A Review On The Utilization of Quarry and Ornamental Stone Industry Fine By-Products in The Construction Sector - Galetakis Soultana
A Review On The Utilization of Quarry and Ornamental Stone Industry Fine By-Products in The Construction Sector - Galetakis Soultana
A Review On The Utilization of Quarry and Ornamental Stone Industry Fine By-Products in The Construction Sector - Galetakis Soultana
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Quarry dust and marble sludge, produced in large quantities from quarries, aggregates and ornamental
Received 13 October 2015 stone plants, constitute a severe environmental problem. The use of these materials in construction appli-
Received in revised form 28 October 2015 cations, could lead to both economic and environmental benefits. This paper reviews the recent research
Accepted 29 October 2015
studies on the production of cement-based building materials related to the use of the above by-products
Available online 14 November 2015
either as aggregates or as cement replacement materials. Studies were examined in terms of constituent
materials, preparation methods, measured properties and proposed uses. Quarry dust and marble sludge
were used mainly as fine aggregates or cement replacement materials in the production of concrete.
Quarry dust
Ornamental stone sludge
Other uses included the production of building elements like load-bearing or decorative bricks and
Building elements artificial stones. The on-going research must be intensified in terms of processing methods and studied
Concrete properties and broadened to cover more construction applications.
Cement-based products Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770
2. Literature review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771
3. Utilisation of quarry dust and ornamental stone dust in construction industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771
3.1. Production of concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771
3.2. Production of building elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776
3.3. Cement manufacture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776
4. Evaluation of review results and discussion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777
4.1. Waste materials, aggregates, binders and additives used. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777
4.2. Methods used for the production of the specimens or products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778
4.3. Measured properties and proposed uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778
5. Conclusions – suggestions for further research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Galetakis).
0950-0618/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
770 M. Galetakis, A. Soultana / Construction and Building Materials 102 (2016) 769–781
1. Introduction Table 1
Chemical composition and size grading of typical fine materials [3,25,27].
Aggregate materials and ornamental stones, extracted mainly Chemical compounds (%) Marble dust Granite dust Limestone dust
via quarrying operations, are used extensively for all construction SiO2 0.57 69.88 0.115
applications and are essential for the development of any modern Al2O3 0.16 12.21 0.22
economy. During the production of these materials large quantities Fe2O3 0.11 7.73 0.23
MgO 0.2 0.07 0.97
of fine by-products/wastes, such as the quarry dust and the marble
CaO 55.26 3.17 55.44
sludge, are generated. The handling and disposal of these fine Na2O 0.05 3.00 –
by-products poses severe environmental problems since they con- SO3 0.06 0.05 –
tribute to a great extent to the accumulation and harmful disper- ZrO2 0.01 – –
sion in air, water and soil of fine solid particles [1–3]. P2O5 0.02 0.03 –
SrO 0.03 – –
More specifically, during the extraction, hauling and crushing
TiO2 – 0.05 –
processes for the production of aggregates, large quantities of lime- Cl 0.01 0.01 –
stone fines, here on referred to as quarry dust, are generated. Par- K2O – 3.65 –
ticularly at the stage of crushing and screening, fine airborne MnO – 0.07 –
Cr2O3 – 0.07 –
material such as silt and crusher dust can be generated and emit-
Loss on ignition 43.52 – 42.98
ted into the surrounding atmosphere. Silt is a material between 2
and 60 lm reduced to this size by natural processes and it is found Size grading
d50 (lm) 7 9 18
in aggregates won from natural deposits. Crusher dust is a fine d90 (lm) 50 80 40
material formed mainly during the process of rock crushing and
sieving. In coarse aggregates used in concrete, this fine material
is present in the form of surface coating which interferes with Although many different ways for the utilisation of limestone
the bond between aggregate and cement paste. Table 1 presents dust have been proposed (agricultural uses, industrial waste neu-
the chemical compositions and the size grading of the commonly tralisation, filler for paper and plastics’ industry, etc.) due to sev-
used quarry and ornamental stone industry fine by-products. eral restrictions regarding mainly the geographical distribution of
Concrete regulations limit the content of fine material con- the quarries, quarry dust still remains an under-utilised resource.
tained in coarse crushed aggregates for structural concrete to 1% The use of quarry dust in high volume, in construction applications,
and in crushed stone sand to 15%, so it is necessary to remove through a technically and economically feasible technology, could
the excess dust by implementing a suitable dedusting process. lead to both economic and environmental benefits for the quarry-
Consequently, the stockpiling and disposal of this fine by-product ing industry. Besides to additional economic benefits through
(Fig. 1) is one of the most important problems facing the quarry reduced storage and disposal costs, the life of the primary rock
industry today [3]. source (e.g. limestone deposits) could also be extended [3].
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 1. (a) Deposition of quarry dust in a pond, (b) stockpiling of quarry dust in an aggregate plant yard, (c) surface of the dried ornamental stone sludge, and (d) dried quarry
M. Galetakis, A. Soultana / Construction and Building Materials 102 (2016) 769–781 771
Ornamental stone industry has a large potential market world- aggregates or as cement replacement materials was conducted.
wide and is an important industrial sector for many European Studies were examined in terms of used constituent materials
countries like Greece, Italy and Spain. The production and con- (wastes, by-products, binders, admixtures, etc.) preparation meth-
sumption in European Union has been continuously increasing ods employed, measured properties of fresh and hardened prod-
over the past twenty years at an annual rate of 7% [4]. ucts and proposed uses. The key points arising from the
The wastes produced by ornamental stone industries can be literature review were discussed and finally the needs for further
classified into two different types: solid waste and stone slurry research were identified.
