Compliance Circular
Compliance Circular
Compliance Circular
No. F.3 -512020-l &V II (M-297) Islamabad, the 26h July , 2O2l
i. All registration holders shall follow official Pharmacopeial specifications for all
such formulations for which official monographs of drug product is available
the most recent edition of such pharmacopeia.
iii. The Board allowed timeline of further six months (w.e.f. 27s
Jury, 202r) to the
manufacturer/importer for implementation of above decision.
A onal r (PE R
Secretary, Regi stration Board
i. Secretary, provincial euality Control Boards_ of
the punjab, Sindh, Khyber
pakhtunkhw4 Balochistan
and Islamabad Capital Territory.
All pharmaceutical ManufacturerVlmpo.tersl
iii chairman, pakistan pharmaceutical Manufacturers
Association, Isramabad.
iv. Executive Director, pharma Bureau, faractri.
v. Executive Director/chairman, pakistan chemist
& Druggists Association, Karachi.
/vi- Director (MIs), DRAp with tire reqr*i i"-rpr""a
rhe same on DRAp,s website.
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