A Study On Patient Satisfaction Towards The Quality of Services Offered in Government Hospitals of Kanyakumari District
A Study On Patient Satisfaction Towards The Quality of Services Offered in Government Hospitals of Kanyakumari District
A Study On Patient Satisfaction Towards The Quality of Services Offered in Government Hospitals of Kanyakumari District
Dr R SRIDEVI, Assistant Professor, B. Com PA, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science,
Coimbatore 641006. India.
R. NIVEDITHA, Final Year Student, B. Com PA, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science,
Coimbatore 641006. India.
Service quality and patient satisfaction are important concept according to hospital industry. Most of
the people in India, especially the poor, face the problems of seeking effective health care at a cost
they can afford and at a distance they can travel. Therefore, this study is undertaken to understand the
effects of individual dimensions and the satisfaction level of individuals by the services offered in
government hospitals of Kanyakumari district. The whole country is passing through demographic and
environmental transition which is adding burden of diseases. The health care facilities and services in
the government hospitals are playing a vital role. The data used were gathered from patients who have
experience in visiting government hospitals of Kanyakumari district. A survey has been taken to
analyze the satisfaction level of patients and it is analyzed that the service level is not up to that extend
and still there is lot to improve. The study revealed the most important quality dimension is
responsiveness followed by empathy and reliability.
Key words: Health care, Service quality, Patient satisfaction, responsiveness, empathy, reliability.
The concept of patient satisfaction is not new. Patients are one of the main stake holders in modern
world of medicine. Though the roles of doctor and patients remain same the context and backdrop have
undergone tremendous changes. Earlier there were no boundaries between patient care and cure but
with changing pattern of disease patient’s view of the words care and cure became different. A patient
may never get cured but feel very well cared and sometimes a patient might be cured but not very well
cared. This is quite often nowadays because of various diseases occurring in the country. For this
Covid-19 will be the best example, the one who is affected by corona is given proper care and it is not
necessary that he will be cured there is lot of possibilities that he may die. This virus took off lakhs of
life. By looking at the death rate we can’t say that they haven’t received any proper care.
What patient satisfaction literally mean? It is a measure of the extent to which Patient is satisfied with
the care they received from the health care provider. Patient satisfaction depends on many factors such
as quality of clinical services (experience of the care provider), availability of medicine, cleanliness of
rooms and environment, the duration and efficiency of care, physical comfort, emotional support, how
empathetic and communicative the health care provider is etc. are used to determine the satisfaction
level of patients. Monitoring patient’s satisfaction is very important factor to increase the quality of
services in hospital.
Improving patient satisfaction has become one of the primary goals for lot of health care providers.
The reason is simple by checking the satisfaction we can identify this hospital is good or else this care
provider is best and also; we can improve the quality of services. Nowadays the patients enter the
hospitals with high expectation as though they’ll be cured by the particular doctor’s treatment.
While acknowledging the need to improve patient satisfaction is a first step but what changes will yield
the best result the answer will be the healthcare providers need to have a honest assessment of what
their practice and services look like from when a patient first schedules an appointment. The patient
S.Sharmila, Dr Jayasreekrishnan(2013) studied the patient satisfaction and its determinants,
measurement issues and took analysis among 320 respondents . The result indicates that the quality of
services has to be improved by checking the level of satisfaction of each individual.
Annamalai Solayappan, Dr Jothi Jayakrishnan,Quality measurement of Hospital services. The result is
that the patient expects be neat so it is also important to check the physical appearance.
S.M.Irfan Aamir Ijaz and M.M Farooq(2012) investigated the quality of services delivered to patients
by public hospitals in Pakistan among 350 respondents with the dimensions such as
assurance,responsiveness,empathy,reliability . This study indicated that public hospitals are not
making visible efforts to deliver quality of services to their patients and meet their wants.
Agarwal A and Singh MR (2016) Service quality and patient satisfaction An Exploratory study of
Pathology Laboratories in Jaipur.It came to a conclusion that more innovative methods should be used.
Alghamdi FS (2014) Health care providers should take care of the service gaps. This view was
supported by Alghamdi in his empirical study
M.Ranjithkumar ,K.S.Shobajasmin, examined the analysis on service quality of government hospitals
and private hospitals in Tamil Nadu. The result is that government hospital staffs are negligent in their
work taking this as an advantage private hospitals enter into medical fields and changed medical fields
to revenue generators.
M.R.Chandrasekar,Patients(2015)studied the perception towards service quality of government
hospitals in Nilgiris over 100 respondents it is concluded that overall treatment is satisfied.
Dr.Sathyanarayana, Prof. Veena Shenoy(2019) examined the service quality and patient satisfaction in
rural Karnataka From the study we came to know that Empathy and Assurance indicated that the
perceptions of respondents regarding the quality delivered by the PHC.
AfshanKhattak,Muhammad Ismail Alvi(2012)conducted a cross sectional study among 200patient to
study the difference between private and public hospitals and the result is that patients are more
satisfied from the treatment they received from private hospitals
T.Dheepa, N.Gayathri(2015) studied patient satisfaction by collecting responds from over 280 patients
and it is clear that the patients are well satisfied by the services provided to them but there is little
more to improve.
