ICICI Lombard Anualreportfy2021
ICICI Lombard Anualreportfy2021
ICICI Lombard Anualreportfy2021
Corporate Overview
Basis and Adoption of Integrated Reporting 02 Shared Services 65
Reimaging Insurance 03 Human Capital 71
India’s Leading Private General Insurer 05 Corporate Social Responsibility 76
Our Financial Performance 08 Our Approach to ESG 79
Awards and Accolades 09
Our Performance across the Six Capitals 11
Message from the Chairman 13 Statutory Report
Message from the Managing Director 15 Directors’ Report 83
Board of Directors 18 Corporate Government Report 90
Leadership Team 20 Secretarial Auditor’s Report 126
Corporate Information 21 Management Discussion & Analysis Report 143
Delivering Value to our Stakeholders 22
Our Business Model 24
The Operating Environment in FY2021 27 Financial Statements
Stepping up in Tough Times 30
Our Strategy in Action 35 Management Report 157
Stakeholder Perspectives 38 Independent Auditor’s Report 166
Addressing Material Issues 40 Independent Auditor’s Certificate 174
Enterprise Risk Management - Framework & Approach 43 Balance Sheet 176
Risk Management Assessment on COVID-19 47 Profit and Loss Account 177
Reserving Disclosures 49 Revenue Account 178
Corporate Solutions Group 53 Schedules 180
Government and Rural Business Groups 59 Receipts and Payment Account 238
Retail Group 61 Glossary 240
For any questions or feedback regarding this Integrated Annual Report or its content,
please write to [email protected]
Forward-looking Statements
The report contains statements that relate to the Company’s future operations and performance. These statements can be
identified by the usage of words such as ‘believes’, ‘estimates’, ‘anticipates’, ‘expects’, ‘intends’, ‘may’, ‘will’, ‘plans’, ‘outlook’
and other words of similar meaning in connection with a discussion of future operating or financial performance.
These forward-looking statements are dependent on assumptions, data or methods that may be inaccurate or imprecise and
hence are not guarantees of future operating, financial and other results. They constitute our current expectations based on
reasonable assumptions. The Company’s actual results could materially differ from those projected in any forward-looking
statements due to various future events, risks, and uncertainties some of which are beyond our control. The Company does
not assume any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future
events or otherwise.
ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited is one of the leading and established private sector general insurance
companies in India. We offer our customers a comprehensive and well-diversified range of products and risk management
solutions through multiple distribution channels, with a constant focus on value enhancement.
24% 16%
22% Others
11.7% 7.0%
13-year GDPI CAGR Market share on GDPI basis
Diverse products and We have a comprehensive and diverse product portfolio and an expanding
distribution network with the aim of increasing penetration in Tier three and
multi-channel distribution
four cities in India.
59,545 Individual
Agents 840 Virtual
Excellence in customer service We leverage on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, IoT, Robotics,
Process Automation and Natural Language Processing throughout the
and technology
lifecycle of the customer. We also have a dedicated and digital arm
focussed on improving the speed of delivery.
Risk management We target profitable growth by using risk selection and data analytics,
maintaining robust reserves and prudent investment management.
Capital conservation We maintain a high level of solvency as against the minimum regulatory
requirement of 1.50X.
2.90X Solvency as on
March 31, 2021
Ownership structure
(As at March 31, 2021) 51.88% Promoter
48.12% Public
59,545 9,307
Individual Agents (incl. POS) Hospitals
144.88 98.8
133.13 100.4
140.03 99.8
222.31 10.49
263.27 11.94
308.92 14.73
2.24X 21.3
2.17X 20.8
2.90X 21.7
Key Metrics
Manufactured Capital
Represents the physical assets including branches, call-centres and equipment used for conducting operations and
serving the customers. We continually invest in these assets to enhance customer experience and achieve higher
operational efficiency.
Key Metrics
Intellectual Capital
Represents the collective knowledge of our people and organisation gained through years of experience. We are
constantly leveraging this knowledge to strengthen our competitive advantage and ensure alignment of resources to our
strategic direction. This also represents our knowledge-based assets, digital capabilities, data and analytics and
automation that helps in product development, enhancing operational efficiency, improving customer experience and
empowering the employees. The Capital also includes specialised manpower comprising Inhouse Claims Managers -
Motor & Health and Actuarial Team.
Key Metrics
Human Capital
Represents the collective knowledge, expertise, engagement, motivation and experience of our workforce that facilitates
value creation. This enables us to better serve our customers and fulfil the expectations of our stakeholders. We invest in
employees’ skill building, engagement and welfare to provide them with a safe and healthy work environment.
Key Metrics
Male: 81.7% 158,761 Hours
Female: 18.3% Training imparted to
Gender diversity employees in FY2021
Key Metrics
Natural Capital
Represents all the renewable and non-renewable resources that we utilise for our operations, including raw materials
and water. We make these investments to ensure that our operations remain sustainable.
Key Metrics
ago. It continues to accelerate given the developments in the non-profit humanitarian contribution is integrated in the very
InsurTech space. Further, the regulatory authority, IRDAI has ethos of our Company.
been encouraging technology adoption as it works towards
creating a conducive environment for introduction of While the COVID-19 emergency is one which the world
innovative InsurTech solutions. As we look ahead, innovative hopes to tackle and solve soon, a much bigger emergency
technology-enabled solutions will find increasing usage in the has been brewing silently in the background for decades.
insurance sector. Humankind can no more pretend to ignore climate change.
And together, we need to rethink the definition of success
When we look at industry development in recent times, the and evolution. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
enabling measures announced by policy makers should help metrics will serve as the new parameter to measure in
keep the momentum going. The increase in FDI limit from addition to the financial statements. We, at ICICI Lombard,
49% to 74% for insurers should help boost industry have been making sincere efforts to strengthen our ESG
development and growth in the coming years. Indian insurers initiatives, thereby moving further ahead in our vision of being
should benefit from access to large pools of capital as well as a responsible corporate citizen.
technological expertise required to scale and improve
penetration. An organisation is simply a unified identity given to a large
team of individuals playing significant roles at every level.
At ICICI Lombard, we are encouraged by these tailwinds and Our existence is defined by our employees. I take this
enabling approach. Further, we continue to be guided by our opportunity to thank our dedicated employees who have
core philosophy of being customer-centric. As such, even as gone beyond the call of duty to support our stakeholders in
we embrace technology deeper to serve customers in current every scenario.
times, our endeavour is to make technology the fulcrum of
every solution we provide. Today, our platforms can provide Even as we hope for normal times to return at the earliest, at
end-to-end self-serve experiences to our customers. At the ICICI Lombard, we are treating the current phase as a great
same time, our channel partners and employees are learning experience, the lessons of which would stay with us
equipped with relevant digital solutions to handhold our for years to come. We hope to continue strongly and swiftly in
customers ensuring service continuity and unflinching our endeavour to build a robust and sustainable business
support. while emerging as a conscientious corporate citizen inspiring
responsible change.
