Modeling A Part Using Surfaces: Publication Number Spse01560
Modeling A Part Using Surfaces: Publication Number Spse01560
Modeling A Part Using Surfaces: Publication Number Spse01560
Publication Number
Proprietary and restricted rights notice
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
1 Introduction
Welcome to self paced training for Solid Edge. This course is designed to educate you
in the use of Solid Edge. The course is self-paced and contains instruction followed
by activities.
• spse01540—Modeling assemblies
• spse01640—Assembly patterning
• spse01655—Revising assemblies
• spse01660—Assembly reports
• spse01675—Assembly features
• spse01680—Inspecting assemblies
• spse01685—Alternate assemblies
• spse01691—Exploding assemblies
• spse01692—Rendering assemblies
• spse01693—Animating assemblies
• spse01695—XpresRoute (tubing)
• spse01540—Modeling assemblies
2 Surface construction
Solid Edge provides two distinct 3D modeling styles: solid modeling and surface
2. Solid Edge is an industry leader of this modeling style and exhibits these
additional characteristics:
• The various modeling operations are identified as features.
1. Many consumer products are designed using surface modeling techniques due to
the market’s emphasis on style and ergonomics; therefore, a model’s aesthetics is
the number one concern and key element in the design process. Product function
is only a secondary consideration.
2. Like the solid modeling features, Solid Edge extends this style by making each
point, curve, and surface an entity that knows how it was created, and can be
edited at any time.
• Feature faces are used for alignment as well as for mating with other features.
Modeling with surface-based features typically begins with a wireframe, from which
surfaces are generated. Key features of surface modeling:
• A model’s topology is driven by edges and curves. Edges and faces are mainly
based on splines.
• Highlight lines, silhouette edges and flow lines of a model are important.
edges, you must edit the surfaces. Often it is difficult to get the surface aesthetics
you want.
With a surface modeling approach, you have much more control by using character
curves. Character curves can be hard edges or soft edges. Hard edges are actual
model edges (A), while soft edges are theoretical, view-dependent edges, such as
when viewing a curved surface (B) from the side (C). Soft edges are also known as
silhouette edges. Both types of edges are important for defining the flow, aesthetics,
and overall shape of a surface.
A spline was originally a tool made from wood or thin metal which was used to
draw a curve through points.
• Do not over draw. Do not model rounds, ribs, or features best created with
solid features.
• You may need some construction surfaces to generate 3D curves. This is very
important in reducing modeling steps.
• You can easily change the shape by altering the character curves for the
respective view.
• Making changes to the 3D curve is simple. Edit the character curve in the
control drawing.
• Swept command.
Inputs are guides and sections.
• Bounded command
N-sided patch.
– Stiffening Rib
– Hole
– Round
– Web network
– Lip
5. Tweak.
• Analyze edge continuity using:
– Curvature Comb
– Zebra Stripes
You can also use these commands when working with foreign data that you have
imported into Solid Edge.
For some model types, you may not use the solid modeling commands until very late
in the modeling process. Complex, freeform parts often require that you begin the
modeling process by defining points and curves that are used to define and control
the surfaces that comprise the model. Surfaces are then generated, and in the final
steps, the surfaces are stitched together to form a solid model. For more information
on this type of workflow, see the Surface construction Help topic.
Construction elements that drive other features have a parent-child
relationship with the features they drive. If you delete a construction element
that is a parent to another feature, you can invalidate the other feature.
When you use construction elements to help you construct new features on a solid
model, the construction elements are not consumed by the new feature. For example,
if you use a construction surface to help you define the extent for a protrusion, a
trimmed copy of the construction surface is used to create the protrusion. The
construction surface remains, but it is hidden automatically.
You can control the display of construction elements in the graphic window using the
Construction Display command or the Show and Hide commands on the shortcut
menu. When you hide a construction element, its entry in Feature PathFinder
changes to indicate that it is hidden.
When working with Solid Edge documents that contain construction surfaces and
a solid design body, it can be useful to hide the design body while you are working
with the construction surfaces. You can use the Show Design Body and Hide Design
body commands to control the display of the design body.
• Create them from scratch. For example, you can create extruded, revolved, and
swept surfaces using the Solid Edge construction surface creation commands.
• Generate them using an external file. For example, you can create a helix curve
using coordinate data in a spreadsheet.
• Import them from another CAD system. For example, you can import surfaces
and solids from a third-party CAD system.
• Generate them as a part copy from another Solid Edge part. For example, you
can create construction geometry using the Part Copy command.
• To help you create a reference plane - You can use a construction curve as input
to the Plane Normal To Curve command.
• To help you define the extents of another feature - You can use keypoints of
construction curves to define the extent for a feature.
For example, you can use 3D construction curves as paths during the creation
of swept features.
You can use the Intersection Point command to create associative points at the
intersection of edges and other curves. You can then use these points as input
to define the extents of a feature. You can also use points as cross sections when
creating lofted features.
You can create open or closed curves using the Intersection Curve, Keypoint Curve,
Derived Curve, and Curve By Table commands. You can then use these curves to
define paths and cross sections for lofted and swept features, and as profiles for
profile-based features and construction surfaces.
The Project Curve command projects a curve onto a part face. You can then use the
projected curve as a profile for either a protrusion or a cutout feature. This is a
useful technique for creating embossed text on a curved surface.
The Split Curve command splits a curve into multiple curves. Splitting a curve
can make it easier to create other geometry, such as a surface by boundary or a
normal protrusion.
Using surfaces
The surfacing commands help you create complex parts and surface topology more
easily. You can use surfaces in the following ways:
• To define the projection extents when extruding a feature.
You can use the Offset Surfaces command to offset a new surface. The options on the
command bar allow you to specify whether you want to offset a single face, a chain of
faces, or all the faces that make up a feature.
You can use the Stitched Surface command to stitch together Solid Edge surfaces, as
well as surfaces created with another CAD system and then imported into Solid Edge.
