In Uence of Freeze-Dried Shrimp Meat in Pasta Processing Qualities of Indian T. Durum Wheat

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Influence of Freeze-Dried Shrimp Meat in Pasta Processing Qualities of Indian T.

durum Wheat

Article  in  Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology · November 2014

DOI: 10.1080/10498850.2013.796581

23 843

5 authors, including:

Pichan Prabhasankar Lalitha Gowda

Central Food Technological Research Institute Central Food Technological Research Institute


Vinod Kumar Modi Nimisha Bhaskar

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Influence of freeze-dried shrimp meat in pasta

processing qualities of Indian T.durum wheat
a a b c c
Ramya NS , Prabhasankar P , Lalitha R Gowda , Modi VK & Bhaskar N
Technology Department , Flour Milling Baking and Confectionery
Food Safety Analytical Quality Control Laboratory
Department of Meat, Fish and Poultry Technology Department , Central Food Technological
Research Institute , Mysore , 570 020 , Karnataka , (India)
Accepted author version posted online: 21 Feb 2014.Published online: 21 Feb 2014.

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meat in pasta processing qualities of Indian T.durum wheat, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, DOI:

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Influence of freeze-dried shrimp meat in pasta

processing qualities of Indian T.durum wheat
Ramya, NS1, Prabhasankar P1#, Lalitha R Gowda2 , Modi VK3 and Bhaskar N3#
Flour Milling Baking and Confectionery Technology Department
Food Safety Analytical Quality Control Laboratory
Department of Meat, Fish and Poultry Technology Department

Central Food Technological Research Institute

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Mysore – 570 020, Karnataka (India)

# Corresponding author (s):

e-mail : [email protected]; [email protected]

Tel. : +91 821 2517233

Fax. : +91 821 2517233


The present study aims to understand the influence of freeze-dried shrimp (Penaeus monodon)

meat (SM) at different levels (2.5%, 5%, & 10%; w/w) in pasta processing. The rheological

characteristics studies of SM-wheat flour blends indicated that dough stability increased with the

increased addition of SM in the blends, whereas Farinograph water absorption and amylograph

peak viscosity decreased. Cooking loss increased with increasing levels of SM in the pasta

(7.3% in 10% SM pasta; 6.7% in control pasta). However, all pasta samples were in acceptable

range. Color analysis of the pasta sample indicated that the L values increased with increasing

levels of pasta. The instrumental texture of cooked pasta indicated that 10% SM pasta was

significantly (P<0.05) firmer (1.84 N) than that of control (1.35 N). Microstructure studies

revealed that incorporation of SM in the pasta had better protein network. Pasta with 5% SM had

the highest mean score for all sensory attributes, with increased levels of essential nutrients, fatty

acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, and amino acids such as lysine.

Key words: Shrimp meat, Pasta, Rheology, Microstructure, Cooking quality, Amino acid

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Pasta is the second most consumed food product in the world after bread (Giese, 1992); when

compared to bread, pasta is easy to make, quick to serve, and has a long shelf life when stored at

appropriate conditions. Pasta can be made into different shapes from a basic mixture of wheat

endosperm (Durum wheat semolina or wheat flour) and water (His-Mei Lai, 2001). Pasta

products play an important role in human nutrition and can be easily cooked fresh and stored

after drying. It is a popular food in western countries, and the total production of pasta around

the world is increasing year by year.

A carbohydrate based food, pasta is recognized as low in sodium and fat with no cholesterol

(Giese, 1992), and has low glycemic response (Wolever et al., 1986; Bijorck et al., 2000). Hence,

pasta can be used in the treatment of obesity, type-2 diabetes mellitus, and in weight

management (Gelenecser et al., 2008). Instant or precooked pasta offers additional convenience

for 1-pan meals. Pasta satisfies the demand of current food trends in natural products as a good

source of low fat, high nutrition energy food. The opportunity of enrichment (such as addition of

proteins, fibers, vitamins, and minerals) of instant products addresses the demand for healthy,

convenience food (Yallo et al., 2006).With appropriate additives, pasta can be considered as a

valuable dish (Vansevenant and Soubry, 1996; Martinez et al., 2007).

The most important consumer attribute is the cooking quality of pasta, which includes cooking

time, water absorption, texture, and taste of the cooked product (Lee et al., 2002; Gelencser,

2008). Accordingly, there is an ever increasing demand for the food product (Giese, 1992) and a

consequent need for research to continuously improve the quality (Takacs et al., 2008). Pasta

quality and cooking characteristics are dependent upon the protein-starch matrix of the extruded
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pasta product (EI-Khayat et al., 2006). Characteristics such as firmness, cooking loss, and

stickiness of pasta can be associated with the protein content of the pasta (D’ Edigio et al., 1990),

as well as the starch composition (EI-Khayat et al., 2003; Samaan et al., 2006).