(also referred as marble sludge). Whereas solid waste is resultant
from rejects at the quarry sites or at the processing units, stone
2. Literature review
slurry is a semi-liquid substance consisting of particles originated
from the sawing and polishing processes and water used to cool
Bibliographic databases available through the Science Direct
and lubricate the sawing and polishing machines. Ornamental
and Google Scholar were searched for relevant peer-reviewed jour-
stone industry waste management present strategy is to discharge
nal papers dating from 1994 to the present using subject keywords
the waste in landfills, regardless of the potential use these by-
such as, ‘‘quarry dust”, ‘‘limestone dust”, ‘‘cement composites”,
products may present for other industries. When stone slurry is
‘‘stone by-products”, ‘‘stone sludge”, ‘‘recycled aggregates”,
disposed in landfills, its water content is drastically reduced and
‘‘quarry powder wastes”, ‘‘limestone fillers”.
the stone dust resulting from this presents several environmental
From the papers identified, 49 papers that were relevant to the
impacts [5]. Therefore the utilisation of these wastes in construc-
use of fine waste materials as building materials were selected.
tion uses and other application could offer a viable solution to this
Fig. 2 shows the chronological order of publication of the reviewed
problem. So far the main application of these wastes in the con-
articles. It can be seen that most of the studies were published after
struction sector includes the use of stone slurry as fine aggregates
2009 reflecting the increased academic and industrial research
or as cement replacement and the use of solids wastes as aggre-
gates in concrete mixtures. The use of marble and granite residues,
The selected papers were classified into three groups based on
which constitute the main ornamental stones, as a replacement for
the proposed use of the utilised wastes and are shown in Tables
cement would have a large environmental benefit. It will signifi-
2–4. The first group of papers, summarized in Table 2, refers to
cantly reduce CO2 emissions due to a lower necessary cement pro-
the use of quarry and ornamental stone fine wastes in concrete.
duction (cement production is responsible for about 5–7% of the
The second group, shown in Table 3, refers to the use of these
global CO2 emissions) and it will also avoid residues to be land-
wastes for the production of building elements and finally the
filled or discarded improperly such as alleviation in rivers [6,7].
third, shown in Table 4, in cement industry.
However, the use of quarry and ornamental stone industry fine
Tables were structured around the methods that have been
wastes in construction application and especially in concrete and
used by the researchers in order to produce test specimens, the
cement-based products, is particularly demanding in terms of the
constituent materials (aggregates, binders and additives), and the
specifications which must be fulfilled (e.g. composition and grad-
properties that have been measured. Based on these information,
ing). The addition of high quantities of these fines in concrete
there were exported certain statistical charts concerning the con-
and cement-based products could result in high water demand,
stituent materials, the cement or sand replacement materials used
which generates high drying shrinkage and affect negatively their
for the production of the mixtures, the methods of preparation and
physical and mechanical properties. However due the develop-
the proposed uses that resulted from the review.
ment of effective superplasticizers, which reduce significantly the
required water amount, as well as, the use of sophisticated mixture
design techniques, the incorporation of such fine by-products in 3. Utilisation of quarry dust and ornamental stone dust in
concrete and cement-based building elements is nowadays construction industry
With the above aspects in view, the purpose of this study was to 3.1. Production of concrete
ascertain the current state of knowledge concerning the utilisation
of quarry dust and ornamental stone fine by-products and stone The majority of the researchers, as shown in Table 2, have
slurry in construction uses and the production of building materi- investigated the use of quarry and ornamental stone industry fine
als. An extensive review of existing recent research studies on the wastes for the production of several types of concrete such as: self-
production of concrete and cement-based building materials compacting concrete (SCC), high performance concrete (HPC), fibre
related to the use of the above wastes/by-products either as reinforced concrete (FRC), lightweight concrete (LWC), ordinary
concrete products (CP) and controlled low-strength material
Many researchers have studied fresh and hardened mortar
properties in order to enhance the behaviour of the produced con-
crete. The main findings of these studies are presented below.
Gesoglu et al. [8], studied fresh and hardened properties of self-
compacting concrete produced using marble powder, limestone
powder and fly ash. They showed that with the inclusion of fly
ash, the amount of superplasticizer required remarkably decreased
due to the viscosity modifying property of fly ash. Concerning the
mechanical behaviour, the concretes including 5% limestone pow-
der reached the maximum 28 day compressive strength values of
about 63 MPa. Limestone powder and fly ash addition provided
higher compressive strength (71 MPa), while splitting tensile
strength had the same trend with compressive strength.
Elmoaty [9], studied the mechanical and durability properties of
Fig. 2. Chronological order of publication of the reviewed articles. concrete modified with granite dust. An addition of granite dust
772 M. Galetakis, A. Soultana / Construction and Building Materials 102 (2016) 769–781
Table 2
Use of industrial by-products in production of concrete SCC = self-compacting concrete, HPC = high performance concrete, FRC = fibre reinforced concrete, LWC = lightweight
concrete, CP = concrete production, CLSM = controlled low-strength material.