Going beyond our role as an insurance provider, we are
committed to serving the society through the various CSR Regards,
initiatives that we undertake throughout the year. Our
employees have joined us as volunteers driving several
Lalita D. Gupte
projects focussed at uplifting the economically unfortunate
sections of the society. By identifying critical areas of
assistance, we will continue to give back to the society. Such
Dear fellow shareholder, remain steadfast and focussed on our value creation
approach for our shareholders and our brand ethos of
Hope this letter finds you and your family, safe and well. ‘Nibhaye Vaade’, thereby reaffirming our commitment to
support our customers, business associates, and the society
As I connect with you today through my annual shareholder at large, in times of need. This is the purpose of our
letter, life has come full circle. We continue to wade through existence.
a recurring pandemic, with the virus mutating into new
variants. While many thought the vaccine would be the Impact of COVID-19
panacea to all problems, issues related to supply and In our view, this pandemic will have far-reaching implications
logistics as well as concerns about efficacy against the on consumers, businesses, and the society at large. The
emerging variants, keep the on-ground situation uncertain. immediate impact and responses have been played out;
What this tells us is that we may need to navigate the crisis however, the real transformation is a journey that has just
for some more time than anticipated. More importantly, we begun. We strongly believe that the world on the other side
need to stay nimble, agile and resilient while focussing on our of this crisis is a phygital one that blends the best of the
long-term goals. physical experiences, with the convenience of the digital
tools. In our view, there is a re-assessment of risk perception
From the long-term perspective, we, at ICICI Lombard, across the globe and particularly by consumers in India,
which will fundamentally increase the demand for
Enhancing our customer-centric proposition To help you understand our efforts to build a sustainable
We also embellished our existing products, by adding business model comprehensively, we have released an ESG
benefits relevant to the current times. For instance, we report that you can refer to on our website.
allowed retention of no claim bonus even in the case of a
COVID-19 related claim. We reduced the waiting period for Complementing sustainability with long-term business
new policies from 30 days to 15 days, specifically in the case performance
of COVID-19 claims. We also launched a cashless Home Even as we responded to other stakeholders, we ensured
Healthcare benefit to facilitate claims for treatment availed at that our business performance continued to create
home. At this juncture, we would like to acknowledge the shareholder value over the long term. In line with this
proactive and enabling approach of the regulatory authority enduring approach, our GDPI rose to ₹ 140.03 billion in
(IRDAI) that allowed us to introduce these contextual and FY2021, growing at 5.4% over FY2020. PAT for the year
relevant customer benefits in a timely manner. increased to ₹ 14.73 billion, registering a growth of 23.4%.
Combined Ratio, which is a measure of profitability from core
Ensuring employee well-being operations, improved to 99.8% in FY2021 from 100.4% in
While we took multiple initiatives for customers, we also FY2020. Return on Average Equity (ROE) was at 21.7% in
ensured the safety and wellbeing of our employees. All FY2021 against 20.8% in FY2020. The solvency ratio was at
through the pandemic, we have provided support to them 2.90x, higher than the minimum regulatory requirement of
through our employee-focussed platform ‘Flexiable’. We met 1.50x.
their diverse needs including availability of requisite IT
infrastructure, while keeping their morale high through By recognising the evolving needs and demand patterns of
programs aimed at holistic wellness, driving connects across our customers, we build profound, long-lasting relationships.
teams, including families in key events etc. As the second In FY2021, we serviced 21.7 million policies, and settled over
wave emerged, we took more measures such as offering 1.6 million claims. A key measure of an insurer’s ability to
advance salaries for 2 months, sanctioning additional leaves settle claims efficiently is the claim settlement response time
for COVID-19 positive employees. We also organised free i.e. number of claims settled within 30 days. We settled
vaccination drives for employees, their families, and our 99.7% health claims in FY2021 (93.8% in FY2020) and
channel partners across the country. 94.3% motor claims within 30 days (93.2% in FY2020).
ICICI Lombard aims to contribute to its safe, secure and sustainable future by keeping technology at the core of all its strate-
gies. We deliver sustainable value to all our stakeholders by compounding equitable growth for them and creating an
environment for them to thrive. Through our insurance products and services, we also support climate change mitigation and
adaptation efforts of our customers, including the spread of renewable energies.
Employees who are continuously upskilled and Consistent financial performance and creating
stay motivated long-term wealth for investors by:
• Regularly contributing to national and state
• Making responsible use of environment and
natural resources
Insurance Activities
L Investment Activities
Financial Capital
Total Capital Employed - Equity (Share Capital + Share Premium) ₹ 20.38 Billion
Total Capital Employed - Subordinated Debt ₹ 4.85 Billion
Manufactured Capital
Capex for New Offices and Branches ₹ 4.79 Billion
Call Centre Facilities (In Nos.) 2
Call Centre Executives (Customer Relationship Managers) (In Nos.) 1,233
Intellectual Capital
Capex on Technology Infrastructure ₹ 7.29 Billion
Specialised Resources
- In-house Claims Managers – Motor 707
- In-house Claims Managers – Health 284
- Actuarial Team 25
Human Capital1
Functional Diversity (In Nos.)
- Top Management and Leadership 10
- Business Groups (Retail and Wholesale) 5,264
- Service, Support and Corporate Groups 3,688
Employee Gender Diversity
- Male (81.8%) 7,327
- Female (18.2%) 1,635
Age Group-wise bifurcation
- Below 30 (30.9%) 2,770
- 30-45 (66.7%) 5,976
- Above 45 (2.4%) 216
Training, Learning & Development
Total training in Hours 158,761
Social Capital
CSR Spent
- Direct ₹ 189.9 Million
- Through ICICI Foundation ₹ 102.7 Million
Social Focus Areas
- Road safety initiatives (No. of schools covered) 250+ schools
- Caring Hands ₹ 14.0 Million
- Wellness camps in schools (No. of schools) 250
- NGO Partnerships (In Nos.) 5
Relationship Capital1
Individual Agents (including POS) (In Nos.) 59,545
Corporate Agents (In Nos.) 126
Network Hospitals (In Nos.) 9,307
Network Garages (In Nos.) 9,700
Analyst/Investor Meets held (In Nos.) 220
1 2
Note: As on March 31, 2021 | For FY2021
Practising disciplined Investing funds into a well-diversified
underwriting, while minimising portfolio of debt, equity and AIFs to
risks, with strong processes and generate superior risk-adjusted returns.
tools to maintain business quality We have a robust governance framework
and strength. Designing new and which ensures all investment decisions
value-added products to foster are taken in accordance with regulatory
responsible behaviour and drive and internal guidelines. To further
sustainability. strengthen our investment function, we
look forward to incorporating ESG factors
in our investment decision as these
practices mature in the country.
Policies Issued* (In Nos.) 21,733,076
Claims Settled 1,631,073
Investment Assets ₹ 308.92 Billion
*On GDPI basis
Financial Capital
Gross Direct Premium Income ₹ 140.03 Billion
Market Share
- Overall 7.0%
- Private Sector 12.3%
Combined Ratio 99.8%
Profit After Tax (PAT) ₹ 14.73 Billion
EPS (Basic) ₹ 32.41
Return on Average Equity (ROAE) 21.71%
Debt Equity Ratio 0.07 times
Solvency Ratio 2.90 times
Dividend Payout Ratio 12.3%
Investment Leverage 4.1 times
Credit Rating AAA/stable - Crisil and
ICRA, for Subordinated debt
CAGR GDPI – 11.7%
PAT – 22.7%
Manufactured Capital
Branches (In Nos.) 276
Virtual Offices (In Nos.) 840
First Call Resolution Rate 81.1%
Intellectual Capital
New products approved during the year 24
Policies processed electronically 97.0%
In-housing of Motor Claims 87.0%
In-housing of Health Claims 86.6%
No. of Customers receiving VAS 3,914
Net Promoter Score 48
Human Capital
Revenue generated/headcount (GDPI basis) ₹ 0.01 Billion
Code Maroon, Code Maroon+, Code Blue certified employees (In Nos.) 1,646
Social Capital
Lives impacted with CSR interventions
Children screened 60,000
Ride to Safety (Helmets distributed) 35,000
Wellness (Water purifiers installed) 250
Rural and social sector obligations 3.4 million policies covering
4.8 million lives
Relationship Capital
Total taxes paid to Government (Direct & Indirect) ₹ 19.21 Billion
Premium contribution through channel partners 23.3%
Shareholder Complaints (In Nos.) 1
Customer complaints (Per 10,000 policies) 1.09
1 2 # 3
Note: As on March 31, 2021 | For FY2021 | FY2008-FY2021 | % of Total GDPI
Annual Report 2020-21 26
As the COVID-19 crisis gave rise to immediate and potential challenges for the insurance industry and it took a hit, future
prospects continue to be positive. The sector is expected to gain momentum as the global economy stabilises, further
supported by requisite measures undertaken by the regulators to ensure smooth transition into a post-COVID world.
Non-life premium growth trends are expected to revert to normal this year, against the backdrop of a strong but uneven
bounce-back in the global economy and differing growth dynamics for the major lines of business, as per the latest Sigma
Report for 2020. Advanced markets will revert to trend growth rates this year, with non-life premium growth expected at 2.2%
in 2021 and 2.8% in 2022. Emerging markets, on the other hand, are expected to outstrip advanced markets with premium
growth of 5.8% in 2021 and 8.2% in 2022.
The growth trend presents tremendous opportunities to grow, capitalise on improved market conditions and make non-life
insurance a preferred product segment for end-consumers. Demographic factors such as growing Indian middle class,
young insurable population and growing awareness with respect to the need for protection through non-life insurance is
likely to support growth of India’s general insurance industry.
For ensuring business as usual, we equipped both our customers and employees with tools and options to communicate
with each other. WhatsApp and Chat became an important tool for customer engagement
• Maintained continuous communication through e-mails, tele-calling, SMS and social media platforms to reassure
• Helped customers buy an insurance policy as seamlessly as possible and in settling claims real-time
• Used digital means for intimating motor claims through virtual surveys
• Conducting video survey of damaged vehicle through ILInsure mobile app, enabling remote surveying to eliminate
physical visit; 24/7 assistance team available to guide on smooth claim processing InstaSpect, a virtual motor
survey solution, used for reporting of motor claims eliminates the need for a surveyor to travel and do physical
• Using advanced drone-based technology for inspecting wind turbines and solar PV modules, ensuring faster and
• Using Artificial Intelligence based technology for instant health insurance claims for cashless cases
• Implemented advanced ML model to determine and auto-approve optimal amount in non-surgical hospitalisation
• Enabled AI-based break-in inspection service for instant renewal of motor insurance
• Made available health assistance team via dedicated helpline for identifying specialist, fixing appointment with
• Providing IL TakeCare with tele-consult feature in mobile app for harnessing health ecosystem
• Not impacting additional sum insured in case of in-patient claims for COVID-19
• Launched digital portal iPartner for distribution channel partners – dealers, insurance agents and corporate agents
• Launched Nysa platform, a new multi-lingual digital portal for motor agency channel partners, to reduce
end-to-end policy issuance time by 50%. With its web and mobile user interface, Nysa has the capability of
• Digitised endorsement process to enable channel partners directly endorse motor and group health policies
• Launched API 2.0 platform to partner born-in-cloud digital companies to distribute insurance products
Enabled tech tools (Robo calling and CRM tools for motor dealer partners) to enhance retention
• Enabled IT infrastructure to facilitate WFH to ensure safety and well-being of employees
• Help Desk and AI bot created to provide continuous IT support; Microsoft Teams to ensure smooth collaboration with
other employees
• HR Bot launched to provide employees with an ease of query resolution for day-to-day queries
• National helpline to support all employees through representatives in Health Provider Management Team, Human
• QAC of in-house doctors connecting with COVID-19 positive employees to guide, advice and counsel them till recovery
• Continuous communication and engagement with local ER and SPOCs at specific locations for local support
• Deployed Santulan for online counselling by trained counsellors of employees needing special assistance
• Additional leave for COVID-19 positive employees over and above existing medical leaves
• Promoted wellness through online events; Provided home healthcare benefits for those preferring to avail
treatment at homes
• Offered comprehensive benefits, facilities and support to employees and their families during the times of crisis
• Continued offering annual performance bonus and increment even during lockdown
• Conducted free COVID-19 testing for under-privileged in partnership with reputed diagnostic services
• Partnered with Kolkata Police to provide automatic disinfectant spray machines to frontline warriors and relief kits
• Distributed raincoats and face masks to traffic police personnel in Thane-Navi Mumbai
• Provided insurance as an essential service
• Offered effective health insurance coverage through new products during COVID-19
On-claims payment – simplified claim procedures and health claim authorisation within two hours
On-premium payment – extended payment date for renewal of Motor TP and Health policies
• Enabled digital issuance and proposal forms, subject to certain conditions up to September 30, 2021
Motor OD Motor TP Health, Fire Marine Crop 8
Travel & PA
59,545 840 90.0%
Individual Agents (including POS) Number of Virtual Offices SME policies issued digitally
Underwriting Reinsurance
• Predictive ultimate loss model to improve risk selection • Spread of risk across panel of quality re-insurers
• Diversified exposure across geographies and products • Conservative level of catastrophe (CAT) protection
• Historically lower proportion of losses from
catastrophic events than overall market share
Investments Reserving
• Tighter internal exposure norms as against • IBNR utilisation improving trend indicates
regulatory limits robustness of reserves
• Invest high proportion of debt portfolio 86.1% in • Disclosing reserving triangles in Annual Report
sovereign or AAA rated securities* since FY2016
• Zero instance of default in debt portfolio
Strategy 6: Improving operating performance and financial performance through investments in technology
We aim to constantly improve our operational efficiency and financial performance through our customer-centric solutions
and tech-enabled service platforms, and by introducing new-age technologies. Our prudent risk selection and robust
reserves help us maintain the combined ratio.
Our Performance
We balance the needs of our stakeholders over the short and long term in order to deliver sustainable
performance. It is through our relationships with these stakeholders that we meet and create value for the
organisation and for them.
Business Partners
Rating Agencies
Risk modelling Determining and better managing • Prudent underwriting and benchmarking
risk levels based on statistical against best practices
Responsible Helps reduce environment footprint, • Improving risk selection through predictive
underwriting, finance enhance reputation and meet model and managing risk retention through
and investment policies sustainability goals
• Well-diversified portfolio across products and
regions across the country
• Having in place stringent internal exposure norms
as against regulatory limits – as on March 31, 2021,
84.7% of our investment are in debt securities,
86.1% of which is in sovereign or AAA rated
securities (as against the norms of investing not
less than 20.0% of total investments in Central
Government Securities and not less than 30.0% in
State Government securities and other Guaranteed
• ICRA has assigned the company long-term issuer
rating of [ICRA] AAA with a Stable Outlook. Issuers
with this rating are considered to have the highest
degree of safety regarding timely servicing of
financial obligations.
Financial performance Shareholders expect us to deliver • Enabling higher profitability through prudent
increased returns on investment risk selection and data analytics
Innovation and IT Enables operational excellence and • Investing in latest technologies including
deployment helps deliver better customer artificial intelligence, machine learning and chatbots
Stability of systems and Helps ensure smooth, efficient and • Continuously evaluating and upgrading internal
processes uninterrupted operations control systems
Customer privacy and Inability to protect customer data • Implementing good practices for cyber security and
data protection saved on cloud can lead to litigation fraud prevention
issues and may lead to lack of • Maintaining controls for confidentiality, integrity and
• Implementing control mechanism for information
Materiality Matrix
At ICICI Lombard, there is continuous evaluation of the operating environment and engagement with stakeholders
to identify and respond to existing and emerging material ESG issues. This internal listing and assessment of
material topics is done through a year-round engagement of internal teams with various stakeholders, peer analysis
and on our own domain expertise and analysis.
Materiality Matrix
The findings of our materiality analysis are presented in the matrix below. This reflects the significance of each topic
in terms of stakeholder interest and its potential impact on the business.
M8 M4
M1 Product pricing
Importance to ICICI Lombard
M9 M6 Transparency
M7 Advancing sustainability
Significant M8 Responsible underwriting, finance and
investment policies
M9 Employee engagement
M10 Innovation and IT deployment
Pursuant to the above, the Company has put in place CERTIFICATE ON COMPLIANCE WITH
adequate and effective system of internal controls to
ensure compliance with the requirements prescribed
under the Insider Trading Regulations. GOVERNANCE
EMPLOYEES CODE OF CONDUCT Pursuant to Regulation 34(3) read with Schedule V of the
Listing Regulations, Certificate from the Joint Statutory
Auditors on compliance with the conditions of Corporate
The Company is committed to conduct its business with
Governance as stipulated in the Listing Regulations forms
highest standards of compliance and ethical conduct. The
part of this report as Annexure D.
