Vanilla Oatmeal Whipped Body Butter
Vanilla Oatmeal Whipped Body Butter
Vanilla Oatmeal Whipped Body Butter
1. Bring cupuacu and shea butter to room temperature. Place both butters in the bowl of a stand mixer or a large mixing
bowl. Using a whisk attachment, beat the butters on a medium to high speed with electric mixer for about ten minutes
- stopping halfway to scrap the sides down.
2. Meanwhile, combine the oils, essential oil, and CO2 extract in a second bowl.
3. Stop the mixer and scrape the sides once more. Set the mixer to a low speed, then slowly drizzle the oil mixture into
the bowl. Once oils are blended into the butter, bring the speed back up to high and beat for another five minutes - or
until the butter becomes light and fluffy.
4. Transfer the butter to jars by spoon or pastry bag.
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