Ref. Uses Non-cementitious materials Binders, additives Method of preparation Tests conducted/measured properties
8 SCC Fly ash (30%), marble dust (5–20%), CEM I, superplasticizer Moulding-casting Slump flow, V-funnel, L-box tests, setting times,
limestone dust (5–20%), gravel, sand compressive and tensile strength, sorptivity,
corrosion resistance, chloride permeability
10 SCC Limestone dust (15–35%), sand, CEM I Moulding-casting Flow spread test, setting times, drying shrinkage,
bentonite, kaolinite compressive strength, specific surface,
microstructure, porosity, water absorption
11 SCC Crushed limestone, limestone dust (8– CEM I, silica fume Moulding-casting Compressive, tensile and Flexural strength, ultrasonic
10%), sand, fly ash (30%) (5%), stabilizer, pulse velocity
12 SCC Limestone dust (15%), basaltic ash (30– CEM I/II, Moulding-casting Slump-flow test, compressive strength, water
50%), sand, gravel superplasticizer absorption, microstructure, chloride penetration, gas
13 SCC Crushed granite, natural sand, limestone CEM I, two types of Moulding for SCC Slump-flow, J-ring tests, compressive and tensile
powder/chalk powder (25–55%) superplasticizer mixtures. compaction by strength, unit weight
vibration for the
reference mixtures
33 SCC Limestone powder (10%), metakaolin, CEM II, silica fume, moulding-casting Slump-flow, J-ring, V-funnel tests, visual stability
blast- furnace slag, gravel, Sand superplasticizer index, packing density, segregation tests, compressive
34 SCC Crushed limestone, limestone powder Silica fume, stabilizer, Moulding-casting Corrosion resistance, chloride permeability
(8–10%), sand, fly ash (30%) superplasticizer
35 SCC Marble powder (0–50%), sand, fly ash CEM I, superplasticizer Moulding-casting Slump-flow test, L-box test, V-funnel test,
(10%) compressive and flexural strength, ultrasonic pulse
velocity, porosity, microstructure
36 SCC Marble powder (0–50%), sand CEM I, superplasticizer Moulding-casting Slump-flow, L-box, V-funnel tests,T500 time
measurement, Sieve segregation resistance,
compressive and tensile strength
37 SCC Limestone powder (35–55%), granite CEM II, two types of Casting and compacted Slump-flow test, L-box test, air content, compressive
powder (35–55%), sand, gravel superplasticizer using vibrating table strength, density
38 SCC Sand, fly ash (15–35%), limestone powder CEM I, superplasticizer Moulding-casting Slump-flow test, L-box test, V-funnel test,T50 time
(10–30%), Marble powder (10–30%), measurement, compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse
basalt powder (10–30%), blast-furnace velocity, density, resistance to sulphate attack
slag (20–60%)
39 SCC Limestone powder (20–50%), sand, coarse CEM I, superplasticizer Moulding-casting Slump-flow test, L-box test, V-funnel test, T50 time
aggregate measurement, air content, compressive strength,
modulus of elasticity, tensile strength
40 SCC Limestone dust (0–100%), sand CEM I, Moulding-casting Slump-flow test, J-ring test, air content, V-funnel test,
superplasticizer, rice T50 time measurement, compressive strength,
husk ash (0–100%) ultrasonic pulse velocity, unit weight
5 HPC Sand, marble powder, limestone powder CEM II, Moulding-casting Compressive and tensile strength, modulus of
(0–100%) superplasticizer elasticity, voids volume, water absorption
41 FRC Granite dust, fly ash (30%), sand, Portland pozzolana Moulding-casting Compressive, tensile and flexural strength, water
polypropylene fibres (0–4%) cement, absorption, chloride penetration test, corrosion rate
superplasticizer by weight loss measurements
42 FRC Sand, gravel, granite dust (0–60%), waste CEM I, superplasticizer Compaction Slump-flow test, compaction factor, compressive,
plastic fibres (1%) tensile, flexural and impact strength
15 LWC Sand, gravel, limestone powder (55–60%), CEM I, aluminium Compaction by vibration Compressive strength
fly ash (50–55%) powder (0–0.8%) and expansion using Al
9 CP Sand, gravel, granite dust (0–15%) CEM I, superplasticizer Moulding-casting Setting time and expansion of cement paste,
compressive and tensile strength, porosity, XRD,
Microstructure, corrosion cell test
6 CP Marble and granite residues (0–20%) CEM II Moulding-casting Slump-flow test, compressive strength, modulus of
elasticity, water absorption, microstructure
7 CP Sand, gravel, fly ash (0–20%), stone dust Portland pozzolana Moulding-casting Compaction factor, compressive, tensile and flexural
(30%) cement, strength
14 CP Crushed granite, pit sand, quarry dust CEM I, silica fume Moulding-casting Slump-flow test, air content, compressive strength,
(20%), fly ash (10%) (10%), synthetic air- ultrasonic pulse velocity, dynamic modulus of
entraining agent, elasticity, unit weight, water absorption
16 CP Granite dust (0–100%), sand, gravel Portland pozzolana Moulding-casting Slump-flow test, compressive, tensile and flexural
cement strength
17 CP Quarry dust (0–100%), sand, fly ash (10– CEM I, superplasticizer Moulding-casting Slump-flow test, compaction factor, compressive,
20%), gravel tensile and flexural strength
18 CP Granite dust (0–100%), sand, gravel CEM I, superplasticizer Compacted using Slump-flow test, compaction factor, compressive and
vibrating table and flexural strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, water
needle vibrator absorption, drying shrinkage, permeability, sulphate
and acid attack resistance
19 CP Quarry dust (0–50%), sand, gravel CEM I Moulding-casting Slump-flow test, compaction factor, compressive,
tensile and flexural strength, modulus of elasticity,
water absorption, resistance to chemical solutions
M. Galetakis, A. Soultana / Construction and Building Materials 102 (2016) 769–781 773
Table 2 (continued)
Ref. Uses Non-cementitious materials Binders, additives Method of preparation Tests conducted/measured properties
20 CP Laterite (0–100%), granite dust (0–100%), CEM I Moulding-casting Slump-flow test, compaction factor, compressive
Gravel strength
21 CP Limestone powder (15%), sand Four different types of Compacted using Slump-flow test, compressive strength, porosity,
OPC vibrating table water absorption, chloride-ion, water and gas
22 CP Limestone powder (15%), sand CEM II, silica fume (0– Moulding-casting Compressive strength, microstructure, pore size
15%) distribution, pore volume, total porosity,
23 CP Limestone powder (5–35%), calcite CEM II, Portland Moulding-casting Setting time, volume expansion, compressive
powder (5–35%), sand, fly ash (5–30%) cement clinker strength, unit weight, microstructure, water
permeability, durability in chemical solutions,
abrasion resistance
24 CP Sand, recycled and natural aggregates, CEM I, CEM II, Compacted using Slump flow test, compressive and flexural strength,
recycled limestone powder (5–20%) superplasticizer vibrating table open porosity, sorptivity, chloride permeability,
abrasion resistance
25 CP Granite powder (0–25%), sand, basalt CEM I Compacted using Slump-flow test, compressive, tensile and flexural
aggregate vibrating table and strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, modulus of
needle vibrator elasticity, water and chloride permeability, sulphate
resistance, electrical resistivity, carbonation depth
26 CP Sand, waste paper pulp, granite dust, CEM I Moulding-casting Slump-flow test, V-funnel test, compressive and
marble dust (0–80%) tensile strength, water absorption, chloride-ion and
water permeability, corrosion resistance
27 CP Marble powder (10% and 20%), sand CEM II, Moulding-casting Rheological behaviour, sieve segregation resistance,
superplasticizer compressive strength
28 CP Diatomite (5–10%), marble dust (5–10%), CEM I, superplasticizer Moulding-casting Compressive and flexural strength
sand, gravel
29 CP Sand, quartz, granite and limestone dust CEM I Moulding-casting Air content, compressive and flexural strength, water
(0–20%) absorption, drying shrinkage, porosity
30 CP Fly ash (0–30%), limestone powder (0– CEM I Compaction with Compressive and three point bending strength
100%), Sand ramming
31 CP Granite dust (0–15%), sand, gravel CEM I, superplasticizer Moulding-casting Slump-flow test, compressive strength, schmidt
rebound hammer, water absorption, water
32 CLSM Cement kiln dust, asphalt dust, coal fly CEM II Moulding-casting Air content, bleeding, setting time, shrinkage and
ash, coal bottom ash, sand, quarry dust swelling, compressive strength, unit weight, drying
(0–50%) shrinkage, water absorption
more than 5% as a cement replacement material has a negative swelling clay content. The consistency of fresh mortar decreases
effect on compressive strength, while 5% granite dust enhances as the swelling clay content of limestone fillers increases. Only
the tensile strength compared with control mixture and increases swelling clays are affecting fresh properties of mortars, but there
the time of corrosion. Therefore, only up to 5% of cement replace- is no major influence on the behaviour of hardened mortars.
