp_p(105)
27 nvoEntChWTemp SNVT_temp_p(105) 59 nvoCurrentA UNVT_3phase_current
28 nvoEntCndWTemp SNVT_temp_p(105) 60 nvoCurrentB UNVT_3phase_current
29 nvoLvgCndWTemp SNVT_temp_p(105) 61 nvoCurrentC UNVT_3phase_current
30 nvoAlarmDescr SNVT_str_asc(36) 62 nvoCurrentD UNVT_3phase_current
31 nvoChillerStat SNVT_chlr_status(127) 63 nvoStartsRunTmA UNVT_starts_runtime
32 nviRequest SNVT_obj_request(92) 64 nvoStartsRunTmB UNVT_starts_runtime
33 nvoStatus SNVT_obj_status(93) 65 nvoStartsRunTmC UNVT_starts_runtime
66 nvoStartsRunTmD UNVT_starts_runtime
Installation - Electrical
Structure definition
Structure definition
Structure definition
Structure definition
Installation - Electrical
Range of enumeration values
Installation - Electrical
Range of enumeration values
Operating Principles
Figure 27 - System/Oil system schematic for Standard cooling /Partial Heat Recovery units
Operating Principles
LA only LA only
Operating Principles
Pre-Start Checkout
Pre-Start Checkout
❏ If alarm and status relay outputs 3 Check the power supply voltage to 6 Close the fused-disconnect
are used, install leads from the the unit at the main power fused- switch(es) that supplies power to
panel to the proper terminals on disconnect switch. Voltage must be the chilled water pump starter.
circuit board. within the voltage utilization range 7 Start the chilled water pump to
❏ If the emergency stop function is and also stamped on the unit begin circulation of the water.
used, install low voltage leads to nameplate. Voltage imbalance Inspect all piping for leakage and
terminals on circuit board. must not exceed 3%. make any necessary repairs.
❏ Connect separate power for the 4 Check the unit power phasing L1- 8 With water circulating through the
External Emergency Stop option, L2-L3 in the starter to be sure that system, adjust water flow and
if applicable. it has been installed in an "ABC" check water pressure drop through
phase sequence. the evaporator.
❏ If the ice making-option is used,
install leads on terminals TB1-1 CAUTION! Improper power phasing 9 Adjust the chilled water flow
and 2 on module A9. can result in equipment damage due switch for proper operation.
to reverse rotation.
WARNING! Use extreme caution
CAUTION! Do not use untreated or
General improperly treated water.
when performing the following
procedure with power applied.
When installation is complete, but Equipment damage may occur. Failure to do so can result in
prior to putting the unit into service, 5 Fill the evaporator chilled water personal injury or death.
the following pre-start procedures circuit. Vent the system while it is
must be reviewed and verified 10 Reapply power to complete
being filled. Open the vents on the procedures.
correct: top of the evaporator shell while
WARNING! Disconnect all electric filling and close when filling is 11 Prove all Interlock and
power including remote disconnects completed. Interconnecting Wiring Interlock
before servicing. Failure to and External as described in the
Important: The use of improperly Electrical Installation section.
disconnect power before servicing treated or untreated water in this
can cause severe personal injury or equipment may result in scaling, 12 Check and set, as required, all
death. erosion, corrosion, algae or slime. UCM-CLD menu items.
1 Inspect all wiring connections in The services of a qualified water Note: On Total Heat Recovery and
the compressor power circuits treatment specialist should be Free-Cooling units, also check and
(disconnects, terminal block, engaged to determine what set the A70 module.
contactors, compressor junction treatment, if any, is advisable. Trane
13 Stop the chilled water pump.
box terminals, etc.). to be sure warranty specifically excludes
they are clean and tight. liability of corrosion, erosion or 14 Energize compressor and oil
deterioration of Trane equipment. separators 24 hours prior to unit
CAUTION! Verify all connections are
Trane assumes no responsibilities start-up.
made. Loose connections can cause
overheating and undervoltage for the results of the use of
conditions at the compressor motor. untreated or improperly treated
water or saline or brackish water.
2 Open all refrigerant valves in the
discharge, liquid, oil and oil return
CAUTION! Do not operate the unit
with the compressor, oil discharge,
liquid line service valves and the
manual shutoff on the refrigerant
supply to the coolers "CLOSED".
