WHO Expert Committee On Specifications For Pharmaceutical Preparations
WHO Expert Committee On Specifications For Pharmaceutical Preparations
WHO Expert Committee On Specifications For Pharmaceutical Preparations
W H O Te c h n i c a l R e p o r t S e r i e s
ISBN 9789240020900
The World Health Organization was established in 1948 as a specialized agency of the
United Nations serving as the directing and coordinating authority for international
health matters and public health. One of WHO’s constitutional functions is to The International Pharmacopoeia, tenth edition.
provide objective and reliable information and advice in the field of human health, a 2021 (online)
responsibility that it fulfils in part through its extensive programme of publications. WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations
Fifty-fourth report.
The Organization seeks through its publications to support national health strategies
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025, 2020 (xiv + 325 pages)
and address the most pressing public health concerns of populations around the world.
To respond to the needs of Member States at all levels of development, WHO publishes International Nonproprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical substances
practical manuals, handbooks and training material for specific categories of health Cumulative List No. 17 2018 (available on CD-ROM only) and Cumulative List
workers; internationally applicable guidelines and standards; reviews and analyses of No. 18 2021 (available as searchable pdf – in preparation)
health policies, programmes and research; and state-of-the-art consensus reports that The selection and use of essential medicines
offer technical advice and recommendations for decision-makers. These books are Report of the WHO Expert Committee (including the 21st WHO Model List of
closely tied to the Organization’s priority activities, encompassing diseases prevention Essential Medicines and the 7th WHO Model List for Children),
and control, the development of equitable health systems based on primary health WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1021, 2019 (xxxviii + 639 pages)
care, and health promotion for individuals and communities. Progress towards better
WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization
health for all also demands the global dissemination and exchange of information
Seventy-first report
that draws on the knowledge and experience of all WHO’s Member countries and the
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1028, 2020 (xi + 101 pages)
collaboration of world leaders in public health and the biomedical sciences. To ensure
the widest possible availability of authoritative information and guidance on health
matters, WHO secures the broad international distribution of its publications and
encourages their translation and adaption. By helping to promote and protect health
and prevent and control disease throughout the world, WHO’s books contribute to
achieving the Organization’s principal objective – the attainment by all people of the
highest possible level of health.
The WHO Technical Report Series makes available the findings of various international
groups of experts that provide WHO with the latest scientific and technical advice
on a broad range of medical and public health subjects. Members of such expert
groups serve without remuneration in their personal capacities rather than as
representatives of governments or other bodies; their views do not necessarily reflect
the decisions or the stated policy of WHO. To purchase WHO publications, please
contact: WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27,
Switzerland (tel. +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; email: [email protected]; Further information on these and other WHO publications can be obtained from
http://www.who.int/bookorders). WHO Press, World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; email: [email protected]
W H O Te c h n i c a l R e p o r t S e r i e s
1 0 3 3
ACT Access to COVID-19 Tools
ALCOA attributable, legible, contemporaneous, original and accurate
AMR antimicrobial resistance
API active pharmaceutical ingredient
AQL acceptance quality level
AUC area under the curve
BCS Biopharmaceutics Classification System
BE bioequivalence
BMDL benchmark dose level
BPW bulk purified water
BWFI bulk water for injection
CAPA corrective and preventive action
CpK process capability (also saved under P)
CPP certificate of a pharmaceutical product
DABT Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology
DIRA data integrity risk assessment
EAP WHO Expert Advisory Panel on The International
Pharmacopoeia and Pharmaceutical Preparations
ECSPP Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
EDI electro-deionization
EDQM European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines &
ERT European Registered Toxicologist
EQAAS WHO External Quality Assurance Assessment Scheme
EMA European Medicines Agency
EML WHO Model List of Essential Medicines
EU European Union
FAT factory acceptance test
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications
for Pharmaceutical Preparations
The open session of the Fifty-fifth Expert Committee on Specifications for
Pharmaceutical Preparations was coordinated from WHO headquarters,
Geneva, and took place virtually on 6 October 2020
Participants 1
Mr Baba Aye, Health and Social Sector Officer, Public Services International, Washington
DC, United States of America (USA)
Ms Jane Barratt, Secretary-General, International Federation on Ageing, Toronto, Canada
Ms Janis Bernat, Director, Biotherapeutics and Scientific Affairs, International Federation
of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations, Geneva, Switzerland
Ms Iris Blom, Liaison Officer to the World Trade Organization, International Federation of
Medical Students’ Associations, Copenhagen, Denmark
Dr Nick Cappuccino, Chair, Science Committee, International Generic and Biosimilar
Medicines Association, Geneva, Switzerland
Ms Kelly Catlin, Director, Quality, Sourcing, Cost Optimization and Process Chemistry,
Clinton Health Access Initiative, Boston (MA), USA
Professor Kostas Fountoulakis, World Psychiatric Association, Thessaloniki, Greece
Mr Shalini Jayasekar Zürn, Senior Advocacy Manager, Union for International Cancer
Control, Geneva, Switzerland
Ms Padma Kamath, Director, Regulatory and Scientific Affairs, Global Self-care Federation,
Nyon, Switzerland
Ms Marion Laumonier, Senior Advisor, Regulatory Affairs, Drugs for Neglected Diseases
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Unable to connect: Mr Herbert Beck, Senior Advisor, Public Services International, Washington DC, USA;
and Professor William Carroll, Strategy and Programme Director, World Federation of Neurology, London,
(United Kingdom).
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations
Mr Andrew Majewski, Senior Associate Director, Task Force for Global Health, Decatur
Mr Marco Marchetti, Health Technology Assessment International, Alberta, Canada
Dr Kevin Moore, Senior Manager, Pharmacopoeial Collaboration, US Pharmacopeia,
Rockville (MD), USA
Dr Rui Nakamura, World Medical Association Inc., Ferney-Voltaire, France
Dr Lila Raj Puri, Medical Advisor – Asia, The Fred Hollows Foundation, Sydney, Australia
Dr Roxana Rustomjee, Senior Vice-President, Research and Development, Sabin Vaccine
Institute, Washington DC, USA
Mr Paul L. Smock, Senior Quality, QA and CMC Oversight, Sabin Vaccine Institute,
Washington DC, USA
Dr Valérie Solbes, Pharmacy Quality Advisor, Médecins du Monde, Paris, France
Ms Judy Stenmark, Director-General, Global Self-Care Federation, Nyon, Switzerland
Ms Malyika Vyas, Head of Public Policy, European Society for Medical Oncology, Lugano,
Dr Habib Abboud, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic
Dr Varley Dias Sousa, Brasília, Brazil
Dr Petra Dörr, Bern, Switzerland (Chair)
Professor Ines Fradi Dridi, Monastir, Tunisia
Mr Johannes Gaeseb, Windhoek, Namibia
Ms Mónica Hirschhorn, Montevideo, Uruguay
Professor Eliangiringa Amos Kaale, Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania (Rapporteur)
Dr Adrian Krauss, Canberra, Australia (Co-Chair)
Dr Min Yong Low, Singapore
Dr Justina Molzon, Bethesda (MD), USA
Mrs Lynda M. Paleshnuik, Ottawa, Canada
Dr Lembit Rägo, Tartu, Estonia
Dr Budiono Santoso, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Technical advisers 2
Professor Erwin Adams, Leuven, Belgium
Professor Maria Del Val Bermejo Sanz, Valencia, Spain
Dr Rubina Bose, New Delhi, India
Dr Marius Brits, Potchefstroom, South Africa
Dr Theo G. Dekker, Potchefstroom, South Africa
Dr Dimitrios Dimas, Athens, Greece
Dr Alfredo Garcia-Arieta, Madrid, Spain
Dr Sunday Kisoma, Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania
Ms Heeyoung Park, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea
Ms Gugu Nolwandle Mahlangu, Harare, Zimbabwe
Professor John H. McB. Miller, Ayr, United Kingdom
Dr Jochen Norwig, Bonn, Germany
Professor Giovanni M. Pauletti, Ohio, USA
Dr Celeste Aurora Sánchez González, Havana, Cuba
Professor Gerhard Scriba, Jena, Germany
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Unable to attend: Professor Asita De Silva, Colombo, Sri Lanka; Ms Anne Hayes, Dublin, Ireland; Ms Togi
Junice Hutadjulu, Jakarta, Indonesia; Dr Rodrigo Martins Bretas, Brasília, Brazil; Dr Richard Rukwata, Harare,
Zimbabwe; and Dr Abdelaali Sarakha, Saint Denis, France.
Unable to attend: European Commission (EC), Brussels, Belgium; European Medicines Agency (EMA),
Amsterdam, Netherlands; World Bank Group, Washington DC, USA; World Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO), Geneva, Switzerland; and World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva, Switzerland.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations
Unable to attend: Indian Pharmacopoeia, Ghaziabad, India; and Mexican Pharmacopoeia, Mexico City,
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Prequalification (PQT)
Mr Deus Mubangizi, Coordinator
Dr Joey Gouws, Team Lead, Inspection Services
Dr Dimitrios Catsoulacos, Technical Officer
Mr Mustapha Chafai, Technical Officer
Ms Stephanie Croft, Technical Officer
Mr Vimal Sachdeva, Technical Officer
Mrs Iveta Streipa, Technical Officer
Dr Matthias Stahl, Team Lead; and Dr Andrew Chemwolo, Technical Officer, Medicines Assessment.
Regulation and Safety (REG)
Mr Hiiti Sillo, Team Lead, Regulatory Systems Strengthening
Dr Alireza Khadem Broojerdi, Scientist
Mr Mohamed Refaat, Technical Officer
Regulatory Convergence and Networks (RCN)
Dr Samvel Azatyan, Team Lead, RCN
Mrs Marie Valentin, Technical Officer
Technical Standards and Specifications (TSS)
Dr Ivana Knezevic, Team Leader, Norms, Standards and Biologicals
Dr Dianliang Lei, Scientist
Report writer
Dr Sian Lewis, London, United Kingdom
Regional Office for Africa; Regional Office for Europe; and Regional Office for the Western Pacific.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest made by members of the WHO Expert Committee on
Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations and technical advisers are listed below:
Dr H. Abboud, Professor E. Adams, Professor M.D.V. Bermejo Sanz, Dr M. Brits, Professor
T.G. Dekker, Dr V. Dias Sousa, Dr D. Dimas, Professor I. Fradi Dridi, Dr A. García-Arieta,
Mr J. Gaeseb, Ms M. Hirschhorn, Professor E.A. Kaale, Dr A. Krauss, Dr M.Y. Low, Ms G.N.
Mahlangu, Professor J.H.McB. Miller, Mr S. Kisoma, Dr J. Molzon, Dr J. Norwig, Mrs L.
Paleshnuik, Ms H. Park, Dr L. Rägo, Dr C.A. Sánchez González, Dr B. Santoso, Dr D. Sato,
Professor G. Scriba, Dr G.N. Singh, Dr R. Bose, Dr L. Stoppa, Dr J. Sun and Dr M. Xu reported
no conflict of interest.
Dr P. Doerr reported that she provided consultancy services to the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation in 2019 and 2020. This disclosure does not constitute a conflict of interest, as
the Foundation does not manufacturer any product relevant to the topic of the meeting.
Professor G.M. Pauletti declared that he had presented collaboration with WHO and the
outcome of a WHO project to the International Pharmaceutical Federation, a non-State
actor in official relations with WHO. This does not present a conflict of interest for this
Dr A.J. Van Zyl reported that he has worked as an independent consultant and auditor
to assess compliance with good manufacturing practice for the pharmaceutical industry
and has organized training workshops. This disclosure does not constitute a conflict of
interest as the companies involved do not manufacture any specific product relevant to
the topic of the meeting.
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
The open session was attended by ECSPP members and 23 non-State actors.
Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, the open session of the World Health
Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical
Preparations (ECSPP) meeting was held virtually, prior to the private and closed
sessions, on 6 October 2020.
regulatory groups. All texts are also issued for public comment. If the Expert
Committee decides that more work is required, the document returns for
consultation. If it decides that a consensus has been reached, the guideline is
adopted and published as an annex to the Expert Committee’s meeting report
where it becomes WHO technical guidance. The report is then presented by the
WHO Director-General to WHO Member States for implementation.
Dr Kopp emphasized the importance of the ECSPP’s work in developing
robust international norms and standards to support a global approach to dossier
submissions and inspections of manufacturers; standardize critical information
for procurers; promote convergence and collaboration among national regulatory
authorities (NRAs); and enable patients to access safe and effective medicines.
For more information on the ECSPP’s role in developing WHO norms
and standards, see section 1.1.
The WHO Secretariat to the ECSPP summarized the topics on the agenda of the
Fifty-fifth ECSPP meeting and provided:
■■ a brief update on WHO’s latest activities to support quality
assurance, regulatory guidance and technical specifications of
pharmaceuticals related to COVID-19 (section 10);
■■ an overview of The International Pharmacopoeia, which provides
analytical methods and specifications for active pharmaceutical
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-fourth report. Geneva:
World Health Organization; 2020 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025; https://www.who.int/
publications-detail/978-92-4-000182-4, accessed 5 October 2020).
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
The private and closed sessions were attended by ECSPP members, technical
advisers, international organizations and State actors.
The Fifty-fifth meeting of the ECSPP was held on 12–19 October 2020. Due
to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held virtually by Cisco Webex.
To maximize the efficiency of this online format, some agenda items were
covered by correspondence prior to the online sessions.
The meeting was officially opened by Dr Mariângela Simão, Assistant Director-
General, Access to Medicines and Health Products, on behalf of WHO Director-
General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
After welcoming all participants to the meeting, Dr Simão gave
recognition to the enormous pressure on scientists and health professionals,
as well as politicians, as they strive to bring COVID-19 under control. She
described the range of activities that WHO is undertaking to support the
global effort, including: establishing an independent panel to review global and
national pandemic responses; collating and publishing daily data on the number
of confirmed cases and deaths per country and region in an online dashboard;
producing weekly epidemiological and operational updates; developing country
and technical guidance; providing advice for the public; and leading numerous
initiatives to accelerate research and development of diagnostics, vaccines and
therapeutics, including the international Solidarity trial to collect robust data
from around the world on the most effective treatments for COVID-19.
WHO is also a partner in the newly-launched Access to COVID-19
Tools (ACT) Accelerator to expedite the development, production and equitable
access to COVID-19 tests, treatments and vaccines. Launched at the end of April
2020, this ground-breaking global collaboration brings together governments,
scientists, businesses, civil society, philanthropists and global health organizations
in an effort to speed up an end to the pandemic and to ensure high-level control
of COVID-19 in the medium term. The Accelerator initiative has four pillars
of work: diagnostics, treatments, vaccines and health system strengthening.
For each pillar, a WHO-led Access and Allocation workstream is developing
the principles, frameworks and mechanisms necessary to ensure the fair and
equitable allocation of these tools. For each pillar well-conceived international
norms and standards will remain paramount, as developed by the ECSPP and
other expert committees.
Dr Simão emphasized the importance of norms and standards for
clinical trials or to produce and test the quality of vaccines, therapeutics, medical
devices and diagnostics in ensuring successful outcomes for patients, not only
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
of COVID-19 but of all diseases. She reminded participants that the Director-
General has long identified WHO’s standard-setting activities as a core function
of WHO, saying that he sees the expert committees as the backbone of WHO's
standard-setting process. Earlier in 2020, WHO created a new division under the
Chief Scientist’s Office to streamline and coordinate WHO’s work in this area,
including the work of the NSP Team, led by the Secretary to the ECSPP.
1. General policy
1.1 Process for development of WHO norms and standards
Dr Sabine Kopp described how the World Health Organization (WHO) norms,
standards and specifications for inclusion in The International Pharmacopoeia
(7) are developed and the role of the Expert Committee on Specifications for
Pharmaceutical Preparations (ECSPP). As stated by Dr Mariângela Simão,
developing, establishing and promoting international standards for food and
for biological, pharmaceutical and similar products are part of WHO’s core
mandate (Article 2, WHO Constitution). The activity involves expert committees
established by the WHO World Health Assembly or the Executive Board, which
are governed by set rules and procedures.
The ECSPP is responsible for WHO’s guidance for the quality of medicines
and regulatory standards throughout their life cycle, from development to
delivery. WHO is thus responsible for more than 130 official guidance texts and
guidelines. It works closely with a wide range of partners, including national and
regional authorities and groupings, international organizations, professional and
other associations, non-State actors, quality assurance and regulatory experts,
WHO collaborating centres and pharmacopoeia authorities and secretariats.
Dr Kopp emphasized the critical value of the ECSPP’s work, given the importance
to WHO and the broader United Nations group of ensuring patients’ access to
safe, quality-assured medicines. It features prominently in the UN Sustainable
Development Goals, for example.
All monographs, guidance texts, good practices, model schemes and
guidelines adopted by the ECSPP are developed in response to recommendations
and requests from WHO governing bodies and programmes or in response to
major public health needs. They are widely circulated for public comment (with at
least two rounds of consultation for each document), reviewed by expert groups
and discussed at annual ECSPP meetings before they are adopted by consensus.
In all cases, the norms and standards developed by the ECSPP are intended to:
■■ be ready for adoption into national legislation;
■■ enable collaboration with other authorities;
■■ enable work-sharing (for example, through regional networks); and
■■ enable reliance on decisions from other regulatory authorities and
All decisions taken at the ECSPP’s annual meetings are recorded in
publicly-available meeting reports published in the WHO Technical Report
Series (8).
The Expert Committee noted the process.
2. Quality assurance: collaboration initiatives
2.1 International Meeting of World Pharmacopoeias
Members of the ECSPP were updated by correspondence on the latest
International Meeting of World Pharmacopoeias (IMWP). Each pharmacopoeia
addresses a different country or region but all work to protect public health
by creating and making available public standards to ensure the quality of
medicines. They meet each year to share experience and expertise and find ways
to synchronize their work.
The Eleventh IMWP, in February 2020, was hosted by WHO and the
European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM) in
Strasbourg, France. National and regional pharmacopoeial authorities at the
meeting strengthened their cooperation by agreeing on a new framework for
exchanging information within the Pharmacopoeial Discussion Group (PDG).
The framework, which will be trialled for a year, lays out new modalities for
cooperation and is expected to improve information exchange within the Group.
Participants of the IMWP also adopted a white paper on the added value
of pharmacopoeial standards for public health which will be published by WHO
on the world pharmacopoeias’ behalf. Other results of the meeting were:
■■ an exchange of information on the pharmacopoeias’ responses to
the N-nitrosamine contamination of medicines;
■■ the issuance of a global pharmacopoeial alert to ensure rapid
discussion and collaboration among pharmacopoeias in response to
the COVID-19 pandemic (section 10.2.2);
■■ the launching of a WHO-hosted website and file-sharing platform
for world pharmacopoeias to exchange knowledge and work
together more effectively; and
■■ an agreement to meet more frequently.
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
assurance of pharmaceuticals 2019 (11). Both the website and the e-publication
are being transferred to new systems and formats.
In 2020, following a request from WHO partners and donors, a full
updated list of current ECSPP-adopted guidelines, standards and good practices
was drawn up under the six categories used on the WHO website. The list is
intended to encourage broader implementation of WHO norms and standards.
Members of the ECSPP agreed, by correspondence, that the new list
could be useful but expressed some reservations about whether it was ready for
publication. They made several suggestions for improvements.
The Expert Committee noted the update and agreed that the new list
should be integrated into the ECSPP report (Annex 1).
4. Quality control – national laboratories
4.1 External Quality Assurance Assessment Scheme
Members of the ECSPP were updated by correspondence on activities in the
External Quality Assurance Assessment Scheme (EQAAS) which offers a
platform for pharmaceutical quality control laboratories (PQCLs) to measure
their performance in a confidential system of blind testing.
Organized by WHO with assistance from EDQM, EQAAS has been
evaluating the technical performance of PQCLs since 2000. This proficiency
testing scheme serves to: demonstrate the reliability of laboratory analytical
results objectively, independently verify a laboratory’s competence, establish
mutual confidence with collaborating networks and support continuous
improvement in performance.
EQAAS is run according to international standards for proficiency
testing set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Since the Scheme started,
laboratories in all six WHO regions have participated in more than 1,100 studies,
with 33 tests.
5. Quality control – specifications and tests
5.1 The International Pharmacopoeia
Dr Herbert Schmidt, Technical Officer, NSP, presented an overview of The
International Pharmacopoeia (1) which is a collection of quality specifications for
pharmaceutical substances and dosage forms, together with supporting general
methods of analysis. The collection, which is free to use, serves as source material
for reference or adaptation by any WHO Member State that wishes to establish
pharmaceutical requirements. It provides the means for national quality control
laboratories, procurers and public pharmacies to independently check the quality
of a medicine at any time during its shelf life.
The International Pharmacopoeia provides standards for essential
medicines for meeting global public health priorities. It therefore includes
mainly medicines that are on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines, are
the subject of invitations to submit an expression of interest for prequalification,
or are recommended by WHO and United Nations programmes on specific
diseases. The International Pharmacopoeia is developed in collaboration with
laboratories and expert groups and in consultation with stakeholders. The
process for preparing monographs, which is governed by publicly available rules
and procedures, is designed to ensure complete transparency and to enable the
participation of all interested parties. Before its inclusion in the collection, each
monograph must be formally adopted by the ECSPP.
First published in the 1950s, The International Pharmacopoeia will be
available in its 10th edition in 2020 as a digital publication on the WHO website
and on USB memory sticks. The 10th edition will contain five new texts, 10
revised texts and one corrected text, as agreed by the Fifty-fourth ECSPP in 2019.
They include two monographs on sofosbuvir and sofosbuvir tablets, which are
the first public standards to be made available for these medicines. Two texts
have been removed. The 10th edition was prepared with strong support from
ECSPP experts, EDQM, WHO collaborating centres, collaborating laboratories
and organizations, the ICRS Board and many WHO colleagues.
The 10th edition of The International Pharmacopoeia contains 373
monographs on pharmaceutical substances, 150 monographs on specific dosage
forms, 8 monographs on general dosage forms and 71 methods of analysis.
The Expert Committee noted the update.
and all references to the test in individual monographs. Thus, references to the
test would be deleted in monographs on bleomycin sulfate and spectinomycin
hydrochloride, and references to the test in the monograph on streptomycin
sulfate would be replaced by the statement: “streptomycin sulfate is produced by
methods of manufacture designed to eliminate or minimize substances lowering
blood pressure”.
This proposal follows a recommendation made at the informal
consultation on Screening Technologies, Laboratory Tools and Pharmacopoeial
Specifications for Medicines in May 2020 and is in line with the ECSPP’s overall
strategy to phase out animal testing where possible and justified (the test for
vasodepressor substances is performed on cats).
The proposed revisions to The International Pharmacopoeia were sent
out for public consultation in August–September 2020.
Quality control – specifications and tests
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Subsequent to the Fifty-fifth ECSPP meeting, the WHO issued a conditional recommendation on
20 November 2020 against the use of remdesivir in COVID-19 patients: https://www.who.int/news-
accessed 29 January 2021.
Quality control – specifications and tests
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Zanamivir powder for inhalation, pre-metered
Draft monographs on zanamivir and zanamivir powder for inhalation, pre-
metered, were proposed for inclusion in The International Pharmacopoeia. Both
monographs are based on submissions from a manufacturer and on laboratory
investigations. In order to align the tests and specifications with those of other
pharmacopoeias as closely as possible, the monograph on zanamivir powder
for inhalation, pre-metered, was prepared in partnership with The British
Pharmacopoeia, while the monograph on zanamivir drew on information in
existing monographs.
The two draft monographs were discussed at the informal consultation
on Screening Technologies, Laboratory Tools and Pharmacopoeial Specifications
for Medicines in May 2020 and sent for public consultation in July–September
2020. Laboratory investigations are underway for both, and the results and any
further revisions will be discussed at the informal consultation in May 2021.
The ECSPP discussed various aspects of the draft monographs, including
the methods prescribed to determine the water content of zanamivir.
The Expert Committee adopted the monographs, subject to finalization
by experts, in line with the proposed next steps. Should major comments be
received during the consultation, the monograph should be resubmitted to
the ECSPP at its meeting in 2021.
The proposed revision was discussed at the July 2020 meeting of the
Working Group on albendazole for The International Pharmacopoeia and verified
by laboratory testing. It was then drafted and sent for public consultation in
July–August 2020. After further laboratory investigations conducted in August–
October 2020, additional modifications to the test for dissolution were proposed.
The monograph on albendazole will be revised in line with
recommendations from the Fifty-fourth ECSPP in 2019, and the new monograph
on albendazole tablets is being prepared.
The Expert Committee adopted the revised monograph on albendazole
chewable tablets, subject to finalization by experts after an additional round of
public consultation. Should major comments be received during consultation,
the monograph should be resubmitted to the ECSPP at its meeting in 2021.
Quality control – specifications and tests
Ivermectin tablets
ECSPP members were asked to consider a revision to the monograph on
ivermectin tablets to align quantitative determination of the finished product
monograph with the provisions in the API monograph.
The proposed change emerged from discussions with the custodial centre
for ICRS, the EDQM, and has been agreed by the ICRS Board. It was further
discussed at the informal consultation on Screening Technologies, Laboratory
Tools and Pharmacopoeial Specifications for Medicines in May 2020, where
participants agreed to the revision and recommended that it be submitted to the
ECSPP without public consultation.
The Expert Committee adopted the revised monograph.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
5.4.5 Excipients
Sodium starch glycolate
Sodium laurilsulfate
Hydroxypropylcellulose, low-substituted
Three draft monographs for excipients were presented at the ECSPP for possible
inclusion in The International Pharmacopoeia: on sodium starch glycolate,
sodium laurilsulfate and hydroxypropylcellulose, low-substituted. All three texts
are based on monographs developed by the PDG, with editorial modifications
to bring them in line with the house style of The International Pharmacopoeia.
The monographs were sent for public consultation in August–October
2020 and the comments received are due to be discussed at the next informal
consultation on Screening Technologies, Laboratory Tools and Pharmacopoeial
Specifications for Medicines, in 2021.
The proposal to include the excipient monographs is part of ongoing
efforts to benefit from PDG’s offer to publish general chapters and monographs
in The International Pharmacopoeia (with due recognition of the source) and so
promote broader use of global quality standards. The International Pharmacopoeia
has already accepted several chapters, including on the dissolution test for oral
dosage forms.