ment could give acceptable results. Dehwah [11], studied the mechanical properties of self-
Almeida et al. [5], produced high-performance concrete using compacting concrete incorporating quarry dust, silica fume and
recycled stone slurry. 5% sand substitution with quarry dust fly ash. The addition of quarry dust (8–10%) met the required
improves strength values and durability properties. Fresh beha- flowability and improved mechanical properties, while the maxi-
viour of the produced concrete is also enhanced, while the perfor- mum compressive strength measured was 79 MPa for an addition
mance of hardened concrete can benefit up to 16%. In general, all of 8% of quarry dust and a water to cement ratio of 0.38. The
mixtures containing less than 20% dust obtained acceptable mechanical properties of specimens incorporating quarry dust
results. were better than those prepared using silica fume plus quarry dust
Bacarji et al. [6], used marble and granite residues as concrete or fly ash alone. Quarry dust fills the micro pores in concrete more
fillers. Adding these residues as a cement replacement leads to a efficiently than silica fume or fly ash.
relative reduction of the compressive strength. Nonetheless, a 5% Celik et al. [12], investigated the use of high-volume natural
replacement of cement by marble and granite residues has a minor volcanic pozzolan and limestone powder as partial replacement
impact on the mechanical properties and rheology, though it for Portland cement in the production of self-compacting concrete.
affects the average water absorption. It seems that finely-ground natural basaltic ash pozzolan with or
Charkha [7], partially replaced conventional materials with without limestone powder provides an effective high volume sub-
quarry dust and fly ash for the production of concrete. Rough tex- stitute for up to 50% by mass of cement in experimental concretes
ture and angular shape of quarry dust particles and the addition of with good workability. Limestone powder mixtures did not inter-
fly ash reduced workability. Up to 10% replacement of cement by fere with long-term strength development though up to 55% mass
fly ash and 30% replacement of sand by quarry dust with 0.5% replacement of cement can be a viable solution.
superplasticizer, gave satisfactory mechanical properties. Zhu and Gibbs [13], studied the use of limestone and chalk
Courard et al. [10], studied the influence of clay in limestone fil- powders in the production of self-compacting concrete. Limestone
lers for self-compacting concrete production. They showed that powders showed lower demand for superplasticizer than did
water requirement of limestone fillers is mainly affected by their the chalk powders. The strength of the mixtures containing the
774 M. Galetakis, A. Soultana / Construction and Building Materials 102 (2016) 769–781
Table 3 limestone and chalk powders was significantly greater than that of
Use of industrial by-products in production of building elements. the reference concrete at the same water to cement ratio. For the
Ref. Non- Binders and Method of Tests conducted/ limestone powder mixtures, the compressive strengths were 60–
No. cementitious additives preparation measured 80% higher at 7 days and 30–40% higher at 28 days, compared with
materials properties the reference concrete.
1 Cotton waste, CEM II Compaction Compressive and Safiuddin et al. [14], studied the use of quarry wastes in the pro-
Limestone flexural strength, duction of concrete mixtures. Quarry dust addition enhanced
powder (10– ultrasonic pulse
40%), waste
workability (lower water demand due to better particle distribu-
velocity, unit
glass powder weight, water tion), did not affect unit weight and air content, decreased com-
absorption pressive strength (excessive flakiness) and the resistance of
2 Limestone – Compaction Compressive and concrete to water absorption, did not adversely affect the quality
powder (10– flexural strength,
of concrete and improved dynamic modulus of elasticity.
30%), fly ash ultrasonic pulse
(10–30%) velocity, density, Arunachalam et al. [15], studied the production of lightweight
thermal concrete using quarry dust as lightweight aggregate and alu-
conductivity, water minium powder as air entraining agent. The results showed an
absorption ultimate strength of lightweight concrete of 3–10.5 MPa for sand
3 Limestone CEM II Compression Compressive
mixtures and 3–7 MPa for quarry dust mixtures. Compressive
powder (30– moulding strength, density,
50%), sand, microstructure, strength decreases with the increase in aluminium powder, as
marble stone water absorption, compared to normal concrete.
sludge (20%) weathering tests Balamurugan and Perumal [16], studied the use of quarry dust
43 Marble and CEM I Moulding- Compressive
as a sand replacement material for the production of concrete.
granite slurry casting strength, water
(10–40%), sand, absorption, Results showed a maximum increase in compressive strength
gravel moisture, durability (19.18%), tensile strength (21.43%) and flexural strength (17.8%)
in heating and at 50% sand replacement by quarry dust.
cooling cycles, Krishnamoorthi and Kumar [17], studied the properties of
saturated salt
concrete mixture by concurrent use of fly ash and quarry dust.
solution and sodium
chloride, abrasion They compared the conventional concrete with the concrete pro-
resistance duced using quarry dust as fine aggregate, while replacing 10%,
46 Sand, three CEM I Moulding- Compressive 15% and 20% of cement by fly ash. Slump values decrease with
types of quarry casting strength, density,
an increase in quarry dust. The decrease in workability by the
dust (15–40%), water absorption
addition of quarry dust is reduced by the addition of fly ash.
