The Effect of Accounting Information System (AIS) Practice in The Collection of Value Added Tax (VAT) : Study On Wolaita Sodo and Tercha Town Tax Revenue Authorities in SNNPR, Ethiopia
The Effect of Accounting Information System (AIS) Practice in The Collection of Value Added Tax (VAT) : Study On Wolaita Sodo and Tercha Town Tax Revenue Authorities in SNNPR, Ethiopia
The Effect of Accounting Information System (AIS) Practice in The Collection of Value Added Tax (VAT) : Study On Wolaita Sodo and Tercha Town Tax Revenue Authorities in SNNPR, Ethiopia
ABSTRACTS: Accounting information system (AIS) is a system of collecting, storing and processing financial
accounting data that is used by decision makers. The major objective of the study were to assess the Accounting
information system (AIS) practice in the collection of Value added tax (VAT) in the case of Wolaita Sodo and
tercha town tax revenue authorities. Therefore, the research design which have been selected for this study was
descriptive .The sample size under this study were selected only some portion of the management and employees
of the authority and also some portion of active customers of the authority, by using in some extent judgmental
and mainly simple random sampling technique .The total all over data has been collected by using primary and
secondary data collection methods. Data collection from the selected population has been through questioner
and interview. After the data have been collected, the overall data were analyzed by using descriptive data
analysis techniques. The authority did not create adequate awareness on the application of AIS to VAT payers
and employees. It did not update the skill of its employees. Wolaita sodo and terch town tax revenue authority
offices were also not much realized the awareness creation of purposes and benefits of AIS. Therefore, the
authority should create adequate awareness to the society (VAT payers and employees) about AIS practice in
VAT collection; the organization should also hire those highly skilled, flexible and experienced employees and
should use advanced AIS application to effectively implement in VAT collection process
Key words: Accounting Information System, Value Added Tax, Wolaita Soddo, Tercha Town
Accounting information system (AIS) is a system of collecting, storing and processing financial accounting data
that is used by decision makers (Romney and Marshall, 2009). Accounting information system is a computer
based method for tracking accounting activity in conjunction with information technology resources (Hollander
and Moscove, 1999). The resulting statistical report can be used internally by management or externally by
other interested parties including investors, creditors and tax authorities.
Accounting information system of the past focused on the recording, summarizing and validating of data about
business financial transactions. These functions were performed for the various groups within the organizations
that there were concerned about the respective decision associated with tax compliance issues (Hollander et al.,
1999). The need to integrate these diverse systems led to the accountant appreciation of shared data base that
provide a cohesive picture of the organization information and reducing data conflicts (Hollander and
Moscove, 1999).
(Elsa Negash, 2005) studied on the practice of accounting information system in VAT collection in Mekelle,
Ethiopia. According to her finding; there is a problem that the authority did not create adequate awareness on
the applications of AIS for VAT payers and not much realized the awareness creations of purposes and benefits
of AIS. There were problems that most of the time the office software maintenance is done by other outside
technician and this affect the AIS of the authority in VAT collection.
(Mahdi Salehi, 2007) studied on accounting information system practice in VAT collection in Iran his finding
identified problems that there is a gap between what accounting information system is and what should be.
Active VAT registered customers of the WolaitaSodo tax revenue branch office usually blocks or fails to pay
their VAT at the expected time ( This is quite researchable. Therefore, the focus of this study
is aimed at assessing the practice of accounting information system in the collection of VAT in case of
Ethiopian tax revenue authority Wolaitasodo office. 23 | Page
The Effect Of Accounting Information System (Ais) Practice In The Collection Of Value Added Tax…
Questionnaire Questions No
Strongly Agree %
Disagree %
Neutral %
Percent %
Agree % 24 | Page
The Effect Of Accounting Information System (Ais) Practice In The Collection Of Value Added Tax…
In the above table statement No. 5, respondents were asked about the proper registration of VAT payers.
Accordingly, out of all the respondents, the majority 80% of them strongly agree on the proper registration of
VAT payers, 10% agree, 7.5% neutral, 2.5% disagree on the proper registration of VAT payers in Wolaitasodo
tax revenue authority. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is proper registration of VAT payers in Wolaita
sodo tax revenue authority office.
As it is clearly seen from the above table statement No. 6, respondents were asked towards the great role of AIS
played in facilitating the VAT collection process to increase government revenue, as a result, the majority
72.5% strongly agree that AIS played a great role in facilitating VAT collection process to increase (improve)
government revenue, 17.5% agree, 7.5% neutral and 2.5% disagree on the role AIS played in facilitating VAT
collection process to increase government revenue. Therefore, it can be concluded that AIS has a great role in
facilitating VAT collection process to increase government revenue year after year.
