Ms Snehalatha Childhood
Ms Snehalatha Childhood
Ms Snehalatha Childhood
• ages of one to two
• highlighted through : self-awareness, developing
maturity in language use, and presence of
memory and imagination.
• learning how to walk, talk, and make decisions for
• development of language:communicate and
express their emotions and desires through the
use of vocal sounds, babbling, and eventually
• Self-control also begins to develop
• begin to identify themselves in gender roles
• toddlerhood is commonly called the "terrible
Early Childhood
• 2- 6 years
• a period of rapid - physical, mental, emotional,
social and language development
• labeled as: (by parents) ‘The Problem’ ; ‘The
Troubles some, or ‘The Toy’ age,
• by the Educators as ‘The Pre-school age’
• by the Psychologists - ‘The Pregang, ‘The
Exploratory’, or ‘The Questioning’ age,
Characteristics of Early Childhood
• PhysicalHazards:
1. Illness: occasional colds and stomach upsets.
• 2.Obesity: Obesity in older children may be due to
a glandular condition but it is more often due to
• Studies of fat children have revealed that they eat
faster, take bigger bites and are more likely to ask
for second or third helping than their age-mates.
• 3.Sex Inappropriate Body Build
• 4. Accidents:
• Speech Hazards –
• Emotional Hazards –
• Social Hazards - rejected or neglected by their
peer group
• Play Hazards: lack social acceptance are deprived
of opportunities to learn the games and sports
which are essential for them to belong to their
• Such children may develop the habit of being rigid
• Moral Hazards
• 1) The development of a moral code based on peer or mass - media
concepts of right and wrong which may not coincide with adult codes;
2) A failure to develop a conscience as an inner control over behaviour;
3) Inconsistent discipline which leaves children unsure of what they are
expected to do;
4) Physical punishment which serves as a model of aggressiveness in
5) Finding peer approval of misbehavior so satisfying that such behaviour
becomes habitual; and
6) Intolerance of the wrong-doings of others.