The Expert Committee adopted all three monographs, subject to
their finalization by experts. It asked the WHO Secretariat with developing
a concept for future work on excipient monographs in The International
Pharmacopoeia, considering the need for such monographs from a public
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
6. Quality control: international reference materials
6.1 Update on International Chemical Reference Substances
The ECSPP subgroup on ICRS updated members of the Expert Committee on
ICRS activities by correspondence.
ICRS are used to identify and determine the purity or assay of
pharmaceutical substances and preparations or to verify the performance of test
methods. The EDQM has been the custodial centre for ICRS since 2010 and is
responsible for establishing, storing and distributing ICRS.
Since the latest meeting of the ECSPP, in October 2019, the ICRS Board
has released the following chemical reference substances, established by the
EDQM for use according to the provisions of The International Pharmacopoeia:
■■ estradiol valerate ICRS, batch 1; and
■■ moxifloxacin hydrochloride ICRS, batch 1.
Some of EDQM’s achievements in relation to ICRS in 2019 include
completing four ICRS establishment reports for WHO (three of which were
adopted) and monitoring 22 standards for continuous fitness for purpose (with
no significant findings on quality).
The WHO Secretariat thanked EDQM for its work in establishing,
storing and distributing ICRS and for providing guidance and support to
primary standards; the ICRS Board for reviewing the reports and releasing the
ICRS; and the collaborating laboratories for participating in collaborative trials
to determine the assigned content.
The Expert Committee noted the report and confirmed the release
of estradiol valerate ICRS, batch 1 and moxifloxacin hydrochloride ICRS,
batch 1.
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
7. Quality assurance: good manufacturing
practice and inspection
7.1 Inspection guidelines and good practices
with partner organizations
7.1.1 Revision of good manufacturing practices for sterile products
Members of the ECSPP were updated by correspondence on the progress in
revising the WHO good manufacturing practices for sterile pharmaceutical
products (12), which has continued since 2017. The work is performed in
collaboration with the EU, the EMA, PIC/S and WHO to align standards across
the world. The establishment of a common language is expected to benefit
authorities and manufacturers, save resources and, ultimately, improve patients’
access to good quality medicines.
The revised guidance has new sections on scope, utilities, environmental
and process monitoring and introduces the principles of quality risk management
to allow for the inclusion of new technologies and innovative processes.
First drafted at the end of 2017, it was revised internally and sent for public
consultation between December 2017 and March 2018. The public consultation
resulted in 6,200 comments from more than 140 companies and organizations
which were used to make further revisions to the guidance, approved by the
Inspection Working Group at the EMA in November 2019.
At its Fifty-fourth meeting, the ECSPP commended the work to
harmonize guidance on sterile products but, given the extent of the changes
made to the document in 2019, called for a second public consultation before
consideration of the guidance for adoption by WHO. In February 2020, WHO
sent the latest version of the guidance for consultation in parallel with a targeted
consultation led by the EU. The 318 comments received were reviewed by a
WHO-convened international working group and recommendations for action
were shared with the PIC/S-EMA drafting group. The EU consultation closed
in July 2020 and the comments received are still being reviewed by the EU and
EMA. The suggested actions by both the WHO- and the EU-led processes will
be considered to finalize the guidance.
The Expert Committee noted the progress report and expressed its
support for continued collaboration with the EU, EMA and PIC/S to harmonize
guidance on sterile products. It asked for a revised guideline to be presented, if
feasible, for possible adoption at its next meeting in 2021.
the IAEA and WHO. In late 2019, the ECSPP adopted the International Atomic
Energy Agency and World Health Organization guideline on good manufacturing
practices for radiopharmaceuticals (13), subject to finalization by a small group of
experts. The final version was shared with ECSPP members before its inclusion
in the fifty-fourth ECSPP meeting report.
The newly adopted guideline covers compounding and dispensing of
radiopharmaceuticals, representing one part of IAEA and WHO work to update
broader guidance on GMP for radiopharmaceuticals, as recommended by IAEA
experts in early 2018. The other two areas are investigational radiopharmaceuticals
and cold kits used in industrial radiopharmaceutical production.
In June 2020, at a virtual meeting of experts, IAEA and WHO decided to
focus first on a guideline on GMP for radiopharmaceuticals for investigational
use. A working group has been formed to agree on a structure for the guideline
and to start drafting the text. The group is scheduled to meet, virtually or face-to-
face as appropriate, at the end of October 2020.
The Expert Committee noted the update.
(20) was discussed during the informal consultation on Good Practices for the
Manufacture and Inspection of Health Products in July 2019 and presented at
the ECSPP meeting in October 2019. Much of the discussion at both meetings
was on the methods for establishing limits for carryover in safe cleaning as
these limits are important for assessing the risk of whether a dedicated facility is
required and also to prevent cross-contamination in shared facilities.
The Fifty-fourth ECSPP agreed that guidelines for inspectorates and
manufacturers should be harmonized and considered whether HBELs should
be included in WHO guidelines where appropriate. After a discussion, the
Expert Committee recommended that, first, a text be written to introduce
the topic and its complexities and to establish common understanding in this
area before potentially including the concept as a requirement in international
Quality assurance: good manufacturing practice and inspection
During the past year, the WHO Secretariat has coordinated preparation
of a document presenting the main points to be considered in reviewing the
current status of and approaches to cleaning validation in multi-product
facilities and a science-based approach to establishing safe carryover limits.
The document covers documentation, equipment, cleaning agents, sampling,
cleanability studies, risk management, guidance for setting HBELs, acceptance
criteria, analytical procedures, data integrity, cleaning verification, visual
inspection, cleaning capability, personnel, quality metrics and life cycle.
The draft document was sent for public consultation in May–June 2020
and the draft, and the more than 450 comments received, were discussed by an
expert group of inspectors during the virtual meetings that replaced the planned
consultation on Good Practices for the Manufacture and Inspection of Health
Products in August 2020. The expert group recommended that consideration
and application of HBELs should extend beyond cleaning validation and
urged the ECSPP to consider extending the inclusion of HBELs and their
implementation to relevant GMP guidelines.
A second public consultation generated approximately 200 comments
which were reviewed by an expert working group and used to further refine the
draft document. The main comments addressed definitions of terms (including
point of departure and verification), established cleaning limits, selection
of cleaning agents, sampling, HBEL setting, quantification of visually clean
criteria and calculation of cleaning capability. There were several requests for
editorial changes and a request to remove the section on quality metrics and key
performance indicators.
The ECSPP noted the work that had been involved in finalizing
the document in view of its anticipated large impact on pharmaceutical
manufacturers and inspectors. It reviewed the latest draft document and
suggested use of the term “qualified expert” rather than “qualified person” in the
guidance for setting HBELs. The Expert Committee also suggested that a list of
abbreviations be added.
The Expert Committee adopted Points to consider when including
health-based exposure limits in cleaning validation (Annex 2), subject to the
changes discussed. It recommended that the existing cleaning validation
guideline be opened for review and updated in accordance with the latest
good practices.
8. Quality assurance: distribution and supply chain
8.1 Shelf life for supply and procurement of medical products
The ECSPP was updated by correspondence on the progress in implementing
the Points to consider for setting the remaining shelf life of medical products upon
delivery guideline (27) adopted by the Expert Committee in 2019. The purpose
of the guideline is to facilitate the national authorization of imports, support
efficient processing, ensure sufficient stocks, address barriers to access and
supply, prevent dumping and stock-outs and prevent donations of nearly out-
of-date medical products. In adopting it, the ECSPP acknowledged the value
of a new guideline for guiding procurement agencies, regulators and other
stakeholders; harmonizing policies in this area; and addressing the problem of
short remaining shelf lives of donated medicines during emergencies.
During the past year, the WHO Secretariat was contacted by and
met various colleagues involved in procurement to consider how best to help
implement the new guideline. WHO colleagues plan to draft an advocacy note
to showcase WHO guidance on importation, good storage and distribution and
acceptable remaining shelf life and to ask WHO Country Offices to advocate
for use of the guidance by national regulatory and customs authorities and
by quality control laboratories. WHO colleagues have committed themselves
to cover the topic of acceptable remaining shelf life at the (virtual) Suppliers
Summit in October 2020 to increase awareness in countries of the new WHO
guideline and to better manage stocks by conducting forecasting exercises.
The Expert Committee noted the update and recommended proceeding
with the next steps implementing the WHO guidance texts (on importation,
acceptable remaining shelf life and good storage and distribution) through
WHO procurement channels and networks.
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
9. Regulatory guidance and model schemes
9.1 Proposal to waive in vivo bioequivalence requirements for
medicines on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines
Professor Maria del Val Bermejo Sanz and Professor Giovanni Pauletti described
the WHO Biowaiver Project and presented its work during the past year. As part
of its 2006 guidance on waiving bioequivalence requirements for immediate-
release oral solid dosage forms on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines,
WHO provided a list of APIs that are eligible for biowaiver. In 2017, at its Fifty-
second meeting, the ECSPP recommended that the WHO Secretariat revise the
Biowaiver List based on experimental laboratory data.
The Biowaiver Project, started in 2018, is based on sound methods
developed and optimized for the Project and detailed in the WHO protocol
for equilibrium solubility tests to classify APIs for biowaiver according to the
Biopharmaceutics Classification System framework. In 2018, during the pilot
phase of the project (cycle I), a first set of three APIs was classified for a revised
WHO list. A second set of 15 APIs was prioritized in collaboration with the
WHO PQ Team and sent for public consultation before being classified in 2019
as part of cycle II. The results of cycles I and II were collated in a living document,
the WHO Biowaiver List, which was published as an annex to the report of the
Fifty-fourth ECSPP (28). The results were also published in the peer-reviewed,
open-access journal ADMET & DMMPK (29).
In 2020, a set of 11 APIs was prioritized and classified in cycle III; the
data were presented to this year’s ECSPP and will be integrated into an updated
version of the Biowaiver List (Annex 8).
A fourth set of 10 APIs has been prioritized and the list was presented
to the ECSPP as the proposed focus of cycle IV of the Biowaiver Project in 2021
(Table 1).
Table 1
Prioritized APIs proposed for study in cycle IV of the Biowaiver Project.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Table 1 continued
API in WHO Model Therapeutic area Indication Highest
List of Essential therapeutic
Medicines a dose (mg) b
Dexamethasone * (1) Gastrointestinal (1) Antiemetic (1) (3) 0.75–9
medicines medicines mg a day,
(2) Immunomodulators (2) Acute depending on
and antineoplastics lymphoblastic the disease
leukaemia being treated
(3) Medicines for pain
(2) 40 mg
and palliative care (2) Multiple
(3) Medicines for
other common
symptoms in
palliative care
Doxycycline (1) Antiprotozoals (1) Antimalarial (1) and (2)
(2) Antibacterials medicines 100 mg (as
(2) Antibiotics hyclate)
(access group)
Ethambutol Antibacterials Antituberculosis 2g
Isoniazid Antibacterials Antituberculosis 300 mg
hydroxychloroquine Medicines for diseases Disease-modifying 400–600 mg
of joints agents used
in rheumatoid
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Regulatory guidance and model schemes
Table 1 continued
API in WHO Model Therapeutic area Indication Highest
List of Essential therapeutic
Medicines a dose (mg) b
Proguanil Antiprotozoals Antimalarial 100 mg (as
medicines hydrochloride)
* dexamethasone has been characterized in an expedited fashion to address the current global public health
emergency. Results are presented in Annex 8.
a 21st WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (2019) (30).
According to Summary of product characteristics from WHO Prequalification or national/regional regulatory
The list of proposed APIs includes two medicines that are in clinical
trials for use in the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020: dexamethasone
and hydroxychloroquine. In June 2020, at the informal consultation on
Regulatory Guidance for Multisource Products, participants urged an expedited
characterization of the solubility of dexamethasone tablets at 6 mg per day (the
dosage used in the COVID-19 Recovery Trial). The WHO Secretariat therefore
expedited the characterization of dexamethasone and the results have been
integrated into the latest Biowaiver List and shared with the ECSPP.
Professor Bermejo Sanz also presented two proposals for extending the
Biowaiver Project, as recommended by the group of experts at the informal
consultation on Regulatory Guidance for Multisource Products:
■■ A short-term exploratory study, potentially during cycle IV, to
consider API stability under pH conditions representative of
the stomach and small intestine, in order to support regulatory
decisions. This would involve measuring API stability for a period
equivalent to the estimated in-vivo contact of the substance in
gastric fluid (e.g. 1 h at pH 1.2, 37 °C) and small intestinal fluid (e.g.
3–6 h at pH 6.8, 37 °C) and quantifying the parent drug molecule
with the validated analytical method.
■■ A medium- to long-term study to define the suitability of the
system for performing in-vitro permeability experiments that
would generate meaningful results for classification according to the
Biopharmaceutics Classification System. The study would involve
comparison of the experimental design of acceptable in-vitro cell
culture models (e.g. Caco-2, MDCK), including recommended
model substances and limited validation requirements. The time
frame for this study would be defined after the COVID-19 pandemic.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
The ECSPP thanked all those involved in enabling the Biowaiver Project
to characterize the solubility profiles of prioritized APIs through experimental
laboratory data, including the network of laboratories involved in expediting
characterization of dexamethasone for public health during the current
pandemic. The Expert Committee discussed various aspects of the Project and
made several suggestions for improvement. The topics of discussion included:
the consistency of results from different laboratories, inclusion of polymorphic
forms in the Project’s studies and consideration of API stability and potential
quantification of degradation.
The Expert Committee agreed to integrate the results of cycle III into
the Biowaiver List (Annex 8). It further suggested promotion of the results of
the Biowaiver Project by presentation at scientific conferences, publication
in peer-reviewed and open-access journals and by advocacy, engagement and
partnership. The Expert Committee accepted the prioritized APIs proposed
for study in cycle IV and supported the planning of two exploratory projects
on stability and permeability.
Regulatory Tools for Medicines. Participants reviewed all the comments received
and shared practical experiences and challenges in operating the Scheme. After
the meeting, the Scheme was further revised, based on the feedback of the
participants, before being presented to the Expert Committee. The latest draft
includes revisions to:
■■ allow participation of regional and multi-State organizations;
■■ maintain an updated list of current participants;
■■ ensure that certificate-issuing countries include a firm declaration
that the competent regional or national authority meets the Scheme’s
requirements for notification to the Director-General of WHO;
■■ include the concept of reliance among participating authorities and
promotion of its use to ensure timely access to medicines;
■■ improve the transparency of information on manufacturing (in a
revised model template);
■■ discourage legalization procedures that unduly delay certificates;
■■ establish standard time frames for decision-making (20–30 working
days); and
■■ reflect current procurement practices (by removing statements on
marketing authorization from the Scheme and clarifying that batch
(lot) release certificates are not part of the Scheme).
Minor editorial changes were also incorporated into the latest proposed
The ECSPP thanked all those involved in revising the Scheme and
thoroughly reviewed the provisions of the amended Scheme, discussing points,
including membership renewals, the definition of regional authorities and
what constitutes an efficient surveillance system. ECSPP members requested a
number of further revisions, in particular to: acknowledge different types and
pathways for marketing authorizations; introduce provision for links to product
marketing authorization webpages, if available; make ensuring GMP compliance
regardless of location an option rather than an obligation; and removing the
reference to GMP for assuring the quality of APIs.
The Expert Committee emphasized that options should be explored
for promoting a shift to use of electronic systems and certificates by authorities
implementing the Scheme. It also recommended that certifying authorities be
encouraged to ensure that they have the competence and capacity to implement
the Scheme by citing the WHO Global Benchmarking Tool in the Scheme’s
preamble and adding it to the list of references.
The Expert Committee noted that, once the revised Scheme guidelines
are adopted, a number of implementation and operating issues might have
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
10. Miscellaneous: update on activities
related to COVID-19
Dr Sabine Kopp updated ECSPP members on the range of activities undertaken
in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which include developing and sharing
specifications, leveraging existing guidelines and supporting new activities.
11. Closing remarks
The Expert Committee thanked the Chair and the WHO Secretariat for
their exceptional work in ensuring such a smooth virtual meeting under the
challenging circumstances of COVID-19.
The Chair thanked the ECSPP for its standard-setting work, which
has an impact for many people in all of WHO’s Member States by enabling
access to quality-assured medical products. She thanked the WHO Secretariat
for supporting the Expert Committee and all ECSPP members for their active
participation. Dr Sabine Kopp thanked participants for their contributions and
for the high-quality discussions held during the meeting. Dr Kopp thanked
the Chair, the Co-Chair and the rapporteurs for contributing to making the
meeting efficient.
The Chair closed the meeting.
12. Summary and recommendations
The WHO ECSPP advises the Director-General of WHO in the area of
medicines quality assurance. It oversees maintenance of The International
Pharmacopoeia and provides guidance for use by relevant WHO units and
regulatory authorities in WHO Member States, to ensure that medicines meet
unified standards of quality, safety and efficacy. The ECSPP’s guidance texts
are developed through a broad consensus-building process, including iterative
public consultations. Representatives of international organizations, State
actors, non-State actors, pharmacopoeias and relevant WHO departments are
invited to the ECSPP’s annual meetings to provide updates and input to the
Expert Committee’s discussions.
At its Fifty-fifth meeting, held virtually from 12 to 19 October 2020,
the ECSPP received updates on cross-cutting issues from other WHO bodies,
including the Prequalification Team, the Regulatory Systems Strengthening
Unit and the INN Team. Updates were also provided by partner organizations,
including the IMWP, the IAEA and UNFPA, on collaborative projects. The
ECSPP was further updated on the latest work to ensure that manufacturers and
inspectors address AMR.
The EDQM, as the custodial centre in charge of ICRS for use with
monographs of The International Pharmacopoeia, updated the ECSPP on its
activities. The results of the latest phase of the EQAAS, which is organized by
WHO with the assistance of EDQM, were also reported.
The ECSPP reviewed new and revised specifications and general texts
for the quality control testing of medicines for inclusion in The International
Pharmacopoeia. The Expert Committee adopted 17 pharmacopoeial texts (4
general chapters, 11 new and revised monographs, including 10 that are subject
to a final review by a subgroup and 2 corrections), and confirmed the release
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
of 2 new ICRS established by the custodial centre for use in connection with
The International Pharmacopoeia.
The ECSPP reviewed proposals for new and updated quality assurance
and regulatory guidance and adopted 10 new guidance texts. In line with last
year’s recommendations, the ECSPP updated the WHO Biowaiver List as an
annex to its report. Moreover, it agreed to annex a consolidated list of all current
guidelines and guidance texts adopted by the ECSPP. After an update from
the Regulatory Systems Strengthening unit and further discussion, the Expert
Committee adopted a definition of “WHO-listed authorities” (WLAs).
The sections that follow summarize the specific decisions and
recommendations made by the ECSPP during its Fifty-fifth meeting in 2020.
Summary and recommendations
12.2.2 Monographs
General monographs for dosage forms
■■ Powders for inhalation (new)
■■ Liquid preparations for oral use (revision)
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
COVID-19 therapeutics
■■ dexamethasone sodium phosphate (correction)
■■ dexamethasone phosphate injection (correction)
■■ remdesivir (new)*
■■ remdesivir intravenous infusion (new)*
■■ sodium starch glycolate (new)*
■■ sodium laurilsulfate (new)*
■■ hydroxypropylcellulose, low-substituted (new)*
12.2.3 Omissions
The ECSPP agreed to omit the following text from The International
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
12.2.4 ICRS
The ECSPP confirmed the release of the following ICRS that have been newly
characterized by the custodial centre, EDQM:
■■ estradiol valerate ICRS, batch 1; and
■■ moxifloxacin hydrochloride ICRS, batch 1.
Summary and recommendations
12.3 Recommendations
The ECSPP made recommendations on norms and standards for pharmaceuticals,
listed below. Progress in completing the suggested actions will be reported to the
ECSPP at its Fifty-sixth meeting in October 2021.
The Expert Committee recommended that the WHO Secretariat, in
collaboration with experts as appropriate, take the actions listed below.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Summary and recommendations
12.3.6 Other
■■ Continue to serve as the WHO Secretariat for IMWPs and to publish
articles about the IMWP, especially the pharmacopoeial global alert
on COVID-19, in open-access peer-reviewed journals.
■■ Continue annual updating of the Quality Assurance of Medicines
Terminology Database.
■■ Promote the use of existing guidelines and guidance in the context
of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Expert Committee acknowledges the following contributors at WHO:
Dr A. Al-Nuseirat, WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean; Dr S.
Azatyan, Group Lead, Regulatory Convergence and Networks; Professor H.H.
Balkhy, Assistant Director-General, Antimicrobial Resistance; Dr R. Ballocco,
Unit Head, International Nonproprietary Names and Classification of Medical
Products; Ms B. Cappello, Essential Medicines; Dr D. Catsoulacos, Inspection
Services; Mr M. Chafai, Inspection Services; Ms H.L. Choi, Medicines Assessment;
Mr M. Conrad, Inspection Services; Ms E. Cooke, Director, Regulation and
Prequalification Department; Ms S. Croft, Inspection Services; Dr N. Dellepiane,
Consultant, Regulatory System Strengthening; Dr J. Dong, Local Production and
Assistance; Dr S. Estevão Cordeiro, Norms and Standards for Pharmaceuticals;
Mr M. Freitas Dias, WHO Regional Office for the Americas; Dr V. Gigante,
Norms and Standards for Pharmaceuticals; Dr J. Gouws, Team Lead, Inspection
Services; Dr L. Gwaza, Facilitated Product Introduction; Ms S. Jones, Norms
and Standards for Pharmaceuticals; Dr A. Khadem Broojerdi, Regulation and
Safety; Dr I. Knezevic, Team Lead, Norms and Standards for Biological Products;
Dr S. Kopp, Team Lead, Norms and Standards for Pharmaceuticals; Dr H.
Langar, WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean; Ms S. Laroche,
Global Supply Policies; Dr S. Lewis, Consultant, Norms and Standards for
Pharmaceuticals; Dr D. Lei, Norms and Standards for Biological Products; Mr D.
Mubangizi, Unit Lead, Prequalification; Mr M. Musonda, Prequalification;
Mr L. Nzumbu, Medicines Assessment; Dr C. Ondari, Director, Health Product
Policy and Standards; Dr R. Ostad Ali Dehaghi, Regulation and Safety; Mr M.
Refaat, Regulation and Safety; Dr M. Roldao Santos, Regulatory System
Strengthening; Mr V. Sachdeva, Inspection Services; Ms A. Sands, Incidents and
Substandard/Falsified Medical Products; Dr H. Schmidt, Norms and Standards
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Ghana; Food and Drugs Board, Quality Control Laboratory, Accra, Ghana;
Laboratoire National de Contrôle de Qualité des Medicaments, Conakry,
Guinea; Laboratory for Quality Evaluation and Control, National Institute of
Pharmacy, Budapest, Hungary; National Quality Control Laboratory of Drug
and Food, National Agency for Food and Drug Control, Yogyakarta, Indonesia;
Food and Drugs Control Laboratories, Ministry of Health and Medical
Education, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran; Caribbean Public Health Agency
Drug Testing Laboratory, Kingston, Jamaica; Mission for Essential Drugs and
Supplies, Nairobi, Kenya; National Quality Control Laboratory for Drugs and
Medical Devices, Nairobi, Kenya; Central Analytical Laboratory, Bishkek City,
Kyrgyzstan; Arwan Pharmaceutical Industries Lebanon s.a.l., Jadra, Lebanon;
Food and Drug Quality Control Centre, Ministry of Health, Vientiane, Lao
People’s Democratic Republic; Ministry of Health, Maseru, Lesotho; Laboratoire
Al‑Nujaym, Saudi Food and Drug Authority, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Professor V.R.
Alamà, Universidad Cardenal, Valencia, Spain; Dr I. Aljuffali, Executive Vice-
President, Drug Sector, Saudi Food and Drug Authority, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia;
Dr J. Albanese, Director, Analytical Strategy and Compliance, Janssen Research
and Development, USA; Mr I. Alstrup, Medicines Inspector, Danish Medicines
Agency, Copenhagen, Denmark; Dr M. Ali Alqubati, Pharmacist, Sana’a, Yemen;
Mr D. Anderson, Global Business Unit Quality Director, Solvay, Brussels,
Belgium; Dr T. Ando, Division of Pharmacopoeia and Standards for Drugs,
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency, Tokyo, Japan; Mr K. Andrei,
Federal State Budgetary Institution, Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of
Medicinal Products of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow,
Russian Federation; Dr M.H. Al Rubaie, Director General, Ministry of Health,
Muscat, Oman; Ms Y. Anastasio, National Administration of Drugs, Food and
Medical Devices, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Dr B. Appiasam-Dadson, Food and
Drugs Authority, Accra, Ghana; Mr R. Arcuri, Executive President, FarmaBrasil
Group, Brasilia, Brazil; Dr A. Arias, Senior Advisor, Health Canada, Ottawa,
Canada; Ms S. Arsac-Janvier, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva,
Switzerland; Dr M. Assalone, Technical Secretary of Argentinian Pharmacopoeia,
Medicines National Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Aurobindo Pharma
Limited, Hyderabad, India; Ms S. Ayral, World Trade Organization, Geneva,
Switzerland; Dr O. Badary, National Organization for Drug Control and Research,
Cairo, Egypt; Ms H. Baião, Infarmed, Lisbon, Portugal; Mr N. Banerjee,
Microbiology Head, Aurobindo Pharma, East Windsor (NJ), USA; Mr A. Bansal,
Drugs Inspector, Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation, New Delhi,
India; Mr A. Barojas, Technical Adviser, Product Quality and Compliance,
Durham (NC), USA; Mr I. Basade, Mylan Laboratories Ltd, Hyderabad, India;
Professor S.A.O. Bawazir, Saudi Food and Drug Authority, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia;
Professor M. Beksinska, Deputy Executive Director, MatCH Research Unit,
Durban, South Africa; Dr M. Belayneh, Pharmacist, United States Agency for
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Manager, Research Institute for Industrial Pharmacy Inc., Centre for Quality
Assurance of Drugs, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa; Dr R.
Bose, Deputy Drugs Controller, Central Drugs Standard Control Organization,
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi, India; Ms Y. Bowman,
Netherlands; Mr D. Brunner, Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme,
Geneva, Switzerland; Dr T. Brusselmans, Directorate General Inspection,
Industry Division, Medicines, Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products,
Brussels, Belgium; Ms K. Bugge Skou, Scientific Officer, Lægemiddelstyrelsen,
Danish Medicines Agency, Denmark; Dr N. Bunnuan, Director, Manufacturing
Quality Assurance, LifeStyles, Bangkok, Thailand; Mr M. Bursian, Head Archive
Operations, Grünenthal GmbH, Aachen, Germany; Mr Y. Cai, Process Support
Specialist, Fresenius Kabi SSPC, Wuxi, China; Dr M. Camelia, Radiologist,
Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, Bonn, Germany; Ms S.
