IRC 89, 1997, River Training & Control For Road Bridges
IRC 89, 1997, River Training & Control For Road Bridges
IRC 89, 1997, River Training & Control For Road Bridges
(First Revision)
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IRC: 89-1997
(First Revision)
Published by:
Jamnagar House, Shahjahan Road,
New Delhi-1 10011
Price Rs.120/-
(plus packing & postage)
Printed at Aravali Printers & Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-110 020
(500 copies)
IRC: 89-1997
* ADG(B) being not in position. The meeting was presided by Shri M.V. Sastry, DG(RD)
Govt of India MOST
IRC: 89-1997
Corresponding Members
1 . Introduction 1
2. Scope 2
3. Terminology 3
4. Site Data 4
5. Guide Bunds 8
6. Spurs 29
12. Inspection 60
5.1. Different forms of guide bunds
5.2. Extent of protection provided by parallel and 1
*The Guidelines for Design and Construction of River Training and
Control Works for Road Bridges" were first published in 1985. These
guidelines did not include floor protection works and maintenance of the
protective works. Also need for verifying the recommendations of
physical model studies on mathematical model has been felt. Further, new
materials like geo-synthetics now find use in the strengthening of earthen
embankment, slope protection and launching apron. As such need for
revising the existing guidelines was felt. Accordingly, a Committee
comprising of the under mentioned members was formed to review the
existing guidelines:
2. SCOPE \
2.1. The guidelines cover the layout and design of river training works
and approach embankment protection works for ensuring safety of the
bridges and their approaches. These guidelines also deal with some of the
construction and maintenance aspects. Protection works for open and
shallow foundations are also covered.
2.2. The scope of these guidelines is limited only to some salient aspects
of design and construction of the protection works mentioned above and
does not extend to the much wider associated problems of river behaviour,
control and bridge hydraulics, etc.
River training works are costly and their maintenance cost is also very
high. In case, their location, configuration and size is not decided properly,
these works can cause damaging effects also. Therefore, they have to be
provided judiciously.
For bridges across major rivers, the extent and configuration of the
protective works should be decided with the help of physical models. For
accuracy, the results obtained from physical models may be further
checked on mathematical models by the same research station which
carried out physical model studies.
3.1. The following definitions shall apply for the purpose of these
(ii) Alluvial streams: A stream whose bed and banks are composed
of loose granular material, that has been deposited by the stream and can
be picked up and transported again by the current during the floods, and
is said to flow through incoherent alluvium, may be briefly referred to
as an alluvial stream.
guide the river flow past a bridge without causing damage to it and its
(vi) Khadir: The maximum width over which the river meanders
during high floods is known as Khadir width of the river.
the flow of the riverand extend from the bank into die river. These are
intended to induce silting and diverting die flow away from the point of
(ii) River survey plans, preferably to a scale 1/10,000 for a river reach
of at least two meander lengdis upstream and one meander lengdi
downstream. In case die bridge is situated immediately downstream of the
IRC : 89-1997 5
and 1 km downstream and should indicate river course during high floods
and dry season duly superimposed in different colours for as many years
as available. The contours or spot levels should extend over this area at
a contour interval varying from 0.5 m in flat terrain to 2 m for steep terrain.
The nodal points which are not affected by meandering action of the
river should be suitably marked on the plan.
(iv) Cross sections, showing bed and bank levels, L.W.L. and H.F.L.
at the site and at L/10 interval for a distance of 1.5 L on upstream
and for a distance of L on downstream subject to a maximum spacing
of 30 m intervals where L is the length of the bridge.
(i) The size, shape and surface characteristics of the catchment area
including percolation and interception, area drainage pattern and the likely
effect of proposed protective works on the same.
(ii) The possibility of subsequent changes in the catchment like the re-
(vi) Hydrographs for one or more years if possible and in the absence
of such data, fluctuations of the water level observed during different
months of die year.
(vii) The highest flood level (on record for a period not less dian 50
years) and the year of its occurrence. If the flood is affected by the back
water, details of the same.
(xi) River bed slope, flood slope and natural ground slope of flood
plain, if any.
(xii) Direction of the main current during low, medium and high
IRC : 89-1997 7
(xviii) Details of change in the river course, if any, found in the vicinity
of the proposed structure.
(ii) Bore hole data along the length of proposed protective works upto
maximum anticipated scour level along with shear strength parameters
(cohesion and angle of internal friction), consolidation characteristics of
sub-soil strata, the particle size distribution and mean diameter.
limitations, if any, imposed by the type of the river may also be indicated.
(i) The extent of land available beyond the deep channel banks on both
upstream and downstream within the reach shown on site plan together
with details as to whether land is vacant, cultivated, etc.
soil, stone quarry having 40 kg (or 300 mm size) boulders and other
materials suited for river training and control works,
4.6.1. Discharge: The design discharge for which the river training
works are to be designed shall be in accordance with the recommen-
dations of IRC: 5-1985 'Standard Specifications and Code of Practice
for Road Bridges, Section I, General Features of Design (Sixdi
4.6.2. Scour depth: The mean depth of scour (dsm) below the highest
flood level, shall be calculated in accordance with provisions of
For bridges across rivers carrying discharges more than 3000 mVsec,
afflux shall be calculated as per the method given in Appendix 1 (b) also
^and a reasonable value adopted.
5.1. The provisions given hereunder apply only to guide bunds for
bridges across alluvial rivers. Guide bunds for bridges across sub-montane
rivers need special consideration which are discussed in para 9.
IRC : 89-1997 9
5.2.1. Alignment: The alignment shall be such that the pattern of flow
remains as uniform through all the spans of the bridge as may be possible
with minimum return currents.
along the shank, rendering the end bays inactive. These should be avoided
as far as possible.
IRC : 89-1997
Fig. 5.2. Extent of protection provided by parallel and divergent guide bunds
[Para (i)]
(iii) Parallel guide bunds: Parallel guide bunds with suitable curved
heads have been found to give uniform flow from the head of the guide
bund to the axis of the bridge and so these are generally preferred.
striking themole head does not follow the profile of parallel guide bunds
with circular heads but separates from the boundary as illustrated in.
Fig. 5.4. It results in an oblique approach of flow to the bridge thereby
making some of the end spans completely ineffective while increasing the
intensity of flow in the remaining bays. To improve the flow conditions
the provision of elliptical guide bunds is suggested. The ratio of major
to minor axis is generally kept in the range of 2 to 3.5. Elliptical guide
bunds have generally been found more suitable in case of wide flood plain/
rivers as compared to straight guide bunds.
