Milestone 3 - Task 1
Milestone 3 - Task 1
Milestone 3 - Task 1
What makes your So far, this product has the upper hand or has the advantage against
product/venture indefensible its competitors, hence, it is not indefensible.
against competition?
Have investors shown interest in Our investors are from our family and relatives who helped us with
you? How much investor the capital funds which is 3 million pesos.
funding have you received?
Current Team Size and As of now, there are only four of us. Our team consists of a Product
Composition Designer, a Technical Sales Engineer, and two Manufacturing
Current Opportunities This venture will have an opportunity to grow through demos and
conventions that will showcase the performance of our product.
What’s in it for them (WIFT) Some of the advantages of working here is that employees will get
health care benefits, life insurance, Dental Insurance, Parental
leave, and paid vacation days.
Their Growth Possibilities The company will be conducting job training and continuous
learning to help fuel employee career growth. We also consider
allowing staff to work in different but related departments or
positions for a better understanding of the business.
Incentives (ESOPs, equity, etc.) Our Incentives include having a bonus for employees who meet
certain milestones or are top performers. We reward employees
when the company meets or exceeds annual profit goals.