Seafood products have attracted considerable attention as an important source of nutrients in the

human diet. Apart from their delicacy, crustacean species such as shrimp, crab, and lobster

consist of amino acids, peptides, protein, and other useful nutrients (Yanar and Celik, 2006).

Shrimp meat is an excellent source of protein (Yanar and Celik, 2006), and shrimp muscle

consists of essential fatty acids such as highly unsaturated fatty acids like eicosapentaenoic

(20:5n3, EPA) and docosahexaenoic (22:6n3, DHA) acids (Feliz et al., 2002). Recently,

incorporation of dried bovine blood plasma into biscuit flour for the production of pasta has been

reported to result in pasta with increased textural strength, darker color, and higher protein

content (Yousif et al., 2003). In our previous study (Kadam and Parabhasankar, 2011), influence

of shrimp meat as such on the product quality of pasta was studied. Freeze-dried shrimp meat

powder has several applications over fresh shrimp meat as it is easy to store and handle and has

easy applicability in large scale production of pasta in the industrial sector.

The present study aims to develop health-based pasta with improved nutrition by substituting

Indian T. durum semolina with freeze-dried shrimp meat at various concentration levels, find out

the optimum level of substitution for development of pasta products, and also study the influence

of the added health ingredients on pasting, sensory, nutritional, cooking, and overall quality

characteristics of developed pastas.

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Materials and Methods

Raw material

T. durum semolina and shrimp (Penaeus mondon; popularly called black tiger shrimp) samples

were procured from the local market. Shrimps were brought under chilled conditions to the

laboratory and processed for further use. Shrimps were peeled, deveined, washed, and made into

a paste in a Warner blender. The paste obtained was freeze-dried using a lyophilization system

(Model Lyodryer LT5B, Lyophilsation Systems Inc., Kingston, NY, USA) at -400C for 16 hrs.

All the reagents and chemicals used were of analytical grade (AR), unless otherwise mentioned.


Physico-chemical characteristics of pasta blends and


Pasting characteristics

Pasting properties of all the blends, finely powdered pasta, and freeze-dried samples were

measured using Micro Visco-amylo-graph (Brabender OHG, Duisburg, Germany) following

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AACC method 22-10 (2000).

Farinograph characteristics

All the blend samples were measured for water absorption, and mixing profile of the dough was

determined by using Farinograph. (Brabender OHG) according AACC method 54-21(2000).

Pasta processing

Semolina and shrimp blends were prepared by replacement method, in the ratios 100:0, 99:10,

97.5:2.5, and 95:5.0. Pasta dough was mixed in HOBART MIXER (Model N-50, Ontario,

Canada) using low speed of 59 rpm with 30% of water and mixed for 8-10 min. The dough was

extruded using La Moniferrino (Model Dolly, Asti, Italy). The extruded pasta was dried at 750 C

for 3 hrs in a hot air drier (Shirsat Electronics, Mumbai, India).

Cooking quality

Cooking time: Twenty-five g of pasta product was dispersed in 250 mL boiling water; a piece of

pasta was removed from the cooking water at 30-s intervals and compressed between two glass

plates. Optimum cooking time (min) was considered when the white center core had just

disappeared after compressing.

Cooking water absorption: Cooking water absorption, which is swelling or water uptake during
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cooking, was measured by determining the weight of pasta before and after cooking.

Cooking loss: The gruel was stirred thoroughly. Twenty mL of the gruel was pipetted into petri

plates and evaporated into dryness over a water bath. The plate was then transferred to a hot air

oven for 16-18 hr at 105 ± 20C and dried to constant mass (ISI, 1993).


The Hunter color measurement (Color measuring Lab scan XE system, Hunter Associates

Laboratory, Reston, VA, USA) was used to measure the color of raw and cooked pasta samples.

Color readings were expressed by hunter value (L:whiteness; +a: red; -a: green; +b: yellow; -b:

blue) readings; they were taken in quadruplicate, and the average value was reported.

Pasta firmness

The firmness was measured as adopted by Prabhasankar et al. (2009) by using a Texture

Analyzer (Tahdi, Stable Microsystems, Godalming, UK). Cooked pasta samples were sheared at

900 angle with crosshead shear speed of 10 mm/min and load cell of 5 Kg. The force required to

shear the cooked pasta was measured in triplicate, and the average value was reported.

Biochemical and functional characteristics of pasta

Proximate composition

Proximate composition of finely ground pasta samples were analyzed for moisture (44-16), ash
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(08-01), and protein (46-10) content by standard AACC method (2000).

