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The Factors Affecting Milk Yield in Diary Farming in Greater Guwahati Region of Assam

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

9(08), 723-728

Journal Homepage: - www.journalijar.com

Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/13321

DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/13321


Heman Sarmah1, Dr. Jnanashree Borah2 and Tirthankar Sarma3

1. Research Scholar, Department of Earth Science, University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya.
2. Professor, Department of Earth Science, University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya.
3. Research Scholar, Department of Geography, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History The production of milk is conceived of several factors and a very
Received: 25 June 2021 multifarious process. “The knowledge of relative importance of the
Final Accepted: 28 July 2021 resource inputs influencing in milk production is essential for the
Published: August 2021 dairy farmer for introducing desirable change in his operation at micro
level and for the policy maker for formulating plans for improvements
Key words:-
Factor, Milk Yield, Diary Farming and in dairy cattle productivity based on sound economic principles at the
Assam macro level” (Rao, 1985).The income level of the dairy household is
determined by the production of milk they produce at their farms.
Generally, the income of the dairy household increases when the milk
production cost decreases or when the milk production increases .For
this it is essential to study the factors which directly or indirectly effect
the milk production. Household samples have been selected both from
the municipal wards of Guwahati Municipal Corporation area. Out of
672 dairy farming households, 201 household have been selected for
the survey. Regression analysis has been used for the study of factors
affecting milk production in greater Guwahati region of Assam.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2021,. All rights reserved.

Dairy farming plays an important role in livelihood of dairy farmers. All the economic impacts are interlinked in
terms of social impact such as income from sale of animals, milk cash, fertilizer and biogas. Rao (1985) in his study
on factors effecting in milk production found that green fodder and concentrates, are the principle factors affecting
milk production in al size-groups of farms. Tumuteggereize et al. (1999) mentioned that the breed of cow reared,
purchased feeds and experience in dairy farming are the major factors that affect in dairy farming. They also
mentioned that lack of support service such as extension service, insurance and credit facilities hampers in milk
production. Oguz, C. and Canan, S. (2016) in their study mentioned that “higher properties of lactating cows
,expense on concentrates and supplements and spending more labor hours in farm activities increase the efficiencies
while availability of European crossbred animals, higher education levels, male farmers ,full-time dairy farming and
being a member of farming society decreases occurrence of the inefficiencies”. The variables must be logical,
relevant and applicable to the phenomenal facts. Considering the facts a no of attributes pertaining to the socio-
economic status of dairy farming families has been included in the present study.

Corresponding Author:- Heman Sarmah

Address:- Research Scholar, Department of Earth Science, University of Science & Technology,
Meghalaya. 723
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(08), 723-728

Based on the background outlined above, the main objectives for the study are
(i) To study about the bovine and dairy production in Assam
(ii) To analyze the factors affecting milk yield in greater Guwahati region of Assam

Study Area
Assam is a northeastern state of India, bordering with Bhutan and other northern states of the country known as
Seven Sisters State. Assam is located near the Himalayas and has absolutely amazing natural view. It is bordered by
the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur,

Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya, as well as Bangladesh, Bhutan, and West Bengal. Assam covers an area of
78,438 km2 (30,285 sq mi). Assam has a latitudinal extension of 240 N to 280 N and a longitudinal extension of
89045/E to 96000/ E.

Figure 1:- Study area.

The present study is based on both primary and secondary data. Household samples have been selected both from
the municipal wards of Guwahati Municipal corporation area and the extended area of GMDA.Within GMC area,
out of total 672 households from sampled clusters, 201 households have been selected randomly as sampled dairy
households. Thus sample size stands at 30%. Different types of data from various sources were acquired for this
study. Secondary sources pertain to date like Census of India report, the Statistical Handbook published by the
Government of Assam, Dairy co-operatives, District Animal Husbandry Department, and Town Milk Supply
scheme. Some other relevant information has also been collected from various books, journals and periodicals.

Result and Discussion:-

Status of bovine stock and dairy production in Assam
The per capita availability of milk for the year 2018 – 19 is estimated on the basis of total milk production and total
population of the state for the period. As such the per capita of availability of milk is estimated to have become 73
gram per day which is much lower than the norms of 208 gram milk per day determine by ICMR. The availability
of milk in the state is 35.13% of the total requirement during the year 2018 – 19. This clearly shows that the state is
still a deficit state in terms of milk production. The deficit is met by the supply of milk from outside the state
especially from AMUL (Gujarat).

Selection of factors that affect in milk production

Keeping the above aspects in mind the factors that affect in milk production in the Greater Guwahati Region is
classified into2 categories- Socio- economic factors of the dairy households(education, household size, family type,

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(08), 723-728

community, experience in dairy farming, monthly gross income, monthly expenditure, herd size, fully involvement
of male members, fully involved female members, partly involved male members, partly involved female members,
etc) and the types of breeds reared in the dairy farms(cattle numbers, breeds type, no. of milk cattle, milk
production, etc).

