Checklist Principle 2
Checklist Principle 2
Checklist Principle 2
Department of Education
Region V - Bicol
Libon west district
1 Level 1
1. Enrolment Data by Type of Learners
2. Assessment tools and database of
assessment results
Diagnostic Tools
ECD Checklist
Reading Inventory
Language Mapping
3. Report on the Analysis of Assessment
NAT (if applicable)
Teacher-made tests (with TOS)
Other summative Assessment results
4. Availability of CGs, TGs, LMs, etc. for
other types of learners
Students with special needs (if
IPs, Muslim learners (if applicable)
ALS modules (if applicable)
Modules for ADMs (Open High
School, MISOSA, Home Schooling)
(if applicable)
5. Supervisory Plan, Instructional
Supervision Report
6. Action plans, accomplishment,
documentation reports on
implementation of programs and projects
that address learners’ needs
Level 2
7. Intervention Action plans, M&E
Reports, accomplishment,
documentation reports on
implementation of initiated PAPs
8. Documentation report of LAC Sessions
9. Intervention Reports ( e.g. SIM, Action
research, Best Practice)
10. School rewards/awards program
11. Instructional monitoring report/anecdotal
report/other proofs of monitoring
Level 3
6. Report/record of community
engagement/program/ extension
services/ immersion in communities
3 Level 1
1. Composition of a School Project Team
with Terms of Reference
2. Learning resource needs assessment
3. Summary of assessment results
Level 2
4. Presence of developed/redeveloped
4 Level 1
1. Documentation of school assemblies and
2. State of the School Address [SOSA]
3. Updated School Report Card (SRC)
4. All SF 9 (Report Cards) are signed by
the parents K to Grade 6 Grade 7 to
5. Learners’ profile with anecdotal
Level 2
6. Formulated school policy guidelines on
learner development activities
7. Presented/Communicated SRCs to
Level 3
8. LGU /community resolutions/ordinance
supporting the activities for the total
development of learners
9. Manual/handbook on learning and
monitoring system is available
5 Level 1
1. Assessment Review Team with terms of
2. Evidence of Reviewed assessment tool/s
on written work such as Sample
pupil’s/students’ portfolio with specific
rubrics; Sample pupils’ students’
journals with rubrics and Other written
work like reaction or reflection paper,
students’ researches, etc.
3. Evidence of Reviewed assessment tool/s
on Performance task such as
Culminating activities, Simulation and
Actual performance of task/s
4. Evidence of Reviewed assessment tool/s
on Quarterly examinations with TOS
Level 2
5. Documentation of the review of
assessment tools (FGD, meeting)
conducted by school community and
6. Evidences of modification of assessment
tools based on the suggestions gathered
from the FGD
7. Assessment results are conveyed to
stakeholders through assemblies and
other appropriate online or offline
Level 3
8. Documents on the learning programs/
activities developed as a result of
6 Level 1
1. School advocacy program on child
protection related concerns
2. WINs 1-star
3. BE Best Implementer – Division level
Level 2
4. WINs 2-Star
5. Statement of support from stakeholders
in relation to school’s advocacy program
6. BE Best Implementer – Regional level
Level 3
7. WINs 3- star
8. Outstanding CFSS rating
9. BE Implementer- National level
Level 1
1. Documents on the implementation of
activities related to increasing
stakeholders’ awareness and
commitment to child protection
Level 2
2. Availability of strategic Intervention
Materials (SIM)
3. SLAC documentation on designing
learner-centered LMs
Level 3
4. Student Handbook
7 Level 1
1. Workbooks, Activity Sheets, modules
2. Documentation of student-led learning
3. Approved Students-Initiated Activities
Level 2
4. Student–initiated community programs,
5. Community-sponsored
Level 3
6. Benchmarking of best practices in line
with developing self-directed learners
evident in the home and community
Level 1
1. Portfolio of self-directed learning
Level 2
2. Parents’ engagement in the learning
activities of learners
Level 3
3. Proof of institutionalization of self-
directed learning programs in school
Validated by: