TechDS DV1800AP-DV28500WP
TechDS DV1800AP-DV28500WP
TechDS DV1800AP-DV28500WP
Operating mode
Compressed air is fed into the dryer and is Additional advantages of the new dryer
precooled in the air-to-air heat exchanger by the generation:
outgoing cold compressed air. The precooled air • Variopulse-controlling for the hole range as
then passes through the refrigerant-to-air heat
exchanger where it is further cooled to the required
• CAN-bus interface
pressure dew point. The moisture in the
• Datatransfer optional
compressed air condenses out and is collected and
• Lighted multi functional display
discharged automatically.
• Continius dew point without any peaks
Finally, the cold discharged air is rewarmed by the
• Load controlled energy consumption, reduction
incoming compressed air. This saves energy and
up to 90 % of the nominal energy consumption
prevents any moisture forming beyond the dryer in
the compressed air system. • Level controlled drain UFM-T100
• Display is changeable from °C to °F
• Max. operation parameter, inlet temp. 70 °C,
Boreas Variopulse, two methods - one purpose: ambient temp. 50 °C and working pressure
Energy saving 16 bar g for the whole series
• Generously sized air-to-air and refrigerant-to-
Suction pressure control air aluminium heat exchanger with a large po
(DV 1800 AP - DV 2800 AP)
wer density and generously dimensioned flow
In case of partial load, the suction line of the channels
refrigerant compressor is closed by a solenoid • One-component refrigerant R134a,
valve. Because of this, only a partial amount of Ozone-depleting factor zero
refrigerant is sucked and compressed by the • Compact and easy to install cabinets
compressor which means reduced load and
therefore reduced power consumption. In case of The Multi Functional Display shows the
lower partial load or zero load, the compressor is following parameters:
switched off completely by the Variopulse controller
at times. • Current pressure dew point
• Operation mode Normal/Summer/Autom.
• Power consumption related to the whole
Frequency converter control
hours of operation
(DV 3500 AP - DV 28500 WP Twin)
• Alarm signal
The speed of one of the refrigerant compressors • Alarm history
is controlled by the Variopulse control via a • Maintenance required
frequency converter. The other compressors are • Operation hours
switched on if required (partial load or full load). • Fridge compressor on/off
This leads to a reduction up to 90 % of the nominal • Current energy consumption
power consumption.
Technical alterations reserved (TS/2005/02/15)
Donaldson Filtration Deutschland GmbH . Industrial Filtration Solutions . Büssingstraße 1 . D-42781 Haan . Telefon +49 (0) 2129/569-0 . Telefax +49 (0) 2129/569-100
Technical data
Boreas Variopulse DV 1800 AP - DV 28500 WP Twin
Technical data
Volume Volume Pressure P o w er Pow er consumption Cooling Cooling
DV 21000 WP 21000 350.00 0,22 400 V 29,2 16,5 3,7 41600 12,8
DV 25000 WP 25000 416,67 0,22 400 V 36,7 20,4 4,6 46000 15,0
DV 28500 WP 28500 475,00 0,20 400 V 40,5 22,5 5,1 46000 17,0
Explanati ons:
Volume flow (m³/h) in relation to intake state of air compressor +20°C, 1 bar, at compressedair inlet temperature of +35°C,
ambient temperature / cooling water of +25°C and an operating pressure of 7 bar, +3°C pressure dew point in accordance
with DIN ISO 7183.
Working pressure b ar g 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Factor fp 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.88 0.94 1.0 1.04 1.06 1.09 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17
Factor fti 1.20 1.00 0.82 0.67 0.55 0.45 0.38 0.34 0.30
air outlet
air inlet
DV 0040 A -2800
1800 AP- 2250APA HPD 2700 WW- 6000 W
Compressed Compressed
air inlet air outlet
Volume flow 7000 m³/h 7000 m³/h 7000 m³/h 7000 m³/h
Pressure dew
3 °C 3 °C 3 °C 3 °C
poi nt
consumpti on 32003 kWh 60574 kWh 49260 kWh 42965 kWh
per year
Energy costs
2560,- Euro 4846,- Euro 3941,- Euro 3437,- Euro
p e r ye ar
Variopulse: The intelligent dryer control Average cost distribution for compressed
air treatment
This microprocessor based controller is the heart
of this dryer generation. Values like cooling Energy saving Energy 40 -75%
potential 24 %
temperature, pressure in the refrigeration cycle,
ambient temperature as well as dryer specific
parameters are processed and the current
operation conditions are calculated so that a
Depreciation 20%
demand-oriented control of the refrigeration Operation and Installation 2%
maintenance 14%
system is possible by using the suction pressure
control or a frequency converter. This leads to This diagram illustrates the very large share of
considerable energy savings of up to 90 % related energy costs related to the initial costs
to the nominal power consumption. The pulsating (depreciation). This means that the energy costs
measuring (serveral times per second) and the normally exceed the initial costs considerably
aluminium heat exchanger’s function as a cold during the life cycle of a product of a refrigeration
storage enable the system to quickly respond to compressed air dryer.
a load change without any dew point peaks Next to the cost reduction, this energy saving also
occuring. The pressure dew point constantly stands for environment protection because with
remains at 3 °C regardless of the load profile. every additionally consumed kWh the environment
is polluted with 0,56 kg CO 2 which in turn
increases the global warming.