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So Thern City Colleg: Junior High School Department

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Republic of the Philippines

SoUthern City CollegES

Pilar Street, Zamboanga City
Academic Year 2018-2019

Curriculum Map in Grade 9

School Year 2019-2020

Subject Title MATHEMATICS 9 Name of Teacher

Class Schedule Consultation Time

Pre-requisite Subject Contact Hours/Week

Course Description

The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of patterns and algebra (quadratic equations and inequalities, quadratic
functions, rational algebraic equations, variations, and radicals) and geometry (parallelograms and triangle similarities and basic concepts of
trigonometry) as applied - using appropriate technology - in critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections,
representations, and decisions in real life. The General approaches to be used in this grade level will be interactive, collaborative, demonstration,
lecture, discovery, project, modelling and Mathematical investigation. In this level, the learners will be able to receive and respect others’ thoughts,
ideas and opinions with open mind and heart, and strong sense of responsibility that enhance their collaboration and cultivating skills.
Quarter Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Competencies Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards
Month: Core Values


Week 1 - Illustrates quadratic - Pre- - group activity - Textbook - Excellence

equations. assessment (Scramble (Incentive
Patterns and Demonstrates Is able to investigate (Multiple word ) - Worksheet thinker)
Algebra understanding of thoroughly choice)
key concepts of mathematical 1. BEAM Second
- Solves quadratic Year Module 4
quadratic relationships in - Long Quiz - Pair activity
equations by: (a) (TG)
equations, various situations, (Problem (think, pair and 2. Chapter 2
inequalities and formulate real-life extracting square roots;
solving) share) Quadratic
functions, and problems involving (b) factoring; (c) Equations pp.44-
rational algebraic quadratic equations, completing the square; 46 (LM)
equations. inequalities and and (d) using the 3. BEAM Second
functions, and quadratic formula. Year Module 4
rational algebraic
4. Deauna, M and
equations and solve Lamayo, F.
them using a variety (1998) Basic
of strategies. Trigonometry for
. Secondary

Week 2 - Characterizes the roots of - Individual - Textbook - Service

a quadratic equation activity(What is - Work sheet (Evaluative
using the discriminant. - Frayer Model my Nature) Skills)
- Solves for the Second Year - Excellence
discriminant of a Quadratic (Inventive
- Practice Equations, thinker)
quadratic equation (Problem Module 3
solving ) Chapter 2

- Saturno,
R. and Miro,
E.2018. Our
World Math
9. Quezon

Week 3 - Describes the relationship - Written Exam - Group Activity - Textbook

between the coefficients (with (Brainstorming) - Worksheet
and the roots of a explanation) - Saturno, - Amiable
quadratic equation. W.,Quiming, (Goal-
R. and Miro, Oriented)
E.2018. Our
- Group Activity World Math
-Practice (Brainstorming) 9. Quezon
- solves equations (Problem City.Vibal
transformable to Solving) Group,Inc.
quadratic equations -
(including rational - Brayant,
algebraic equations) M.L.,
- Individual L.E.,
activity (Find
- Practice my solution) Callanta,
(Problem M.M, Cruz,
Solves problems Solving) J.D., De
involving quadratic Vera, R.F.
equations and rational Garcia, S.E.,
algebraic equations. Javier, S.E.,
nd Saladino,
RH. A.
9 (Learner’s
4. Pasig
Week 4 - Modeling - Individual Printing
- illustrates quadratic (with activity (which Corp.
inequalities explanation) are not - Respect(Self-
- Written Quadratic Respect)

- Solves quadratic Work Equation)

inequalities. (Problem - Board work
Solving) (Problem
- Solves problems - Long Quiz Solving)
involving quadratic (Problem
- Group activity
- Models real-life (Lets Do
situations using quadratic Writing Gardening)

Week 5 - Represents a quadratic - Pre- - Individual

function using: (a) table assessment activity 1
of values; (b) graph; and (Multiple (Describe me in
c) equation. Choice) many ways!)
- Individual
activity 2
(Identify Me!)
Activity 3 (think
,pair and share)
Week 6 transforms the quadratic - Enumeration - By Pair - Brayant,
function defined by y = Activity(Step by M.L., - Amiable
ax2 + bx + c into the Step) Bulalayao, (Demonstrate
form y = a(x – h)2 + k L.E., integrative
Callanta, thinking)
M.M, Cruz,
J.D., De
Vera, R.F.
Garcia, S.E.,
Javier, S.E.,
nd Saladino,
RH. A.
9 (Learner’s
4. Pasig

