Compiled - Wise Dsa Sheet: 450 3 - 4 Months

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TOPIC COVERED: ❤️From Siddharth Singh

Array & String YOUTUBE LINK:
Sorting and Searching
Linked List
Stacks and Queue
Tree Total Questions: COLOUR CODING
Graph 450 DOUBT
HashMap and Heap EASY
Greedy Time Duration: MEDIUM
Dynamic Programming 3 - 4 Months EXCELLENT
Bit Manipulation
Array &String
Day 1
Squares of a sorted array
Rotate Array rotate-array
Relatively prime
Napoleon cake
Next Greater Element III next-greater-element-version3
majority element majority element
majority element 2 majority element 2
majority element general majority element general
Day 2
Max chunks to make sorted max chunks to make sorted
Max Chunks To Make Sorted II max-chunks-to-make-sorted-ii
max product of 3 numbers max product of three numbers
largest number atleast twice of others largest atleast twice
Product of Array Except Self product-of-array-except-self
number of subarrays with bounded maximum number with bounded max
maximum subarray kadanes-algo
Day 3
K-CON K-con
best meeting points best meeting point
Segregate 0 and 1 Segregate 0 and 1
Segregate 0-1-2 Segregate 0,1,2
Sort Array By Parity sort-array-by-parity
partition labels partition labels
Check whether one string is a rotation of another
Day 4
Meximization Codeforces
K_LCM 1 Codeforces
K_LCM 2 Codeforces
consecutive number sum consecutive number sum
Fast Exponentiation
Fibonacci Number fibonacci-number
Sieve of Eratosthenes Sieve
Segmented sieve segmented sieve
wiggle sort wiggle sort
MIn Jump required with +i or -i allowed min jump
Maximum Swap maximum-swap

Day 5
minimum domino rotation for equal row min rotation
multiply strings multiply strings
Two Sum two sum
Two Difference two difference
Boats to Save People save-people-using-boat
smallest range from k lists smallest from k lists
maximum product subarray max product subarray
Min No. of Platform min no. of platform
Reverse vowels of a string reverse vowels of a string

Day 6
First missing positive first missing positive
rotate image rotate image
Minimum swaps required bring elements less equal K together min. swaps
push dominoes Push dominoes
valid pallindrome 2 valid pallindrome 2
Sum of subsequence width sum of subsequence widhts
Find the "Kth" max and min element of an array Kth Max and min element
Day 7
maximize distance to closest person max distance
Buddy nim Buddy nim
Bulb switcher 3 bulb switcher
Interesting subarrays interesting subarrays
Sort the array Array sort
max sum of two non overlapping subarrays max sum of two non overlapping
Minimise the maximum difference between heights [V.IMP] Minimise max diff b/w heights
Range Related question
Day 8
Long Pressed Name long-pressed-name
Range Addition range-addition
Max range query
Orderly Queue orderly-queue
Container With Most Water container-with-most-water

Day 9
Spiral traversal on a Matrix
Search an element in a matriix
Find median in a row wise sorted matrix
Find row with maximum no. of 1's
Print elements in sorted order using row-column wise sorted matrix
Day 10
Find a specific pair in matrix
Rotate matrix by 90 degrees
Kth smallest element in a row-cpumn wise sorted matrix
Common elements in all rows of a given matrix