You can also create surfaces using the Part Copy command. If the Copy As
Construction option is set in the Part Copy Parameters dialog box, the part copy is
created as a construction surface.
Evaluating surfaces
When working with surfaces, it is sometimes useful to visualize the curvature of a
surface to determine if there are surface discontinuities and inflections. You can use
the Zebra Stripes command to display zebra stripes on the model.
You must also shade the active window using the Shaded or Shaded With Visible
Edges commands to display zebra stripes.
Both curve and surface manipulation commands are available for creation and
modification of construction elements. You can use the Derived Curve, Split Curve,
Project Curve, and Intersection Curve commands to create new curves or modify
existing curves. You can use the Trim Surface, Extend Surface, and Delete Face
commands to modify or delete construction surfaces. You can use the Extruded
Surface, Revolved Surface, Swept Surface, Lofted Surface, and Bounded Surface
commands to create new construction surfaces. For example, if an imported surface
overlaps another surface, you can use the Derived Curve command to extract a curve
from the edge of the surface it overlaps, then use the new derived curve as input
with the Trim Surface command to trim the existing surface.
If the non-stitched edges are the result of a missing surface, you can use the
construction commands to create a new surface and stitch it into the model. For
example, you can create an extruded, revolved, swept, and lofted construction
surface to close a gap in a model.
When repairing imported data, you may need to try several approaches before
finding one that succeeds. For example, if you are unsuccessful creating a revolved
surface, try creating an lofted surface. The tolerance issues inherent with imported
data can make model repair difficult.
After you have repaired a surface, or created a new surface, you can then use the
Stitched Surface command to add the new surface to the model. If the stitched
surfaces form a closed volume, you have the option to create a solid body. You can
then use the solid body to complete the modeling process.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Create curves.
• Edit curves.
• Analyze curves.
• Create BlueDots.
• Edit BlueDots.
A solid modeling method using revolved features results in no edge control and
difficult edits. Edge (A) is a result of the intersection of two revolved surfaces. You
don’t have direct control over the result.
A surface modeling method results in exact edge control and edges are based on
character curves. You have direct control over edges such as (A).
Overview of splines
A spline is a standard curve in most CAD systems. Unlike lines and conic curves,
generally categorized as analytics, the spline can be adjusted to virtually any shape
in two or three dimensions. Their flexible nature makes splines the foundation for
surface modeling.
A spline entity type consists of:
• 2D: constructed spline curves, derived curves.
Originally, a spline was a stylist’s tool made from wood or thin metal and
used to draw a curve through points.
For the remainder of this course, the term curve is used instead of splines. Just
remember that curves are splines. Two types of curves are discussed:
• Constructed–You have direct control of constructed curves.
Curve command
Draws a smooth, B-spline curve by points. You can click and drag to define a
freehand curve, or you can click to create edit points to define the curve. If you click
edit points, you must define at least three points to create the curve.
When you create a curve, edit points (A) and curve control vertex points (B) are
created to help you edit and control the shape of the curve.
Closing curves
You can use the Closed option on the Curve command bar to create a continuous line
that forms a closed curve connected tangentially at the first and last point you click.
When editing a curve created from edit points, you also can use the Closed option to:
• Close an open curve, without adding points.
Displaying curves
You can use the options on the Curve command bar to control the display of a curve.
The Add/Remove Points button adds or removes edit points along the curve. When
you add an edit point, the shape of the curve does not change. If the number of edit
points on the curve is the same as the number of control vertex points, adding an
edit point adds a corresponding control vertex point. The control vertex point moves
to maintain the shape of the curve.
When you remove edit points, the control vertex points move, and the shape of the
curve changes.
If there are only two edit points on the curve, you cannot remove an edit point
from the curve.
The Show Polygon button displays the control polygon of the curve, which you can
use to edit the curve.
The edit points and control vertex points are handles that you can drag to change
the shape of the curve.
You can also use these points as keypoints for relationships and dimensions.
The Show Curvature Comb button displays the curvature comb for the curve. This
helps you determine how quickly or gradually curves change and where they change
You can use the Curvature Comb Settings command to control the density and
magnitude of the curve.
Editing curves
The Curve command bar controls how the shape of the curve changes when you
make changes to the edit points and control vertex points.
The Shape Edit and Local Edit buttons control the shape of the curve when you
move a point on the curve.
When you select the Shape Edit button, you affect the shape of the entire curve when
you move a point on the curve.
When you select the Local Edit button, you affect the shape of the curve around
the edit point.
With Local Edit, if you drag a vertex point on an unconstrained curve, no other
vertex points will move. However, if you drag a vertex point on a curve that has
some relationships, then other vertex points may move as well. This allows the curve
to adapt to the new location of the vertex point you moved while still maintaining
the relationships.
You cannot drag an edit point that is fully constrained.
You can select the Curve Options button to display the Curve Options dialog box.
You can use this dialog box to change the number of degrees for the curve and to
specify the relationship mode for the curve. You can set the relationship mode to:
• Flexible
• Rigid
In Flexible mode you can use external relationships to control the shape of the curve.
For example, you can apply a dimension relationship on the curve and as you make
changes to the dimensions, the shape of the curve automatically updates.
In Rigid mode you cannot use external relationships to control the shape of the
curve. Instead, the curve shape remains unchanged and the curve simply rotates.
Simplifying curves
You can use the Simplify Curve command to simplify a polygon-based curve by
reducing the number of edit points and control vertex points on a curve. The Simplify
Curve dialog box increases or decreases a fit tolerance for the curve.
Simplifying a curve can cause the relationships placed on a curve to be deleted.
Curve definition
The shape of a curve is dependent on the number of control and edit points. These
elements are determined by standard polynomial expressions.
Curve order
The order of a curve is equal to the degree of the curve, plus 1 (Order = Degree +1).
