Business Research: Assignment
Business Research: Assignment
Business Research: Assignment
Submitted By:
Pradyumna Pattanayak
MBA, Sec ‘A’
Roll No: 2061301013
(Deemed to be University)
Q) A researcher was interested in whether an individual's interest in politics was
influenced by their level of education and gender. They recruited a random sample of
participants to their study and asked them about their interest in politics, which they
scored from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating a greater interest in politics. The
researcher then divided the participants by gender (Male/Female) and then again by
level of education (School/College/University).
If the significant value (p) > 0.05, then accept the null hypothesis
If the significant value (p) < 0.05, then accept the Alternative hypothesis.
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
EDUCATIONAL Statisti Statisti
LEVEL c df Sig. c df Sig.
POLITICAL COLLEGE .163 12 .200* .890 12 .118
INTEREST SCHOOL .207 8 .200* .925 8 .469
UNIVERSI .177 10 .200* .919 10 .348
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
For education level school and college level data are normally distributed and
university level data are not normally distributed.
Tests of Normalitya
Kolmogorov-Smirnovb Shapiro-Wilk
Statisti Statisti
GENDER c df Sig. c df Sig.
POLITICAL FEMALE .104 12 .200 .985 12 .996
INTEREST MALE .134 17 .200 .917 17 .130
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. POLITICAL INTEREST is constant when GENDER = FEAMLE. It has been omitted.
b. Lilliefors Significance Correction
For gender the data is normally distributed, because significant values are greater
than 0.05
Above table shows that there is separate effect (individual effect of gender and
individual effect of education level) on individual interest in politics and
interaction effect (effect of gender and education level simultaneously) on
interest of individual in politics.
The interaction effect shows the significant value (p) is 0.778 which means P >
0.05, so that null hypothesis is accepted (there is no significant influenced by
education and gender).
Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: POLITICAL INTEREST
95% Confidence
Mean Interval
(I) EDUCATIONAL (J) EDUCATIONAL Difference Std. Lower Upper
LEVEL LEVEL (I-J) Error Sig. Bound Bound
COLLEGE SCHOOL -4.83 12.263 .926 -36.92 27.25
UNIVERSITY -.08 11.504 1.000 -30.18 30.01
SCHOOL COLLEGE 4.83 12.263 .926 -27.25 36.92
UNIVERSITY 4.75 12.745 .933 -28.59 38.09
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE .08 11.504 1.000 -30.01 30.18
SCHOOL -4.75 12.745 .933 -38.09 28.59
Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 721.878.
Post hoc test shows that the influence between independent variables i.e.,
college, school and university.
The significant value (p) shows that there is no significant difference between
these independent variables, because all significant values were > 0.05