In the above table statement No. 7, respondents were asked towards employees higher understanding of what
accounting and AIS is in the office. As a result, 47.5% disagree on the idea that employees have higher
understanding of what accounting and AIS 25% agree, 10% strongly disagree. 10% strongly agree and finally
7.5% neutral on the idea that employees have higher understanding of what accounting and AIS is. Therefore, it
can be concluded that the majority of employees do not have higher understanding of what accounting and AIS
is in practice. This indicates that lack of understanding about AIS is an obstacle forthe active practicing of AIS
in the VAT Collection process of the authority.
1. What is your attitude (opinion) towards the practice (application) of AIS in the authority?
As they have said there is a good attitude that computerized AIS have several benefits because it is essential for
any organizations long-run success by providing reliable accounting information in the field of recording,
storing, processing, reporting and communicating over the important facts.
In addition to that it is more accurate than the manual system, simplifies the record keeping process that
transaction are recorded in electronic forms and provides relevant information for the decision making process
to improve VAT collection.
Table 2.The Challenges in practicing AIS in the collection process of the authority.
Strongly Disagree
No Total
Strongly Agree %
Questionnaire Questions
Disagree %
Neutral %
Percent %
Agree %
As it is clearly seen from the above table statement no. 8, respondents were asked that lack of skilled employees
affects the authorities AIS practice in VAT collection. As a result, 65% agree that lack of skilled employees
affects the authorities VAT collection process, 12.5% strongly agree, 12.5% disagree, 7.5% neutral and finally
2.5% strongly agree on the idea that lack of skilled employs is the major challenge to effectively practicing AIS
in VAT collection. Therefore, it can be concluded that the majority 65% of t hem agree that lack of skilled
employees affects AIS practice in VAT collection process of Wolaita soddo tax revenue authority office.
In the above table statement No. 9, respondents were asked that lack of well standardized motivational factor
(incentive) for employees is a major problem to effectively practicing AIS in VAT collection Process of the
Authority. As a result 65% of the respondents agree that lack of well standardized motivational factor for
employees is a major challenge to effectively practicing AIS in VAT collection, 12.5% strongly agree, 10%
disagree, 7.5% neutral and finally 5% strongly disagree on the idea that lack of well standardized motivational
factor for employees is a challenge to effectively practicing AIS in VAT collection process. Therefore, it can be 25 | Page
The Effect Of Accounting Information System (Ais) Practice In The Collection Of Value Added Tax…
conclude that, (as the majority 65% of responds agree), lack of well standardized motivational factor (incentive)
for employees is a major problem to effectively practicing AIS in VAT Collection process of Wolaita soddo tax
revenue authority office.
In the above table statement No. 10, respondents were asked that the offices software maintenance should done
by outside technicians rather than the office IT department. As a result, 70% of them strongly disagree on the
idea that the software maintenance should done by outside technicians rather than the offices IT department,
12.5% disagree, 5% neutral, 7.5% agree, and finally 5% strongly agree. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
authority’s software maintenance is done by outside technicians rather than the offices IT department but the
majority 70% of employees strongly disagree on this system.
Table 3.Providing information to update and use advanced AIS application, create adequate awareness for VAT
payersand employees.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree %
No. Total
Questionnaire Questions
Neutral %
Percent %
Agree %
11 The authority create adequate
awareness for VAT payers. 7.5 15 5 57.5 15 40 100
12 The authority organized trainings and
seminars to widen AIS practice in 12.5 22.5 5 47.5 12.5 40 100
VAT collection
13 The authorities have used a
standardized measure of AIS practice 10 15 7.5 55 12.5 40 100
performance for new employees.
Source: Questionnaire, 2015.
As it clearly seen from the above table statement No.11, the respondents were asked that they created adequate
awareness for VAT payers on their duty to pay VAT. As a result, 57.5% of the respondents disagree on the
adequate awareness creation in the past, 15% agree, 7.5% strongly agree 5% neural and finally 15% of the
respondents strongly disagree on the idea that they have created adequate awareness to the society (VAT payers)
on their duty to pay VAT. Therefore, it can be concluded that the (majority 57%) of responds agree on that the
authority have not created adequate and satisfactory awareness for VAT payers on their duty to pay VAT.
In the above table 4.3, statement No. 12, respondents were asked about the authority’s organization of training
and seminars for the society to widen AIS practice in VAT collection. As a result, 47.5% of the respondents
disagree on the idea that the authority organized trainings and seminars for the society (VAT payers) to widen
AIS practice, 22.5% agree 12.5% strongly agree 12.5% strongly agree 12.5% strongly agree 12.5% strongly
disagree and finally 5% neutral. Therefore it can be concluded that the (majority 47.5%) of responds agree on
that the authority have not organized/prearranged trainings and seminars for the society (VAT payers) and
employees to widen or increase AIS practice in VAT collection process.