In vitro protein digestion

The cooked and freeze-dried pasta samples were finely powdered and incubated with pepsin and

pancreatin as described by Akeson and Stahmann (1964) but with slight modifications. Freeze-

dried pasta samples (2 g) were incubated with 1.5 mg of pepsin in 15 ml of 0.1 N HCl at 370 C

for 3h. Samples were neutralized with 0.5 N NaOH and then incubated with 4 mg of pancreatin

in 0.2m-phosphate buffer (pH 8). Sodium azide 0.005 m was added to the mixture and incubated

overnight at 370 C, followed by addition of 1 ml of TCA and centrifuged at 300 rpm for 20 min.

The supernatant was estimated for protein content by AACC method 46-10(2000).


In vitro starch hydrolysis

Powdered, cooked, and freeze-dried pasta samples were suspended in sodium acetate buffer (pH

4.8, 0.05M) according to the method of Goni et al. (1997) with slight modifications, containing 5

mg of amyloglucoside. They were then incubated for half an hr at 600 C in a water bath, and the

enzyme was inactivated by boiling for 10 min. The mixture was centrifuged (5000 rpm for 10

min) and supernatant was made up to 15ml with distilled water and analyzed for the released
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glucose by GOD-POD.

Fatty acid composition

Lipids from different pasta samples were extracted by employing the Bligh and Dyer method

(1959) using a mixture of chloroform and methanol (2:1). Extracted lipids were methylated as

per the method of Prevot and Modret (1976) to obtain fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). FAMEs

obtained from different samples were subjected to gas-liquid chromatography (GC) analysis to

determine their fatty acid composition. GC analysis was carried out on a Shimadzu GC-14B

(Shimadzu Seisakusho, Kyoto, Japan) equipped with a flame ionization detector and a capillary

column (omegawax 320,30m x 0.32mm i.d; Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA). The column,

injector, and detector temperatures employed for the analysis were 200, 250, and 2600C,

respectively. Helium at a flow rate of 50 kPa was used as the carrier gas.

Amino acid composition and chemical score

Amino acid composition was determined using phenyl isothiocyanate (PITC) pre-column

derivatization by employing Water’s PicoTag Column and Workstation. Considering the

contents of essential amino acids (EAA), chemical score of the protein hydrolysate was

computed by employing the EAA in FAO/WHO standard protein. All the methods are described

in Bhaskar et al. (2008). In brief, the chemical score was calculated using the following formula:
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EAA in test protein (g/100 g)

Chemical score = (Eq. 1)
EAA in standard protein (g/100 g)

Sensory evaluation of different pasta

Twenty judges from the Institute participated in the analysis, and they had experience in

descriptive analysis. Panelists participated in three, one-hour training sessions. In session one,

panelists were asked to develop a list of textural attributes to describe the pasta samples that were

representative of the sample set. During the second session, panelists were asked to work as a

group to generate and define texture attributes to describe the complete texture profile of the

pasta samples. In total, panelists developed a list of major textural attributes as listed in

Annexure 1. In the third and final training session, panelists were familiarized with line scale

usage and practiced using the attributes developed. A structured 9-point Hedonic scale was used

to record the sensory perceptions. Any perception that is low tends to zero, while high intensity

attains the maximum of the scale. Sensory analysis was conducted in individually partitioned

booths. Panelists were asked to evaluate the product for acceptability based on its appearance,

strand quality, mouth feel, and overall score using a 9-point hedonic scale (1=dislike extremely

to 9=like extremely) (Kadam and Parabhasankar, 2011).


Cooked pasta samples were kept at -200 C for overnight and then freeze-dried (Heto Dry winner
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DW3) for 5-6 h. Transversely cut sections of cooked freeze-dried pasta samples were

investigated using a scanning electron microscope (Leo 435 VP, Leo Electronic System,

Cambridge, UK) at 15 KV accelerating voltage and a vacuum of 9.75x10¯5 torr. Samples were

mounted on the specimen holder and sputter-coated with gold (2 min, 2mbar). Scanning electron

microscopy study of cooked pasta samples was carried out by the method adopted by

Prabhasankar et al. (2009).

Statistical analysis

The experiments were carried out in four different batches of shrimp meat. The means of all the

parameters were examined for significance by analysis of variance, and in case of significance,

mean separation was accomplished by Duncan’s multiple range test using STATISTICA

software (Statsoft, Tulsa, OK, USA, 1999).

(1) Results and discussion

(2) Raw material characteristics

(3) Proximate composition

The raw materials and blends used for pasta preparation were analyzed for proximate

composition (Table 1). The protein content was high in freeze-dried shrimp meat (22%) when

compared to the durum semolina flour (11.16%). Among the blends, 2.5% SM pasta showed

lowest protein content of about 12.85%, the maximum protein content (16%) was seen in 10%

SM, and 5% SM pasta showed 13.3%. The ash content of durum semolina and freeze-dried SM

is 0.94% and 2%, respectively. Similarly, among the blends, the ash content did not vary much
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from the control. The results for durum semolina were in line with reports made by Aalami et al.