A polynomial curve is defined as:
x(t) = x0 +x1(t1) + x2(t2) + x3(t3)
y(t) = y0 +y1(t1) + y2(t2) + y3(t3)
Edit points = 3
Degree = 8
Order = 9 (Degree + 1)
Control Vertices = 9
If the number of edit points is >= 4, the number of control vertices is (n+2) + {(n-1) x
Where n = Edit Points, and k = Order.
Edit points = 7
Degree = 5
Order = 6 (degree + 1)
Control Vertices = 21
Displaying curves
You can use the options on the Curve command bar to control the display of a curve.
The Add/Remove Points button adds or removes edit points along the curve. When
you add an edit point, the shape of the curve does not change. If the number of edit
points on the curve is the same as the number of control vertex points, adding an
edit point adds a corresponding control vertex point. The control vertex point moves
to maintain the shape of the curve.
When you remove edit points, the control vertex points move, and the shape of the
curve changes.
If there are only two edit points on the curve, you cannot remove an edit point
from the curve.
The Show Polygon button displays the control polygon of the curve, which you can
use to edit the curve.
The edit points and control vertex points are handles that you can drag to change
the shape of the curve.
You can also use these points as keypoints for relationships and dimensions.
The Show Curvature Comb button displays the curvature comb for the curve. This
helps you determine how quickly or gradually curves change and where they change
You can use the Curvature Comb Settings command to control the density and
magnitude of the curve.
Editing curves
You can edit curves at any time via one of two methods for editing curves.
1. Edit Profile mode: Just like editing a sketch.
2. Dynamic Edit mode: Shows all of the control and edit points.
When you move a control point or edit point, the curve updates automatically; any
surface that has the curve as one of its defining entities will update dynamically.
The Add/Remove Points and Curve Options buttons are disabled in dynamic edit
mode. These options are only available in Edit Profile mode.
Add/Remove Points
Show Polygon
Shape Edit
Local Edit
Close Curve
Curve Options
The Curve command bar controls how the shape of the curve changes when you
make changes to the edit points and control vertex points.
The Shape Edit and Local Edit buttons control the shape of the curve when you
move a point on the curve.
When you select the Shape Edit button, you affect the shape of the entire curve when
you move a point on the curve.
When you select the Local Edit button, you affect the shape of the curve around
the edit point.
With Local Edit, if you drag a vertex point on an unconstrained curve, no other
vertex points will move. However, if you drag a vertex point on a curve that has
some relationships, then other vertex points may move as well. This allows the curve
to adapt to the new location of the vertex point you moved while still maintaining
the relationships.
You cannot drag an edit point that is fully constrained.
You can select the Curve Options button to display the Curve Options dialog box.
You can use this dialog box to change the number of degrees for the curve and to
specify the relationship mode for the curve. You can set the relationship mode to:
• Flexible
• Rigid
In Flexible mode you can use external relationships to control the shape of the curve.
For example, you can apply a dimension relationship on the curve and as you make
changes to the dimensions, the shape of the curve automatically updates.
In Rigid mode you cannot use external relationships to control the shape of the
curve. Instead, the curve shape remains unchanged and the curve simply rotates.
Simplifying curves
You can use the Simplify Curve command to simplify a polygon-based curve by
reducing the number of edit points and control vertex points on a curve. The Simplify
Curve dialog box increases or decreases a fit tolerance for the curve.
Simplifying a curve can cause the relationships placed on a curve to be deleted.
• Rigid mode does not allow external relationships to control the shape of the
curve. Instead, the curve shape remains unchanged and the curve simply
Curves created in versions ofSolid Edge prior to V14 support rigid mode
behavior, but not flexible mode behavior.
Specifies the number of degrees for the curve. You can specify a number between
2 and 10.
• If you increase the number of degrees the control polygon for the curve
changes, but the shape of the curve remains the same.
• If you decrease the number of degrees, the control polygon for the curve
changes and the curve changes size based on the supplied edit points.
• Draw a curve
• Curve command
• Manually created curve data usually contains a limited number of control points.
• Foreign data may come from a digitized set of control points, which could contain
a large amount of points.
• Simplify curve is a tool that allows you to define a tolerance to reduce the
number of edit points and control vertices.
The command works differently depending on the type of curve. For edit point based
curves, once you reduce the number of edit points to two, the command reduces
the control poles. Control polygon based curves only have two edit points, so the
command reduces the control poles.
Right-click on a curve and select Simplify to access its dialog box; for more
information, refer to the Simplify Curve dialog box topic:
Simplify Curve dialog box
You can visually observe the curve simplification process as the tolerance
increases using the right arrow in the dialog box.
Simplifies the curve based on tolerance displayed in the Tolerance box. You can
use the arrows on either side of the Simplify button to increase or decrease
the tolerance and simplify the curve.
Displays the status of the edit points, control points, and simplified tolerance
for the curve.
Original # of edit points
Displays the number of edit points for the original curve.
Current # of edit points
Displays the number of edit points for the simplified curve.
Original # of control vertices
Displays the number of control points for the original curve.
Current # of control vertices
Displays the number of control points for the simplified curve.
Simplified Tolerance
Displays the tolerance for the simplified curve.
The following is an example of a curve with a large number of edit points and
control vertices. Simplify curve was used to reduce the number of points. The curve
shape changed slightly. You can visually observe the curve changes as the tolerance
• Simplify a curve
Why convert?
• Analytical elements are often utilized as cross-sections and guide paths during
surface creation. The resulting surface has inherent limitations on how it can be
edited, as lines remain linear and arcs retain their circular definition.
– Defaults to a degree of 2. You can increase the degree and add edit points
for more control.
• Once converted, curve shapes will have greater control over associated complex
– Simplifies the manipulation of a model from initial concept through final
You cannot convert B-spline curves to analytic geometry.
You can only convert analytics to curves while in the Edit Profile mode.
