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Notification No. CSR/ 0t /19

It is notified for information of all concerned that the Syndicate in its

meeting held on 06.12,2018 (vide Item No.17) approved the following:

(i) Revised syllabus of Two-year (four-semester) M.A. course of study in

Arabic & Persian, (notified in Notification No. CSR/54I18 dated

13.08.2018), and,

(ii) Syllabus and Course Structure of Two-year (four-semester) M.phil.

Programme in Arabic & persian.

The revised syllabus of M.A. shall be effective from the academic

session 2018-2019, and, the M.Phil. syllabus and course structure will be

effective from the session January 2019 to Decemb er 2020 and onwards.

(Dr. Soumitra Sarkar)
KOLKATA-7OOO73 Registrar (Officiating)
The 8th January,2}lg

Department of Arabic and Persian
University of Calcutta
Syllabus for four semesters M.A.Programme in Arabic
M. A. 1st year (1st Semester)
Paper Papers’ Title & Full Marks: 50 Course Course content End Semester Course
CodeNo. (Written:40 + Internal Assessment :10) Credit Examinations Level
ARCC History of Islam I 4 History of Islam in Arabia. (Pre-Islamic to Abbasid Period) Written CC
ARCC History of the Arabic 4 (i) From Pre-Islamic to Umayyad Period. Written CC
201 Literature I (ii) Abbasid to Ottoman Period.

ARCC Philology & Composition 4 i) The Course in Philology includes the following topics: Written CC
301 History of the Semitics – Their Primitive seat – The ancient
Semitic Languages – General Characteristics of the Semitic
family of Speech – their classification – chief
characteristics of Arabic in the Pre-Islamic and classical
ii). Grammar, iii) Essay in Arabic ( Modern Arabic ).
iv) Rhetoric
ARCC Modern Prose: I 4 (i) Ala Hamishis Sirah by Taha Hussain (Book-I) upto page Written CC
401 118.
(ii) Ahlul Kahf by Tawfiq al-Hakim (upto Fasal Thani,
page -64.

ARDSE Communication Skills, 4+6 (i) Skill Development via conversation and discussion in Arabic. Written & DSE
001 Translation & (ii) Art of semantics (Ilmu Dalalatil Alfaz). (iii) Translation Project
Interpretation from Arabic into English and vice versa. (iv) Vocabulary and
M. A. 1st year (2nd Semester)
Paper Papers’ Title & Full Marks: 50 Course Course content End Semester Course
Code (Written:40 + Internal Assessment :10) Credit Examinations Level
ARCC History of Islam II 4 History of Islam (Egypt and Muslim Spain upto 1952 A.D.) Written CC
ARCC History of the Arabic 4 (i) Modern Period. Written CC
202 Literature II (ii) Indian Arabic Literature.

ARCC Philology & Composition 4 i). Prosody Written CC

302 ii). Translation of unseen passage from Modern Arabic into
English and vice versa.
iii). Vocabulary / Glossary
ARCC Modern Poetry : I 4 The following poems only : Written CC
402 (a) Shawqi : (i) Ar-Riqqu wal Hurriyah. (ii) Munajatul
Ahram. (iii) Abul Hawl.
(b) Mutran : (i) Al-Masa. (ii) Ash-Shaikh Najib Al-Haddad.
(iii) Fatatul Jabalil Aswad.
(c) Hafiz : (i) Al-Ummahatani’l Mutasaffihatan. (ii) Al-
Ummu Madrasatun. (iii) Dhatul Khal.
ARDSE Selected Eminent Arab 4+6 (i ) Hassan b. Thabit, (ii) Jarir, (iii) Abul Aa’la Al Ma’arri, (iv) Al Written& DSE
002 Writers & Poets Jahiz, (v) Jamil Sidqui Az Zahabi, (vi) Abbas Mahmud Al Aqqad, Project
(vii) Naguib Mahfuz, (viii) Ilya Abu Madhi, (ix) Shah Waliullah
Muhaddith Al Dehlawi, (x) Ghulam Ali Azad al Bilgrami.
M. A. 2nd year (3rd Semester)
Paper Papers’ Title & Full Marks: 50 Course Course content End Semester Course
Code Credit
(Written:40 + Internal Assessment :10) Examinations Level
ARCC Pre-Islamic Poetry-I 4 Diwan Zuhair b. Abi Sulma (Beirut Edition of 1929). Written CC

ARCC Islamic Poetry 4 (i) Diwan-ul Mutanabbi. Qafiatul Hamza only. Written CC
603 (ii) Lamiyatul Aa’jam by At-Tughraee.