(2007) and Benjakul et al. (2007).

Amylograph characteristics

Pasting characteristics of blends.

The entire pasting curves of semolina flour and blends were similar, but the viscosity of the

blends made from freeze-dried SM was slightly higher than that of 100% semolina flour (Figure

1 A). The gelatinization temperature increased from 61.4 to 63.90C. Cold paste viscosity

decreased from 745 to 654 BU, break down from 77 to 68, and set back from 372 to 330 BU.

Freeze-dried SM incorporated dried pasta.

The result showed that with increase in freeze-dried SM incorporation in dried pasta from 0 to

10%, the gelatinization temperature increased from 80.5 to 82.70C. The peak viscosity decreased

from 512 to 314 BU, cold paste viscosity from 968 to 576 BU, break down from 50 to 0, and set

back 390 to 303 BU (Figure 1B).

Cooked freeze-dried SM pasta.

In the case of cooked pasta, viscoamylographic tracing (Figure 1C) was similar to dried pasta

where there was an increase in gelatinization temperature from 88.9 to 75.00C, the peak viscosity

decreased from 294 to 102 BU, cold paste viscosity from 447 to 173 BU, break down was 0 for
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all cooked pasta, and set back 69 to 7149 BU.

The results showed an increase in the gelatinization temperature with the increase in the level of

freeze-dried SM. However, decrease in peak viscosity values were observed, as the freeze-dried

SM level increased in durum semolina flour. Kim and Walker (1992) reported that the increase

in gelatinization could be due to lactose, which competes with prime starch for water and

decreases water activity or interacts with starch chains and thus raises the gelatinization

temperature. The peak viscosity decreased in freeze-dried SM pasta and cooked SM pasta,

indicating decreased gel strength due to dilution of gluten (Figure 1B and 1C). Hung et al. (2007)

studied the pasting properties of whole waxy wheat flour (WWF) and also of 10, 30, and 50%

WWF substituted flours. They reported lower peak viscosities from WWF and substituted flours

when compared to commercial white wheat flour and attributed this to the high amount of

dietary fiber and low amount of total carbohydrate present in these samples. The stability of hot

starch pastes is described as break down viscosity; the highest break down value was observed in

blends and the lowest in cooked SM pasta. Increased break down values represent the resistance

of starch granules to thermal treatment and mechanical shearing. The decreased breakdown

values may be due to the pasta being already partially cooked. Gomez et al. (2008) determined

viscometric parameters of wheat and different chick pea cultivars using a rapid viscoanalyzer

and reported that chick pea flours resulted in pastes with lower peak viscosity, holding strength,

break down, final viscosity, and total set back compared to the wheat flour. They observed that

this was most likely due to their different protein content, which affected the viscometeric

parameters. This supports the data of amylograph and indicates that decrease in peak viscosity is
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due to increase in SM incorporation and variation in the protein content.


Use of increasing amount of freeze-dried SM from 0 to 10% decreased the farinograph water

absorption from 88 to 86%, dough development time from 0.6 to 5.3 min, and increased stability

from 3.7 to 5.3 min. Semolina flour showed highest water absorption (88%) and least was seen

in 10% SM 8.6%. This may be due to replacement of semolina flour with freeze-dried SM,

which reduces the percentage of gluten in the blend, hence, showing less water absorption.

Dough development time is the time considered from the addition of water to the time the dough

reaches the point of greatest torque. During this phase of mixing, the water hydrates the flour

components and the dough is developed. The Farinograph data showed that addition of freeze-

dried SM increased dough development time. This may be due to delay in hydration and

development of gluten caused by the presence of shrimp meat. Sharma and Chauhan (2000) also

reported an increase in dough development time with the use of fenugreek seed flours. Stability

is the time in minutes the dough remains on 500 BU consistency line. Addition of shrimp meat

increased the dough stability value, indicating a well built and enhanced gluten network. Indrani

et al. (2007) also reported that substitution of wheat flour with whey protein concentrate flour

blends in unleavened flat bread (parotta) decreased farinograph water absorption and increased

dough stability. The results of the present study showed that addition of freeze-dried SM

conferring different mixing properties to the dough may be presence of high protein and mineral


Pasta Product Quality characteristics

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Cooking quality

The cooking quality is measured by testing how the product holds up to cooking, amount of

water absorbed, loss of solids into the cooking water, and the firmness (Debbouz et al., 1995).

