Data Science Interview Preparation (# DAY 22)
Data Science Interview Preparation (# DAY 22)
Data Science Interview Preparation (# DAY 22)
(30 Days of Interview Preparation)
# Day22
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Q1. Explain V-Net (Volumetric Convolution) Architecture with related
to Biomedical Image Segmentation?
There were several medical data used in clinical practice consists of 3D volumes, such as MRI
volumes illustrate prostate, while most approaches are only able to process 2D images. A 3D image
segmentation based on a volumetric, fully convolutional neural network is proposed in this work.
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V-Net, justifies by its name, it is shown as V-shape. The left part of the network consists of
a compression path, while on the right part decompresses signal until its original size is
This is the same as U-Net, but with some difference.
On Left
The left side of the network is divided into different stages that operate at various resolutions.
Each stage comprises one to 3 convolutional layers.
At each stage, a residual function is learned. The input of each stage is used in
convolutional layers and processed through non-linearities and added to the output of the last
convolutional layer of that stage to enable learning a residual function. This V-net
architecture ensures convergence compared with non-residual learning networks such as U-
The convolutions performed in each stage use volumetric kernels having the size of 5×5×5
voxels. (A voxel represents a value on a regular grid in 3D-space. The term voxel is
commonly used in 3D much 3D space, just like voxelization in a point cloud.)
Along the compression path, the resolution is reduced by convolution with 2×2×2 voxels
full kernels applied with stride 2. Thus, the size of the resulting feature maps is halved,
with a similar purpose as pooling layers. And number of feature channels doubles at
each stage of the compression path of V-Net.
Replacing pooling operations with convolutional ones helps to have a smaller memory
footprint during training because no switches mapping the output of pooling layers back to
their inputs are needed for back-propagation.
Downsampling helps to increase the receptive field.
PReLU is used as a non-linearity activation function.
On Right Part
The network extracts features and expands spatial support of the lower resolution feature
maps to gather and assemble the necessary information to output a two-channel volumetric
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At each stage, a deconvolution operation is employed to increase the size of the inputs
followed by one to three convolutional layers, involving half the number of 5×5×5
kernels applied in the previous layer.
The residual function is learned, similar to left part of the network.
The 2 features maps computed by a very last convolutional layer, having 1×1×1 kernel
size and producing outputs of the same size as input volume.
These two output feature maps are the probabilistic segmentation of the foreground and
background regions by applying soft-max voxelwise.
It is found that difficulties are optimizing a very deep neural network. However, it’s still an open
problem with why it is difficult to optimize a deep network. (it is due to gradient vanishing problem.)
Inspired by LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), authors thereby make use of gating function to
adaptively bypass or transform the signal so that the network can go deeper. The deep network
with more than 1000 layers can also be optimized.
Plain Network
Before going into Highway Networks, Let us start with plain network which consists of L layers
where the l-th layer (with omitting the symbol for the layer):
Where x is input, WH is the weight, H is the transform function followed by an activation function,
and y is the output. And for i-th unit:
When T=0, we pass input as output directly, which creates an information highway. That’s why
it is called the Highway Network.
When T=1, we use non-linear activated transformed input as output.
Here, in contrast to the i-th unit in plain network, the authors introduce the block concept. For i-th
block, there is a block state Hi(x), and transform gate output Ti(x). And the corresponding block
output yi:
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Sigmoid function caps the output between 0 to 1. When the input has a too-small value, it becomes
0. When the input has a too-large amount, it becomes 1. Therefore, by learning WT and bT, a
network can adaptively pass H(x) or pass x to the next layer.
And the author claims that this helps to have the simple initialization scheme for WT which is
independent of nature of H.
bT can be initialized with the negative value (e.g., -1, -3, etc.) such that the network is initially biased
towards carrying behaviour.
LSTM inspires the above idea as the authors mentioned.
And SGD(Stochastic Gradient Descent) did not stall for networks with more than 1000
layers. However, the exact results have not been provided.
Object detection is one of the most fundamental computer vision(OpenCV) tasks and has been widely
used in real-world applications. The performance of object detectors highly relies on features
extracted by backbones. However, most works on object detection directly use networks designed
for classification as a backbone the feature extractors, e.g., ResNet. The architectures optimized on
image classification can not guarantee performance on object detection. It is known that there is an
essential gap between these two different tasks. Image classification basically focuses on ”What”
main object of the image is, while object detection aims at finding ”Where” and ”What” each object
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instance in an image. There have been little works focusing on backbone design for object detector,
except the hand-craft network, DetNet.