IRC : 89-1997
f i^'V
,30* TO 60-
lll|lllll lllllllll
r- V 0.3 TO 0.5r2
30* TO 40* CURVE
0.3 TO 0.5r2
45- TO 60-
0.3 TO 0.5r2-
b1 b1 ORIGIN
30* TO 60*
0.3 TO 0.5r. Any other type of guide bunds differing in form or shape may
be provided, warranted by site conditions and supported by the model
studies. For wide alluvial belt, the length of guide bund should be
decided from two important considerations, namely the maximum obliq-
uity of the current and the permissible limit to which the main channel
of the river can be allowed to flow near the approach embankment in the
event of river developing excessive embayment behind the guide bunds. The radius of the sharpest loop should be ascertained from the
data of the acute loops formed by the river during the past. If survey plans
do not reveal the presence of a sharpest loop, it may be calculated as
Of available loops (Fig. 5.5.) calculate radius (r) of each at centre line
by formula.
m. = Meander Length
= Meander Belt
b = Average width of channel during floods
IRC : 89-1997 15
From the above, calculate the average radius of the loop. This average
radius divided by 2.5 for rivers having maximum discharge upto 5000 mV
sec. and by 2.0 for maximum discharge above 5000 mVsec. gives radius
of the sharpest loop. After having determined the radius of the sharpest
loop, the single or double loop are laid out on survey plan that contains
the alignment of approach embankments and high banks and it may be
ensured that the safe distance between the anticipated sharpest loop and
approach embankment is not less than L/3 where L is the length of the
bridge. However, specially in the case of meandering rivers, this safe
distance may be suitably increased. Guide bunds will generally not be able to protect the approach
bank within the Khadir for more than three times its lengths, as evolved
above, beyond the abutments on the upstream side. Where approach banks
are more than three times the length of guide bunds, additional training/
protective measures may be necessary to protect the approach banks.
axially through the bridge keeping the end spans active. A too small radius
gives a kick to the river current making it oblique and so larger radius
to attract and guide the river flow is needed. However, as it is uneconomical
to provide a very large radius, it may be kept as small as possible consistent
with proper functioning of guide bund. Radius of curved tail may be from 0.3 to 0.5 times the radius
of upstream mole head. Sweep angle: The angle of sweep of the upstream mole head
is kept 120° to 140° and that for the curved tail is kept 30° to 60°.
5.2.7. For guide bunds of bridges across major rivers, hydraulic model
studies are recommended for deciding the various design features.
5.3.1. Top width: The top width of guide bunds for bridges across
major rivers is generally kept at least 6 metre to permit passage of vehicles
for carriage of materials.
Free board: The free board should be measured from the pond
level behind the guide bund after taking into consideration the afflux,
kinetic energy head and water slope.
IRC : 89-1997 17 The minimum free board to top of guide bund above the pond
level is generally kept as 1.5 m to 1.8 m. This may be suitably increased
in the case of guide bunds for bridges across major rivers. The top of guide
bund should follow the slope of river flow. In case where model studies are conducted for guide bunds,
the model studies will also indicate the highest anticipated pond level
immediately behind the guide bunds and at suitable intervals along the
approaches, wherever, significant ponding up is anticipated.
5.3.3. Side slope: The side slope of the guide bunds may be determined
from the consideration of slope stability of embankment and from
hydraulic gradient considerations. Generally a side slope of 2 (H): 1 (V)
is adopted for predominently cohesionless materials.
5.3.4. Slope protection: The river side earthem slope of guide bunds
by covering them with stones/concrete
are protected against river action
slabs. The pitching is intended to remain in
its laid position. It should be
extended upto the top of guide bund and tucked inside for a width of at
least 0.6 m. Rear slopes of guide bunds are not subjected to direct attack
of the river and may be protected against ordinary wave splashing by 0.3
- 0.6 m thick cover of clayey or silty earth and turfed. Where moderate
to heavy wave action is expected slope pitching should be laid upto a
height of 1 m above the pond level.
5.3.5. Pitching on the river side slope: For the design of pitching on
the river side, the factors to be taken into consideration are size/weight
of the individual stone, its shape and gradation, diickness and slope of
pitching and type of filter underneath. The predominant flow characteristic
which effects the stability of the pitching is velocity along the guide bund.
Other factors like obliquity of flow, eddy action, waves, etc. are
18 IRC : 89-1997 Size and weight of stone for pitching: The size of stone
required on the sloping face of guide bunds to withstand erosive action of
flow may be worked out from the following equation:
d = Kv
K = 0.0282 for face slope of 2:1 and 0.0216 for face slope
d = equivalent diameter ofstone in metre
in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1
Upto 2.5 30 40 30 40
3.0 30 40 30 40
3.5 35 59 30 40
4.0 45 126 35 59
4.5 57 257 44 118
5.0 71 497 54 218
(i) No stone weighing less than 40 kg shall, however, be used.
(ii) Where the required size stones are not economically available, cement
concrete blocks or stones in wire crates may be used in place of isolated stones
of equivalent weight. Cement concrete blocks will be preferred wherever
(iii) For slopes between 2: 1 and 3: 1, the value of 'K' in the formula above can be
interpolated linearly.
(iv) Weighted spherical dia of stone should not be less than 200 mm while using
wire mesh crates.
IRC : 89-1997 19
0.7 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 10
VELOCITY [) IN m/sec ^
However, while working out size of wire crate as per Appendix-2 the mass
specific gravity (SJ and porosity (c) can be worked out using following
^ 0.245+0.0684
latter roll off easily. Angular stones fit into each other better and have good inter-
locking characteristics. Placing of stones: In hand placed pitching, the stone of flat stratified
nature should be placed with the principal bedding plane normal to the slope.
The pattern of laying shall be such that the joints are broken and voids are
minimum by packing with spalls wherever necessary and the top surface is as
smooth as possible. In the case of guide bunds for bridges across major rivers,
stone masonry bands may be provided at suitable intervals if considered
water and wave action, etc. In order to achieve this requirement, the
filter may be provided in one or more layers satisfying the following
D 15 (Filter)
D 85 (Base)
D 15 (Base)
D 50 (Filter)
D 50 (Base)
(2) In the foregoing D 1 5 means the size of that sieve which allows 1 5 per
cent by weight of the filter material to pass through it and similar is the
meaning of D 50 and D 85.
(3) If more than one filter layer is required, the same requirement as above
shall be followed for each layer. The finer filter shall be considered as
base material for selection of coarser filter.
(4) Where brick bats are used as filter material, normally the grading is not
possible and in such cases, a layer of graded gravel shall be provided
below the brick bats.
(5) The filter shall be compacted firmly. The thickness of filter is generally
of the order of 200 mm to 300 mm. Where filter is provided in two layers,
thickness of each layer shall be 150 mm. Launching apron shall be provided for the protection of toe and
it shall form a continuous flexible cover over the slope of the possible
scour hole in continuation of pitching upto the point of deepest scour.