Company has in place Employees Code of Conduct (“the
Code”) to summarize the standards of business conduct
that must guide the actions of the employees (including all CEO/CFO CERTIFICATION
Directors) at all times. The Code aims at observing
highest standard of integrity, honesty, fairness and ethical Pursuant to Regulation 17(8) of the Listing Regulations,
conduct while working for the Company as well as while Certification by the Managing Director & CEO and the
representing the Company. Chief Financial Officer of the Company on the financial
statements and the Internal Financial Controls relating to
The Code has been hosted on the website of the financial reporting for FY2021 has been obtained.
Company and can be viewed at
This multi-tier management structure, besides ensuring greater management accountability and credibility, facilitates
increased autonomy of businesses, performance discipline and development of business leaders, leading to enhanced
public confidence.
The Board has identified following skills / expertise / competencies for the effective
functioning of the Company.
Lalita D. Gupte Chairperson, Non-Executive BA (Eco Hons), Master of Banking, Finance, Economics,
(DIN: 00043559) Independent Director Management Studies (MMS) Corporate Planning and Risk
Ved Prakash Non-Executive, Independent B. E. (Electronics & Power), Strategy, Finance and
Chaturvedi Director PGDM- IIM Bangalore Investment
(DIN: 00030839)
Uday Chitale Non-Executive, Independent B. Com, Fellow Chartered Finance, Accounting &
(DIN: 00043268) Director Accountant Auditing and Alternative
Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Business Advisor
Suresh Kumar Non-Executive, Independent B. Com (Hons.), Post Banking, Finance and
(DIN: 00494479) Director Graduation-Investment Investment
Management Programme,
Stanford University and
London School of Business,
Advance Management –
Columbia Business School,
Fellow of the Indian Institute
of Bankers (FIIB)
Ashvin Parekh Non-Executive, Independent B. Com (Hons.), Fellow Business Strategy, Corporate
(DIN: 06559989) Director Chartered Accountant, Planning, Technology and
AICWA, AICSA, Exec. Finance
Vishakha Mulye Non- Executive, B.Com, Chartered Accountant Banking, Investments &
(DIN: 00203578) Non-independent Director Finance
Sandeep Batra Non- Executive, B.Com, Fellow Chartered Finance, Banking, Insurance,
(DIN: 03620913) Non-independent Director Accountant, Associate Law & Governance and Risk
Company Secretary Management
Bhargav Dasgupta Managing Director & CEO B.E. (Mechanical), Banking, Corporate Planning,
(DIN:00047728) PGDBA-IIM Bangalore Strategy, Consumer Insights
and Insurance
Alok Kumar Agarwal Executive Director – B.E. (Chemical), PGDM- IIM Banking, Insurance,
(DIN:03434304) Wholesale Calcutta Corporate Planning, Strategy,
Consumer Insights and
Sanjeev Mantri Executive Director – Retail Chartered Accountant, Cost Banking, Finance, Corporate
(DIN:07192264) and Work Accountant Planning, Strategy, Insurance,
Consumer Insights and
95 ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
The Brief Profile of Directors is hosted on the website of 2021 and March 5, 2021. The maximum gap between any
the Company and can be viewed at two Board meetings was less than one hundred and
https://www.icicilombard.com/investor-relations. twenty days.
In view of the situation posed by COVID-19 pandemic and In the opinion of the Board, all the Independent Directors
relaxations granted by the regulatory authorities, of the Company fulfill the conditions specified in the Act
meetings of the Board and its Committees were held and Listing Regulations and are independent of the
through video-conferencing. The Board usually meets management.
once in a quarter, inter alia to review the Company’s
quarterly performance and financial results, to consider None of the Directors of the Company are related to each
business strategies and their implementation and other other. The names of the Directors, their attendance at
Board related matters. The Board of the Company met Board Meetings during the year, attendance at the last
eight (8) times during the year under review on May 2, Annual General Meeting (AGM) are set out in the
2020, May 10, 2020, July 17, 2020, August 21, 2020, following tables:
October 23, 2020, November 26-27, 2020, January 19,
Independent Directors
Non-Independent Directors
The details of “Directorships held in other companies” and “Membership/ Chairpersonship of committees in other
companies” as on March 31, 2021 are set out in the following table:
# Comprises private limited companies incorporated in India and foreign companies but excludes Section 8 companies and
not for profit foreign companies.
* Includes Directorships held in Debt Listed Company.
**Memberships/Chairpersonships in Audit Committee and Stakeholder Relationship Committee of Indian public limited
companies; number of Memberships includes Chairpersonships.
In terms of Listing Regulations, the number of Committees, Audit Committee and Stakeholders Relationship Committee of
public limited companies in which a Director is a member/chairperson were within the limits prescribed under Listing
Regulations, for all the Directors of the Company. The number of directorships of each independent Director is also within the
limits prescribed under Listing Regulations as amended from time to time.
Annual Report 2020-21 97
Details of Shareholding of Non-executive, (ii) Audit Committee
Independent Directors and Non-executive,
Non-independent Directors (iii) Investment Committee
Equity shares held by the Non-executive Directors as
(iv) Risk Management Committee
on March 31, 2021:
Sr. No. Name of the Director No. of Equity Shares (v) Policyholders Protection Committee
recommend to the Board their appointment and Attendance record of the Members
removal, and formulate a criteria for evaluation of every
director’s performance. Name of Number of Number of
the Director Meetings held Meetings attended
• To consider whether to extend or continue the term of Uday Chitale, 5 5
appointment of the independent director, on the basis Chairperson
of the report of performance evaluation of independent
directors. Lalita D. Gupte 5 5
Ashvin Parekh 5 5
• To approve the compensation programme and to
ensure that remuneration to directors, key managerial Vishakha Mulye 5 5
personnel and senior management involves a balance
Sandeep Batra2 NA NA
between fixed and incentive pay reflecting short and
long term performance objectives appropriate to the 1
Ceased to be member of the Committee w.e.f. January 19, 2021.
working of the Company and its goals. Inducted as member of the Committee w.e.f. January 19, 2021
• To carry out any other function, if any, as prescribed in • Recommend the appointment, re-appointment, terms of
the terms of reference of the Board Nomination and appointment and, if required, the replacement or
Remuneration Committee and any other terms of removal; remuneration, reviewing (with management)
reference as may be decided by the Board and/or performance, and oversight of the work of the auditors
specified/provided under the Companies Act, 2013 or (internal/statutory/concurrent) and to review and
the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing monitor the auditor’s independence and performance,
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) and effectiveness of audit process.
Regulations, 2015, as amended, or by any other
regulatory authority. • Evaluation of internal financial controls and risk
management systems.
• Discuss with the statutory auditors before the audit
In terms of the provisions of the Act and Listing commences, about the nature and scope of audit, as
Regulations, Board Nomination and Remuneration well as, have post-audit discussions to address areas of
Committee comprises of four (4) Members, out of which concern.
three (3) are Non-executive, Independent Directors and
one (1) is Non-executive, Non-independent Director. The • Approval of payment to statutory auditors and internal
Board Nomination and Remuneration Committee is auditors or any of its associated persons or companies,
chaired by Uday Chitale, Non-executive, Independent for any other services rendered by them.
Director of the Company. The composition of the Board
Nomination and Remuneration Committee is given below • Reviewing, with the management, the annual financial
along with the attendance of the Members. The Board statements and auditor’s report thereon before
Nomination and Remuneration Committee met five (5) submission to the Board for approval, with particular
times during the year under review on May 2, 2020, May reference to:
10, 2020, July 16, 2020, October 23, 2020 and January
19, 2021. Matters required to be included in the director's
responsibility statement to be included in the board’s
report in terms of clause (c) of sub-section (3) of
Section 134 of the Companies Act, 2013.
