Part 3
Part 3
Part 3
Trip my hometown These days, smoking is becoming more common both Now a days, many people wonder whether or not
I think studying abroad has both benefits and In my opinion he should choose studying at a state – Dear … developed and developing countries. Many people university students should learn on subject or many
drawbacks. First, it has many benefits. You know, it’s a owned university for many reasons. Thank you for your email. I’m sorry I haven’t written believe that these tobacco companies should be shut subject. Some of them say that studying one subject
way of education. It can help me people widen The first reasons is the school fee is much cheaper. The for you such a long time. Today, I’m writing this email down and I totally agree with that idea for many should be important for students but I personally think
understanding and get more expensive. Moreover, they second reasons is the degree is better. He should choose to tell you some information for your next trip my reasons. that students specialize in many subjects.
can discover new things such as cultures, customs and studying at a private one because it’s too expensive. hometown. To begin with, smoking is really badly for health. The There are many reasons why students should learn one
meet up with many people. However, I think it also has And I think studying at a vocational college can’t I know, you’re planning to visit my hometown next studies have shown that a cigarette contains more than subject. The first, they can save a lot of time. In fact,
some drawbacks. First, people has to live far away from guarantee for his future life. month. When you come here, you can stay at hotel, 7000 chemical which are seriously dangerous for people when students focus on only one major, they will have
home so they will miss their families and feed lonely. Therefore, he would prefer to choose studying at a state hostel but I think you should stay with my family. I’m health. In fact, smoking can cause diseases such as heart more time to finish their homework and assignments in
Second, it’s too expensive because they have to pay for – owned university. sure my parents are really happy to see you. disease, cancer even death due to reducing fitness and s shorter time. The second, by attending in one subject,
many things like books, food and clothes. Finally, they In my hometown, you have a chance to visit landscapes lung function, which shortens longevity of not only students have a chance to save a huge amount of money.
can face culture shocks so they will feel uncomfortable such as HCM square, central park and so on. In the smokers but also non – smokers. Clearly, everything will cost a lot of money like books,
evening, you can shopping or go to the cinema with Secondly, smoking is a waste of money. Every year, materials so that if they work on one subject, they can
Watching TV Part – time job your friends and you can many kinds of food. smokers have to spend a huge amount of money on save much many for their families.
Nowadays many people like watching TV because it’s a You know, my friends … To be honest, the weather is nice so you can bring jeans smoking. Instead, they should pay for food, health care However, I believe that attending many subjects would
way of entertainment. It can help them relax after a busy In my opinion, he should choose to be a tutor for many or T-shirts and don’t forget to bring a camera to capture or education which can better their life. be much more considered. Firstly, by learning many
time of work. Moreover, they can update a lot of reasons. The first reasons is it’s suitable and supple. I the best moments. Finally, smoking can bring a negative effect on the subjects, students can gain a lot of knowledge and
information and widen understanding about many things mean he can choose what days to work or where to That all for now. I look forward to hearing from you environment. For example, the waste from tobacco widen their understanding about many different fields.
in life. However, television has destroyed work. The second reason is shorter time but better soon. companies can dirty the water. The smoke traveling into For example, pupils who study science also understand
communication among family and friends. You know, if salary. He shouldn’t choose to be a waiter because he Best wishes. the air can pollute the atmosphere and harm the living about art or music. Secondly, students who graduated
people watch TV to much, they will have no tome for has to work in a complex environment he can feel tired things. with many courses are likely to have better career in the
family and friends. They cannot share anything and and forget his study. And I think an assistant is not A two – month - course In conclusion, it seems smoking is really harmful to future. In fact, when they work in various kinds of fields
their life will be boring. Actually, many people consider suitable for him. Dear … both people and the environment. By consider the they can select the most suitable job that they prefer.