Week 7 - Graphs a quadratic - Line Graph - Individual - Textbook - Service

function: (a) domain; (b) activity 1 (where - Work sheet (Evaluative
range; (c) intercepts; (d) do you belong?) - Saturno, Skills)
axis of symmetry; (e) - Hands –on - Individual W.,Quiming,
vertex; (f) direction of the operation activity 2 R. and Miro,
opening of the parabola. (Quadratic or E.2018. Our
not) World Math
- By Pair Activity 9. Quezon
1 (Translate City.Vibal
- Analyzes the effects of Me!) Group,Inc.
changing the values of a, - Activity 2 – - Brayant,
h and k in the equation y Let’s Analyze M.L.,
= a(x – h)2 + k of a (think ,pair and Bulalayao,
quadratic function on its share) L.E.,
graph. Callanta,
M.M, Cruz,
J.D., De
Week 8 - Determines the equation - Graph - Individual
Vera, R.F.
of a quadratic function (Quadratic Activity (Give
given: (a) a table of Garcia, S.E., - Respect
Equation) me my roots)
values; (b) graph; (c) Javier, S.E., (Active
zeros. Lazaro,R.A.,a listening))
nd Saladino,
- Work by
- Solves problems - Long Quiz RH. A.
three(what’s my
involving quadratic (problem Mathematics
functions. solving) 9 (Learner’s
4. Pasig
Quarter Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Competencies Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards
Month: Core Values


Week 1 - Activity 1 - Textbook
Patterns and Demonstrates Is able to formulate - Illustrates situations that - Pre- (scramble - Work sheet
Algebra understanding of and solve accurately involve the following assessment word) - Respect
- key concepts of problems involving variations: (a) direct; (b) (Multiple - Activity 2 - Saturno, (Reflection
variation and radicals. inverse; (c) joint; (d) skills)
Choice) (Let’s Recycle) W.,Quiming,
radicals. combined.
- Activity 3 R. and Miro,
(Watch This) E.2018. Our
World Math
- Hands-on - Group Activity 9. Quezon
operation 4(hands- on City.Vibal
Modeling Group,Inc.
Demo) - Brayant,
Week 2 - Translates into variation - Labeling - Group M.L.,
statement a relationship Activity1 Bulalayao,
between two quantities - Line Graph (Brainstorming) L.E., - Service
given by: (a) a table of Callanta, (Socially
- Activity 2
values; (b) a Engaged)
(Name the M.M, Cruz,
mathematical equation;
Translation!) J.D., De
(c) a graph, and vice
- Activity 3 Vera, R.F.
Garcia, S.E.,
Organizer) Javier, S.E.,
Week 3 - Solves problems - Long Quiz - Activity - Commitment
nd Saladino,
involving variation. (Problem 1(Think, Pair (Adapt to
RH. A.
Solving) and Share) change)
- Applies the laws 9 (Learner’s
involving positive Mini Task
integral exponents to zero - Activity 2 4. Pasig
and negative integral (What are my City.FEP
Zero) Printing

Week 4 - Illustrates expressions - Hands- on - Group - Textbook - Service

with rational exponents. operation Activity1 - Work sheet (Socially
(Brainstorming) Engaged)
- Simplifies expressions -
- hands- on Saturno,
with rational exponents.
operation - Activity W.,Quiming,
2(Think, Pair R. and Miro,
and Share) E.2018. Our
Week 5 - Activity 1 World Math Respect ( Active
- Writes expressions with - Written exam (Agree or 9. Quezon listening)
rational exponents as Disagree) City.Vibal
radicals and vice versa. Group,Inc.
- Activity 2 (
- Derives the laws of - Practice You Complete
radicals. (Problem Me)
Solving) - Activity 3 (Fill
Me In)
Week 6 - Simplifies radical - Hands- on - Activity 1
expressions using the operation (Transform)
laws of radicals. - Respect
- Practice - Group Activity (Active
- Performs operations on listening)
radical expressions. (Problem 2(Brainstormin
Solving) g)

Week 7
- Solves equations - Practice - Activity 1 (Who
involving radical (Problem I Am)
Week 8 - Long Quiz
- Solves problems (Problem
involving radicals. Solving) - Activity
2(Think, Pair
and Share)
- -

Quarter Unit Topic Content Performance Learning Competencies Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards
Month: Core Values