In the above table 4.3, statement No. 13, respondent were asked at the organization have used a standardized
measure of AIS practice performance for new employees. As a result 55% of the respondents disagree on the
idea that the organization have used a standardized measure of AIS practice performance for new employees,
15% agree, 12.5 strongly disagree, 10% strongly agree and finally 7.5% neutral on the idea that the organization
have used a standardized measure of AIS practice performance for new employees. Therefore, it can be
concluded that the (majority 55%) of responds agree on that the organization have not used a standardized
measure of AIS practice performance for new employees. So that it may be one of the problem or challenge to
not practicing the AIS system for the VAT collection process. 26 | Page
The Effect Of Accounting Information System (Ais) Practice In The Collection Of Value Added Tax…
Table 4.Examining AIS practice which fit for their operation (VAT collection).
No Total
Strongly Agree %
Questionnaire Questions No
Neutral %
Agree %
14 You have used effective computerized
AIS in the authority 17.5 15 7.5 20 40 40 100
15 The authority have used advanced AIS
application for VAT Collection 10 15 12.5 52.5 10 40 100
As it is clearly seen from the above table 4.4, statement No. 14, respondents were asked towards effective
application of computerized AIS in the office. The result indicates that 40% of them strongly disagree on the
idea that the organization have used effective computerized AIS in the authority, 20% of the respondent
disagree, 17.5% strongly agree, 15% agree and finally 7.5% neutral on the idea that the authority have used
effective computerized AIS in the authority. Therefore, it can be concluded that the majority 40% of them
strongly disagree on the effective application of AIS in the office.
In the above table 4.4, statement No.15, respondents were asked towards the authorities’ application of advance
AIS for VAT collection process. As a result,52% disagree on the application of advance AIS for VAT
collection, 12.5% of them neutral, 15% agree on the application of advanced AIS, 10% strongly agree and
finally 10% strongly disagree on the idea that the authority’ applied advanced AIS application for VAT
collection process. As it can be seen from the above table the majority of the respondents disagree on the
offices application of advanced AIS for VAT collection. Therefore, it can be concluded that the authority did
not used advanced AIS in the VAT collection process.
No. Total
Strongly Agree %
Questionnaire Questions No
Disagree %
Neutral %
Agree %
In the above table 4.5, statement No.16, respondents were asked that they have good attitude towards AIS
practice in VAT collection. The result indicates that 45% disagree on the idea that they have good attitude
towards AIS practice in VAT collection, 25% strongly disagree, 20% agree and good attitude towards AIS
practice in VAT collection 25% strongly disagree, 20% agree and finally 10% strongly agree on the idea that
they have good attitude towards AIS practice in VAT collection. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
(majority 45%) of the VAT registered customers do not have good attitude towards the practice of AIS in VAT
collection. 27 | Page
The Effect Of Accounting Information System (Ais) Practice In The Collection Of Value Added Tax…
As it is clearly seen from the above table 4.5, statement No. 17, respondents were asked on their effectiveness
and improvement in tax collection after registered for VAT. As a result 40% of them agree, 30% strongly
disagree, 20% disagree and finally 10% strongly agree. Therefore it is concluded that majority 40% them have
improvement in tax revenue after registered for VAT, but also 50% of them in general do not agree, disagree
(20%) and strongly disagree (30%) on their effectiveness and improvement in tax collection after registered for
In the above table 4.5, statement No. 18, respondents were asked that their limited knowledge affects VAT
Collection process. The result indicates that 55% strongly agree, 15% agree, 15%disagree, 10% neutral and
finally 5% strongly disagree. Therefore, it can be concluded that the major factor that determine the accounting
information system practice of VAT payers is limited knowledge about how to use the system.
In the above table 4.5, statement No. 19, respondents were asked toward the complain about VAT gets answer
timely as a result 60% of them agreed strongly, 15% agree, 15% agree, 10% disagree, 10% neutral and finally
55% strongly disagree. Therefore, it can be concluded that the majority has strongly agree on the timely
solution to their problems.
This part of the paper contains some significant possible solution of the research problems. Based on the study
conducted the following necessary points are recommended as a solution for AIS practice (application) problem
in Wolaita sodo tax revenue authority office.
The authority should create adequate awareness to the society (VAT payers and employees) about AIS
practice in VAT collection. The organization should also hire those highly skilled, flexible and experienced
employees and should use advanced AIS application to effectively implement in VAT collection process. 28 | Page
The Effect Of Accounting Information System (Ais) Practice In The Collection Of Value Added Tax…
Regarding the computer maintenance it should be done by the IT department rather than outside technician.
The organization should update the skill of IT department employee’s to make the maintenance service
within the authority.
The organization should have a standardized measure to employee’s professional performance in AIS
practice, especially for new employees. The authority must update the skill of its existing employees and
new employees through on job and pre job training.
The authority is advised to have a well standardized motivational factors such as reward and incentives to
improve employee’s commitment in practice of AIS for VAT collection.
Finally, different training and seminars should be organized and given by the authority to the society for the
practice of AIS in the collection of VAT is going to grasped and capture by all interested entities.
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