Impacts of Stress in Academic Performance On The Grade 12 Humss Students of Dagatan Nataional High Schoolresearchers

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Abante, Errold L.

Alog, Ron Jhogel C.

Dimaano, Roland M.

Pendon, Jeffrey Y.

Atienza, Christlyn Joy B.

De chavez, Angelen B.

Lingon, Loures C.

Perez, Rosemahrie P.

Ramos, Clariss B.
Velasques, Lyka Rose P.




Nowadays, stress is a main source of problems being faced by the students

during early academic career. It’s been described as a body’s way of responding

to any kind of demand that can caused both bodily and mental tension. It also

initiates a complex reaction in the nervous system which influences psychological

conditions such as depression and anxiety. For many young adults, school is the

best time of life. These critical years can be also be undermined by depression,

anxiety, and stress. Students are very likely to experience some or many

stressors which many test their ability to cope such as adapting to a new

environment, balancing a heavy work load, making new friends, becoming more

independent, and dealing with several other issues. In the other hand, a study

conducted by American Association Psychologist, which reflects on the

relationship between stress and the structural form of academic performances.

In the Philippines, studies established that frequently and continued exposure

to stressful condition leads to emotional, physical and mental arrangement of the

students. Continous stress leads to low self-esteem of students, difficulty in

handling different situation, sleep disorder, decreased attention which eventually

affects the academic achievement and personal growth of students. Stress can

also lead to improve performance and one of the reason for this could be
students heavily depends upon the parental involvement in their academic

activities to attain the higher level of quality in academic success. The students

are quite emotional especially females, which they take stress in everything at

school level. According to Porwal and Kumar (2014), stress is something that

cause anxiety or depression coming from school stated that there are lot of

stress related to students, home works, test and other academic competitions.

The issue of stress,related incidents and its direct correlation to academic

performance were the reason why we conduct this research study as well.

Moreover, aside from that stress is any situation that brings negative thoughts

and feeling in person it is also a critical issue concerning society development.

The risk of developing serious health and psychological issue are mainly

associated with it causing a worldwide campaign for stress management.

Particularly in understanding this problem a context of situation that relates the

experiences of Senior High Students in Dagatan National High School mainly

Grade 12 HUMSS eager the researcher to conduct this study. The result of this

study will serve as a basic guideline to create and promote a well-effective and

efficient solution to increase the growth of students on how to manage stress.

Lastly, the long arising need qualified, capable and healthy graduates was the

core guide. Thus, researcher lead to this study because they want to give

solution to student on how to manage stress in order not to affect their Academic

Statement of the problem

The study aims to determine on how and what are the possible Impacts of

Stress in Academic Performance of Grade 12 HUMSS Student in Dagatan

National High School.

Specifically, it seeks answer to the following question.

1. What are the impacts of stress on Grade 12-HUMSS student of DNHS

in terms of following:

2. What way does stress affect the academic performance of selected senior

high school?

3. What activity can be done to lessen the stress encounter by Grade 12 HUMSS


Purpose of the study

This study aims to give information to students of Grade 12-HUMSS students

in DNHS and to know the Impacts of stress in term of their Academic


The following are the specific purpose of the study.

1. To inform Grade 12-hUMSS student about the impacts of stress in Academic


2. To provide an in -depth analysis and understanding on the Impacts of stress

among student and develop an awareness to lessen its affect in Academic


3. To encourage Grade 12-HUMSS student to look for the other activities to

lessen the Impacts of stress in Academic Performance.

Significance of the study

This study to know the Impacts of Stress in Academic Performance on Grade

12 HUMSS Student of Dagatan National High School. Moreover the result of this

study entails to have a great benefit on the following.

To the School Administration. The result of study can provide information and

feedback to the administrations for them to make on effective strategies that may

help the student to cope with stress

To the Teachers. True outcome will help the school teachers to promote the

study ability and skill towards stress elimination.

To the Respondents. The data of this study will provide students awareness to

the different impacts of stress and how to manage it.

To the future Researchers. This study will serve as the baseline data and

related study for the research purpose.


Background of the study

In Dagatan National High School, the Grade 12 HUMSS students are to

much to involve for this to cope with their Academic Performance resulting to
stress. Stress is described as response of mental and though hormonal signaling

and perception of danger which set off an automatic response system.

The researcher decides to have this study because they notice that the

students of Grade 12 HUMSS are lacking with enjoyment as well as socializing

with others. The researcher want to seek opinion, views and ussess. The

respondent regarding to the impact of stress in Academic Performance. Through

this study the researcher can help students of Grade 12 HUMSS of DNHS.