47 Wood fibres, CEM II, Rice Compacted Compressive Compressive strength of quarry concrete is a little lower than
limestone husk ash, using strength, bulk the sand concrete due to the poor grading of particles in quarry
powder (25%), cement vibrating density, water dust and excessive flakiness. Flexural and split tensile strength
sand setting table absorption
of quarry dust concrete is more or less equal to conventional
44 Wood fibres, CEM II Compaction Compressive and concrete.
limestone flexural strength, Ilangovana et al. [18], studied the strength and durability prop-
powder (10– ultrasonic pulse erties of concrete containing quarry rock dust as fine aggregate.
30%) velocity, unit
The durability of quarry concrete under sulphate and acid action
weight, water
is higher inferior to the conventional concrete. The permeability
45 Wood fibres, CEM II Compaction Compressive and of quarry concrete is less compared to that of conventional con-
limestone flexural strength, crete. At 100% replacement of sand with quarry dust strength val-
powder (10– ultrasonic pulse ues are equal or better than the ones of the reference concrete
30%) velocity, unit
made with natural sand.
weight, Water
absorption Lohani et al. [19], investigated the use of quarry dust as partial
48 Limestone CEM I Compaction Compressive replacement of sand in concrete production. Due to flaky particles
powder (10– strength, modulus shape and higher percentage of fines, concrete does not give ade-
15%) of elasticity, density quate workability and tends to segregate with the increase of
quarry dust. The increase in dust content up to 30% increases com-
pressive strength of concrete, if the dust content is more than 30%
the compressive strength decreases gradually. Split tensile
Table 4
strength gain is maximum at 20% replacement of fine aggregate.
Cement manufacture.
The water absorption percentage of quarry dust concrete
Ref. Non- Proposed uses Tests conducted/ decreased for dust content from 0% to 20% and then it started to
No. cementitious measured properties
increase for 30%, 40%, and 50% of dust contents.
Ukpata et al. [20], studied the compressive strength of concrete
49 Limestone Production of Portland Electrical conductivity,
produced using lateritic sand and quarry dust as fine aggregate.
powder (5– limestone cement initial and final setting
20%), Homra time, compressive The workability of concrete using lateritic sand and quarry dust
strength, combined was found to have the same trend with normal concrete. The pro-
water content, free lime portion of 25% laterite to 75% quarry dust and 50% laterite to 50%
content, total porosity, quarry dust with 0.6 water to cement ratio, produced workable
bulk density, DSC
concrete. Compressive strength was found to increase with age
50 Marble dust Production of Portland Initial and final setting as for normal concrete. The 28-day compressive strength was
(5–10%), cement using marble dust time, compressive and found to range from 17 to 34.2 N/mm2 for different mixtures.
sand, gypsum as an additive material in tensile strength, specific The proportion of 25% laterite to 75% quarry dust produced higher
blended cement gravity, specific surface
values of compressive strength.
M. Galetakis, A. Soultana / Construction and Building Materials 102 (2016) 769–781 775
Menadi et al. [21], studied the properties of concrete produced superplasticizing admixture had higher compressive strength than
using crushed limestone sand. The presence of 15% limestone fines that of the control specimens. The concrete specimens containing
as partial replacement of fine aggregates causes an increase in 10% diatomite and 5% marble powder had the highest compressive
chloride-ion penetration and gas permeability whereas reduces and flexural strength.
water permeability. The incorporation of 15% limestone fines in Bonavetti and Irassar [29], studied the influence of the stone
concrete caused a reduction in compressive strength regardless dust content in sand on produced concrete mortars. There was
of the cement type. a greater water demand when limestone and granite dust were
Zelic et al. [22], studied the properties of Portland cement–lime- added. There is a trend of higher porosity of mortar when the
stone powder–silica fume mortars. The replacement of Portland dust content increases. However, this takes place without
cement by 15% of limestone caused a reduction in the compressive strength loss.
strength. When silica fume was added together with limestone, the Rai et al. [30], investigated the effect of fly ash on mortar mix-
mortars containing up to 8% of silica fume showed a considerable tures with quarry dust as fine aggregate. An increase in fly ash con-
increase in the earlier compressive strength. The addition of lime- tent increases the drop of compressive strength for a given water
stone powder increases porosity, whereas silica fume increases to cement ratio, while the decrease in early strength by the addi-
only the portion of smaller pores (up to 5%), so a 15% replacement tion of fly ash is ameliorated by the addition of quarry dust. Trans-
by limestone powder gives a discontinuous pore structure that verse strength increases with an increase in fly ash ratio.
means lower permeability and better resistance to sulphate attack. Kartini et al. [31], studied the production of concrete using
Temiz and Kantarci [23], investigated the durability of concrete quarry dust as cement replacement material. Higher replacement
incorporating limestone powder, calcite powder and fly ash. Lime- level of quarry dust in the concrete mixtures with an increase in
stone and calcite powder increased the early age strength, but they water to binder ratio results in lower compressive strength, as
partially caused decrease in strength in later ages. Samples con- compared to that of control specimens. A replacement of up to
taining 30% fly ash additive had higher compressive strengths. 15% and a low water to binder ratio can give a good quality
Slight damage was observed on the corners of samples containing concrete.
high rate of limestone and calcite powder in Na2SO4, MgSO4, NH4Cl Katz and Kovler [32], studied the use of industrial by-products
solutions. Weight loss, damage and compressive strength loss were for the production of controlled low strength materials. Large
not observed in any of the samples containing fly ash after exposed amount of fine waste increased the water demand for maintaining
to Na2SO4, MgSO4, NH4Cl and NaCl solutions. Mortars containing a constant flow. Particles of a spherical shape (such as those of fly
up to 35% of limestone and calcite powder can be used in struc- ash) improve the workability and reduce the water demand. Com-
tures not exposed to sulphate and chloride attack. pressive strength values were higher by the mixtures containing
Kanellopoulos et al. [24], investigated the mechanical and dura- fly ash and lower by the mixtures containing asphalt dust.
bility properties of concretes containing recycled lime powder and Ghoddousi et al. [33], studied the effects of particle packing
recycled aggregates. The replacement of natural aggregates with density on the stability and rheology of self-consolidating concrete
recycled had a small impact on the compressive strength of con- containing mineral admixtures. The addition of mineral admix-
crete mixtures. Recycled lime powder contains impurities that tures such as silica fume, blast-furnace slag and metakaolin are
result to the increase of all durability indicators (sorptivity, poros- completely different in the static and dynamic segregation, as min-
ity and chloride permeability). Nonetheless, it shows very good eral admixtures reduced static segregation but increased dynamic
potential as cement replacement filler at low replacement segregation, so the cementitious binder content must be sufficient
percentages. in flowing state to restraint from dynamic segregation.
Vijayalakshmi et al. [25], studied the strength and durability Dehwah [34], studied the corrosion resistance of self-
properties of concrete made with granite industry waste. The early compacting concrete incorporating quarry dust, silica fume and
age compressive strength of the mixtures containing 5%, 10% and fly ash. The chloride permeability in concrete specimens incorpo-
15% of granite powder showed better gain in strength when com- rating quarry dust or fly ash was moderate and it was low in the
pared to the control mixture. The split tensile and flexural strength specimens incorporating silica fume plus quarry dust. The time
of granite concrete mixtures were somewhat equal or little lower to initiation of reinforcement corrosion was the highest (350 days)
than the control mixture. Chloride permeability, water permeabil- in the specimen incorporating 8% quarry dust plus 5% silica fume
ity and carbonation depth are directly proportional to the substitu- and a water to cement ratio of 0.4.
tion rate. Topcu et al. [35], studied the effect of waste marble dust con-
Dhoka [26], studied the production of concrete using industrial tent as filler on properties of self-compacting concrete. Marble dust
waste of marble powder, quarry dust and paper pulp. The addition usage below 200 kg/m3 is suitable to improve all properties such as
of industrial waste improves physical and mechanical properties workability, flowability, compressive strength, flexural strength,
and gives good cohesiveness of the concrete. The replacement of capillary coefficient and compactness of the mixtures. Marble dust
fine aggregate with 50% marble sludge powder and 50% quarry increases both early and late age compressive strength by filling
dust gives an excellent result in strength and quality aspect. An voids and giving good bond between aggregate and cement matrix.
increase in the marble sludge powder content by more than 50% Therefore, the maximum and the optimum usage amount of mar-
improves the workability but affects the compressive and split ten- ble dust can be said as 200 kg/m3 content in order to obtain best
sile strength of concrete. performance for both of fresh and hardened properties of self-
Corinaldesi et al. [27], investigated the use of marble powder in compacting concrete.
mortar and concrete production. High fineness of marble powder Alyamac and Ince [36], investigated self-compacting concrete
gives good cohesiveness in the mixture, while a substitution of production using marble powders. They presented a nomogram
10% of sand by marble powder in the presence of superplasticizer that is highly useful. The nomogram combines the properties of
gives maximum compressive strength at the same workability fresh self-compacting concrete such as flowability and the proper-
level. ties of hardened self-compacting concrete such as compressive
Egrun [28], studied the effects of the usage of diatomite and strength and split tensile strength at 7, 28 and 90 days in one
waste marble powder as partial replacement of cement, on the graph. It also seems useful for determining the contribution of
mechanical properties of concrete. The concrete containing 5% powder to cement ratio on the properties of fresh self-
marble powder as partial replacement for cement with a compacting concrete.
776 M. Galetakis, A. Soultana / Construction and Building Materials 102 (2016) 769–781
Ho et al. [37], studied the effect of limestone and granite pow- production of masonry blocks compared to the mixtures with
der usage in the production of self-compacting concrete. The inert 10% and 30% fly ash contents. The measured thermal conductivities
filler in the produced mixtures represented 35%, 45% and 55% of were lower than those of some natural stones.
the total powder content. Differences in physical properties of Galetakis et al. [3], used limestone powder and marble stone
granite and limestone fillers affect the rheology of concrete. The sludge for the production of building elements. The addition of
incorporation of granite fines leads to a higher dosage of superplas- stone sludge and quarry sand has improved physical and mechan-
ticizer (25%). ical properties. Compressive strength (higher than 20 MPa) has
Uysal and Sumer [38], produced mixtures containing different increased and water absorption (lower than 10%) has decreased.
mineral admixtures in order to study the performance of self- Weathering tests (30 cycles) showed that the mass loss of speci-
compacting concrete. The best performance has been obtained mens was insignificant and it wasn’t observed any type of deterio-
for fly ash series. Mineral admixtures improved fresh properties ration, thus specimens meet the specifications for load-bearing
of self-compacting concrete. Slump-flow values of fly ash and blast building units.
furnace slag series were higher than limestone, basalt and marble Hamza et al. [43], used marble and granite waste to produce
powder series. Fly ash and granulated blast furnace slag increased concrete bricks. Zero slurry samples showed the lowest compres-
the late age compressive strength of the mixtures. Filler materials sive strength (lack of filling materials). Granite slurry bricks had
increased the early age compressive strengths of the mixtures, 48% higher strength values (higher bond with cement paste) and
while compressive strength values were in the range of 78– sufficient abrasion resistance. The positive effect of slurry reaches
106 MPa at 400 days. its optimum at 10% slurry incorporation.
Felekoglu et al. [39], investigated the effect of water to cement Turgut and Algin [44] and Turgut [45], used limestone powder
ratio on the properties of self-compacting concrete. The optimum and wood sawdust waste as brick material. They showed that
water to cement ratio for producing self-compacting concrete is 10–30% of wood sawdust waste replacement satisfies the require-
0.84–1.07 by volume, as the ratios above and below this range ments of national standards, but only 10–20% replacement can give
may cause blocking or segregation of the mixtures, respectively. values that almost attain as constant.
Suaiam and Makul [40], used limestone powder and high vol- Sureshchandra et al. [46], replaced sand by quarry dust for the
umes of rice husk ash as fine aggregate, in order to produce self- production of hollow concrete blocks. Blocks with partial replace-
compacting concrete. Combined use of rice husk ash and limestone ment (50%) of sand by quarry dust give better performance than
powder decreased water to binder ratio more than 28%. These mix- the ones with complete replacement of sand. Admixtures in all
tures were lighter than the control mixture and the limestone cases improve the compressive strength.
powder mixtures, their workability was improved and they Torkaman et al. [47], used wood fibre waste, rice husk ash and
showed high compressive strength at early ages due to filling capa- limestone powder as cement replacement materials for the pro-
bility and pozzolanic reactions. duction of lightweight concrete blocks. Composites containing
Devi [41], used polypropylene fibres to improve strength and limestone powder had superior compressive strength compared
corrosion resistance of fly ash blended quarry dust concrete. The to the other composites. Compressive strength values decrease
addition of fibres is more efficient on further loading after collapse. with an increase in the percentage of replacement by wood fibres.
An addition of fibres of up to 3% by weight of cement gives up to Water absorption increases with an increase in the percentage of
42% increase in flexural strength. Uniform distribution of fibres wood fibres and decreases with the addition of rice husk ash and
tends to form a multi-dimensional reinforcement that distributes limestone powder. Addition of 25% wood fibre waste and 25% lime-
tensile strength throughout the concrete, stops cracks and reduces stone powder produced a block that was 30% lighter than the con-
water absorption. ventional concrete block.
Venkatakrishnaiah and Rajkumar [42], studied the properties of Galetakis and Raka [48], used limestone dust for artificial stone
waste plastic fibre reinforced concrete when natural sand is production. Full factorial design of experiments was used to evalu-
replaced by quarry dust. The maximum workability and strength ate the effect of cement content in the mixture to the properties of
values were achieved when 30% of natural sand was replaced by the specimens. Measured compressive strength was greater than
quarry dust. After 30% replacement of natural sand by quarry dust, 7 MPa for all specimens. Designed mixtures can be used for the
strength values decreased. production of masonry bricks with acceptable mechanical
3.2. Production of building elements
Heikal et al. [49], studied the production of limestone-filled Quarry dust, and especially limestone dust, is the most common
pozzolanic cement. An addition of 5% of limestone powder material used since it has wider availability compared to marble
increases the plasticity of the mixture. Initial and final setting and granite sludge. Moreover, usually marble sludge requires addi-
times are elongated with an addition of up to 20% limestone pow- tional treatment before use, such as drying which results to greater
der. Limestone fills the pores between cement particles due to for- energy consumption.
mation of carboaluminate, which may accelerate the setting of Fig. 3 shows the percentage of the examined studies where
cement pastes. It may also increase the free lime content and com- quarry dust, ornamental stone dust, sand and combinations of
pressive strength, and decrease total porosity. Limestone is an them, as fine aggregates or as cement replacement materials, were
important factor in the hydration of C3A, as well as C3S and b-C2S used.
in the presence of CaSO4 and lime. According to Fig. 3 in the majority of the examined studies
Aruntas et al. [50], used marble dust as an additive to blended (55%) the quarry dust is used as fine aggregate or as cement
cement to produce Portland cement. 10% of marble dust addition replacement material. The ornamental stone dust follows with
can be used as an additive material in cement production, as it 31% and their combinations with 14%. More specifically, quarry
does not affect setting time and it increases specific gravity and dust and especially limestone powder is the most common mate-
specific surface. The compressive strengths of all marble dust rial that has been used in the range of 10–60% as a cement replace-
cements are higher than those of Portland composite cement ment material and in the range of 10–100% as a sand replacement
strengths at all ages. material in order to produce a low-cost and environmentally
friendly construction material.
Ornamental stone sludge originated mainly from marble and
4. Evaluation of review results and discussion granite has been used as cement or sand replacement material in
the range of 5–50% and 5–100%, respectively.
In order to identify the key points arising from the literature As for the binders ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and pozzolan
review and to quantify the results, the data included in Tables 2–4 containing Portland composite cement (PCC) have mainly used. Fly
were statistically evaluated and combined with the findings of ash and blast-furnace slag have been also used as binders. Silica
Section 3. The purpose of this analysis was to determine the fume, stabilizers, superplasticizers and air entraining agents have
followings: been used as additives in the mixtures. In the majority of the
examined studies the prepared mixtures contained also crushed
– the degree of utilisation of the different types of wastes and or natural aggregates such as sand and gravel. The addition of sand
binding materials used has proven to improve the mechanical behaviour of produced
– the methods used for the production of the specimens or cement composites [3–36,38–43].
products Fly ash and ground granulated blast-furnace slag have also been
– the measured properties of fresh and hardened products and used in the range of 5–55% and 10–60%, respectively as binding
the proposed uses. materials in order to replace cement, enhance consistency and
improve mechanical and physical properties of the mixtures
4.1. Waste materials, aggregates, binders and additives used [2,7,14–17,32–38]. Silica fume has been used in the range of 5–
15% as an additive that could improve and intensify the early age
The main waste materials that have been used in the examined strength of prepared cement composites. In fewer cases alternative
studies either as fine aggregates or as cement replacement were materials such as metakaolin, diatomite, cement kiln dust, asphalt
classified into two categories: residues, coal bottom ash, volcanic ash and rice husk ash have been
included in the designed mixtures as low-cost alternative environ-
– the quarry dust which includes all types of fine by-products/ mentally friendly materials to improve mechanical and durability
wastes derived from the production of the aggregates. The performance of the produced specimens [11,14,22,33,34]. More-
majority of these wastes are originated from limestone followed over, wood fibres, cotton waste, waste glass powder, waste plastic
by those originated from granite and fewer from basalt. fibres and polypropylene fibres have been used in order to improve
– the ornamental stone wastes included mainly marble and gran- flexural and tensile strength, enhance durability and corrosion
ite sludge generated during sawing and polishing processes. resistance of concrete elements [1,41–45].