Failure to have these "OPEN" may
cause serious compressor damage.
Pre-Start Checkout
Unit Voltage Power Supply CAUTION! Provide adequate voltage Unit Voltage Phasing
to the unit. Failure to do so can
Voltage to the unit must meet the cause control components to WARNING! It is imperative that L1,
criteria given in the Installation- malfunction and shorten the life of L2, L3 in the starter be connected in
Electrical Section. Measure each leg relay contact, compressor motors the A-B-C phase sequence to prevent
of the supply voltage at the unit's and contactors. equipment damage due to reverse
main power fused- disconnect. If the rotation.
measured voltage on any leg is not CAUTION! Power supply with TT or
TN earthing arrangement is not It is important that proper rotation of
within specified range, notify the the compressors be established
supplier of the power and correct compatible with IT (Insulated
Neutral) earthing arrangement. before the unit is started.
the situation before operating the
unit. Proper motor rotation requires
confirmation of the electrical phase
Unit Voltage Imbalance
sequence of the power supply. The
Excessive voltage imbalance motor is internally connected for
between the phases of three-phase clockwise rotation with the incoming
system can cause motors to power supply phased A, B, C.
overheat and eventually fail. The
Basically, voltages generated in each
maximum allowable imbalance is
phase of a polyphase alternator or
3 percent. Voltage imbalance is
circuit are called phase voltages. In
determined using the following
a three-phase circuit, three sine
wave voltages are generated,
% Imbalance = [(Vx - V ave) x differing in phase by 120 electrical
100]/Vave degrees. The order in which the
V ave = (V1 + V2 + V3)/3 three voltages of a three-phase
system succeed one another is
Vx = phase with the greatest called phase sequence or phase
difference from V ave (without rotation. This is determined by the
regard to the sign) direction of rotation of the alternator.
For example, if the three measured When rotation is clockwise, phase
voltages are 221, 230, and 227 volts, sequence is usually called "ABC,"
the average would be: when counterclockwise, "CBA."
(221+230+227)/3 = 226 This direction may be reversed
The percentage of the imbalance is outside the alternator by
then: interchanging any two of the line
wires. It is this possible interchange
[100 * (221-226)] / 226 = 2.2% of wiring that makes a phase
This exceeds the maximum sequence indicator necessary if the
allowable (2%) by 0.2 percent. operator is to quickly determine the
phase rotation of the motor.
Pre-Start Checkout
Unit Start-up Procedures
Daily Unit Start-Up For Free Cooling units only: To allow the system to operate even
At power up, the unit will choose in case of failure on chiller or on free
The time line for sequence of cooling side, a menu allows the
operation is shown at the end of this either if it should start in Free-
Cooling mode or in Compressor service technician to choose
section and depicts the nominal between the following modes:
delays and sequences that a chiller mode through the CarelTM module:
would experience during a typical • If only Free-Cooling is available, ❏ Auto mode: This is the default
operational cycle. The time line then Free-Cooling mode will be mode. If enable by external Free-
begins with a power up of the main entered immediately at this time. Cooling Enable input (FCE), the
power to the chiller. The sequence software will choose between
• If only Compressor mode is Free-Cooling mode or Compressor
assumes a RTAD chiller with no available, then Compressor mode
diagnostics or malfunctioning mode. If disable by FCE, the
will be entered immediately at this Compressor mode will always be
components. External events such as time.
the operator placing the chiller in enabled. In auto mode the RTAD
Auto or Stop, chilled water flow • If both modes are available, then Free-Cooling unit will always start-
through the evaporator, and the mode to enter will depend on a up in Compressor mode and then
application of load to the chilled few conditions. If ( (Leaving Water if conditions to pass in Free-
water loop causing loop water Temperature) - (Active Chilled Cooling mode are verified for at
temperature increases are depicted Water Setpoint) > 2 * (Dead band), least 15 minutes, the Free-Cooling
and the chillers responses to those or if Free-Cooling coil cannot mode will be enabled.
events are shown, with appropriate generate more than 5% of its delta ❏ Compressor mode only:
delays noted. The effects of T at current conditions, then the Compressor mode will always be
diagnostics, and other external Compressor mode will be entered enabled.
interlocks other than evaporator immediately. If these conditions are
false for at least 15 minutes, then ❏ Free-cooling mode only: Free-
water flow proving, are not Cooling will always be enabled.
considered. The response of the CLD the Free-Cooling mode will be
entered immediately. This will allow service on
Display is also depicted on the time compressor side of the unit.