In this activity, you learn to use the curve creation tools. Curves are the backbone for
creating and controlling surface shape.
After completing this activity you will be able to:
• Create curves.
• Edit curves.
• Analyze curves.
A BlueDot is a control point where two curves or analytics connect, or where one
curve and one analytic connect, thereby providing a control point between the curves.
It is a point which can edited to suit design or styling needs.
Creates a control point (1) between two sketch elements. You can connect the
elements at their keypoints or at a point along the elements. The BlueDot overrides
any existing associativity of the elements. This allows you to edit the location of
the BlueDot or the elements it connects without regard to the order in which the
elements were constructed.
After you connect the keypoints of two elements with a BlueDot, you can edit the
position of the BlueDot to change the shape of the elements. Surfaces that were
constructed using the elements also update.
Refer to Connect sketch elements with a BlueDot for more info on BlueDot creation.
Edit a BlueDot
To edit the position of a BlueDot, use the Select Tool to select a BlueDot (1), then
click the Dynamic Edit button on the Select Tool command bar. When you edit the
position of a BlueDot, you can use the OrientXpres tool (2) to restrict the movement
to be parallel to a particular axis or plane. You can then drag the BlueDot to a new
position (3). The wireframe elements and the surface also update.
When you use OrientXpres to restrict movement to a plane (1), you can move the
BlueDot along two axes simultaneously (2).
You can also reposition the OrientXpres tool by selecting the origin of the X, Y, and Z
axes, and then dragging OrientXpres to a new position.
You can use the BlueDot Edit command bar to specify whether the edit value is
relative to its current position or its absolute position with respect to the global
origin of the document. The global origin is the point where the three default
reference planes intersect (the exact center of the design space).
When you apply a BlueDot to b-spline curves, you can also control how the curves
react to the edit by setting options on the Curve 1 and Curve 2 controls on the
command bar.
When you use a BlueDot to connect two elements, it affects the associative
relationship of the reference planes on which the elements lie. For example,
if one of the elements lies on a reference plane that was created parallel to
another reference plane, the dimensional offset value for the reference plane
is deleted. When you edit the position of the BlueDot, the reference plane can
be moved to a new position to facilitate the repositioning of the elements.
When editing a BlueDot in Harness Design, the Curve 1 and Curve 2 options
are not displayed on the BlueDot Edit command bar since you can connect
more than two curves.
BlueDots are only available in the ordered modeling environment.
Relative/Absolute Position
Specifies whether the value you type is relative to the BlueDot’s current position
or is based on the global origin of the document. The global origin is the point
where the three default reference planes intersect (the exact center of the design
Sets the position for the x axis.
Sets the position for the y axis.
Sets the position for the z axis.
Curve 1
Specifies the edit method you want for curve 1. This option is only available
for b-spline curves. When you edit the position of a BlueDot that connects a
curve to another element, you can set the following options to control how the
curve is modified.
Shape Edit—Affects the shape of the entire curve when you move a point
on the curve.
Local Edit—Affects the shape of a limited portion of the curve around the
edit point.
This option is not available in Wire Harness.
Curve 2
Specifies the edit method you want for curve 2. This option is only available for
b-spline curves. This option is not available when editing BlueDots in Wire
Harness. When you edit the position of a BlueDot that connects a curve to
another element, you can set the following options to control how the curve is
Shape Edit—Affects the shape of the entire curve when you move a point
on the curve.
Local Edit—Affects the shape of a limited portion of the curve around the
edit point.
This option is not available in Wire Harness.
• Each curve has four select zones: two endpoints, a midpoint and the curve
• You can also use a BlueDot to connect elements at a point along the
• You can edit the position of a BlueDot using the Select Tool and the
BlueDot Edit command bar.
• You can use the OrientXpres tool to limit the edit to be parallel an axis
or plane you select.
• When using the BlueDot command in Wire Harness, you can connect the
end point of more than two harness elements.
In this activity you learn to manually create and edit BlueDots.
After completing this activity you will be able to:
• Create BlueDots.
Lesson review
Answer the following questions:
1. What is an edit point on a curve?
3. Explain the differences in Shape Edit, Local Edit, and Rigid when moving
a point on the curve.
8. On the BlueDot command bar, what does the Relative/Absolute Position option
1. What is an edit point on a curve?
Edit points are handles that you can drag to change the shape of the curve.
3. Explain the differences in Shape Edit, Local Edit, and Rigid when moving a
point on a curve.
Shape Edit affects the shape of the entire curve; Local Edit affects just the area
immediately around the edit point; Rigid prevents a change in the curve shape.
8. On the BlueDot command bar, what does the Relative/Absolute Position option
Specifies whether the movement value you type is relative to the BlueDot
current position or is based on the global origin of the document.
Lesson summary
Surface shapes are directly tied to the curves defining those surfaces. Therefore, the
control of curves is crucial in modifying surface topology.
A curve:
• Can be edited by moving its edit points and control points.
• Can be drawn directly by first defining edit points. Direct methods include:
– Curve
– Curve by table
– Contour curve
• Can be created indirectly from existing curves and surfaces, making them
dependent on underlying parent curves and surfaces. As the parent changes, so
do the indirect curves.
Indirect curve methods are covered in the next chapter.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Use the following commands to create curves derived from other geometry:
– Project curves
– Intersection curves
– Cross curves
– Contour curves
– Derived curves
– Offset edge
– Split curves
– Keypoint curves
– Curve by table
You can use the command bar to specify that you want to project a single element, a
chain of elements, a point, or an entire sketch.
You can select wireframe elements from multiple Parasolid bodies and the elements
will remain associative.
When projecting a curve onto a cylinder, make sure that the curve’s endpoints
do not lie on a silhouette edge of the cylinder when viewed from the projection
plane normal. Extend the edges of the curve past the cylinder edge.
(1) and (2) are the input curves. (3) and (4) are the theoretical extruded surfaces.