Camplisson, Director of Pharmaceutical Technology, Allergan Pharmaceuticals
Ireland, Westport, Ireland; Dr A.M. Cancel, Product Quality and Compliance,
FHI 360, Durham, NA, USA; Mr Y. Cao, Deputy Director of the 4th Divison
Inspections, Centre for Food and Drug Inspection of National Medical Products
Administration, Beijing, China; Dr N. Cappuccino, Chair, Science Committee,
International Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association, Geneva,
Switzerland; Mr G. Carroll, General Manager Development Programme,
Operations Manager and Senior Inspector, Inspections Enforcement and
Standardization, Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency,
London, United Kingdom; Ms M. Casais, Senior Advisor, Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, London, United Kingdom; Dr J.M. Caudron, United Nations
Development Programme, Châtelaine, Switzerland; Mr S. Cavalheiro Filho,
Assistant Manager, Regulatory Affairs, International Federation of Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers and Associations, Geneva, Switzerland; Mr S. Champaneri,
Certification Manager/Product Technical Specialist, British Standards Institution,
London, United Kingdom; Dr T. Chanprapaph, Thailand Food and Drug
Administration, Nonthaburi, Thailand; Ms P. Chauhan, Global Regulatory
eCommerce & Intelligence, Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare, Hull, United Kingdom;
Ms J. Chen, World Customs Organization, Brussels, Belgium; Mr M.R.
Chowdhury, Novartis (Bangladesh) Ltd, Site Data Integrity Lead, Dhaka,
Bangladesh; Dr Lakshman Chunduru, Laurus Labs, India; Dr W.K. Chui,
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore,
Singapore; Ms A. Clark, Senior External Engagement Manager, United States
Pharmacopeia, Rockville (MD), USA; Ms A. Cockrell, Executive Director, Society
of Quality Assurance, Charlottesville (VA), USA; Dr R. Conocchia, European
Medicines Agency, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Ms A.G. Cord’homme, Product
Safety Manager, Health, Environmental and Regulatory Services, Puteaux,
France; Dr A.R. Cornelio Geyer, Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária
(Anvisa), Brasilía, Brazil; Dr H. Corns, Principal Pharmacopoeial Scientist,
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Pharmacy, University of the Western Cape, Bellville, South Africa; Dr J.D. Mallet,
Paris, France; Dr K.P. Mang, Head of Segment Management Process Analytics,
Mettler-Toledo GmbH, Giessen, Germany; Mangalam Drugs and Organics
Limited, Mumbai, India; Ms L. Margaryants, Scientific Centre of Drug and
Medical Technology Expertise, Yerevan, Armenia; Mrs D. Marin, Director, Drug
Inspectorate Unit, Ministry of Health, Belize; Dr C. Masinga, Lab Supervisor,
Virbac Veterinary, Johannesburg, South Africa; Dr J.Y. Martey, Accra, Ghana;
Mr W. Mathiya, Pharmacy Medicines and Poisons Board of Malawi, Lilongwe,
Malawi; Mrs R. Matos Gonçalves, Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency, Brasília,
Brazil; Dr J.L. Mazert, Paris, France; Dr A. Matias, Quality Control First Line
Leader, GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Grand Rapids (MI), USA; Mr D. McCartney, Head
of SRHR Connect, International Planned Parenthood Federation, London,
United Kingdom; Dr R.D. McDowall, Director, RD McDowall Ltd, Bromley,
Brasiliía, Brazil; Serum Institute of India, Pune, India; Shanghai Desano Chemical
Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, Shanghai, China; Ms H. Sharma, Manager, Rusan
Pharma, Mumbai, India; Professor G. Shashkova, Moscow, Russian Federation;
Shenyang Antibiotic, Shenyang, China; J. Shin, Medical Officer, World Health
Organization, Geneva, Switzerland; Mrs V. Shridhankar, Cipla Ltd, Mumbai,
India; Dr S.C. Shubat, Director, United States Accepted Names Program,
American Medical Association, Chicago (IL), USA; Mr S. Shull, Manufacturing
Process Engineer IV, Abbvie, Cincinnati (OH), USA; Dr M. Sibutha, Quality
Control Manager, Datlabs, Belmont, Zimbabwe; Mr D. Silva, Sindusfarma,
Sindicato da Indústria de Produtos Farmacêuticos, São Paulo, Brazil; Dr W.C.
Simon, Associate Director, Bureau of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ottawa, Canada;
Dr G.N. Singh, Ghaziabad, India; Dr G.P. Singh, Senior Scientific Officer,
Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
1. WHO guidelines on good manufacturing practices for the manufacture of herbal medicines. In:
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-second report.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018: Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1010;
annex2.pdf?ua=1, accessed 6 February 2021).
2. WHO guidelines on good herbal processing practices for herbal medicines. In: WHO Expert
Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-second report. Geneva: World
Health Organization; 2018: Annex 1 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1010; https://www.who.
accessed 6 February 2021).
3. Good pharmacopoeial practices: chapter on monographs on herbal medicines. In: WHO Expert
Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-second report. Geneva: World
Health Organization; 2018: Annex 7 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1010; https://www.who.
int/medicines/areas/quality_safety/quality_assurance/TRS1010annex7.pdf, accessed 6 February
4. Quality control methods for medicinal plant materials. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1998
(https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/41986, accessed 6 February 2021).
5. WHO guidelines for selecting marker substances of herbal origin for quality control of herbal
medicines. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-
first report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017: Annex 1 (WHO Technical Report Series,
No. 1003; https://www.who.int/traditional-complementary-integrative-medicine/publications/
trs1003_annex1.pdf, accessed 6 February 2021).
6. WHO guidelines on good agricultural and collection practices (GACP) for medicinal plants.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2003 (https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/
42783/9241546271.pdf?sequence=1, accessed 6 February 2021).
7. The International Pharmacopoeia, 10th edition. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021 (in
8. Specifications for pharmaceutical preparations. In: Essential medicines and health products.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 (https://www.who.int/medicines/publications/
pharmprep/en/, accessed 24 September 2020).
9. Quality assurance of medicines terminology database. Geneva: World Health Organization;
2019 (https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/quality-assurance-of-medicines-terminology-
database, accessed 22 September 2020).
10. Norms and standards: guidelines. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 (https://www.who.
standards-for-pharmaceuticals/guidelines, accessed 21 September 2020).
11. Quality assurance of pharmaceuticals 2019. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019 (http://
digicollection.org/whoqapharm/p/about/, accessed 21 September 2020).
12. WHO good manufacturing practices for sterile pharmaceutical products. In: WHO Expert
Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: forty-fifth report. Geneva: World
Health Organization; 2011: Annex 6 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 961; https://apps.who.int/
iris/bitstream/handle/10665/44079/WHO_TRS_961_eng.pdf?sequence=1, accessed 30 October
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
13. International Atomic Energy Agency and World Health Organization guideline on good
manufacturing practices for radiopharmaceutical products. In: WHO Expert Committee
on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-fifth report. Geneva: World Health
Organization; í2020: Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025; https://www.who.int/
publications/i/item/978-92-4-000182-4, accessed 30 October 2020).
14. Guidelines on heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems for non-sterile pharmaceutical
products. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-
third report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019:Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series,
No. 1019; https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/312316, accessed 25 September 2020).
15. Supplementary guidelines on good manufacturing practices: validation. Appendix 2. Validation
of water systems for pharmaceutical use. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for
Pharmaceutical Preparations, fortieth report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2006:Annex 4
(WHO Technical Report Series, No. 937; https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/43443, accessed
25 September 2020).
16. Good manufacturing practices: guidelines on validation. Appendix 4. Analytical procedure
validation. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-
third report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019: Annex 3 (WHO Technical Report Series,
No. 1019; https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/312316, accessed 25 September 2020).
17. Good manufacturing practices: guidelines on validation. Appendix 5. Validation of computerized
systems. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-
third report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019:Annex 3 (WHO Technical Report Series,
No. 1019; https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/312316, accessed 25 September 2020).
18. Good manufacturing practices: guidelines on validation. Appendix 6. Guidelines on qualification.
In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-third report.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019: Annex 3 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1019;
https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/312316, accessed 25 September 2020).
19. WHO guidelines on good manufacturing practices: validation. Appendix 7: Non sterile process
validation. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: forty-
ninth report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015: Annex 3 (WHO Technical Report Series,
No. 992; https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/176954, accessed 25 September 2020).
20. Good manufacturing practices: guidelines on validation. Appendix 3. Cleaning validation. In:
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-third report.
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019: Annex 3 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1019;
Annex3.pdf?ua=1, accessed 23 September 2020).
21. WHO good manufacturing practices: water for pharmaceutical use. In: WHO Expert Committee
on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: forty-sixth report. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 2012: Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 960; https://www.who.int/
medicines/areas/quality_safety/quality_assurance/expert_committee/trs_970/en, accessed 29
September 2020).
22. Production of water by means other than distillation. In: WHO Expert Committee on
Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-fourth report. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 2020: Annex 3 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025; https://www.who.int/
publications-detail/978-92-4-000182-4, accessed 23 September 2020).
23. Guidance on good data and record management practices. In: WHO Expert Committee on
Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fiftieth report. Geneva: World Health Organization;
2012: Annex 5 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 996; https://www.who.int/medicines/
publications/pharmprep/WHO_TRS_996_annex05.pdf, accessed 29 September 2020).
24. Points to consider for manufacturers and inspectors: environmental aspects of manufacturing
for the prevention of antimicrobial resistance. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications
for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-fifth report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020:
Annex 6 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025; https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/978-
92-4-000182-4, accessed 30 October 2020).
25. Good manufacturing practices: supplementary guidelines for the manufacture of investigational
pharmaceutical products for clinical trials in humans. In: WHO Expert Committee on
Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: thirty-fourth report. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 1996, Annex 7, Geneva: World Health Organization; (WHO Technical Report Series,
No. 863; https://www.who.int/medicines/areas/quality_safety/quality_assurance/Investigational
PharmaceuticalProductsClinicalTrialsHumansTRS863Annex7.pdf?ua=1, accessed 30 October 2020).
26. WHO guidelines on transfer of technology in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Geneva:
World Health Organization; In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical
Preparations: forty-fifth report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2011: Annex 7 (WHO
Technical Report Series, No. 961; https://www.who.int/medicines/areas/quality_safety/quality_
assurance/TransferTechnologyPharmaceuticalManufacturingTRS961Annex7.pdf?ua=1, accessed
30 October 2020).
27. Points to consider for setting the remaining shelf life of medical products upon delivery. In: WHO
Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-fourth report. Geneva:
World Health Organization; 2020: Annex 8 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025; https://www.
who.int/publications-detail/978-92-4-000182-4, accessed 23 September 2020).
28. WHO “Biowaiver List”: proposal to waive in vivo bioequivalence requirements for WHO Model List
of Essential Medicines immediate-release, solid oral dosage forms. In: WHO Expert Committee
on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-fourth report. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 2020: Annex 12 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025; https://www.who.int/
publications-detail/978-92-4-000182-4, accessed 23 September 2020).
29. Gigante V, Pauletti GM, Kopp S, Xu M, Gonzalez-Alvarez I, et al. Global testing of a consensus
solubility assessment to enhance robustness of the WHO biopharmaceutical classification
system. ADMET DMPK. 2020:doi:10.5599/admet.850.
30. World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines, 21st list. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 2019 (https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/325771/WHO-MVP-EMP-
IAU-2019.06-eng.pdf, accessed 6 February, 2021).
31. Pan American Health Organization, Pan American Network for Drug Regulatory Harmonization.
Regulatory reliance principles: concept note and recommendations. Ninth Conference of the
Pan American Network for Drug Regulatory Harmonization, San Salvador, 2018. Washington DC:
Pan American Health Organization; 2018 (https://iris.paho.org/handle/10665.2/51549, accessed
29 September 2020).
32. Outcome of WHO survey on reliance [website]. International Pharmaceutical Regulators
Programme; 2019 (http://www.iprp.global/news/outcome-who-survey-reliance, accessed 30
September 2020).
33. List of international comparator products. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (https://
after_public_consult30.9.xlsx, accessed 3 August 2020).
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Annex 1
Guidelines and guidance texts adopted by the Expert
Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical
As recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) partners and donor
organizations, a full and updated list of WHO norms and standards for
medicines, quality assurance and regulatory guidance texts adopted by the
Expert Committee and published in the WHO Technical Report Series has been
drawn up as follows.
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 1
Quality assurance/ agencies: aide-memoire for inspection
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 1
Supplement 16: Environmental management of 961 Annex 9 2011
refrigeration equipment
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 1
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 1
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 1
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 1
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 1
Inspection research organization master file
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 1
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
It should be noted that the above examples are described in more detail
in other documents. The focus of this document is on Health-Based Exposure
Limits (HBELs) setting in cleaning validation.
2. Scope
This document provides points to consider for a risk and science-based approach
when considering HBELs, based on pharmacological and toxicological data, in
cleaning validation.
This document further provides points to consider when reviewing the
current status and approaches to cleaning validation in multiproduct facilities.
The principles described in this document may be applied in facilities
where active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), investigational medical products
(IMP), vaccines, human and veterinary medical products are manufactured. The
principles may also be considered, where appropriate, in facilities where medical
devices are manufactured.
This document should be read in conjunction with the main GMP text
and supplementary texts on validation (1–9).
3. Glossary
Adjustment factor (safety factors). Numerical factor used in a quantitative risk
assessment to represent or allow for the extrapolation, uncertainty, or variability
of an observed exposure concentration and its associated health outcome in a
particular laboratory species or exposed population to an exposure concentration
for the target population (for example, from animals to human patients and
short-term exposure to chronic exposure) that would be associated with the
same delivered dose. Adjustment factors can also be used when dealing with
clinical data, e.g. when a study population is not representative of the general
population (10).
Cleanability. The ability of a cleaning procedure to effectively remove material,
cleaning agent residue and microbial contamination.
Cleaning validation. The collection and evaluation of data, from the cleaning
process design stage through cleaning at commercial scale, which establishes
scientific evidence that a cleaning process is capable of consistently delivering
clean equipment, taking into consideration factors such as batch size, dosing,
toxicology and equipment size.
Contamination. The presence of undesired foreign entities of a chemical,
microbiological or physical nature in or on equipment, a starting material, or an
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Lowest Observed Effect Level (LOEL), or Benchmark Dose Level (BMDL) for
an observed effect [the highest dose at which no unwanted/adverse effect is
observed (NOEL/NOAEL), or, if unavailable, the dose at which a significant
adverse effect is first observed (LOEL/LOAEL)].
Verification. Evidence that the equipment is clean (i.e. that residues are reduced
from prior operations to levels no higher than those that are predetermined and
specified as acceptable). Appropriate methods should be used and, depending
upon the circumstances, may include visual inspection, analytical and microbial
(as applicable) testing of swab and/or rinse samples.
Annex 2
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
5.1 Documentation
Risk management principles, as described by WHO and other guidelines on
quality risk management (12), should be applied to assist in identifying and
assessing risks. The appropriate controls should be identified and implemented
to mitigate contamination and cross-contamination.
The policy and approaches in cleaning and cleaning validation require
that good scientific practices should be applied (including the use of appropriate
equipment and methods). This should be described in a cleaning validation
master plan. Development studies, cleaning and cleaning validation should
be performed in accordance with predefined, authorized standard operating
procedures, protocols and reports, as appropriate. Records should be maintained
and available.
The design and layout of documents, and the reporting of data and
information, should be in compliance with the principles of good documentation
practices (13) and should also meet data integrity requirements (14).
5.2 Equipment
Cleaning validation should cover direct product contact surfaces. Non-contact
surfaces should be included in cleaning validation where these have been
identified as areas of risk.
Authorized drawings of equipment should be current, accurate and
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
5.4 Sampling
Historically, cleaning validation has focused mainly on product contact surface
A combination of at least two or three methods should normally be
used. These include swab samples, rinse samples and visual inspection. Visual
inspection should always be performed where possible and safe to do so.
Sampling should be carried out by swabbing whenever possible. Rinse samples
should be taken for areas which are inaccessible for swab sampling. The sampling
materials and method should not influence the result.
Appropriate sampling procedures, swab material and sampling
techniques should be selected and used to collect swab and rinse samples. The
detail should be clearly described in procedures and protocols. The number of
swabs, location of swabbing, swab area, rinse sample volume and the manner
in which the samples are collected should be scientifically justified.
Swab and rinse sample methods should be validated for commercial
product manufacturing and verified for IMPs. Recovery should be shown to be
possible from all product contact materials sampled in the equipment with all
the sampling methods used.
Where microbiological sampling is carried out, a compendial or validated
method should be used.
The manner in which collected samples are stored (if required) and
prepared for analysis should be appropriate, described in detail and included in
the cleaning validation.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
■■ chemical structure
■■ clinical indication
■■ mode of action
■■ route of administration (Note: Where there is more than one route of
administration, separate HBELs should be derived for each route)
■■ preclinical/nonclinical data, for example, of acute and repeat-dose
toxicity data
–– genotoxicity data
–– carcinogenicity data
–– reproductive and developmental toxicity data
–– immunotoxicity and sensitization data
■■ clinical data
■■ pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
■■ identification of the critical effect(s)
■■ point of departure for the HBEL calculation(s)
■■ adjustment factors
■■ justification of the selected lead rationale (if calculations with
different points of departure were made).
The report should be reviewed for its completeness and appropriateness
by the manufacturer’s designated internal personnel or by an appointed external
person. The person should have in-depth knowledge, appropriate qualifications
and experience (see above). A summary document may be prepared from the
report, for each relevant substance, which contains the key pharmacological/
toxicological characteristics of the compound, the effect that drives the HBEL
(“lead effect”), the basis of the rationale that has been used to set the HBEL and
the HBEL itself including the route/s of exposure for which the HBEL(s) is/are
valid (15, 16, 17, 18, 19).
The scientific report and calculated PDE value should be used when
defining the limits used in cleaning validation.
Note: If no NOAEL is obtained, the LOAEL may be used. Alternative approaches
to the NOAEL, such as the benchmark dose, may also be used. The use of other
approaches to determine HBELs could be considered acceptable if adequately and
scientifically justified (16, 17).
Manufacturers should periodically consider new data and information
on HBELs. Appropriate action, such as the updating of PDE reports, should be
taken where required.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Note: therapeutic macromolecules and peptides are known to degrade and denature
when exposed to pH extremes and/or heat, and may become pharmacologically
inactive. The cleaning of biopharmaceutical manufacturing equipment is typically
performed under conditions which expose equipment surfaces to pH extremes and/
or heat, which would lead to the degradation and inactivation of protein-based
products. In view of this, the determination of health-based exposure limits using
PDE limits of the active and intact product may not be required.
Where other potential routes of cross-contamination exist, the risks posed
should be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Annex 2
Cleaning verification
The company should describe the policy and approach to cleaning verification.
Cleaning verification is where the effectiveness of the validated cleaning
procedure is routinely verified. The approach may include swab or rinse samples
and should include the same sampling and testing procedures used in cleaning
validation. The results obtained from testing on a routine basis should be
reviewed and subjected to statistical trending if possible.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
5.14 Personnel
Personnel should be trained on the procedures and principles of cleaning and
cleaning validation, including contamination and cross-contamination control,
HBELs setting, equipment disassembly, visual inspection, sampling, testing and
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
1. Guidelines on good manufacturing practices for pharmaceutical products: main principle. In:
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations, forty-eighth report.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014: Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 986; https://
trs986annex2gmp-main-principles.pdf, accessed 12 August 2020).
Annex 2
12. WHO guidelines on quality risk management. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for
Pharmaceutical Preparations: forty-seventh report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2013:
Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 981; https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/
management.pdf, accessed 2 February 2021).
13. Guidance on good data and record management practices. In: WHO Expert Committee on
Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fiftieth report. Geneva: World Health Organization;
2016: Annex 5 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 996; https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/
management-practices.pdf, accessed 2 February 2021).
14. Guideline on data integrity. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical
Preparations: Fifty-fifth report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021: Annex 4 (WHO
Technical Report Series, No.xxx, website etc) Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019
(working document QAS/19.819; https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/medicines/norms-
and-standards/current-projects/qas19-819-rev1-guideline-on-data-integrity.pdf, accessed 2
February 2021).
15. PIC/S. (2020). AIDE-MEMOIRE: Inspection of Health Based Exposure Limit (HBEL) Assessments
and Use in Quality Risk Management (PI 052-1): Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention,
Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-Operation Scheme.Guideline on setting health-based exposure
limits for use in risk identification in the manufacture of different medicinal products in shared
facilities. EMA, 2014 (EMA/CHMP/ CVMP/ SWP/169430/2012).
16. Questions and answers on implementation of risk-based prevention of cross-contamination in
production and Guideline on setting health based exposure limits for use in risk identification
in the manufacture of different medicinal products in shared facilities. (EMA/CHMP/CVMP/
SWP/246844/2018). European Medicines Agency, 2018.
17. ASTM E3106. Standard Guide for Science-Based and Risk-Based Cleaning Process Development
and Validation.
18. ISPE Baseline, Pharmaceutical Engineering Guide, Volume 7 – Risk-based manufacture of
pharmaceutical products, International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE), Second
edition, July 2017.
Further reading
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
■■ Comparison of Permitted Daily Exposure with 0.001 Minimal Daily Dose for Cleaning Validation.
May 02, 2017. Ester Lovsin Barle, Camille Jandard, Markus Schwind, Gregor Tuschl, Claudia Sehner,
David G. Dolan. Pharmaceutical Technology. Volume 41, Issue 5, pages 42–53.
■■ ICH Topic Q3A (R2). Note for guidance on impurities testing: Impurities in new drug substances
■■ Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. ADE Supplement, Volume 79, Supplement 1, Pages
S1-S94 (15 August 2016) (https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/regulatory-toxicology-and
pharmacology/vol/79/suppl/S1, accessed 25 September 2020).
■■ Sehner C, Schwind M, Tuschl G, Lovsin Barle E. What to consider for a good quality PDE document?
Pharm Dev Technol. 2019;24(7):803-811. doi:10.1080/10837450.2019.1592188
Annex 2
Appendix 1
Using Health-Based Exposure Limits (HBELs) to assess risk
in cleaning validation*
Permitted Daily Exposure (PDE)
The Permitted Daily Exposure (PDE) can be calculated based on the data and
information obtained. For example:
The PDE is derived by dividing the NOAEL for the critical effect by various
adjustment factors (also referred to as safety-, uncertainty-, assessment- or
modifying factors) to account for various uncertainties and to allow extrapolation
to a reliable and robust no-effect level in the human or target animal population.
(Note: The values for the factors cited below are defaults and should only be used in
the absence of compound-specific information).
F1 to F5 are addressing the following sources of uncertainty:
■■ F1: A factor (values between 2 and 12) to account for extrapolation
between species;
■■ F2: A factor of 10 to account for variability between individuals;
■■ F3: A factor 10 to account for repeat-dose toxicity studies of short
duration, i.e., less than 4-weeks;
■■ F4: A factor (1-10) that may be applied in cases of severe toxicity,
e.g. non-genotoxic carcinogenicity, neurotoxicity or teratogenicity;
■■ F5: A variable factor that may be applied if the no-effect level was
not established. When only an LOEL is available, a factor of up to
10 could be used depending on the severity of the toxicity.
Barle, E.L. Using Health-Based Exposure Limits to assess risk in cleaning validation. Pharmaceutical
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Where a = product a
b = product b or subsequent product
Annex 2
Step 4. Tabulate the data for MSSR and identify where there is a risk, based on
the MSSR that are not met when considering the cleanability of the procedure or
the Visual Residue Limit of the compound / product.
Annex 3
Good manufacturing practices: water for
pharmaceutical use
Unlike other product or process ingredients, water is usually drawn from an
on‑demand system and is not subject to testing and batch or lot release prior
to use. Thus it is essential that water quality (including microbiological and
chemical quality) throughout production, storage and distribution processes is
In recent years, following extensive consultations with stakeholders,
several pharmacopoeias have adopted revised monographs on water for injection
(WFI) that allow for production by non-distillation technologies. In 2017, the
World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on Specifications for
Pharmaceutical Preparations (ECSPP) recommended that the WHO Secretariat
collect feedback on whether or not they should revise the WHO specifications
and good manufacturing practices (GMP) on WFI and, if so, how to do so.
Following several consultations, the ECSPP agreed that the monograph in The
International Pharmacopoeia (Water for injections) and the guideline WHO Good
manufacturing practices: water for pharmaceutical use (1), should both be revised
to allow for technologies other than distillation for the production of WFI.
In early 2019, the WHO Secretariat commissioned a draft guidance text
for the production of WFI by means other than distillation. Following several
public consultations, the text was presented to the Fifty-fourth ECSPP. The
Expert Committee adopted the Production of water for injection by means other
than distillation guideline and recommended that it should also be integrated
into WHO’s existing guideline on Good manufacturing practices: water for
pharmaceutical use.
This document is a revision of WHO Good manufacturing practices:
water for pharmaceutical use, previously published in the WHO Technical Report
Series, No. 970, Annex 2, 2011.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Annex 3
2.7 The grade of water used should take into account the nature and intended
use of the intermediate or FPP and the stage in the manufacturing process
at which the water is used.
2.8 Bulk water for injections (BWFI) should be used, for example, in the
manufacture of injectable products, such as dissolving or diluting substances
or preparations during the manufacturing of parenteral products, and for
the manufacture of water for preparation of injections. BWFI should also
be used for the final rinse after the cleaning of equipment and components
that come into contact with injectable products, as well as for the final
rinse in a washing process in which no subsequent thermal or chemical
depyrogenization process is applied.
Annex 3
4.2 Drinking-water
Note: The requirements for the design, construction and commissioning of drinking
water systems are usually controlled through local regulations. Drinking water
systems are not usually qualified or validated, but subjected to commissioning.1
4.2.1 The quality of drinking-water is covered by the WHO guidelines
for drinking-water quality (5) and standards from the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) and other regional and national
agencies. Drinking-water should comply with the relevant regulations
laid down by the relevant authority.
