Greco Ieee 1993
Greco Ieee 1993
Greco Ieee 1993
/€E€ Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 35, No. 2, April 1993 7
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The computational cost required for the identification of Target modeling Parametric surface Electromagnetic
shadowed regions and for multiple-scattering computations with CAD package data-base analysis
increases very rapidly with the number of facets required to model a
complex radar target. For that reason, the classical techniques are 1 1
usually implemented on powerful computers, different from the Real-time target image Hardware graphics Cavities and
at workstation screen accelerator general edges
graphics workstations used to model the target. Accordingly, a dif-
ferent approach to compute high-frequency approximations is
needed, in order to obtain real-time results on the graphics work-
stations. Graphical computation Impedance Fresnel Surface reflection:
unit normal to surface reflection coeff. Physical Optics
If the workstation has a hardware graphics accelerator, the As stated before, classical RCS analysis packages usually
image of the target and the x,y,z,n,,n,,,n, information for each describe the target in terms of facets and wedges [2-41. However,
pixel can be obtained in real time. In conclusion, the CPU running parametric surfaces present the following advantages for both
time involves only the electromagnetic part of the computation, complex-object modeling and RCS prediction and optimization:
leaving the geometric part to the graphics hardware.
Complex objects require a very large number of facets,
As shown in Figure 1, the RCS is obtained by the GRECO while only a few parametric surfaces. Thus, the
code in the following steps [6-1 I]: parametric approach requires a smaller quantity of
information to define the model, which results in less
1. Geometric modeling of the aircraft with a CAD package mass-storage memory and faster processing. Another
important point is that the number of degrees of free-
2. The image of the target on the workstation screen is dom for RCS optimization algorithms is also smaller
obtained in real-time by the graphics hardware accelerator with parametric surfaces.
8 /E€€ Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 35, No.2 , April 1993
The faceting approach introduces artificial edges and
vertices between facets, so that the surface presents a Z
“faceted” appearance, while the parametric surface is
smooth and conforms precisely to the real one. For that
reason, the RCS computed from the faceted model
contains the so-called “facet noise,” with is not present
when the parametric surface model is used instead.
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 35, No. 2, April 1993 9
(see Figure 5 ) . For three light sources of purely green, red, and blue
colors, respectively, located over each one of the three coordinate
axis, the three color components for this pixel are equal to the
(n,,,ny,nz) components of the unit normal to surface:
the two spheres is shadowing the other one, with aspect angle close
to go", the RCS of the two-sphere system is equal to the RCS of
only the visible one.
10 /E€€ Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 35, No. 2, April 1993
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Figure 6. A rendered image of an F-117 aircraft on the workstation screen. Three red, blue,
and green light sources are located on the x,y,z axes, respectively. The blending of the three
colors at each pixel is equal to the ( , ? , , U , , ) I : ) components of the unit normal.
Figure 7. Rendered images of the generic missile model defined in [2]. Six red, blue, and
green light sources are located on the positive and negative x,y axis (a) and y,z axis (b). The
blending of the three colors at each pixel of the two images is equal to the positive and
negative ( t i , , ) ? ,, t i z ) components of the unit normal.
Discrete computation of surface integral (3) leads to 4.2 Impedance Boundary Condition
It must be noted that Equation (4) is correct only if a pixel According to the IBC, the contribution from each pixel in
radiates as an infinitesimal aperture, i.e., it is equivalent to the pro- Equation (5) must be multiplied by the Fresnel reflection coeffi-
jection on the screen of a differential of surface, ds, much smaller cients for polarizations parallel (q,)and perpendicular (r,) to the
than a wavelength. If the number of pixels on the screen is large plane of incidence:
enough, this condition is usually accomplished.However, when the
incidence is grazing over the surface, 8 -+ 90°, the projection, drs',
on the screen (one pixel) is very small, but the surface, ds, may be
very large.
