Review 2019
30-10-1999: IEGC
1999 notified
(effective from First Review
01-02-2000) March 2002
Indian Electricity Grid Code – CERC empowered by EA 2003
Amendment of
Substituted the
IEGC Regulations
Undergone several 2006 06-01-2014: CERC (IEGC, 2nd
Amendment) Regulations,
amendments till 2014 notified
2009 07-01-2014: CERC (IEGC, 2nd
02nd Amendment) Regulations,
Amendment of 2014 gazetted
(effective from 17-12-2014)
Followed by:
Corrigendum dated
05th 04th 03rd 21-02-2014
Amendment of Amendment of Amendment of
12-04-2017: CERC (IEGC, 5th 06-04-2016: CERC (IEGC, 4th 07-08-2015: CERC (IEGC, 3rd
Amendment) Regulations, Amendment) Regulations, Amendment) Regulations,
2017 notified 2016 notified 2015 notified
19-04-2017: CERC (IEGC, 5th 29-04-2016: CERC (IEGC, 4th 10-08-2015: CERC (IEGC, 3rd
Amendment) Regulations, Amendment) Regulations, Amendment) Regulations,
2017 gazetted 2016 gazetted 2015 gazetted
(effective from 01-05-2017) (effective from 29-04-2016) (effective from 01-05-2015)
Followed by:
Corrigendum dated
25-Jul-19 POSOCO_IEGC Review 4
Indian Electricity Grid Code – Preparation for New IEGC 2019
05-06-2019: First
Meeting of Expert Group
20-06-2019: 2nd meeting of Expert Group 17-06-2019: 2nd meeting of Expert Group
(with participation from nominated (with participation from nominated
members of POSOCO and CEA) members of POSOCO and CEA)
of number of
executing various
Generation Transmission Distribution and Supply of Electricity
Facilitation of various
functionalities -
Power Markets
Applicable to all Ancillary Services
entities connected or
using ISTS
Facilitation of RE sources by
Entities connected specifying following for
to ISTS (or using it) integration in grid -
Technical aspects
Commercial aspects
25-Jul-19 POSOCO_IEGC Review 7
Indian Electricity Grid Code – Scope
SLDCs Interconnection with
Neighbouring Countries
(treated as separate
control area)
Bhakra Beas
Management Board
Damodar Valley
Operating Philosophy
Part 6: Scheduling and Despatch Code
System Security Aspects
Demand Estimation for
Part 7: Miscellaneous
Operational purposes
Demand Management
Periodic Reports
Structure of the
Operational Liaison
IEGC contains
Outage Planning
07 parts
Recovery Procedures
Event Information
25-Jul-19 POSOCO_IEGC Review 9
INDEX (POSOCO Suggestions)
Part-2_Role of various organizations and their linkages
Section 2.2 Role of NLDC, 2.2.1(c)
Section 2.3 Role of RLDC, 2.3.2 (d)
Section 3.5, Planing Criteria General Philosophy, 3.5 (a), 3.5 (a) (i) (a), 3.5 (b)
Section 6.5 Scheduling and Despatch procedure for long-term access, Medium –term
. and short- term open access , 6.5.19
Section 6.6 , Reactive Power and Voltage Control, 6.6.6, 6.6(7)
New Chapters
1) Frequency Control
2) Cyber Security
3) Forecasting & Reserve requirement
25-Jul-19 POSOCO_IEGC Review 11
List of References
S.No. Date Document Name Entity
South African Grid Code Requirements for Renewable Power Plants - National Energy Regulator
2 Jul-19
Version 2 8 of South Africa (NERSA)
Electric Reliability
5 Feb-18 Review of International Grid Codes
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
All TSOs’ scenario definition and scenario European Network of Transmission System
8 Jul-18
description for the year 2019 CGM creation Operators for Electricity
European Network of Transmission
System Operators for Electricity
*EU system operation guidelines: Article 105(b), Control area adequacy analysis
*NERC ,Resource Adequacy analysis, BAL-502-RF-03
** Reliability
Standards for the Bulk Electric Systems of North America: MOD-025,026,027
Part 5_ Operating Philosophy (Contd.)
• All users having control devices (FACTS, HVDC) will have their automatic
controller in operation. These include the Power Oscillation Damping (POD),
Reactive Power Controller (RPC),frequency controller or any other controller
specific to these devices.