WARNING! This menu will enable
function made by the software, but
service technician must remove all
power supply before servicing parts,
especially on moving dangerous
Unit Start-up Procedures
Unit Start-up Procedures
5 Open all refrigerant valves to 2 Check the oil separator oil level
verify they are in the open (see Maintenance Procedures
condition. section).
Unit Shutdown Procedures
Pump maintenance
Pumps motor bearings and
mechanical seals have a designed life
expectancy of 20000-25000 hours of
operation. For critical applications it
might be necessary to change the
components as a preventive measure.
Maintenance Procedures
All the air-cooled RTAD chillers are Refrigerant Emission 6 Take extra care to properly
given a complete functional test at the maintain all service equipment that
factory covering sensors, wiring,
Control directly supports refrigeration
electrical components, Conservation and emission service work, such as gauges,
microprocessor function, reduction can be accomplished by hoses, vacuum pumps and
communication capability, expansion following recommended Trane recycling equipment.
valve performance and fans. Where operation, maintenance and service 7 Stay aware of unit enhancements,
applicable, each unit is factory preset procedures, with specific attention to conversion refrigerants,
to the customer's design conditions, the following: compatible parts and
including leaving water temperature 1 Refrigerant used in any type of air manufacturer's recommendations
setpoint, current limit, and reset conditioning or refrigerating which will reduce refrigerant
temperature setpoint. equipment should be recovered for emissions and increase equipment
Note: Free-Cooling units are freeze- reuse, recovered and/or recycled operating efficiencies. Follow
protected with 30% ethylene glycol for reuse, or reprocessed manufacturer's specific guidelines
in the cooling loop circuit which is (reclaimed). Never release for conversion of existing systems.
the most convenient percentage to refrigerant into the atmosphere. 8 In order to assist in reducing
protect the unit against freeze-up. 2 Always determine possible recycle power-generation emissions,
Protection coverage with 30% or reclaim requirements of the always attempt to improve
ethylene glycol: recovered refrigerant before equipment performance with
- freezing point without burst effect = beginning recovery by any improved maintenance and
-13°C method. operations that will help conserve
3 Use approved containment vessels energy resources.
- freezing point with burst effect =
- 50°C and safety standards. Comply with
all applicable transportation
It is necessary to regularly check the standards when shipping
percentage of ethylene glycol in the refrigerant containers.
water circuit (at least every three
months). 4 To minimize emissions while
recovering refrigerant, use
recycling equipment. Always
attempt to use methods which will
pull the lowest possible vacuum
while recovering and condensing
refrigerant into containment.
5 Refrigeration-system cleanup
methods that use filters and dryers
are preferred. Do not use solvents
that have ozone depletion factors.
Properly dispose of used materials.
Maintenance Procedures
Refrigerant and Oil Charge Some symptoms of a refrigerant Some symptoms of an oil under
over charged unit: charged unit:
- High Subcooling - Compressor rattle or grinding
Proper oil and refrigerant charge is - Larger than normal condenser sound
essential for proper unit operation, approach temperatures (Entering
unit performance, and - Lower than normal pressure drop
Condenser Saturated Temperature through oil system
environmental protection. Only - Entering Air Temperature)
trained and licensed service - Seized or Welded Compressors
personal should service the chiller. - Condenser Pressure Limit
- Low oil sump level after normal
Some symptoms of a refrigerant - High Pressure Cutout diagnostic shut down
under charged unit: - More than normal number of fans - Lower than normal oil
- Low Subcooling running concentrations in evaporator
- Larger than normal evaporator - Erratic Fan Control
approach temperatures (Leaving - Higher than normal compressor R134a Field Charging
Water Temperature - power
Saturated Evaporator Temperature) - Very low discharge superheat at
startup Be certain that the electrical power
- Low Evaporator Refrigerant to the unit is disconnected before
Temperature Limit - Compressor rattle or grinding performing this procedure.