12 I€€€ Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 35, No. 2, April 1993
reflection coefficients are dependent only on the angle, 0, which, A
according to Equation (6), is related to the green color component
of each pixel in the image (see Figure 6), the parallel and perpen-
dicular reflection coefficients can be tabulated in a 256-entry table,
indexed by the green color component, thus avoiding the computa- A
tion of the reflection coefficients for each pixel.
where the line integral extends along the edges illuminated by the
incident wave, ii and Ciare, respectively, the unit vectors parallel
/ ’.
and perpendicular to the plane of incidence (which is defined by the A
incident and edge directions) and y is the angle between the incident
electric field and ii.
where f is the unit vector along the edge direction 2. The surface unit normal at each pixel of the image is com-
puted by graphical processing of the image (see 3.3.2).
edge of the wing in the TOTAL prediction. The reason for this dis-
crepancy is an error in the missile geometric model used by the
TOTAL code.
7 x -
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7 x g x
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Figure 14. The GRECO results for the Airfoil in Figure 12, for
TE polarization (Physical Optics and Physical Optics +
Physical Theory of Diffraction), compared with a numerical
solution [23].
The target can be modeled by parametric NURB sur- The GRECO code can be integrated with a CAD geo-
faces, requiring less mass-storage memory that the metric modeling package [ 121, thus providing an effi-
faceting approach, and enabling more accurate cient tool for interactive modeling, design and analysis
adjustment to the real target surface, thus avoiding the of aircraft with RCS specifications (see Section 7).
“facet noise” usually present in classical facet-
modeling codes. It must be noted that GRECO is able to analyze targets of
electrical size as large as 2“ / 162, with a maximum phase error of
The hardware graphics accelerator removes hidden 1 8 , where n is the number of bits in which the distance, z, to the
surfaces and edges, so that they do not contribute to observer is discretized. This means that we can analyze 40002 with
surface or line integrals. The difficult and time- the usual 16-bit discretization. The resolution in the discretization
consuming software identification of shadowed o f x y 2D screen coordinates, usually 1024x 2048 pixels, only limits
/€€E Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 35, No. 2, April 1993 15
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the maximum complexity of the target (details must be larger than a 3. R. Abad, J. I. Casado, P. L. Primo del Val, R. Torres, M.
pixel), but does not limit the target electrical size, because XJJ lay Domingo, F. Rivas, M. F. Catedra, “Modelos matem ticos para el
on a plane perpendicular to the directions of incidence and obser- estudio de la RCS debida a doble reflexion, difraccion en aristas, y
vation. sombras por eclipse en parches poligonales planos,” in C’ Synipo-
sium Nacional del Comite Espaiiol de la U I W , pp. 190-194, Vigo,
In conclusion, graphical processing is probably the optimum 26-28th Septiember de 1990.
approach for analyzing very large and complex aircraft, using high-
frequency approximations. In Section 7, the application to interac- 4. M. Domingo, F. Rivas, M. F. Catedra, R. Abad, J. I. Casado, P.
tive design of aircraft with RCS specifications will be discussed. L. Primo del Val, R. Torres, “Programa base de GTD-PTD para el
calculo de la RCS de cuerpos conductores modelados por parches
However, there are some scattering sources that cannot be planos y teniendo en cuenta simple y doble reflexion, difraccion en
analyzed by GRECO: cavities at engine inlets, creeping waves, dis- aristas y eliminacion de zonas oclutas,” in V Symposirrni Nricional
continuities and slots over the aircraft surface, etc. These effects del Comite Espaiiol de la URSI, pp. 185-189, Vigo, 26-28th Sep-
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5 . W. B. Gordon, “Far Field Approximation of the Kirchhoff-
Helmholtz Representation of Scattered Fields,” 1EEE limn. Ant.
7. Potential application to RCS optimization Prop., AP-23, No. 5, July 1975, pp. 864-876.
As the GRECO code is based on graphical processing of an 6. J. M. Rius, M. Ferrando, “Real Time Radar Cross-section of
image of the target, it can be easily integrated with the CAD soft- Complex Targets by Physical Optics Graphical Processing,” in
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8. Acknowledgments 12. “1-DEASGeomod Users Guide,” Structural Dynamics Research
Corporation (SDRC), Milford, OH 45150.
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Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia” (CICYT) under the pro-
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15. M. Pizarroso, J. Perez, M. F. Catedra, “Software geometric0
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Vigo, 26-28th September 1990.
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16 IEEEAntennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 35, No. 2, April 1993
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I€€€ Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 35, No. 2, April 1993 17