The Factors Affecting Milk Yield in Diary Farming in Greater Guwahati Region of Assam
The Factors Affecting Milk Yield in Diary Farming in Greater Guwahati Region of Assam
The Factors Affecting Milk Yield in Diary Farming in Greater Guwahati Region of Assam
9(08), 723-728
Based on the background outlined above, the main objectives for the study are
(i) To study about the bovine and dairy production in Assam
(ii) To analyze the factors affecting milk yield in greater Guwahati region of Assam
Study Area
Assam is a northeastern state of India, bordering with Bhutan and other northern states of the country known as
Seven Sisters State. Assam is located near the Himalayas and has absolutely amazing natural view. It is bordered by
the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur,
Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya, as well as Bangladesh, Bhutan, and West Bengal. Assam covers an area of
78,438 km2 (30,285 sq mi). Assam has a latitudinal extension of 240 N to 280 N and a longitudinal extension of
89045/E to 96000/ E.
The present study is based on both primary and secondary data. Household samples have been selected both from
the municipal wards of Guwahati Municipal corporation area and the extended area of GMDA.Within GMC area,
out of total 672 households from sampled clusters, 201 households have been selected randomly as sampled dairy
households. Thus sample size stands at 30%. Different types of data from various sources were acquired for this
study. Secondary sources pertain to date like Census of India report, the Statistical Handbook published by the
Government of Assam, Dairy co-operatives, District Animal Husbandry Department, and Town Milk Supply
scheme. Some other relevant information has also been collected from various books, journals and periodicals.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(08), 723-728
community, experience in dairy farming, monthly gross income, monthly expenditure, herd size, fully involvement
of male members, fully involved female members, partly involved male members, partly involved female members,
etc) and the types of breeds reared in the dairy farms(cattle numbers, breeds type, no. of milk cattle, milk
production, etc).
The cause effect relationship between the factors that influence in milk production gives the clues for forwarding the
arguments in the present study. Based on the dimension as mentioned above the milk production factors are selected
as below
Socio-Economic Factors
The socio- economic factors and the milk production of the dairy households are determined with the help of
Multiple Regression Analysis using steps wise mentioned as under –
Regression Analysis
Predictors: Milk production (in liter/per month)
X1 – Education of Family Head,X2 – Household Size (in group),X3 –Family size,X4 – Community ,X5 –
Experience in Dairy Farming,X6 – Monthly Gross Income from all sources (Rs. in group),X7 – Monthly Total
Expenditure (in group) ,X8 – Heard Size (In group),X9 – Fully involvement of Male members ,X10 – Fully
involvement of Female members ,X11 – Partly involvement of Male members,X12 – Partly involvement of Female
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(08), 723-728
The coefficient of multiple determinations, R2 indicating the percent of how much of the total variance is explained
of the independent variables. The obtained R2 = .852 is a good enough for explain the regression model for the
In above ANOVA analysis the variance of the predictors to the dependent variable has found the F=173.382 and
P=.000 which indicates that the difference is significant at 1% level. It means that the regression model is fit for
further Regression analysis.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(08), 723-728
From the above ANOVA, it can be ascertained that the value of the calculated F is 173.382 for the variance
generated by the regression. This means that a significant influence of multiple regression models occurs over the
dependent variables. From the above table it can be depicted that the Monthly Households Gross Income (t=3.837,
P=0.000), fully involvement of Male members (t=20.725, P=0.000) are significant at 1% level. The other predictors
have no significant impact on monthly Milk production in the surveyed Dairy farms.
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