PHARMA - Module 03 - ANS Drugs H
PHARMA - Module 03 - ANS Drugs H
PHARMA - Module 03 - ANS Drugs H
Learning Resources:
1. E-Textbook
o Pharmacology & the Nursing Process, 8th ed. Lilley, Harrington, Synders
o Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach (L) 9th ed, c2019 by Kee/Hayes
o Pharmacology for Nurses, A Pathophysiological Approach, 4th Edition by Michael Adams
2. eBook
o Focus on Nursing Pharmacology, eBook with thePoint Student Resources by Karch
o Focus on Nursing Pharmacology by Karch
o Lippincott NCLEX-RN Pharmacology Review by Hill
3. Scanned Reference Books
4. Online Resources
5. Mobile Apps and PC Software
B. Adrenergic Agonists
• Adrenergic Agonists
o AKA sympathomimetic, catecholamines
o Drugs that stimulate the adrenergic receptors to mimic sympathetic effect
o Stimulation: Alpha Adrenergic Receptors
o Alpha1
▪ ↑ cardiac contractility, vasoconstriction
4 Pharmacology 03 – ANS Medications
▪ Dilate pupils, ↓ salivary gland secretion
▪ ↑ bladder and prostate contraction
o Alpha2
▪ ↓ norepinephrine release: ↑ vasodilation
▪ ↓ GI motility and tone
o Stimulation: Beta Adrenergic Receptors
o Beta1
▪ ↑ cardiac contractility, ↑ HR
▪ ↑ renin secretion, ↑BP
o Beta2
▪ ↓ GI tone and motility
▪ Bronchodilation
▪ ↑ blood flow in skeletal muscles
▪ ↓ uterine tone
▪ Activates liver glycogenolysis*: ↑ blood glucose
o Simulation: Dopamine Receptors - Vasodilation
• Indication:
o Bradycardia, heart blocks, and ↓CO
o Acute and chronic asthma
o Acute drug-induced allergic reaction
o Mild renal failure
o Stimulates heart in cardiac arrest
o Acute hypotension and shock
o Heart failure
• Drug interaction:
o +alpha adrenergic blockers = hypotension
o +epinephrine on DM = may need to increase dose
o +other adrenergics = ↑effect
o +trycyclic antidepressants* = hypertension
• Side Effects/Adverse Effects:
o Arrhythmias
• Contraindication/Precaution:
o C: AMI, tachyarrhymias, pregnancy
o P: DM, artherosclerosis**, Reynaud’s disease***, cardiac insufficiency
• Nsx. Action:
C. Adrenergics Antagonists
• Adrenergics Antagonists
o AKA symphatolytics, adrenergic blockers
o Action: drugs that block effects of neurotransmitters in adrenergic receptor sites
o Directly: by occupying receptors
o Indirectly: by inhibiting release of neurotransmitters epinephrine and norepinephrine
o Depression: Alpha Adrenergic Receptors
▪ Alpha1
• Vasodilation, ↓BP, reflex tachycardia*
• Pupil constriction
• Suppresses ejaculation
• Reduces contraction of smooth muscles in bladder neck and prostate
o Depression: Beta Adrenergic Receptors
▪ Beta1
• ↓Cardiac contractility, ↓BP
• ↓HR
▪ Beta2
• Bronchoconstriction
• Contracts uterus
• Inhibits glycogenolysis
• Indication:
o Alpha Adrenergic Antagonists
▪ PVD, Reynauld’s disease, HPN, adrenergic excess (ex. Pheochromocytoma*)
8 Pharmacology 03 – ANS Medications
▪ Vascular headache
o Beta Adrenergic Antagonists
▪ HPN, angina, tachyarrhythmia, open-angle glaucoma*, pheochromocytoma, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy**
▪ Mild to severe heart failure, left ventricular dysfunction after MI
▪ Prevent migraine headache, MI and acute anxiety reaction
• Side Effects/Adverse Reactions:
o Alpha Blockers
▪ Orthostatic hypotension
▪ Vertigo
▪ Palpitation
▪ sexual dysfunction
o Beta Blockers
▪ Bradycardia
▪ Hypotension
▪ Dysrhythmias
▪ Headaches
▪ Dizziness
▪ Fainting
▪ Fatigue
▪ Mental depression
▪ Nausea, vomiting
▪ Diarrhea
▪ Blood dyscrasias
▪ Hypoglycemia
• Drug Interaction:
o Alpha-Blockers:
▪ +AntiHPN drugs = ↑effect
▪ Prazosin*+diuretics, propranolol, or other beta-blockers = ↑syncope**
o Beta-blockers:
▪ +Digoxin, Ca channel blockers, cimetidine = ↑effect and toxicity
▪ +Antacid, Ca salts, barbiturates, anti-inflammatories, rifampin = ↓effect
