Signature Card: Account Name: Account Type: Account No. Date
Signature Card: Account Name: Account Type: Account No. Date
Signature Card: Account Name: Account Type: Account No. Date
By affixing the specimen signatures, I/we hereby authorize Citibank, N.A., Philippine Branch (the Bank) to disburse funds as well as honor* banking transactions
on the basis thereof, in relation to accounts I/we maintain with the Bank as well as other accounts I/we may establish in the future. I/We likewise acknowledge
receipt of and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions governing each of my/our accounts with the Bank including the Terms & Conditions found at the
back of this form. A copy of the Bank's Terms and Conditions is available at:
*I/We likewise acknowledge, authorize, and provide my/our consent that these specimen signatures may be processed as well as serve as basis to honor
transactions in relation to accounts that I/we concurrently maintain or may establish in the future with Citicorp Financial Services and Insurance Brokerage
Philippines, Inc. (CFSI) and to the disclosure and sharing of this signature card by the Bank and/or CFSI to relevant parties authorized by either of them.
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By affixing the specimen signatures, I/we hereby authorize Citibank, N.A., Philippine Branch (the Bank) to disburse funds as well as honor* banking transactions
on the basis thereof, in relation to accounts I/we maintain with the Bank as well as other accounts I/we may establish in the future. I/We likewise acknowledge
receipt of and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions governing each of my/our accounts with the Bank including the Terms & Conditions found at the
back of this form. A copy of the Bank's Terms and Conditions is available at:
*I/We likewise acknowledge, authorize, and provide my/our consent that these specimen signatures may be processed as well as serve as basis to honor
transactions in relation to accounts that I/we concurrently maintain or may establish in the future with Citicorp Financial Services and Insurance Brokerage
Philippines, Inc. (CFSI) and to the disclosure and sharing of this signature card by the Bank and/or CFSI to relevant parties authorized by either of them.
1. You agree that your application, enrollment, purchase, maintenance, You represent that you have been authorized by any Related Party, Customer
access or continued use of any of Citi®’s products and services shall be Affiliate, Data Subject or other person regarding whom you have provided
deemed as your acceptance and agreement to be bound by the provisions information to Citi® to signify the latter’s consent to the provisions herein,
of these terms. and that you have provided to and secured from any
You hereby agree that all Personal Data (as defined under the Data Privacy Related Party, Customer Affiliate, Data Subject or other person regarding
Law of 2012 and its implementing rules and regulations), customer data whom you have provided information to Citi® any notices, consents and
and account or transaction information or records (collectively, the waivers necessary to permit Citi®, its affiliates, representatives, and its and
“Information”) relating to you with us from time to time may be processed, their third party service providers and Payment Infrastructure Providers
profiled or shared to, by and between Citigroup Inc., and any of its (which refers to a third party that forms part of the global payment system
affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, “Citigroup”) or each of the infrastructure, including without limitation communications, clearing or
Authority (foreign or domestic) or Data Recipients (whether in or outside payment systems, intermediary banks and correspondent banks) to carry out
the Philippines) and for the purposes as set out in Citi®’s Data Statement the actions described in this provision, and that you will provide such notices
in force provided by us to you from time to time or for compliance with any and secure such necessary consents and waivers in advance of providing
law, regulation, government requirement, treaty, agreement or policy or similar information to Citi® in the future.
