Reflection Covid 19

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COLIS, Diane Grace G.

This moment of time, the whole world is facing a huge crisis which is the spread of a
virus with its name COVID- 19 that has claimed lives. Our country is experiencing the fast and
continuous spread of this virus which it may occur in contact with person who is infected and
increases the number of patients who have the virus. We were affected because of this crisis, a
fast action of the LGUs, Schools, government and others made a decision were many
establishments were closed, events were cancelled and the sudden cancellation of school classes.

Since the day the virus has come and reached in our country I worry about what will
happen to us. Knowing the symptoms are very common that all of us can experience that before
it’s just a common cold when you cough and have headache comparing it to the situation right
now, we may acquire this symptoms at the same time the virus not knowingly you infect others.
Hearing and seeing from the news that it is very contagious among people I honestly feel scared
because I saw some news that it is very alarming like other people who acquire the virus even if
they did meet the infected person and the death of the people from this virus. I sometimes think
about myself if I occur some symptoms like cough I think that I have this disease I cannot
accept if I harm my family but despite my thinking I thank God that he never fails to protect us.

Given this circumstances some precautions and simple instructions that we can obey
should strictly follow to prevent from getting infected of the disease. Enhance Community
Quarantine is implemented by this time meaning we cannot roam around outside the house but to
stay inside the house for safety purposes. The LGUs in our community makes a One person entry
and one day pass called the Home Quarantine Pass, it is made to be given to the houses that
makes one person only should be the one to get out and buy the needs of the family. By doing
this we help preventing the close contact with persons. We encourage by the officials to standby
in our houses until the virus is gone and lessen. Personally as a student, I want to encourage all to
be at home. Even I feel bored but I keep in my mind that I should worry about ourselves how
will we overcome this? Set aside the worries from school don’t disturb others but sympathize
them to overcome this. Keep on praying and have faith to God, he will never let us alone and
with him we’ll overcome the problem. I honestly first feel sad when this reflection is a to do
given to us because of others who do not know what is the current situation that we are facing
right now. (Most of them maybe do not understand or have no heart to have sympathy or just
they are curious what will be there grade). Even so, they are many people who are already
getting involved in this situation especially the fronliners. The situation is continuously getting
worse, the medical equipment and an isolation room for infected patients are lacking. A big
thanks to those who are donating the needs of the medical team.

To conclude, I am happy that I was able to reflect because of this assignment given, it
makes me even more aware of the happenings that we have in the world. During this calamity, I
now have time to be with my loved ones and we experience the first time that we cannot
celebrate the Lenten season in the Church. I take this time to be with my family and pray for
those who are affected, the safeness of the frontliners and to all of us. I now ate with my family,
we laugh together, and chitchating “tsimiss” that makes our time worth by the long break. It is a
very serious matter that we should be mindful of. Every day the news is filled the increase
number of people that is infected by the virus. Dear citizens don’t be hard headed and strictly
follow rules that implemented to lessen the spread of the virus.

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