The cooking quality was evaluated for all the pasta samples (Table 2). It was found that the

optimal cooking time of all the samples ranged between 7-12 min. The maximum time was taken

by 10% SM pasta. This is because addition of SM increases the cooking time due to restricted

supply of water to starch granules present in the pasta strands and delays the swelling of the

granules. The maximum cooked weight (51.62 g) was seen in control, and all others showed

similar range. The acceptable level of starch loss for starchy noodle and pasta-like products is

below 10% (Wojtowicz and Moscickil, 2009). Hence, this study proved satisfactory since it

showed lower loss level in almost all the tested samples. The replacement of durum semolina

flour with SM dilutes the strength of gluten network and hence resulted in higher starch loss

compared to control. Wang et al. (1999) compared commercial spaghetti and the pasta-like

product from pea flour using similar measurement method and observed twice as much cooking

loss in pea flour products compared to those in the present study.


The cooked and uncooked pasta samples were analyzed for color using Hunter Lab Colorimeter

(Table 3). The L value for uncooked pasta ranged between (67.73 to 62.15). In cooked pasta, the

L value was (69.80), and in uncooked pasta it was comparatively less (67.16). In 5 % SM pasta,
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maximum L value was found in both cooked and uncooked pasta. The yellowness b value was

compared in order to understand the acceptability of product; the b values for uncooked and

cooked pasta samples were 23.03 to 22.40 and 20.27 to 14.73, respectively. The highest b value

was found in 2.5% SM for uncooked and cooked pasta. Changes in color among different pasta

samples were due to various incorporation levels. The result obtained by Shirani and

Ganesharanee (2009) supports the above mentioned observation of low L and high b values.

Addition of chickpea indicated a slight change in color of the product; (L) decreased and redness

(a) increased as the chickpea level increased above 80%; yellowness (b) also increased at

chickpea levels of 70%.

Pasta firmness

Pasta texture is evaluated for a short period of time after cooking. Universal texture measuring

system was used to measure the hardness of cooked pasta and shear force required to cut a strand

(Table 2). The hardness value indicated by the maximum peak varied from 1.84 to 1.35 N. The

highest peak force or hardness was observed for 10% SM pasta, while the lowest was in control

durum semolina pasta. Variation in the texture of pasta products may be attributed to variation in

gluten strength and also flour lipids (Fuad and Prabhasankar, 2011). From the results obtained, it

was observed that control pasta was soft with lowest shear value, and 10% SM was hard with

maximum shear value. The above results could be related to the values obtained for cooking

losses, indicating that high cooking loss in 10% SM pasta (7.3%) had the highest shear value

(1.85 N). This could be due to the incorporation of shrimp in pasta, with low water absorption

and holding capacity of water resulting in hardness. Several reports have found that firmness and
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hardness of pasta can be increased with increasing level of soy flour in pasta formulations (Buck

et al., 1987; Taha et al., 1992; Singh et al., 2004).

Proximate composition

The highest protein content (15.9%) was observed in 10% SM when compared to control pasta

with lowest protein content (11.1%), (Table 1). This is because of incorporation of shrimp meat

in 10% SM pasta. Meanwhile, 2.5% SM and 5% SM showed protein content of 12.3% and 13%,

respectively. Ash content of control, 2.5%, 5%, and 10% SM are 0.94%, 0.80%, 0.86%, and 1%,

respectively. This shows that addition of SM in pasta improves the nutritional profile of pasta in

terms of increased levels of protein and minerals.

In vitro protein digestion

Pasta incorporated with freeze-dried shrimp meat showed decreased digestibility than the control

pasta. The decrease in digestibility could be due to interference of incorporated freeze-dried SM

in pasta samples during digestion. The control pasta had 93% of protein digestibility, whereas

SM incorporated 2.5%, 5%, and 10% pasta showed 72%, 90%, and 96% of protein digestibility,

respectively. The increase in freeze-dried SM incorporation in pasta showed decrease in the


In vitro starch hydrolysis

Pasta appears to possess unique nutritional features in that the starch is slowly digested and

absorbed in the small intestine (Bornet et al., 1987). The freeze-dried pasta samples were
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analyzed for glycemic index. The control pasta showed highest GI (93%), and 10% SM pasta

had the lowest GI (38%). This may be due to high protein content from the incorporation of

shrimp meat into pasta and interaction of the protein network, which entraps starch granules and

delays α-amylase activity (Fardet et al., 1998). The GI for 2.5% SM and 5% SM was 60% and

50%, respectively. Research has shown that pasta progressively liberates sugars that the body

needs and as a consequence lead to low postprandial blood glucose and insulin responses in

humans (Bornet, 1989; Granfeldt and Bjorck, 1991), with potential benefits for both healthy or

diabetic consumers. A study by Goni and Valentin–Gamazo (2003) showed that pasta containing

chickpea flour elicited low glycemic response.