Neural architecture search (NAS) has achieved significant progress in image classification and
semantic segmentation. The networks produced by search have reached or even surpassed the
performance of the hand-crafted ones on this task. But object detection has never been supported by
NAS before. Some NAS(Neural architecture search) work directly applies architecture searched on
CIFAR-10 classification on object detection.
In this work, we present the first effort towards learning a backbone network for object detection
tasks. Unlike previous NAS works, our method does not involve any architecture-level transfer. We
propose DetNAS to conduct neural architecture search directly on the target tasks. The quests are
even performed with precisely the same settings to the target task. Training an objector detector
usually needs several days and GPUs, no matter using a pre-train-finetune scheme or training from
scratch. Thus, it is not affordable to directly use reinforcement learning (RL) or evolution algorithm
(EA) to search the architectures independently. To overcome this obstacle, we formulate this problem
into searching the optimal path in the large graph or supernet. In simple terms, DetNAS consists of
three steps: (1) training a supernet that includes all sub-networks in search space; (2) searching for
the sub-network with the highest performance on the validation set with EA; (3) retraining the
resulting network and evaluating it on the test set.
Emotion cause extraction (ECE) aims at extracting potential causes that lead to emotion expressions
in the text. The ECE task was first proposed and defined as a word-level sequence labeling problem
in Lee et al. To solve the shortcoming of extracting causes at the word level, Gui et al. 2016 released
a new corpus which has received much attention in the following study and becomes a benchmark
dataset for ECE research.
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Below Fig. Displays an example from this corpus, there are five clauses in a document. The emotion
“happy” is contained in fourth clause. We denote this clause as an emotion clause, which refers to a
term that includes emotions. It has two corresponding causes: “a policeman visited the old man with
the lost money” in the second clause and, “told him that the thief was caught” in the third clause. We
name them as cause clause, which refers to a term that contains causes.
In this work, we propose a new task: emotion-cause pair extraction (ECPE), which aims to extract
all potential pairs of emotions and corresponding causes in the document. In Above Fig, we show the
difference between the traditional ECE task and our new ECPE task. The goal of ECE is to extract
the corresponding cause clause of the given emotion. In addition to a document as the input, ECE
needs to provide annotated feeling at first before cause extraction.
In contrast, the output of our ECPE task is a pair of emotion-cause, without the need of providing
emotion annotation in advance. From Above fig., e.g., given the annotation of feeling: “happy,” the
goal of ECE is to track the two corresponding cause clauses: “a policeman visited the old man with
the lost money” and “and told him that the thief was caught.” While in the ECPE task, the goal is to
directly extract all pairs of emotion clause and cause clause, including (“The old man was delighted”,
“a policeman visited the old man with the lost money”) and (“The old man was pleased”, “and told
him that the thief was caught”), without providing the emotion annotation “happy”.
To address this new ECPE task, we propose a two-step framework. Step 1 converts the emotion-
cause pair extraction task to two individual sub-tasks (emotion extraction and cause extraction
respectively) via two kinds of multi-task learning networks, intending to extract a set of emotion
clauses and a set of cause clauses. Step 2 performs emotion-cause pairing and filtering. We combine
all the elements of the two sets into pairs and finally train a filter to eliminate the couples that do not
contain a causal relationship.
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Dialogue state tracking (DST) is a core component in task-oriented dialogue systems, such as
restaurant reservations or ticket bookings. The goal of DST is to extract user goals expressed during
conversation and to encode them as a compact set of the dialogue states, i.e., a set of slots and their
corresponding values. E.g., as shown in below fig., (slot, value) pairs such as (price,
cheap) and (area, centre) are extracted from the conversation. Accurate DST performance is
important for appropriate dialogue management, where user intention determines the next system
action and the content to query from the databases.
State tracking approaches are based on the assumption that ontology is defined in advance, where
all slots and their values are known. Having a predefined ontology can simplify DST into a
classification problem and improve performance (Henderson et al., 2014b; Mrkšić et al., 2017;
Zhong et al., 2018). However, there are two significant drawbacks to this approach: 1) A full
ontology is hard to obtain in advance (Xu and Hu, 2018). In the industry, databases are usually
exposed through an external API only, which is owned and maintained by others. It is not feasible to
gain access to enumerate all the possible values for each slot. 2) Even if a full ontology exists, the
number of possible slot values could be significant and variable. For example, a restaurant name or
a train departure time can contain a large number of possible values. Therefore, many of the previous
works that are based on neural classification models may not be applicable in real scenarios.