The stone in the apron shall be designed to launch along the slope of the
22 IRC : 89-1997
scour hole so as to provide a strong layer that may prevent further scooping
out of river bed material. The size and shape of apron depends upon the
size of stone, thickness of launched apron, the depth of scour and the slope
of launched apron. At the junction of slope pitching with launching apron,
a toe wall shall be provided as shown in Fig. 5.7, so that pitching does
not rest directly on the apron. It will protect die slope pitching from falling
during the launching of apron even when the apron is not laid at low water
Fig. 5.7. Sketch showing toe wall at junction of slope pitching and launching apron
(Para Size and weight of stone for apron: The size of stone required
for launching apron to resist mean design velocity (average velocity) is
given by the formula:
1^ = 4.893 (ar^
"6 = mean design velocity in metre/sec
d = equivalent diameter of stone in metre
For velocities upto 5.0 m/sec, the size and weight of stone is also given
in Table 5.2.
Table 5.2
upto 2.5 30 40
3.0 38 76
3.5 51 184
4.0 67 417
4.5 85 852
5.0 104 1561
Notes (i) No stone weighing less than 40 kg shall be used for the apron.
(ii) Where the required size stones are not economically available, cement
concrete blocks or stones in wire crates or cement concrete blocks and
stones in wire crate in combination may be used in place of isolated stones
of equivalent weight. Cement concrete blocks will be preferred wherever
bund including
Straight reach of guide tail
on the downstream of guide bund Shape and size of launching apron: It has been observed that
shallow and wide aprons launch evenly if the scour takes place rapidly. If the
scour takes place gradual, the effect of width on launching of apron is
marginal. A width of launching apron equal to 1.5 dmax is generally found
satisfactory (where dmax is the maximum anticipated scour depth below bed
level in meters). Thickness of launching apron at inner end may be kept as
1 .5 1 and at outer end 2.25 1 as shown in Fig. 5 .9.
When stones in wire crates are used the width of launching apron equal to
2.25dmax for slope of 2:1 and 3.20 dmax for slope of 3:1 may be used.
However, the thickness of launching apron may be kept same as that of
thickness of pitching (t). An apron may fail to provide protection to the guide bund if the
river bed contains high percentage of silt or clay or where the angle of repose
of the bed material is steeper than that of stone as in such a case the apron
may not launch properly.
5.4.4. Every effort should be made to complete the work of guide bund in
one working season.
26 IRC : 89-1997
IRC : 89-1997 27
5.4.7. Earthwork It is necessary that sufficient length of pit along the guide bund
should be ready within one or two months of commencement of work so
that placing of stones in the apron and on slope can be started at the earliest.
About 70 per cent working season should be available for pitching.
Earthwork should be completed within 80 per cent of working season.
Good compaction of guide bunds is necessary as any slip during the flood
can be disastrous. No portion of the guide bund should be left below HFL
before the onset of monsoon. Bottom of apron pit should be excavated
as low as permitted by water level. Borrow pits: No borrow pits should be dug on the rear of guide
bunds. It is preferable to take all earth for construction of the guide bunds
28 IRC : 89-1997
from the river side. The borrow pits should be sufficiently away from
the location of the launching apron.
5.4.10. On slopes, care should be taken in placing the stone not to have
big voids through which water will cause swirling. Comparatively smaller
stones should be at the bottom and larger ones at the top.
5.4.11. The top of the guide bunds should be protected with a layer
of 15 cm thick gravel against rain cuts.
5.4.12. While on river side, stone protection is provided upto the full
length of guide bunds, on the rear side this protection is just carried around
mole head beyond which usually good turfing is provided.
6. SPURS S^urs are provided to take care of one or more of the following
(ii) Creating a slack flow with the object of silting up the area in the vicinity.
(iii) Protecting the river bank by keeping the flow away from it.
(iv) Contracting a wide river channel, usually for the improvement of depth for
(ii) Classification according to the height of spur with respect to water level:
Submersible or non-submersible.
(iv) Special type-T-headed, Hockey or Burma type and kinked type, etc.. Fig.
Fig. 6.1. Types of spurs or groynes (Para 6.1.2. (iii) & (iv))
or sausages filled with stone. They are designed to attract, repel or deflect
the flow away from the bank along a desired course. Attracting spur: These are the spurs which attract flow
towards the bank and are aligned in a direction pointing downstream. In
a river where there is a heavy attack on one bank, it may be desirable
to construct the attracting spurs on the opposite bank in conjunction with
a repelling spur on the affected bank. Sedimenting spur: The spurs located at right angles to the river
flow fall under this category. Special type spur: These spurs have been named after their
builders and have special design features like Denhey's T Headed, Hockey
or Burma type and kinked type, etc. A spur with a curved head is known
as a Hockey or Burma type spur whereas a spur with a short straight head
normal to spur direction is known as a Denhey's T Headed spur and a
spur with a slight angular head is known as a kinked type spur.
6.2.1. Location and length: No general rule can be laid for fixing the
length and location of the spurs. Those depend entirely upon the exigencies
arising in a specific case.Length should not be shorter than that required
to keep ^e scour hole formed at the nose away from the bank. Short length
may al«o cause bank erosion upstream of the spur whereas too long a spur
may dam up the river. Normally spur should not obstruct more than 20
per cent of the channel width at ordinary flood level.
6.2.3. Spacing: In a straight reach the spacing is about three times the
length of spur. Spurs are spaced further apart (with respect to their length)
in a wide river than in a narrow one, if their discharges are nearly equal.
In a curved reach a spacing of 2 to 3.5 times the length of spur is
6.3.2. Free board: The minimum free board above the recorded highest
flood level (H.F.L.) or above the anticipated H.F.L. on the upstream of
spur, whichever is more is generally kept as 1.5 to 1.8 m.
6.3.4. Size and weight of stone for pitching: Same as for guide bunds
(see para
satisfying the criteria mentioned in guide bunds (see para 5.3.6) should be
provided below the pitching at nose and on the upstream face in a length
of 30 to 45 m. In the next 30 to 60 m of the upstream shank portion the
filter can be reduced to 15 cm and then filter may be eliminated.
Where d^^ is the mean depdi of scour measured below highest flood
level (HFL)
Fig. 6.2. Plan showing depth of scour for spurs (Para
34 IRC : 89-1997 Slope of launched apron: Same as for Guide Bunds (see para
6.3.8. Alternatively, spurs can also be designed with the help of polar
diagrams discussed in para 8.
6.4.1. Tree spurs: The objects of the tree spurs are to:
(i) Divert or deflect the current which is directly threatening erosion of a bund;
(ii) Deaden the flow in one channel of the river near the bund in order to open
out- another channel away from the bund; and
(iii) Silt up a channel of the river at its source by checking the flow in it.