▪ Non-selective Beta-blockers may ↓effect of theophylline as bronchodilator
• Nsx Action:
o Monitor BP for signs of orthostatic hypotension
o When taking ergotamine for vascular headache, client should lie down in a dark, quiet room
D. Cholinergic Agonists
• Cholinergic Agonists
o AKA parasympathomimetics, cholinomimetics, cholinergic stimulants
o Drugs that stimulate cholinergic receptors, mimicking the action of acetylcholine
• Stimulation: Cholinergic Receptors
o Muscarinic receptors - Affect smooth muscles
o Nicotinic receptors - Affect skeletal muscles
o Acetylcholinesterase - Breaks down ACh = acetic acid + choline
• Stimulation: Cholinergic Receptors
o CV:↓HR and BP, vasodilation, slows conduction of AV node
o GI:↑tone and motility, ↑peristalsis, relax sphincter muscles
o GU: Contract bladder, ↑ureter tone, relax sphincter muscles, stimulate urination
o Eyes: pupil constriction, increase accommodation
o Lungs: Bronchial constriction, increase secretions
o Glands: ↑salivation, perspiration, tears
o Striated muscle: ↑neuromuscular transmission
• Indications:
o Glaucoma
o Atonic bladder*
o Post-op and postpartum urine retention
o Abdominal distension and GI atony
o Salivary gland hypofunction
• Side-effects/Adverse Effects:
o headache
o sweating
o ↑salivation
o abdominal cramps
o nausea
o vomiting
o diarrhea
o blurred vision
o urinary frequency
o ↓HR
12 Pharmacology 03 – ANS Medications
• Contraindication/Precaution:
o Prostate enlargement
o Urinary / GI obstruction
o Hyperthyroidism
o Bradycardia or AV conduction defects
o Asthma
• Drug Interactions:
o +anticholinergic drugs = ↓effect
o +anticholinesterase drugs = ↑effect and risk for toxicity
o +quinidine* =↓effect
• Nsx. Action:
o Monitor I/O
o Assess bowel sounds and abdomen for paralytic ileus*
o Give bethanechol PO and SQ only
o WOF drug toxicity: urinary urgency, excessive secretions, resp. depression or spasm, bradycardia, abd cramping and involuntary defecation
o Antidote: atropine
E. Cholinergic Antagonists
• Cholinergic Antagonists
o AKA parasympatholytics, anticholinergics, cholinergic blockers
o Action: Inhibit action of ACh by occupying ACh receptors
• Action:
o ↓ GI motility, ↓ salivation, mydriasis, ↑HR, urinary retention, decrease rigidity and tremors
o Antidote to organophosphate ingestion or cholinomimetics
• Indication:
o Reverse heart blocks
o Paralyzes ciliary muscles
o Parkinson’s disease, GI spasm, motion sickness, and enuresis
o Symptomatic bradycardia (atropine)
13 Pharmacology 03 – ANS Medications
o Reduces oral, gastric and respiratory secretions
o Biliary colic*
o Antidote to cholinergic drugs
o Prevents nausea and vomiting from motion sickness (scopolamine)
• Drug Interactions:
o +Trycyclic antidepressants, antidyskinetics, antiemetics, antipsychotics, cyclobenzaprine, or orphenadrine = ↑risk for AE
o Cholinergic agonists / anticholinesterase drugs = ↑effects
o NTG patch ↓effect when taken with anticholinergics
• Side Effects/Adverse Effects:
o Mydriasis
o Photophobia
o blurred vision
o confusion
o dry mouth
o restlessness
o agitation
o dizziness
o N/V
o constipation
o tachycardia
o palpitation
o ↓secretions
• Contraindications/Precautions:
o C: Angle-closure glaucoma, uncontrolled tachycardia, urinary of GI tract obstructions, COPD, severe ulcerative colitis*, MG, acute or severe
hemorrhage, and unstable CV status
o P: breastfeeding women
• Nsx Action:
o Administer before meals
o Monitor I/O and for adverse reactions
o Measures for dry mouth and constipation
15 Pharmacology 03 – ANS Medications
Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:
Dr. Tristan Jourdan C. Dela Cruz, RN Dennis Luis D. Abellera, RN MAN Dr. John Michael O. Lorena, RN
Lecturer, Pharmacology Academic Head Dean