as required by or for the purpose of any court, legal process, examination,
inquiry, audit or investigation of any Authority. The aforesaid terms shall For purposes of these Terms and Conditions, “Control” means an entity that
apply notwithstanding any applicable non-disclosure agreement. You possesses directly or indirectly the power to direct or cause the direction of
acknowledge that such Information may be processed or profiled by or the management and policies of the other entity, whether through the
shared with jurisdictions which do not have strict data protection or data ownership of shares or the possession of voting power, by contract or through
privacy laws. other means or any legal or natural person ultimately has a controlling
ownership interest in a legal person or exercises control through any
2. You agree that the Data Statement from time to time in force shall in all arrangement. “Customer Affiliate” means any entity, present or future, that
respects apply in relation to your application, account and any matter directly or indirectly Controls or is Controlled by or is under common Control
arising therefrom or incidental thereto. You agree that the Data Statement with you, and any branch thereof. “Data Subject” means an individual whose
is deemed to be incorporated by reference into this Consent. Information is processed, and may also include a juridical entity, where
applicable. Data Subjects may be you, your personnel, customers, suppliers,
3. You understand and agree that you must provide us with such information payment remitters or payment beneficiaries, or other persons. “Related
as we may require from time to time to enable us or Citigroup or relevant Party” means any natural person or entity, or any branch thereof, that (i)
Data Recipient to comply with any law or regulation, government owns, directly or indirectly, our stock (if the customer is a corporation), (ii)
requirement, treaty, agreement or policy or as required by or for the owns, directly or indirectly, profits, interests or capital interests in you (if the
purpose of any court, legal process, examination, inquiry, audit or customer is a partnership), (iii) is treated as your owner (if the customer is a
investigation of any Authority. “grantor trust” under sections 671 through 679 of the United States Internal
Revenue Code or an equivalent under a similar law of any jurisdiction,
4. You acknowledge that we may use voice recognition technology to collect domestic or foreign), (iv) holds, directly or indirectly, beneficial interests in
and analyze your voiceprint biometric data for the purpose of identity you (if the customer is a trust), (v) is a natural person who exercises control
verification when you give instructions through the phone. over you, such as a settlor, protector or beneficiary of a trust, or a person or
entity which otherwise has a controlling ownership in or otherwise exercises
5. You consent, in connection with any proposed novation, assignment, control over you through any arrangement or other means (if the customer is
transfer or sale of any of our rights and/or obligations with respect to or an entity), (vi) is designated as your signatory or representative (if the
in connection with your account and any products, facilities and services customer is an entity).
available in connection with the account, to any novatee, assignee,
transferee, purchaser or any other person participating or otherwise LIMITATIONS TO THE BANK’S LIABILITY
involved in such transaction, to the disclosure, to any such person, by us,
of any and all Information which may be required in relation thereto. All obligations hereunder are payable solely at Citibank®, N.A., Philippine
Branch, subject to the laws of the Philippines (including any governmental
6. You understand and consent that the processing, profiling and sharing actions, orders, decrees and regulations).
apply during the prospecting and application stages, as well as for the
duration of and even after the rejection, termination, closure or DISCHARGE OF THE BANK’S LIABILITIES
cancellation of the account or relationship or Services (collectively
“Termination”) for a period of at least ten (10) years from the Termination Citibank® may, at any time, for any cause and at its sole discretion, opt to
of your last existing account or relationship or that of the Relevant release itself from any obligation or liability in respect of your Account/s, and
Individual as determined by us. Where we deem it necessary or are accordingly, Citibank® may unilaterally close or terminate your Account/s at
required to fulfill foreign and domestic legal, regulatory, governmental, any time without stating the reason or reasons thereof. The Bank shall send
tax, law enforcement and compliance requirements and disclosure to each you a Manager’s check or draft without recourse to the Bank, for the entire
of the Authority or Industry Organization, you understand and consent credit balance of your Account/s, net of all applicable charges, fees and taxes
that the storage will be made even after a period of ten (10) years from due from you in respect of any service availed of by you in connection with
such Termination until the final conclusion of any requirement or your Account/s to your address on record. If necessary, Citibank® may also
disclosure obligation, dispute or action. send other documents pertinent to transferring any claims it may have on
your Account/s.
7. Automated Decision-making. You agree that we may use your Personal
Data and other Information for automated processing and automated Upon the closing or termination of your Account/s, you agree to hold
decision-making in connection with the prospecting, application, Citibank® completely free and harmless from any and all liabilities, claims and
establishment, maintenance, renewal, reissuance, cancellation and closure demands arising from the closing or termination itself or the dishonor of any
of your account/s, relationship/s and/or card/s, including the provision of check presented to Citibank® after the closing of your Account/s. Your waiver
Services. shall apply to any claims arising from the exercise of the Bank’s responsibility
to report the closing of your Account/s and the reasons therefor to the BSP,
8. For any update, change, supplement, reconfirmation or remediation of the Bankers Association of the Philippines (BAP) or its recognized central
Data Statement and/or these consents, you hereby specifically authorize monitoring body and other governmental agencies.
the following to accept the Data Statement and to provide the consents
anew to us on your behalf in any acceptable form or evidence as
determined by us: