Chickenpox (The Speckled Monser) : Andrés Ruiz Laura Cuervo Miguel Manrique Julián Montealegre Cristian Olmos
Chickenpox (The Speckled Monser) : Andrés Ruiz Laura Cuervo Miguel Manrique Julián Montealegre Cristian Olmos
Chickenpox (The Speckled Monser) : Andrés Ruiz Laura Cuervo Miguel Manrique Julián Montealegre Cristian Olmos
Laura Cuervo
Miguel Manrique
Julián Montealegre
Cristian Olmos
● Smallpox could have been avoided if people hadn’t had contact with corpses of
humans and animals.
● Smallpox could have been avoided if the water hadn’t been polluted.
● Smallpox could have been avoided if people had better health control in business
any other type of international trip.
● Smallpox could have been avoided if ancient trades hadn’t been in touch with
● Smallpox could have been avoided if all people had taken care of the climate.
● Smallpox could have been avoided if explorers from Europe hadn’t been sick and
died in populated areas.