IJPSR (2013), Vol. 4, Issue 5 (Review Article) : ISSN: 0975-8232
IJPSR (2013), Vol. 4, Issue 5 (Review Article) : ISSN: 0975-8232
IJPSR (2013), Vol. 4, Issue 5 (Review Article) : ISSN: 0975-8232
ISSN: 0975-8232
Received on 12 January, 2013; received in revised form, 28 February, 2013; accepted, 29 April, 2013
Organisational Aspect: It includes industrial, systems and collectives or it is the ability to take new
economical, professional and technical activities, ideas and translate them into commercial outcomes
users, customers and commercial unions. by new processes, products or services 2.
Technical Aspect: Knowledge, skills, techniques, Commercialization is the process of transforming
tools, machineries, sources, and production are new technologies into commercially successful
considered as technology. products. The commercialization process includes
such efforts as market assessment, product design,
Therefore Technology is the application of manufacturing engineering, management of
engineering to science, the use of our understanding intellectual property rights, marketing strategy
of nature to develop a technical method for achieving development, raising capital, and worker training.
a practical purpose 1. Typically, commercialization is a costly, lengthy
process with a highly uncertain outcome. The costs
Product is the application of technology in a
of commercialization can run from between 10 and
particular physical form designed to carry out a
100 times the costs of development and
specific set of functions. Innovation in the context
demonstration of a new technology. Moreover,
of technology companies, can be defined as “a
success is rare, less than five percent of new
complex process that takes place at the level of
technologies are successfully commercialized 3. Even
specific products, businesses and sectors, as well as
when successful, technology commercialization does
at the level of our national and international
not happen quickly. Commercialization of radically
community’s” (Smits 2002: 865) that generate
new technologies can take well over a decade as
technical artefacts, processes and sociotechnical
shown in figure 1.
In a very restrictive sense, where technology is in the classic description of the process to
considered as information, technology transfer is commercialization, market adoption and uptake
sometimes defined as the application of information (Bozeman 2000).
into use (Gibson & Rogers 1994).
Sociologists such as Rogers, Shoemaker (1971) and
The transfer may be said to be successful if the Rogers (2003) have defined technology transfer in
receiving entity, the transferee, can effectively utilize the context of diffusion of innovations. This has led
the technology transferred and eventually assimilate to confusion where many researchers and even
it (Ramanathan, 1994). practitioners, refer to the terms technology transfer
and technology diffusion interchangeably. The
The considerable literature on technology transfer literature on technology diffusion, in general,
that has emerged over the years agrees that defining suggests that the term refers to the spreading, often
technology transfer is difficult due to the complexity passively within a specific technological population,
of the technology transfer process (Robinson 1988; of technological knowledge related to a specific
Spivey et al. 1997). innovation of interest to that population. Technology
transfer, on the other hand, is a proactive process to
Mittleman and Pasha (1997) have attempted a
disseminate or acquire knowledge, experience and
broader definition where they state that technology
related artefacts (Hameri 1996).
transfer is the movement of knowledge, skill,
organisation, values and capital from the point of Furthermore, it is intentional and goal-oriented but
generation to the site of adaptation and application. not a free process (Autio and Laamanen 1995).
Transfer also presupposes agreement and therefore
The definitions depend on how the user defines
involves agreement, unlike diffusion (Ramanathan
technology and in what context (Chen 1996;
1991; Hameri 1996) 3-4.
Bozeman 2000). The movement may involve
physical assets, know-how, and technical knowledge Based on the above literature discussion,
(Bozeman, 2000). Technology transfer has also been Commercial Technology Transfer may be defined as
used to refer to movements of technology from the a mutually agreed upon, intentional, goal oriented
laboratory to industry, developed to developing and proactive process by which technology flows
countries, or from one application to another domain from an entity that owns the technology (the
(Philips 2002). transferor) to an entity seeking the technology (the
transferee). The transfer may be said to be successful
Technology transfer in some situations may be
if the transferee can successfully utilize the
confined to relocating and exchanging of personnel
technology for business gains and eventually
(Osman-Gani 1999) or the movement of a specific
assimilate it.
set of capabilities (Lundquist 2003) 4.