ARCC Literary Criticism 4 Naqdush- Sheir by Qudama b. Jafar …upto Na’tul Hija Written CC
ARCC Modern Prose : II 4 (i) Al- Ayyam by Taha Hussain , Book-I, upto Chapter – Written CC
803 15.
(ii) Al- Majmuatul Kamila Li Moullafti Gibran Khalil
Gibran. Al-Arabiaya , Beirut Edition. The following pieces
only :

(a) Al- Munqidh

(b) Hayatul Hubb
(c) Al- Mujrim
(d) Al-Ubudiyyah
(e) Al-Shaitan

ARGE Basic Arabic Grammar & 4 1. Grammar: Noun, Verb & Particles. Oral GE
001 Textual Translation (i) Noun: Dhamaer, Mudhaf, Mudhaf Ilaihi, Asmaul Isharah,
Ma’arifah & Nakirah, Mubtida & Khabar, Adad & Ma’dud.
(ii) Verb: Madhi & Mudhare’u, Amr & Nahi.
(iii ) Particles: Huruful Jarr & Atf.
2. Arabic Text: Durusul Ashya by M. Rahman & Al Qiratul
Wadhiha Part –I by Wahiduzzaman
M. A. 2nd year (4th Semester)
Paper Papers’ Title & Full Marks: 50 Course Course content End Semester Course
Code (Written:40 + Internal Assessment :10) Credit Examinations Level
ARCC Pre-Islamic Poetry-II 4 Lamiyyatul Arab by Ash Shanfara. Written CC
ARCC Islamic Prose : 4 (i) Maqamat of Hariri . Introduction and Maqama 1- 2. Written CC
604 (ii) Kitabul Fakhri, Introduction & Fasl 1- 3.

ARCC Literary Criticism 4 Al-Muwash Shah by Marzubani – Al-Shuaraul Jahiliyya Written CC

704 only.

ARCC Modern Poetry -II 4 Ash-Shauqiyyat , Book- II ( Cairo Edition -1901). The Written CC
804 following pieces only :

(a) Babul Wasf :

(i) Al- Hilal (ii) Al- Rihlatu ilal Andalus (iii) Ayyuhan Nil
(iv) Damasqas.

(b) Babun Nasib PP.-111 – 116 (Middle)

(c) Mutafarriqat :
(i) Masairul Ayyam
(ii) Tut-Unkh Amun
(iii) Dhikra Istiqlal Suriyya.
ARGE Basic Arabic Grammar 4 (i) Grammar: Written GE
002 & Textual Translation (a) Nominal & Verbal Sentences & their categories.
(b) Particles: (i) Nawaseeb & Jawazeemul Mudhare’u,
Al Huruful Mushabbahatu bil Fi’el & Afa’alun Naqisah.
(ii) Arabic Text: Al Qiratur Rashidah by A.H. Nadvi & Al
Qiratul Wadhiha Part –II by Wahiduzzaman
Department of Arabic and Persian
University of Calcutta
Syllabus for four semester M.A.Programme in Persian
M. A. 1st year (1st Semester)
Course Course Title & Full Marks: 50 Course Course content End Semester Course
No. (Written:40 + Internal Assessment :10) Credit Examinations Level
P1 Socio−Poli&cal History of 4 Socio−Poli&cal History of Persia from the Medes down to the Written CC
Persia Ghaznavids

P2 History of Persian Literature 4 Development of Persian Literature from the beginning down to Written CC
the Qajarids
P3 Language 4 Modern Persian Grammar and Composition Written CC
P4 Text: Modern Persian poetry 4 Selected Poems from Barguzid− e− Sher− e− Farsi−e− Moasir−Vol.ll Written CC
by Dr. Monibur Rahman
P5 Communication Skills 4 Conversation and Discussion in Persian on Various Topics Oral DSE

