Sesion 23 - Our Abilities - Primero
Sesion 23 - Our Abilities - Primero
Sesion 23 - Our Abilities - Primero
COMPETENCIA: Escribe diversos tipos de textos en inglés como lengua extranjera.
CAPACIDAD: Adecua el texto a situación comunicativa, organice y desarrolla las PROPOSITO: Describe sus
ideas en forma coherente y cohesionada. Utiliza convenciones de lenguaje escrito diferentes habilidades y de su
en forma pertinente. Reflexiona y evalúa la forma, el contenido del texto escrito. familia usando el conector AND.
Match the pictures with the sentences.
4 8
6 9
7 3
Write a short text about your abilities and your family. Use correctly the parts paragraph
(Topic, details, concluding sentence)
(TOPIC) My family's skills
My family ....... My mother is an excellent cook, I also study nursing, my father is a hard
worker and brave since he has always helped my family in bad times, I am very proud
of him, my brother is very intelligent and is studying the career agro-industrial and also
studies and invests in the stock market and my sister studies administration
The conclusion is that my family is a very skilled family, although I did not say
everything, I said their best abilities, that's why I want to and am happy with my family's
habilidades correctamente? SI - NO