Group 2
Sleep is the frequent state of inactivity of a person to acquire rest for more
productivity in the following day. Sleep commonly functions through a person's loss of
awareness in his surroundings. As defined by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute in the article Sleep Deprivation and Deficiency (n.d), just like any other needs,
sleeping is an essential need as it is the basis for being healthy throughout your
lifespan. Sleep is an essential part of a person's life as it allows to rejuvenate a person's
body and mind, which is essential to keeping it healthy and active. Although necessary,
people often take sleep for granted, and many suffer from sleep deprivation or lack of
sleep. Sleep can physically and mentally affect a person as there is not enough rest to
restore from fatigue accumulated throughout a day thoroughly. According to the article,
What is Sleep? by Mandal, A. (January 29, 2020), Although the functions of sleep and
rest are specifically unknown. It is still believed that sleep is essential as extended
amounts of sleep deprivation cause cognitive and physical impairment and death.
Lack of sleep is often seen and experienced by many teenagers and students
across the globe. This study is intended to cover the factors that may lead to sleep
deprivation, specifically in the lives of grade eleven students. The effects of sleep
deprivation in academic performances are the focus of the research as sleep deficiency
is believed to affect academic performances such as learning and achievements
directly. The researchers will assess the academic performances of grade eleven ABM
students through the experience and grades of the students.
A Brazilian study (2019) confirmed sleep deprivation and measured that 38.9%
had poor sleep quality among medical students. The previous study reported that
medical students had a chance of having insomnia and reported having excessive
daytime sleepiness. A Lithuanian study (Europe, 2010) registered 40% of its medical
students with poor sleep quality. These studies initiated the prevalence in that most
students worldwide may have similar symptoms of lack of sleep or sleep deprivation.
Most sleep-impaired students are at high risk of chronic illness and are associated with
health-related and injury-related injuries. The lack of sleep harms our ability to
concentrate, perceive and judge, which can have mental health consequences that can
also contribute to poor academic performance.
From a local perspective, according to Bill Velasco (September 25, 2015), lack of
sleep is a significant phenomenon that has been affecting the health of many Filipinos.
Aside from allowing the body to rest, sleep allows the mind to refresh and transfer short-
term memory to long-term memory. Attaining proper sleep has been proven to help
students perform better in school. In the last few decades, Filipino children and adults
have been sleeping less and less. Filipinos whose parents have enforced strict bedtime
rules have been found to function more efficiently at school and work more than those
who grew up with no rules on when to sleep. In addition, lack of sleep impairs a
person's ability to use the food they eat by about thirty percent. The brain is intended for
the optimal performance of a body, is not absorbing enough nutrients whenever a
person lacks sleep. People seem to think that lack of sleep is acceptable if it is meant
for completing crucial tasks. However, it is a danger that must be addressed soon.
According to Rhobie Alburo Ruaya (April 11, 2020), depriving oneself of sleep
can cause various negative results. Aside from memory loss, cognitive problems and
heart disease might be acquired as well. People or Filipinos who had less sleep were
also able to tolerate significantly less pain. Researchers from Associated Professional
Sleep Societies claim that sleep-deprived people are most likely to feel disconnected
from their bodies and thoughts. There are instances that people would still function well
and survive the day despite having a lack of sleep. However, not everyone's mind and
body could be trained to do -such an act. (A conducted survey showed that Filipino
adults only get an average of 6.8 hours of sleep instead of an ideal 8.2 hours of sleep
every night. A study conducted in 2014 showed that more than 10 million adults in the
Philippines have insomnia and are considered one of the world's highest rates of sleep
According to Marella Castro (July 18, 2017), lack of sleep is one of the main
reasons why a person becomes less alert, forgetful, irritable, and less active. It affects
basic brain functions such as reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making, which
are needed for everyday tasks. Those "sharp wave ripples" that you encounter during
your sleep are necessary for consolidating new information and locking it to memory.
Sleep deprivation weakens a person's immune system leaving it vulnerable to serious
health problems.
B. Proposed Title and Objective
This study titles "The impact of lack of sleep on the Academic Performance
of selected Grade Eleven students of San Felipe Neri Catholic School through the
Restoration Theory by Ian Oswald" will tend to understand the causes of Lack of
Sleep. Moreover, this study will enlighten the research on the impact of lack of sleep
among the selected Grade Eleven students.
C. Theoretical Construct
Sleep is used to cure the body, especially the brain. According to Biological
Rhythms, Sleep, and Hypnosis by Simon Green (2011), sleep recovers exhausting
energy resources, eliminates waste from tissues, and repairs cells, Oswald proposed.