M. A. 1st year (2nd Semester)

Course Course Title& Full Marks: 50 Course Course content End Semester Course
No. (Written:40 + Internal Assessment :10) Credit Examinations Level
P6 Socio−Poli&cal History of 4 Socio−Poli&cal History of Persia from Seljuques down to the Written CC
Persia lslamic Revolution of lran 1989
P7 History of Persian Literature 4 Development of Persian Literature in lndia from the Sultanate Written CC
Period down to the end of British rule
P8 Language 4 Essay in Persian,Rhetoric& Prosody Written CC
P9 Text: Modern Persian poetry 4 Selected Poems from Payam−e−Mashriq by Dr. MD. lqbal Written CC
P10 Translation and 4 From Persian to English and vice−versa Oralƒ written DSE
M. A. 2nd year (3rd Semester)
Course Course Title & Full Marks: 50 Course Course content End Semester Course
No. (Written:40 + Internal Assessment :10) Credit Examinations Level
P11 Text: Classical Persian Poetry 4 Ghazal and Ruba’i (Selected) Written CC
P12 Text: Classical Persian Prose 4 Simple: Qaboos Nama (Selected) Written CC
P13 Text: Modern Persian prose 4 Dastanhayedilangeez−e−Farsi(Selected) Written CC
P14 Formsof Persian Prose and 4 Ghazal, Ruba’i, Qasida, Mathnavi, Tarjee’band, Tarkeeb’band, Written DSE
Poetry Dastan−e−kutaah, Novel (Ruman) and Nemayishnameh
P15 Persian World 4 Geographical expansion , Civilization and Culture of the Persian Written GE
speaking World

M. A. 2nd year (4th Semester)

Course Course Title & Full Marks: 50 Course Course content End Semester Course
No. (Written:40 + Internal Assessment :10) Credit Examinations Level
P16 Text: Classical Persian Poetry 4 Mathnavi (Nal Daman of Faizi) and Qasida (Urfi and Khaqani) Written CC
P17 Text: Classical Persian Prose 4 Ornate: waqayeNe’mat Khan Ǎli Written CC
P18 Text: Modern Persian prose 4 Novel: Huma by Md. Hijazi Written CC
P19 Trends in Persian Poetry 4 An outline of the different Styles (Sabk) in Persian Poetry Written DSE
P20 lndo−lranian Rela&ons 4 Socio−Poli&cal and Cultural &es between lndia and lran Written GE
Course structure and syllabus for M. Phil. Programme of study in Arabic
From January 2019 to December 2020 session and onwards
Under the University of Calcutta (Regulation for the Degree of Master of Philosophy, M.Phil.) Regulations 2018.

Aim of the Programme :

The M.Phil. Programme in Arabic aims to make the students competent in understanding the
medieval , modern and contemporary developments in the field of Arabic language and literature,
and understand the methods of research in Arabic and allied science data collection, interpretation
and analysis for addressing various issues in the field of Arabic related sciences.

Objectives of the Programme :

1. To introduce the students to advanced areas of research in the field of Arabic

studies and its related sciences.
2. To trace the development of modern and contemporary Arabic literature and
related areas in various Arab regions and India.
3. To familiarize students the methods of literary criticism and accepted principles of literary
criticism in a very objective manner.
4. To make the students competent in literature collection pertaining to his / her research area.
5. To make the student do independent field work and data collection for research.

6. To impart the various stages of preparing research articles, thesis and dissertations.
The M. Phil Programme will be of 2-years (4 semesters) and there shall be total marks: 600 (24
Structure of the M.Phil. Programme in ARABIC:

Semester Course Description Full Marks

Paper-I Course Work

I Module-1.1 Research Methodology in Arabic 50

Module-1.2 Advanced Areas of Specialization in Arabic

Language and Literature

Paper-II Course Work

Module-2.1 Comparative Linguistic Sciences of Arabic

II 50

Module-2.2 Literary Sources of Arabic Language & Literature

(Medieval and Indian) 50

Internal Assessment

III Module-3.1 Term Papers/ Reviews 50

Module-3.2 Seminar 50

Module-4.1 Dissertation 200


Module- 4.2 Viva Voce 100

Total Full Marks

(24 Credits)
Semester- I (1st year)
Paper – I (course work) Marks-100
Module 1.1 and Module 1.2

This paper aims at familiarizing the students with the various aspects of research. Module 1.1 of
the paper helps them to accustom with the basic steps and skills required for general research, as
well as with the specific research methods for Arabic Literature / Linguistic studies and in the
Module 1.2, they will be acquainted with the Advanced Areas of Specialization in Arabic
Language and Literature.

