Understanding The Self
Understanding The Self
Understanding The Self
Paste a picture of you when you were in elementary, in high school, and now that you are in
college. Below the picture, list down your salient characteristics that you remember.
Risk Takers
o Having an awareness Curious
between right and Self-starters
wrong Need opportunities for
o Seeking attention and Mature
approval Establishing long-term
o Curious and always ask goals
a question Enjoyed competition
o Language skills is Have fun in leaderships
developing training
o Logical reasoning is Starting to build a non-
increasing judgmental attitude to
After having examines your “self” in its different stages, fill out the table below.
Similarities in all stages of my Differences in my “self” across the Possible reasons for the
“self” three stages of my life differences in me
I feel that, despite the "things" The reasons for these distinctions
I think that during human that I've created and cultivated, in myself are to view myself as
evolution, certain "things" will there will still be "things" that the greatest possible version of
change while others will evolve must be entirely changed and myself and to perceive myself as
and remain the same. I also feel omitted, particularly those a different version of oneself. I
that the "things" I'm referring to negative qualities that cause me to want to learn more about myself
are the values, qualities, and spoil good memories. I also notice because I know that the best is
characteristics that we've a lot of differences in my physical yet to come, therefore now is not
developed since then. I know deep characteristics as I grew older, the time to quit up. I feel that
down that I was still able to retain possibly due to puberty or having differences is already a
these things up until now because adolescence, and as far as I can significant risk since you don't
I believe that change does not tell, the most significant difference know if it will be good or bad for
always seek to be different; that I gained across those stages you, but it's a good try because
sometimes it is for advancement was that I became more mature you're learning to uncover your
and development, which is why I and aware of the more realistic actual self. Change is
always believe that I am the same world; from playing to studying, unavoidable, therefore strive to
person I was before, only a better from making simple decisions to be unique since it is something
one. making much more complex you owe to yourself, not others.
decisions, and from childhood to