4.2.2 Drinking-water may be derived from a natural or stored source.
Examples of natural sources include springs, wells, rivers, lakes and seas.
The condition of the source water should be considered when choosing
a treatment to produce drinking- water.
4.2.3 Drinking-water should be supplied under continuous positive pressure
by a plumbing system free from any defects that could lead to
4.2.4 Drinking-water may be derived from a public water supply system.
This includes an off-site source, such as a municipality. Appropriate
drinking-water quality should be ensured by the supplier. Tests should
be conducted to guarantee that the drinking-water delivered is of
drinking quality. This testing is typically performed on water when
taken from the water source. Where required, quality may be achieved
through processing on-site.
4.2.5 Where drinking-water is purchased in bulk and transported to the
user by water tankers, controls should be put into place to mitigate
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 3
4.2.14 Storage tanks should be closed with appropriately protected vents and
should allow for visual inspection.
4.2.15 Distribution pipework should be able to be drained or flushed, and
4.2.16 The scope and extent of commissioning for the system should be
identified and justified.
4.2.17 If possible, the results from testing drinking-water should be subjected
to statistical analysis in order to identify trends and changes. If
the drinking-water quality changes significantly, but is still within
specification, the direct use of this water as a WPU, or as the feedwater
to downstream treatment stages, should be reviewed for any potential
risks. The appropriate action should be taken and documented.
4.2.18 Changes to an in-house system or to its operation should be made in
accordance with change control procedures.
4.2.19 Additional testing should be considered if there is any change in the raw
water source, treatment techniques or system configuration.
Annex 3
4.4.5 BWFI should have appropriate microbial and chemical alert and action
limits and should also be protected from recontamination and microbial
■■ the space available for the installation and environment around the
■■ structural loadings on buildings;
■■ the provision of adequate access for maintenance and monitoring;
■■ the ability to safely handle regeneration and sanitization chemicals.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
9. Storage vessels
9.1 Storage vessels should be appropriate for their intended use.
9.2 As a minimum, the following should be considered:
■■ the design and shape to ensure drainage of water from the vessel,
when required;
■■ construction materials;
■■ capacity, including buffer capacity, between the steady state, water
generation rate and the potentially variable simultaneous demand
from user points, short-term reserve capacity in the event of failure
of the water-treatment system or the inability to produce water (e.g.
due to a regeneration cycle);
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 3
■■ the need for heat exchangers or jacketed vessels. Where these are
used, double tube sheet or double plate heat exchangers should be
Phase 1
Phase I should cover a period of at least two weeks.
Procedures and schedules should cover at least the following activities and
testing approaches:
■■ chemical and microbiological testing in accordance with a defined
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Phase 2
Phase 2 should cover at least a further test period of two weeks after the
satisfactory completion of Phase 1. The system should be monitored while
deploying all the standard operating procedures (SOPs). The sampling
programme should be generally the same as in Phase 1. The use of the
water for product manufacturing purposes during this phase may be
acceptable, provided that Phase 1 and ongoing Phase 2 data demonstrate
the appropriate water quality and the practice is approved by QA.
The approach should also:
■■ demonstrate consistent system operation within established ranges;
■■ demonstrate consistent production and delivery of water of the
required quantity and quality when the system is operated in
accordance with the SOPs.
Phase 3
Phase 3 should follow phase 2 ensuring that the duration of Phase I, 2 and
3 cover at least 12 months. The sample locations, sampling frequencies
and tests may be reduced according to a routine plan which should be
based on the established procedures and data from Phase 1 and Phase 2.
Data should be trended, for example, quarterly and a system review should
be undertaken after the completion of Phase 3 as part of the evaluation
of system performance capability. The appropriate action should be taken
where such a need is identified.
Water can be used during this phase. The data and information obtained
during Phase 3 should demonstrate the reliable performance of the system
over this period of time covering the different seasons.
should be identified.
15.2 This document can be used as the basis of an audit and inspection. A tour
of the water system, treatment system, storage and distribution system, as
well as visible pipework and user points, should be performed to ensure
that the system is appropriately designed, installed, qualified, validated,
maintained and monitored.
1. WHO Good manufacturing practices: water for pharmaceutical use. In: WHO Expert Committee
on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: forty-sixth report. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 2012: Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 970; https://apps.who.int/iris/
bitstream/handle/10665/75168/WHO_TRS_970.pdf?sequence=1, accessed 29 July 2020).
2. WHO Good manufacturing practices for active pharmaceutical ingredients. In: WHO Expert
Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: forty-fourth report. Geneva: World
Health Organization; 2010: Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series No. 957; https://apps.who.
int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/44291/WHO_TRS_957_eng.pdf?sequence=1, accessed 29 July
3. WHO Good manufacturing practices for pharmaceutical products: main principles. In: WHO
Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: forty-eighth report.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014: Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 986 https://
accessed 29 July 2020).
4. The International Pharmacopoeia. Geneva, World Health Organization (https://www.who.int/
medicines/publications/pharmacopoeia/en/ and https://apps.who.int/phint/2019/index.html#p/
home, accessed 1 May 2020).
5. WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality: fourth edition, incorporating the first addendum;
2017 (https://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/publications/drinking-water-quality-
guidelines-4-including-1st-addendum/en/, accessed 1 May 2020).
6. WHO Production of water for injection by means other than distillation: fifty-fourth report.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020: Annex 3 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025;
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
caebed51_2, accessed 29 July 2020).
7. WHO Guidelines on quality risk management. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for
Pharmaceutical Preparations: forty-seventh report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2013:
Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 981: https://www.who.int/medicines/areas/quality_
safety/quality_assurance/Annex2 TRS-981.pdf?ua=1, accessed 1 May 2020).
8. WHO Guidelines on validation. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical
Preparations: fifty-third report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019: Annex 3 (WHO
Technical Report Series, No. 1019; https://www.who.int/medicines/areas/quality_safety/quality_
assurance/WHO_TRS_1019_Annex3.pdf?ua=1, accessed 1 May 2020).
Annex 3
Further reading
■■ American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Bioprocessing Equipment Standard. ASME — BPE
■■ Banes PH. Passivation: understanding and performing procedures on austenitic stainless-steel
systems. Pharmaceutical Engineering, 1990: 41.
■■ Guide to inspections of high purity water systems. Maryland, US Food and Drug Administration,
1993 (http://www.fda.gov/ICECI/InspectionGuides).
■■ Biotechnology. Equipment. Guidance on testing procedures for cleanability. British Standards
Publishing. BS EN 12296, 1998.
■■ European Medicines Agency, 2020. Guideline on the quality of water for pharmaceutical use.
EMA/CHMP/CVMP/QWP/496873/2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands (https://www.ema.europa.eu/
■■ European Pharmacopoeia: see website for the publishers of the European Pharmacopoeia and
supplements (http://www.pheur.org/).
■■ Harfst WH. Selecting piping materials for high-purity water systems. Ultra-pure water, May/June
■■ International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for drinking water ISO 24512:2007 consisting
of the following International Standards:
— ISO 24510, Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services — Guidelines for the
assessment and for the improvement of the service to users
— ISO 24511, Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services — Guidelines for the
management of wastewater utilities and for the assessment of wastewater services
— ISO 24512, Activities relating to drinking water and wastewater services — Guidelines for the
management of drinking water utilities and for the assessment of drinking water services
■■ ISPE Baseline Guide Volume 4: Water and Steam Systems. International Society for Pharmaceutical
Engineering, 2019.
■■ ISPE Baseline Guide Volume 5: Commissioning and Qualification. Second edition. International
Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, 2019.
■■ Noble PT. Transport considerations for microbial control in piping. Journal of Pharmaceutical
Science and Technology, 1994, 48: 76–85.
■■ Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme. PIC/S; Inspection of utilities; P1 009-1. Geneva,
Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme, 2002.
■■ Tverberg JC, Kerber SJ. Effect of nitric acid passivation on the surface composition of mechanically
polished type 316 L sanitary tube. European Journal of Parenteral Sciences, 1998, 3: 117–124.
■■ US Food and Drug Administration. Guide to inspections of high purity water systems, high
purity water systems (7/93), 2009 (http://www.fda.gov/ICECI/Inspections/InspectionGuides/
■■ US Pharmacopeia: published annually (see http://www.usp.org/).
■■ World Health Organization, 2018. A global overview of national regulations and standards for
drinking-water quality (https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/272345/9789241513
■■ World Health Organization, 2018. Developing drinking-water quality regulations and standards:
general guidance with a special focus on countries with limited resources (https://apps.who.int/
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
■■ World Health Organization, 1997. Guidelines for drinking-water quality, 2nd edition: Volume 3
- Surveillance and control of community supplies (https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/
■■ World Health Organization, 2018. Management of radioactivity in drinking-water (https://apps.
■■ World Health Organization, 2019. Microplastics in drinking water (https://apps.who.int/iris/
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 4
Guideline on data integrity
This document replaces the WHO Guidance on good data and record management
practices (Annex 5, WHO Technical Report Series, No. 996, 2016) (1).
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
2. Scope
2.1. This document provides information, guidance and recommendations to
strengthen data integrity in support of product quality, safety and efficacy.
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
2.4. Where possible, this guideline has been harmonised with other published
documents on data integrity. This guideline should also be read with other
WHO good practices guidelines and publications including, but not limited
to, those listed in the references section of this document.
3. Glossary
The definitions given below apply to the terms used in these guidelines. They
may have different meanings in other contexts.
ALCOA+. A commonly used acronym for “attributable, legible, contemporaneous,
original and accurate” which puts additional emphasis on the attributes of being
complete, consistent, enduring and available throughout the data life cycle for
the defined retention period.
Archiving. Archiving is the process of long-term storage and protection of
records from the possibility of deterioration, and being altered or deleted,
throughout the required retention period. Archived records should include
the complete data, for example, paper records, electronic records including
associated metadata such as audit trails and electronic signatures. Within a GLP
context, the archived records should be under the control of independent data
management personnel throughout the required retention period.
Audit trail. The audit trail is a form of metadata containing information
associated with actions that relate to the creation, modification or deletion of
GxP records. An audit trail provides for a secure recording of life cycle details
such as creation, additions, deletions or alterations of information in a record,
either paper or electronic, without obscuring or overwriting the original record.
An audit trail facilitates the reconstruction of the history of such events relating
to the record regardless of its medium, including the “who, what, when and
why” of the action.
Backup. The copying of live electronic data, at defined intervals, in a secure
manner to ensure that the data are available for restoration.
Certified true copy or true copy. A copy (irrespective of the type of media
used) of the original record that has been verified (i.e. by a dated signature or by
generation through a validated process) to have the same information, including
data that describe the context, content, and structure, as the original.
Data. All original records and true copies of original records, including source
data and metadata, and all subsequent transformations and reports of these
data which are generated or recorded at the time of the GMP activity and which
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
allow full and complete reconstruction and evaluation of the GMP activity. Data
should be accurately recorded by permanent means at the time of the activity.
Data may be contained in paper records (such as worksheets and logbooks),
electronic records and audit trails, photographs, microfilm or microfiche, audio
or video files or any other media whereby information related to GMP activities
is recorded.
Data criticality. This is defined by the importance of the data for the quality and
safety of the product and how important data are for a quality decision within
production or quality control.
Data governance. The sum total of arrangements which provide assurance of
data quality. These arrangements ensure that data, irrespective of the process,
format or technology in which it is generated, recorded, processed, retained,
retrieved and used will ensure an attributable, legible, contemporaneous, original,
accurate, complete, consistent, enduring and available record throughout the
data life cycle.
Data integrity risk assessment (DIRA). The process to map out procedures,
systems and other components that generate or obtain data; to identify and
assess risks and implement appropriate controls to prevent or minimize lapses
in the integrity of the data.
Data life cycle. All phases of the process by which data are created, recorded,
processed, reviewed, analysed and reported, transferred, stored and retrieved and
monitored, until retirement and disposal. There should be a planned approach
to assessing, monitoring and managing the data and the risks to those data, in
a manner commensurate with the potential impact on patient safety, product
quality and/or the reliability of the decisions made throughout all phases of the
data life cycle.
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
4. Data governance
4.1. There should be a written policy on data integrity.
4.2. Senior management should be accountable for the implementation of
systems and procedures in order to minimise the potential risk to data
integrity, and to identify the residual risk using risk management techniques
such as the principles of the guidance on quality risk management from
WHO (5) and The International Council for Harmonisation of Technical
Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) (6).
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
limited to:
■■ the establishment and implementation of procedures that will
facilitate compliance with data integrity requirements and
■■ the adoption of a quality culture within the company that
encourages personnel to be transparent about failures, which
includes a reporting mechanism inclusive of investigation and
follow-up processes;
■■ the implementation of appropriate controls to eliminate or reduce
risks to an acceptable level throughout the life cycle of the data;
■■ ensuring sufficient time and resources are available to implement
and complete a data integrity programme; to monitor compliance
Annex 4
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
5.4. Where the risk assessment has highlighted areas for remedial action, the
prioritisation of actions (including the acceptance of an appropriate level
of residual risk) and the prioritisation of controls should be documented
and communicated. Where long-term remedial actions are identified, risk-
reducing short-term measures should be implemented in order to provide
acceptable data governance in the interim.
5.5. Controls identified may include organizational, procedural and technical
controls such as procedures, processes, equipment, instruments and other
systems in order to both prevent and detect situations that may impact
on data integrity. Examples include the appropriate content and design of
procedures, formats for recording, access control, the use of computerized
systems and other means.
5.6. Efficient risk-based controls should be identified and implemented
to address risks impacting data integrity. Risks include, for example,
the deletion of, changes to and exclusion of data or results from data
sets without written justification, authorisation where appropriate,
and detection. The effectiveness of the controls should be verified (see
Appendix 1 for examples).
6. Management review
6.1. Management should ensure that systems (such as computerized systems
and paper systems) are meeting regulatory requirements in order to
support data integrity compliance.
6.2. The acquisition of non-compliant computerized systems and software
should be avoided. Where existing systems do not meet current
requirements, appropriate controls should be identified and implemented
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 4
7. Outsourcing
7.1. The selection of a contract acceptor should be done in accordance with
an authorized procedure. The outsourcing of activities, ownership of data,
and responsibilities of each party (contract giver and contract accepter)
should be clearly described in written agreements. Specific attention
should be given to ensuring compliance with data integrity requirements.
Provisions should be made for responsibilities relating to data when an
agreement expires.
7.2. Compliance with the principles and responsibilities should be verified
during periodic site audits. This should include the review of procedures
and data (including raw data and metadata, paper records, electronic data,
audit trails and other related data) held by the relevant contract accepter
identified in risk assessment.
7.3. Where data and document retention are contracted to a third party,
particular attention should be given to security, transfer, storage, access
and restoration of data held under that agreement, as well as controls to
ensure the integrity of data over their life cycle. This includes static data and
dynamic data. Mechanisms, procedures and tools should be identified to
ensure data integrity and data confidentiality, for example, version control,
access control, and encryption.
7.4. GxP activities, including outsourcing of data management, should not be
sub-contracted to a third party without the prior approval of the contract
giver. This should be stated in the contractual agreements.
7.5. All contracted parties should be aware of the requirements relating to data
governance, data integrity and data management.
8. Training
8.1. All personnel who interact with GxP data and who perform GxP activities
should be trained in relevant data integrity principles and abide by
organization policies and procedures. This should include understanding
the potential consequences in cases of non-compliance.
8.2. Personnel should be trained in good documentation practices and measures
to prevent and detect data integrity issues.
8.3. Specific training should be given in cases where computerized systems are
used in the generation, processing, interpretation and reporting of data and
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
where risk assessment has shown that this is required to relevant personnel.
Such training should include validation of computerized systems and for
example, system security assessment, back-up, restoration, disaster recovery,
change and configuration management, and reviewing of electronic data
and metadata, such as audit trails and logs, for each GxP computerized
systems used in the generation, processing and reporting of data.
Annex 4
Data transfer should be validated. The data should not be altered during or after
it is transferred to the worksheet or other application. There should be an audit
trail for this process. The appropriate quality procedures should be followed if
the data transfer during the operation has not occurred correctly. Any changes
in the middle layer software should be managed through the appropriate Quality
Management Systems (7).
10.2. Data and recorded media should be durable. Ink should be indelible.
Temperature-sensitive or photosensitive inks and other erasable inks
should not be used. Where related risks are identified, means should be
identified in order to ensure traceability of the data over their life cycle.
Annex 4
11.7. Access and privileges should be in accordance with the role and
responsibility of the individual with the appropriate controls to ensure
data integrity (e.g. no modification, deletion or creation of data outside
the defined privilege and in accordance with the authorized procedures
defining review and approval where appropriate).
11.9. For systems generating, amending or storing GxP data, shared logins or
generic user access should not be used. The computerised system design
should support individual user access. Where a computerised system
supports only a single user login or limited numbers of user logins and
no suitable alternative computerised system is available, equivalent control
should be provided by third-party software or a paper-based method that
provides traceability (with version control). The suitability of alternative
systems should be justified and documented (8). The use of legacy hybrid
systems should be discouraged and a priority timeline for replacement
should be established.
Audit trail
11.10. GxP systems should provide for the retention of audit trails. Audit trails
should reflect, for example, users, dates, times, original data and results,
changes and reasons for changes (when required to be recorded), and
enabling and disenabling of audit trails.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
11.11. All GxP relevant audit trails should be enabled when software is installed
and remain enabled at all times. There should be evidence of enabling the
audit trail. There should be periodic verification to ensure that the audit
trail remains enabled throughout the data life cycle.
Electronic signatures
11.13. Each electronic signature should be appropriately controlled by, for
example, senior management. An electronic signature should be:
■■ attributable to an individual;
■■ free from alteration and manipulation
■■ be permanently linked to their respective record; and
■■ date- and time-stamped.
and procedures, and in such a manner that they are protected, enduring,
readily retrievable and remain readable throughout the records retention
period. True copies of original records may be retained in place of the
original record, where justified. Electronic data should be backed up
according to written procedures.
11.16. Data and records, including backup data, should be kept under conditions
which provide appropriate protection from deterioration. Access to
such storage areas should be controlled and should be accessible only by
authorized personnel.
Annex 4
11.18. The decision for and manner in which data and records are destroyed,
should be described in written procedures. Records for the destruction
should be maintained.
11.19. Backup and restoration processes should be validated. The backup
should be done routinely and periodically be restored and verified
for completeness and accuracy of data and metadata. Where any
discrepancies are identified, they should be investigated and appropriate
action taken.
1. Guidelines on good manufacturing practices for pharmaceutical products: main principle. In:
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: forty-eighth report.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2013: Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 986; https://
accessed 4 May 2020).
2. Good manufacturing practices: guidelines on validation. In: WHO Expert Committee on
Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations; fifty-third report. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 2019: Annex 3 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1019; http://digicollection.org/
whoqapharm/documents/s23430en/s23430en.pdf, accessed 5 May 2020).
3. Good manufacturing practices: guidelines on validation. Appendix 5. Validation of computerized
systems. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-third
report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019: Annex 3 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1019;
Annex3.pdf?ua=1, accessed 4 May 2020).
4. Guidelines on quality risk management. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for
Pharmaceutical Preparations: forty-seventh report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2013:
Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 981; https://www.who.int/medicines/areas/quality_
safety/quality_assurance/Annex2TRS-981.pdf, accessed 4 May 2020).
5. ICH harmonised tripartite guideline. Quality risk management Q9. Geneva: International
Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceutical for
Human Use; 2005 (https://database.ich.org/sites/default/files/Q9%20Guideline.pdf, accessed
12 June 2020).
6. Good chromatography practices. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Preparations: fifty-fourth report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020: Annex 4 (WHO
Technical Report Series, No. 1025; https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/978-92-4-000182-4,
accessed 12 June 2020).
7. MHRA GxP data integrity guidance and definitions; Revision 1: Medicines & Healthcare Products
Regulatory Agency (MHRA), London, March 2018 (https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/
guide_March_edited_Final.pdf, accessed 12 June 2020).
Further reading
■■ Data integrity and compliance with CGMP guidance for industry: questions and answers guidance
for industry. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration;
2016 (https://www.fda.gov/files/drugs/published/Data-Integrity-and-Compliance-With-Current-
Good-Manufacturing-Practice-Guidance-for-Industry.pdf, accessed 15 June 2020).
Annex 4
■■ Good Practices for data management and integrity in regulated GMP/GDP environments.
Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention and Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme
(PIC/S), November 2018 (https://picscheme.org/layout/document.php?id=1567, accessed 15
June 2020).
■■ Baseline guide Vol 7: risk-based manufacture of pharma products; 2nd edition.
■■ ISPE Baseline ® Guide, July 2017. ISPEGAMP ® guide: records and data integrity; March 2017.
■■ Data integrity management system for pharmaceutical laboratories PDA Technical Report, No. 80;
August 2018.
■■ ICH harmonised tripartite guideline. Pharmaceutical Quality System Q10. Geneva: International
Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceutical for
Human Use; 2008 (https://database.ich.org/sites/default/files/Q10%20Guideline.pdf, accessed
2 October 2020).
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Appendix 1
Examples in data integrity management
This Appendix reflects on some examples in data integrity management in order
to support the main text on data integrity. It should be noted that these are
examples and are intended for the purpose of clarification only.
the risk relating to the lapse in data integrity, the severity could be classified as
“low” (the data is available on the print-out); it does not happen on a regular
basis (occurrence is “low”), and it could easily be detected by the reviewer
(detection is “high”) – therefore the overall risk factor may be considered low.
The root cause as to why the record was not made in the analytical report at the
time of weighing should still be identified and the appropriate action taken to
prevent this from happening again.
Design formats to enable personnel to record or enter the correct information
contemporaneously. Provision should be made for entries such as, but not
limited to, dates, times (start and finish time, where appropriate), signatures,
initials, results, batch numbers and equipment identification numbers. When a
computerized system is used, the system should prompt the personnel to make
the entries at the appropriate step.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
critical data to detect if they have been altered. The manual entry of data from a
paper record into a computerized system should be traceable to the paper records
used which are kept as original data.
Example 4: Dataset
All data should be included in the dataset unless there is a documented,
justifiable, scientific explanation and procedure for the exclusion of any result
or data. Whenever out of specification or out of trend or atypical results are
obtained, they should be investigated in accordance with written procedures.
This includes investigating and determining CAPA for invalid runs, failures,
repeats and other atypical data. The review of original electronic data should
include checks of all locations where data may have been stored, including
locations where voided, deleted, invalid or rejected data may have been stored.
Data and metadata related to a particular test or product should be recorded
together. The data should be appropriately stored in designated folders. The data
should not be stored in other electronic folders or in other operating system
logs. Electronic data should be archived in accordance with a standard operating
procedure. It is important to ensure that associated metadata are archived
with the relevant data set or securely traceable to the data set through relevant
documentation. It should be possible to successfully retrieve all required data
and metadata from the archives. The retrieval and verification should be done
at defined intervals and in accordance with an authorized procedure.
version of a software application that can read the data. When storing data
electronically, ensure that any restrictions which may apply and the ability to
read the electronic data are understood. Clarification from software vendors
should be sought before performing any upgrade, or when switching to an
alternative application, to ensure that data previously created will be readable.
Other risks include the fading of microfilm records, the decreasing
readability of the coatings of optical media such as compact disks (CDs) and
digital versatile/video disks (DVDs), and the fact that these media may become
Similarly, historical data stored on magnetic media will also become
unreadable over time as a result of deterioration. Data and records should be
stored in an appropriate manner, under the appropriate conditions.
Annex 4
Example 6: Attributable
Data should be attributable, thus being traceable to an individual and where
relevant, the measurement system. In paper records, this could be done through
the use of initials, full handwritten signature or a controlled personal seal. In
electronic records, this could be done through the use of unique user logons that
link the user to actions that create, modify or delete data; or unique electronic
signatures which can be either biometric or non-biometric. An audit trail should
capture user identification (ID), date and time stamps and the electronic signature
should be securely and permanently linked to the signed record.
Example 7: Contemporaneous
Personnel should record data and information at the time these are generated
and acquired. For example, when a sample is weighed or prepared, the weight
of the sample (date, time, name of the person, balance identification number)
should be recorded at that time and not before or at a later stage. In the case
of electronic data, these should be automatically date- and time-stamped. In
case hybrid systems are to be used, including the use for an interim period, the
potential and criticality of system breaches should be covered in the assessment
with documented mitigating controls in place. (The replacement of hybrid
systems should be a priority with a documented CAPA plan.) The use of a scribe
to record an activity on behalf of another operator should be considered only
on an exceptional basis and should only take place where, for example, the act
of recording places the product or activity at risk, such as, documenting line
interventions by aseptic area operators. It needs to be clearly documented when
a scribe has been applied.
“In these situations, the recording by the second person should be
contemporaneous with the task being performed, and the records
should identify both the person performing the task and the person
completing the record. The person performing the task should
countersign the record wherever possible, although it is accepted
that this countersigning step will be retrospective. The process for
supervisory (scribe) documentation completion should be described
in an approved procedure that specifies the activities to which the
process applies.” (Extract taken from the Medicines & Healthcare
Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) GxP data integrity guidance
and definitions (10).)
A record of employees indicating, their name, signature, initials or other mark
or seal used should be maintained to enable traceability and to uniquely identify
them and the respective action.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Example 8: Changes
When changes are made to any GxP result or data, the change should be
traceable to the person who made the change as well as the date, time and reason
for the change. The original value should not be obscured. In electronic systems,
this traceability should be documented via computer generated audit trails
or in other metadata fields or system features that meet these requirements.
Where an existing computerized system lacks computer-generated audit trails,
personnel may use alternative means such as procedurally controlled use of log-
books, change control, record version control or other combinations of paper
and electronic records to meet GxP regulatory expectations for traceability to
document the what, who, when and why of an action.
Example 9: Original
The first or source capture of data or information and all subsequent data
required to fully reconstruct the conduct of the GxP activity should be available.
In some cases, the electronic data (electronic chromatogram acquired through
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)) may be the first source of
data and, in other cases, the recording of the temperature on a log sheet in a
room – by reading the value on a data logger. This data should be reviewed
according to the criticality and risk assessment.
Annex 5
World Health Organization/United Nations Population
Fund Recommendations for condom storage and shipping
The report of the Fifty-fourth meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO)
Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations (ECSPP) in
2019 (1)) stated the following:
As agreed at the ECSPP meeting in October 2018, the United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) and WHO have separated different aspects
of the current procedures for contraceptive devices and condoms and are
developing seven different documents:
■■ prequalification programme guidance for contraceptive devices: male
latex condoms, female condoms and intrauterine devices;
■■ technical specifications for male latex condoms;
■■ specifications for plain lubricants;
■■ condom quality assurance;
■■ guidance on testing of male latex condoms;
■■ recommendations for condom storage and shipping temperatures; and
■■ guidance on conducting post-market surveillance of condoms.