In general, Technology Transfer is the practice of
It may be useful to examine the distinction between
transferring scientific findings from one organization
technology transfer and technology diffusion. The
to another for further development so that new
terms technology transfer and technology diffusion
products such as medicines, educational tools and
appear in the business and technology literature and
health services so that they can become available to
are used interchangeably at times. There is some
the public and by which basic science research and
difference between the two terms between the
fundamental discoveries are developed into practical
European context and the North American and this
and commercially relevant applications and products.
literature review will respect which term is used in
the original article discussed in the annotation. The In Pharmaceutical Industry, technology transfer
sociological literature, which draws a more direct refers to the processes that are needed for successful
link to Rogers' work ([1962] 2003; 1976) refers to progress from drug discovery to product
the diffusion of innovation. Innovation diffusion development to clinical trials to full scale
broadly describes the process whereby a product or commercialization as shown in figure 2 or it is the
service and the knowledge of its use and application process by which a developer of technology makes
moves from a source, such as a research and its technology available to commercial partner that
development domain to a point of reception leading will exploit the technology 8.
Also, it can take increased resource, time and cost to efficacy and safety obtained from various studies in
make corrective actions following an unsuccessful preclinical phases and data concerning efficacy,
transfer. safety and stability of drug products obtained from
clinical studies.
Progressive pharmaceutical companies are therefore
placing more attention to streamlining and Phase I clinical studies involve small scale studies in
optimising their technology transfer process to patients and these are often provided for in the form
ensure the rapid and successful introduction of a new of a simple non-optimized formulation, quite
medicinal product to market. Generally the cost of different from the intended commercial formulation,
product development raises dramatically during the because time for development and availability of
pilot scale-up and initial production batch efforts. In drug are limiting factors at this stage. There is a high
other words, the critical path for success is dependent probability that the project will be terminated during
on completion of the technology transfer to the Phase I due to toxicity findings or clinical findings
production site at an affordable cost 6. (safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics/bioa-
vailability). If unwanted or unexpected effects are
The process of technology development and observed, the programme will most likely be stopped
commercialization takes place over three broad and the project goes back to the research group to try
phases- The development of new science, the and find another lead compound. Alternatively, if the
conversion of science to technology and the outcome is positive, the Candidate Drug; CD may be
conversion of technology to products. The drug progressed to full development as shown in figure 3.
quality is designed based on basic data concerning
Full development involves the completion of longer- If clinical batches of Drug Product are being
term safety and clinical studies (Phase II and Phase manufactured under replicated conditions during the
III) in larger groups of patients (hundreds to latter stages of development, e.g., Phase III, even if
thousands) suffering from the disease. During full still at the R&D site, the regulatory authorities will
development, the synthetic route for the Drug expect that some process validation will have been
Substance; DS is optimized and the manufacturing undertaken. Once the commercial manufacturing
process scaled up and fixed. Larger scale batches of process has been transferred from R&D to
drug substance will be required to support larger Production, the process must be validated to meet
safety and clinical studies and also to support the regulatory requirements if an MAA or NDA is
pharmaceutical development work to optimize the progressed as shown in figure 4.
formulation and Drug Product; DP manufacturing
process. If sufficient Drug Substance is available and Once the Phase III clinical trials are completed
the Phase III supplies are very large, it may be successfully and the Drug Substance; DS, Drug
preferable to scale-up the manufacturing process to Product; DP and analytical methods have been
production scale and transfer the process to the transferred to the intended production sites, a
commercial production site to make the Phase III regulatory submission can be made. Pending
supplies from there 7. approval of the submission and a successful Pre-
Approval Inspection (required if the product is
One potential downside of transferring early to intended for the United States), the new product can
production is that all the development work has to be be launched on the market.
completed earlier in the development programme to
fix the formulation and manufacturing process and After above discussion it can be concluded that
this puts the pharmaceutical development on the technology transfer; TT is the transfer of the
critical path. It is possible to make further changes manufacturing process for a new pharmaceutical
after transferring the process to production, but these Drug Substance; DS and Drug Product; DP
are more difficult and involve documented change respectively from the transferring site (in this case
control. Starting the technology transfer prior to the R&D) to the receiving site or designated commercial
start of Phase III is also a risky approach because Manufacturing site. This includes all the associated
statistics show that there is still a relatively high knowledge, information and skills to be able to
attrition rate during Phase II due to both efficacy and manufacture the DS and DP at the receiving site.
