Detailed Lesson Plan For COT Quate 4 WEEK 1 FINAL
Detailed Lesson Plan For COT Quate 4 WEEK 1 FINAL
Detailed Lesson Plan For COT Quate 4 WEEK 1 FINAL
I. Objectives:
* Identify the sounds of letter Vv.
* Identify several words that begin with letter Vv.
*Differentiate the letter name and its phonic sound
II. Subject Matter: Identifying letter name of Vv and its phonic sound
References: Kindergarten Quarter 4:Week 1 Learning Experiences
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity
1. Daily Routine
-Greeting the class
-checking of attendance
2 .Pre-Assessment
Direction: Write letter “v” below the picture if the object begin with letter v. If the picture does not
begin, don’t write anything.
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
Total 5 5 100%
3. Review
Tell objects that begin with letter Zz
4. Setting of standard
What will you do while the lesson is going on?
B. Activity Proper
b.2 Presentation
Teacher supervised:
Children, I have a number on my mind, can you guess what number it is? (varied answers)
The number I am thinking right now is 24. Let us look in our alphabet posted in our wall. What number is
letter Aa? What about letter Mm? and finally what letter is on number 24?
I have here a giant vase. Inside the vase are different pictures. Each of you will pick one and tell the name
of it. Pin the picture on the chalkboard.
C. Discussion
Let us name one by one the pictures. I will say first and you will repeat after me.
What is the beginning sound of soap? vest? guava? yoyo, van and etc…
Are these pictures start all in letter Vv, sounded as “v”?
How do we write letter Vv. What lines are being used in writing letter Vv?
To what color we start in writing uppercase letter? What about the lower case ?
Let’s write letter Vv on air using the different parts of our body.
Who wants to come in front and pick the picture that begin with letter Vv and pin on the lower part of the
chalk board.
Now, let’s name all the objects that begin with letter v.
D. Small Group Activity
Before we have our group activity, I want you to remind the following:
1. Follow instruction
2. Cooperate with your group
3. Clap your hands if you finish the activity
4. Five stars will be given to group whose work has no mistake, 4 stars if there is one mistake and 3 stars
if there are many mistake.
5. The most disciplined group will receive prizes.
Group 1.There are only 5 pictures that start with letter v. Write v on the second column of the picture if
the beginning sound of the object is v.
Group 2.Draw a line to connect the picture to the big letter Vv If the object begins with it.
Group 3. Color only five pictures that starts with letter v inside the big V.
E. Generalization
What is the sound of letter Vv?
What are the objects that begin with letter Vv?
Is the upper case and lower case letter Vv the same?
IV. Evaluation
Total 5 5 100%
V. Assignment :
Bring out you notebook number 1 for me to paste your assignment tomorrow.
Prepared by:
Head Teacher I