(5) is the resultant cross curve.
Main Steps
Curve 1 Step
Defines the first set of curves to be intersected.
Draw Curve 1 Step
Allows you to edit the profile for an existing feature. A profile is a 2D curve
that defines the shape and location of the feature. The Draw Curve 1 Step is
available only when you are editing an existing feature.
Curve 2 Step
Defines the second set of surfaces to be intersected.
Draw Curve 2 Step
Allows you to edit the profile for an existing feature. A profile is a 2D curve
that defines the shape and location of the feature. The Draw Curve 2 Step is
available only when you are editing an existing feature.
This button changes function as you move through the feature construction
process. The Preview button shows what the constructed feature will look
like, based on the input provided in the other steps. The Finish button
constructs the feature. After previewing or finishing the feature, you can
edit it by re-selecting the appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel
button discards all input and exits the command.
• Select From Sketch—Specifies that you want to define the profile for the
feature using an existing sketch.
Deselect (x)
Clears the selection.
Accept (check mark)
Accepts the selection.
You can then use the curve for such things as a border in trimming operations
You can select a single face or multiple faces when defining the faces on which you
want to draw the curve. You can only draw within the bounded region and the curve
will only lie within the bounded region. Curves that fall off the surface or surfaces or
traverse trimmed regions are trimmed.
When defining the points for the curve you can use existing points that define the
surface, such as vertexes, line midpoints, and edges of the surface.
You can add and delete points for the curve to follow and you can drag the points
anywhere on the surface.
• You can connect a keypoint and an existing keypoint. To do this, right-click the
existing keypoint and select Connect; follow the prompts to identify the other
• You can delete the connect relationships on a keypoint so that you can drag
the keypoint on a face. To delete the relationship, right click the relationship
and follow the prompts.
• When drawing a curve across faces that are not tangent, you must place a point
at the shared edge.
Select Surface Step
Defines the surface on which you want to draw the curve.
Draw Points Step
Defines the points for the curve to follow.
This button changes function as you move through the feature construction
process. The Finish button constructs the feature. After finishing the feature,
you can edit it by re-selecting the appropriate step on the command bar. The
Cancel button discards all input and exits the command.
Selecting a Surface
Sets the method of selecting an element.
• Single—Allows you to select a single face.
Deselect (x)
Clears the selection.
Accept (check mark)
Accepts the selected sketch.
Drawing a Curve
Specifies that the curve will be open.
Specifies that the curve will be closed. If a closed curve extends past the surface
boundary, it is trimmed back to the surface boundary.
Insert Point
Inserts a point into the curve.
Sets the method of selecting an element.
• Face—Allows you to select points on a face to draw the curve.
Main Steps
Select Curve Step
Allows you to select the curves or edges that define the new curve you want. You
can select one or more curves or edges.
This button changes function as you move through the feature construction
process. The Finish button constructs the feature using input provided in the
other steps. Once you construct the feature, you can edit it by re-selecting the
appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel button discards any input
and exits the command.
Selecting a Curve Options
Single Curve
Specifies that the output curve is single curve. If all the input curves are
connected at their endpoints, a single b-spline curve is constructed. When
this option is cleared, the derived curve is comprised of multiple elements. If
the input curves are connected, but not tangent, the output curve will have a
Deselect (x)
Clears the selection.
Accept (check mark)
Accepts the selection.
Other command bar Options
Displays the feature name. Feature names are assigned automatically. You
can edit the name by typing a new name in the box on the command bar or by
selecting the feature and using the Rename command on the shortcut menu.
• Derived Curve command
• Derive a curve
For finite element analysis models that contain representations of bolts, you can use
the Offset Edge command to produce better meshing results around bolt holes. In
this application, the command generates offset faces to represent where each bolt,
nut, and washer come in contact with a hole. This produces more nodes for the
spider mesh to connect to and a better representation of the bolt.
You can use the Derived Curve command to produce a new curve that is
derived from one or more input curves.
Splitting a construction curve can make it easier to construct other features, such as
a bounded surface, a trimmed surface, a normal protrusion, or a normal cutout.
You cannot use the Split Curve command to split an edge on a model. You can
use the Derived Curve command to create an associative copy of an edge on
the model, then use the Split Curve command to split the derived curve.
Main Steps
Select Curves Step
Allows you to select the construction curves which you want to split.
Select Splitting Elements Step
Allows you to select the elements which intersect the curve you want to split.
You can use the Select option to define the elements which split the curve.
This button changes function as you move through the feature construction
process. The Finish button constructs the feature using input provided in the
other steps. After you construct the feature, you can edit it by re-selecting
the appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel button discards any
input and exits the command.
Deselect (x)
Clears the selection.
Accept (check mark)
Accepts the selection.
• Split a curve
Creates a 3-D curve through a set of three or more points. The points can be points
you create with the Point command, keypoints on wireframe elements and edges,
or points in free space.
You can use this command to create a bridge curve (A), which can be used as a path
for a swept feature (B).
When you select a keypoint on a wireframe element or edge as the endpoint (C) of
the curve, the End Conditions Step allows you to specify whether the curve is created
tangent to the wireframe element or edge you selected. When you specify that the
curve is tangent to an element at its endpoint, you can also modify the magnitude
of the tangent vector by dragging the tangent vector handle (D) to a new location.
When you modify the magnitude of the tangent vector, you also may change the
radius of curvature of the curve. If the modified curve was used as a path for a swept
feature, the swept feature will also update.
You can use the OrientXpres tool to help you define the location of a point on a
keypoint curve. For example, you can use OrientXpres to lock input to a particular
axis or plane when creating or editing a keypoint curve.
To add a point to the end of the path, while editing the curve, hold the ALT key and
click a location in free space where you want to add the point.
If you remove the start or end point of a curve, the path truncates to the next control
on the curve and the tangency of the next point remains the same.