Quarry &
ornamental stone
dust 90.0
% of the examined cases
14% 80.0
60.0 Cement
Fly ash, blast-furnace
slag etc.
30.0 Additives (silica fume,
Ornamental stone 20.0 superplasticizer, etc.)
Quarry dust
dust 10.0
31% 0.0
Quarry dust Ornamental Quarry &
stone dust ornamental
stone dust
Waste material used
Fig. 3. Percentage of cases where the utilisation of quarry or ornamental stone dust Fig. 4. Binding materials and additives used for each mixture category. Mixtures
was investigated. are classified according to the type of waste material used.
778 M. Galetakis, A. Soultana / Construction and Building Materials 102 (2016) 769–781
90 50
Slump flow
V-funnel flow time
70 40
V-funnel flow time (sec)
Slump flow (cm)
20 10
0 0
1.07 (0.60) 0.95 (0.90) 0.84 (1.27) 0.71 (1.41) 0.62 (2.00)
W/P ratio by volume (admixture dosage % by weight of cement)
Fig. 6. Effect of water/powder ratio and superplasticizer dosage on slump flow and Fig. 8. Compressive strength and flexural strength of 28 days aged self-compacting
V-funnel flow time. Modified from [39]. concrete incorporating marble dust (kg/m3). Modified from [35].
M. Galetakis, A. Soultana / Construction and Building Materials 102 (2016) 769–781 779
weak layer of cement paste, the so called interfacial transition Proposed uses
zone, around the aggregates. The reason for the development of Limestone Portland Cement 4.0
the interfacial transition zone is to be found in the fact that the Building Blocks 18.0
cement particles cannot be packed properly around the aggregate
Controlled Low Strength Material 2.0
grains, resulting in a layer of less densely packed cement particles
[52–54]. The porous structure of this zone around the aggregates Light Weight Concrete 2.0
affects negatively the mechanical properties of concrete such as
High Performance Concrete 2.0
the compressive and tensile strength. The addition of quarry dust
Fibre Reinforced Concrete 4.0
or stone sludge, containing high amounts of particles finer than
cement, may improve the structure of the interfacial transition Concrete Products 42.0
zone and influence particle packing and stability of the paste pos- Self Compacted Concrete 26.0
itively. These fine particles may seal voids in the paste and act as
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0
precipitation sites for the hydration products, thus strengthening % of the examined cases
the paste. This phenomenon is known as filler effect. However, if
large amounts of fines are added in concrete, the bigger aggregate Fig. 10. Proposed uses of the materials produced from industrial by-products.
grains are further separated by the smaller particles and the filler
effect is reduced. This can be observed in self-compacting concrete
it seems that the action of sulphates is more harmful with an
increase in the substitution rate, especially when substitution
In Fig. 8, the compressive and flexural strengths of 28 days aged
exceeds 10%. Fig. 9 shows that mixtures with 0% granite powder
self-compacting concrete decrease with an increase in marble dust
substitution rate (control mixtures) showed 10% and 30% reduction
content. The highest compressive and flexural strengths have been
in compressive strength after 180 and 365 days of exposure,
obtained for zero marble dust addition, but strength differences
respectively [25].
between zero and 100% marble dust addition were not too much
Fig. 10 shows the percentage of the studies that proposed speci-
fic uses of waste materials, as a result from the review. By-products
Furthermore the use of quarry dust and stone sludge can also
studied by the researchers are suitable for a variety of end uses
improve the rheology of the fresh concrete and reduce bleeding.
such as concrete, self-compacting concrete, controlled low
In this case an efficient plasticizer is required in order to achieve
strength materials, high strength concrete, fibre reinforced con-
sufficient dispersion of the fine particles.
crete, lightweight concrete elements and block production with
The incorporation of silica fume in the mixtures could further
or without the addition of cement. As it can be seen in Fig. 10,
improve the structure of the interfacial transition zone since it acts
the dominant proposed applications of these materials are con-
first as ultrafine filler and later reacting with the portlandite in the
crete production (42%), self-compacting concrete production
interfacial transition zone to form C-S-H [55].
(26%) and blocks production (18%).
Durability properties that have been studied by most research-
ers are: corrosion resistance, chloride, water and gas permeability,
abrasion resistance and durability in heating and cooling cycles. 48 5. Conclusions – suggestions for further research
out of 49 papers have studied the mechanical properties of the pro-
duced specimens, while only 16 articles are dealing with durability All of the papers reviewed in this article point out the need to
properties. manage quarry and ornamental stone industry by-products in such
Generally, the incorporation of fines improves the durability of way that the environmental impact is minimized. Using these
the produced concrete in weathering tests and enhances the resis- waste materials as construction materials appears to be a viable
tance in chemical solutions [3,5,9]. However, in some limited cases, solution to the problem of waste accumulation.
Literature review showed that most of the researchers used
quarry dust as filler (especially limestone powder) for the produc-
tion of concrete mixtures. Casting fresh mixture into molds
without compaction was the method used for the preparation of
self-compacting concrete specimens. Sand has been added in the
mixtures designed to produce self-compacting concrete in order
to enhance consistency and improve the mechanical properties of
the specimens, while superplasticizers have been added in the con-
crete mixtures so as to reduce water content and obtain the desired
flow properties. Moreover, the addition of an efficient plasticizer is
required in order to achieve sufficient dispersion of the fine
Most of the studies have been confined to the evaluation of
fresh state properties of the mixtures such as flowability and their
mechanical behaviour in means of compressive strength
One of the key problems that had to be addressed by the
researchers during the experimental procedure was the determi-
nation of the required amount of water that had to be added in
the designed mixtures. The optimum water to cement ratio had
to be defined in order to obtain the required flowability and work-
ability of the mixtures and produce a concrete with better mechan-
ical behaviour and higher resistance to weathering.
Fig. 9. Relationship between granite powder (GP) substitution rate and loss of The production of lightweight concrete elements with cellular
compressive strength of concrete in NaSO4 and MgSO4 solution [25]. structure using air entraining agents should be further studied as
780 M. Galetakis, A. Soultana / Construction and Building Materials 102 (2016) 769–781
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