Module -1.1 : Research Methodology in Arabic Marks – 50

1. Concept and Definition of Research

2. Defining a Research Problem and Selection of Topics
3. Framing of Research Questions and Hypothesis
4. Designing Research and Surveying Literature
5. Research Tools and Techniques
6. Mechanics of Writing
7. Avoidance of Plagiarism and maintenance of Academic Integrity
8. Citation and Documentation
9. Identifying and Accessing the Data Sources
10. Preparation of Synopsis (Typing, Formatting, Proof Reading etc.)
11. Preparation of Bibliography
12. Method of Writing Abbreviation, Dates, Years, Quotation, Paragraph etc.
13. Method of Indicating the References, Foot Notes, End Notes, Index etc.
14. Process of Preparation for Research Thesis and Dissertation
15. Research Methods for Arabic Studies (Descriptive, Historical Method etc.)
16. Biographical Method
17. Textual Analysis and Discourse analysis
18. Critical and Comparative Method
19. Quantitative and Qualitative Method
20. Editing Method
21. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Method
Module- 1.2: 50 Marks
Advanced Areas of Specialization in Arabic Language and Literature

1. Pre Islamic Arabic Literature and its Features

2. Impact of Islam on Arabic Language and literature
3. Changes of Literary Forms in Umayyad and Abbasid Period
4. Analysis of the causes of retreat of Arabic Literature after the downfall of Bagdad

5. Arabic Language and Literature in Non-Arab Land – Spain, Central Asia etc.
6. Mahjar Literature and its Features
7. Indo- Arabic Literature.
8. Different forms of Arabic Poetical literature like Classical, Jazl and Muassha, Free Verse
9. Different forms of Arabic Prose – Literature like Khitaba, Maqama, Sahafah, Short Story,
Novel, Drama etc.
10. Literary Criticism in Arabic Literature
11. Literary Movements in the Arab World and Abroad:
Apollo Group
Diwaan Movement
Pen Association
Semester- II (Ist year)
Paper –II (course work) Marks-100
Module 2.1 and Module 2.2

Paper – II



This paper aims at familiarizing the students with some areas of advanced specialization relevant
to various fields of Arabic Language and Literature. In Module-2.1 they will be offered the study
of Comperative Linguistic Sciences of Arabic and in Module 2.2 will be offered the study of
Literary Sources of Arabic Language & Literature (Medieval and Indian).

Module-2.1 Marks – 50

Comparative Linguistic Sciences of Arabic

1. Concept of Linguistics & Philology

2. Origin and Development of Language
3. Growth and Development of Arabic Language
4. Grammar and Language
5. Grammar and Arabic Language
6. Impact of Western Culture & Literature on Arabic Language and Literature & vice versa

Module 2.2: Literary Sources of Arabic Language & Literature (Medieval and Indian)
Marks: 50

Masterpieces of Arabic literary sources (Abbasid & Indian):

1. Al Bayan Wat Tabyeen 9.Masadirut Turathil Arabi

2. Jamharatu Ash’aaril Arab 10. Abjadul Uloom
3. Futoohul Buldan 11. Al Fihrist
4. Al Iqdul Fareed 12. Kitabul Aghani
5. Tabaqaatu Fahoolish Shuaara 13. Subhatul Marjaan Fi Aathare Hindustan
6. Nuzhatul Khawatir 14. Wafayaatul A’yaan Li Ibni Khalliqaan
7. Mu’zamul Buldan 15. Alaa’lam li Khairuddin az zirkeli
8. Kashhshaafu Istilahaatil Funoon 16. Lisanul Arab libni Manzoor
Semester- III (2nd Year)
Internal Assessment

Modiule-3.1 Marks-50

Term Papers / Reviews

A. Article writing on any one area of studies either of Semester I or II


B. Book Review on any book of MODULE 2.2

Module-3.2 Marks-50


Seminar Paper presentation on any one area of studies of Semester I or II

(N.B: Article writing and Book Review of Module 3.1 as well as seminar paper presentation of
Module 3.2, each of them should be on different items of the concerned area of studies)
Semester- IV (2nd year)

Module-4.1 Dissertation Marks: 200

The topic of the dissertation will be selected in consultation with the supervisor.

Module-4.2 Viva Voce Marks: 100

** The language of the Dissertation: Arabic/English **

Course structure and syllabus for M. Phil. Programme of study in Persian
From January 2019 to December 2020 session and onwards
Under the university of Calcutta (Regulation for the Degree of Master of Philosophy, M.Phil.)Regulations 2018.

Aims & Objectives of the Programme:

Aims of the Programme :

The M.Phil. Programme in Persian aims to make the students competent in understanding the
developments in the field of Persian language and literature, and understand the methods of
research in Persian and allied subjects, interpretation and analysis for addressing various
issues in the field of Indo-Persian Studies.

Objectives of the Programme :

● To introduce the students to advanced areas of research in the field of Persian
● To trace the development of Persian literature and related areas in different parts of
Persian speaking world and India.
● To familiarize students the methods of literary criticism and accepted principles of
literary criticism in a very objective manner.
● To make the students competent in literature collection pertaining to his / her
research area.
● To make the student do independent field work and data collection for research.
● To impart the knowhow of the various stages of preparing research articles, thesis and
dissertations. .
M. Phil Programme will be of 2-year (4 semesters) and there shall be total marks 600
(24 credits).