Note: To create a curve using the Curve By Table command, or to edit an
existing curve, Microsoft Excel must be loaded on your machine.
In this activity, you learn to create a keypoint curve. A keypoint curve is a 3D curve.
The curve is defined by connecting to keypoints from existing geometry.
After completing this activity you will be able to:
• Create a keypoint curve.
In this activity, you will learn additional methods of creating curves. So far, you have
learned to draw curves directly, point by point. Now you will learn to create curves
indirectly, by combining inputs from existing curves and surfaces.
After completing this activity you will know how to use:
• Intersection curves
• Cross curves
• Projected curves
• Contour curves
• Derived curves
• Split curves
Pierce points
A pierce point is the point of intersection between a profile element and the active
sketch plane.
You can use a connect relationship to position the element you are drawing
to where a profile element on another reference plane pierces the current
profile plane.
Pierce points:
• Are extremely valuable in aligning curves.
• Are useful for creating guide paths for BlueSurf and Sweep operations.
Silhouette points
Silhouette points are keypoints that occur on an arc, circle, or ellipse.
When you draw a new line, you can touch the silhouette point on a circle.
When you click, the new line is connected to the silhouette point on the
existing circle.
Silhouette points:
• Are defined relative to the horizontal and vertical axis of the draft sheet or
profile/sketch plane.
• Constitute any point where a plane parallel to the base reference plane passes
tangent to a given curve.
Inserts an image into a document. You can insert these types of files:
• Windows bitmap image file (.bmp)
You can either link or embed the image, and you can control its display, including
height, width, and aspect ratio.
In draft documents, another way to insert an image into documents is to drag it from
your desktop or copy and paste it from an external application, such as Microsoft
Paint. Pictures inserted in this manner are created as image objects rather than as
Inserted images can contribute to your modeling workflow in several ways. For
example, you can sketch geometry over an image to create features based on it. Or
you can use an image as a label or decal on a plane or planar face in the model.
Insert Image dialog box
Insert Image command bar
Flip Vertical
Flips the image vertically, such that the top of the image is displayed on the
bottom and vice versa.
Lock Aspect Ratio
Locks the aspect ratio of the image so that when you manipulate its dimensions,
it scales proportionally.
Reset Aspect Ratio
Resets the aspect ratio to the image’s original proportions.
Toggle Border Display
Displays/hides the image border.
• Insert an Image
– Curves
– Surfaces
• Color control is available for construction elements using either of the following:
– The View tab®Color Manager command
– It can be useful to hide the design body while you are working with
construction surfaces. Under View tab®Show group®Construction Display,
use either the Show Design Body or Hide Design Body commands.
• Create construction elements from scratch using the Solid Edge construction
surface creation commands (extruded, revolved, and swept surfaces).
• Use an external file. For example, you can create a helix curve using coordinate
data in a spreadsheet.
• Import them from another CAD system. For example, you can import surfaces
and solids from a third-party CAD system.
• Generate them as a part copy from another Solid Edge part. For example, you can
create construction geometry using the Part Copy command on the Insert menu.
◊ Use the Intersection command to create cross sections for lofted features.
◊ Profiles for profile-based features using the Project Curve (useful for
creating embossed text on a curved surface) and Split Curve (divide one
into multiple curves to create a normal protrusion) commands:
• Surfaces can be used as well; creation methods are covered in other training
modules. Some general uses of surfaces are:
– To define the projection extents when extruding a feature. For example,
a construction surface can be used as input during the Extent step when
constructing a protrusion.
Lesson review
Answer the following questions:
1. How do you get tangency control on a keypoint curve?
4. Generally, why would you define construction elements (curves and points) as
a first step?
Answer the following questions:
1. How do you get tangency control on a keypoint curve?
The End Conditions Step specifies whether the curve is created tangent to a
wireframe element or an edge you selected.
4. Generally, why would you define construction elements (curves and points) as
a first step?
Complex, freeform parts often require that you begin the modeling process by
creating points and curves that are used to define and control the surfaces that
comprise the model. Surfaces are then generated, and in the final steps, the
surfaces are stitched together to form a solid model.
Lesson summary
• You can create various curves indirectly from existing curves and surfaces.
These curves are controlled by the parent curves and surfaces. As the parents
change, so do the indirect curves.
• Surface shapes are directly tied to the curves defining those surfaces. Therefore,
the control of curves is crucial in modifying surface topology.
• Pierce and silhouette points can assist in connecting curves to off-plane geometry.
5 Surface creation
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Create simple surfaces.
• Create a BlueSurf.
• Edit a BlueSurf.
Overview of surfaces
A surface is a 3D element that is controlled by curves. Surfaces have no thickness
and therefore can be visualized as a thin sheet. The complexity of a surface is
directly proportional to the number of curves used to define it. A small, underlying
curve set produces a relatively simple surface, while a complex face consists of a
large number of curves. In Solid Edge modeling, a surface consists of cross-sections
and guide curves. Guide curves may be preexisting or interpolated from the
cross-section elements.
Once its shape is finalized, a surface can be used in the creation of additional faces
via the following commands (covered in Lesson 5):
• Offset
• Copy
• Mirror
A surface also can be stitched together with other faces to form a solid, or it can
include rounds between adjoining surfaces.
When you create an extruded surface using a closed profile, you can use the Open
Ends and Close Ends options on the command bar to specify whether the ends of the
surface are open (A) or closed (B). When you set the Close Ends option, planar faces
are added to the ends of the feature to create a closed volume.
When constructing extruded surface features, you can also apply draft angle or
crowning to the faces on the feature that are defined by profile elements. For more
information, see the Applying Draft Angle and Crowning to Features Help topic.
When you create a revolved surface using a closed profile that is revolved less than
360 degrees, you can use the Open Ends and Close Ends options on the command
bar to specify whether the ends of the surface are open (A) or closed (B). When you
set the Close Ends option, planar faces are added to the ends of the feature to
create a closed volume.