All seven documents were revised in the first half of 2019, then sent to
the Expert Advisory Panel (EAP) and put out for public consultation in
July 2019. The comments received were reviewed by specialists in October
2019, prior to being presented to the ECSPP. At UNFPA’s request, the
ECSPP focused on the first three documents (on UNFPA’s Prequalification
Programme guidance, condom quality assurance, and specifications
for plain lubricants), noting that all comments have been addressed. It
suggested some further minor revisions, including recommending changes
to clarify that, while the specifications for plain lubricants are principally
targeted at procurement agencies, they may also be used by regulators
for public procurement. The next steps for the remaining four documents
include incorporating comments from the latest consultations and then
bringing them back to the ECSPP for possible adoption at its next meeting
in 2020.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
1. Introduction 163
2. During shipment 163
3. Warehouse storage 164
References 165
Further reading 166
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 5
1. Introduction
Good quality condoms conforming to the World Health Organization (WHO)/
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) technical specifications for male latex
condoms (3) have excellent storage properties. The combination of individual
condom packaging, inner boxes and shipping containers is designed to protect
the condoms during shipping and storage. Nevertheless, storage under poor
conditions and/or rough handling during shipping might adversely affect the
properties of the condoms. Extended exposure to excessively high temperatures
(over 40 °C) may adversely affect shelf life. This document provides guidance
on the shipping and storage of condoms to help ensure they conform to
WHO/UNFPA Specification and ISO 4074:2015 requirements until after the
manufacturer’s stated expiry date.
The individual primary packages specified in the WHO/UNFPA
technical specification for male latex condoms protect the condoms from
exposure to oxygen, ozone and water. Nevertheless, as with all medicines and
medical devices, the products should be protected for exposure to any form
of contamination including dust, pests and water. Although the individual
packages protect the condoms from water and moisture vapour excessively
high humidity and direct exposure to water may damage the inner boxes and
shipping cartons.
This guidance is to be referred along with WHO Good distribution
practices for pharmaceutical products (5).
2. During shipment
Store condoms in dry conditions away from direct sources of heat and sunlight.
The mean kinetic temperature 1 (MKT) during shipment should not
exceed 30 °C. Peak temperatures should not exceed 50 °C 2. The use of calibrated
data loggers to monitor all shipments that originate, terminate or transit hot
climatic zones is recommended. WHO maintains a list of suitable prequalified
data loggers 3.
Temperatures during shipping can be monitored using data loggers. Most modern data loggers can
automatically calculate and print out the mean kinetic temperature (MKT) (in some cases, data has to be
downloaded and analysed using provided software).
Brief, short term temperature excursions up to 50 °C have limited impact on MKT. If during shipping
the MKT exceeds 30 °C and/or peak temperatures exceed 50 °C, a risk assessment should be conducted
to assess whether or not the properties of the condoms in the consignment have been compromised.
Random sampling and testing of condoms for burst properties is recommended to support the risk
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
3. Warehouse storage
Store in well ventilated, dry conditions away from direct sources of heat,
including sunlight.
Long-term (i.e. one month to a year) average storage temperature should
be less than 30 °C. Short-term (i.e. up to one month) temperature excursions
should not exceed 40 °C. The recommended limit for short term exposure is
cumulative over the total period of storage.
Condom factories prequalified by UNFPA will have provided evidence
to verify the claimed shelf life of the product. The shelf life is determined by
accelerated and real-time studies, conducted at or referenced to a specific
temperature (30 +5/ −2 °C) because this is the MKT of the most extreme climate
in climatic zones III and IV 4. Research has demonstrated that properly packaged
good-quality condoms stored at average temperatures in tropical climates do
not deteriorate during storage. More information about the recommendations
for storage and shipment, and the rationale for choosing 30 + 5/ −2 °C as the
storage temperature for stability studies, is given in the Technical Basis Paper of
the WHO/UNFPA technical specifications for male latex condoms (3).
Since the shelf life of the condoms will have been determined at 30 + 5/
−2 °C, air-conditioned storage is not necessary but it would be an advantage
in hot climates, if available. In hot climates, it is important that condoms are
stored in a well-ventilated environment away from direct sunlight and other
sources of heat in order to minimize the exposure of the condoms to high
temperatures. Similar precautions should be taken during transportation and
delivery. In general, the storage temperature should be as low as can practically
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
More details on climatic zones can be found in WHO Stability testing of active pharmaceutical ingredients
be ensured that the floor of the storage area is paved with concrete and the walls
and floor should not get damp due to seepage of water or rain water condensate.
The ambient temperature in the warehouse should be recorded.
Condoms are fully protected by the individual foil package. However,
cosmetic damage to the foil and damage to the outer packaging can make the
product appear damaged and therefore less acceptable to the user.
In accordance with good storage practices, potential contaminants of any
sort (e.g. powders or liquids) should be avoided to reduce risk to the end users of
the condoms.
Condoms should be left in their original cartons and inner boxes
until needed for distribution. The cartons should be positioned so that the lot
number and expiry date are visible. If any additional information, such as local
registration identification numbers, is required this should be affixed to the
shipping cartons adjacent to the lot numbers and expiry dates to permit all the
information to be readily seen during storage. The cartons should be identified
and their locations recorded to ensure that specific lots can be located. Lots
should be released on a first expiry—first out basis (FEFO).
Recalled, damaged or expired condoms should be clearly labelled and
kept in a separate, clearly identified and segregated quarantine area. The disposal
of such condoms should be in accordance with local procedures for the disposal
of damaged medical devices.
1. WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-fourth report.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025; https://www.
who.int/publications-detail/978-92-4-000182-4, accessed 20 May 2020).
2. World Health Organization/United Nations Population Fund Prequalification Programme
guidance for contraceptive devices: male latex condoms, female condoms and intrauterine
devices. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-
fourth report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020: Annex 9 (WHO Technical Report Series,
No. 1025; trs1025-annex9.pdf (who.int), accessed 14 January 2021).
3. World Health Organization/United Nations Population Fund Technical specifications for male
latex condoms. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations:
fifty-fourth report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020: Annex 10 (WHO Technical Report
Series, No. 1025; https://www.who.int/publications-detail/978-92-4-000182-4, accessed 20 May
4. World Health Organization/United Nations Population Fund UNFPA-WHO specifications for plain
lubricants. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-
fourth report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020: Annex 11 (WHO Technical Report Series,
No. 1025; trs1025-annex11.pdf (who.int), accessed 14 January 2021).
5. WHO Good Storage and Distribution Practices for Medical Products published in WHO Technical
Report Series, No. 1025, 2020 Annex 7 trs1025-annex7.pdf (who.int) , accessed 14 January 2021).
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
6. Stability testing of active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished pharmaceutical products. In:
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-second report.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018: Annex 10 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1010;
ingredients.pdf, accessed 2 February 2021).
Further reading
■■ UNFPA-published Condom programming for HIV prevention—An operations manual for
programme managers and PATH’s procurement capacity toolkit: Tools and resources for
procurement of reproductive health supplies and safe disposal and management of unused,
unwanted, contraceptives (http://www.unfpa.org/resources/safe-disposal-and-management-
unused-unwanted-contraceptives, accessed 20 May 2020).
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 6
World Health Organization/United Nations Population
Fund Guidance on testing of male latex condoms
The report of the Fifty-fourth meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO)
Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations (ECSPP) in
2019 (1) stated the following:
As agreed at the ECSPP meeting in October 2018, the United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) and WHO have separated out different aspects
of the current procedure for contraceptive devices and condoms and are
developing seven different documents:
■■ prequalification programme guidance for contraceptive devices: male
latex condoms, female condoms and intrauterine devices;
■■ technical specifications for male latex condoms;
■■ specifications for plain lubricants;
■■ condom quality assurance;
■■ guidance on testing of male latex condoms;
■■ recommendations for condom storage and shipping temperatures; and
■■ guidance on conducting post-market surveillance of condoms.
All seven documents were revised in the first half of 2019, then sent to
the Expert Advisory Panel (EAP) and put out for public consultation in
July 2019. The comments received were reviewed by specialists in October
2019, prior to being presented to the ECSPP. At UNFPA’s request, the
ECSPP focused on the first three documents (on UNFPA’s Prequalification
Programme guidance, condom quality assurance and specifications
for plain lubricants), noting that all comments have been addressed. It
suggested some further minor revisions, including recommending changes
to clarify that, while the specifications for plain lubricants are principally
targeted at procurement agencies, they may also be used by regulators
for public procurement. The next steps for the remaining four documents
include incorporating comments from the latest consultations and then
bringing them back to the ECSPP for possible adoption at its next meeting
in 2020.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
1. Introduction 170
2. Determination of length 170
3. Determination of width 171
4. Determination of thickness 171
4.1 Mass method 172
4.2 Micrometer method 173
5. Determination of bursting volume and pressure 174
5.1 Loading of the condom onto the mandrel 175
5.2 Ensuring the correct inflation length 175
5.3 Checking that the condom does not slip during inflation 176
5.4 Calibrating the volume and pressure measuring equipment 176
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 6
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
1. Introduction
Condoms, procured as part of a public procurement programme or otherwise,
are tested as per the World Health Organization (WHO)/United Nations Fund
Population (UNFPA) specification by independent laboratories. In addition, there
may be specific programme requirements which would have been incorporated
in the purchase orders. These testing laboratories have to be accredited to the
current version of ISO 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing
and calibration laboratories (5), and use the test methods in the current version of
ISO 4074 Natural rubber latex male condoms – Requirements and test methods (6),
in order to be considered for testing services. The following guidance has been
developed to assist the laboratories to standardize testing and reduce variability.
This guidance is intended to supplement the information on conducting the
tests specified in ISO 4074:2015 (6).
2. Determination of length
Condom length can be measured manually, using a suitable calibrated mandrel,
or automatically, using one of the dedicated automatic instruments now available
(ISO 4074:2015, Annex D).
The automatic methods have the advantage that data can usually be
transferred directly to any computerized record system, although it is important
that the equipment is validated for the correct handling of the data and regularly
calibrated following the methods recommended by the manufacturer.
A standard mandrel, described in ISO 4074:2015 (6), is used to normalize
the measurements as different condom designs can have different shapes at the
teat and closed end.
As a rolled condom can retain the memory of the roll when unrolled, it is
permitted to stretch the condom a little (no more than 20 mm, and not more than
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
twice) when unrolled to help remove any wrinkles persisting after the unrolling.
Condoms can be measured without removing the lubricant but handling
a lubricated condom can be difficult as the lubricant can cause the condom
to stick to itself in pleats or creases. A lubricated condom may also not hang
freely over the mandrel and, if stretched, can be held in the extended state by
the lubricant. The condom can be powdered to ease the handling problems, as
described in the standard, with or without removal of the lubricant.
Owing to the way the bead is formed, the condom length may not be
exactly the same at all points around the condom. It is important to measure
the length at several points and record the minimum. The instrumental methods
may do this automatically.
When measuring the length manually, it is important that the
measurement is taken with the bead of the condom at eye level to avoid any
Annex 6
3. Determination of width
Condom width can be measured directly, using a ruler, or automatically using
one of the dedicated automatic instruments now available (ISO 4074:2015,
Annex E).
The automatic methods have the advantage that data can usually be
transferred directly to any computerized record system, although it is important
that the equipment is validated for correct handling of the data and regularly
calibrated following the methods recommended by the manufacturer.
When measuring directly, using a ruler calibrated in mm, it is important
that the condom is positioned so that the axis of the condom is exactly
perpendicular to the ruler.
Note that the end of a ruler can get worn and the corners rounded so it
is better to position the condom to use another point (e.g. the 10, 20 or 100 mm
index) as the zero. The condom should be measured at the narrowest point
within the range 20 to 50 mm from the open end.
Condoms can be measured without removing the lubricant but handling
a lubricated condom can be difficult as the lubricant can cause the condom to
stick to itself in pleats or creases. Gently manipulate the condom to smooth out
any such creases, ensuring that the condom is not stretched as sometimes the
lubricant can hold the condom in an extended state. It may be better to remove
the lubricant and lightly powder the condom, especially if the same condoms
will be used for the determination of length.
Note that the condom width should be measured to the nearest
0.5 mm which will require the measurement to be interpolated if the scale is in
whole mm.
4. Determination of thickness
ISO 4074:2015 Annex F (6) allows two methods for the measurement of
thickness, one based on the direct measurement by a micrometer, and the other
by mass. The mass method was introduced owing to the fact that the precision
and reproducibility of the micrometer method was found to be relatively poor.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
One of the reasons for this is to accommodate condoms where the surface is
not smooth and, also, it is thought that the pressure applied by the foot of the
micrometer to ensure good contact with the material under test can compress
the film slightly. In some cases, this pressure has also been found to be well
outside the specified range.
Any lubricant on the condom is removed by washing or wiping the
condom with propan-2-ol, and removing the lubricant can make the condom
difficult to handle. If any powder is added to facilitate handling and sample
preparation, this must be removed before measuring.
The thickness of a condom can vary along and around the condom and,
for this reason, thickness is measured at three points on the condom: the mid-
point (± 5 mm) of the condom, 30 ± 5 mm from the closed end and 30 ± 5 mm
from the open end. If the micrometer method is used, then three measurements,
approximately equally spaced around the condom, are taken at each location
and averaged. The mass method, of course, will give the average thickness of the
sample being measured. For textured condoms, the thickness is usually measured
using the micrometer method at the point specified and agreed between the
manufacturer and the buyer of the condoms.
1 1
Thickness (in mm.) = × ×m
0.92 A
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
using a density of 0.92 g/cm3, and where A is the area of the test piece (length in
mm. x 20) in mm2 and m is the mass of the sample in mg. If the condom is not
parallel-sided, then measure both of the long sides and use the average.
The method specifies the test piece for tensile testing as the sample. This
has the advantage that many laboratories already have the cutting die to give a
20 mm wide ring test piece from a condom.
Whilst there will be very slight differences in the density of the condom,
caused by differences in the formulations, these will not cause any significant
changes in the calculated thickness.
Annex 6
Fig. 1
The foot of this micrometer is incorrect and will give the wrong reading
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Fig. 2
Showing the measurement positions to confirm that the foot is parallel to the platen
Note that, according to clause 6.4.12 of ISO 17025:2017 (5), “The laboratory shall
take practicable measures to prevent unintended adjustments of equipment from
invalidating results”. It is therefore recommended that parts of the gauge that should
not be adjusted during routine use, such as the gauge mount, are made tamper-evident.
A small sticky label signed by an authorized person and placed over the part is a simple
way to achieve this.
Annex H). There can be many reasons for testing variability of which the following
are thought to be the most important.
■■ loading of the condom onto the mandrel;
■■ correct inflation length;
■■ slippage of the condom during inflation;
■■ correct calibration of pressure and volume measuring equipment;
■■ any corrections for variations in atmospheric pressure owing to the
altitude of the test laboratory;
■■ cleanliness of the air supply hole in the mandrel;
■■ maintenance of the supply air pressure and the air flow rate; and
■■ maintenance of the air temperature from the compressor.
Annex 6
5.3 Checking that the condom does not slip during inflation
Most air inflation equipment clamps the condom by inflating an elastic cuff
against a rigid collar, clamping the condom in between.
Obviously, no matter how carefully the condom has been loaded onto
the test equipment, if it is not firmly held by this clamping mechanism and the
condom slips during the test, then errors will be introduced into the results.
The effectiveness of the clamping system can be checked in a similar fashion
to the inflation length described in 5.2 above. In this case, after marking
the condom, allow it to inflate whilst watching the mark. Any slippage in the
clamping mechanism will be shown by the mark moving upwards (usually
erratically) as the condom inflates. It is also important to check if the machine
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
has inflation cuffs that these do not leak air into the condom, as any unmonitored
air entering the condom will give false results. This can be checked by inflating
the cuff, turning off the air supply (if the machinery will allow this) and checking
that the cuff remains inflated over a period of several minutes. If the testing
machine does not permit the cuff to remain inflated when the air supply is turned
off, a systematic difference between the volume readings for different test heads
may indicate that a cuff is leaking.
Again, check all the inflation heads on the test equipment.
made here, other than to calibrate the machines following the manufacturer’s
instructions. The calibration interval again can be specified by the manufacturer,
and will typically be between one and four times a year, although, if the
equipment is subject to heavy use, it may be worth calibrating more frequently.
If there are any reasons to suspect that the results from a particular machine
or test head are not accurate, then investigation and re-calibration should be
undertaken immediately.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
5.8 Maintenance of the supply air pressure and the air flow rate
A dedicated air compressor should be provided for the inflation tester. Using a
compressor that may not have adequate capacity to meet with the demand of
maximum use by other operations in the laboratory could cause the air pressure
in the inflation tester to have momentary fluctuation and variations from the
time of daily calibration checks.
The following are points to note when conducting these ageing studies:
■■ The condoms used in the studies must comply with the requirements
of ISO 4074:2015 (6). The studies can only be done with condoms that
have been stored in bulk for the maximum period of time specified by
the manufacturer between dipping and packaging in individual sealed
containers. ISO 4074:2015 (6) specifies that this period shall not
exceed two years. WHO/UNFPA technical specifications, however,
specify a maximum storage period of six months. By agreement with
UNFPA, it is acceptable for manufacturers to conduct stability studies
on condoms that have been stored for six months between dipping
and packaging to verify shelf life claims for procurement under the
WHO/UNFPA prequalification scheme.
Some manufacturer’s formulation may require a certain time period
of maturation of condoms before their burst properties could
stabilize. It is recommended to allow the required maturation time
before the condoms are foiled and this minimum maturation time
be validated and applied while conducting stability studies.
■■ Minimum stability requirements (clause 11.2) (6) must be established.
■■ Three different lots of condoms must be used in the studies. These
production lots from where samples are drawn for stability studies
should represent the actual normal commercial batch sizes of the
manufacturer and not just three sub-lots of the manufacturer.
■■ Select and condition sufficient extra condoms to cover repeat testing
if necessary.
■■ Ensure that there are contingency arrangements in place in case of
equipment breakdown or power failures. You do not want to have to
start the studies again from scratch.
■■ Ensure that the calibration and measurement of temperature are
monitored correctly and the trends are reviewed to pick up early
warning signals for initiating appropriate corrective and preventive
■■ Ensure that the system of recording temperature and raising alerts
in case of outages in temperature conditions are in a good state of
repair throughout the long period of stability studies and the alert
signals are responded to immediately.
■■ The claimed shelf life cannot exceed five years from the date of
■■ The date of manufacture can be either the date of dipping or the
date the condoms were sealed in their individual containers. Note
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
that the labelled date of manufacture cannot be more than two years
from the date of dipping or six months to comply with UNFPA
requirements, as noted above.
■■ Monitor the physical properties of the condoms at intervals during
the real-time study. Two methods are described in clause K.2.4 (6)
of the standard. These are:
–– Measure the airburst properties of a sample of 125 condoms
from each lot and compare against the requirements of the
standard, using the Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) of 1.5
(accept on five failures or fewer, reject on six or more). If one
of the three lots of condoms fails, carry out an investigation
and analyse the root cause of failure. Investigation could also
be carried out by analysing more samples from that batch
representing that time point. If the root cause is common to
the other two batches as well, the stability studies should be
stopped. If there are no assignable causes for variation at any one
specific time point, the study can continue but must be stopped
if more than one set of samples fail. At the end of the proposed
or claimed shelf life, carry out the test with larger sample sizes as
per the requirements of ISO 4074:2015 (6).
–– Alternatively, measure the airburst properties of a set of
32 condoms from each lot. Calculate the standard deviation
(or 95% confidence interval) for burst volume and pressure.
If the mean value, minus three times the standard deviation,
approaches the minimum limits defined in the standard (as
described in the note to clause K.2.4 {6}), this can indicate that
the condoms will not pass the requirements of the standard if the
study is continued and the stability study should be terminated.
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
■■ If the manufacturer has condoms where the shelf life has been
confirmed by a real-time study, then these condoms can be used
as controls in an accelerated ageing study of a new or modified
condom, as described in clause L.3 (6).
■■ If there are no condoms to act as controls in this way, then the
provisional shelf life must be estimated following the procedures in
clause L.2 (6).
■■ Existing condoms whose shelf lives were established following the
procedures of earlier versions of ISO 4074 (i.e. 2002 {7} and 2014
{8}) can be considered to be compliant. However, considering the
several changes that have taken place between 2002 and now, the
manufacturer should initiate fresh real time stability studies as per
Annex 6
the requirements of ISO 4074:2015 (6), for the products that are
currently being manufactured.
■■ If any significant changes are made to the condom formulation,
manufacturing procedures or packaging, then the shelf life will need
to be re-confirmed. A significant change, as explained in ISO 16038,
Rubber condoms – Guidance on the use of ISO 4074 in the quality
management of natural rubber latex condoms (9), is one that can be
regarded as having the potential to affect performance adversely. If a
change is deemed by the manufacturer not to require confirmation
of shelf life, the reasons for this decision and all supporting test data
shall be documented.
helpful to mark the condom to show how far the condom must be
rolled. The condom must be rolled through at least two complete
revolutions (WHO/UNFPA do not recommend rolling more than
10 revolutions).
■■ Ensure that the correct amount of pressure is applied to the condom.
The hand (with fingers spread) should be maintained 25 to 35 mm
above the paper.
■■ When testing the closed end of the condom, maintain a similar level
of pressure as when rolling and do not slide the condom over the
■■ The coloured absorbent paper should be one that makes it easy to
identify the blots made by the presence of holes on the condom
wall. It should also allow for the rolling of the condom body for the
required revolutions as per ISO 4074. Under no circumstances shall
multiple absorbent papers be joined using adhesive tape.
■■ The condom walls may be carefully wiped with soft absorbent cloth
or paper to remove excess moisture and lubricant thus allowing for
easier detection of leaks.
After performing the test for visibly open seals, the individual sealed
containers are opened by pushing the condoms to one side of the pack and
opening the seals, taking care that the condom is not damaged by the rough
edges of the seals, nor sharp instruments such as scissors or finger nails. On no
account should any sharp implement (scissors, scalpels, etc.) be used to open the
condom packs. The condoms are unrolled and examined by visual observation
under bright light, which should completely cover all parts of the condom. Visual
defects are classified as Critical and Noncritical defects with corresponding
AQLs of O.4 and 2.5. The section on Workmanship and Visible Defects on
the WHO/UNFPA Specification (6) details the list of Critical and Noncritical
defects. This section also lists minor imperfections, which do not affect the
properties of the condoms, but are considered as potential points for elimination
with appropriate quality improvement projects. Personnel should be trained for
the ability to detect the visible defects and to correctly classify them. Having an
approved workmanship criteria album will be useful to avoid any disputes. It is
recommended to have a display of specific visual defects in the laboratory for
the operators to easily identify and classify the defects.
The seal on the individual condom container, whether of the standard foil pack or the “butter dish”
container can, at times, be compromised. This can be caused by several factors, including misaligned
sealing jaws, excessive lubricant, a misaligned or poorly rolled condom being trapped in the seal, etc.
In addition, the foil may contain pinholes or, if the information on the foil is stamped on, rather than
ink-jet printed, the stamping may damage the foil. All in all, there are many ways in which the individual
condom container can contain small holes. A consequence of this is that lubricant can leak out and, if
not detected, can contaminate all the other condom containers within the same pack. In addition, a
compromised foil can expose the condom to oxygen which could cause premature degradation. For this
reason, it is necessary to test the integrity of the packages.
Annex 6
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Fig. 3
A pressure gauge reading from −100 to 0 kPa. In this case, the correct vacuum level for
the test would be −80 kPa (red numerals)
1. WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-fourth report.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025; https://www.
who.int/publications-detail/978-92-4-000182-4, accessed 20 May 2020).
2. World Health Organization/United Nations Population Fund Prequalification Programme
guidance for contraceptive devices: male latex condoms, female condoms and intrauterine
devices. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-
fourth report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020: Annex 9 (WHO Technical Report Series,
No. 1025; https://www.who.int/publications-detail/978-92-4-000182-4, accessed 20 May 2020).
3. World Health Organization/United Nations Population Fund Technical specifications for male latex
condoms. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-
fourth report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020: Annex 10 (WHO Technical Report Series,
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
8. ISO 4074:2014(en). Natural rubber latex male condoms – Requirements and test methods.
International Standard ISO 4074. Geneva: International Organisation for Standardisation, 2014
(https://www.iso.org/standard/59718.html, accessed 21 May 2020).
9. ISO 16038:2005(en). Rubber condoms – Guidance on the use of ISO 4074 in the quality
management of natural rubber latex condoms. International Standard ISO 16038. Geneva.
International Organisation for Standardisation, 2005 (https://www.iso.org/standard/ 37078.html,
accessed 21 May 2020).
10. ASTM D3492 – 16(en). Standard specification for rubber contraceptives (male condoms). Active
Standard ASTM D3492/Developed by Subcommittee: D11.40. ASTM International, 2016 (https://
www.astm.org/Standards/D3492.htm, accessed 21 May 2020).
Annex 7
World Health Organization/United Nations Population
Fund guidance on conducting post-market surveillance of
The report of the Fifty-fourth meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO)
Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations (ECSPP) in
2019 (1)) stated the following:
As agreed at the ECSPP meeting in October 2018, the United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) and WHO have separated out different aspects
of the current procedure for contraceptive devices and condoms and are
developing seven different documents:
■■ prequalification programme guidance for contraceptive devices: male
latex condoms, female condoms and intrauterine devices;
■■ technical specifications for male latex condoms;
■■ specifications for plain lubricants;
■■ condom quality assurance;
■■ guidance on testing of male latex condoms;
■■ recommendations for condom storage and shipping temperatures; and
■■ guidance on conducting post-market surveillance of condoms.
