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Name of The Philosophers Brief History/Background Important Contributions

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Name of the Philosophers Brief History/Background Important Contributions

1. Thales of Miletus  First Western  He found the

Philosopher and Milesian school of
mathematician natural philosophy,
 First known person to developed the
use natural scientific method,
explanations for and know the first
natural phenomena western
rather than turning to enlightenment
supernatural world.
 An ancient Greek
Ionian City of Western
coast of Asia Minor in
Today’s Turkey
 Believed that all the
things in the world is
made up of water
2. Anaximenes  Greek Philosopher of  Greek Philosopher to
nature and one of the form a clear
three thinkers of distinction between
Miletus traditionally planets and star, and
considered to be the to provide scientific
first philosophers in explanations to
the Western World account for natural
 Anaximenes is best events such as
known for his doctrine thunders, lightning,
that air is the source of rainbows,
all things earthquakes etc.
 He substituted aer
(“mist”, “vapour”,”air”)
for his predecessors
3. Heraclitus  Heraclitus believed  Greek Philosopher
that the human remembered for his
condition can be cosmology, in which
summarized as a series fire forms the basic
of things people and material principle of
experiences coming an orderly universe.
together than pulling Little is known about
apart. his life, and the one
 Heraclitus used the book he apparently
word Iogos (which wrote is lost.
means “the word” or
“to speak”) to
described the force
behind everything.
 Greek Philosopher

4. Parmenides  Greek Philosopher  Parmenides held that
from the colony of Elea the multiplicity of
in Southern Italy existing things, their
 He is considered the changing forms and
most important of the motions, are but an
Pre-Socratic appearance of a
philosophers who single eternal reality
initiated philosophic “Being”, thus giving
inquiry in Greece rise to the
beginning with Thales Parmenidean
of Miletus. principle that “all is
 One of the founders of one”.
5. Zeno of Elea  Greek Philosopher and  Zeno is especially
mathematician, whom known for his
Aristotle called the paradoxes that
inventor of dialectic. contributed to the
 Zeno made use of development of
three premises: first, logical and
that any unit has mathematical rigour
magnitude; second, and that were
that it is infinitely insoluble until the
divisible; and third, development of
that it is invisible. precise concepts of
 Zeno was famous for continuity and
the paradoxes infinity.
6. Empedocles  Greek Pre-Socratic  He formulated a
Philosopher and a philosophical
native citizen of program in
Akragas, a Greek city in hexameter verse that
Sicily pioneered the
 He is best known for influential four-part
originating the theory of roots (air,
cosmogonic theory of water, earth and
the four classical fire).

7. Democritus  A Greek Philosopher  He elaborated a

and younger system originated by
contemporary of his teacher Leucippus
Socrates, born in into a materialist
Abdera with his account of the
teacher Leucippus. natural world
 He believed that  The atomist held that
everything in the there are smallest
universe was made up indivisible bodies
of atoms, which were from which
microscopic and everything else is
indestructible. composed, and that
 Democritus known as these move about in
the “laughing an infinite void.
philosopher” because
of his emphasis on the
value of “cheerfulness”
and was one of the
founders of ancient
atomist theory.
8. Pythagoras  One of the most  Pythagoras was
famous and credited with many
controversial ancient mathematical and
Greek philosophers scientific discoveries,
 Pythagoras came up including
with the theory that Pythagorean
numbers are of great theorem,
importance for Pythagorean tuning,
understanding the the five regular
natural world, and he solids, the Theory of
studied the role of Proportions, the
numbers in music. sphericity of the
Earth, and the
identity of the
morning and evening
stars as the planet
Name: Gladys Bacho Mujeres Date: 27/10/20

Submitted to: Ms. Athena Mae Co Hat

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