In this activity, you will learn to create and edit simple surfaces. You will use
sketches in a training file to create an extruded surface and a revolved surface.
After completing the surface, you will edit the sketch curve to observe the surface
shape changes.
After completing this activity you will be able to:
• Create and edit an extruded surface.
Tear-Off Sketch
Typical surface design methodology creates several curves on three base planes. As
new planes are created, adding and copying profiles can be tedious, if not impossible.
The Tear-Off Sketch command provides a clear modeling advantage in that it:
• Transfers or copies sketches from one plane onto another.
• Quickly creates new cross sections without having to define a plane and include
• Creates new sketches which are parallel or perpendicular, along curves, angular
associative, copied or moved.
You can then use the resulting sketches as cross sections for constructing a feature
such as a swept surface.
You can use the Tear-Off Sketch Options dialog box to:
• Copy sketch elements associatively
When you copy sketch elements associatively, a special symbol (A) is added to the
copied sketch elements to indicate that the copied elements are associatively linked
to the original sketch elements. If you modify the original elements, the associative
elements also update.
When selecting the sketch to tear off, you can select a single sketch element or a
chain of sketch elements. You can only tear off sketch elements within the same
sketch. If you select multiple sketch elements, all the elements are copied or moved
either associatively or non-associatively. You cannot copy some of the elements
associatively and some of them non-associatively.
After you copy or move the elements to the new sketch, you can use the Reposition
button on the Tear-Off Sketch command bar to connect keypoints of an element
profile to a pierce point that passes through the target reference plane. In the
Assembly environment, the pierce point option is not available.
You can connect multiple keypoints on a torn off sketch to multiple keypoints. For
example, you can connect keypoints on a sketch to multiple guide curves. You have
to select the Reposition button for each new position definition.
Tear-Off Sketch command bar
Tear-Off Sketch Options dialog box
You can define up to three paths and many cross sections. After you define the third
path, the command automatically proceeds to the cross section step.
The cross sections can be open or closed and can be planar or non-planar. You can
place them anywhere along the path. For predictable results, it is best if the cross
sections intersect all paths. The sweep paths can be either tangent or non-tangent.
When you create a swept surface using a closed sketch, you can use the Open Ends
and Close Ends options on the command bar to specify whether the ends of the swept
surface are open or closed. When you set the Close Ends option, faces are added to
the ends of the feature to create a closed volume.
You can select wireframe elements from multiple Parasolid bodies or sketches and
the elements will remain associative.
You can use the command bar to modify an existing single path and
single cross section swept feature to add more paths or cross sections.
For example, to add a cross section, select the feature, go to the Cross
Section Step, then click the Plane or Sketch Step button. To add more
cross sections, you can then select a reference plane, sketch elements,
or model edges.
• The cross sections can exist anywhere along the path, be all open or all
closed and can be planar or non-planar.
You cannot mix open and closed cross-sections.
Specifies that the cross section profiles maintain a constant and parallel
orientation to the cross section profile plane.
Varies the orientation of the cross section profiles so that points on the path
curves are matched according to the proportional parameter distance of
the underlying path curve. This option is only available when two or more
path curves are defined.
Each path curve must be a single element. If the path curves you are using
have more than one element, you can use the Single Curve option available
with the Derived Curve command to create a single element path curve, or
you can set the Arc Length option, described below.
This option can be useful when constructing swept features with two path
curves and one cross section and you want the feature to extend to the end
of both path curves. Notice the Parametric option (A) extends to the ends
of both path curves, where the Normal option (B) stops short of the end of
one of the path curves.
Arc Length
Varies the orientation of the cross section profiles so that points on the
path curves are matched according to the proportional arc-length distance
along the path curves. This option is only available when two or more path
curves are defined. You can use path curves that consist of a single element
or multiple elements.
This option can be useful when constructing swept features with two path
curves and one cross section and you want the feature to extend to the end
of both path curves. Notice the Arc Length option (A) extends to the ends
of both path curves, where the Normal option (B) stops short of the end of
one of the path curves.
Face Continuity
Specifies the degree of face continuity required where adjacent segments within
a swept feature meet.
Tangent Continuous
Specifies that adjacent sweep segments are tangent and continuous, but are
not required to have the same radius of curvature.
Curvature Continuous
Specifies that adjacent sweep segments are tangent, continuous, and have
the same radius of curvature. This imparts extra smoothness to the surfaces
and can be important when creating aesthetic surfaces.
Face Merging
Specifies the face merging option you want. If you change the face merging
options on a swept feature after downstream features that depend on the original
faces are constructed, the downstream features may not recompute properly.
The example illustrates no merge (A), full merge (B), and merge along path (C).
Part Painter was used to change the surface color.
No Merge
Does not merge the output faces.
Full Merge
Merges as many faces as possible, given the input geometry.
Along Path
Merges as many faces as possible along the path direction only, given the
input geometry.
Constructs the swept feature by scaling the cross section curve along the path
curve. These options are available only for single path and cross section sweeps
after you select the path and cross section curves. You can specify a scale value
for each end of the feature.
If you specify a scale value greater than 1, the swept feature is increased in size
at the specified end of the feature. If you specify a scale value less than 1, the
swept feature is decreased in size at the specified end of the feature. If you
specify a scale value of 1, no scale is applied to the specified end of the feature.
The examples below illustrate (A): no scale, (B): start scale of 1 and an end scale
of 1.5, (C): start scale of 0.5 and an end scale of 1.5.
Constructs the swept feature by twisting the cross section profile around the
path curve. These options are available only for single path and cross section
sweeps after you select the path and cross section curves.
If you specify a number greater than zero, the twist is applied in a clockwise
fashion from the start point of the path curve. If you specify a number less than
zero, the twist is applied in a counter-clockwise fashion from the start point of
the path curve. If you specify zero, no twist is applied.