Fatty acid profile

Table 5 shows that fatty acid composition of control pasta and shrimp incorporated pasta samples

indicates a skewed ratio of n-3 and n-6 fatty acids at 1:2 (w/w) in control. Incorporation of

shrimp led to increased level of n-3 fatty acids finally bringing down the ratio of n-3 to n-6 fatty

acids from 1:12 to 1:10.8, 1:8.1 and 1:5.7. Linoleic acid (18:2 n-6) was found to be the main

fatty acid in case of control as well as shrimp meat pasta. Skewed ratio of n-3 to n-6 fatty acids is

mainly due to the fact that control pasta did not have many long chain n-3 fatty acids, whereas

SM incorporated pasta contained considerable amount of long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty

acids in the form of eicosatrienoic acid (20:3n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3). Studies

have shown that intake of food rich in n-3 long chain- PUFA can have a positive effect on the

composition of blood lipids and prevention of arteriosclerosis (Gebauer et al., 2004). Similar

results were observed by Prabhasankar et al. (2009) when Japanese seaweed, wakame was
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incorporated into pasta.

Amino acid composition

Amino acids such as methionine, threonine, arginine, and valine are the limiting amino acids, in

that order, in the case of both control and seaweed containing pasta samples (Table 6). However,

incorporated pasta samples have increased contents of methionine, threonine, arginine, and

valine. Also, it was found that lysine was no longer a limiting amino acid, and it was sufficiently

available in required amounts in pasta with 5% shrimp meat. Similar work was carried out by

Prabhasankar et al. (2009), who found that incorporation of edible Japanese seaweed, wakame

(Undaria pinnatifida), in pasta formulation improved the essential amino acid content.


The sensory evaluation is nearest to a consumer’s estimation and still remains the most reliable

test because it allows the overall textural characteristics of cooked pasta to be evaluated. The

texture of cooked product, indicating firmness, can also be estimated by sensory evaluation. The

10% SM pasta had poor mouth feel and overall acceptability compared to all other samples

(Figure 2). The product containing 5% SM had the highest mean score for all attributes. Even

though control (durum semolina) had a good appearance score, its strand quality and mouth feel

score were comparatively low, whereas 2.5% SM had poorer appearance than control as well as

mouth feel. Similar results were observed by Sabanis et al. (2006) when 5% chick pea flour was

incorporated into lasagna. Although this sensory evaluation test was very preliminary, it did give

some indication of consumer’s preference. Most panelists scored the 5% SM cooked pasta to be
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acceptable as those made from 100% durum wheat flour.


Semolina, control pasta, freeze-dried shrimp meat powder, 2.5%, 5%, and 10% SM incorporated

pasta were subjected to scanning electron microscopy. Semolina flour (Figure 3A) showed the

presence of starch granules in lumps. Transverse sections of cooked pasta are presented in

Figures 3 B, C, D, and E. Figure 3 B shows the protein network in which starch particles are

meshed, and it has strong and continuous protein strands. Figure 3 C shows a rough surface with

a prominent area of rupture in the center. Figure 3 D shows the structure is more complex with

few starch granules and disrupted protein network. This was because the freeze-dried shrimp was

incorporated beyond the 2.5% level; the same was observed in the micrographs of pasta

incorporated with 10% SM. Similarly, Prabhasankar et al. (2009a) found that the addition of

more than 2.5% Indian brown seaweed in pasta affects the protein network and starch granule of

cooked pasta. The SEM studies indicate that addition of freeze-dried shrimp meat up to 2.5%

level enhances the interaction of protein matrix and starch granules. This resulted in improved

quality of pasta.


The results illustrate that freeze-dried SM incorporated pasta provided an enhanced nutritional

status via the increased levels of essential nutrient fatty acids such as EPA, DHA, and amino acid

such as lysine. The progressive enrichment of pasta with SM results in progressively high protein
Downloaded by [Bhaskar Narayan] at 01:28 25 February 2014

content and creates dough with higher strength. However, the pasta firmness improved with

increased incorporation, and cooking loss was within acceptable range. Sensory studies also

revealed that overall sensory and product quality of SM pasta was acceptable and comparable

with control.


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Fig 1. Amylograph correlation graph

A-CF control flour, 2.5%, 5%, 10% SHB shrimp meat blend; B-CUP control uncooked

pasta, 2.5%, 5%, 10% UP uncooked pasta; C- CCP control cooked pasta, 2.5% 5%, 10%

CP cooked pasta.
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Figure 2. Sensory evaluation of control and incorporated shrimp pasta (n=20 panelists)

A-Appearance, SQ-Strand Quality, MF-Mouth Feel, OA-Over All.