All seven documents were restructured and revised in the first half of
2019, then sent to the Expert Advisory Panel (EAP) and put out for
public consultation in July 2019. The comments received were reviewed
by a group of specialists in October 2019, prior to being presented to
the ECSPP. At UNFPA’s request, the ECSPP focused on the first three
documents (on UNFPA’s Prequalification Programme guidance, condom
quality assurance and specifications for plain lubricants), noting that all
comments have been addressed. It suggested some further minor revisions,
including recommending changes to clarify that, while the specifications
for plain lubricants are principally targeted at procurement agencies, they
may also be used by regulators for public procurement. The next steps for
the remaining four documents include incorporating comments from the
latest consultations and then bringing them back to the ECSPP for possible
adoption at its next meeting in 2020.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
1. Introduction 191
2. Sampling 191
3. Testing 193
4. Selection of laboratories 194
5. Interpretation of results 194
References 195
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 7
1. Introduction
Good quality condoms conforming to the World Health Organization (WHO)/
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) technical specifications for male latex
condoms (3) have excellent storage properties. The combination of individual
condom packaging, inner boxes and shipping containers is designed to protect
the condoms during shipping and storage. Nevertheless, storage under poor
conditions and/or rough handling during shipping might adversely affect the
properties of the condoms. Exposure to such adverse conditions is potentially
more likely once the condoms have left control of the purchaser and are in the
wider distribution chain. For this reason, periodic surveillance testing of product
recovered from the field is recommended to confirm that the condoms still
conform to the requirements of the World Health Organization/United Nations
Population Fund technical specifications for male latex condoms (3) and ISO
4074, Natural rubber latex male condoms – Requirements and test methods (5).
Surveillance testing may also be conducted to determine if there has been a
significant deterioration in condom properties relative to retained samples kept
under controlled conditions.
It is recommended that prequalified manufacturers conduct periodic
surveillance testing on condoms that are nearing their expiry date and have
been stored in hot regions to support the shelf life claims made on the basis
of real time and accelerated stability studies. Surveillance testing may have to
be undertaken when there are complaints about condoms, particularly if the
complaints are clustered and associated with one specific product or even a
single lot of product. In such cases, sample sizes can be severely limited and it
may be necessary to limit testing to just one property. The selection of sample
sizes for such testing can be challenging and the results may be of limited use if
only a small number of samples are available.
2. Sampling
In order to conduct post-market surveillance testing on male latex condoms, it
might be necessary to recover condoms from any of the following locations:
■■ warehouses;
■■ distribution centres;
■■ wholesalers;
■■ clinics; and
■■ retail outlets.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Key issues when recovering samples for surveillance testing are often
the sample size and lot integrity. If single lots are being tested, for example, one
lot each from a number of manufacturers, then ideally the sampling schemes
given in Annex B of ISO 4074 (5) should be used. If possible, samples should
be taken from at least three lots from each manufacturer to give an indication
about lot-to-lot homogeneity. If multiple lots from a single manufacturer are
being evaluated, then the sampling schemes of Annex A of ISO 4074 (5) are
acceptable. If sample sizes are limited then it may be necessary to test only for
selected properties.
Sample only for the tests that are needed to check on the parameters
in question. Obtaining sufficient samples from warehouses, distribution centres
and wholesalers is not usually problematic but sampling from clinics and retail
outlets often means that sample sizes have to be restricted. This may limit the
types and numbers of tests that can be completed. If an adequate number of
samples from one batch is not available at any particular retail outlet or clinic, it
may be possible to obtain more samples of the same batch from a nearby retail
store or clinic in the region.
If sample sizes are restricted, then they should still be selected from
ISO 2859-1, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 1: Sampling
schemes indexed by acceptance quality level (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection –
Amendment 1 (6). Whenever possible, select sampling schemes that have at
least a 95% probability of acceptance if the quality of submitted lots is at the
limit of the specified AQL (refer to tables X-A through to X-R of ISO 2859-1
(6) for the operating characteristic curves and acceptance probabilities of the
sampling schemes). Use sample sizes that are consistent with ISO 2859-1 (6).
Sample sizes that fall between the specified sample sizes in the tables should not
be used (for example, Table II-A) since it may not possible to make a statistically
valid decision about whether or not the product sampled conforms to the
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 7
At the time of sampling, full details about the lots being sampled,
including the lot numbers, expiry dates and storage conditions, should be noted.
Whenever possible, a sampling agency should be used and samples should be
taken from lots using procedures to ensure the random selection of condoms
from within the lot.
In some cases, it may be necessary to combine samples from more than
one lot in order to achieve an adequate sample size for testing. This should be
regarded as a last resort situation and is best avoided. Full details of the lots
sampled must be recorded and the expiry date noted for each lot sampled. If
possible, samples from the different lots that are to be combined should be kept
separate throughout the testing process in order to facilitate analysis of the final
results. It may be possible, for example, to show that the different lots sampled
have very similar properties and so justify using the overall result as an estimate
of the quality of all of the lots sampled.
If the test laboratory is located some distance from the location at
which the condoms are being sampled, then the transport arrangements needed
to deliver the condoms to the laboratory should be considered. It is essential to
ensure that the condoms will be not be subjected to any adverse conditions in
transit that could affect the results of the tests. Sending samples by air freight
might, for example, compromise the outcome of any testing for package integrity.
The use of data loggers to monitor temperatures during shipment should be
used, particularly if the condoms are being shipped from or through countries
with hot climates.
3. Testing
The primary focus for testing natural rubber latex male condoms should be the
critical performance parameters, i.e. burst properties, freedom from holes and
package integrity. Other properties, such as dimensions, are unlikely to change
during storage or shipping. Burst properties can be evaluated on a variables
basis as well as on an attribute basis (i.e. conformance to the 1.5 AQL for
burst properties). Information about average burst volume and pressure, their
associated standard deviations and the frequency distributions of the results
can be extremely useful in trying to determine if any significant changes have
occurred. Comparisons can be made with the original manufacturer’s data
and the pre-shipment test results. The statistical significance of any changes in
properties can be readily assessed by the t-test or analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Using such methods may be particularly informative in situations where there
are insufficient samples available to make reliable estimates of conformity to the
AQLs on an attribute basis.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
4. Selection of laboratories
The laboratories used for surveillance testing shall be accredited to ISO 17025
(7) for the tests being carried out. The laboratories should also participate in an
appropriate international inter-laboratory proficiency scheme. Ideally, the same
laboratory that did the original pre-shipment testing should be used. This makes
the comparison of results much easier and more reliable and permits samples
that have been retained under controlled conditions by the test laboratory to be
re-tested if necessary.
For more information about the selection of laboratories, please refer
to World Health Organization/United Nations Population Fund Condom quality
assurance (8).
When selecting test laboratories, consideration should also be given to
any local customs and import restrictions. Some countries have restrictions on
the import of condoms without testing and these rules can even be applied to
samples being imported solely for test purposes. One should confirm with the
laboratory whether or not there are any rules relating to the import of samples for
testing prior to sending the samples.
5. Interpretation of results
Although lot conformity is assessed on an attribute basis, the use of means and
standard deviations whenever possible is recommended. This primarily applies
to burst testing. Trends in burst properties, particularly when compared to
the results from pre-shipment testing, can provide early warning of potential
Reviewing the burst result histograms can reveal very interesting
information. Bimodal (or even polymodal) distributions of burst pressure and/
or volume are indicators of poor homogeneity within the lot. In some cases,
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
this might indicate that the product is substandard and/or falsified; for example,
the lot in question may consist of mixed condoms from different lots or even
condoms from different manufacturers. If substandard and falsified medical
product is suspected, then forward all of the details to the manufacturer whose
name is marked on the pack. The manufacturer should be able to determine
the authenticity of the product from the lot number. Producers of substandard
and falsified medical products commonly make small mistakes with labelling
so return samples of the packaging, and any information received, with the
product to the manufacturer for checking. Following confirmation from the
manufacturer that the product is falsified, inform the WHO team working on
substandard and falsified medical products at [email protected].
If regular post-market surveillance testing is being carried out on
products from a specific manufacturer, then analysis of trends over time can
Annex 7
1. WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-fourth report.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025; https://www.
who.int/publications-detail/978-92-4-000182-4, accessed 20 May 2020).
2. World Health Organization/United Nations Population Fund Prequalification Programme guidance
for contraceptive devices: male latex condoms, female condoms and intrauterine devices. In: WHO
Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-fourth report. Geneva:
World Health Organization; 2020: Annex 9 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025; https://www.
who.int/publications-detail/978-92-4-000182-4, accessed 20 May 2020).
3. World Health Organization/United Nations Population Fund technical specifications for male latex
condoms. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-
fourth report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020: Annex 10 (WHO Technical Report Series,
No. 1025; https://www.who.int/publications-detail/978-92-4-000182-4, accessed 20 May 2020).
4. World Health Organization/United Nations Population Fund specifications for plain lubricants.
In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-fourth report.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020: Annex 11 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025;
https://www.who.int/publications-detail/978-92-4-000182-4, accessed 20 May 2020).
5. ISO 4074:2015(en). Natural rubber latex male condoms – Requirements and test methods.
International Standard ISO 4074. Geneva: International Organisation for Standardisation, 2015
(https://www.iso.org/standard/67615.html, accessed 21 May 2020).
6. ISO 2859-1:1:1999/AMD 1:2011(en). Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 1:
Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality level (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection –
Amendment 1. International Standard ISO 2859-1. Geneva: International Organisation for
Standardisation, 1999/2011 (https://www.iso.org/standard/53053.html, accessed 21 May 2020).
7. ISO/IEC 17025:2017(en). General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration
laboratories. International Standard ISO/IEC 17025. Geneva: International Organisation for
Standardisation, 2017 (https://www.iso.org/standard/66912.html, accessed 21 May 2020).
8. World Health Organization/United Nations Population Fund Condom quality assurance. Geneva:
World Health Organization; 2019 (working document QAS/19.807; https://www.who.int/docs/
assurance.pdf, accessed 2 February 2021).
Annex 8
WHO “Biowaiver List”: proposal to waive in vivo
bioequivalence requirements for WHO Model List of
Essential Medicines immediate-release, solid oral dosage
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
■■ 2020: cycle III. The new results presented in this updated document
(in Table 1 highlighted in bold) come from cycle III.
3. Scope
The aim of the WHO Biowaiver List is to enable an informed decision on whether
or not a waiver from in vivo bioequivalence studies could be granted safely
according to the WHO guidance Multisource (generic) pharmaceutical products:
guidelines on registration requirements to establish interchangeability (1).
The WHO Biowaiver List is expected to promote access to standard
quality essential medicines by shortening the time required develop a multisource
(generic) product supporting an optimized pharmaceutical development.
The WHO Biowaiver List has been recognized by WHO regional and
country offices as a “Global Good”; a normative work essential to strengthening
global health in WHO Member States.
4. Methodology
The WHO Protocol to conduct equilibrium solubility experiments for the purpose of
biopharmaceutics classification system-based classification of active pharmaceutical
ingredients for biowaiver (2) is a tool available to all participants in this research.
It was developed with the purpose of providing a harmonized methodology for
the equilibrium solubility experiments, thereby minimizing the potential source
of variability among centres and studies.
To date, all APIs studied in cycles I, II and III are received as in-kind
donations from pharmaceutical manufacturers supporting WHO in this scientific
work. Equilibrium solubility experiments were conducted by universities, official
national control laboratories, and WHO collaborating centres.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
5. Results
Table 1 provides an overview of the APIs studied by WHO during cycles I, II
and III. The new APIs studied in cycle III are reported in bold.
Table 1
WHO solubility classification of active pharmaceutical ingredients prioritized from the
WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (3)
Annex 8
Table 1 continued
Medicine a Therapeutic Indication Highest API PQ WHO
area therapeutic EOI / classifi-
dose (mg) b PQ cation c
dexametha (1) Gastro (1) Antiemetic (1) (3) Yes I/III **
sone intestinal medicines 0.5 to
medicines (2) Acute 10 mg a day
(2) Immuno- lymphoblastic depending
modulators leukaemia on the
and anti disease
(2) Multiple
neoplastics being
treated (2)
(3) Medicines (3) Medicines 40 mg (4)
for pain and for other 6 mg a day d
palliative common
care (4) symptoms in
Corticosteroids palliative care
for COVID-19 d
(4) Treatment
of patients
with severe
and critical
COVID‑19 d
dolutegravir Antiviral Antiretrovirals 50 Yes II/IV**
medicines (HIV)
efavirenz Antiviral Antiretrovirals 600 Yes II/IV
medicines (HIV)
emtricitabine Antiviral Antiretrovirals 200 mg Yes I/III**
medicines (HIV)
entecavir Antiviral Antihepatitis 1 mg Yes I/III **
medicines medicines
ethionamide Antibacterials Antitubercu 500–1000 Yes II/IV*
losis medicines
furosemide Cardiovascular Medicines 80 No II/IV
medicines used in heart
mefloquine Antiprotozoals Antimalarial 1250 mg Yes II/IV
hydro medicines medicines (as hydro
chloride chloride)
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Table 1 continued
Medicine a Therapeutic Indication Highest API PQ WHO
area therapeutic EOI / classifi-
dose (mg) b PQ cation c
methyldopa Cardiovascular Pregnancy- 500 mg No I/III
sesqui medicines induced
hydrate hypertension
oseltamivir Antiviral Influenza virus 75 mg (as Yes I/III **
phosphate medicines phosphate)
paracetamol Medicines Non-opioids 1g No I/III
for pain and and non-
palliative care/ steroidal anti-
Antimigraine inflammatory
medicines medicines /
Treatment of
acute attack
primaquine Antiprotozoal Antimalarial 15 Yes I/III
(phosphate) medicines medicines
treatment of
P. vivax and
P. ovale
pyrimeth Antiprotozoal Antimalarial 75 Yes II/IV
amine medicines medicines
raltegravir Antiviral Antiretrovirals 400 Yes II/IV**
(potassium) medicines (HIV in
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
women and in
rifampicin Antibacterials Antitubercu 750 Yes II/IV
sofosbuvir Antiviral Medicines for 400 mg Yes II/IV**
medicines hepatitis C
Annex 8
Table 1 continued
Medicine a Therapeutic Indication Highest API PQ WHO
area therapeutic EOI / classifi-
dose (mg) b PQ cation c
tenofovir Antiviral Antiretrovirals 300 Yes I/III**
disoproxil medicines (HIV)
API: active pharmaceutical ingredient; PQ: prequalification; PQ EOI: expression of Interest for prequalification (2);
WHO: World Health Organization.
a WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (3).
According to Summary of Product Characteristics from WHO-PQ or National/Regional Regulatory Authority.
According to the WHO guidelines, Multisource (generic) pharmaceutical products: guidelines on registration
requirements to establish interchangeability (1), APIs belonging to classes I and III are eligible for biowaiver.
Once experimental permeability data are available, the exact class attribution will be possible (i.e. either class
I or class III). The present solubility characterization is already sufficient to provide an indication on whether or
not an API is eligible for biowaiver.
“Corticosteroids for COVID-19. WHO Living guidance” September 2020) https://www.who.int/publications/i/
item/WHO-2019-nCoV-Corticosteroids-2020.1 (accessed 30 September 2020)
* Change in solubility class compared to WHO 2006 classification.
** APIs characterized for the first time within the WHO Biowaiver Project.
1. Multisource (generic) pharmaceutical products: guidelines on registration requirements to
establish interchangeability. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical
Preparations: fifty-first report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017: Annex 6 (WHO Technical
Report Series, No. 1003; https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/medicines/norms-and-
products-interchangeability.pdf, accessed 2 February 2021).
2. Protocol to conduct equilibrium solubility experiments for the purpose of Biopharmaceutics
Classification System-based classification of active pharmaceutical ingredients for biowaiver.
In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-third report.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019: Annex 4 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1019;
https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/978-92-4-000182-4, accessed 18 November 2019).
3. WHO Model List of Essential Medicines, 21st list. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019 (https://
accessed 4 November 2019).
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Further reading
■■ Guidance for organizations performing in vivo bioequivalence studies. In: WHO Expert
Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fiftieth report. Geneva: World
Health Organization; 2016: Annex 9 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 996; https://www.who.
trs966-annex9-invivo-bioequivalence-studies.pdf, accessed 18 November 2019).
■■ General background notes and list of international comparator pharmaceutical products. In: WHO
Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-first report. Geneva:
World Health Organization; 2017: Annex 5 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1003; https://www.
trs1003-annex5-who-list-international-comparator.pdf, accessed 18 November 2019).
■■ Guidance on the selection of comparator pharmaceutical products for equivalence assessment
of interchangeable multisource (generic) products. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications
for Pharmaceutical Preparations: forty-ninth report. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015;
regulatory-standards/trs992-annex8-who-comparators-multisource.pdf, accessed 18 November
■■ List of international comparator products (September 2016). Geneva: World health
Organization; 2016 (https://www.who.int/medicines/areas/quality_safety/quality_assurance/list_
int_comparator_prods_after_public_consult30.9.xlsx, and WHO list of international comparator
pharmaceutical products and general background notes Annex 5, WHO Technical Report Series
1003, 2017, trs1003-annex5-who-list-international-comparator.pdf, accessed 2 February 2021).
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 9
Guidelines on the implementation of the WHO
Certification Scheme on the quality of pharmaceutical
products moving in international commerce
1. Introduction 206
2. Background 206
3. Provisions and objectives 207
4. Membership 208
5. Requesting a certificate 210
6. Issuing a certificate 213
7. Notifying and investigating a quality defect 215
References 215
Appendix 1 Model certificate of a pharmaceutical product 218
Appendix 2 Model batch certificate of pharmaceutical products 223
Appendix 3 Glossary 226
Appendix 4 (Draft) model notification to the Director-General of the
World Health Organization 233
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
1. Introduction
The World Health Organization (WHO) Certification Scheme on the quality of
pharmaceutical products moving in international commerce (hereinafter referred
to as the “Scheme”) is an international voluntary agreement to provide assurance
to countries participating in the Scheme about the quality of pharmaceutical
products moving in international commerce. The primary document of the
Scheme is the certificate of a pharmaceutical product (CPP).
2. Background
The Scheme has been in operation since 1969 (World Health Assembly resolution
WHA 22.50) and was amended in 1975 (WHA 28.65), 1988 (WHA 41.18), 1992
(WHA 45.29) and 1997 (WHA 50.3) (1–5). In 2007, the Forty-second ECSPP
discussed and identified a number of perceived problems with the operation of
the Scheme (6).
In 2008, a WHO consultation was held to make recommendations for
consideration during the Forty-third WHO Expert Committee on Specifications
for Pharmaceutical Preparations (ECSPP), taking into account the WHO
working document QAS/07.240 which contains key issues and possible action
(7). The report of the consultation was the working document QAS/08.279 (8).
In light of the changing environment, including the rapid globalization of the
pharmaceutical manufacturing sector, coupled with changes in the make-up of
both the regulators and the groups involved in procurement, the Forty-third
ECSPP endorsed the following recommendations (9):
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
4. Membership
4.1 Any Member State, as well as regional authority that has the legal right to
control the regulation of pharmaceutical products, is eligible to participate
on a voluntary basis in the Scheme as a requesting authority. In order to
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
5. Requesting a certificate
5.1 Two documents, if available by the certifying authority, can be requested
within the scope of the Scheme:
■■ a certificate of a pharmaceutical product (CPP) and;
■■ a batch certificate of a pharmaceutical product (for more details,
please see sections 3.14 and 3.15 and the Explanatory notes in
Appendix 2).
5.2 The proposed formats for these documents are provided in appendices 1
and 2 of these guidelines. All participating Member States and regional
authorities are henceforth urged to adopt these formats without deletion
in order to facilitate the harmonization and interpretation of certified
information. A CPP with any deleted sections is no longer considered
a “CPP”.
The explanatory notes attached to the two documents referred to above are
very important. Whilst they are not part of the document to be certified,
they should always be attached to the certificate.
5.3 A list of addresses of national and regional authorities participating in the
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 9
Batch certificate
5.14 A batch certificate of a pharmaceutical product (Appendix 2) refers to an
individual batch of a pharmaceutical product and is a vital instrument
in the procurement of medicines. The provision of a batch certificate is
usually a mandatory element in tender and procurement documents.
5.15 A batch certificate is normally issued by the manufacturer and must
accompany and provide an attestation concerning the quality and expiry
date of a specific batch or consignment of a product that has already
obtained marketing authorization in the importing country. The batch
certificate shall include all the parameters (attributes), with acceptance
criteria, of the release specification of the pharmaceutical product at
Annex 9
the time of batch release and the results. In most circumstances, these
certificates are issued by the manufacturer to the importing agent (i.e. the
marketing authorization holder in the importing country), but they must
be made available at the request of – or in the course of any inspection
made on behalf of – the competent authority.
Note: the following are examples of statements and certificates issued in
connection with the Scheme. These are not considered to be part of the
■■ Statement of marketing authorization status of pharmaceutical
product(s) – attests only that a marketing authorization has
been issued for a specified product, or products, for use in the
certifying country or within the jurisdiction of the certifying
regional authority. It is intended for use by importing agents when
considering bids made in response to an international tender,
in which case it should be requested by the agent as a condition
of bidding. It is intended only to facilitate the screening and
preparation of information.
■■ Batch (lot) release certificate (22, 23) – issued by the competent
authority or competent national laboratory in the certifying country
or regional authority, and it refers to the results of a batch or several
batches which comply with established specifications and provisions
to assure the quality, safety and efficacy (QSE) of the concerned
vaccines and vaccine’s individual components, as well as with
WHO’s good manufacturing practices (GMP) for pharmaceutical
products and biological products.
6. Issuing a certificate
6.1 The certifying authority is responsible for assuring the authenticity of the
certified data. Certificates should not bear the WHO logo, but a statement
should always be included to confirm that the document is issued in the
format recommended by WHO.
6.2 When manufacture takes place in a country other than that from which the
CPP is issued, an attestation relevant to compliance of the manufacture
with GMP should still be provided on the basis of inspections undertaken
for registration purposes by the same authority or by another authority.
6.3 When the applicant is the manufacturer of the finished dosage form, the
certifying authority should satisfy, before attesting compliance with GMP,
that the applicant:
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Annex 9
6.8 The certifying authority should establish a standard time frame for the
issuance of certificates, ideally within 30 working days. It should endeavor
to issue a certificate within this period, as soon as the applicant submits
sufficient documents, as requested in section 3.7.
1. World Health Assembly resolution WHA22.50 (1969).
2. World Health Assembly resolution WHA28.65 (1975).
3. World Health Assembly resolution WHA41.18 (1988).
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Organization (https://www.who.int/teams/health-product-and-policy-standards/standards-and-
specifications/gmp, accessed 6 February, 2021).
17. WHO Certification Scheme on the quality of pharmaceutical products moving in international
commerce. In: Twenty-eighth World Health Assembly, Geneva, 13-30 May 1975. Part 1: Resolutions
and decisions, annexes. Geneva, World Health Organization; 1975:94-95 (Official Records of the
World Health Organization, No. 226).
18. Resolution WHA41.18 WHO Certification Scheme on the quality of pharmaceutical products
moving in international commerce. In: Forty-first World Health Assembly, Geneva, 2-13 May
1988. Resolutions and decisions, annexes. Geneva, World Health Organization; 1988:53-55
19. Resolution WHA45.29. Proposed guidelines for implementation of the WHO Certification Scheme
on the Quality of Pharmaceutical Products Moving in International Commerce. In: Forty-fifth
World Health Assembly, Geneva, 4-14 May 1992. Resolutions and decisions, annexes. Geneva,
World Health Organization; 1992:155-165 (WHA41/1992/REC/1).
Annex 9
20. Resolution WHA50.3 Guidelines for implementation of the WHO Certification Scheme on the
quality of pharmaceutical products moving in international commerce. In: Forty-fifth World
Health Assembly, Geneva, 5-14 May 1997. Resolutions and decisions, annexes. Geneva, World
Health Organization; 1997:2-3 (WHA50/1997/REC/1).
21. WHO pharmaceutical starting materials certification scheme (SMACS): guidelines on
implementation. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations:
thirty-eighth Report. Geneva: World Health Organization: 2004: Annex 3 (WHO Technical Report
Series, No. 917), ECS cover (7.4mm) (who.int), accessed 2 February 2021).
22. Guidelines for independent lot release of vaccines by regulatory authorities. In: WHO Expert
Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations: forty-seventh report. Geneva:
World Health Organization; 2013: Annex 2 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 978,).
23. Model Certificate proposed by the WHO National Control Laboratory Network for Biologicals and
published in its second meeting report, 2018: (https://www.who.int/immunization_standards/
vaccine_quality/Report_WHO-NNB2018.pdf?ua=1), accessed 2 February 2021).
24. WHO Global Surveillance and Monitoring System (https://www.who.int/medicines/regulation/
ssffc/surveillance/en/, accessed 2 February 2021).).
25. WHO Medical Product Alerts (https://www.who.int/medicines/publications/drugalerts/en/,
accessed 2 February 2021).).
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Appendix 1
Model certificate of a pharmaceutical product
Certificate of a pharmaceutical product
This certificate conforms to the format recommended by the World Health
Organization (WHO). It establishes the status of the pharmaceutical product
and of the applicant for the certificate by the national certifying authority in
the country or within the jurisdiction of the regional certifying authority. It is
for a single product only since the manufacturing arrangements and approved
information for different dosage forms and different strengths can vary. (General
instructions and explanatory notes are attached.)
No. of certificate:
Certifying country or regional certifying authority:
Requesting country(countries) or regional authority(authorities):
1. Basic information
1.1. Name: (International Nonproprietary Name (INN)/generic/chemical name);
brand name of the pharmaceutical product as it is declared in the marketing
authorization certificate and used within the territory of the certifying
authority and, if possible, the brand name for the foreign country as
declared by the requester, (if different); and, the dosage form of the finished
pharmaceutical product (FPP):
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 9
2.A.6. Name and address of applicant for the certificate as provided by the
marketing authorization holder, if different:
2.B. Product that is not authorized for marketing by the certifying authority.
2.B.1. Applicant for certificate (name and address):
3.2. Does the certifying authority arrange for periodic inspection of the
manufacturing site in which the of the FPP is produced? Yes/No (key in as
appropriate). If not, proceed to question 4.
3.3. Periodicity of routine inspections:
3.4. Has the manufacturer of the dosage form of the FPP been inspected? Yes/
No (key in as appropriate). If Yes, when feasible, insert date of inspection(s)
3.5. Do the facilities and operations of the manufacturer of the FPP conform to
good manufacturing practices (GMP) as recommended by WHO? 2 Yes/No
(key in as appropriate).
3.6. It is recommended that for products approved, but not manufactured in the
country of the certifying authority, the source of information that assures
the GMP compliance of the manufacturer(es) is declared.