The cause effect relationship between the factors that influence in milk production gives the clues for forwarding the
arguments in the present study. Based on the dimension as mentioned above the milk production factors are selected
as below

Socio-Economic Factors
The socio- economic factors and the milk production of the dairy households are determined with the help of
Multiple Regression Analysis using steps wise mentioned as under –

Regression Analysis
Predictors: Milk production (in liter/per month)
X1 – Education of Family Head,X2 – Household Size (in group),X3 –Family size,X4 – Community ,X5 –
Experience in Dairy Farming,X6 – Monthly Gross Income from all sources (Rs. in group),X7 – Monthly Total
Expenditure (in group) ,X8 – Heard Size (In group),X9 – Fully involvement of Male members ,X10 – Fully
involvement of Female members ,X11 – Partly involvement of Male members,X12 – Partly involvement of Female

Table 1:- Milk Production factors.

Variables Frequency Percentage
X1 Education of the family head Illiterate 112 27.7
Primary 49 12.1
ME 113 32.9
HSLC 55 13.6
HS 35 8.7
Graduate 14 3.5
P.G 6 1.5
Total 404 100
X2 Household Size 1–4 181 44.8
5–6 140 34.7
7–9 83 20.5
Total 404 100
X3 Community Nepali 298 73.8
Bihari 50 12.4
Assamese 32 7.9
Bangali 12 3.0
Punjabi 2 0.5
Others 10 2.5
Total 404 100
X4 Experience in Dairy Farming Up to 10 31 7.7
11 – 20 82 20.3
21 – 30 197 48.8
Above 30 94 23.3
Total 404 100
X5 Monthly Gross income Up to 50,000 118 29.2
50,001 to 1,00,000 136 33.7
1,00,001 to 1,50,000 62 15.3
1,50,001 to 2,00,000 32 7.9
Above 2,00,000 56 13.9
Total 404 100
X6 Family Type Nuclear 297 69.1

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(08), 723-728

Joint 125 30.9

Total 404 100
X7 Monthly Total Expenditure Up to 20,000 115 28.5
20,001 to 40,000 115 28.5
40,001 to 60,000 46 14.4
60,001 to 80,000 28 6.9
80,001 to 1,00,000 23 5.7
Above 1,00,000 77 19.1
Total 404 100
X8 Herd Size (in number) 1 – 10 142 35.1
11 – 20 130 32.2
21 – 30 72 17.8
31 – 40 32 7.9
Above 40 28 6.9
Total 404 100
X9 Age Group (years) 0 – 14 227 16.1
15 – 29 369 34.3
30 – 44 446 25.9
45 – 59 320 18.5
60 and Above 92 5.4
Total 1724 100
X10 Fully Involvement male member 410 89.7
X11 Fully Involvement female 47 10.3
X12 Partly Involvement male 297 39.3
X13 Partly Involvement female 458 60.7

Table 2:- Model Summary of Regression Analysis.

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .923 .852 .848 638.198

The coefficient of multiple determinations, R2 indicating the percent of how much of the total variance is explained
of the independent variables. The obtained R2 = .852 is a good enough for explain the regression model for the

Table 3:- ANOVA.

Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 918032202.747 13 70617861.750 173.382 .000
Residual 158845871.016 390 407297.105
Total 1076878073.762 403

Dependent Variable: Milk production (in liter/Per month)

In above ANOVA analysis the variance of the predictors to the dependent variable has found the F=173.382 and
P=.000 which indicates that the difference is significant at 1% level. It means that the regression model is fit for
further Regression analysis.

Table 4:- Coefficients.

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) -1071.393 244.888 -4.375 .000

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(08), 723-728

Education 26.706 23.973 .024 1.114 .266

Household Size -41.687 50.149 -.020 -.831 .406
Family Type - - -
84.606 140.435 .012 .602 .547
Community -25.882 45.763 -.013 -.566 .572
Experience in 26.061 45.368 .013 .574 .566
dairy farming
Total Gross 989.343 47.737 .824 20.725 .000
Income Group
Total Exp .700 42.992 .001 .016 .987
Cattle No Group 130.784 56.171 .096 2.328. .020
Fully inv male 195.145 50.865 .093 3.837 .000
Fully inv 4.934 115.479 .001 .043 .966
female -55.857 42.071 -.029 -1.328 .185
Partly inv male -10.396 47.460 -.005 -.219 .827
Partly inv
Age group 15.533 16.090 .022 .965 .335

Dependent Variable: Milk production (in liter/per month)

Based on the nonstandard coefficients we obtained the regression equation:
Y= -1071.393+26.706 X1-41.687 X2-84.606 X3-25.882 X4+26.706 X5+989.343 X6+42.992 X7+130.784
X8+195.145 X9+ 4.934X10 -55.857 X11-10.393 X12+15.533 X13. Monthly Milk production in the dairy farm is
correlated with the predictors. The predicted variables are X1- Education of head of the household, X2-Household
size,X3Family Type X4-Community, X5-Experience in Dairy farming, X6-Monthly Household Gross Income, X7-
Monthly Total Expenditure, X8-Herd Size, X9-Fully involvement of Male members, X10-Fully involvement of
Female members, X11-Partly involvement of Male members, X12-Partly involvement of Female members and X13-
Age group head of Dairy Households.

From the above ANOVA, it can be ascertained that the value of the calculated F is 173.382 for the variance
generated by the regression. This means that a significant influence of multiple regression models occurs over the
dependent variables. From the above table it can be depicted that the Monthly Households Gross Income (t=3.837,
P=0.000), fully involvement of Male members (t=20.725, P=0.000) are significant at 1% level. The other predictors
have no significant impact on monthly Milk production in the surveyed Dairy farms.

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