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Figure 3. Scanning Electron Microscope of control pasta and shrimp meat incorporated

A-Semolina flour; B- Freeze dried Shrimp meat; C- Control pasta; D-2.5% SM pasta; E-

5% SM pasta; F- 10% SM pasta

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Table 1. Proximate composition* of raw materials, blends, and pasta (n=6)

Sample Moisture (%) Ash (%) Protein (%)

Semolina flour 11.16±0.12d 0.94±0.01c 11.16±0.00a

Freeze-dried shrimp meat 5.10±0.06a 2.00±0.13e 22.00±0.12e

Downloaded by [Bhaskar Narayan] at 01:28 25 February 2014

2.5% SM blend 7.80±0.08bc 0.87±0.00b 12.85±0.00bc

5% SM blend 7.30±0.12b 0.92±0.00bc 13.32±0.00c

10% SM blend 7.20±0.08b 1.23±0.00d 16.01±0.01d

Control pasta 9.50±0.09c 0.94±0.00c 11.1±0.04a

2.5% SM pasta 8.70±0.09c 0.80±0.04a 12.3±0.08b

5% SM pasta 10.30±0.09d 0.86±0.00b 13.0±0.12c

10% SM pasta 10.21±0.08d 1.00±0.16d 15.9±0.08d

All the values are mean ± standard deviation

All the values are on dry weight basis or as is basis, except moisture

Shrimp had an initial moisture content of 79±2 %

SM : Lyophilized shrimp meat

a,b,c, d : Column wise values with different superscripts are significantly different (p < 0.05)

Table 2. Cooking quality and texture analysis of cooked shrimp meat pasta

Sample Cooking time (min) Cooked weight (g) Cooking loss (%) Hardness
(Force N)
Control pasta 7.00±0.12a 51.62±0.08c 6.7±0.04b 1.35±0.01a

2.5%SM pasta 8.00±0.03b 48.87±1.02b 5.0±0.12a 1.45±0.03a

5% SM pasta 9.00±0.06c 47.50±0.12a 7.0±0.09bc 1.82±0.02b

10% SM pasta 12.0±0.15d 48.62±0.14b 7.3±0.08c 1.85±0.03b

Downloaded by [Bhaskar Narayan] at 01:28 25 February 2014

All the values are mean ± standard deviation

a,b,c, d : Column wise values with different superscripts are significantly different (p < 0.05)

Table 3. Color of raw and cooked SM pasta (n=6)

Uncooked pasta L a b

Control pasta 62.15±0.08a 2.51±0.12b 22.99±0.04ab

2.5% SM pasta 64.33±0.31b 2.14±0.08a 22.92±0.29ab

5% SM pasta 67.73±0.12c 2.28±0.01a 23.03±0.03b

10% SM pasta 65.09±0.03b 2.58±0.02b 22.40±0.08a

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Cooked pasta

Control pasta 67.16±0.08a 1.26±0.00c 14.73±0.01a

2.5% SM pasta 67.47±0.21ab 0.02±.0.04a 20.27±0.01d

5% SM pasta 69.80±0.16c 1.34±0.21c 16.10±0.01b

10% SM pasta 67.79±0.37b 0.26±0.01b 17.51±0.02c

All the values are mean ± standard deviation

a,b,c, d, : Column wise values with different superscripts are significantly different (p < 0.05)

Table 4. In vitro protein digestion (IVPD) and in vitro starch hydrolysis (IVS) (n=3)

Sample IVPD (%) IVS (%)

Control pasta 93±1.69bc 72±1.24d

2.5% SM pasta 72±0.47a 60±0.43c

5% SM pasta 90±0.47b 50±0.40b

10% SM pasta 96±0.81c 38±1.54a

Downloaded by [Bhaskar Narayan] at 01:28 25 February 2014

All the values are mean ± standard deviation.

a,b,c, d : Column wise values with different superscripts are significantly different (p < 0.05)

Table 5. Fatty acid composition of control and shrimp meat incorporated pasta (n=3)

Fatty acid Control 2.5% SM pasta 5% SM pasta 10% SM pasta

16:0 18.95±0.11b 17.97±0.10ab 17.82±0.12a 18.48±0.13b

16:1 - 0.47±0.01a 0.73±0.02ab 1.33±0.02b
18:0 1.75±0.03a 1.96±0.02ab 2.33±0.04b 3.06±0.03c
18:1 16.67±0.13b 15.91±0.12ab 15.66±0.13a 15.21±0.14a
18:2n6 56.32±0.22c 56.89±0.23c 54.99±0.25b 50.98±0.17a
18:3n3 3.90±0.02b 3.72±0.03b 3.60±0.03b 3.47±0.04a
Downloaded by [Bhaskar Narayan] at 01:28 25 February 2014