4. Does the information submitted by the applicant satisfy the certifying
authority on all aspects of the manufacture of the product? Yes/No (key in
as appropriate) 3. If the answer is No, please explain:
Address of certifying authority:
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
General instructions
Please refer to the guidelines for full instructions on how to complete this form
and for information on the implementation of the Scheme.
Additional sheets should be appended, as necessary, to accommodate
remarks and explanations.
Explanatory notes
Details of quantitative composition are preferred but their provision is subject
to the agreement of the marketing authorization holder.
The requirements for good practices in the manufacture and quality control
Annex 9
Appendix 2
Model batch certificate of pharmaceutical products
Manufacturers/official 1 batch certificate of a pharmaceutical product
This certificate conforms to the format recommended by the World Health
Organization (WHO) (general instructions and explanatory notes are attached).
1. No. of certificate:
2. Importing (requesting) authority:
3. Name: (International Nonproprietary Name (INN)/generic/chemical name);
brand name of the pharmaceutical product as it is declared in the marketing
authorization certificate and, if possible, brand name for the foreign
country, if different.
3.1. Dosage form:
6.2 Does the batch comply with all parts of the above specifications? Yes/
No (key in as appropriate)
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Email address:
Signature of authorized person:
Stamp and date (electronic whenever possible):
General instructions
Please refer to the guidelines for full instructions on how to complete this form
and for information on the implementation of the Scheme.
Additional sheets should be appended, as necessary, to accommodate
remarks and explanations.
Explanatory notes
The certification of individual batches of a pharmaceutical product is only
undertaken on an exceptional basis by the competent authority. Even then, it
is rarely applied other than to biological products, such as vaccines, blood and
plasma derivatives. For other products, the responsibility for any requirement
to provide batch certificates rests with the marketing authorization holder in the
certifying country or within the jurisdiction of the certifying regional authority.
The responsibility to forward certificates to the competent authority in the
importing country is most conveniently assigned to the importing agent.
Any inquiries or complaints regarding a batch certificate should always
be addressed to the certifying competent authority. A copy should also be sent to
the marketing authorization holder.
Strike out whichever does not apply.
“Not applicable” means that the product is not registered in the country of
All items under 4 refer to the marketing authorization or the certificate of a
For each of the parameters to be measured, specifications give the values that
have been accepted for batch release at the time of product registration.
The validity of the certificate should not be confused with the expiry period of
the batch/lot.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Appendix 3
In order to facilitate understanding, this glossary explains terms in the guidelines
and/or refers to relevant sections. It is considered as supplementary information
and not as being a formal part of the World Health Organization (WHO)
Certification Scheme on the quality of pharmaceutical products moving in
international commerce (hereinafter referred to as the “Scheme”).
abuse of Scheme. Actions addressed to the falsification of the certificates of
the Scheme, its traceability, to issue them by non-authorized authorities or
individuals, and any other activity against the authenticity of the certificates.
active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). Any substance or mixture of substances
intended to be used in the manufacture of a finished pharmaceutical product
(FPP) and that, when used in the production of a pharmaceutical product,
becomes an active ingredient of the FPP. Such substances are intended to furnish
pharmacological activity or other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation,
treatment or prevention of disease or to affect the structure and function of
the body.
applicant. The party applying for a certificate of a pharmaceutical product (CPP).
This is normally the agent responsible for importing pharmaceutical products,
the marketing authorization holder or other commercially-interested party. In
all instances, having regard to the commercial confidentiality of certain data,
the certifying authority must obtain permission to release these data from the
marketing authorization holder or, in the absence of a marketing authorization
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
importer. An individual or company or similar legal entity importing or seeking
to import a medical product. A “licensed” or “registered” importer is one who has
been granted a licence for such purpose.
importing agents, guidelines for. Guidelines on import procedures for
pharmaceutical products issued for certifying authorities to all agents responsible
for importing pharmaceutical products for human and/or veterinary use that
operate under its jurisdiction, including those responsible for public sector
purchases, to explain the contribution of certification to the medicine regulatory
process and the circumstances in which each of the three types of documents
will be required.
Annex 9
in either the exporting or the importing state and includes products for which
a prescription is required; products that may be sold to patients without a
prescription; biologicals; and vaccines. It does not, however, include medical
product information. This is the approved product information referred to
in section 3.7 of the guidelines and item 2.A.4 of the product certificate. It
normally consists of information for health professionals and the public (patient
information leaflets) as approved by the related medicines regulatory authority
and, when available, a data sheet or a summary of product characteristics
approved by the medicines regulatory authority.
Annex 9
Annex 9
Appendix 4
(Draft) model notification to the Director-General of the
World Health Organization
[Note This Annex 4 is not a part of the “Guidelines on the implementation of the
WHO Certification Scheme on the quality of pharmaceutical products moving
in International commerce”].
The Ministry of Health of the Government of (name
of country) / (name of regional authority) would like to
inform the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) that
(name of country or regional authority) would like
to participate/continue to participate in the WHO Certification Scheme on the
quality of pharmaceutical products moving in international commerce (referred
to henceforth as the “ Scheme”) as a:
Certifying member
Requesting member
Certifying member and requesting member (choose only one).
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Signature Date
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 9
Information on certifying/requesting authority(-ies)
Annex 10
Good reliance practices in the regulation of medical
products: high level principles and considerations
WHO supports reliance on the work of other regulators as a general principle
in order to make the best use of available resources and expertise. This principle
allows leveraging the output of others whenever possible while placing a greater
focus at national level on value-added regulatory activities that cannot be
undertaken by other authorities, such as, but not limited to: vigilance, market
surveillance, and oversight of local manufacturing and distribution. Reliance
facilitates timely access to safe, effective, quality-assured medical products
(see section 3. Scope) and can support regulatory preparedness and response,
particularly during public health emergencies.
Good reliance practices (GRelP) are anchored in overall good regulatory
practices (GRP) (1), which provide a means for establishing sound, affordable,
effective regulation of medical products as an important part of health system
strengthening. If implemented effectively, GRP can result in consistent regulatory
processes, sound regulatory decision-making, increased efficiency of regulatory
systems and better public health outcomes. NRAs are encouraged to adopt GRP
to ensure that they are using the most efficient regulatory processes possible.
WHO is establishing and implementing a framework for evaluating
regulatory authorities and designating those that meet the requirements as
“WHO-listed authorities” (WLA) (4). Using the WHO Global Benchmarking
Tool (5) and performance evaluation, WHO will assess the maturity and
performance of a regulatory authority to determine whether it meets the
requirements of a WLA and thereby provide a globally recognized, evidence-
based, transparent system that can be used by NRAs as a basis for selecting
reference regulatory authorities to practise reliance. A list of reference regulatory
authorities is available on the WHO website (6).
In September 2019, WHO held a consultation to solicit input on the
nature, structure and overall content of a document outlining GRelP. The
meeting concluded that the concept note and recommendations on regulatory
reliance principles of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the
Pan American Network for Drug Regulatory Harmonization (7) should be used
as a basis for the WHO document on GRelP. The high-level document would be
complemented by a repository of case studies, practice guides and examples of
practical application of GRelP.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Annex 10
Abbreviations to Annex 10
AMRH African Medicines Regulatory Harmonisation
APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
API active pharmaceutical ingredient
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
CRP collaborative registration procedure
GRP good regulatory practices
ICH International Council on Harmonisation of Technical
Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
IMDRF International Medical Device Regulators Forum
NRA national regulatory authority; for the purpose of this document,
the term also refers to regional regulatory authorities such as
the European Medicines Agency
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PAHO Pan American Health Organization
PIC/S Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention and Pharmaceutical
Inspection Co operation Scheme
ZAZIBONA Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia; initial
participants in the Southern African Development Community
collaborative procedure for joint assessment of medicines
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
1. Introduction
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the drive for universal
health coverage require that patients have access to quality-assured, effective and
safe medical products. Strong regulatory systems for medical products remain a
critical element of well-functioning health systems and important contributors
to improving access and ultimately achieving universal health coverage.
Establishing and sustaining mature regulatory systems requires adequate
resources, including skilled, capable human resources and a significant
financial investment. The globalization of markets, the sophistication of health
technologies, the rapid evolution of regulatory science and the increasing
complexity of supply chains have shown regulators the importance of
international cooperation in ensuring the safety, quality, efficacy or performance 1
of locally used products. In view of the extent and complexity of the regulatory
oversight required to address these challenges, NRAs must consider enhanced,
innovative, more effective forms of collaboration to make the best use of the
available resources and expertise, avoid duplication and concentrate their
regulatory efforts and resources where they are most needed.
Reliance represents a smarter, more efficient way of regulating medical
products in the modern world. Countries are therefore encouraged to formulate
and implement strategies to strengthen their regulatory systems consistent
with GRP, including pursuing regulatory cooperation and convergence, as
well as reliance. Reliance benefits patients and consumers, industry, national
governments, the donor community and international development partners
by facilitating and accelerating access to quality-assured, effective and safe
medical products.
The use of reliance to enhance the efficiency of regulatory systems has a
long history. The WHO Certification scheme on the quality of pharmaceutical
products moving in international commerce (8), introduced in 1969, is a form
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
“Efficacy” applies to medicines and vaccines and “performance” to medical devices, including in-vitro
Annex 10
results showed that regulatory reliance is broadly accepted and widely practised
with regard to medical products, especially among well resourced regulatory
authorities. The responses also reflected an evolving situation, with varying
experience and promise in the use of reliance-based approaches. While use of
reliance may be an emerging trend in some regions, the commonly stated goals
are to increase efficiency, help to strengthen regulatory systems and optimize the
use of resources. The results and suggestions from the survey were taken into
account in preparation of this document.
In view of the increasing prevalence and importance of reliance in the
regulation of medical products, Member States have requested WHO to prepare
practical guidance on the topic while ensuring that the approaches meet the
intended objectives. This document and additional guidance that follow are
intended to assist countries in implementing a sound, evidence-based, practical,
effective approach to reliance.
2. Purpose
The purpose is to promote a more efficient approach to regulation, thereby
improving access to quality-assured, effective and safe medical products. The
document presents the overarching principles of regulatory reliance in the
oversight of medical products and use of reliance to enhance the effectiveness
and efficiency of regulatory oversight. It provides high-level guidance,
definitions, key concepts and considerations to guide reliance mechanisms and
activities, illustrative examples of reliance approaches and conclusions. It will be
complemented by a “reliance toolbox”, consisting of practice guides, case studies
and a more comprehensive repository of examples.
3. Scope
The document covers reliance activities in the field of regulation of medical
products (i.e. medicines, vaccines, blood and blood products and medical
devices including in-vitro diagnostics), addressing all the regulatory functions
in the full life cycle of a medical product, as defined in the Global Benchmarking
Tool (5): registration and marketing authorization, vigilance, market surveillance
and control, licensing establishments, regulatory inspection, laboratory testing,
clinical trials oversight and NRA lot release. The document is intended for all
NRAs, irrespective of their level of maturity or resources, and also for policy-
makers, governments, industry, other developers of medical products and other
relevant stakeholders.
The concept of reliance covers all types of medical products and
regulatory activities. Reliance approaches should be given consideration in
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
particular for medical products for priority diseases for which there are unmet
medical needs, medical products to be used in public health emergencies or
during shortages and also for orphan and paediatric medical products.
4. Glossary
Definitions are essential to ensure a common understanding of concepts and
clarity in interpreting guidance on reliance. In addition to the definitions
provided below, reference is made to the WHO document on good regulatory
practices (1), which includes definitions of harmonization, convergence and
other relevant terms.
Assessment. For the purpose of this document, this term covers any evaluation
conducted for a regulatory function (e.g. evaluation of a clinical trial application
or of an initial marketing authorization for a medical product or any subsequent
post-authorization changes, evaluation of safety data, evaluation as part of an
International standards and guidelines. For the purpose of this document, the
term includes relevant WHO standards and guidelines and any other relevant
internationally recognized standards (e.g. International Organization for
Standardization or pharmacopoeial standards) and guidelines (e.g. International
Council on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for
Human Use [ICH] or guidelines of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention
and Pharmaceutical Inspection Co operation Scheme [PIC/S]).
Annex 10
5. Key concepts
Fig. 1 illustrates some of the key concepts explained in the document, notably
how NRAs can gain efficiency in regulatory operations and how to avoid
duplication by using reliance approaches.
Fig. 1
Key concepts of reliance
Each NRA should define its own strategy for an appropriate risk-based approach
to reliance, which includes factors such as the type and source of products
evaluated, the level of resources and expertise available in the NRA, the public
health needs and priorities of the country and opportunities for reliance. Using
marketing authorization as an example, four different reliance based regulatory
pathways and levels of reliance could be envisaged, with increasing degrees of
assessment by the relying NRA:
■■ verification of sameness of the medical product to ensure that it is
the same as that assessed by the reference regulatory authority
(see section 7.1.4 Sameness of a product in different jurisdictions).
Sameness should always be verified in any of the reliance approaches
listed here.
Annex 10
6.1 Universality
Reliance applies to all NRAs, irrespective of their levels of maturity or resources.
Lack of resources or capacity are not the exclusive drivers for reliance. Different
NRAs use reliance for different reasons. Some use it to increase or build in-
house capacity when there is the requisite expertise but not enough to perform
their regulatory work as efficiently as they would like. Others use reliance to
gain expertise that they do not have locally. Reliance is relevant for all resource
Sovereignty of decision-making
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
The decision to practise reliance and how best to do so rests with the national
health regulatory authority. Reliance does not imply dependence; it is not an
agency out-sourcing its decision-making authority or responsibility. In applying
reliance in daily practice, NRAs maintain independence, sovereignty and
accountability in regulatory decision-making.
6.3 Transparency
Transparency is a key enabler to adopting new, more efficient ways of conducting
regulatory operations, both locally and internationally. NRAs should be
transparent about the standards, processes and approaches they adopt in
implementing reliance measures. The basis and rationale for relying on a specific
entity should be disclosed and fully understood by all parties. NRAs should
Annex 10
6.5 Consistency
Reliance on an assessment or decision from another authority should be
established for specific, well-defined categories of products and processes. The
scope of regulatory activities in which reliance may be practised should be clearly
defined, and the practise of reliance should be transparent and predictable. Thus,
reliance should be expected to be applied consistently for products and processes
in the same categories.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
6.6 Competence
Implementation of reliance approaches requires that NRAs have the necessary
competence for critical decision-making. Introduction of the reliance approach
usually requires the involvement of senior regulatory staff, managers and
experts who are competent to make the best use of foreign information in the
local context. NRAs should maintain the appropriate scientific expertise of their
staff for activities in which they do not apply reliance, such as monitoring local
adverse events, market surveillance and control, national labelling and product
information activities and for oversight of locally manufactured products.
Equally, the authorities being relied upon should have and maintain
competence and operate within a robust, transparent regulatory system based
on international standards and guidelines, as well as GRP, and a well-functioning
quality management system (11). Competence may be benchmarked through
transparent processes for developing trust and building confidence in the
reference authorities.
7. Considerations
A number of considerations can guide reliance approaches and facilitate their
implementation. These include general aspects, barriers that NRAs may have
to overcome and enablers for implementing reliance approaches. The non-
exhaustive list of considerations below will be further elaborated in case studies,
practice guides and the reliance repository.
Reliance is encouraged in any setting when supported by a common
legal or regulatory framework in a regional regulatory system, by bilateral
agreements, by mutual recognition agreements or on a purely voluntary,
networking or ad-hoc basis. It is recommended that reliance be based on the
original assessment. In some cases, however, it may be based on a decision made
by reliance on another assessment.
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
agencies, the manufacturer should highlight any new information about the
product acquired since the application was submitted to the reference agency,
with the corresponding assessment.
7.3 Enablers
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
7.3.1 Trust
Trust is a critical element, as reliance requires confidence that the regulatory
outcome is based on strong regulatory processes and standards and is, thus,
trustworthy. Consequently, initiatives to foster trust among regulatory authorities
are essential. Trust develops with increasing familiarity and understanding of what
is behind regulatory outputs. Confidence can be built throughout the organization
by sharing information, including the standards applied to regulatory decisions,
working together and learning each other’s ways of working, which then leads to
effective use of reliance in regulatory work. Trust can be built in phases, starting
with exchange of assessment reports and moving to work-sharing or joint
assessments. Regulatory authorities may consider initiating reliance processes
with applications for medical products of lower risk.
Annex 10
the Pacific Alliance, the Regional Economic Communities in Africa and the
Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR).
8. Conclusions
Reliance is being practised by a growing number of regulatory authorities as
a means of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of regulation of medical
products. It allows NRAs to make the best use of resources, build expertise and
capacity, increase the quality of their regulatory decisions, reduce duplication
of effort and, ultimately, promote timely access to safe, effectiveand quality
assured medical products. Adoption of reliance measures whenever possible,
in a well structured framework underpinned by national or regional policies
and strategies, will allow regulators to focus their resources on activities that
contribute to public health that cannot be undertaken by others.
Reliance represents a “smarter” form of regulatory oversight, based on
constructive regional and international collaboration, that will facilitate and
promote convergence and the use of common international standards and
guidelines, resulting in more predictable, faster approval to improve access to
quality-assured medical products for patients worldwide.
Reliance does not represent a less stringent form of regulatory oversight
or outsourcing of regulatory mandates, nor does it compromise independence.
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
1. Good regulatory practices: guidelines for national regulatory authorities for medical products.
Draft working document. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (https://www.who.int/
practices_medical_products.pdf?ua=1, accessed 29 January 2021).
2. Definition of a mutual recognition agreement. Paris: Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development; 2020 (https://www.oecd.org/gov/regulatory-policy/irc6.htm, accessed 29 January
3. Definition of stringent regulatory authority. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for
Pharmaceutical Preparations: fifty-first report (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1003). Geneva:
World Health Organization; 2017:34–5 (https://www.who.int/medicines/areas/quality_safety/
quality_assurance/expert_committee/trs_1003/en/, accessed 29 January 2021).
4. Policy evaluating and publicly designating regulatory authorities as WHO-listed authorities.
Draft working document. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019 (https://www.who.int/
Authorities.pdf, accessed 29 January 2021).
5. WHO Global Benchmarking Tool (GBT) for evaluation of national regulatory systems. Geneva:
World Health Organization; 2020 (https://www.who.int/medicines/regulation/benchmarking_
tool/en/, accessed 29 January 2021).
6. A framework for evaluating and publicly designating regulatory authorities as WHO-listed
authority, Interim list of national regulatory authorities. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020
(https://www.who.int/medicines/regulation/wla_introduction/en/, accessed 29 January 2021).
7. Pan American Health Organization, Pan American Network for Drug Regulatory Harmonization.
Regulatory reliance principles: concept note and recommendations. Ninth Conference of the
Pan American Network for Drug Regulatory Harmonization (PANDRH) (San Salvador, 24 to 26
October, 2018. Washington DC: Pan American Health Organization; 2019 (https://iris.paho.org/
handle/10665.2/51549, accessed 29 January 2021).
8. The WHO Certification Scheme on the Quality of Pharmaceutical Products Moving in International
Commerce. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 (https://www.who.int/teams/regulation-
prequalification/pharmacovigilance/certification-scheme, accessed 29 January 2021).
9. History of PIC/S. Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention and Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-
operation Scheme; 2020 (https://picscheme.org/en/history, accessed 29 January 2021).
10. Outcome of WHO survey on reliance. International Pharmaceutical Regulators Programme; 2019
(http://www.iprp.global/news/outcome-who-survey-reliance, accessed 29 January 2021).
11. WHO guideline on the implementation of quality management systems for national regulatory
authorities. In: WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations:
fifty‑fourth report (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025). Geneva: World Health Organization;
2020: Annex 13:273–327 (https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/978-92-4-000182-4, accessed
29 January 2021).
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Appendix 1
Examples of use of reliance
Regulatory reliance can take many forms and encompasses a wide range of
regulatory approaches and practices that involve two or more regulatory
authorities. It may be limited to a discrete regulatory process or function or
comprise the full scope of regulatory functions throughout the life cycle of a
medical product. Many examples around the world illustrate current use of
reliance and the diverse ways in which NRAs leverage the work of others. The
examples below illustrate the points raised in the GRelP, to show use of reliance
in different regulatory functions. The list is not exhaustive but an illustration
of current global practices in reliance. It may be replaced in the future by a
comprehensive repository of reliance approaches to be established as a part of
a toolbox of GRelP.
Union Medicines for all) (4), the Swissmedic Marketing Authorisation for
Global Health Products (5) procedures and the WHO collaborative procedure
(CRP) for accelerated registration (CRP) (6) are three examples of abridged
regulatory pathways in which reliance is used to facilitate the registration of
medical products.
The European Union Article 58 and the Swissmedic Marketing
Authorisation for Global Health Products not only facilitate national registration
but also provide an opportunity for experts from NRAs to both observe and
participate in assessment and scientific advice procedures, thus building their
capacity and establishing confidence in the processes.
The CRP facilitates the assessment and accelerates national registration
of WHO-prequalified medical products and medicines approved by a stringent
regulatory authority. The CRP provides unredacted reports on the assessment,
inspection and performance evaluation (in the case of in-vitro diagnostics)
upon request (and with the consent of the manufacturer) to participating NRAs,
primarily in low- and middle-income countries. The procedures are detailed in
WHO guidelines, which also include guidance on how NRAs can make the most
efficient use of the reports in reaching their own decisions, as participating NRAs
are expected to reach a decision on marketing authorization within 90 calendar
days (regulatory time). The CRP has been successful in both accelerating
decisions in countries and building the capacity of regulatory authorities.
The WHO certificate of a pharmaceutical product (CPP) is also used as
a reliance tool, in lieu of full or partial assessment for marketing authorization
(7). NRAs are encouraged to consider use of electronic CPP. These certificates
are being used in lieu of a full or partial review, accelerating assessment in
many countries such as Benin, Bolivia, Cameroon, Congo, Cuba, Curaçao
(Netherlands), Guinea, Haiti, Honduras and Hong Kong (China).
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
A2.3 Work-sharing
The Australia–Canada–Singapore–Switzerland United Kingdom ACCESS
Consortium (10) was formed in 2007 by “like-minded” medium-sized regulatory
authorities to promote work sharing for greater regulatory collaboration and
alignment of regulatory requirements. The ACCESS Consortium explores
opportunities to share information and work in areas such as biosimilar
products, complementary medicines, generic medicines, new prescription
medicines, medical devices and information technology. The Consortium
capitalizes on each country’s strengths, addresses gaps in science, knowledge
and expertise and leverages resources to expedite risk assessment, while
maintaining or raising quality and safety standards. The Consortium builds
on international networks, initiatives and mechanisms to advance work- and
information-sharing throughout the life cycles of health products.
A5. Pharmacovigilance
Exchanges and sharing of data are critical in pharmacovigilance. More than
100 Member States share data on the safety of medical products in the WHO
database of individual case reports of safety, VigiBase, developed and maintained
by the Uppsala Monitoring Centre (20). Member States use this database (and
thereby each other’s data) as a single source of pharmacovigilance information
to confirm and validate any signals of adverse events associated with medicines
and vaccines that they have observed. In Regulation EU No 1235/2010 (21),
the European Union introduced the concept of a supervisory authority for
pharmacovigilance, to be responsible for verifying on behalf of the Union
that the marketing authorization holder for a medicinal product satisfies the
pharmacovigilance requirements as per European Union legislation.
Countries in the Region of the Americas have been preparing joint
assessments of periodic safety updates and risk management plans. Coordinated
by Health Canada, pairs of countries have completed evaluation reports for
several products. The reports are made available on a regional platform with
access restricted to the pharmacovigilance focal points of the NRAs.
A6. Inspections
Governments and NRAs in various regions have made mutual recognition
agreements so that they can rely on each other’s inspections, avoiding duplication
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
of work and making the best use of resources. These include agreements between
the European Union (22) and Australia, Canada, Japan, Switzerland and the USA
and ASEAN mutual recognition agreements (23).
PIC/S is a non-binding, informal cooperative arrangement among
regulatory authorities in the field of good manufacturing and good distribution
practices of medicinal products for human or veterinary use and, more recently,
also in good clinical and good vigilance practices (24). Its aim is to facilitate
cooperation and networking among competent authorities and regional and
international organizations, thus increasing mutual confidence in inspections.
PIC/S has issued guidance on inspection reliance, outlining a process for desk-
top assessment of compliance with good manufacturing practices (25). Reliance
is an important aspect of desktop assessments of compliance with relevant good
practice guidelines and requirements, as described in WHO guidance (26).
Annex 10
References to Appendix 1
1. Clinical trials facilitation groups. Guidance document for sponsors for a voluntary harmonisation
procedure (VHP) for the assessment of multinational clinical trial applications. Heads of
Medicines Agencies; 2016 (https://www.hma.eu/fileadmin/dateien/Human_Medicines/01-About_
HMA/Working_Groups/CTFG/2016_06_CTFG_VHP_guidance_for_sponsor_v4.pdf, accessed 29
January 2021).
2. The African Vaccine Regulatory Forum. Brazzaville: World Health Organization Regional Office for
Africa; 2020 (https://www.afro.who.int/health-topics/immunization/avaref, accessed 29 January
3. GCP inspection guide. Joint review guideline. In: AVAREF tools. Brazzaville: World Health
Organization Regional Office for Africa; 2020 (https://www.afro.who.int/publications/avaref-
tools, accessed 29 January 2021).
4. Human regulatory. Marketing authorisation. Medicines for use outside the European Union.
European Medicines Agency. Amsterdam. European Medicines Agency; 2019 (https://www.ema.
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 10
8. Background & legal framework. Certificate of suitability to the monographs of the European
Pharmacopoeia. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines
& Healthcare; 2020 (https://www.edqm.eu/en/certification-background-77.html, accessed 29
January 2021).
9. Active pharmaceutical ingredients. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 (https://extranet.
who.int/pqweb/medicines/active-pharmaceutical-ingredients, accessed 29 January 2021).
10. The ACCESS Consortium. Australian Government. Department of Health. Therapeutic
Goods Administration (https://www.tga.gov.au/australia-canada-singapore-switzerland-acss-
consortium); Government of Canada (https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-
html); Health Sciences Authority (https://www.hsa.gov.sg/international-collaboration/
therapeutic-products/acss; Swissmedic: https://www.swissmedic.ch/swissmedic/en/home/about-
multilateral-co-operation-with-international-organisations---ini.html; , MHRA https://www.gov.
switzerland-regulators; all accessed 29 January 2021.