1 r'
30 TO 60m .30 TO 60M 30 TO 45m
2 TO 2.5dsm
1.5m TO 1.8m FREE BOARD
(b) AT OUTER END 2.25 TIMES THE THICKNESS OF SLOPE PITCHING Tree spurs consist of a thick wire rope firmly tied at one end
to the bank and tied at the other end to a heavy concrete block. Leafy
trees with large branches are suspended from the wire rope. Alternatively,
the tree spurs are also constructed as detailed below:
Vertical stakes are driven 1 .5 to 2.5 m into the river bed at 3 m intervals
along the cross section of river (see Fig. 6.4). Each row of such stakes
are placed about 9 m apart. These stakes are held in position by diagonal
stays and guy ropes secured to strong pegs well embedded in' the firm
banks. The verticals (stakes) are connected to each other by transverse
pieces having holes drilled in them to take the tapered end of intermediate
verticals of 75. to 100 mm dia, placed in between the main verticals at
stakes on their upstream side by bundles of local grass and die space
between two such rows of spurs is thickly filled with trees. Holes are
drilled 0.3 m up their stem through which a ring is fitted. The trees are
held in position by a wire rope 2.5 cm dia attached to the rings, the wire
rope being firmly anchored to the bank.
6.4.1 .3. However, generally tree spurs are cumbersome to construct and
have not been found successful except in a few cases.
6.4.2. Pile spurs: Spurs of this type can be constructed out of timber,
sheet piles or even R.C.C. piles. In pile spurs (see Fig. 6.5) the piles
constitute the main verticals: they are driven down 6 to 9 m inside the
river bed, 2.4 to 3.0 m apart and in at least 2 similar rows. The rows of
verticals are notmore than 1.2 to 1.8 m apart. Between the main verticals,
there can be two intermediates, embedded at least 1.2 m below the bed.
Each row is either closely inter-twined with brush wood branches, going
in and out around each vertical or horizontal railings. The upstream row
is braced back to the downstream row by u-ansverses and diagonals. Every
other main vertical of the rear row has to be sUutted. The sunt being
embedded a minimum of 2.4 m below bed. Betweeen the two rows, the
IRC : 89-1997 37
IRC : 89-1997 39
space is filled with brush- wood branches, closely packed and tamped. The
may comprise alternate layers of 1.8 m thick brush wood weighted
down by 0.6 m thick stones and sand bags. However, debris collects
upstream and the spur becomes sand bound and functions subsequently,
like and impermeable spur. To guard against scour occurring under such
conditions, it is desirable to protect the bed, both up-stream and down-
stream of the spur and around the nose with a stone apron, 0.9 m thick,
3 m wide along the shank and 6 m wide around nose.
For the purpose of design of bank protection, the causes of bank failure
have first to be identified as listed below:
(i) Washing away of soil particles from the bank by a strong current
(ii) Undermining the toe of the bank by eddies, currents, etc., followed by a collapse
of overhanging material deprived of support
(iii) Sloughing of slope when saturated with water by floods of long duration
(iv) Piping in sublayers due to movement of ground water towards the river which
carries away material with it.
boulder stones packed in wire cage at the centre. A typical bamboo type
porcupine spur is shown in Fig.7.1 (b). Bed Bars: Bed bars are submerged structures which help to
divide the flow horizontally. Flow above the top of the bed bars can be /
compared to flow over the submerged weir while flow below the top level
of the bar is obstructed by it and is directed towards the nose as in the
case of a full height spur. When the alignment of a bed bar is skewed,
a pressure gradient is set up. The bed bars can be placed either facing
towards upstream of the direction of flow or facing towards downstream
of the flow direction.
When the bed bar is facing towards upstream of the flow, the pressure
gradient developed helps to deposit sediment on the upstream side of the
bar and thus is useful for bank protection. This is shown in Fig. 7.2(a).
When the bed bar is facing towards downsU'eam of the flow, the
pressure gradient directs the bottom current away from the bank while
surface flow is directed towards the bank. This is provided upstream of
an offtake point for sediment exclusion and is shown in Fig. 7.2(b).
42 IRC : 89-1997
Downstream Facing
upstream Focing Bed Bar
Bed Bar
Fig. 7.2 (a): Upstream facing bed bar Fig. 7.2 (b): Downstream facing bed bar
IRC : 89-1997 43
7.2. 1 .4. Studs: These are short spurs provided between the regular long
spurs to provide local protection to the river bank. Thus the studs are useful
device of bank protection where embayments occur between the T-head
groynes. A typical design of stud is given in Fig. 7.3.
generally provided.
7.4.4. Filter material: Same as for guide bunds (see para 5.3.6).
1.30 mo
0.5 TO I.OD,
0.5 TO I.OD
I. l.fjP MAX 1.5D MAX
(i) Approach embankments subjected to flooding but where the velocity of flow is
(ii) Approach embankments which are under direct and frontal attack of the river flow
or otherwise subjected to velocity of flow exceeding 1 m/sec.
(iii) Approaches to bridges located in the beds of meandering rivers with large khadir
width requiring guide bunds, etc.
8.2.1. These cases occur where the river flows through flat terrain with
large spills. In such cases, bridges have to be provided with adequate
waterway to allow for quick and easy flow of the flood water so as to
prevent undue afflux and consequent submergence of valuable agricultural
and other lands. Further where the bed material is scourable, flooring with
curtain walls is often provided. In case spill-through type abutments are
provided in conjunction with the flooring, the sloping embankments in
front of the abutments, often extending into the river causing some
construction in the flow, need to be adequately protected against the
erosive attack of the flow across the embankment.
46 IRC : 89-1997 Apart from the above, cases may also arise wherein spill-
through type abutments may be adopted from economic consideration for
bridges with open foundations in non-scourable or rocky bed. In such cases
also, the approaches will need to be adequately protected. In either case,
the treatment should be on the lines discussed in para 8.2.2.
8.2.2. For a particular bank slope and velocity of flow, the thickness
of the slope pitching, size of the stone, its gradation and filter design should
be worked out in accordance with the recommendations made in para 5.3.
However, the designed values arrived at should not fall below those
indicated in Figs. 8.1(A) or 8.1(B).
8.3.1. These cases occur where the flow is confined within banks during
ordinary floods but spills during high floods without meandering. In such
cases, waterways provided are often less than the bank to bank width of
the river, which is very wide during high floods and the approaches to
There will
the bridges protrude into the river tending to act like spurs.
be parallel flow with increase embankment. The
in velocity along the
distance of the embankment so affected depends directly upon the
percentage of constriction adopted and the angle of crossing. Large
constrictions will not only result in excessive cost of protection consequent
to deepening of bed but would also entail deeper foundation of bridges,
as well as change in channel profile both upstream and downsU"eam. The
final decision as to the percentage of constriction to be adopted should
IRC : 89-1997
be such that the cost of the bridge plus the protection to be provided
isthe minimum. The various parameters that affect the design of protective
works of the approaches are as under:
to the point of deepest scour towards the deep channel. The portion
covered under category Y' could be assessed based on the corresponding
to 2.5 m (minimum).