Related literature

In this chapter, researcher cited related literature that give significance to

their study entittled Impact of stress in “Academic Performance on the grade 12

HUMSS student of Dagatan National High School”. It provides explanations on

how overcoming stress become on avenue in surpassing challenges. It will give

enlightenment for those who are asking why stress is essential mental problems

in overcoming stress in Academic Performance.

Stress is not a simple and uni modal phenomenon on the country. Various

and different dimension are assumed for it. Stress as a painful and hurting

feeling that is dependent to a traumatic condition of present or an expectation of

a danger in future which is related to an undefined object.

Academic Performance is affected by numerous factors they could range

from past events school you come from you previous, economics, condition.

According to Newth (2011) these responses have proven that people directly

or indirectly link their stressors to other people. The one thing that many forget is

that it is life and it is inevitable. There are certain things we simply cannot
change. Another key aspects are in the volunteers is that they are the ones. Who

are more stressed than and is not dealing well with it in order to overcome it we

need to be aware of it and deal with the fact that it happened and you have to

tolerate to manage it.

As per, De Forche B. (2013) That’ s why they say the grade point (GPA) of

the students which is used to see studen’t academic performance might get

affected by its health behaviour and activities.

Moreover, Centre (2010) if we are not handling it well cause problem

otherwise it wan’t cause any problem and if we will not handle it properly it will

seriously affect an behaviour and thoughts.

To sum up, stress in Academic Performance has been effective pathway to

surpassing the challenges. It served as their weapon to take away from any

depression that may result in such situation. Involvement in every aspects of

stress a person to have positive, keeping vs. alert, motivated and to ready avoid


Additionally, Bandura (2010) it is possible to learn an assignment and yet

perform poorly in it. Academic success Impact on the students because when

you get success in their academic achievements then students feel relax and full

confidence in their study. On other hand, the learning process and suffering have

the potential of influencing academic performance on tasks.

Furthermore, (Bernal - Morales - Rodriguez - Land & Polido - Criollo, 2015)

Aside from impairing overall health and well-being, depression and symptoms

can further adversely affect academic performances.


The studies can contribute to the present study. The study of Deforche P.

(2013) that’s why They say the grade point (GPA) of the students which is used

to see student academic performance might get affected by it’s health behaviour

and activities.

Concept about stress by Centre (2010) if we are not handling it well cause

problem otherwise it want cause any problem and if we will not handle it properly

if will seriouly affect an behaviour and thoughts.

Definition of terms

Academic Performance. It refers to the extent to which student; teacher in

situation has achieved their goal.

Anxiety. Is explained as the manner in which a person reacts or response to

stress accept and interpret. Stress is seen as the journey to anxiety. It is an

outcome of stress and how an individual handles stress.

Depression. It is a serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad,

hopeless and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way.

Stress. it refers to the mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life,

it is something that causes strong feelings of worry or anxiety.

Conceptual framework

Many of the Grade 12 HUMSS students here in Dagatan National High

School various school works which are assignments, activities, projects and etc.

Which cause to the students to feel stress. Stress can be defined assiociated in

school, government, public and private office. It can affect the academic

performance of every Grade 12 HUMSS students in Dagatan National High


Every Grade 12 HUMSS students had encountered different kinds of Impacts

of Stress. It causes a serious problem that can affect their academic

performances. This action can lead to the awareness for the students on how to

overcome the possible Impacts of Stress in their Academic Performances. It

provides solution and opportunities acquire knowledge needed to maintain and

improve their Academic Performances.


View of the Students Focus group Proposed Project

on the Impacts of interview Phamplets

Figure 1

Research Paradigm on the Impacts of Stress in Academic Performance on

the Grade 12 HUMSS Student of Dagatan National High School

The concept cited were made basis for evolving a research paradigm as

presented. Indicated in the input box is the Impacts of Stress in Academic

Performances on the Grade 12 HUMSS Students of Dagatan National High


The process box describes the methodology of the study that focuses on the

use of questionnaire, interview. Result served as basis for output variable which

is the extension activities for the students to gain knowledge.


Research methodology
This chapter present the research design, restate purpose, population

sampling, instrumentation, procedure time frame, analysis plan, validity and

reliability, assumption and scope, limitation and delimitation.

Research design

The research used the descriptive method of the research in this study.