Modified opinion(s) in the draft audit report. • Review with the management, performance of internal
auditors, and the adequacy of the internal control
• Reviewing, with the management, the quarterly, systems.
half-yearly and annual financial statements before
submission to the board for approval. • Look into the reasons for substantial defaults in the
payment, if any, to the depositors, debenture holders,
• To the extent applicable, review with the management, shareholders (in case of non-payment of declared
the statement of uses/end use / application of funds dividends) and creditors.
raised through an issue (public issue, rights issue,
preferential issue, etc.) and related matter, the • Review the functioning of the Whistle Blower/Vigil
statement of funds utilised for purposes other than mechanism.
those stated in the offer document/prospectus/notice
and the report submitted by the monitoring agency (iii) Compliance & Ethics:
monitoring the utilisation of proceeds of a public or
rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations • Review reports on the above and on proactive
to the Board to take up steps in this matter. compliance activities aimed at increasing the
Company’s ability to meet its legal and ethical
• Scrutiny of inter-corporate loans and investments, if obligations, on identified weaknesses, lapses,
any. breaches or violations and the controls and other
measures in place to help detect and address the
• Valuation of undertakings or assets of the Company, same.
wherever it is necessary.
• Discuss the level of compliance in the Company and
• Oversight of the procedures and processes established any associated risks and to monitor and report to the
to attend to issues relating to maintenance of books of Board on any significant compliance breaches.
account, administration procedures, transactions and
other matters having a bearing on the financial position • Supervise and monitor matters reported using the
of the Company, whether raised by the auditors or by Company’s whistle blowing or other confidential
any other person. mechanisms for employees and others to report ethical
and compliance concerns or potential breaches or
(ii) Internal Audit violations.
• Review the adequacy of internal audit function, if any, • Review of policy on appointment of insurance agents.
including the structure of the internal audit department,
staffing and seniority of the official • To review and recommend appropriate policy to the
heading the department, reporting structure, coverage Board as may be prescribed by IRDAI from time to time.
and frequency of internal audit.
• Carrying out any other function, if any, as is mentioned • Reviewing counter party/intermediary exposure norms.
in the terms of reference of the Audit Committee and
any other terms of reference as may be decided by the • Supervising the asset allocation strategy to ensure
Board and/or specified/provided under the Companies financial liquidity, security and diversification through
Act, 2013 or Securities and Exchange Board of India liquidity contingency plan and asset liability
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) management policy.
Regulations, 2015, or by any other regulatory authority
• Overseeing the assessment, measurement and
Composition accounting for other than temporary impairment in
investments in accordance with the policy adopted by
In terms of the provisions of the Act, Listing Regulations the Company.
and IRDAI CG Guidelines, the Audit Committee
comprises of five (5) Members, out of which four (4) are • Reviewing the stewardship policy of the Company.
Non-executive, Independent Directors and one (1) is
Non-executive, Non-independent Director. Composition
The Audit Committee is chaired by Ashvin Parekh, In terms of IRDAI CG Guidelines, the Investment
Non-executive, Independent Director of the Company. Committee comprises of Six (6) Members, out of which
The composition of the Audit Committee is given below one (1) is Non-executive, Independent Director, one (1)
along with the attendance of the Members. The Audit is Non-executive, Non-independent Director, one (1) is
Committee met Ten (10) times during the year under Managing Director & CEO, the Chief-Investment
review on May 1, 2020, May 2, 2020, July 3, 2020, July Officer, the Chief Financial Officer & Chief Risk Officer
16, 2020, July 17, 2020, August 21, 2020, October 22, and Appointed Actuary of the Company. The
2020, October 23, 2020, January 18, 2021 and January Investment Committee is chaired by Suresh Kumar,
19, 2021. Non-executive, Independent Director of the Company.
Attendance record of the Members
The composition of the Investment Committee is given
Name of Number of Number of below along with the attendance of the Members. The
the Director Meetings held Meetings attended Investment Committee met four (4) times during the
year under review on May 1, 2020, July 16, 2020,
Ashvin Parekh, 10 10
October 22, 2020 and January 18, 2021.
Lalita D. Gupte 10 10
Uday Chitale 10 10
Murali Sivaraman 10 10
Sandeep Batra 10 10
• To review all the awards given by Insurance • Recommend to the Board the amount of expenditure to
Ombudsman/Consumer Forums remaining be incurred on the corporate social responsibility
un-implemented for more than three (3) months with activities.
reasons therefore and report the same to the Board for
initiating remedial action, where necessary. • Monitor the corporate social responsibility policy of the
Company from time to time.
• To review claim report including status of outstanding
claims with ageing of outstanding claims. Composition
• To review repudiated claims with analysis of reasons. In terms of the provisions of the Act, the Corporate Social
Responsibility Committee comprises of Four (4)
• Monitoring of the implementation of the approved Members, out of which three (3) are Non-executive,
proposals under IRDAI Sandbox Regulation. Independent Directors and one is (1) Managing Director &
CEO. The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee is
ROLE OF THE COMPANY SECRETARY IN Nomination and Remuneration Committee approved the
proposal for no revision in the remuneration of the
Whole-time Directors of the Company for FY2021.
The Company Secretary plays a key role in ensuring that
Further, the Board of Directors, at their meeting held on
the Board (including Committees thereof) procedures are
May 10, 2020, based on the recommendation of the Board
followed and regularly reviewed. The Company Secretary
Nomination and Remuneration Committee approved the
ensures that all relevant information, details and
grant of stock options to Whole-time Directors of the
documents are made available to the Directors and senior
Company under ICICI Lombard Employees Stock Options
management for effective decision-making at the
Scheme-2005 for FY2021, subject to the approval of
meetings. The Company Secretary is primarily
Members of the Company and IRDAI. Subsequently, the
responsible, to ensure compliance with applicable
Board of Directors, at their meeting held on July 17, 2020,
Corporate laws, to provide guidance to Directors and to
based on the recommendation of the Board Nomination
facilitate convening of meetings. The Company Secretary
and Remuneration Committee approved revision in the
interfaces between the management and regulatory
value of perquisites of Whole-time Directors in order to
authorities for corporate governance related matters.
align the same with ICICI Group Scheme for FY2021,
subject to the approval of Members of the Company and
The Members of the Company had approved the revision
in the remuneration of Whole-time Directors of the
i) Whole-time Directors:
Company at their Twentieth AGM held on August 13,
2020. Further, IRDAI vide its letter dated April 5, 2021 had
In view of the unprecedented situation of the COVID-19
approved the revision in remuneration of the Whole-time
pandemic and its impact, the Board at its meeting held on
Directors of the Company for FY2021.
May 2, 2020, based on the recommendation of the Board
Provisions towards gratuity, leave accrued and long term performance pay are determined actuarially on an overall basis and accordingly
have not been considered for the above disclosure.
The details of sitting fees and profit-related The twin pillars of performance management and talent
commission paid to Non-executive, Independent management system are closely intertwined with the
Directors of the Company during FY2021 are as compensation, benefits and reward mechanism of the
follows: Company. While the Company strives to ensure internal
and external equity that are consistent with emerging
Profit-related market trends, its business model and affordability based
Name of the Director Sitting fees
Commission1 on business performance sets the overarching boundary
(₹ in million) conditions. This approach has been incorporated in the
Lalita D. Gupte 1.60 1.00 Compensation Policy, the key elements of which are given
Uday Chitale 1.78 1.00
Ved Prakash Chaturvedi 1.25 1.00 a. Effective governance of compensation:
Ashvin Parekh2 1.72 1.00 The BNRC has oversight over compensation. The
Suresh Kumar 1.19 1.00 Committee defines Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for
Whole-time Directors and the organisational performance
Murali Sivaraman 1.51 1.00 norms for bonus based on the financial and strategic plan
approved by the Board. The KPIs include both
quantitative and qualitative aspects. The BNRC assesses
Profit related commission for FY2021 will be paid in organizational performance as well as the individual
FY2022. performance for Whole-time Directors of the Company.