For instance, waste chemicals accumulate throughout the muscles during physical
exertion, and neurotransmitters responsible for nervous system communication are
likely to be depleted. According to Stephanie Gailing's book The Complete Book of
Dreams (2020), sleep can be the best period for the body to reduce waste and replenish
neurotransmitter levels in anticipation of activity the next day. As others have already
said, life disrupts homeostasis, while sleep maintains it. Also, the body can repair
weakened cells, and the young will rise. Furthermore, sleep regeneration hypotheses
make cognitive sense because we suffer from many adverse effects when deprived of
Professor Ian Oswald, who died at the age of 82, was a writer on sleeping
habits and sleepwalking, according to an article written by Chris Idzikowski (November
1, 2012). Ian Oswald claims that sleeping is necessary for revitalizing and restoring the
physiological processes in the human body and mind that sustain homeostasis or
equilibrium. In the United Kingdom, he was known as the "founding father" of sleep
research. Slow-wave sleep is vital for the body to recover and restore itself until the next
day's challenges. His book Sleep, published in 1966, drew many sleep specialists to the
field, and his significant impact on medical and scientific research helped establish
sleep as a valid field of research.
The theory suggests that sleep is an integral part of keeping the mind and body
healthy for physical and cognitive functions in everyday life. It revitalizes the exhausting
energy that a person emits throughout the day. Since students continuously learn, work,
and improve, they tend to become fatigued at the end of the day, thus needing sleep.
Although needed, there are still numerous students that suffer from sleep deprivation—
the study to understand the effects of sleep deprivation on students, specifically their
academic performances. The theory states that sleep is important to repairing the brain
and that sleep deprivation can cause many unpleasant consequences.
Sleep disorder
Inability to focus, concentrate, and learn
Drowsy-driving incidents
D. Grand Tour of Problems
This study titled "The impact of Lack of Sleep on the Academic Performance
of selected Grade Eleven students of San Felipe Neri Catholic School through the
Restoration Theory by Ian Oswald" aims to understand the causes of lack of sleep
among the selected Grade Eleven students of San Felipe Neri Catholic School through
the organized set of experiences collected. Generally, this will answer the following
General Question
1. What are the causes of lack of sleep among selected Grade Eleven students of
San Felipe Neri Catholic School?
2. What is the impact of Lack of Sleep on Academic Performance through the
organized set of experiences collected?
Specific Questions:
The objective of this study is to understand the causes of lack of sleep. Moreover,
this study will enlighten the research on the impact of lack of sleep among the selected
Grade Eleven students. This study is intended to provide ideas for future studies
correlated with the subject of our research.
The data gathered from this study will be of great benefit for the following:
The Students
This study can be beneficial as it can help the primary respondents and students
realize and avoid the risks and dangers of continuous sleep deprivation for the mind,
body, and academic performance.
The Teachers
This study can help teachers understand sleeplessness in students and
encourage their students to have good sleep habits.
The Parents
This study can benefit the parents because it will help them become more aware
of the causes and provide them with numerous approaches to helping their children's
sleep patterns.
The School
This study may benefit the school as a basis for implementing programs for its
students and a study as an example for future researchers.
This study primarily focuses on the causes and impact of lack of sleep on the
grade 11 students of San Felipe Neri Catholic School. The data collection of the study
would be initially conducted on a total of 16 selected grade 11 students of San Felipe
Neri Catholic School. Wherein similar questionnaires would be handed out as a method
of collecting the data needed for the study.
Topics and issues irrelevant to the study's primary objective would not be
covered by the research. The results coming from the questionnaires to be handed out
would only apply to the said respondents of the school year 2020-2021. This research
would not serve as a measure for the impact of lack of sleep on the academic
performance of those people outside the said population.
F. Definition of Terms
2. Health Issues – occurs when the body's regular metabolism fails or alters due to
pollutants and other chemicals that cause health problems.
3. Insomnia – a sleep disorder in which you have trouble falling and staying asleep, or
4. Overload – to load an excessive amount in or on something.
5. Physical Exertion – the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit.
6. NREM sleep – also known as non-rapid eye movement, is a kind of sleep that is
dreamless. The heart and breathing rate are slow, blood pressure is also low, and
the person who is sleeping is still.
7. REM sleep – is a kind of sleep wherein it occurs during the night when a person
sleeps and experiences rapid eye movements, additional body movement, and
faster pulse and breathing.
8. Sleep Deprivation – a general term to describe a state caused by the poor quality
of sleep.
10. Self-Discipline – the ability to what one thinks is right despite the temptations to
abandon it.