clinical safety failures. However, one positive benefit Information will include that related to the Drug
of this approach is that it is usually easier for the Substance, the formulation, the pack or device used
company to demonstrate that Drug Product used in the manufacturing process and the associated critical
the pivotal Phase III clinical trials is equivalent to the quality parameters. TT also involves the
intended commercial product, assuming that any development and successful transfer of the analytical
changes during Phase III are minimal. and microbiological test methods and specifications
for the DS and DP that will become the final Quality
This should pave the way for a more straightforward Control; QC procedures used at the commercial
Pre Approval Inspection; PAI when it comes to Production site.
regulatory review of the Product Licence Application
(referred to as the Marketing Authorisation STEPS IN TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER
Application; MAA in Europe and the New Drug PROCESS: Technology Transfer is not a single way
Application; NDA in the USA and Japan). Most process. The development of new formulation goes
regulatory authorities, including the US Food and through many stages. During development of a
Drug Administration; FDA, the Medicines and formulation, it is important to understand procedure
Healthcare products Regulatory Agency; MHRA in of operations used, critical and noncritical
the UK and the European Agency for the Evaluation parameters of each operation, production
of Medicinal Products; EMEA, require three phases environment, equipment and excipient availability,
of clinical trials and sufficient data to show that the which should be taken into account during the early
new Drug Product can be licensed as safe, effective phases of development of formulation, so that
and of acceptable quality. successful scale up can be carried out.
Appropriate care during technology transfer is for predetermined period of time 9. The processes are
important to enhance drug quality as developed by classified into the three categories:
R&D in final formulation as well as to assure quality
Research phase, development phase and For drug substance the quality design is to determine
production phase. starting materials and their reaction paths and basic
specification of the drug.
1) Research phase (Development of technology
by R&D): 2) Development Phase:
a. Quality Design For drug products the quality a. Research for factory production: To
design corresponds to pharmaceuticals design to manufacture drugs with qualities as designed, it
design properties and functions such as- is required to establish appropriate quality
control method and manufacturing method, after
Elimination of adverse reactions, detecting variability factors to secure stable
quality in the scale up (validation) that is
Improvement of efficacy, performed to realize factory production of drug
Assurance of stability during distribution and designed on the basis of result from small scale
Data based on various data such as chemical and
physical properties, efficacy, safety and stability b. Consistency between Quality and
obtained from preclinical studies. Specification:
The information of modify various standards. Forming alliances with partners with
marketing and distribution capability: The
The improvement of process and products. developer of the technology may have fully
developed the technology and even have obtained
The changes of specifications and methods. regulatory approvals and product registrations for
The technical information of reviewed and the product to be sold but it lacks the marketing
updated at regular intervals. and distribution channels to give it a marking
capability and must collaborate with another
Establish of adequate Feedback system. organization that does have that capability.
anthropology and sociology (Zhao and Reisman, This process is important for elucidation of necessary
1992). While anthropologists emphasize the impact information for technology Transfer from R&D to
of TT on changes in patterns of culture and society, Process Development Laboratory and for
sociologists are more concerned with its role as a development of existing products to the production
vehicle to develop the capacity of individuals and for commercialization.
societies to cope with modernisation and related
changes accompany it. It is helpful to develop dosage form in various ways
like it provides efficiency in process, help to
For economists, as argued by Mansfield (1975), the maintain quality of product, helps to achieve
focus is on economic growth and achievement of standardized process which in turn facilitates timely
economic goals. However, from the perspective of and cost effective production. If the technology
business and technologists the main focus of TT is to transfer is implemented thoughtfully then production
improve the competitive advantage of firms through process run smoothly, minimize the risks during
the enhancement of customer value (Ramanathan, production runs and a robust manufacturing process
2001). It is envisaged that, through the improvement for routine commercial manufacturing is achieved.