Course structure and syllabus for M. Phil. Programme of study in Persian,
From January 2019 to December 2020 session and onwards
Under the university of Calcutta (Regulation for the Degree of Master of Philosophy) Regulations, 2018.

Semester Description Full Syllabus

Paper-I Course Work
Module-1.1 Annexure
(Research methodology and Methods of literary Research) 50
I 1.A
Module-1.2 Annexure
(Comparison of Literary Text and Textual criticism)
Paper-II Course Work
Module-2.1 Annexure
(History of Persian Literature and Indo-Persian Cultural Relations) 50
II 1.C
Module-2.2 Annexure
(Style and Trends in Persian Literature: prose and poetry) 50
Internal Assessment
Module-3.1 (Term Paper / Review) Annexure
Module-3.2 (Seminar) Annexure
Module-4.1 Dissertation Annexure
Module-4.2 Viva-Voce Annexure
Total Full Marks 600 (24 credits)

Annexure 1.A

Module 1.1
Full Marks 50

Research methodology and Methods of literary Research in Persian

This paper will make the students understand the basic concepts and theories of the Applied
Research and Research Writings along with the use of Archival Manuscripts and Texts in
Research works. Methods of indicating References, Foot Notes, End notes, Index etc.,Use of
Citation and Documentation. Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and
other Computer Application related methods in research.

Suggested Reading:

Kothari,C.R. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques,

Tandon,B.C. Research Methodology in Social Science,
Whitney,F.L. The Elements of Research,
Denzin,Norman, The Research Act
Davis, G.B. Introduction to Computers,

Annexure 1.B

Module 1.2
Full Marks 50

Comparison of Literary Text and Textual criticism

Suggested Reading:

zarrinkub, A. Husain, Naqd-e-Adabi

Nomani, Shibli, Sherul Ajam
Dr. Saboor , Aafaq-e- Ghazal-e-Farsi
Azad, Mohammad Hussain, Sokhandan-e- Fars
Shariati, Ali, Dar Naqd-o-Adab

Annexure 1.C

Module 2.1
Full Marks 50

History of Persian Literature and Indo-Persian Cultural Relations

Suggested Reading:

Brown , E. G. Literary History of Persia,

Rypka , Jan, History of Iranian Literature,
Donald, W. Iran: Past and Present,
Sharafe Alam, Iran,
Safa, Zabihullah, Tarikh-e-Adabiyyat Dar Iran,
shafaq ,Reza zada, Tarikh-e- Adabiyyat-e-Iran,
Hadi, Nabi, Dictionary of Persian Literature,
Khanlari , Parvez Natel, Tarikh-e-zaban-e-Farsi,
Abdullah, Syed, Adabiyyat-e- Farsi Mein Hinduon ka Hissa
Aryanpur,Yahya , Az Saba Ta Nima
Aryanpur,Yahya, Az Nima ta Roozgar-e Ma

Annexure 1.D

Module 2.2
Full Marks 50

Style and Trends in Persian Literature: prose and poetry

Suggested Reading:

Bahar, Md. Taqi, Sabk Shenasi

Shamisa, Siroos, Kulliyat-e- Sabk Shenasi
Shamisa, Siroos, Anwae Adabi
Shamisa,Siroos, Sairi dar Ghazl-e Farsi
Khanlari, Parvez Natel, Wazn-e- shere-e- Farsi
Humayi, Jalaluddin, Funoon-e-Balaghat wa Sana’at-e- Adabi
Kamyar, Taqi wahidyan, Bar rasi mnsha-e-wazn-e- sher-e- Farsi
Fesayi, Mansoor Rastgaar, Anwa-e- sher-e- Farsi
Razi ,Shams Qais , Almo’jam

Annexure 1.E

Module 3.1
Full Marks 50

Term Paper/ Reviews

Students will be asked to write two Term papers on different topics / two Book reviews from
the course work.

Annexure 1.F

Module 3.2
Full Marks 50


Students will present two seminar papers on the selected topics.

Annexure 1.G

Module 4.1
Full Marks 200


After successfully completing their course work students will write a dissertation on a topic
approved by the M. Phil. Research Advisory Committee under the guidance of a selected
supervisor. The Language of the Dissertation will either be in Persian or English.

Annexure 1.H

Module 4.2
Full Marks 100


After the evaluation of the Dissertation by the subject experts the students will defend his/her
dissertation in person in a Viva-Voce conducted by the Department.


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