• If any of these devices is required to be operated without any of its controller in
service, the RLDC shall be immediately intimated about the reason and duration,
and its permission obtained.
• The control devices wherever provided shall be properly tuned by the respective
user as per the plan prepared for the purpose by the CTU/RPC/RLDC/NLDC from
time to time
• All the Users, STU/SLDC or entity assigned in site responsibility schedule shall
upload the desired information(format agreed in respective RPC) on a dedicated
portal managed by RLDC within [24 hours) for purpose of analysis of any grid
disturbance/event. The monthly violations i.e. failure or delay in uploading the
details in desired format will be reported by RLDC to the commission.*
• Mechanisms and facilities at SLDCs shall be created to facilitate on-line
estimation of demand for daily operational use for each 15 minutes block
* Reliability Standards for the Bulk Electric Systems of North America, DR trigger format
* Reliability Standards for the Bulk Electric Systems of North America :EOP-004-4 , Event
25-Jul-19 POSOCO_IEGC Review 20
Part 5_ Operating Philosophy (Contd.)
• Any Operation code provided by SLDC/RLDC will be valid for next 30 minutes.
• In case the specified switching operation could not be completed by the utility then
they will take a new code from respective SLDC/RLDC and also provide details why
the operation could not be completed in the previous code.
• RPC shall monitor the event and that resulted in system frequency excursions below
the initializing set points of the UFLS program, shall carry out a joint assessment
report, independent assessment reports and letters describing likely reasons for
differences in conclusions and recommendations*
• The pump storage plants should be tripped if the frequency falls below say 49.6 Hz.
• SLDC shall also furnsih the import/export capability of their control area for
esimation of inter-state Total Transfer Capability/Available Transfer Capability."
• SLDC/RLDC may direct a wind farm to vary its VAr drawl/injection as per reactive
power capability curve for secure system operation of the grid.
• RLDC may direct a hydro generator to run in synchronous condensor mode for
absorbing the Var from the grid for secure operation of the grid
• While performing RE curtailment, LDCs need to report the RPC whether it was
balancing requirement or not
• Procedure shall be developed by each LDC for estimating RE curtailment
* Reliability Standards for the Bulk Electric Systems of North America: BAL-001-2, Real Power Balancing
Control Performance
25-Jul-19 POSOCO_IEGC Review 23
25-Jul-19 POSOCO_IEGC Review 24
Power Number in MW/HZ
On 10th July 2018, at 08:15 hrs 400 KV Rangpo – Binaguri I tripped on R-B phase fault & SPS –I operated
resulting into tripping of one unit each at Dikchu, Chuzachen, Jorethang , Tashiding and bus Coupler at
Teesta III. At the same time 400 KV Teesta 3- Rangpo line also tripped due to SPS-2 operation and then all
units at Teesta III & Dikchu tripped due to loss of evacuation path. Total generation loss was 1025 MW.
New Chapter on Cyber security
• Proper guideline should be created for the exchange of information/data among
RLDC-NLDC, Exchanges, CTU, SLDC, FSP etc. which shall ensure exchange of
data/information as cyber secure to avoid unauthorized access.
• To identify and categorize Cyber Systems and their associated Cyber Assets for the
application of cyber security requirements commensurate with the adverse impact
that loss, compromise, or misuse of those Cyber Systems could have on the reliable
operation of the grid. Identification and categorization of Cyber Systems support
appropriate protection against compromises that could lead to misoperation or
instability in the BES.*
• Responsible Entities may be identified for the requirement.
• All utilities shall carry out third party cyber security audits annually consisting of
stage Vulnerability Assessment (VA) and Penetration Test (PT) and appropriate
measures shall be implemented to comply with the findings of the audits. The
audits shall be conducted by CERT-In certified third-party auditors. Preferably all
utilities should strive to be certified in some International Standard for Cyber
Security (Ex. ISO 27001 etc)
* Reliability Standards for the Bulk Electric Systems of North America: CIP-002-5.1(a)
25-Jul-19 POSOCO_IEGC Review 27
Part 6_ Scheduling and Despatch Code
• RE COD standard procedure may be notified
• Scheduling of power from the generating station or unit thereof shall commence
from 0000 hrs of D+2 day considering D as the receipt day of COD declaration
from generator at RLDC/RPC end along with share allocation from RPC if
• Ambiguity in Clause 6.3.A.3.i, Trail run procedure of generating stations : whether
after short interruption of cumulative time more than 4 hours, generator has to
wait for another trial run date with 7 day prior notice to the beneficiaries/RLDC as
per the clause or Generator can again start its repeat trial run operation same day
or any day effective from the time of machine synchronizes without any 7 day
prior notice.
