Transformers and Their Performance: Defenition
Transformers and Their Performance: Defenition
Transformers and Their Performance: Defenition
A transformer is defined as a static electromagnetic device which transforms an AC
electrical power from one electrical circuit to another with a desired change in the voltage
level without any electrical connection between the circuits.
Principle of Operation :
i. Schematic Arrangement
AC Supply I1 V2
Above figure shows the schematic arrangement of a Single phase transformer. It consists of a
laminates rectangular magnetic core and two windings wound on it. One winding is
connected to the AC supply and is known as the Primary winding (P). The other winding is
connected to the load and is known as Secondary winding (S). There is no electrical
connection between the Primary and Secondary windings. The number of turns of Primary
and secondary windings is denoted be N1 and N2 respectively.
ii. Working principle
1. Magnetic Core:
The purpose of the core is to provide a magnetic path at low reluctance between the
two windings, so that whenever one winding is excited, the flux established by the winding
will link fully with the other winding withous any appreciable leakage. The permeability of
the material used for the coremust have high value (µr > 1000), since the reductance of the
magnetic path is inversely proportional to µ. Core is made up of silicon steel or sheet steel
with 4% of silicon. The sheets are laminated and coated with an oxidew layer to reduce the
iron losses.
2. Windings:
A conventional transformer has only two windings. The winding which receives the
electrical energy is called the primary winding and the winding which delivers the electrical
energy is called Secondary winding. Windings are generally made up of high grade copper.
For carrying higher currents standard conductors are used. For large power and distribution
transformers an oil filled tank is necessary for providing cooling for the windings and core.
Heat generated ∝ volume of the conductors and core
Heat Dissipated ∝ surface area of the conductors and core.
Radiators are used to increase the surface area and also to provide the path for the
circulating of the cooling oil.
3. Bushings:
The purpose of the bushings is to provide proper insulations for the leads to be taken
from the transformer tank.
4. Breather:
Transformer oil should not be exposed directly to the atmosphere because it may
absorb moisture and dust from the environment and may lose its electrical properties in a
very short time. The breather completely prevents the moisture and dust from coming into
contact with the oil in the conservator tank.
A core type transformer consisting of a primary winding with N1 turns and a Secondary
winding with N2 turns.
The two windings are insulated from each other as well as from the core
The primary winding is connected across an AC voltage of frequency of ‘f’ Hz., which
causes an alternating current to circulate through the winding
The AC current I1 flows through the winding produces an mmf and sets up an
alternating flux ф in the magnetic core.
Due to this an induced emf will be developed in the primary winding.
As secondary winding is wound on the same core, the mutual alternating flux linking
with winding S would also induce an emf in the coil whose frequency f and magnitude
is proportional to the number of turns N2 of the winding.
E1 = induced emf in P = N1 x emf per turn
E2 = induced emf in S = N2 x emf per turn
E2 N 2
E1 N 1
When the secondary winding terminals are open the terminal voltage V2 is same as the
emf induced in it.
The current drawn by the primary winding from the supply is very small and induced
emf in the primary winding can be taken as almost equal to the applied voltage V1.
V 2 N2
∴ ≅
V 1 N1
If the load is connected to the secondary winding, power flows from the primary
winding to the secondary winding load circuit. In this case some losses will occur.
If the losses are neglected then the total power can be taken from the source by the
transformer is transferred to the load side.
∴ V1I1 x Primary power factor = V2I2 x Secondary power factor
AT full load operating condition primary power factor is approximately equal to the
secondary power factor, then
V 1 I 1=V 2 I 2 ⇒ 1 = 2
I2 V 1
When the secondary circuit is open, the primary winding withdraws a very small
current I1 and mmf in primary winding F1= N1I1 AT., produces the flux in the core. The
flux induces emf E1 in primary winding that is equal and opposite to the applied voltage
Primary current is called magnetizing current or no-load current of the transformer and
3-5% of full load primary current. AT → AmpereTurns
When load is connected across the secondary terminals, the secondary current I2 flows
to the load, this will cause mmf F2=N2I2 at in the magnetic circuit.