50 IRC : 89-1997
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 00 1 1 0 1 20 1 30 1 40 1 50
Fig. 8.4. Length requiring protection as a function of the spur inclination (Para 8.3.3.)
8.4.1. These cases pertain to rivers which meander in the alluvial plains
and have large Khadir widths even under ordinary flood conditions. From
economic considerations, it is, however, imperative to provide waterways
much less than the width between ends of the Khadir of the river. This
is achieved with the help of guide bunds, the treatment of which has been
discussed in para 5, which restrict the river to flow within an artificial
0.3 m thick may be provided for embankment height upto 7.5 m increased
to 0.5 m in the lower portion where height exceeds 7.5 m. The minimum
8.4.3. The design of filter backing is dependent on the voids in the stone
\ pitching and the gradation of bank material. For the nominal nature of
IRC : 89-1997 51
The slope pitching should extend well above the pond level taking
into account the exigencies of abnormal floods and wave action. The free
board in any case, should not be less than 1 .2 m. A higher free board would
be advisable in case of aggrading rivers.
no borrow pits shall be permitted within the area bounded by the guide
bund on one side, natural bank on the other side and the lines drawn
tangentially to the top of upstream and downstream curved heads parallel
to approach embankment. Moreover, the edge of the nearest borrow pits
shall be not less than 200 metre from the toe of the embankment both
on the upstream and downstream side in any case.
The aforesaid guidelines do not cover the provision where the approach
embankments are under the attack of sea waves or tidal bores, etc. In such
cases, the protective measures may be evolved based on expert hterature/
model experiments. Stability of embankments to be protected should be
ensured on the basis of local experience and/or slope stability analysis
related to appropriate soil data.
the piers and abutments may cause enormous damage. In such cases, heavy
protection around piers/abutments may be necessary which may be in the
form of stone facing or steel plate lining. The same may be decided by
the Engineer-in-charge keeping in view the site conditions. In case heavy
floating debris is anticipated, necessary traps may be provided to prevent
die same from reaching the structure.
9.3. Permeable spurs and toe walls with launching apron may also be
considered for protection works.
the best guide for finalizing the design of new works. However, the
following minimum specification for floor protection shall at least be
followed while designing new structures subject to the general stipulation
diat post protection works velocity under the structure does not exceed
2 m/s and the intensity of discharge is limited to 3 mVm.
(a) There are no loose pockets, unfilled depressions left in the trench.
(b) The soil at the founding level is properly compacted to true lines and level.
(c) All concrete and other elements are laid in dry bed.
10.2.2. Rigid flooring: The rigid flooring shall be provided under the
bridge and shall extend for a distance of at least 3 m on upstream side
and 5 m on down stream side of the bridge. However, in case the splayed
54 IRC : 89-1997
wing walls of the structure are likely to be longer the flooring shall extend
upto the line connecting the end of wing walls on either side of the bridge. The top of flooring shall be kept 300 mm below the lowest
bed level.
The river has its own peculiarities depending on its size, load
characteristics, the terrain through which it flows and the nature of the
IRC : 89-1997 55
1 1 .2.3. The importance of the bridge viz., its location on strategic routes
or its proximity to major industrial complexes, towns, etc. is yet another
consideration for resorting to model studies.
11.3.1. Model studies may be required for one or more design aspects
56 ^ IRC: 89-1997
f ..
as mentioned below.
(i) Layout
(ii) Length of upstream and downstream parts in relation to velocities and
discharge distribution across the bridge and in relation to all possible
conditions of approach of the river for safety of guide bunds. The radius
of curvature of upstream mole head of guide bund to ensure smooth flow
(iii) Water levels behind the guide bunds and along the approaches.
(i v) Maximum scour level at suitable points along the length of guide bund. River bank protection: Works like spurs, bank pitching etc., Bridge piers: Afflux at the bridge piers, scour around the piers
and at the river bed and related protective measures.
(1) Enunciation of the problem, its history and probable causes, if any.
(2) Previous remedial measures taken, if any, their details and behaviour.
IRC : 89-1997 57
(i) The stage of the river at which the erosion is most pronounced; and
(2) River survey plan: As indicated in para 4.1 (ii), this plan should
(v) Position of existing and proposed structures like bridges, dams, weirs,
barrages, ghats, spurs and other pucca structures, etc.
(5) Contour plan: Same as indicated in para 4.1 (iii). This should,
however, cover the entire reach mentioned in para 11.4.2(2).
58 IRC : 89-1997
(1) Daily gauge and discharge data at all existing stream gauging sites
for one or more flood seasons. If such sites are absent, a minimum of three
new stations should be located, one each at either end of the reach to be
modelled and one in the middle and data collected and furnished for at
least one flood season. The positions of all gauge stations should be shown
on plan mentioned in para 11.4.2(2) and their co-ordinates given.
(3) Flood data: Same as indicated in paras 4.2 (vi), 4.2 (vii) and 4.2 (viii).
(4) RLS of flood marks on structures and depth of spill flow and its
Note: All gauge and discharge sites should coincide with cross sections and should
be marked on survey plan referred to in para 11.4.2(2).
(1) Bed material data: Samples may be taken at three sections one
at either end and one in the centre of river reach under consideration. These
samplesmay be analysed for determination of particle size disU'ibution
and mean diameter.
(3) Bank material data: Material of which both banks are made is
tobe collected on the same sections from which bed samples are collected
and/or in the reach where active erosion if noticed as indicated in para
4.2(xiv). The sample may be analysed for determination of following
(1) Lines of flow at specific flood stages, low, medium and high.
11.5.1. While some type of problems can be solved with the aid of
model studies with a high degree of accuracy, certain aspects of studies
connected witii the rivers flowing in alluvium present difficulties. In the
mobile bed river models, the results lack scalar transformation to the
prototype. They cannot, therefore, be applied quantitatively but can be
Some of these aspects are dQschbed in Appendix-
regarded as qualitative.
4. model techniques have been devised to reduce the gap between
model results and natural occurrence showing what may be reasonably
expected from the model results and what should not be expected. Models
are always helpful in that, they make it easier to visualise the problerhs
and evaluate the felative affects of different treatments making allowance
for model limitations, but the success depends primarily on correct
diagnosis and evaluation of all factors causing change.
11.5.2. In the final analysis, the validity of results of model study and
interpretation of its results depends on experience, sound judgement and
reasoning of the experimenter.
12.1. Purpose
The protective works like guide bunds spurs, pitching around abut-
ments, etc., shall be inspected.
The inspection before the floods shall be carried out to ensure that all
fl-ood protection measures have been carried out as per design in case of
new works. In case of existing works it will be ensured that these are intact
and in position as per design and drawings.
The floor protection shall also be inspected before, during and after
the floods to ascertain the extent of scour, cracking and damage of the
any and adequacy of the cut off walls and apron, etc. Specific
floor, if
recommendations for augmentation of the existing provisions, if any, shall
also be given.