12. Time Management – the process of organizing and planning on how to divide your
time between specific activities.
II. Synthesis of Related Literature
This study aims to understand the causes of lack of sleep and thoroughly
researched the impact of lack of sleep on students' academic performance. Sleep
deprivation is an important phenomenon that has influenced the health of many in
recent years. It refrains the body to rest and transfers the short-term memory to the
long-term memory. It has been shown to help students achieve better outcomes at
school. The lack of sleep that is encountered and experienced by innumerable students
compromises the restoration of a person's mind, influencing the basic functions of the
brain such as reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Explains why sleep is
an essential part of a basic human need in order to function.
According to Eliasson (2010), the time it takes to fall asleep and wake up has a
more significant impact on academic success than sleep duration. As opposed to
students who got enough sleep, students who did not get enough sleep have a one-
year or longer risk of failing academically. Students are more vulnerable to sleep
disorders in this regard, and the development of the condition has a negative impact on
their academic performance across different grades. Restoration theory is based on the
discovery by Ian Oswald (1980) that individuals who had experienced brain damage,
such as from a drug overdose, spent more time in REM sleep as they recovered.
Oswald concluded that deep NREM sleep was a time for the regeneration of bodily
tissue restoration. The principle of restoration indicates that sleep is essential to repair
any physiological mechanisms that are degraded during the day by use. Sleep helps to
maintain the body's homeostatic equilibrium, according to the Restoration Theory.
However, some researchers believe that sleep helps secure things we have
learned during the day into long-term memory. Support for this idea stems from several
sleep deprivation studies demonstrating that a lack of sleep has a severe impact on
recalling and remembering information. Sigmund Freud's (1900) Information
Consolidation Theory of Sleep is based on cognitive research and suggests that people
sleep to absorb information gained during the day. This theory claims that sleep helps
the brain prepare for the next day by absorbing memories from the previous day.
However, According to William James' (1890) Brain Plasticity Theory, sleep is directly
related to brain changes or developments. Through the example of an infant's average
sleep in a single day that is up to 13 to 14 hours and the effect on adults' abilities
indicates that sleep is essential in brain development in organisms, especially humans.
All theories stated are connected to the importance of sleep for mind and body
function. It is evident that these theories provide evidence for our study and help guide
the researchers in creating the research. The synthesis's purpose is to provide
adequate information through different sources and theories correlated to the study of
sleep and its functions and effects.
A. Research Design
B. Research Methodology
In collecting the data, the researchers use the written interview through
questionnaires method to gather the expert respondent's perspective.
SQ#1 What made you stay up and R1: Number one reason that made me
awake most of the time? stay up late were schoolwork's
because of me wanting to finish it on
time or before the deadline comes.
R2: Playing videogames all night.
R3: Playing video games and watching
Theme #1 movies.
R4: Unfinished tasks and random
OVERLOAD sleeping pattern.
R5: School activities made me stay up
at night. I need to finish it so it won't
pile the next morning.
R6: School works and using mobile
R7: Most of the time I watch shows but
there are also times I try to finish some
of my activities in advance.
Analysis Interpretation
The answers given by the respondents showed the different possible causes for the
lack of sleep that they have experienced. The theme is overload as most of the answers
were doing school works, video games, and movies. This shows the overload of tasks
that the respondents do that causes their lack of sleep.
SQ#2 What is the most unforgettable R1: It made me sleepy during the
challenge you've encountered due to school hours probably during the
lack of sleep? discussion because of having lack of
R2: My eyes would hurt to the point
that I would cry.
Theme #2 R3: When I have to go to school in the
morning, but I don't have enough sleep,
HEALTH ISSUES I can't think straight or can't focus, and
my mind is like floating around the
R4: Sleeping during morning and
having a poor performance in memory.
R5: I woke up early so I won't be late in
my classes and because of that I had a
headache but its bearable however I'm
R6: During morning assembly at
school, I turned pale and dizzy.
R7: Trying to stay awake the whole day
with a headache.
Analysis Interpretation
The answers by the respondents show the possible effects and experiences that a
person might feel after having a lack of sleep. These answers show the challenges the
respondents faced during the aftermath of inadequate sleep. The theme is health
issues, as most of the answers all showed that the lack of sleep impacts their health in
some way, such as headaches, dizziness, and tiredness
SQ#3 Did the unforgettable challenge R1: Yes, it kind of changes my body
introduce changes in your sleeping clock and routines.
habit? R2: It did not.