Being Common Directors, as per IRDAI guidelines profit Based on its assessment, it makes recommendations to
related commission is subject to approval of IRDAI. the Board regarding compensation for the Whole-time
Directors of the Company and bonus for employees,
(iii) Non-executive, Non-independent Directors: including senior management and key management
Non-executive, Non-independent Directors were not
eligible for any sitting fees and profit-related commission b. Alignment of compensation philosophy with
during FY2021. prudent risk taking:
Compensation Policy and Practices The Company seeks to achieve a prudent mix of fixed and
variable pay, with a higher proportion of variable pay at
Remuneration disclosures pursuant to IRDAI senior levels and no guaranteed bonuses. Compensation
guidelines is sought to be aligned to both financial and non-financial
indicators of performance including aspects like risk
Pursuant to IRDAI guidelines on Remuneration of management and customer service. In addition, the
Non-executive Directors and Managing Director/ Chief Company has an employee stock option scheme aimed at
Executive Officer/Whole-time Directors of Insurers aligning compensation to long term performance through
(“IRDAI Guidelines”) issued vide reference no. stock option grants that vest over a period of time to senior
IRDA/F&A/GDL/LSTD/155/08/2016 dated August 5, 2016 management and Whole-time Directors. Compensation to
Number and total amount of sign-on awards made during the financial year Nil
Fixed1 107.37
Variable2 28.52
Deferred NIL
Non-deferred 28.52
Share-linked instruments2
Stock Options – ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited (nos.) 469,000
Total amount of deferred remuneration paid out during the year (₹ in million) 21.30
Shares-linked instruments2
Fixed pay includes basic salary, supplementary allowances, contribution to provident fund and gratuity fund by the
For the year ended March 31, 2021, variable pay and share-linked instruments represent amounts paid/options awarded
for the year ended March 31, 2020 as per IRDAI approval.
Pursuant to the issuance of bonus shares by the ICICI Bank under ICICI Bank ESOS scheme on June 24, 2017, the
share-linked instruments have been adjusted with increase of one option for every 10 outstanding options.
The risks are further monitored on a quarterly basis by The Company was the first Indian Company to be certified
using a heat map based on probability and severity. A Risk by the British Standard Institution (BSI) for its Enterprise
Register is maintained to capture inventory of risks that Risk Management Framework being compliant with the
the Company is exposed to along with mitigation and ISO 31000:2018 standard. The Company has
corrective action plans. The Risk Management Committee successfully renewed its ISO certification for 3 years in
is updated on the progress on a quarterly basis. 2021, subject to annual audits.
As part of the ERM exercise, critical risks along with the Cyber Security
detailed mitigation plan are presented to the Risk
Management Committee on a quarterly basis. The risk Digital transformations have been making waves across
mitigation plans are monitored regularly by the Company all industries and there are multiple areas that are creating
to ensure their timely and appropriate execution. The disruptions in technology. Such rapid digitization of
Company further measures each of its risk items against businesses has made cyber security increasingly
a set of predefined tolerance levels. These levels and the important. Focus on cyber security is also increasing
subsequent tolerance scores are classified as high, rapidly due to many highly innovative and disruptive
medium and low risk respectively. security breaches threatening financial services industry.
The Internal Audit Department is responsible for reviewing The Company has a governance framework for cyber &
the adherence to various risk management processes information security with oversight from the Information
within the Company and for the review of Security Committee which has executive level
self-assessments of risk management activities. Further, representatives from all functions within the Company.
compliance testing is done on a periodic basis and the The security strategy is based on the principles of
Audit Committee is kept appraised of the outcome of the “defence in depth” strategy in order to strengthen the
same. management of IT risk and controls. The triad of
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) forms the
The Reinsurance Program of the Company defines the core of the Company’s cyber & information security
retention limit for various classes of products. Further, the framework.
Company has in place a risk retention reinsurance
philosophy, which defines the product-wise retention limits The Company has established a Board approved
on a per-risk basis as well as a retention limit on a Information & Cyber Security Policy which also
per-event basis. The Underwriting Policy defines incorporates a cyber-crisis management plan.
product-wise approval limits for various underwriters. The Implementation of the policy & plan ensures all
Investment Policy lays down the asset allocation strategy information assets are safeguarded by establishing
to ensure financial liquidity, security and diversification. comprehensive management processes throughout the
The Company also has in place a Capital Adequacy and organization. The Company’s cyber security approach
Liquidity Management Framework and an Asset Liability covers all aspects of prevention, detection and response
Management Policy. These policies ensure maintenance to cyber threats. Some of the implemented controls
of adequate level of capital at all times to meet diverse include Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), Advanced
risks related to the market and the Company’s operation. Threat Prevention, Next Generation Firewall with
The Operational Risk Management Policy defines the integrated Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), Data
tolerance limits and lays down the framework for Leakage Prevention, Threat Intelligence and Simulation
monitoring, supervision, reporting and management of services etc.
operational risks of the Company. The Company has also
adopted the Information Security Policy and Cyber As part of our Information Security framework based on
Security Policy in line with the Group Information Security ISO 27001:2013 standard and guidelines from IRDAI,
Policy and the Guidelines issued by IRDAI on Information independent auditors periodically review, validate and
certify the controls implemented by the Company.
V. Strategic Risk Management The incidence of COVID-19 related infections saw a huge
surge in the second wave across India. This has resulted
The Company believes that on account of the pandemic in some disruptions of business activities and higher rate
outbreak and partial lockdown orders by the Government, of hospitalization, though low rate of mortality compared
the quantum of business sourced could be below the level to the first wave of COVID-19 infections. Further, the new
of business done had there been no strains of virus being discovered on a periodic basis are a
similar government orders. cause of concern and the extent of potential impact
attributable to the new strains of virus is being observed
By virtue of industries and offices staying partially closed, carefully and cannot be predicted with certainty. The
the quantum of new business sourced could be at lower Company is closely watching the developing situation for
appropriate risk mitigation and management.
The details of the Annual General Meetings held in the last three financial years are given below:
The details of the Special Resolutions passed in the Annual General Meetings held in previous three financial years
are given below:-
Eighteenth Annual Thursday, July 1. Approval and ratification of ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company
General Meeting 12, 2018 Limited-Employee Stock Option Scheme-2005;
2. Approval to Grant of Employee Stock Option to the Employees/Directors
of Holding and Subsidiary Company(ies) (Present & Future) under the
Revised Scheme.
ii) Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM): conducting the postal ballot process. The Scrutinizer
submitted their report after the completion of the scrutiny
No Extraordinary General Meeting was held during the of the e-voting. Based on the Scurtinisers Report, the
financial year under review. resolution was passed on December 11, 2020 and the
result of Postal Ballot was declared on December 11,
iii) National Company Law Tribunal convened 2020 and communicated to the stock exchanges and
Meeting: displayed on the Company’s website at
The Board of Directors of the Company at their Meeting
held on August 21, 2020 had approved demerger of the DETAILS OF THE ORDERS PASSED
general insurance business of Bharti AXA General
Insurance Company Limited into the Company through BY THE REGULATORS/COURTS/
Scheme of Arrangement. In compliance with Order dated TRIBUNALS DURING THE YEAR
December 18, 2020 passed by the Hon’ble National
Company Law Tribunal, Mumbai Bench in the Company The Company in its ordinary course of business receives
Scheme Application No. CA (CAA) 1152/MB/2020, a order from Regulators / Courts / Tribunals. There are no
meeting of the equity shareholders of the Company was significant material orders passed by the Regulators /
held on Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. (IST) Courts / Tribunals which would impact the going concern
through Video Conference/ Other Audio Visual Means to status of the Company and its future operations.
consider and approve the Scheme of Arrangement
amongst Bharti AXA General Insurance Company Limited
and ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
and their respective shareholders and creditors under
It is the Company’s belief that all stakeholders should
Sections 230 to 232, other applicable provisions of the
have access to complete information regarding its position
Companies Act, 2013 and Sections 35 to 37 of the
to enable them to accurately assess its future potential.
Insurance Act, 1938. The Scheme was approved by
The Company disseminates information on its operations
majority of equity shareholders representing three-fourth
and initiatives on a regular basis. The Company’s website
in value of the equity shareholders of the Company voted
(www.icicilombard.com) serves as a key awareness
through remote e-voting and e-voting during the Meeting.
facility for all its stakeholders, allowing them to access
The voting Results of the aforesaid meeting are available
information at their convenience. It provides
on the website of the Company.
comprehensive information on the Company’s strategy,
financial performance, operational performance and the
iv) Postal Ballot:
latest press releases.