(a) Most careful paU-oUing and watch is necessary during each flood
season especially the first flood season to detect any weakness
in construction and to take corrective action promptly.
62 IRC : 89-1997
(d) It is necessary that during the flood season the field Engineers
remain vigilant and keep a careful watch on the behaviour of
the river as it affects the training works. During flood season it
(e) Any settlement in the bank or bridge or slip in the slope needs
immediate attention.
(f) During winter or dry weather a survey of the river course has to
be carried out to a sufficient distance on the upsu*eam and
downstream of bridges with guide bunds.
Keeping the above in view the list of important records which should
be available at site for proper maintenance has been drawn. But this list
is by no means exhaustive and other records as necessary in each
individual case should also be kept at site.
(i) Longitudinal section, cross section and plan indicating the course of the channel.
(iv) Plan indicating layout and dimensions of the embankment slope pitching, filter
layers, cut off walls turfing launching apron, drains etc. and details of materials
used in the construction grading, Liquid Limit, Plasticity Index Proctor Density and
Optimum Moisture Content.
(v) Record of observed High Flood Level, discharge, velocity of flow, obliquity of
flow, functioning of the bridge and protective works including changes in the flow-
pattern. For important bridges gauge stations should be established to measure the
(vi) Record of River Survey details upto a distance of 5 times the length of the bridge
(or 1 km whichever is more) on upstream side and for a distance equal to 3 times
the length of the bridge on downstream side alongwith cross sections at suitable
intervals for the last ten years.
(vii) Record by way of photographic evidence of the nature and extent of damages
observed in the past and the remedial measures undertaken.
64 IRC : 89-1997
(viii) Copy of the model study report if model tests were got carried out for location of
bridge and protective work.
(ix) A record of satellite imagery for important bridges updated every five years
through National Remote Sensing agency. In case any abnormal situation is
(i) Repairing or reconditioning the existing protective works to the original design
section in advance so that these can withstand the pressure of the ensuing flood.
(ii) Ensuring adequate free board to cater for any unexpected settlement with the
aggradation of the river bed by wave action or occurrence of flood of higher
intensity than the designed one, without any adverse effect on the performance
of bridge and protective works.
(iii) up all hollows and depressions in the embankment of the guide bunds
wherever existing and ramming earth after clearing the site of all loose and
vegetal materials.
(iv) Providing a cover of soil containing 10 per cent to 15 per cent of clay well
rammed and rolled where the filled top material is sandy or silty.
(v) Rodents and other animals make holes, cavities and tunnels through and under
the embankment of the guide bunds. These are sources of danger causing
excessive seepage which may give rise to serious breeches during flood period.
Such holes should be carefully located, examined and provided with inverted
filter, filled with earth and rammed. Alternatively such holes can be filled with
well rammed stiff clay.
(vi) Planting of trees on the top of guide bunds should not be permitted because their
roots tend to loosen the core of the guide bunds. Deep rooted bushy shrubs or
IRC : 89-1997 65
for bridge foundations, approach embankments and guide bunds which are in
imminent danger of erosion.
(viii) Top of guide bund wherever those are designed to carry vehicular traffic
should be kept in good condition so that they effectively serve the purpose of
transport of materials and inspection both during the monsoon and pre-
monsoon periods.
(ix) All Departmental vehicles, boats and launches should be kept operational. All
tools and plants including torch lights hurricane lamps and spades, etc. , and fire
fighting articles as well as materials for erecting temporary sheds at the work
sites for workers should be arranged and stored in a suitable place.
(x) Advance collection of sand bags, stone boulders, about 2 per cent of total
quantity used in apron GI wire for making wire crates, for use in the event of
(xi) To take soundings near the bridge and protective works particularly at locations
where the river is showing a tendency to meander to compare actual observed
sour near bridge foundations and protective works with designed scour.
(i) During Monsoon very careful maintenance of the Protective Works is required
as the flood water of river threatens, safety of the guide bunds, spurs and
approach embankments. It assumes further importance in case of new guide
bunds. The establishment required to be engaged for proper maintenance will
depend upon the importance and behaviour of the river. As soon as the water
touches the guide bunds and shows further rising trend in its level, a control
room should be set up and round the clock patrolling should start. This should
continue until water recedes the Low Water Level. During this period inspection
by senior official should also be carried out.
IRC : 89-1997
(ii) Special vigilance is necessary towards the country side of the guide bund to
detect any formation of boils due to seepage which call forimmediate attention.
(iii) In the event of abnormal rise in water level threatening the washing away of the
guide bund, the level of the top of the guide bund may be suitably raised. The
common method of building up the height is by providing dowel on the river
side of the top of the guide bunds with bags filled with earth. These bags should
be half full only so that these will fit closely against each other. Sand should not
be used for filling the sacks, if clay or loamy soil is available.
(iv) During floods scour depth should be measured daily and in case it exceeds
designed scour depth dumping of boulders in the scour hole should be resorted
to with large size boulders as well as boulders in wire crates.
( vi) After the flood season when the water level has fallen, cross-sections should be
taken at every 50 m interval along the length of the guide bund or spurs by
probings wherever necessary to ascertain the position of the stone in the slope
and the apron. The cross-sections will indicate the progress in launching of the
apron, its ultimate position and reveal any defect that may require remedy. The
cross-sections taken after each flood season should be compared with the
original cross-sections, to examine the variations, if any. The damages to
protection work should be restored to its original position by dumping further
quantity of loose stone of required size or boulders in wire crates wherever
necessary. Damaged wire crates should be replaced.
(vii) Model tests and field observations have confirmed that for satisfactory launching
of apron the bed materials should scour easily and evenly. If an apron is laid on
the river bed consisting of alternate layers of sand and clay, the sand layers scour
and clayey layers subside causing uneven cliffs as a result the apron cannot
launch uniformly. Stones fall in the river bed and are washed away by the water
current. Therefore, clayey beds cannot be used as dependable foundations for
aprons. In places where clayey beds are unavoidable sufficient quantity of
reserve stone at hand should be kept to fill the uneven depressions and scour
holes as well as to repair the other damages.
(viii) The launching apron if damaged should be repaired by diverting the flow, if
necessary. During such repairs the portion launched should not be disturbed and
new crated sausage work should be provided over it.
IRC : 89-1997 67
(ix) In the case of major damages like slope failure or major changes in river
behaviour it may be necessary to close the bridge to traffic pending restoration
on immediate basis which should be based on re-assessment of the damages
noticed, design parameters past and present.
(x) In the case of bridges and protective works which are in imminent danger every
year, permanent remedial measures should be finalised only on the basis of
model studies.
68 IRC : 89-1997
Appendix 1(a)
(Para 4.6.3)
*hj = afflux in metre
V - average velocity of river prior to obstruction in metre sec.
A = unobstructed sectional area of river in sq. metre.