- Low Refrigerant Temperature sound at startup
WARNING! Position all electrical
Cutout diagnostic Some symptoms of an oil over disconnects in the "OPEN" position
- Fully open expansion valve charged unit: and lock them to prevent injury or
- Larger than normal evaporator death due to electrocution.
- Possible whistling sound coming
from liquid line (due to high vapor approach temperatures (Leaving
velocity) Water Temperature - Refrigerant Charging
- Possible low discharge superheat Saturated Evaporator Temperature)
If the refrigerant charge needs to be
at high loads - Low Evaporator Refrigerant adjusted, be certain to monitor the
- High Condenser + Subcooler Temperature Limit subcooling and superheat
Pressure drop - Low Refrigerant Temperature measurements. The subcooling
Cutout diagnostic needs to be between 6°C (10°F) and
12°C (20°F) when the unit is running
- Very erratic liquid level control fully loaded. The ambient
- Low unit capacity temperature is between 24°C (75°F)
- Low discharge superheat and 38°C (100°F) and the leaving
(especially at high loads) water temperature is between 5°C
(41°F) and 13°C (55°F).
- Compressor rattle or grinding
- High oil sump level after normal
shut down
Maintenance Procedures
Isolating the refrigerant 5 Once the compressor stops, close Isolating the refrigerant
the discharge service valve on the
charge in the high pressure compressor (this valve is optional
charge in the low pressure
side for Low Side Repairs. on RTAD). side for High Side Repairs
To perform this operation the unit 6 The remaining refrigerant needs to If the refrigerant charge needs to be
must be equipped with the optional be recovered from the suction line isolated in the low side of the unit,
discharge service valve service valve. Attach the inlet of a perform the following procedures:
If the refrigerant charge needs to be recovery system to the port of the 1 Press the STOP key and send the
isolated in the high side of the unit, charging valve. Attach the outlet of unit to a stopping mode.
perform the following procedures: the recovery system to the
manifold gauge set that is already 2 Close the discharge service valve
1 Press the STOP key and send the attached to the access port on the (optional on RTAD).
unit to a stopping mode. liquid line service valve. The 3 Before closing the liquid line
2 Place a manifold gauge set on the condenser will be used as a service valve, attach a manifold
backseat port of the liquid line storage vessel. gauge set to the liquid line
servive valve before actually 7 Complete all necessary repairs. backseat port.
closing the valve. 4 Close the liquid line service valve.
8 Evacuate out of the suction line
3 Close the liquid line service valve. service charging valve. 5 Attach the inlet of a liquid transfer
4 While the unit is in the STOP 9 Break the vaccum by adding pump to the manifold gauge set
mode, enable Service Pumpdown refrigerant in the suction line and the outlet of the service valve
for the specific compressor. through the service valve. mounted on the suction line.
Service Pumpdown is found under This will transfer the liquid
the Service Tests menu of the 10 Open all valves, start the unit and
verify the refrigerant charge by refrigerant. As the low pressure side
UCM-CLD. cannot contain all the charge, the
measuring the subcooling.
Note: Service Pumpdown can only remaining refrigerant will be
be enabled for one compressor at a transferred to a separate vessel.
time. Only one pumpdown per 6 Remove all of the vapor from the
compressor can be performed, until high side of the system.
the unit has been reset.
7 Complete all necessary repairs.
With Service Pumpdown enabled,
the Restart inhibit will be ignored, 8 Evacuate the high side through the
the EXV will be prepositioned and access port on the liquid line
the selected compressor will start service valve.
and run for one minute. 9 Open all the valves and run the
unit. Verify the refrigerant charge
by measuring the subcooling.
Maintenance Procedures
Maintenance Procedures
Lubrication System Oil Charging Procedure The standard oil charge for each
circuit size is in Table 41.