Descriptive research refers to the research that provides an accurate portrayal of

a class or a particular individual situation or group. It is also known as statistical

research. In short, descriptive research deals with everything that can be counted

and measured with h as an impact on people or communities.

Restate purpose

In this entitle Impact of Stress in Academic Performance on Grade 12

HUMSS Students of Dagatan National High School is aiming to characterize for

the solution in Academic Performance.

The researcher wanted to know the view of every HUMSS student on the

impact of the stress in Academic Performance. This study can make the student

of Dagatan National High School be a ware of what stress can bring to Grade

12HUMSS student.

Validation of the questionnaire

In order to determine the validity of the items the questionnaire was

presented to someone practitioners for content validation. Their suggestions and

comments were considered in the writing the items of the final draft of the

questionnaire. It was again show to the adviser for her approval and


Data gathering procedure

A formal request through a letter addressed to the President of Grade 12

HUMSS Student of Dagatan National High School to conduct the study was

written as noted by the research adviser. The letter was personally handed to the

President. Arrangements were also made regarding of the distribution of the

questionnaire. The researcher personally assisted the respondents in

accomplishing the questionnaire so that question on any time that they could not

fully understand could be explained.

The retrieval of the questionnaire however took up few hours after the

questionnaire was administered. After the questionnaire were turned to the

researchers, the responses were tailed, tabulated, analyzed and the interpreted

in accordance with the items found in the questionnaire.

Procedure and Time Frame

The respondents were asked to determine positive and negative Effects of

Stress and their perception regarding the Impacts of Stress in Academic

Performances. The President of Grade 12 HUMSS Student were also focus

group interview regarding the Impacts of Stress in Academic in Dagatan National

High School to understand and gathered more information needed.

Population and Sampling

The respondents of the study were 73 respondents of Grade 12 HUMSS

Student in Dagatan National High School, which 40 students are from HUMSS 2

Jacinth while the other 33 is from HUMSS 1 Amethyst. The study use simple

purposive sampling which you can use sample from population. In administration,

of the interview, the questionnaire was reproduced and distributed to the

intended respondent of Grade 12 HUMSS Student of DNHS. Retrieval of the

questionnaire was done personally by the researcher.


The first part of focus group interview is an open ended question that

includes personal view of the students about stress, the second part is concern

with the impacts of stress in Academic Performance.

Constructing of the questionnaire

In constructing ideal questionnaire utilized for the collection of information

the researchers search for book, internet and other related sources that help

them to have an idea on what will be the final output. After reading some related

source, comment, and suggestion. The questionnaire includes the personal view

of the respondents and the impacts of the stress in Academic Performance.

Analysis plan
Project People Involved Time Frame Expected Output

A specific pamphlet

Grade 12 HUMSS giving will Raise an

Pamphlet Giving students supposed to awareness about

(Activity) Research Adviser conduct in Dagatan the ways on how to

DNHS Faculty and National High manage stress

staffs school where it is through pamphlet

one to two day’s giving.

activity establish to

enlighten the mind

of the students and

teachers on the

ways on how to

manage stress with

regards to



In order to determine the validity of the items the questionnaire was

presented someone practitioner for content validation. Their suggestion and

comments were

considered in writing the items of the final draft of the questionnaire. It was

again show to the adviser for her approval and reproduction was made.
Scope and limitation

This study dealt with the determination of the impact of the stress in

Academic Performance of Grade 12 HUMSS student from Dagatan National

High School. It covered the characteristics of stress in term of history. Likewise,

the study covered this assesment on the impacts of the stress in Academic


This research used descriptive- qualitative type of the research with

questionnaire as the main data gathering instrument. Respondents were 73

HUMSS 12 students from Dagatan National High School.


Presentation,Discussion and Interpretation

This chapter includes the analysis and interpretation of data regarding the

Impacts of Stress in Academic Performance on Grade 12 HUMSS student in

Dagatan National High School.

50% DE
40% 12
30% HUM
10% DEN
0% T

Graph 1

The Encountered Stress in Academic Performance

As shown in the Graph 1 they encountered stress in Academic

Performance,out that 41 students or 61% answered that they are encountered

stress. On the other hand,26 students or 39% of them answered that they did not

encountered stress in Academic Performance.

According Bandura (2010),it is possible to learn an assignment and yet

perform poorly in it academic success Impact on the students because when you

get success in their academic achievements then students feel relax and full
confidence in their study.On the other hand,the learning process and suffering

have the potential of influencing academic performances or tasks.