According to the Lenz’s Law the current I2 in the secondary winding will produce flux
in the opposite direction to the main flux фm.
Thus the secondary ampere turns have demagnetizing effect on main flux.
Consequently the flux and emf induced in the primary E1 both are slightly reduced.
The difference between the fixed applied voltage V1 and the reduced value of emf E1
caused an increase in primary current and counter mmf is generated to oppose the mmf
produced by the secondary coil.
Ideal Transformer
An ideal transformer is impossible to obtain in practice. It has no loss. So it is a loss-
less or loss-free transformer and its efficiency is 100%. Its primary and secondary copper
losses are zero. Its core losses such as hysteresis loss and eddy current loss are assumed to be
zero. So there is no heating of the core and windings on load.
Its output power is equal to input power i.e. secondary power P2 =Primary power P1
i.e. V2I2 cos ф2 = V1I1 cos ф1
Secondary and primary power factors are equal i.e. cos ф2 = cos ф1, ф2 = ф1.
I1 V2
∴ V2I2 = V1I1 i.e. = =K
I2 V1
Core loss is zero. So core loss current is zero. The permeability of the core is very
high so that the magnetizing current Im required to set up the flux in the core is negligible.
Thus on no load, the primary current I1 = Im and secondary current I2 = 0.
There is no magnetic leakage flux i.e. all the flux ф set up in the core completely links
with the primary as well as the secondary.
The primary and secondary resistances are zero. Their leakage reactances are also
zero due to leakage flux i.e. the primary and secondary impedences are zero.
Primary mmf (I1N1) + Secondary mmf (I2N2) i.e. primary and secondary ampere turns
are balanced.
I1 V2
∴ = =k
I2 V1
There are no voltage drops in the primary and secondary windings.
∴ Primary voltage V1 = Primary emf E1 and
Secondary voltage V2 = Secondary emf E2.
V 2 E2 N 2
∴ = = =K
V 1 E1 N 1
The emf ration and voltage ratio are both equal to the turns ratio i.e. primary and
secondary emfs or voltages are directly proportional to their respective turns and primary and
secondary currents are inversely proportional to their respective turns.
V 2 E2 N 2 I 1
∴ = = = =K
V 1 E1 N 1 I 2
In short, the ideal transformer can be imagined as the assembly of two purely
inductive windings wound on the loss less core.
For the ideal transformation, voltage regulation us always zero.
There is no temperature rise on load due to the absence of losses. So, cooling
arrangements are not necessary.
Phasor Diagram:
The mutual flux ф which is responsible for the transformer action may be taken as the
reference phasor or positive xaxis. The current I1 (=Im) produces flux ф. So I1 is in phase with
The primary and secondary emfs E1 and E2 lag behind the flux by 90°. Assuming step-
down transformer, the transformation ratio k<1.
V 2 E2 N 2
∴ = = =K <1 ∴ E2 < E1
V 1 E1 N 1
∴ Secondary voltageV2 lags the flux by 90°. As primary voltage V1 = -E1, phasor V1
is drawn reverse to E1 i.e. V1 leads flux by 90° and V2 < V1.
The lengths of the phasors should be such that E2 = KE1 and V2 = KV1 and V1 = E1
and V2 = E2.
Phasor Diagram :
Phasor diagram:
Equivalent Circuits:
Primary and Secondary Parameters:
1. Primary Parameters:
N1= Number of primary turns
V1=Primary Supply Voltage
E1 = Primary emf
I0 = No load current = Ic+Im
Ic = Core loss current
Im = Magnetising current
I1 = Primary current = I0+I2ˈ = I0+KI2
Rc = Core loss resistance
Xm = Magnetising reactance
R1 = Primary Winding resistance
X1 = Primary leakage reactance
2. Secondary Parameters
N2= Number of secondary turns
V2=Secondary load terminal Voltage
E2 = Secondary emf
I2 = Secondary load current
R2 = Secondary winding resistance
X2 = Secondary leakage reactance
ZL = Load impedance = RL± jXL
RL = Load resistance
XL = Load reactance
Equivalent Resistances:
3. Now primary resistance R1 carries current I1 and produces copper loss I12R1. Now
suppose R1 is transferred to secondary, then its equivalent resistance R1ˈ referred to
secondary must produce the same copper loss while carrying secondary current I2.