Aj = sectional area of river at obstruction in sq. metre.
Appendix 1(b)
(Sub'para 4.6.3)
2g JSOL,.,
A p| A h
A practical expression for backwater has been formulated by applying the principle
of conservation of energy between the point of maximum backwater upstream from the
bridge Section 1 and a point downstream from the bridge at which normal stage has been
re-established in Section 4 (Figs. 1 A and 2 A). The expression is reasonably valid if the
channel in the vicinity of the bridge is essentially straight, the cross sectional area of the
stream is fairly uniform, the gradient of the bottom is aproximately constant between
sections 1 and 4, the flow is free to contract and expand, there is no appreciable scour
of the bed in the constriction and the flow is in the sub-critical range.
The expression for computation of backwater h*j (in FPS units) upstream from a bridge
constricting the flow, formulated on the basis of model studies is as follows:
h\ = K' a2
— (1-1)
The value of Aj in the second part of the expression (1) which depends on h*j can then
be determined and the second terms of expression (1) evaluated.
3.1. The value of the overall backwater coefficient K* is dependent on the following:
(i) The bridge opening ratio M, i.e., the degree of stream constriction involved,
expressed as the ratio of the flow which can pass unimpeded through the bridge
constriction to the total flow of the river and type of bridge abutments.
(iii) Eccentricity or asymmetric position of bridge with respect to the valley cross-
section; and
3.2. Base coefficient (K^^): is the backwater coefficient for a bridge in which only
the bridge opening ratio M is considered. Knowing the type of abutments, shape of wing
walls and the value of M, use Fig. 3 for estimating K^^.
Fig.4 for opening ratios (M) other than unity. The incremental backwater coefficient is
A Kp = a A K ... (2)
In the case of skewed crossings, the effect of piers is calculated as for normal crossings
except for the computation of J, An^ and M. The pier area for a skewed crossings Ap is
the sum of the individual pier areas normal to the general direction of flow as illustrated
in Fig. 4. An^ for a skewed crossing is based on the projected length of the bridge b^ cos
(j) and also includes the area occupied by the piers. The value of J is the pier area. Ap,
divided by the projected gross area of the bridge constriction, both measured normal to
based on
Wp length b Wp Width of pier normal to
flow - feet
N Number of piers
^J> w
total projected
the general direction of flow.The computation of M for skewed crossing is also based
on the projected length of bridge.
The magnitude of the incremental backwater coefficient A Ke accounting for the effect
of eccentricity can be calculated from Fig. 5. Eccentricity is defined as 1 minus the ratio
of the lesser to the greater discharge outside the projected length of the bridge or
Qc Qb
Where Qc <Q3 or
Where Qd < Qc
0.9 1.0
e = 1 - where Qc < Qa.
Or e = 1 - where Qc > Qa ... (3)
(if the cross section is extremely asymmetrical so that Qa < 20 per cent of Qc or vice
versa, the afflux coefficient will be some what larger than for comparable value of M shown
on the base curve).
The method of computation of incremental backwater coefficient AK^ for the skewed
crossing differs from that of normal crossing in the following respects:
on the length along the centre-line. The length is obtained by projecting the bridge opening
upstream parallel to the general direction of flood flow as shown in Fig.6. The general
direction of flow means the direction of flood flow as it existed previous to the placement
of the embankments in the stream. The length of the constricted opening is bs cos (j) and
the area An^ is based on this length. The velocity head, V^J2% to be substituted in
expression (1) is based on the projected area Axi^. Fig. 7 may be used for determining
the incremental backwater coefficient (AK^) for the effect of skew, for wing walls and
spill-through type abutments. It varies with opening ratio M, the angle of skew of the bridge
(j), with the general direction of flood flow and the alignment of the abutment faces as
indicated by the sketches in Fig. 7.
A weighted average value of the kinetic energy is obtained by multiplying the average
velocity head computed as (Q/Aj)V 2g by a kinetic energy coefficient ttj defined as
= i:(qv^)
A second coefficient is required to correct the velocity head for non-uniform velocity
distribution under the bridge.
The value of can be computed but is not readily available, knowing the value
of a, and opening ratio M, use Fig. 8 for estimating a^.
o to
5. Having known the value of K*, and Vn the approximate value of h*j using the
first part of the expression (1) is first determined. The value of Aj in the second part of
the expression (1) which depends on h*, can then be determined and the second term of
expression (1) is evaluated and total backwater or afflux h*j (in ft) found.
Note: The extract given in this Appendix has been taken from the Book "Hydraulics of
Bridge Waterways" with the permission of U.S. Deptt. of Transportation (Federal
Highway Administration).
Appendix 1(b)
(Para 4.6.3)
= Eccentricity
where < Q
Appendix 1 (b)
Row in portion of the channel within projected
length of bridge at section 1 (cusecs) 1 and 2
—Q = Average
velocity in constnction at
^ section 2 (ft/see.)
Appendix 2
(i) Where the crates are to be laid in deep water and have to be dumped and then
joined together.
(ii) Where depth of water is low or dry bed is available. In such cases, the crates
can be laid at site.
Wire crates shall be made from hot dip galvanised mild steel wire of dia, not less than
4 mm in annealed condition having tensile strength of 300-450 MPa conforming to IS:
280-1978 (soft). The galvanised coating shall be heavy coating for soft condition
conforming to IS: 4826 - 1979. The mesh of crate shall not be more than 150 mm. Wire
crates for shallow accessible situations shall be 3m x 1.5 mx 1.25 m in size. Where these
have to be deposited and there is a chance of overturning, the crate shall be divided into
1.5 m compartments by cross netting.
For deep or inaccessible situations, wire crates can be made smaller subject to approval
of the Engineer-in-Charge.
Wire crates built in-situ, shall neither be larger than 7.5 m x 3.0 m x 0.6 m nor smaller
than 2 m X 1m x 0.3 m. Sides of large crates shall be securely stayed at intervals not
exceeding 1.5 m to prevent bulging.
A double twist shall be given at each inter-section. This twisting shall be carefully done
by means of a strong iron bar, five and half turns being given to the bar at each splice.
The bottom and two ends of the crate or mattress shall be made at one time. The other
two sides shall be made separately and shall be secured to the bottom and the ends by
twisting adjacent wires together. The top shall be made separately and shall be fixed in
the same manner as the sides alter the crate or mattress has been filled.
Wherever possible, crates shall be placed in position before filling with boulders. The
crates shall be filled by carefully hand packing the boulders as tightly as possible and not
by merely throwing in stones or boulders.
Appendix 3
(Para 1L2.4)
1.1. The alluvial rivers are regulatory in the sense that they adjust their characteristics
in response to any change in the environment. These environmental changes may occur
naturally or may be result of such human activities as river training, diversion, construction
of dams, channelisation, bank protection, constriction of bridges, sand and gravel mining
etc. Such changes distort the natural equilibrium of a river. The river will adjust to the
new conditions by changing its slope, roughness, cross sectional shape or meandering
pattern. Within the existing constraints, any one or combination of these characteristics
may adjust as the river seeks to maintain the balance between its ability to transport the
sediment and the sediment load imposed.
