Dubai International Airport
Dubai International Airport
Dubai International Airport
Airport Communications
In 2005, 24.7 million passengers passed through Other key requirements included:
Dubai. When the phase-two expansion is com- • 1500 to 2,000 subscribers
pleted by the end of 2006, the Dubai Inter-national • 100+ sub contractors requiring 150-200
Airport will have the capacity to handle 70 million talk groups
passengers and 3.5 million tons of cargo per year. • 100 to 200 subscribers with individual call
facilities by expected project completion date
in 2008
mpt 1327:
• Emergency call capability
In any project of this size, modern, efficient
• Priority call capability
communications are a necessity. Because of the
joint effort produces results:
The solution to these requirements was
supplied through a collaborative effort
between Zetron, Ariba Celcom and
UKbased Aerial Facilities, Ltd. (AFL).
The result was a 16-channel MPT 1327
system using 16 Zetron Model 827 MPT
1327 Controllers and Kenwood TKR-850
repeaters enclosed in three 46U cabinets.
The communications equipment includes
Kenwood TK-3180 MPT Portable Radios
and Kenwood TK-8180 MPT Base Stations.