During FY2021, the members of the Company had
The Company’s investor relations personnel respond to
passed Ordinary resolution on December 11, 2020 for
specific queries and play a proactive role in disseminating
re-appointment of Alok Kumar Agarwal (DIN: 03434304),
information to both analysts and investors. All information
as a Whole-time Director designated as Executive
which could have a material bearing on the Company’s
Director-Wholesale of the Company.
share price is released as per regulatory requirements.
The information is also disseminated to the NSE and BSE
Procedure from time to time.
The Company follows the procedure as prescribed under The financial and other information and the various
Section 108 and Section 110 of the Act read with Rule 22 compliances as required/prescribed under the SEBI
of the Companies (Management and Administration) regulations are filed electronically with NSE and BSE
Rules, 2014, Secretarial Standards-2 on General through NSE Electronic Application Processing System
Meetings, MCA Circulars dated April 8, 2020, April 13, (NEAPS) and through BSE Listing Centre, respectively
2020, June 15, 2020, September 28, 2020 and December and are also available on their respective websites in
31, 2020 (collectively referred to as “MCA Circulars”) and addition to the Company’s website. Additionally,
Regulation 44 of Listing Regulations, as amended from information is also disseminated to BSE and NSE
time to time. The Members were provided the facility to wherever required through e-mail.
cast their votes through electronic voting (e-voting) only
pursuant to MCA Circulars. The Board of Directors of the The Company’s quarterly financial results are published in
Company, appointed Ashwini Inamdar (Membership No. the Financial Express (Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad,
F9409), Partner and failing her, Atul Mehta (Membership Lucknow, Delhi, Calcutta, Chandigarh, Chennai, Banga-
No. F5782), Partner, representing Mehta & Mehta, lore, Hyderabad, Cochin edition) and Loksatta (Mumbai
practicing company secretaries as the Scrutinizer for
v) Dividend History along with its date of transfer to Investor Education and Protection Fund ("IEPF"):
Dividend Type Percentage Date of Declaration Date of Transfer to IEPF
Interim 40.0 March 5, 2021 April 5, 2028
Dividend Type Percentage Date of Declaration Date of Transfer to IEPF
Interim 35% October 18, 2019 November 18, 2026
Dividend Type Percentage Date of Declaration Date of Transfer to IEPF
Final 35% June 27, 2019 August 5, 2026
Interim 25% October 20, 2018 November 19, 2025
Dividend Type Percentage Date of Declaration Date of Transfer to IEPF
Final 25% July 12, 2018 August 13, 2025
Interim 7.5% October 17, 2017 November 16, 2024
Interim 7.5% June 23, 2017 July 29, 2024
Dividend Type Percentage Date of Declaration Date of Transfer to IEPF
Interim 10% March 25, 2017 April 30, 2024
Interim 10% December 23, 2016 January 29, 2024
Interim 8% September 26, 2016 November 1, 2023
Interim 7% June 27, 2016 August 2, 2023
Dividend Type Percentage Date of Declaration Date of Transfer to IEPF
Interim 7.5% March 28, 2016 April 27, 2023
Interim 7.5% December 24, 2015 January 29, 2023
Interim 7.5% September 28, 2015 October 30, 2022
Interim 7.5% June 23, 2015 July 29, 2022
Dividend Type Percentage Date of Declaration Date of Transfer to IEPF
Interim 5.0% March 26, 2015 May 1, 2022
Members who have not claimed their dividend so far Currently, the Equity Shares and Non-convertible
irespect of aforesaid periods, are requested to make their Debentures issued by the Company are listed at:
claims by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or
[email protected] before the same are due for Code for the
transfer to IEPF. Stock Exchange
Company’s securities
The reported high and low closing prices and volume of Equity shares of the Company traded on BSE and NSE
during the period April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021:
April 1,324.95 1,013.65 874,111 1,325.00 1,013.00 12,998,207 13,872,318
May 1,372.20 1,126.05 328,122 1,372.20 1,125.05 12,672,778 13,000,900
June 1,384.40 1,222.90 2,830,723 1,386.65 1221.10 41,709,020 44,539,743
July 1,345.80 1,238.60 332,055 1,346.00 1,238.00 9,605,287 9,937,342
August 1,424.25 1,251.00 687,374 1,424.00 1,250.00 10,116,102 10,803,476
September 1,335.15 1,204.05 292,587 1,335.05 1,200.00 10,291,118 10,583,705
October 1,308.00 1,201.00 229,230 1,309.35 1,200.00 8,348,077 8,577,307
November 1,474.95 1,218.00 2,848,025 1,474.00 1,219.10 16,639,110 19,487,135
December 1,539.75 1,402.40 635,395 1,540.30 1,404.00 16,782,453 17,417,848
January 1,625.00 1,300.25 522,133 1,626.45 1,300.00 15,192,214 15,714,347
February 1,541.00 1,295.00 638,149 1,541.80 1,295.00 19,391,224 20,029,373
March 1,533.45 1,377.90 455,468 1,534.75 1,377.55 10,170,776 10,626,244
Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21
Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21
Note: Share price and Index Price are rebased to 100 for closing price as on April 1, 2020.
b. Shareholders of the Company with more than 1% holding as on March 31, 2021
(other than promoters of the Company):
% of total Number
Sr. No. Name No. of Shares
of shares
1. SBI Mutual Fund through its various schemes 11,651,163 2.56
2. Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund through its various schemes 6,493,325 1.43
3. Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund through its various schemes 6,153,149 1.35
4. Government Pension Fund Global 5,038,169 1.11
As on March 31, 2021, no shareholder of the Company held more than 5% shareholding of the Company other than
Promoter of the Company
Distribution Schedule
Sr. No. Amount (₹)
Category No. of Cases % %
This is not applicable to the Company, since the xix) Correspondence Address
Company has not issued Global Depository Receipts
or American Depository Receipts or any convertible Correspondence relating to the financial
instruments. performance of the Company may be addressed to:
xvi) Commodity price risk or foreign exchange risk Sarvesh Agrawal / Vikas Mehra
and hedging activities: ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Limited
ICICI Lombard House,
This is not applicable to the Company, since the 414, Veer Savarkar Marg,
Company do not have any derivatives or liabilities Near Siddhivinayak Temple,
denominated in foreign currency. Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400 025
Tel No. : +91-22-6196 1100
xvii) Details of utilisation of funds Fax No. : +91-22-6196 1323
E-mail: [email protected] and
During the year under review, the Company has not [email protected]
raised any funds through Preferential Allotment or
Qualified Institutions Placement as specified under
Regulation 32(7A) of the Listing Regulations and the
Annual Report 2020-21 121
xx) Debenture Trustee
(ii) Reporting of Internal Auditor
Axis Trustee Services Limited
The Internal Auditor presents the key audit findings of
2nd Floor, Wadia International Center,
internal audit department of the Company to the Audit
Pandurang Budhkar Marg,
Committee on a quarterly basis along with compliance
Worli, Mumbai 400 025
status of key audit findings reported in previous Audit
Contact No.: +91-22-6226 0075
Committee Meetings. Also, Internal Auditor of the
Email: [email protected]
Company presents Risk Based Audit Plan to the Audit
Website: www.axistrustee.com
xxi) Credit Ratings
Rating Agency Rating Outlook SHAREHOLDERS
Debentures A qualified, diverse and independent Board ensures that
Crisil Limited CRISIL AAA/Stable Stable minority shareholders’ interests are protected.
ICRA Limited ICRA AAA Stable Shareholders can register their grievances, including
through SEBI, Stock Exchanges, etc. for which the
Company has a set timeline for resolution. The
ICRA Limited has withdrawn its “iAAA” rating assigned to
shareholders can also raise a grievance through
the claims paying ability of the Company pursuant to the
investors’ e-mail ID i.e. [email protected] or
amendment notified in the SEBI (Credit Rating Agencies)
Company's registrar and share transfer agent’s e-mail ID
Regulations, 1999 by SEBI.
i.e. [email protected]. The Stakeholders’
Relationship Committee of the Company, oversees the
DISCLOSURES redressal of shareholders‘ complaint.