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The key benefit to the approach is that the single system can be trained directly on the source and
target text, no longer requiring the pipeline of specialized methods used in statistical (ML)machine
Unlike the traditional phrase-based translation system which consists of many sub-components that
are tuned separately, neural machine translation attempts to build and train a single, large neural
network that reads a sentence and outputs a correct translation.
As such, neural machine translation(NMT) systems are said to be end-to-end systems as only one
model is required for the translation.
In Encoder
The task of the encoder is to provide the representation of a input sentence.The input sentence is a
sequence of words, for which we first consult embedding matrix. Then, as in the primary language
model described previously, we process these words with a recurrent neural network(RNN). This
results in hidden states that encode each word with its left context, i.e., all the preceding words. To
also get the right context, we also build a recurrent neural network(RNN) that runs right-to-left, or,
from the end of the sentence to beginning. Having two recurrent neural networks(RNN) running in
two directions is known as the bidirectional recurrent neural network(RNN).
In Decoder
The decoder is the recurrent neural network(RNN). It takes some representation of input context
(more on that in the next section on the attention mechanism) and previous hidden state and the output
word prediction, and generates a new hidden decoder state and the new output word prediction.
If you use LSTMs for the encoder, then you also use LSTMs for the decoder. From hidden state. You
now predict the output word. This prediction takes the form of the probability distribution over entire
output vocabulary. If you have a vocabulary of, say, 50,000 words, then the prediction is a 50,000
dimensional vector, each element corresponding to the probability predicted for one word in the
We conduct the experimental assessment of the discriminative power of CLMs for a range of
languages: English, Arabic, Amharic, Bengali, Farsi, Hindi, Somali, and Tagalog. These languages
use the variety of scripts and orthographic conventions (e.g, only three use capitalization), come from
different language families, and vary in their morphological complexity. We represent the
effectiveness of CLMs(character-level models) in distinguishing name tokens from non-name tokens,
as illustrated by the above Figure, which shows confusion in histograms from a CLM trained on
entity tokens. Our models use individual tokens, but perform extremely well in spite of taking no
account of the word context.
We then assess the utility of directly adding simple features based on this CLM(character-level
model) implementation to an existing NER system, and show that they have the significant positive
impact on performance across many of the languages we tried. By adding very simple CLM-based
features to the system, our scores approach those of a state-of-the-art(SOTA) NER system Lample
et al. (2016) across multiple languages, representing both the unique importance and broad utility of
this approach.
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This architecture consists of two sets of convolutional and average pooling layers, followed by the
flattening convolutional layer, then 2 fully-connected layers and finally the softmax classifier.
In the First Layer:
The input for LeNet-5 is the 32×32 grayscale image which passes through first convolutional layer
with 6 feature maps or filters having size 5×5 and the stride of one. Image dimensions changes from
32x32x1 to 28x28x6.
In Second Layer:
Then it applies average pooling layer or sub-sampling layer with the filter size 2×2 and stride of two.
The resulting image dimension will be reduced to 14x14x6.
Third Layer:
Next, there is the second convolutional layer with 16 feature maps having size 5×5 and the stride of
1. In this layer, only ten out of sixteen feature maps are connected to 6 feature maps of previous layer
as shown below.
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The main reason is to break symmetry in the network and keeps a number of connections within
reasonable bounds. That is why the number of training parameters in this layers are 1516 instead of
2400 and similarly, number of connections are 151600 instead of 240000.
Fourth Layer:
In the fourth layer (S4) is an average pooling layer with filter size 2×2 and stride of 2. This layer is
same as second layer (S2) except it has 16 feature maps so output will be reduced to 5x5x16.
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Fifth Layer:
The fifth layer (C5) is the fully connected convolutional layer with 120 feature maps each of the size
1×1. Each of 120 units in C5 is connected to all the 400 nodes (5x5x16) in the fourth layer S4.
Sixth Layer:
The sixth layer is also fully connected layer (F6) with 84 units.
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Output Layer:
Finally, there is fully connected softmax output layer ŷ with 10 possible values corresponding to
digits from 0 to 9.
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