Sorting and Searching

Day 11
Binary search
median of two sorted array median of two sorted array
capacity to ship within D days capacity to ship within D days
koko eating bananas koko eating bananas
smallest divisor given a threshold smallest divisor given a threshold
Painter's partition problem painter's partition problem
split array largest sum split array largest sum
Day 12
Median from data stream Median from data stream
Kth smallest prime fraction Kth smallest prime
search in rotated sorted array search in rotated sorted array
Search in rotated sorted array 2 search in rotated sorted array 2
Find Minimum in rotated sorted array Find Minimum in rotated sorted array
find min in rotated sorted array 2 Min. in rotated sorted array
counting sort counting sort
merge sort merge sort
count inversions count inversions
Linked List
Day 13
reverse LinkedList Reverse LinkedList
Reverse a Linked List in group of Given Size.
Find the middle element middle element
Floyd cycle Detect loop in a linkedlist
Clone a linkedlist clone
Split circular Linkedlist Split into two parts
Day 14
Intersection point of 2 linked list Intersection point
LRU Cache LRU Cache
Merge Sort For Linked lists.[Very Important]
Quicksort for Linked Lists.[Very Important]
Write a Program to check whether the Singly Linked list is a palindrome or not.
Sort a “k”sorted Doubly Linked list.[Very IMP]
Day 15
Rotate a Doubly Linked list in group of Given Size.[Very IMP]
Flatten a Linked List
Sort a LL of 0's, 1's and 2's
Delete nodes which have a greater value on right side
Remove Duplicates in a sorted Linked List.
Add two numbers represented by linked lists.
Stacks And Queue
Day 16
Next Greater Element on right Next Greater
Next Greater Element 2 Next Greater 2
Daily Temperatures Daily Temperatures
Stock Span Problem Stock Span
maximum difference between left and right smaller Left Right smaller
Largest Rectangular Area Histogram Largest Area Histogram
maximu size binary matrix containing 1 maximum size binary matrix
Asteroid Collision Asteroid Colllision
Day 17
Valid Parentheses Valid Parentheses
Length of longest valid substring Valid Parentheses Substring
Count of duplicate Parentheses Count of Duplicate Parentheses
Minimum Number of bracket reversal Min Reversal
Minimum Add To make Parentheses Valid Making Parentheses Valid
Remove K digits From number Remove k digits
Longest Unbalanced Subsequence
First negative Integer in k sized window First negative value
Maximum sum of smallest and second smallest max sum smallest and second smallest
K reverse in a queue K reverse in a queue
K stacks in a single array K stacks in a single array

Day 18
K queue K queue in a single array
Gas Station Gas station
Print Binary Number Binary Number upto n
Remove duplicate letters Remove duplicate letter
Backspace String Compare Compare after deletion
Car fleet Car fleet
Validate Stack Stack Validation
Day 19
max frequency stack max freq stack
Min Stack min stack
Min cost tree from leaf values
Day 20
Inorder Traversal Inorder traversal
Preorder Traversal Preorder traversal
Postorder Traversal Postorder traversal
Binary Tree Level Order Level Order
Binary search tree to greater sum Greater sum BST
Next right pointer in each node Next right pointer in each node
Sum of distances in tree sum of distances in tree
Day 21
right side view right view
Left View Left view
Top View Top view
Bottom View Bottom view
reverse level order reverse level order
Vertical order vertical order
Diagonal Traversal diagonal traversal
Boundary Traversal Boundary traversal
Binary tree coloring game Colring game
Day 22
image multiplication image multiplication
inorder succesor inorder successor
Max product splitted binary tree Max product splitted binary tree
Lowest common ancestor in BST LCA in BST
Lowest common ancestor lowest common ancestor
Day 23
Distribute coins in a binary tree distribute coins
Binary Tree Cameras Binary tree camera
Max path sum
Recover binary search tree recover binary search tree
Flatten binary tree to linked list Flatten binary tree to linked list
Convert a binary tree to circular doubly linked list Convert to circular DLL
Day 24
Conversion of sorted DLL to BST DLL to BST
Merge Two BST Merge 2 BST
clone a binary tree with random pointer clone binary tree
Delete node in bst
Construct from inorder and preorder from in and pre
Construct from inorder and postorder from in and post
Day 25
Inorder and level order Inorder and level order
isBstPreorder preorder isBst
BST from Postorder Bst from postorder
BST from preorder BST from preorder
Construct from pre and post Pre and Post
serialize and deserialise serialize and deserialize
Fenwick tree Fenwick tree
Longest zigzag path in binary tree zigzag in a binary tree
Day 26
Count complete tree node count complete tree node
closest binary search tree closest binary search tree
Closest binary search tree value 2 closest binary search tree 2
Sum root to leaf sum root to leaf
LCA in O(root h)
Segment tree
Day 27
BFS of graph bfs-of-graph
Bipartite graph Bipartite graph
Bus routes
Prim's Algo Prims algo
connecting cities with minimum cost Connecting cities with min cost
Dijkstra algo Dijkstra
Day 28
chef and reversing chef and reversing
optimize water distribution in village optimize water distribution
evaluate division
Strongly Connected Components (Kosaraju's Algo)
Mother Vertex mother-vertex
Number of Enclaves number-of-enclaves
0-1 matrix 01-matrix
Number of Islands number-of-islands
Number of Distinct Islands number-of-distinct-islands
Day 29
Word Ladder word-ladder
Shortest bridge
As far from land as possible As far from land as possible
Sliding Puzzle
bellman ford Bellman ford
Day 30
Coloring A Border coloring-a-border
Rotting Oranges rotten-oranges
topological sorting topological sorting
Kahn's algo Kahn's algo
course schedule 2 course schedule 2
Articulation point articulation point
Doctor Strange doctor-strange
Eulerian Path in an Undirected Graph euler-circuit-in-an-undirected-graph
Euler Circuit in a Directed Graph euler-circuit-in-a-directed-graph
Day 31
Number of Islands II number-of-islands-ii
Regions Cut By Slashes regions-cut-by-slashes
Sentence Similarity II sentence-similarity
Satisfiability of Equality Equations consistent-equations
Redundant Connection redundant-connection
Redundant connection 2 redundant-connection 2
Day 32
Castle RUN castle-run
Minimize Malware Spread minimize-malware-spread
Kruskal's algo MST
Job Sequencing Job sequencing
Reconstruct Itinerary reconstruct-journey
Sort item by group accord to dependencies dependency sort
Day 33
Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column most-stones-removed-with-same-row-or-column
Find the Maximum Flow Ford fulkerson and Edmond's karp
Maximum Bipartite Matching maximum-bipartite-matching
Min swaps required to sort array Min swaps
Day 34
min swaps to make 2 array identical
Bricks Falling when hit
Alien Dictionary
Largest color value in a directed graph largest color value
Swim in rising water
Shortest distance from all buildings
remove max number of edges to keep graph traversal
Day 35
graph connectivity with threshold
Smallest strings with swaps
cheapest flight within k stops cheapest flight within k stops
crackng the safe Cracking the safe
Find evantual safe state
Shortest cycle in an undirected graph
Floyd Warshall floyd-warshall
Johnson's algorithm
HashMap and Heap
Day 36
number of subarrays sum exactly k number of subarrays with sum exactly k
Subarray sum Divisible by k Sum divisibe by k
Same differences
subarray with equal number of 0 and 1 subarray with equal zero and one
Substring with equal 0 1 and 2 substring with equal 0 1 2
K closest point from origin K closest point from origin
Longest consecutive 1's longest consecutive 1's