11. Medicines and Food Safety Unit. Arusha: East African Community; 2020 (https://www.eac.int/
health/medicines-and-food-safety-unit, accessed 29 January 2021).
12. Alternative/Expedited process to register medicines via the ZAZIBONA collaborative process.
Gaborone: Southern African Development Community; 2015 (http://www.rrfa.co.za/wp-content/
uploads/2015/10/ZaZiBoNa-Registration-Pathway_v01_09062015.pdf, accessed 29 January 2021).
13. Regional joint assessment procedure for medicine registration and marketing authorization
of medical products. Bobo Dioulasso: West African Health Organization; 2019 (https://www.
assessment-procedure.pdf, accessed 29 January 2021).
14. ASEAN cooperation on standards and conformance to facilitate trade in the region. Jakarta:
Association of Southeast Asian Nations; 2020 (https://asean.org/asean-economic-community/
sectoral-bodies-under-the-purview-of-aem/standards-and-conformance/, accessed 29 January
15. Patel P, McAuslane N, Liberti L. R&D briefing 71: Trends in the regulatory landscape for the
approval of new medicines in Latin America. London: Centre for Innovation in Regulatory
Science; 2019 (http://docplayer.net/146295622-Trends-in-the-regulatory-landscape-for-the-
approval-of-new-medicines-in-latin-america.html, accessed 29 January 2021).
16. Medicinal products. EudraLex – EU legislation. EudraBook V1 – May 2015 / EudraLex V30 – January
2015. Brussels: European Commission; 2020 (https://ec.europa.eu/health/documents/eudralex/,
accessed 29 January 2021).
17. Therapeutic products guidance. Guidance on therapeutic product registration in Singapore
(TPB-GN-005-005). Chapter H. Minor variation (MIV) application submission. Singapore: Health
Sciences Authority; 2019 (https://www.hsa.gov.sg/docs/default-source/hprg/therapeutic-
jan2019.pdf, accessed 29 January 2021).
18. General European OMCL Network (GEON). Strasbourg: Council of Europe, European Directorate
for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare; 2020 (https://www.edqm.eu/en/general-european-
omcl-network-geon, accessed 29 January 2021).
19. WHO-National Control Laboratory Network for Biologicals (WHO-NNB). Geneva: World Health
Organization; 2016 (https://www.who.int/immunization_standards/vaccine_quality/who_nnb/
en/, accessed 29 January 2021).
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
29. Medical devices: post-market surveillance: national competent authority report exchange
criteria and report form. Singapore: International Medical Device Regulators Forum; 2017 (http://
www.imdrf.org/docs/imdrf/final/technical/imdrf-tech-170921-pms-ncar-n14-r2.pdf, accessed
29 January 2021).
30. IMDRF Adverse Event Terminologies Working Group. IMDRF terminologies for categorized
adverse event reporting (AER): terms, terminology structure and codes. Singapore: International
Medical Device Regulators Forum; 2020 (http://www.imdrf.org/docs/imdrf/final/technical/imdrf-
tech-200318-ae-terminologies-n43.pdf, accessed 29 January 2021).
31. IMDRF Standards Working Group. Optimizing standards for regulatory use. Singapore:
International Medical Device Regulators Forum; 2018 (http://www.imdrf.org/docs/imdrf/final/
technical/imdrf-tech-181105-optimizing-standards-n51.pdf, accessed 29 January 2021).
32. IMDRF Good Regulatory Review Practices Group. Essential principles of safety and performance
of medical devices and IVD medical devices. Singapore: International Medical Device Regulators
Forum; 2018 (http://www.imdrf.org/docs/imdrf/final/technical/imdrf-tech-181031-grrp-essential-
principles-n47.pdf, accessed 29 January 2021).
Annex 10
33. IMDRF Good Regulatory Review Practices Group. Competence, training, and conduct
requirements for regulatory reviewers. Singapore: International Medical Device Regulators
Forum; 2017 (http://www.imdrf.org/docs/imdrf/final/technical/imdrf-tech-170316-competence-
conduct-reviewers.pdf, accessed 29 January 2021).
34. Overseas reference regulatory agencies. Registration overview of medical devices. Singapore:
Health Sciences Authority; 2019 (https://www.hsa.gov.sg/medical-devices/registration/overview#
toggle=togglepanel-overseas-reference-regulatory-agencies, accessed 29 January 2021).
35. Comparable overseas regulators for medical device applications. Canberra: Therapeutic Goods
Administration, Department of Health; 2019 (https://www.tga.gov.au/comparable-overseas-
regulators-medical-device-applications, accessed 29 January 2021).
36. Reliance for emergency use authorization of medicines and other health technologies in a
pandemic (e.g. COVID-19). Washington DC: Pan American Health Organization; 2020 (https://iris.
paho.org/handle/10665.2/52027, accessed 29 January 2021).
Annex 11
Good regulatory practices in the regulation of medical
A fundamental role of government is to protect and promote the health and safety
of the public, including by delivering health care. A well-functioning health care
system requires available, affordable medical products that are safe, effective and
of assured quality. As medical products are essential in the prevention, diagnosis
and treatment of disease, the consequences of substandard and falsified medical
products can be life threatening. This is a concern, as users of medical products
are not usually in a position to judge their quality. The interests and safety of the
public must therefore be entrusted to a regulatory body or bodies that ensure that
only products in legal trade are available and that marketed products are safe,
perform as claimed and are of assured quality.
The regulation of medical products has become increasingly complex
with the globalization of product development, production and supply and
the rapid pace of technological and social change in the context of limited
financial and human resources.The importance of robust regulatory systems
was recognized by the Sixty-Seventh World Health Assembly when it endorsed
resolution WHA 67.20, Regulatory system strengthening for medical products.
The resolution notes that “effective regulatory systems are an essential
component of health system strengthening and contribute to better public
health outcomes”, that “regulators are an essential part of the health workforce”
and that “inefficient regulatory systems themselves can be a barrier to access to
safe, effective and quality medical products” (23).
A sound system of oversight requires that regulatory authorities be
supported by an effective framework of laws, regulations and guidelines and
that they have the competence, capacity, resources and scientific knowledge to
deliver their mandate in an efficient and transparent manner. The extent to which
a regulatory framework fulfils its policy objectives depends on the quality of its
development and implementation. GRP are critical to efficient performance of
a regulatory system and, consequently, to the public’s confidence in the system,
while also setting clear requirements for regulated entities. A sound regulatory
framework, including international norms and standards, and the recruitment
and development of competent staff are necessary but not sufficient conditions
to ensure “good oversight”. All individuals in regulatory authorities should be
guided by GRP in setting appropriate requirements and formulating decisions
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
that are clear, transparent, consistent, impartial, proportionate, timely and based
on sound science. Regulated parties and other stakeholders also play important
roles in ensuring a clear, efficient regulatory environment so that quality-assured
medical products are available to patients.
Acknowledgements 271
Abbreviations to Annex 11 271
Executive summary 271
1. Introduction 273
2. Purpose 273
3. Scope 273
4. Glossary 274
5. Objectives 276
6. Key considerations 276
7. Overview of a regulatory system for medical products 277
7.1 Components of the regulatory framework 277
7.2 Components of a regulatory system 279
8. Principles of good regulatory practices 282
8.1 Legality 283
8.2 Consistency 284
8.3 Independence 286
8.4 Impartiality 287
8.5 Proportionality 288
8.6 Flexibility 290
8.7 Clarity 292
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
WHO acknowledges all the authors, stakeholders and organizations who
contributed to the preparation of this document.
Abbreviations to Annex 11
APEC Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
GRP Good regulatory practices
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Executive summary
A fundamental role of government is to protect and promote the health and
safety of the public, including providing health care. A well-functioning health
care system requires available, affordable medical products that are safe, effective
and of consistently assured quality.
The medical products sector is one of the most regulated of all industries,
because of the impact of the diverse range of medical products on health, the
difficulty in assessing their quality, safety and efficacy or performance 1 and
the complexity of their development, production, supply and surveillance. It is
therefore essential that the interests and safety of the public be entrusted to a
regulatory body responsible for ensuring that only products in legal trade are
available and that marketed products are safe, perform as claimed and are of
assured quality.
Regulatory authorities have a duty to ensure that they regulate in a
manner that achieves public policy objectives. A coherent legal framework
should be established and implemented that provides the required level of
oversight while facilitating innovation and access to safe, effective and good-
quality medical products. The framework should also have the necessary
flexibility and responsiveness, particularly for managing public health
emergencies, addressing new technologies and practices and promoting
international regulatory cooperation.
Governments incur costs by establishing and maintaining regulatory
systems to protect and promote the health of their citizens. Regulated parties
incur costs in complying with regulations. Inefficient regulatory systems, however,
Medicines and vaccines: efficacy; medical devices including in-vitro diagnostics: performance
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
have impacts on the health system, with potentially significant implications for
morbidity and mortality, health care costs and the economy.
A sound legal framework, adoption of international norms and standards
and recruitment and development of competent staff are necessary but not
sufficient conditions to ensure “good regulatory oversight”. These measures must
be combined with good regulatory practices (GRP) that guide all individuals
in organizations entrusted with regulating medical products in formulating
decisions that are clear, transparent, consistent, impartial, proportionate, timely
and based on sound science and legislation.
GRP can be defined as a set of principles and practices applied to the
development, implementation and review of regulatory instruments – laws,
regulations and guidelines – to achieve public health policy objectives in the
most efficient way. Successful application of GRP is the hallmark of a modern,
science-based, responsive regulatory system in which regulations are translated
into desired outcomes. GRP provide a means of establishing and implementing
sound, affordable, efficient regulation of medical products as an important part
of health system performance and sustainability.
This document is intended to present Member States with widely
recognized principles of GRP derived from an extensive review of public
documents issued by governments and multilateral organizations as well as many
consultative workshops, benchmarking exercises and interactions with Member
States. The nine principles presented in this document – legality, consistency,
independence, impartiality, proportionality, flexibility, clarity, efficiency and
transparency – are relevant to all authorities responsible for the regulation of
medical products, irrespective of their resources, sophistication or regulatory
model. Regulated parties and other stakeholders also have important roles to play
in achieving an efficient regulatory environment.
GRP serve as a basis for guidance documents on best regulatory practices.
The body of WHO guidance documents is intended to provide regulatory
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 11
1. Introduction
This document responds to requests from national authorities responsible for
regulation of medical products (see 4. Glossary) for guidance in addressing
common gaps in regulatory practices identified during benchmarking exercises.
The document draws on documents published by multilateral bodies such as the
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) (10), the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) (11, 12), the World Bank (13) and the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) (14), as well as guides published
by a number of governments. The document also takes account of earlier WHO
documents that touch on aspects of GRP (15–22) and of WHO experience in
applying the WHO Global Benchmarking Tool (GBT) and promoting the
principles of good regulatory practices (GRP). Proper implementation of GRP
through GRP enablers across the regulatory system (see 4. Glossary) can result
in desired regulatory outcomes and impact.
2. Purpose
This document presents the high-level principles of GRP. They are intended
to serve as benchmarks and thereby guide Member States in applying good
practices in regulation of medical products. This document is also meant to
guide Member States in prioritizing the functions of their regulatory system
according to their resources, national goals, public health policies, medical
products policies and the medical product environment. This “principles-
based” document will be supplemented by practical guides and tools to facilitate
implementation of GRP by organizations responsible for the regulation of
medical products. This basic document is complemented by related guidance
on best regulatory practices, including good governance practices (24), good
reliance practices (25), good review practices (26) and quality management
systems (see 4. Glossary) for national regulatory authorities (NRAs) (27).
The group of documents is intended to provide regulatory authorities with
comprehensive guidance on improving performance.
3. Scope
This document presents principles and considerations in the development and
use of the regulatory instruments that underpin regulatory activities. Broader
practices and attributes are presented that define well-performing regulatory
systems for medical products.
The document is relevant to all regulatory authorities, irrespective of
their resources, maturity or regulatory model. High-level GRP principles are
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
4. Glossary
The definitions given below apply to the terms as used in this document. They
may have different meanings in other contexts. Readers are also encouraged to
consult related WHO guidance for more complete definitions relevant to best
regulatory practices (see References).
Co-regulation. A system of shared regulatory responsibilities in which an
industry association or professional group assumes some regulatory functions,
such as surveillance and enforcement or setting regulatory standards.
International standards and guidelines. For the purpose of this document,
the term includes relevant WHO standards and guidelines and any other
relevant, internationally recognized standards (e.g. International Organization
for Standardization or pharmacopoeial standards) and guidelines (e.g. the
International Council on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for
Pharmaceuticals for Human Use or guidelines of the Pharmaceutical Inspection
Convention and Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme).
Medical product. For the purpose of this document, the term includes medicines,
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
vaccines, blood and blood products and medical devices, including in-vitro
Public health emergency. The condition that requires a governor to declare a
state of public health emergency, defined as
an occurrence or imminent threat of an illness or health condition,
caused by bioterrorism, epidemic or pandemic disease, or (a)
novel and highly fatal infectious agent or biological toxin that
poses a substantial risk of a significant number of human fatalities
or incidents or permanent or long-term disability.
The declaration of a state of public health emergency permits a governor to
suspend state regulations and change the functions of state agencies (1).
Annex 11
5. Objectives
GRP ensure sound, effective regulation of medical products as an important
part of health system performance and sustainability. If they are implemented
consistently and effectively, they can result in higher-quality regulation, better
regulatory decision-making and compliance, more efficient regulatory systems
and better public health outcomes. They help to ensure that regulatory systems
remain up to date as the technologies and systems in which they are used
continue to evolve. In an increasingly complex, interconnected regulatory
environment, GRP also promote trust among regulatory authorities and other
stakeholders, such as industry, academia, research centres and health care
professionals and thereby facilitate international cooperation and the adoption of
more effective and efficient approaches to ensuring the quality, safety and efficacy
or performance of medical products in the global regulatory community. The
ultimate aim of GRP is to serve and protect public health and patients’ interests,
with respect for all applicable ethical principles.
6. Key considerations
The medical products sector is one of the most regulated of all industries because
of the impact that the diverse range of medical products can have on health and
society, the difficulty in assessing their quality, efficacy or performance and safety,
lessons learnt from public health tragedies and the complexity of developing,
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
Fig. 1
Architecture of a regulatory framework
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Annex 11
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Fig. 2
Table 1
Principles of good regulatory practices
Legality Regulatory systems and the decisions that flow from them must
have a sound legal basis.
Consistency Regulatory oversight of medical products should be consistent
with existing government policies and legislation and be applied
in a consistent and predictable manner.
Independence Institutions that execute regulation of medical products should be
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
Impartiality All regulated parties should be treated equitably, fairly and
without bias.
Proportionality Regulation and regulatory decisions should be proportional to risk
and to the regulator’s capacity to implement and enforce them.
Flexibility Regulatory oversight should not be prescriptive but rather be
flexible in responding to a changing environment and unforeseen
circumstances. Timely responsiveness to a specific need and in
particular to public health emergencies should be built into the
regulatory system.
Clarity Regulatory requirements should be accessible to and understood
by users.
Annex 11
Table 1 continued
Efficiency Regulatory systems should achieve their goals within the required
time and at reasonable effort and cost. International collaboration
promotes efficiency by ensuring the best use of resources.
Transparency Regulatory systems should be transparent; requirements and
decisions should be made known, and input should be sought on
regulatory proposals.
8.1 Legality
Regulatory systems and the decisions that flow from them must have a sound
legal basis.
Key elements:
• The regulatory framework should provide the necessary authority, scope and
flexibility to safeguard and promote health.
• Delegation of power and responsibilities to various levels of the regulatory system
should be clear and explicit.
• Regulatory frameworks should support and empower regulatory authorities to
contribute to and benefit from international cooperation.
• Systems should be in place to ensure that regulatory decisions and sanctions can
be reviewed.
• The regulatory framework should clearly define the scope and lines of authority
of the institutions that form the regulatory system to ensure its integrity.
• The regulatory authority must be held accountable for its actions and decisions to
the public, those regulated and the government within a legal framework.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
standards and commitments, (ii) answerable for their actions and (iii) willing to
face the consequences when standards or commitments are not met.
Regulatory actions and decisions should be consistent with the authority
and controls provided for by the legal framework. Processes should therefore be
in place for review of regulatory decisions, including internal appeals and judicial
appeal of the decisions of regulators, such as on the grounds of procedural
fairness and due process, in addition to scientific and administrative grounds.
8.2 Consistency
Regulation of medical products should be consistent with government policies
and legislation and be applied consistently and predictably.
Annex 11
Key elements:
• The regulatory framework for medical products should fit coherently into the
national legal and policy framework.
• New regulations should complement, and not conflict with, existing regulatory
• Regulatory requirements should be implemented and enforced consistently for
all medical product sectors and stakeholders.
8.3 Independence
Institutions responsible for regulation of medical products should be independent.
Key elements:
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
8.4 Impartiality
All regulated parties should be treated equitably, fairly and without bias.
Key elements:
• Regulatory activities and decisions should be free of conflicts of interest or
unfounded bias.
• The regulatory system must operate impartially.
• The regulatory authority should not be engaged in the activities it regulates nor be
hierarchically subordinate to the institutions that perform the regulated activities.
• Regulatory decisions should be based on science and evidence, and the decision-
making process should be robust, according to defined criteria.
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
8.5 Proportionality
Regulatory oversight and regulatory decisions should be proportional to the risk
and to the regulator’s capacity to implement and enforce the decisions.
Key elements:
• Regulatory oversight should be adequate to achieve the objectives without being
• Regulatory measures should be proportionate to the risk of the product or activity
or service.
Annex 11
Box continued
• Regulations should not exceed the national capacity to implement and enforce
• Assessment of medical products should be based on a benefit–risk evaluation
and continuous monitoring of the benefit–risk profile in a robust vigilance system.
8.6 Flexibility
Regulatory oversight should be flexible in order to respond to a changing
environment and unforeseen circumstances.
Key elements:
• The regulatory system, including its frameworks, should provide sufficient
flexibility to reflect or respond to changes in the regulated environment, such as
evolving science and technology.
• The regulatory system should be prepared to provide timely responses to urgent
situations such as public health emergencies and shortages of medical products.
• The language of regulation should reflect performance when possible, allowing
for alternative approaches to achieve the same result.
• The regulatory system should provide the flexibility for applying good judgement.
8.7 Clarity
Regulatory requirements should be accessible to and understood by users.
Key elements:
• Regulatory instruments should be written in language that is understood by users.
• The terminology should be defined and consistent with international norms
when possible.
• Consultation, education and training in new requirements contribute to
clarification and compliance.
• Guidelines and good guidance practices are instrumental to proper interpretation
of regulations.
• The process and basis for taking regulatory decisions and enforcement actions
should be clear.
The process and basis for taking regulatory decisions and enforcing
them should be clear and accessible to those directly impacted or otherwise
affected (see section 8.9 Transparency).
In summary, clarity is essential in all aspects of regulatory oversight
(requirements, procedures, decisions and communications) if regulatory
programmes are to have the desired effect.
8.8 Efficiency
Regulatory systems should achieve the intended results within the required time
and at reasonable effort and cost.
Key elements:
• Efficient regulatory systems achieve the intended public health goals.
• A sound regulatory framework, competent staff and effective use of resources and
information from other authorities are the key elements of an efficient regulatory
• Policy-makers should seek the most efficient, least burdensome means of
achieving their regulatory purposes and confirm effectiveness after
• The total burden and resources required for cumulative regulation should be
• Regulatory authorities should continually explore ways of improving efficiency in
fulfilling their mandate.
• Alignment of regulatory requirements with those of other countries and
international collaboration promote efficiency.
• Regulated entities contribute critically to the efficiency of regulatory systems.
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
work and decisions of other regulatory authorities and focus their resources
on essential, value-added activities that can be provided only by the regulatory
authority (26).
Regulatory oversight cannot be considered efficient if it creates unjustified
barriers to access, trade or international regulatory cooperation. Successful
establishment of effective regulatory control on medical products depends on a
number of factors, as previously described, including:
■■ analysis of options, including the results of consultations with
stakeholders, as regulations are more likely to be effective if those
who are impacted have provided input;
■■ regulations that are proportional to the perceived risk, encourage
innovation and pose no unnecessary barriers to trade (e.g. sample
testing at import); and
■■ early planning for implementation and for the practicalities of
future enforcement. Application and enforcement should not be
In developing new regulatory instruments and analysing their impact,
the regulatory authority should develop “strategies for education, assistance,
persuasion, promotion, economic incentives, monitoring, enforcement, and
sanctions” (34). The authority should decide which compliance strategies to
establish and whether consumer awareness and market forces can reasonably
be used, in addition to the threat of penalties. The role of civil society in
monitoring adherence to regulation should also be considered. Co-regulation
(see 4. Glossary) may be considered in certain circumstances. In such situations,
a government issues regulations and enters into a non-statutory agreement
with a body (e.g. industry or professional health care association) to develop
and administer a compliance programme. When a government works with and
through such a body in regulating the activity, it does not delegate its oversight
of the activity.
Regulatory authorities may also consider use of third parties to conduct
their activities. This model is prevalent in the regulation of medical devices,
such as use of recognized auditing organizations to audit manufacturers’ quality
management systems to ensure that they are of an international standard and
respect applicable regulatory requirements. Regulatory resources are used
to establish and maintain oversight of audit organizations, resulting in more
effective use of limited resources (35).
A government incurs costs by establishing and maintaining regulatory
systems. Industry and other regulated parties incur costs in complying with
regulations, such as undertaking studies, preparing application dossiers,
maintaining records and paying fees – the cost of doing business. Additional
WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations Fifty-fifth report
reduce the overall review time by reducing the number of review cycles.
Similarly, a manufacturer with a good compliance record should not require the
same frequency or depth of inspection as a poorly performing manufacturer.
Consultations and training can effectively complement enforcement in achieving
the desired level of compliance.
In a regulatory impact analysis, policy-makers should seek the most
efficient, least burdensome means of achieving their regulatory purposes at a
minimum reasonable cost. A regulatory approach should include consideration
of the total burden and resources required for cumulative regulation.
Periodic performance assessments should be conducted to evaluate the
actual efficiency of regulatory instruments to ensure that the foreseen benefits
are realized and, if so, the direct and indirect costs.
8.9 Transparency
Transparency is the hallmark of a well-functioning regulatory system and is
essential for building public trust and enabling international cooperation.
Key elements:
• Transparency requires investment and a culture of openness, supported by
government policy, commitment and action.
• Stakeholders should be consulted in the development of new or revised regulatory
• Regulatory requirements, processes, fees, assessments, decisions and actions
should be as accessible as possible.
• The policies of the regulatory authority with respect to disclosure should be
consistent with national laws on access to information.
views known before they are enacted. With transparency, once medical product
regulations and guidelines are adopted, they are readily available and accessible
to stakeholders and the general public. Relevant laws, regulations and guideline
documents should be posted on the authority’s website. Additionally, national
industry and professional associations often work with regulatory authorities to
disseminate new regulatory texts or to provide opportunities for exchanges of
relevant information.
The assessments (positive and, when possible, negative), decisions and
actions of the regulatory authority should be documented and made publicly
available, with the rationale for the decisions, ideally by issuing a public
assessment report. This information is important to a range of stakeholders,
including industry, researchers, health professionals, patients and consumers,
who use the information for various purposes. It is also essential for building
trust and confidence in the regulatory system.
Regulated parties should be able to access the full reports of a product
assessment or site inspection that pertains to them. This not only provides
insight into the basis for comments and decisions but is also educational, helping
to improve regulatory compliance and the quality of future submissions. This
practice can also be beneficial to the regulatory authority by fostering a culture
of transparency and accountability at operational and management levels.
Furthermore, it can lead to higher-quality reports by ensuring that they clearly
explain how such assessments led to decisions. The manufacturer should be given
the opportunity to redact any trade secret or confidential personal or commercial
information before publication.
Transparency requires investment and a culture of openness, which, in
turn, should be supported by government policy, commitment and action. While
not all regulatory authorities may be able to implement the full range of measures
for an optimally transparent regulatory system, a step wise approach can be
adopted. Given the prevalence of smart devices and the Internet, an up-to-date,
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
to the scope, magnitude and complexity of the issue. Sustained support at the
highest levels, with adequate resources, is essential.
Further guidance will be issued to assist Member States both in
establishing new regulatory systems for medical products and in updating
existing ones.
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WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1033, 2021
The World Health Organization was established in 1948 as a specialized agency of the
United Nations serving as the directing and coordinating authority for international
health matters and public health. One of WHO’s constitutional functions is to The International Pharmacopoeia, tenth edition.
provide objective and reliable information and advice in the field of human health, a 2021 (online)
responsibility that it fulfils in part through its extensive programme of publications. WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations
Fifty-fourth report.
The Organization seeks through its publications to support national health strategies
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1025, 2020 (xiv + 325 pages)
and address the most pressing public health concerns of populations around the world.
To respond to the needs of Member States at all levels of development, WHO publishes International Nonproprietary Names (INN) for pharmaceutical substances
practical manuals, handbooks and training material for specific categories of health Cumulative List No. 17 2018 (available on CD-ROM only) and Cumulative List
workers; internationally applicable guidelines and standards; reviews and analyses of No. 18 2021 (available as searchable pdf – in preparation)
health policies, programmes and research; and state-of-the-art consensus reports that The selection and use of essential medicines
offer technical advice and recommendations for decision-makers. These books are Report of the WHO Expert Committee (including the 21st WHO Model List of
closely tied to the Organization’s priority activities, encompassing diseases prevention Essential Medicines and the 7th WHO Model List for Children),
and control, the development of equitable health systems based on primary health WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1021, 2019 (xxxviii + 639 pages)
care, and health promotion for individuals and communities. Progress towards better
WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization
health for all also demands the global dissemination and exchange of information
Seventy-first report
that draws on the knowledge and experience of all WHO’s Member countries and the
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1028, 2020 (xi + 101 pages)
collaboration of world leaders in public health and the biomedical sciences. To ensure
the widest possible availability of authoritative information and guidance on health
matters, WHO secures the broad international distribution of its publications and
encourages their translation and adaption. By helping to promote and protect health
and prevent and control disease throughout the world, WHO’s books contribute to
achieving the Organization’s principal objective – the attainment by all people of the
highest possible level of health.
The WHO Technical Report Series makes available the findings of various international
groups of experts that provide WHO with the latest scientific and technical advice
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W H O Te c h n i c a l R e p o r t S e r i e s
ISBN 9789240020900