According to study of Bandura (2010) shows that they encountered stress in

Academic Performance by the student. The researchers found out that majority

of the students always encountered stress in Academic Performance. It means

that the students are really having a hard time and feel pressured.Based from

result gathered,67 respondents or 100% answered that they experienced stress

due to school works.Students take it as pressure.Some answered that they can’t

easily understand the given lesson,such as assignments and projects that

resulted too much stress.

According to Newth (2011) these responses have proven that people directly

and indirectly link their stressors to other people. The one thing that many forget

is that, it is life, and it is inevitable.There are certain things we simply cannot

change. Another key aspects are in the volunteers is that they are the ones, who

are more stressed than ans is not dealing well with it in order to overcome it we

need to be aware of it and deal with the fact it happened and you to tolerate to

manage it.




20% Graph 2
10% Sick due to Stress
As shown in the Graph 2, they got sick due to stress, 40 out of 67

respondents, answered Yes, because some of the students might over think the

things that would happen if they can’t do the certain work on given time, which

might result to failed grades who got 60%.On the other hand, 27 respondents or

40% of them answered No, because of students always think positive things and

they can balance their time to ease the tension in themselves. According to

Deforche B;(2013),That’s why they say the Grande Point (GPA) of the students

Academic Performance might get affected by it’s health related behaviour and


80% Based from the findings

40% on the gathered data from
0% the 67 respondents or 100%,
s g s
de in ce
a ol n must of them answered that
Gr ho
w Sc fr o
Lo op
St Pe to overcome their
stress,such as eating,playing

online games,reading bible, having a rest and positive mind they are the ways to

lessen the students who suffering on stress.And other answered of the

respondents read article about stress and give an awarenessGRA

to lessen or to
maintain positive vibes by themselves. Moreover,Centre (2010),
12 if we are not
handling it well cause problems otherwise it won’t cause any problem.
SS And if we
will not handle it properly it will seriously affect an behaviour andDEN

Possible effects of stress in Academic Performance

As show in the Graph3 that they possible effect of stress in Academic

Performance are low grades, stop schooling, low performance. The possible

effect of stress in Academic Performance,out of 67 respondents,41 students or

61% answered low grades because of they do not know if they did not past their

task on the given time .On the other hand,out of 67 respondents 26 students or

39% of them that they do not give importance if they received a low grades.

Additionally, then the next is low performance that they are possible effects of

stress in Academic Performance out of 67 respondents, 41students or 61%

answered because it’s give an information to the student .And other hand, 26 or

39% they are not aware the possible effect of stress in Academic Performance.

Furthermore, According to the respondents, they did not answered stop

schooling because many of the students thinks that is not the possible effect of

stress in Academic Performance. The findings revealed that student the possible

effect of stress in Academic Performance are low grades,low performance that

student that leading to stress and pressured.

Based from the gathered data out of 67 respondents or 100%,answered that

the other activities or to maintain or to lessen stress such as,jogging,rest,playing

mobile games.On the another hand,some of the student that Answered or

suggest to maintain or to lessen stress pamphlets,symposium,video clip,and give

an information or awareness for them.


Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter includes the summary,the conclusions and the recommendation of

the study.


The primary purpose of the study was to determine the Impacts of Stress in

Academic Performance on the Grade 12 HUMSS Student of Dagatan National

High School. Specifically, the researcher’s sought answers to the following


1. What are the Impact of stress on Grade 12-HUMSS student of DNHS in

terms of the following:

1.1. Academic Performance

2. What way does stress affect the Academic Performance of the Grade 12

HUMSS student?

3. What other activities that can be done to maintain or lessen the stressa

encounter of Grade 12 HUMSS student?


` Based on the results of the focus group interview, most of the

students answered that the possible effect of stress in Academic performance

were loss of low grades, low performance. It proves that some of the student

,stress had a huge effect on their Academic Performance.

According to the respondents the way to overcome stress is to be relaxed

and have a positive mind.The students answered that having a regular,exercises,

joining activities and eat too much food that can be to help Grade 12 HUMSS

student to stay away from stress.

Most of them answered that they are encountered stress in Academic

Performance because of Paper Works, Activities and they are being hard time

and pressured.


From the result, the following conclusions were drawn,

1. Impacts of Stress has a bad effect on students mental health.

2. Students are aware of the possible effects of Stress in their academic


3. There a lots of intervention it should give an students to stay away from them.


From the conclusion drawn,the following recommendations are presented,

1. Students must think positive to overcome their challenges mostly Impacts of

Stress in Academic Performance.

