JKSSB Notification
JKSSB Notification
JKSSB Notification
Subject: Tentative Merit/Result of candidates in OMR based Objective type
Written Test Examination for Class-IV posts iin various
departments under provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir
Appointment to Class-IV (Special Recruitment) Rules, 2020.
2. WHEREAS, the J&K Services Selection Board (JK SSB) vide advertisement
Notice No. 01 of 2020 dated 26.06.2020, issued advertisement for 8575 District/
Divisional/ Union erritory Cadre Posts of Class -IV in Various Departments under
provisions of the Jammu & Kashmir Appointment to Class-V (Special Recruitment) Rules,
2020; and
4. WHEREAS, S.O. 180 of 2020 dated 28.05.2020, envisages that there shall
test for posts upto and including Pay Level 5 (Rs 29200-92300) and the
selection for all such posts shall be made on the basis of written test only; and
for 5 years or more;
7 WHEREAS, the J8K Services Selection Board (JK SSB), conducted OMR
based Objective type written Test Examination in three batches on 27th, 28th February,
2021 and 01st March, 2021; and
9. WHEREAS, vide S.O. 351 dated 18th November, 2020, sub-rule (5) of Rule
(5) S.O. 184 dated 4th of June, 2020 was substituted as under-
&K Services Selection Board
s 1 o Jammu