TV as a friend so they don’t want to go out to make Therefore, he would prefer to have a part-time as a Thank you for your email. I’m sorry I haven’t written disadvantages of smoking governments should find the In conclusion, I think students should attend more
friends or meet up with many people. tutor. for you such a long time. Today, I’m writing this email ways to reduce its productions as soon as possible. subjects than only one. By considering both views,
to tell you some information about a two – month – students can make the best decision for them.
course in my region. Computers
I’m know, you’re planning to visit my region next These days, computers are becoming an indispensable Cities develop as a result…
Teacher month. When you come here, you can stay at hotel, part in modern life. Although they are not without D. The importance of geographical…
In my life, I’m so lucky to have both father and mother. B. What Carla said was unjust hostel and so on but I think you should stay with family. disadvantages, the upsides would be far more B. Resourcefulness
They support me and teach me a lot of things to live my A. She thinks it’s an improvement I’m sure my parents are really happy to see you. significant. C. Site
life. And I think that they are the best teacher for many D. He has finally finished his studies In your letter, I know you want to take a two – month – There are many reasons why computers can bring a A. Long – term …
reasons. First, they teach me small things like talking, B. It was an unexpectedly inexpensive course, but which course do you like to take? I negative effect on people. Firstly, if people use D. Flat terrain
eating when I was a child until I grown up. Second, they C. Add more money to the meter recommend you to learn Vietnamese because it’s great computers too much, it is a waste of time. In fact, when C. qualities
also set a good example on me. They help me C. It’s not possible to obtain the book yet if you can understanding about cultures, customs and students use computers all day to watch film or play D. define a term and illustrate
understand about the value of love family and anything D. It was too long Vietnamese people. games, they can forget to do their homework. Secondly, B. age
in life. Finally, thanks to the love of my parents, I A. She needs to use the man’s notes To be honest, in my region you have a chance to visit people are likely to depend on computers, which makes A. alternate
become a good person. I know how to love, how to take A. The haircut is unusually short many landscapes such as HCM square, central park and them lazier. For example, all information students need A.account
care of other people. Therefore, I believe my parents are C. He dislikes it immensely so on. In the evening, you can go shopping or go to the is available on Google or Wikipedia, they just copy that
the best teacher to me D. Piles of his hair cinema with me and you can enjoy many kinds of food. information without thinking or brainstorming. Birds that feed in flocks
C. It’ll grow back. That all for now. I look forward to hearing from you However, the benefits that computers bring would be D. Why some species…
Book B. every week soon. much more considered. The first, people use computers, A. Retain
Nowadays many people reading books because it’s a B. That a storm was coming Best wishes. people can listen to music, chat with friends whenever C. Digging tunnels…
way of entertainment. It can help them relax after a busy A. In her bones they want, which can help me unwind after a busy time D. Intensified
time of work. Moreover, they can update a lot of D. Believe his great – grandmother’s … My favorite pet of work. The second, by using computers, our life is C. nest together
information and widen understanding about many things D. A dermatologist Dear …, becoming more convenient. For example, instead of C. feed
in life. However, it is said that “Not everything that is A. How stress affects the skin Thank you for your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t written going out send emails or go shopping, people can do A. The lesser kestrel feeds…
learned is contained in books”. I think there are many B. rather complicated for you such a long time. Today, I’m writing this letter these things at home with a click of the mouse. B. Negated
reasons for that. First, we can learn from the stories we D. Alcohol to tell you some information about my favorite pet. In conclusion, computers seem to have more advantages D. Several members…
hear from out parents and friends every day. Actually, D. Graduate business students You know, I like many pets such as cat, pig and so on than disadvantages. By considering pros and cons, D. Groups are …
no one can teach us how to live our so sometime, we D. It is always open but I’m really keen on dog. I have to say that it’s a loyal people would know how to use computer effectively.