1.2. River channel behaviour often needs to be studied in its natural state and its
responses to the afore mentioned human activities. Studies of river hydraulics, sediment
transport and river channel changes may be through physical modelling or mathematical
modelling or both. Physical modelling has been relied upon traditionally to obtain the
essential design information. What limits the accuracy of physical model is the scale
distortionwhich is almost unavoidable particularly when it involves sedimentation.
Mathematical modelling of erodible channels has been advanced with progress in physics
of fluvial processes and computer techniques. Since the actual size river is applied in
mathematical modelling, there is no scale distortion. The applicability and accuracy of
model depends on the physical foundation and numerical techniques employed.
1.3. Mathematical model of river channel changes require adequate and sufficient
physical relationships for the fluvial processes. Although the processes are governed by
the principles of continuity, flow resistance, sediment transport and bank stability, such
relations are insufficient to explain the time and spatial variations of channel geometry
in an alluvial river. Generally width adjustment occurs concurrently with changes in the
river bed profile, slope, channel pattern, roughness and so on. These changes are closely
inter relatedand delicately adjust to establish or to maintain the dynamic state of
equilibrium.While any factor imposed upon the river is usually absorbed by the
combination of the above responses, the extent of each type of resistances is inversely
related to the resistance to change. For example, in response to deficit in sediment supply,
the slope of the river is generally reduced more through meander development than through
degradation because the latter is usually inhibited by the coarsening of the bed material.
Also, there tends to be more adjustment in width in erodible bank materials than in erosion
resistant bank materials.
1.4. The following are some of the cases where man made changes affect the dynamic
equilibrium of the river:
(a) Storage Dam for Power Generation constructed upstream of a bridge - The effect
of dam upstream is that the time distribution of flow is changed although the
total volume is not. The flood peaks are reduced and the sediment transport is
cut off. These conditions may induce excessive scour near the bridge.
2.1. Water Routing
Water routing provides temporal and spatial variations of the stage, discharge, energy
gradient and other hydraulic parameters in the channel. ITie "water routing component has
the following major features:
(a) Numerical solution of the continuity and momentum equations for longitudinal
(b) Evaluation of flow resistance due to longitudinal and transverse flows, and
The continuity and momentum equations in the longitudinal direction are derived as
—A 1
— aq
+ g —
1 a(Q/A)
+ gs- q = 0 ... (2)
Where Q = discharge
A = cross sectional area of flow
t = time
X = longitudinal direction along the discharge centre line measured from the
upstream entrance
q = lateral inflow rate per unit length
H = stage of water surface elevation
S = energy gradient
g = acceleration due to gravity
The upstream boundary condition for water routing is the inflow hydrograph and the
downstream condition is the stage discharge relation.
The longitudinal energy gradient can be evaluated using any valid flow resistance
relationship. IfManning's formula is employed, the roughness coefficient 'n' must be
selected according to the bed diameter and river conditions.
(a) Computation of sediment transport capacity using a suitable formula for the
physical conditions
These features are evaluated at each time step and results so obtained are used in
determining the changes in channel configuration. To treat at the time dependent and non
equilibrium sediment transport the bed material at each section is divided into several size
fractions and sediment transport is computed using suitable formula.
The equation of continuity for sediment in the longitudinal direction is given by:
aA aqs
(1 - X) + -
% = 0 (3)
at ax
According to this equation, the time change of cross sectional area is related to the
longitudinal gradient in sediment discharge and lateral sediment inflow. In the absence
of lateral sediment inflow, longitudinal imbalance in is absorbed by channel adjustments
towards establishing uniformity in Q^.
The change in cross sectional area for each section at each time step is obtained through
numerical solution of Equation 3. This area change will be applied to the bed and banks
following correction techniques for channel width and channel bed profile.
One dimensional mathematical models like water routing and backwater models
to solve problems such as dam break, flood wave transmission, effect of bridge constriction
etc. were commonly in use before the introduction of computers. Now with the easy access
to mainframe computer and personal computers with large memories, it has become
possible to develop software and study the morphological changes of short and long
duration by simulation models. Institutes such as Central Water Commission, Central Water
and Power Research Station, Pune, National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, and some
of the State Irrigation Research Institutes and Indian Institute of Technology at Delhi,
Bombay etc. have developed suitable softwares to study these aspects in the area of river
Appendix 4
(Para 11.5.1)
1 . In the mobile bed river model, the results lack scalar transformation to prototype.
Silting in model is much slower than in the prototype while the scouring takes place
during the early stages of the hydrograph in model. Firstly, this suggested scour hole is
due to dissimilar horizontal and vertical scales, scour holes tend to be proportional to
vertical scale while the width tends to be proportional to horizontal scale. Secondly, in
falling stages of the hydrograph bed movement in model is negligible, as such the scour
hole which used to be filled up in prototype does not fill up in model. However, the scour
depth obtained gives an idea of the formation and direction of new channels and is helpful
for design of launching apron.
In prototype, most of the sediment moves in suspension and very little as bed load.
Silting is mostly due to suspended sediment, while in model, bed load is much higher than
the suspended. Moreover, due to limited length and duration of run of model the suspended
sediment does not settle down. The silting is only indicated by the slack flow or return
flow of low intensities.
Throw off in distorted model is different from the corresponding throw off in the
prototype. This is partly due to the increased height in comparison to width of the structure,
and partly due to very steep side slopes. Some of the research institutes have constructed
full width as well as part width river models to reproduce approximately similar effects.
width river model is constructed to small scales, the entry conditions in part width
First full
model are adjusted to reproduce the lines of flow observed from full width model. The
throw off in part width model obtained is reproduced in full width model. The process
is repeated till approximate similarity is obtained.
In vertically exaggerated models for bridges and barrages the thickness of the piers
ismuch less and the width to depth ratio of model span and prototype span is not same.
As such sometimes either number of piers are reduced to maintain the above ratio, or a
few piers are combined to form one pier, the shape of such piers differs from that in
prototype and effects the coefficient due to changed shape.
To reproduce correct silting in model, the hydrograph in the model should be run for
a longer time. This time is defined as hydraulic time and the time scale for hydraulic
time is:
(T^y = Lr hr^-''^
When the sediment movement is guided by tractive force and the sedimenting time scale
could be obtained by tractive force method, this works out to (T2)r = h^'^. The only solution
to this is that h^ should be equal to L°-^ which results in higher exaggerations so more
departure from prototype. Generally, time scale adopted is hydraulic time. In the above
formulae (Tj)^ and (T^)^ are the time scales, L is the length scale and h^ is the height scale
of the model.
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