- Pre-
Demonstrates Is able to - Identifies quadrilaterals assessment - Excellence
Geometry understanding of investigate, analyze, that are parallelograms. (Multiple - - Work sheet (Critical
key concepts of and solve problems Activity 1 - Text book
Choice) thinker)
Week 1 parallelograms involving - Determines the conditions (Labeling
and triangle parallelograms and that make a quadrilateral - Labeling
Exercise) - Saturno,
similarity. triangle similarity a parallelogram.
through appropriate - Activity 2 W.,Quiming,
and accurate (Refresh Your R. and Miro,
representation. Mind) E.2018. Our
World Math 9.
- Uses properties to find - Group Activity Group,Inc.
Week 2 measures of angles, sides - Quiz (Using 2(Brainstormin Excellence
and other quantities - Brayant, M.L.,
Properties) g) (Inventive
involving parallelograms. Bulalayao,
L.E., Callanta,
- Proves theorems on the - Labeling M.M, Cruz,
different kinds of - Proving exercise J.D., De Vera,
parallelogram (rectangle, R.F. Garcia,
rhombus, square). - Activity (Yes S.E., Javier,
- you can) S.E.,
- Proving - Group Activity Lazaro,R.A.,an
- Proves the Midline 2(Brainstormin d Saladino,
Week 3 Theorem. g) RH. A.
- Activity Mathematics 9
- Proves theorems on (Learner’s
- Proving 2(Think, Pair
trapezoids and kites.
and Share) Material).2014.
Pasig City.FEP
Printing Corp.
- Long Quiz - Activity 1 - Textbook
- Solves problems (Problem (Cute Kite) - Work sheet - Respect
Week 4 involving Solving) - Group Activity - Saturno, (Reflection
2(Brainstormin W.,Quiming, skills)
trapezoids and kites.
- Essay g) R. and Miro,
- Describes a proportion. Question - E.2018. Our
- Activity 1 World Math 9.
- Applies the fundamental (You Complete Quezon
Week 5 theorems of - Quiz Me) City.Vibal Excellence
proportionality to solve (Problem Group,Inc. (Critical thinker)
- Group Activity
problems involving solving)
proportions. 2(Brainstormin
g) - Brayant, M.L.,
- Illustrates similarity of - Hands- on - Activity 3 (It’s Bulalayao,
figures. operation Showtime) L.E., Callanta,
M.M, Cruz,
- Proves the conditions for - Pre- - Group Activity Commitment
similarity of triangles. J.D., De Vera,
assessment 1
Week 6 39.1 SAS similarity theorem R.F. Garcia, (Restoring skills)
(Multiple (Brainstorming
39.2 SSS similarity theorem S.E., Javier,
Choice) )
39.3 AA similarity theorem S.E.,
39.4 right triangle - Activity 2 (My
similarity theorem - Proving Decisions Now
d Saladino,
39.5 special right and Then
RH. A.
triangle theorems Later)
Mathematics 9
- Activity 3 (AA
Theorem and
Pasig City.FEP
Its Proof)
Printing Corp.
- Applies the theorems to - Activity 1
Week 7 show that given triangles - Mini task (Think, Pair - Commitment
are similar. (Determined
and Share)
- Proving and
- Proves the Pythagorean - Activity 2 committed to
Theorem. (Pythagorean complete the
Theorem and work)
It’s Proof)
- Solves problems that - Long Quiz - Group
involve triangle similarity (Problem Activity 1
Week 8 and right triangles. Solving) (Brainstorming

Quarter Unit Topic Content Performance - Learning Competencies Assessment - Activities - Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards
Month: Core Values


- Pre- - Activity 1 - Textbook
Geometry Demonstrates Is able to apply the Illustrates the six assessment (Classroom - Worksheet
Week 1 understanding of concepts of trigonometric ratios: sine, (Multiple Voting) - Excellence
the basic trigonometric ratios cosine, tangent, secant, (Critical
Choice) - Activity 2
concepts of to formulate and cosecant, and cotangent. thinker)
trigonometry. solve real-life - Hands- on (Measuring
problems with operation and - Saturno,
precision and Calculating) W.,Quiming,
accuracy. - Group Activity R. and Miro,
3 (You E.2018. Our
Complete Me) World Math 9.
Week 2 - Quiz - Quezon Service
Finds the trigonometric ratios (Problem (Communication)
of special angles. Solving) Group,Inc.
Week 3 - Group Activity
Illustrates angles of elevation 1 - Brayant, M.L.,
and angles of depression. - Practice (How (Brainstorming Bulalayao, - Service
to Solve) L.E., Callanta, (Evaluative
- Group Activity M.M, Cruz, Skills)
1 (Application) J.D., De Vera,
Week 4 - Activity 1 R.F. Garcia,
Uses trigonometric ratios to (Think, Pair S.E., Javier,
solve real-life problems - Long Quiz and Share) S.E., - Commitment
involving right triangles. (Problem Lazaro,R.A.,a (Adapt to
- Activity 2
Solving) (Identify Me) nd Saladino, change)
Week 5 - Activity 1 RH. A.
Illustrates laws of sines and (Think, Pair Mathematics 9
cosines. - Written Exam and Share) (Learner’s
- Material).2014
Week 6 - Long Quiz - Group Activity . Pasig
Solves problems involving (Problem 1 City.FEP
oblique triangles. Solving) (Brainstorming Printing Corp.
- Group Activity
2 (Elevation or


Course Requirements

Class Policies

Grading System Written Work- 40% Performance Task – 40% Quarterly Exam – 20%

Other Textbooks and


Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

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