Related party transactions The Company takes various measures for reducing
unclaimed dividend amount including periodical
There are no materially significant related party communications to shareholders and updating the details
transactions that may have potential conflict with the of unclaimed dividend on the Company’s website. Status
interest of the Company. of unclaimed dividend can be viewed at
https://www.icicilombard.com/investor-relations. The
Details of Non - Compliance by the Company, penalty, Company also send communications to the shareholders
strictures imposed on the Company by the stock after each dividend payment.
exchange, or SEBI or any statutory authority on any
matter related to capital markets To resolve the queries of shareholders relating to
securities, dividend, annual report and other aspects
No penalties or strictures have been imposed on the relating to shareholders of the Company, the Company
Company by the Stock Exchanges, SEBI or any other has hosted Investor’s Frequently Asked Questions
statutory authority, for any non-compliance on any matter (Investor FAQs). Investor FAQs can be viewed at
relating to capital markets, during the last three years. https://www.icicilombard.com/investor-relations.
FINANCIAL YEAR The Scheme was instituted vide approval of its Members
at the Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) held on
During the year under review, the Company has not filed March 28, 2005 and subsequently amended by the
any application or no such proceeding is pending under Members of the Company at its EGM held on January 14,
the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. 2015.
DETAILS OF DIFFERENCE BETWEEN Post listing of the Equity Shares of the Company, the
revised Employee Stock Options Scheme has been
approved by the Members of the Company and new
THE TIME OF ONE TIME SETTLEMENT options were granted to the eligible employees under
AND THE VALUATION DONE WHILE normal and special grant in year 2018. Options granted
TAKING LOAN FROM THE BANKS OR under normal grant for the year 2018 & 2019 would vest in
a graded manner over a three year period with 30%, 30%
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS ALONG WITH and 40%. Options granted under Special grant would
THE REASONS THEREOF have a lock-in period of 36 months from the date of grant
with 50% of the options vesting on July 31, 2021 and the
During the year under review, this is not applicable as the remaining 50% vesting on July 31, 2022. Exercise Period
Company has not filed any application for settlement for both the grants of year 2018 would commence from
under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. the date of vesting and will expire on completion of five
years from the date of vesting of stock options.
In line with Remuneration Policy of the Company and
The Business Responsibility Report as stipulated under benefits of stock options granted as a compensation, the
Regulation 34 of Listing Regulations has been hosted on Members of the Company through Postal Ballot on March
the website of the Company and can be viewed at 15, 2020 had approved the increase in the existing ESOS
https//www.icicilombard.com/docs/default-source/esg/bus pool, that can be granted to the “Eligible Employees” as
iness-responsibility-reporting-2021.pdf defined under the Scheme, from current 5% to 7% of the
aggregate of the number of issued shares of the Company
CONSERVATION OF ENERGY, from time to time, on the date(s) of grant of option(s).
Particulars of options granted by Company up to
EXCHANGE EARNING AND OUTGO March 31, 2021 are given below:
Options Granted 30,974,160
Energy & Technology Absorption:
Options vested 19,475,898
The details of energy and technology absorption is
Options exercised 14,812,648
provided in Environmental, Social and Governance
Report for FY2021 on its website and can be viewed at Number of shares allotted 14,809,648
https//www.icicilombard.com/docs/default-source/shareh pursuant to exercise of options
olding-pattern/business-responsibility-report-2021.pdf. Options forfeited/lapsed 9,156,782
Foreign exchange earnings and outgo: Extinguishment or modification NIL
of options
During FY2021, expenditures in foreign currencies Amount realised by exercise of 1.30
amounted to ₹ 3.72 billion and earnings in foreign options (₹ in billion)
currencies amounted to ₹ 2.07 billion.
Total number of options in force 7,004,730
EMPLOYEE STOCK OPTION SCHEME The ESOS Scheme of the Company is in compliance with
the SEBI (Share Based Employee Benefits) Regulations,
In FY2006, the Company had instituted an Employee
2014 (“SBEB Regulations”).
Stock Option Scheme (“ESOS”) to enable the employees
and Directors of the Company to participate in its future
The Annual Certificate on compliance with SBEB
growth and financial success. As per ESOS, the maximum
Regulations, issued by Statutory Auditors of the Company
number of options granted to any employee/Director in a
is being made available for inspection at the forthcoming
year shall not, except with the approval of the Board,
AGM of the Company. The statutory disclosures as
exceed 0.10% of Company’s issued equity shares at the
mandated under the SBEB Regulations, have been
time of grant and the aggregate of all such options (net of
hosted on the website of the Company at
forfeited/lapsed) is limited to 5% of Company’s issued
equity shares on the date of the grant.
Annual Report 2020-21 123
a) Customer complaints in FY2021
In line with the ‘Green Initiative’, the Company has
No. of complaints pending at the beginning 35 effected electronic delivery of Notice of AGM, Postal
of the year Ballot, Court Convened Meeting and Annual Report to
those Members whose e-mail IDs were registered with the
No. of complaints received during the year 2379 respective Depository Participants and downloaded from
the depositories viz. National Securities Depository
No. of complaints redressed during the year 2333 Limited/Central Depository Services (India) Limited. The
Act and the underlying rules as well as Regulation 36 of
No. of complaints pending at the end of the 81 the Listing Regulations, permit the dissemination of
year financial statements and Annual Report in electronic
mode to the Members. Your Directors are thankful to the
Members for actively participating in the Green Initiative
b) Awards passed by the Insurance Ombudsman in and seek your continued support for implementation of the
FY2021 Green Initiative.
No. of unimplemented awards at the 0 As a part of green initiative of Ministry of Corporate Affairs,
beginning of the year the Company is continuously encouraging its
shareholders via communications to register their e-mail
No. of awards passed by Insurance 163 IDs with their depository participant(s) (“DPs”). Facility for
Ombudsman during the year registering email ids on the Company’s website was
provided for the benefit of those shareholders who have
No. of awards implemented during the year 164 not registered their email ids with their respective DPs so
that they can receive copy of Annual Report and General
No. of unimplemented awards at the end of 0 Meeting notice of the Company.
the year
We believe and endorse the ‘Green Initiative’ as it would
The Company had not challenged the ombudsman order not only rationalise the use of paper but also ensure
in higher forums. The Company has complied with the prompt communication, avoid loss in transit and have
Insurance Ombudsman orders as on March 31, 2021. reference value of the communication.
During the year, the Company has obtained Fit & Proper In compliance with the regulatory requirements, the
declarations in compliance with IRDAI guidelines for Company has constituted a Steering Committee headed
Listed Indian Insurance Companies. by Sanjeev Mantri, Executive Director to oversee the
implementation of Ind AS. The scope of the Steering
Committee includes evaluating the impact on the following accordance with the IRDAI (Preparation of Financial
areas: Statements and Auditor’s Report of Insurance
Companies) Regulations, 2002 and provisions of the Act
a) Ind AS technical requirements for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for
preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;
b) Systems and processes
4. They have prepared the annual accounts on a going
c) Business impact concern basis;
In accordance with the requirements of Section 134(3)(c) The Company would like to express its gratitude for the
of the Act and the Corporate Governance Guidelines, the continued support and guidance received from ICICI Bank
Board of Directors of the Company confirm: and its group companies.
1. In the preparation of the annual accounts, the The Company would like to take this opportunity to
applicable accounting standards have been followed and express sincere thanks to its valued clients and customers
that no material departures have been made from the for their continued patronage. The Directors express their
same. deep sense of appreciation to all the employees, whose
outstanding professionalism, commitment and initiative
2. They have selected such accounting policies and have made the organisation’s growth and success
applied them consistently and made judgments and possible and continue to drive its progress. Finally, the
estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a Directors wish to express their gratitude to the Members
true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at for their trust and support.
the end of the financial year and of the profit of the
Company for that period; For and on behalf of the Board
3. They have taken proper and sufficient care for the Lalita D. Gupte
maintenance of adequate accounting records, in July 8, 2021 Chairperson
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