So Thern City Colleg: Junior High School Department
So Thern City Colleg: Junior High School Department
So Thern City Colleg: Junior High School Department
Course Description
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of patterns and algebra (quadratic equations and inequalities, quadratic
functions, rational algebraic equations, variations, and radicals) and geometry (parallelograms and triangle similarities and basic concepts of
trigonometry) as applied - using appropriate technology - in critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections,
representations, and decisions in real life. The General approaches to be used in this grade level will be interactive, collaborative, demonstration,
lecture, discovery, project, modelling and Mathematical investigation. In this level, the learners will be able to receive and respect others’ thoughts,
ideas and opinions with open mind and heart, and strong sense of responsibility that enhance their collaboration and cultivating skills.
Quarter Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Competencies Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards
Month: Core Values
- Saturno,
R. and Miro,
E.2018. Our
World Math
9. Quezon
Week 7
- Solves equations - Practice - Activity 1 (Who
involving radical (Problem I Am)
Week 8 - Long Quiz
- Solves problems (Problem
involving radicals. Solving) - Activity
2(Think, Pair
and Share)
- -
Quarter Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Competencies Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards
Month: Core Values
- Pre-
Demonstrates Is able to - Identifies quadrilaterals assessment - Excellence
Geometry understanding of investigate, analyze, that are parallelograms. (Multiple - - Work sheet (Critical
key concepts of and solve problems Activity 1 - Text book
Choice) thinker)
Week 1 parallelograms involving - Determines the conditions (Labeling
and triangle parallelograms and that make a quadrilateral - Labeling
Exercise) - Saturno,
similarity. triangle similarity a parallelogram.
through appropriate - Activity 2 W.,Quiming,
and accurate (Refresh Your R. and Miro,
representation. Mind) E.2018. Our
World Math 9.
- Uses properties to find - Group Activity Group,Inc.
Week 2 measures of angles, sides - Quiz (Using 2(Brainstormin Excellence
and other quantities - Brayant, M.L.,
Properties) g) (Inventive
involving parallelograms. Bulalayao,
L.E., Callanta,
- Proves theorems on the - Labeling M.M, Cruz,
different kinds of - Proving exercise J.D., De Vera,
parallelogram (rectangle, R.F. Garcia,
rhombus, square). - Activity (Yes S.E., Javier,
- you can) S.E.,
- Proving - Group Activity Lazaro,R.A.,an
- Proves the Midline 2(Brainstormin d Saladino,
Week 3 Theorem. g) RH. A.
- Activity Mathematics 9
- Proves theorems on (Learner’s
- Proving 2(Think, Pair
trapezoids and kites.
and Share) Material).2014.
Pasig City.FEP
Printing Corp.
- Long Quiz - Activity 1 - Textbook
- Solves problems (Problem (Cute Kite) - Work sheet - Respect
Week 4 involving Solving) - Group Activity - Saturno, (Reflection
2(Brainstormin W.,Quiming, skills)
trapezoids and kites.
- Essay g) R. and Miro,
- Describes a proportion. Question - E.2018. Our
- Activity 1 World Math 9.
- Applies the fundamental (You Complete Quezon
Week 5 theorems of - Quiz Me) City.Vibal Excellence
proportionality to solve (Problem Group,Inc. (Critical thinker)
- Group Activity
problems involving solving)
proportions. 2(Brainstormin
g) - Brayant, M.L.,
- Illustrates similarity of - Hands- on - Activity 3 (It’s Bulalayao,
figures. operation Showtime) L.E., Callanta,
M.M, Cruz,
- Proves the conditions for - Pre- - Group Activity Commitment
similarity of triangles. J.D., De Vera,
assessment 1
Week 6 39.1 SAS similarity theorem R.F. Garcia, (Restoring skills)
(Multiple (Brainstorming
39.2 SSS similarity theorem S.E., Javier,
Choice) )
39.3 AA similarity theorem S.E.,
39.4 right triangle - Activity 2 (My
similarity theorem - Proving Decisions Now
d Saladino,
39.5 special right and Then
RH. A.
triangle theorems Later)
Mathematics 9
- Activity 3 (AA
Theorem and
Pasig City.FEP
Its Proof)
Printing Corp.
- Applies the theorems to - Activity 1
Week 7 show that given triangles - Mini task (Think, Pair - Commitment
are similar. (Determined
and Share)
- Proving and
- Proves the Pythagorean - Activity 2 committed to
Theorem. (Pythagorean complete the
Theorem and work)
It’s Proof)
- Solves problems that - Long Quiz - Group
involve triangle similarity (Problem Activity 1
Week 8 and right triangles. Solving) (Brainstorming
Quarter Unit Topic Content Performance - Learning Competencies Assessment - Activities - Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards
Month: Core Values
Class Policies
Grading System Written Work- 40% Performance Task – 40% Quarterly Exam – 20%