of competitive advantage, a firm and its partners
collaborating in the TT will gain financial and other FACTS ABOUT TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER
strategic benefits. :
Mayer and Blaas (2002) point out that, in recent The technology transfer means actions to transfer
decades, small and medium enterprises; SMEs have information and technologies necessary to realize
begun to utilize technology transfer as a strategic quality of design of drugs during manufacturing.
means of meeting challenges posed by the
globalisation of business. Due to their small size and Appropriate technology transfer is important to
skill resource constraints, they cannot carry out upgrade the quality of design to be the quality of
internal R&D to generate their own technologies but product, and ensure stable and high quality of the
still need a flow of new technology to be able to product.
compete. This need has created a new niche market It should be noted that drugs may influence
for technology transfer (Morrissey & Almonacid human lives and health, and their raw materials,
2005). compositions and manufacturing methods are
The importance of technology transfer, from an changed during their long term manufacturing
economic and competitiveness perspective, has also and marketing.
stimulated university industry technology transfer. To assure the drug quality, it is desired to make
This is evident from the emergence of technology sure 5 W’s and 1 H, that is what, when and why
transfer offices in most research industries and information should be transferred to where and
universities (Siegel et al. 2004). Ramanathan (2000) by whom and how to transfer, then share
shows that in today’s international business setting, knowledge and information of the drug product
depending on the attributes of the technology, its between transferring and transferred parties .
intended use, and the motivations of the transferee
and transferor, a wide range of TT modalities are The technology transfer does not mean one time
available 16. actions taken by the transferring party toward the
transferred party, but means continuous
In pharmaceutical industry, Technology Transfer is
information exchange between the both parties to
the practice of transferring scientific findings from
maintain the product manufacturing 22.
one organization to another for further development
so that new products such as medicines, educational Technology transfer can be considered successful
tools and health services can become available to the if a receiving unit can routinely reproduce the
public. It is the intersection between business and transferred product, process or method against a
science and it is both integral and critical to the drug predefined set of specifications as agreed with a
discovery and development process for new sending unit or a development unit.
medicinal product.
Organization for Technology Transfer: One of the Information necessary for environmental impact
most significant elements for successful technology assessment.
transfer is a closed communication between
transferring and transferred parties. Therefore, Information of costs.
organization for technology transfer should be
Other specific information of the product.
established and composed of both party members,
scope of responsibilities of each party should be Technology Transfer Plan:
clarified and feedback of information should be
ensured. It is desirable that this organization Describe items and contents of technology to be
complies with GMP 21. transferred.
Research and Development Report: The research Describe detailed procedures of individual
and development report; development report is a file transfer and transfer schedule.
of technical development and the research and
development department is in-charge of its Establish judgment criteria for the completion of
documentation 23. It contains: the transfer.
Historical data of pharmaceutical development of The transferring party should prepare the plan
new drug substances and drug products at stages before the implementation of the transfer, and
from early development phase to final application reach an agreement on its contents with the
of approval. transferred party 24.
Technology Transfer Report: organizes and directs work on his/her aspect of the
project, and supplies information to the team that is
Report the data after technology transfer expected to impact other areas as shown in figure 5.
according to the technology plan. When the management decides to transfer a given
process from development to manufacturing, the
Evaluation the data and the predetermined development project team should meet and establish
judgment criteria. the technology transfer team. The team is then
Both transferring and transferred parties can trained on the technology transfer process, so that
document the technology transfer report; each member is thoroughly familiar with both the
however, they should reach an agreement on its business methodology to be used and the technical
contents. aspects of the process being transferred. The team
members must then be trained on the use of the
TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER TEAM 25: Science process tools, to help organize and assemble
technology and products are very rarely created in a numerical data, assign action items, determine the
vacuum, depending solely on internal expertise. The current level of readiness, and identify areas of
technology transfer team is a cross-functional team weakness or omission. At this point it is possible to
representing all departments, suppliers, and define and follow a reasonable course of action 26.
customers involved in the transfer. Each Successful technology commercialization depends on
representative provides information on his/her access to a skilled workforce in management,
functional area’s needs, works on action items, production, sales, distribution, and support.
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