• Scheduling Procedure and time line for SCED,FRAS, RRAS and secondary reserve
need to be added in the 6.4 and 6.5
In case cumulative short interruption more than 4 Hrs during trial run
Option -1:- Whether to start repeat trial run operation again with a new 7
day notice to Beneficiaries/RLDC/SLDC.
Option 2: To start repeat trial run operation again after 24 Hour or 2 day
with the same trial run intimation
Need to be drafted clearly regarding repeat trial run process.
POSOCO comments on Part-6
Existing Clause : 6.4.2 Demarcation of responsibility section for
scheduling of generator under RLDC control area or under SLDC
• Any generating station connected both to ISTS and state network,
whether scheduling to be done by RLDC or SLDC?
• As on date the procedure of scheduling and loss application as the
case may be is done on the basis of different CERC orders.
• This part need to be clearly drafted in the new IEGC.
POSOCO comments on Part-6
Existing Clause : 6.4.19 & 20 (DC demonstration by the Generator):
As per the 5th amendment of IEGC of clause 5.2.h
"For the purpose of ensuring primary response, RLDCs/SLDCs shall not
schedule the generating station or unit(s) thereof beyond ex bus
generation corresponding to 100% of the Installed capacity of the
generating station or unit(s) thereof……”
As per clause 5.2.h, schedules prepared by RLDC is restricted to the
normative DC of the generating station. Accordingly whenever
generator declared higher DC (more than normative DC), schedule is
restricted to normative DC.
• As per clause 6.4.19 &20, if RLDC feels ISGS to demonstrate the
Declared Capacity, then it should be up to the declared capacity as
declared by the generator not as per DC scheduled by RLDC.
• During DC demonstration, whether schedule for the same generator
shall be changed or not?
POSOCO comments on Part-6
Existing Clause : Clause 6.4.22:
“As per this clause weekly meter data to be forwarded by RLDC to RPC
secretariat by each Thursday noon.
Thursday need to be replaced with Friday -- as meter data forwarded to
RPC secretariat by each Friday as per the procedure in MoU & KPI.”
“Scheduling Procedure and time line for SCED,FRAS, RRAS and secondary
reserve need to be added in the 6.4 and 6.5.”
POSOCO comments on Part-6
Existing Clause : Clause 6.5.19,
“Notwithstanding anything contained in Regulation 6.5(18), in case of forced outage of a
unit for a Short Term bilateral transaction, where a generator of capacity of 100 MW and
above is seller, the generator shall immediately intimate the same along with the
requisition for revision of schedule and estimated time of restoration of the unit, to
SLDC/RLDC as the case may be. With the objective of not affecting the existing contracts,
the revision of schedule shall be with the consent of the buyer till 31.07.2010. Thereafter,
consent of the buyer shall not be a pre-requisite for such revision of schedule. The schedule
of the generator and the buyer shall be revised, accordingly. The revised schedules shall
become effective from the 4th time block, counting the time block in which the forced
outage is declared to be the first one.. The RLDC shall inform the revised schedule to the
seller and the buyer. The original schedule shall become effective from the estimated time
of restoration of the unit. However the transmission charges as per original schedule shall
continue to be paid for two days.
Provided that the generator or trading licensee any other agency selling power from the
generating station or unit(s) thereof may revise its estimated restoration time once in a
day and the revision schedule shall become effective from the 4th time block, counting the
time block in which the revision is advised by the generator to be the first one.
19.A. In case revision of a schedule of a generating unit, the schedules of all transactions
under the long term access, medium-term open access and short term open access(except
collective transactions through power exchange) shall be reduced on pro rata basis.
Comments on Clause 6.5.19
• Details Short-term transactions to be revised along with MW re-
schedule quantum of each STOA to be submitted by the generator at
the time of intimation to RLDC.