Open World Preliminary B1 Reading WS 1 Standard
Open World Preliminary B1 Reading WS 1 Standard
Open World Preliminary B1 Reading WS 1 Standard
to dock launderette running water semi-detached suburbs tank
2 Read the blog and choose the correct question (A–H) for each gap (1–6). You do not need to use two
of the questions.
People often want me to tell them all about living on a houseboat,
so welcome to … Leo’s Houseboat Blog!
Here are some questions that people always ask me, and the answers.
3 Are these sentences true or false? If the information is false, write a sentence saying why it is
not correct.
1 Leo’s parents had always wanted to live on a houseboat.
2 When he was younger, Leo liked life on a houseboat more than he does now.
3 He would like a house in the suburbs because he would have more space.
4 Leo and his parents get on very well with the neighbours on the boat next to theirs.
5 The family must not use their water too quickly.
6 Leo finds his own home much more comfortable than a holiday apartment.
4 Work in small groups. Discuss what you need in a home. Put the items from the box in order
from 1 (= essential) to 5 (= luxury).
1 4
2 5
5 Work in groups. Discuss the things you would like or dislike about living on a houseboat. Think
about these things and add your own ideas.
●● living space ●● scenery and nature
●● neighbours ●● weather
●● freedom to move ●● security
2 semi-detached 5 tank
6 Exercise 4
3 To dock 6 launderette
In small groups, the students have to agree
on a ranking of the items. Make sure they
3 Ask the students what questions they would understand that there can only be one
have for someone who lives on a houseboat number 1, one number 2, etc. Give them a
full-time. Elicit a few questions and then ask few minutes to agree and then let the groups
everyone to read the questions under the compare their rankings.
reading text and see if they are different from
the questions the class suggested. Answers
Students’ own answers
4 Exercise 2
Ask the students to skim the text. After
7 Exercise 5
reading each paragraph, they should decide in
Allow some time at the end of the lesson for
pairs which of the questions from the list they
a general discussion of the pros and cons of
think it answers. However, they should make
life on a houseboat. You could also go on
a final decision and write the answers only
to talk about the pros and cons of living in
after reading the whole text. They do not need
the suburbs.
two of the questions. Check the answers with
the whole class.
1 H 4 C
2 G 5 D
3 E 6 A