R3: Yes, because I frequently don't
sleep early my body clock changed
Theme #3 R4: Yes
R5: Yes, every time I would have a
SLEEPING headache because of that I'm always
grumpy and I felt that the people
PATTERNS around me doesn't understand me so
sometimes I would cry and sometimes I
don't have enough sleep.
R6: Yes
R7: Not really. I still sleep late and lack
the amount of sleep I'm supposed to
Analysis Interpretation
As most of the respondents' answers center on their sleeping that causes when they
lack sleep. Sleeping patterns usually include the time and duration of sleep
interruptions. The theme for this specific question foreshadows the respondents'
experiences and in which lack of sleep affects their body clock, routines, and behavior.
SQ#4 What are the ways you R1: I'm finishing my tasks and routines
employed to cope up with your poor before the midnight and/or night
sleeping habits? comes.
R2: I slept earlier than usual.
R3: Try to do breathing exercised
before you sleep and try to go out more
Theme #4 in the house and feel the sunlight and
try to do exercises.
SELF- R4: Time management of doing tasks
and setting a reminder when to sleep.
DISCIPLINE R5: If I have time after classes I would
sleep first so I will have the energy later
to finish my activities.
R6: Wasting my energy the whole day
and listening some relaxing music's.
R7: Get ready earlier. When I get ready
to sleep early, I get sleepy early as
Analysis Interpretation
Self-discipline, as shown by the question given by the researchers. The experiences of
the respondents that unforgettable challenges motivated them to sleep early. In
contrast, some still sleep late because particular events change their mental and
physical attributes.
SQ#5 What should others learn from R1: You should be able to manage and
your situation? be hands on in everything you do for
you not to be lack of anything.
R2: To sleep early.
R3: That staying up late is not good for
Theme #5 your health.
R4: Set your priorities and use your
SYSTEMATIZIN time wisely.
R5: Make time for yourself so you won't
G feel tired later on. If you overwork
yourself then you will feel the pressure
that I felt.
R6: Must set yourself to sleep early
and train yourself every day to do it.
6. Stop using gadgets at night and
lessen drinking coffee.
R7: They should learn to take care of
their bodies and that sleep is important
for their health. Take care of your body
first and the rest can come after.
Analysis Interpretation
Sleep deprivation can abstain through systemizing. Our respondents recognize the
importance of managing everything to improve and be productive during the day. Doing
important tasks without giving yourself time creates an impact not only on physical
health but also on your mental health. Focus on the essential part of their tasks while
maintaining to improve themselves with better regimes such as eating healthy foods,
exercising, time management, and sleeping early.
SQ#6 What do you think should you do R1: As what I have answered on the
to improve your sleeping habits? last question, Finishing the task and
routines early could change my
sleeping habits due to the fact that I
don't need to worry about anything
Theme #6 when I know I finished it already.
R2: To sleep early.
TIME R3: Do exercises and avoid staying up
MANAGEMENT R4: Knowing the limits when doing
tasks to avoid sleep deprivation and
broken body clock.
R5: I think what they should do to
improve everyone's sleeping habit.
'They' are the reason why students or
people experience this kind of behavior
and it would be much appreciated if
they will lessen the activities. But it's
unacceptable answer so I think having
time for myself is enough to improve
my sleeping habit. However, we must
not forget to finish everything so we
can rest.
R6: Stop using gadgets at night and
lessen drinking coffee.
R7: Do things earlier and know my
limits when it comes to watching
Analysis Interpretation
Changing your sleep habits is crucial in terms of time management. Most responses
show how most respondents share how to take the time for themselves and build a
routine that organizes the task in its manageable order. Time management and the
accomplishment of your task give motivation that increases the efficiency to improve
your sleep habits. Assess to create changes in lifestyle by observing their sleep habits
to help them maintain their physical state for better health and achieve their goals
V. Recommendation
The researchers acquired their answers by qualitatively questioning each
respondent about their opinions on the effect of lack of sleep in their academic life. As
seen in other studies, the researchers would also be adding the grade average of those
students who frequently get inadequate sleep and those who get adequate sleep.
With our research's topic pertaining to the impact of lack of sleep, the
researchers would recommend creating a more specific data gathering through
collecting the hours of sleep of a person in one week. Through this data, it can help
future researchers to determine when a person lacks sleep and the reason why they
lack sleep. Expanding the age range can also help future researchers determine what
age lack of sleep is common and its reason.
The researchers used only the grade eleven level as the respondents in the
study. The researchers would also recommend broadening and expanding the grade
levels included in the study to have more data that can help in reach the desired
conclusion. It would also help show more results needed to find the needed findings
regarding the effect of lack of sleep.
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