The lubrication system has been Proper charging of the oil system is
designed to keep most of the oil critical to the reliability of the Table 41 - Standard oil charge (l) (1)
lines filled with oil as long as there compressor and chiller. Unit size Circuit A Circuit B
is a proper oil level in the oil sump. Too little oil can cause the compressor
Partial Heat Recovery
The total oil charge can be removed to run hot and inefficiently. When Free Cooling
by draining the oil system, oil return taken to an extreme, low oil level may RTAD 085 6 6
RTAD 100 7 7
line from the evaporator, the result in infant failure of the
RTAD 115 9 9
evaporator, and the compressor. compressor. Too much oil will result in RTAD 125-145-150 10 10
Very small quantities of oil may be high oil- circulation rates, which will RTAD 165 15 11
found in other components. foul the condenser and evaporator RTAD 180 15 15
RTAD 085 HE 6 6
performance. This will result in RTAD 100 HE 7 7
inefficient operation of the chiller. RTAD 115-125 HE 10 10
Taken to an extreme, high oil levels RTAD 145-150 HE 11 11
may result in erratic expansion valve Total Heat Recovery
RTAD 100 5 4
control or shut down of the chiller due RTAD 115-125-145-150 8 7
to low evaporator-refrigerant RTAD 165 13 7
temperature. Too much oil may RTAD 180 13 12
RTAD 085-100 HE 5 4
contribute to long-term bearing wear.
RTAD 115-125-145-150 HE 8 7
Additionally, excessive compressor
wear is probable when the Note: Size 085 does not exist for Total Heat Recovery
option but HE version is available
compressor is started with the oil (1) Including oil charge within compressors.
lines dry.
Note: The oil system schematics are Recommendation: check the oil level
represented in Figures 27-29. in the sump using a sight glass
The oil system consists of the attached to charging hoses.
following components:
• Compressor
• Oil separator
• Discharge line with optional service
• Oil line from separator to
• Oil line drain (lowest point in
• Oil cooler
• Oil temperature sensor
• Oil line shut off valve with flare
service connection
• Oil filter (internal to compressor)
with flare fitting service connection
and schrader valve
• Oil flow control valve (internal to
the compressor after the filter)
Maintenance Procedures
Maintenance Procedures
Field Oil-Charging Note: Ensure that the compressor is 11 Open the other compressor
not pressurized. isolation valves.
3 Open the flare fitting on the oil-line Note: this procedure assumes that
Use the initial charging procedure shut off valve. the oil that is put into the filter
when virtually all of the oil has been housing does not have contaminants
removed. 4 Open the flare fitting on the filter
housing. This is the port that must such as non-condensable gases. The
Note: this procedure can be followed be used to put oil into the oil forces these gases out of the filter
even with the refrigerant charge compressor. and oil line shut off valve without
isolated in the evaporating section of the need to pull a vacuum on this
the unit. 5 Install charging hose on oil small volume. If the oil has been in
charging port (with the Schrader an open container or is otherwise
valve) and the other on the oil contaminated, then this small
If small quantities of oil were canister. volume must be subject to vacuum
removed to service refrigeration 6 Lift the oil canister, or use a pump, as well. However, the filter cavity is
components, such as the to pour oil into the filter housing. full of oil. Therefore, be sure to use a
evaporator, simply replace the oil flash tank in line with the vacuum
7 When oil comes out of the flare
that was removed into the serviced pump to make sure that oil, that is
fitting on the oil line shut off valve
component prior to vacuum and pulled out of the filter cavity, does
the filter is full. Stop adding oil.
recharge of the refrigerant. not slug the vacuum pump.
8 Put the cap on the flare on the oil
line shut off valve, remove the
If oil was removed to service a charging hose and put the cap
compressor or change the filter back on the flare on the filter
follow this procedure: housing.
1 If the compressor is a new 9 Vacuum the compressor (low side)
compressor or has been removed and prepare it for inclusion in the
from the system and reworked, system. There is a service valve on
add 1 liter oil to the motor cavity the suction line. Use these valves
prior to installing the compressor to vacuum the compressor.
into the chiller. 10 Open the oil line shut off valve.
2 Install the compressor in the Severe damage to the
system. Make sure that the filter compressor can result if the oil
shut off valve is closed. line shut off valve is closed when
Other compressor isolation valves the compressor is started.
may also be closed depending upon WARNING! Catastrophic damage to
the service that was completed. For the compressor will occur if the oil
example, changing the oil filter line shut off valve or the isolation
would require the compressor to be valves are left closed on unit start-
isolated and pulled into vacuum. up.
Maintenance Procedures
Literature Order Number RTAD-SVX01F-E4
Date 1007
New / Supersedes RTAD-SVX01E-E4_1206
Stocking Location Europe
Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to
change design and specifications without notice. Only qualified technicians should perform the
installation and servicing of equipment referred to in this publication.
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