Day 37
Minimum number of refueling spots minimum number of refueling spot
Potions(hard version)
X of akind in a deck X of a kind in a deck
Check AP sequence Check AP sequence

Day 38
Array of doubled Pair Array of doubled Pair
Rabbits in forest Rabbits in a forest
Longest consecutive sequence Longest consecutive sequence
The skyline problem The skylinne problem
Morning Assembly morning assembly
Brick wall
Day 39
Grid illumination Grid illumination
Island perimeter Island perimeter
bulb switcher bulb switcher
Isomorphic string Isomorphic string
Pairs of coinciding points Coinciding points

Day 40
trapping rain water trapping rain water
Trapping Rain Water II trapping rain water 2
Count Pair whose sum is divisible by k Pair sum divisibility
length of largest subarray with continuous element length of largest subarray with cont element
length of largest subarray with cont element 2 length of largest subarray with cont element 2
smallest number whose digit mult to given no. Smallest no. digit multiply to given number
same frequency after one removal Same after one removal
Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Insert delete GetRand O(1)

Day 41
Insert delete get random duplicates allowed Insert delete GetRand O(1) with duplicates
Find all anagrams in a string Find all anagram
Anagram Pallindrome Anagram pallindrome
Find smallest size of string containing all char of other Smallest window string
Group anagram Group angram
longest substring with unique character longest substring with unique character
smallest subarray with all the occurence of MFE Smallest subarray with all MFE
Find Anagram Mapping Find anagram mapping
K anagram K anagram

Day 42
rearrange character string such that no two are same rearrange such that no two are same
Mode of frequencies Mode of frequencies
Line reflection Line reflection
Kth smallest element in sorted 2d matrix kth smallest in 2d matrix
Kth smallest prime fraction Kth smallest prime
Employee Free time Employee free time