20:1n6 0.67±0.01a 0.62±0.01a 0.61±0.02a 0.62±0.01a

20:3n-3 - 0.31±0.01a 0.68±0.01b 1.22±0.02c
C20:5n-3 0.83±0.02a 0.71±0.02a 1.50±0.03b 2.41±0.04c
C22:6n-3 - 0.53±0.02a 1.00±0.06ab 1.83±0.05b
SFA 20.70±0.12ab 19.93±0.11a 20.14±0.12a 21.54±0.13b
MUFA 17.34±0.11a 17.00±0.12a 17.01±0.14a 17.17±0.15a
PUFA 61.06±0.16a 62.17±0.17b 61.79±0.21ab 59.93±0.23a
n-3 to n-6 1:12 1:10.8 1:8.1 1:5.7

Saturated fatty acid; Monounsaturated fatty acid; Polyunsaturated fatty acid

All the values are mean ± standard deviation of 3 analysis (i.e., triplicates)

a,b,c : Column wise values with different superscripts are significantly different (p < 0.05)

Table 6. Amino acid composition (g/100 g protein) of control and shrimp meat
incorporated pasta along with their chemical scores

Amino acid Test Proteina Reference Chemical Scorec

Control 5% SM Proteinb Control 5% SM
(a) Essential amino acids
Histidine 2.61±0.01 2.36±0.02 2.00±0.01 1.31±0.02 1.18±0.02
Isoleucin 4.03±0.02 4.05±0.03 4.00±0.02 1.01±0.01 1.01±0.01
Leucine 8.84±0.05 8.87±0.04 7.00±0.05 1.26±0.02 1.27±0.02
Lysine 3.53±0.03 5.68±0.04 5.50±0.04 0.64±0.02
Downloaded by [Bhaskar Narayan] at 01:28 25 February 2014

Methionine 0.63±0.01 0.72±0.03 3.50±0.03 0.18±0.01
Phenylalanie 5.26±0.04 5.29±0.03 4.29±0.04d 1.59±0.03
Tyrosine 1.56±0.02 1.73±0.03 ND NA NA
Threonine 2.15±0.03 2.39±0.03 4.00±0.03 0.54±0.01
Tryptophan ND ND 1.21±0.02 NA NA
Arginine 2.53±0.03 2.85±0.02 5.00±0.05 0.51±0.01
Valine 5.12±0.05 5.26±0.03 5.42±0.07 0.94±0.02
(b) Non-essential amino acids
4.24±0.07 5.12±0.08
33.32±0.2 27.80±0.2
Serine 4.25±0.09 4.51±0.11
Glycine 4.41±0.08 5.29±0.12
Alanine 4.92±0.04 5.24±0.13
11.92±0.2 12.11±0.2


Cystine 0.68±0.01 0.67±0.01

a Average of duplicates.

b Amino acid composition of reference protein as per FAO/WHO (Bhaskar et al., 2008).

c Chemical scores computed described in Bhaskar et al. (2008).

d Sum of tyrosine and phenylalanine.

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y Considerable improvement in content and chemical score as compared to control.

SM Lyophilized Shrimp meat

All the values are mean ± standard deviation

Table 7. Farinograph of shrimp-durum flour blends (n=6)

Sample Consistency Water Development Stability Breakdown

(FU) absorption time (min) (min) (min)

Control 512±2.00b 88.0±0.56b 2.7±0.11b 3.7±0.09b 4.5±0.97b

2.5%SM blend 495±1.50a 87.4±0.64a 0.6±0.02a 0.6±0.02a 0.5±0.01a

5% SM blend 506±2.50ab 86.8±0.37a 0.5±0.02a 0.1±0.01a 0.4±0.02a

10%SM blend 498±2.50a 87.2±0.65a 3.7±0.13c 5.3±0.12c 7.3±0.06c

All the values are mean ± standard deviation

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a,b,c : Column wise values with different superscripts are significantly different (p < 0.05)


Annexure 1. List of descriptors generated during panelist training

Attributes Definitions

Cream The intensity or strength of the color from light to dark.

Moist The feel of wetness when chewed.

Sheen The amount of light reflected from the surface of the

Firmness /soft The force required to compress while chewing the mass of
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Strand quality

Chewy Number of chewings minimum required before swallowing.

Sticky The tackiness of the coating left in the mouth.

Mouth feel Any other taste Any other taste imparting from other added ingredients of
the pasta.

After taste Any off taste of flavor imparting the foreign taste or flavor
other than pasta.

Overall quality Overall quality of pasta


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