Ramaiah Itumalla(2012) studied on how the hospitals could better manage their services and control
information to enhance their services among 210 patients who have availed health services from a
private hospital in Hyderabad,India.
In another study by RajanRushender et al(2016) tried to investigate the effective utilization of health
care services provided by PHCs in rural Tamil Nadu with a sample of 3,220 and concluded that PHCs
should be used only for preventive and primary health services rather than for treatment of acute and
chronic illness.
This study has used both primary data and secondary data. For collecting primary data, a structured
questionnaire was distributed among the respondents in the form of Google Form. The researcher
collected 168 samples by using questionnaires.
In this study descriptive and analytical research design are made use of which describes the
demographic characteristics of respondents and the frequency of two variables.
The study was conducted among the Kanyakumari Government Hospitals Patients by adopting
Convenient Sample Method.
The sample size is 168 respondents which have been considered for the study.
The study was conducted among the Kanyakumari Government Hospitals Patients in Tamil Nadu.
Chart 1
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp.Sig.(2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 9.371 3 .025
Likelihood Ratio 7.110 3 .068
Linear-by-Linear 1.089 1 .297
N of Valid Cases 168
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp.Sig.
Pearson Chi-Square .487 2 .784
Likelihood Ratio .504 2 .777
Linear-by-Linear .467 1 .495
N of Valid Cases 168
Chi-Square Tests
Value df Asymp.Sig.
Pearson Chi-Square 4.184 1 .041
Continuity 3.023 1 .082
Likelihood Ratio 3.602 1 .058
Fisher’s Exact Test
Linear-by-Linear 4.159 1 .041
N of Valid cases 168
Source: Primary sources
Interpretation: It is clear from the above table that Pearson Chi-Square =4.184,sig=.041 are
statistically significant at 5 percent level. This implies that there is relationship between education
qualification of the respondents and the way the staffs respected the patients privacy.
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .926
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 867.356
df 45
Sig. .000
Initial Extraction
Is the staffs empathetic to your needs 1.000 .538
The promptness with which the calls are answered 1.000 .661
The nurse treats you with courtesy and respect 1.000 .496
Recommend the government hospital facilities with friend or family 1.000 .573
Responsiveness of the doctor to your concern 1.000 .484
Staff respected your privacy 1.000 .357
Doctor’s treatment 1.000 .564
Cleanliness of the rooms 1.000 .620
Care in the government hospital 1.000 .720
Politeness of the Doctors 1.000 .560
Interpretation: The above table manifests that the 10 variables possess the variance ranging from
0.484 to0 .720 and the variance of 10 variables ranges up to 72 per cent. This leads to factor
segmentation process as shown in the total variance table
Total Variance Explained
Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared
Total % of Cumulative Total % of Cumulative
Variance % Variance %
Is the empathetic to your needs 5.572 55.719 55.719 2.385 18.350 38.422
The promptness with which the calls .800 7.999 63.719 5.572 55.719 55.719
are answered
The nurse treats you with courtesy and .773 7.731 71.449
Recommend the government hospital .561 5.605 77.055
facilities with friend or family
Responsiveness of the doctor to your .540 5.396 82.451
Staff respected your privacy .468 4.677 87.128
Doctor’s treatment .416 4.165 91.293
Cleanliness of the rooms .338 3.382 94.675
Care in the government hospital .277 2.766 97.441
Politeness of the Doctors .256 2.559 100.000
The first factor consists of 6 variables. They are empathetic to your needs (5.572, promptness with
which the calls are answered (0.800), nurse treats you with courtesy and respect (0.773), recommend
the government hospital facilities with friend or family (0.561), responsiveness of the doctor to your
concern (0.540) and staff respected your privacy (0.468). Therefore, this factor can be called “service
The second factor consists of 4 variables. They are doctor’s treatment (0.416), cleanliness of the rooms
(0.338), care in the government hospital (0.277) and politeness of the doctors (0.256). Hence this factor
is called “patient fulfillment”
This study has focused on the importance of quality of services and Patient’s satisfaction and it is found
that the patients are very well satisfied by the services offered to them.The government hospitals in
Kanyakumari District are performing well. They are satisfied with the dedication the doctor is showing
for each treatment. Majority of the patients visit government hospitals because they are getting free
medical treatment, free medical campaign, and are satisfied with the Infrastructure, Hospitality and the
way by which they attend the cases on time. As everything is developing the patient’s expectation is
also growing in a high level. It is important for the government to take necessary actions which would
enhance patient’s satisfaction.
From this study it is observed that the patients felt almost satisfied by the services
but there are few suggestions which would make the patients to improve their satisfaction level. Survey
has to be taken every 6 months to check the patient’s satisfaction and accordingly the changes can be
made. Inspection should be carried out in a regular basis by the concerned authority. Ward should be
allocated properly as patients are facing little difficulties in finding them. Some patients felt few nurses
behavioral are rude so to change that some motivational classes can be made. But from the overall
study it is understood that the services are good and satisfiable.
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