i.e. I22R1ˈ = I12R1
∴ R1ˈ = (I12R1)/ I22 = (I1/I2)2 .R1 = K2 R1
∴ R1ˈ is known as the primary resistance referred to secondary and is given by R1ˈ =K2R1 .
4. Equivalent resistance referred to
primary: After transferring secondary
resistance R2 to the primary, the total
equivalent resistance of transformer
(referred to primary) becomes the sum of
R1 and R2 and it is denoted by R01.
∴ R01 = R1 + R2ˈ = R1 + (R2/K2 )
The secondary circuit of the above figure may be combined with the primary
circuit by transferring all secondary parameters to the primary side. The resulting
circuit is known as the exact equivalent circuit of the transformer referred to the
primary side. That is shown in the below figure:
The exact equivalent circuit is difficult to analyze due to the central shunt
branch of Rc and Xm. So this branch is shifted to the supply side without loosing much
accuracy. Now the primary and secondary winding parameters can be added together.
Thus a simplified equivalent circuit is derived for the primary and secondary winding
The shunt branch of Rc and Xm of second figure is shifted to the supply side to get a
simplified equivalent circuit referred to primary as shown in the below figure:
The series parameters of primary and secondary windings of the simplified equivalent
circuit of the fourth figure may be added together to derive the approximate equivalent circuit
of the transformer referred to primary as shown in below figure:
equivalent circuit
referred to the
The total
parameters referred to secondary are given by:
R02 = R2 + R1ˈ, X02 = X2 + X1ˈ and Z02 = Z2 + Z1ˈ (vectorially)
Losses in A Transformer:
A practical transformer has very smack power losses due to absence of moving parts
and friction loss. So it is a highly efficient device. The total power losses of the teansformer
are classified as below:
Core losses:
In core, the cyclic flux density variations are caused due to je sinusoidal current.
The cyclic flux density variations give rise to losses which appear in the form of heay.
These losses are referreds to as core losses or iron losses.
Iron losses are of two types:
1. Hysterisis Losses
2. Eddy current losses
In all electromagnetic equipment, core losses play a significant role in determining the
equipment rating, efficiency and temperature rise.
1. Hysterisis losses :
a. When core is energized from an AC source, the magnetizing current varies
sinusoidally with the time. Hence the magnetizing force H applied on the
magnetic circuit is also alternating.
b. The variation of B when plotted against H for one cycle of AC extraction is in
the form of a loop.
c. In each cycle hysteresis losses appears as heat.
Ph = KhvfBm16 watts
Kh – Steinmetz constant, depends on the material of the core and range of
the flux density. It lies between 1.5 – 2.0 (generally taken as 1.6)
v – Volume of the core in m3
Bm – Maximum flux density
d. Hysteresis losses reduced by using core materials that have a narrow hysteresis
loop. Eg: iron alloys, silicon steel
Copper losses:
1. This is due to the ohmic resistance of the transfgormer windings.
2. Total Copper losses = I12R01+I22R02
3. It is clear that copper losses are proportional to square of the current or kVA2.
Efficiency (η):
The efficiency of the transformer is defined as the ratio of the output power to the
ratio of the input power at a specified load and its power factor.
The input power is the primary power taken from the supply and output power is the
secondary power delivered to the load. Due to the power losses in the transformer, output
power is less than input power.
∴ %η < 100%.
dη R1 ωi
=0− +
d I1 V 1 cos φ1 v 1 I 21 cos φ1
For maximum η,
d I1
R1 ωi
∴ = 2 ⇒ ω i=I 21 R1
V 1 cos φ1 v 1 I 1 cos φ1