2. Teacher/Student should give an information for to maintain or to lessen the

stress of the student.


Name: Errold Abante

Age: 18

Address: Piña Taysan Batangas

Date of Birth: April 02, 2001

Place of Birth: Piña Taysan Batangas

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Male

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Francisco Abante

Mother’s Name: Delma Abante

Educational Background


Bacao Elementary School



Dagatan National High School

Name: Ron Jhogel Alog

Age: 17

Address:San Marcelino Taysan Batangas

Date of Birth: November 09, 2001

Place of Birth: San Marcelino Taysan Batangas

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Male

Religion: Iglesia

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Emmanuel Alog

Mother’s Name: Rosalinda Alog

Educational Background


San Marcelino Elementary School



Dagatan National High School

Name: Roland Dimaano

Age: 18

Address: Piña Taysan Batangas

Date of Birth: December 04, 2000

Place of Birth: Piña Taysan Batangas

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Male

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Furtonato Dimaano

Mother’s Name: Rowena Dimaano

Educational Background


Piña Elementary School



Dagatan National High School

Name: Jeffrey Pendon

Age: 19

Address: Piña Taysan Batangas

Date of Birth: November 08, 1999

Place of Birth: San Isidro San luis Agusan Delsur

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Male

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Ramie Pendon

Mother’s Name: Jodelyn Pendon

Educational Background


San Mariano Elementary School


Dagatan National High School


Name: Christlyn Joy Atienza

Age: 18

Address: Piña Taysan Batangas

Date of Birth: March 16, 2001

Place of Birth: Piña Taysan Batangas

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Allan Atienza

Mother’s Name: Aileen Atienza

Educational Background


Piña Elementary School



Dagatan National High School

Name: Angelen De Chavez

Age: 17

Address: Piña Taysan Batangas

Date of Birth: November 29, 2001

Place of Birth: Piña Taysan Batangas

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Danilo De Chavez

Mother’s Name: Sebia De Chavez

Educational Background


Conde Elementary School



Dagatan National High School

Name: Loures Lingon

Age: 16

Address: Piña Taysan Batangas

Date of Birth: May 14,, 2003

Place of Birth: Piña Taysan Batangas

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Richard Lingon

Mother’s Name: Maritess Lingon

Educational Background


Conde Elementary School



Dagatan National High School


Name: Rosemarie Perez

Age: 17

Address: Piña Taysan Batangas

Date of Birth: December 26, 2001

Place of Birth: Piña Taysan Batangas

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Nelson Perez

Mother’s Name: Rowena Perez

Educational Background


Piña Elementary School


Dagatan National High School


Name: Clariss Ramos

Age: 17

Address: Piña Taysan Batangas

Date of Birth: December 24, 2001

Place of Birth: Piña Taysan Batangas

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Ramil Ramos

Mother’s Name: Marilyn Ramos

Educational Background


Conde Elementary School



Dagatan National High School


Name: Lyka Rose Velasquez

Age: 16

Address: Piña Taysan Batangas

Date of Birth: December 02, 2002

Place of Birth: Piña Taysan Batangas

Civil Status: Single

Sex: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Father’s Name: Jun Jun Velasquez

Mother’s Name: Mylen Velasquez

Educational Background


Conde Elementary School



Dagatan National High School


Elementary School



Dagatan National High School



Bandura (2010)>articles>sep>academic performance document www.…ww>articles

Eschool<stress> what-is-a stress


This humble piece of work is wholeheartedly dedicated to God Almighty, our

inspiration, to our parents

Mr. Francisco S. Abante and Mrs. Delma L. Abante

Mr. Emmanuel D. Alog and Mrs. Rosalinda J. Alog

Mr. Furtonato M. Dimaano and Mrs. Rowena B. Dimaano

Mr. Remie O. Pendon and Mrs. Jodelyn Y. Pendon

Mr. Allan F. Atienza and Mrs. Ailleen R. Atienza

Mr. Danilo U. De Chavez and Mrs. Sebia B. De Chavez

Mr. Richard D. Lingon and Mrs. Maritess C. Lingon

Mr. Nelson P. Perez and Mrs. Rowena P. Perez

Mr. Ramil F. Ramos and Mrs. Marilyn S. Ramos

Mr. Jun Jun B. Vealsquez and Mrs. Mylen P. Velasquez

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