have to learn from our experiences. A. a tremendous amount of … animal. Moreover, it’s a friend to confide in my joys There are two basic types…
C. computer area and business materials and sorrows. Technology D. The different …
D. Tour the library To be honest, taking care of it is not an easy thing. These days, technology is becoming an indispensable A. huge
B. The crash of gold market Eating and bathing are two things. I can not foget if I part in modern life. Although technology brings B. They cover…
Succeed B. At the end of the Civil War want to hug and kiss it every day. Its food and toy, I buy happiness to people, it also has made life more complex C. speading into …
Many people think that when they succeed, it’s because C. The price of gold plummeted at the supermarket. Besides, I also let my pet go for a and stressful. C. Alberta
of hard work, luck has nothing to do with success. I B. The president’s brother – in – law walk every afternoon. On the one hand, the benefits that technology brings B. unusual
think there are many reasons for that. The first reason is That all for now. I look forward to hearing from you would be considered. The first, people use technology, B. Their flow
practice make success. It means that when people work soon. people can listen to music, chat with friends wherever A. glacier
hard, they can get the best results. Or when they burn in Best wishes. they want, which can help them unwind after a busy A. slight
work, they are well-deserved. Moreover, luck is a time of works. The second, by using technology, our life B. ice caps
natural part. Actually, althought they are always lucky English course is becoming more convenient. For example, instead of D. Ice sheets and mountain …
in life they will fail without working hard. Therefore, I Dear … going out to send emails or go shopping, people can do
totally agree with that ides because of those reason Thank you for your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t written these things at home with a click of mouse. American jazz is a …
for you such a long time. Today, I’m writing this letter On the other hand, there are many reasons why A. jazz in general…
to tell you some information about an English course. technology can bring a negative effect on people. B. Mixture
I think you should join in an English center because the Firstly, if people use technology too much, it is a waste D. Playing a varied …
lesons are well – designed to be suitable for students of of time. In fact, when students use technology all day to B. the first type …
all levels. Moreover, the teachers are experienced and watch films or play games, they can forget to do their D. Scott Joplin’s parents were….
they can take care of students carefully. homework. Secondly, people are likely to depend on A. Money
To be honest, when you study here, you have a chance technology which make them lazier. For example, all B. Steady
to take part in many activities such as Games, group information students need is available on Google or D. 500 …
work or Role play. These activities as really funny. I’m Wikipedia, they just copy that information without A. The name of a saloon…
sure you will feel comfortable after each lesson, which thinking or brainstorming. D. The life of Scott Joplin
can help you improve your English day single day. In conclusion, technology seems to have both
That all for now. I look forward to hearing from you advantages and disadvantages. By considering pros and Millions of people are using …
soon. cons, people would know how to use technology B. They make them…
Best wishes. effectively. B. The smallest…
B. method
University students A. obviously
Nowadays, many people wonder whether or not B. widespread…
Living and working university students should attend classes. Some of them B. cause some…
Dear Ann, say that going to classes should be optional of students D. had a problem…
Thank you for your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t written but I personally think that they should be required to D. Their invisible rays
for you such a long time. Today, I’m writing this letter attend classes regularly. A. … in urgent cases…
to tell you some information about living and working There are many reasons why attending class is optional B. TECHNOLOGICAL…
in my country. for university students. Firstly, students are really
To get a job, I think you should have a valuable degree adults. If they find it unnecessary to go to classes, they Reality television is a genre…
and some experience about the job that you’re lookinh could stay at home and do something else. Secondly, D. They want to …
for. Moreover, you should be hard – working and instead of going to class to learn, students can stay at D. …approximately…
friendly with many people in working place. home for self – study. In fact, in university education, B. has produced …
To be honest, There are many places for you to go on a people should focus on their results rather than the C. The name is inaccurate
holiday in my country such as DN city, NT city but I process. When a student can study to pass the exams, he C. it shows average …
recommend you to visit HN capital. I’m sure you will is qualified. B. is more likely …
love it. However, I believe going to classes would be much D. for special – living – en…
To love happily and healthily, you should play sports more considered. The first, teachers can teach students a C. to create conflict…
every afternoon. In the evening, you can go shoping or lot of things that can’t be obtained from books. Since C. thinks the term …
go to the cinema with your friends, which makes you some professors believe that books con not provide C. have good narratives.
feel comfortable after a busy time of work. enough information for students to understand, they will
That all for now. I look forward to hearing from you give them more example and materials. The second, by The development of jazz…
soon. attending the classes, students have more chance to B. What are the…
Best wishes. make friends and widen their relationships. It means D. ragtime
that they will have more friends and improve their A. creating …
communication skills. D. Provide solo …
In conclusion, I think students should go to classes C. rock/rhythm & blue
because of those reasons. By considering both views, B. chorus – long jazz
students can make the best decisions for them. D. purposely
B. plain
A. improvisation (6)
A. dividing …