Our Lord! We Have Wronged Ourselves. If You Do Not Forgive Us and Have Mercy On Us, We Will Certainly Be Lost
Our Lord! We Have Wronged Ourselves. If You Do Not Forgive Us and Have Mercy On Us, We Will Certainly Be Lost
Our Lord! We Have Wronged Ourselves. If You Do Not Forgive Us and Have Mercy On Us, We Will Certainly Be Lost
إن لَ ْم ت َ ْغ ِف ْرلَنَا َوت َْر َح ْمنَا لَنَكُون ََّن ِمنَ الخَا ِس ِرين َ ُظلَ ْمنَا أَنف
ْ سنَا َو َ ََربَّنَا
Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You do not forgive us and
have mercy on us, we will certainly be lost.
Rabbana zalamna anfusana wa-in lam taghfir lana wa-tarhamna la-
nakunanna minal-khasirin
Dua for forgiveness and repentance
ُ ُ َّللا َوأَت
وب ِإلَيْه َ َّ َّللا َو ِب َح ْم ِد ِه أ َ ْست َ ْغ ِف ُر ُ ِ
ِ َّ َس ْب َحان
Glory be to Allah (Allah is free from imperfection), and I begin with
praising Him. I beg forgiveness from Allah and I turn to Him in
Subhaana-Allahi wa bihamdihi, Astaghfirullaha, wa atuubu ilaihi
Dua for the observance of good deeds, abandonment of evil deeds, love for the
poor, forgiveness and mercy
ين َوأ َ ْن ت َ ْغ ِف َر ِلي َو ت َْر َح َمنِي
ِ سا ِك ِ اللَّ ُه َّم إِنِِّي أ َ ْسأَلُكَ فِ ْع َل ال َخي َْرا
ِ ت َوت َْركَ ال ُم ْنك ََرا
َ ت َوحُبَّ ال َم
O Allah, I ask of You (to grant me) the observance of good deeds, the
abandonment of evil deeds and love for the poor, and (I ask You) that
You forgive me, and have mercy upon me.
Allahumma inni as-aluka fi’lal-khairaat, wa tarkal-munkarat, wa
hubbal-masaakiin, wa an-taghfira lii wa tarhamanii
Dua for forgiveness of sins in the past, in the future, privately, publicly and all of
which we may not be aware of
أ َ ْنتَ ال ُمقَ ِ ِّد ُم، َو َما أَس َْر ْرتُ َو َما أ َ ْعلَ ْنتُ َو َما أ َ ْنتَ أ َ ْعلَ ُم ِب ِه ِمنِِّي، ُاللَّ ُه َّم ا ْغ ِف ْر ِلي َما قَ َّد ْمتُ َو َما أ َ َّخ ْرت
ش ْيءٍ قَدِير َ علَى كُ ِِّل َ ََوأ َ ْنتَ ال ُم َؤ ِ ِّخ ُر َوأ َ ْنت
O Allah! Forgive me for those sins which I committed in the past and
that which I may commit in the future, the sins that I have committed
in privacy or in public and all the sins of which You are better aware of
it than I am of myself. You are The One who bring forward and reprieve
as You wish and indeed You are over all things capable.
Allahumma-ghfir lii maa qaddamtu wa maa akh-khortu wa maa asrortu
wa maa a’lantu wa maa anta a’lamu bihi minnii, anta Al-Muqaddimu
wa anta Al-Muakh-khiru wa anta alaa kulli shai-in qadir
Dua for forgiveness and prevention of resentment towards the believers
َان َو ََل تَجْ َع ْل فِي قُلُو ِبنَا ِغ اًّل ِلِّلَّذِينَ آ َمنُواْ َربَّنَا ِإنَّك َ ََربَّنَا ا ْغ ِف ْرلَنَا َو ِ ِِل ْخ َوانِنَا الَّذِين
ِ سبَقُونَا ِب
ِ اِلي َم
وف َّر ِحيمُ َر ُء
Our Lord! Forgive us and our fellow believers who preceded us in faith,
and do not allow any resentments into our hearts towards those who
believe. Our Lord! Indeed, You are Ever Gracious, Most Merciful.
Rabbana-ghfir lana wa li ikhwaninal-laziina sabaquuna bil-iman, wa laa
taj-al fii quluubina ghillal-lil lazina aamanuu, rabbanaa innaka raufur-
Dua for forgiveness, removal of misdeeds and to join the righteous when we die
س ِِّيئ َاتِنَا َوت ََوفَّنَا َم َع األَب َْرار َ َِربَّنَا فَا ْغ ِف ْر لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا َو َك ِِّف ْر
َ عنَّا
Our Lord! Forgive our sins, remove from us our misdeeds, and grant
that we join the righteous when we die.
Rabbana fa-ghfir lana zunuubana wa-kaffir anna sayyi-aatina wa-
tafawwafaa maal-abrar
Dua for forgiveness, making home enough and blessings in sustenance
ار ْك ِلي فِي ِر ْزقِي ِّ ِ َو َو،اللَّ ُه َّم ا ْغ ِف ْر ِلي ذَ ْنبِي
ِ َ َوب،س ْع ِلي فِي َد ِاري
Oh Allah, forgive my sins, make my home ample for me, and bless me in
my sustenance.
Allahumma-ghfir lii zanbii, wa-wassi’ lii fii daarii, wa-baarik lii fii rizqii