Day 43
Activity Selection Problem
Job SequencingProblem
Huffman Coding
Water Connection Problem
Fractional Knapsack Problem
Greedy Algorithm to find Minimum number of Coins
Maximum trains for which stoppage can be provided
Minimum Platforms Problem
Day 44
Buy Maximum Stocks if i stocks can be bought on i-th day
Find the minimum and maximum amount to buy all N candies
Minimize Cash Flow among a given set of friends who have borrowed money from each other
Minimum Cost to cut a board into squares
Check if it is possible to survive on Island
Find maximum meetings in one room
Maximum product subset of an array
Maximize array sum after K negations
Day 45
Maximize the sum of arr[i]*i
Maximum sum of absolute difference of an array
Maximize sum of consecutive differences in a circular array
Minimum sum of absolute difference of pairs of two arrays
Program for Shortest Job First (or SJF) CPU Scheduling
Program for Least Recently Used (LRU) Page Replacement algorithm
Smallest subset with sum greater than all other elements
Chocolate Distribution Problem
Day 46
DEFKIN -Defense of a Kingdom
GERGOVIA -Wine trading in Gergovia
Picking Up Chicks
CHOCOLA –Chocolate
ARRANGE -Arranging Amplifiers
Day 47
K Centers Problem
Minimum Cost of ropes
Find smallest number with given number of digits and sum of digits
Rearrange characters in a string such that no two adjacent are same
Find maximum sum possible equal sum of three stacks
Day 48
Rat in a maze Problem
Printing all solutions in N-Queen Problem
Word Break Problem using Backtracking
Remove Invalid Parentheses
Sudoku Solver
Day 49
m Coloring Problem
Print all palindromic partitions of a string
Subset Sum Problem
The Knight’s tour problem
Day 50
Tug of War
Find shortest safe route in a path with landmines
Combinational Sum
Find Maximum number possible by doing at-most K swaps
Print all permutations of a string
Day 51
Find if there is a path of more than k length from a source
Longest Possible Route in a Matrix with Hurdles
Print all possible paths from top left to bottom right of a mXn matrix
Partition of a set intoK subsets with equal sum
Find the K-th Permutation Sequence of first N natural numbers

Dynamic Programming
Day 52
longest increasing subsequence LIS(n^2)
longest increasing subsequence LIS(nLogn)
building bridges Building bridges
Russian doll envelopes Envelope stacking
Box stacking Stacking
weighted Job scheduling weighted job scheduling
minimum number of increasing subsequence min number of inc subseq
Day 53
Paint fence Paint fence
Paint house Paint house
Paint house 2 Paint house 2
No. of binary string without consecutive 1 Without cons 1
Possible ways to construct the building
Catalan number
Total no. of bst Total bst
Applications of Catalan numbers
Min cost path min cost path
Cherry pickup Cherry pickup
Day 54
Cherry pickup 2
best time to buy and sell stock best time to buy and sell
best time to buy and sell 2 best time to buy and sell 2
buy and sell with transaction fee transaction fee
best time to buy and sell with cool down cooldown
best time to buy and sell 3 best time to buy and sell 3
best time to but and sell 4 best time to buy and sell 4
Highway billboard problem billboard
Day 55
burst balloons Burst balloons
Matrix chain multiplication MCM
boolean parenthesization boolean parenthesization
Min and max val of expression Min and max
Minimum score triangulation Min score triangulation
Binomial coefficient binomial coefficient
Day 56
Longest common subsequence LCS
LCS triplet LCS triplet
Longest pallinddromic subsequence LPS
Count all pallindromic subsequence
Count distinct pallindromic subsequence
Palindromic substrings
No. of sequence of type a^i+b^j+c^k seq of given type
COunt of distinct subsequences
Day 57
Edit distance Edit distance
2 egg 100 floor
egg drop
Optimal strategy for a game
Ugly number
Super ugly number Super ugly number
max size subsquare with all 1
Wildcard pattern matching Wildcard
Day 58
Regular Expression Matching
Palindrome partitioning
Longest Bitonic subsequence
Knights probability in chessboard
Word break problem
Longest repeating subsequence
Day 59
Optimal BST
Max sum subarray with atleast k elements
Say no to palindrome
Number of digit 1
Scramble string Scramble string
Distinct subsequences
Shortest common superseq
Day 60
Longest common substring
Frog jump
Jump game 2
Friends pairing problem Friends pairing problem
Dungeon game
String Algorithm
Day 61
Rabin Karp Rabin Karp
Shortest Palindrome shortest-palindrome
Z algo Z algo
chef and secret password Chef and secret password
Manacher's algo Manachers's algo
Day 62
Tri tiling tri tiling
Scramble string Scramble string
Coin change
Coin change 2
Unbounded knapsack Unbounded knap
Bit Manipulation
Day 63
Count set bits in an integer
Reverse Bits
Find the two non-repeating elements in an array of repeating elements
Count number of bits to be flipped to convert A to B
Program to find whether a no is power of two
Copy set bits in a range
Calculate square of a number without using *, / and pow()
Day 64
Subsequence of string (using Bit Manipulation)
Single Number II
Hamming Distance(Imp.)
Bitwise ORs of subarrays
Divide Integers
Minimum Xor Value
Max Xor In a range [L,R]

Day 65
Implement Trie prefix tree Implement Trie
maximum XOR of two numbers in an array Maimum XOR
Search Suggestions System Search suggestions system
Kth smallest in lexicographical order Kth smallest in lexicographical
No prefix set No prefix set
Shortest Unique prefix Shortest unique prefix

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