Specifies that no twist is applied to the feature.
Number of Turns
Applies twist to the feature by specifying the number of turns the cross
section is twisted along the entire path curve. The examples below illustrate
(A): no twist, (B): 0.25 turns, (C): –0.25 turns.
Applies twist to the feature by specifying the degrees of twist at the path
start and end points. The examples below illustrate (A): no twist, (B): zero
twist at start point and 90 degrees twist at end point, (C): zero degrees twist
at start point and –90 degrees twist at end point.
Start Angle
Specifies the start twist value.
End Angle
Specifies the end twist value.
You can also combine scale and twist options. The examples below
illustrate the different results possible when using (A): scale, (B): twist,
(C): scale and twist.
In this activity, you will learn to create and edit a swept surface. You will use
provided sketches to create a swept surface. After completing the surface, you will
edit the sketch path and cross sections to observe the surface shape changes.
After completing this activity you will be able to create and edit a swept surface.
Turn to Appendix F for the activity.
• You can also use a guide curve to define a path between the cross sections of
the loft.
• The end condition, or Extent, options allow you to control the shape of the loft
feature where it meets the first and last cross sections.
• The loft feature is associative to the input elements, regardless of the element
type you use to define the cross sections and guide curves.
• When you create a lofted surface using a closed profile you can use the Open
Ends and Close Ends options on the command bar to specify whether the ends of
the surface are open or closed. When you set the Close Ends option, planar faces
are added to the ends of the feature to create a closed volume.
You can select wireframe elements from multiple Parasolid bodies or sketches
and the elements will remain associative.
While in Ordered modeling, the Lofted Surface icon may need to be added
to the command ribbon. Search Solid Edge help for the phrase “Customize
the command ribbon” to learn more about including any missing command,
such as lofted surface.
• If you use sketches, you can only select elements from one sketch for each
cross section.
• You cannot combine elements from a sketch with edges to define a cross
• When working with loft features that have many cross sections and guide
curves, you should consider drawing sketches first, rather than drawing
the profiles as you construct the feature. This approach can make it easier
to construct and edit the feature.
• Adjacent faces can be used to control tangency on the new bounded surface.
• The preparation of edges/curves to be utilized may require the use of the derived
curve and split curve commands.
Please refer to the Help topics BlueSurf command and BlueSurf Options
dialog box for more detailed information.
• As sections and/or guides are added, the number of edit points can be increased
or reduced through the concept called Edit Point Data Management.
• BlueDot edit points can be moved in order to manipulate the surface; both Shape
and Local Edits are available.
The first step in creating a BlueSurf is selecting cross sections. The Cross Section
Step activates automatically. At least two cross sections are required.
Next, you can select guide curves if needed. Click the Guide Curve Step and select
the guide curve(s).
A BlueSurf may also consist of a single cross-section and a single guide curve. The
following example shows the BlueSurf result of using cross-section (C1) and guide
curve (G1) from the previous example.
At this point, editing any of the cross-sections or guide curves modifies the shape of
the BlueSurf. If you need additional surface shape control, the BlueSurf command
provides a step to insert additional sketches.
BlueSurf command
Constructs a surface using existing sketches or part edges. You can use the BlueSurf
command to construct complex surfaces that provide many editing options.
Input requirements
The sketches or edges can represent cross sections only (A) or cross sections (A)
and guide curves (B). At a minimum, you must define two cross sections or one
cross section and one guide curve.
Closing ends
When you create a BlueSurf feature using closed cross sections, you can use the End
Capping options on the BlueSurf Options dialog box to specify whether the ends of
the feature are left open (A) or closed (B). When you set the Close Ends option,
a solid body is created.
Inserting sketches
You can use the Insert Sketch Step on the command bar to add new sketches to a
BlueSurf feature. The geometry for the new sketch is created by intersecting a
reference plane you define with the BlueSurf feature. You do not have to create the
sketch geometry yourself. When you insert a sketch, the new geometry is a created
as a b-spline curve. If you want the new geometry to consist of lines, arcs, or circles;
you must create the new sketch manually outside of the BlueSurf command.
When you click the Insert Sketch button on the command bar, plane creation
options are added to the command bar so you can define the position for the new
reference plane. For example, you can use the Parallel Plane option to define an
offset reference plane where you want additional control over the resultant surface.
You can then edit the sketch to change the surface shape.
When you add a cross section or guide curve to an existing BlueSurf feature using
the Insert Sketch option, the new sketch is connected to the cross sections or guide
curves. You can use the BlueSurf Options dialog box to specify whether Pierce Points
or BlueDots are used to connect new section to the surface.
BlueDots are only available in the ordered modeling environment
Pierce points
When you set the Use Pierce Points option, connect relationships are used to tie
the inserted sketch to the cross sections or guide curves it intersects. When
you set the Use BlueDots option, BlueDot elements are used to tie the inserted
sketch to the cross sections or guide curves it intersects. The option you specify
also affects how you can edit the feature later.
When you connect the new sketch using the Use Pierce Points option, you
can modify the cross sections or guide curves the new sketch intersects and
the b-spline curve for the inserted sketch will update. The Use Pierce Points
option is most suitable for models that must conform to engineering data or
dimension-driven criteria; such as turbine blades, fan housings, and so forth.
The Use Pierce Points options maintains the existing parent/child history of
the model.
If you are working with a BlueSurf in the ordered environment, and you insert a
sketch using the Use BlueDots option, you can also modify the BlueSurf feature
by editing the position of the BlueDots using the Select Tool and the BlueDot Edit
command bar. When you move a BlueDot, the portion of the sketches that are
controlled by the BlueDot update, and that portion of the BlueSurf also updates.
The Use BlueDots option is most suitable for ordered models that are driven
by esthetic requirements, such as consumer electronics products, bottle and
container design, and so forth. When you use BlueDots to connect an inserted
sketch, moving a BlueDot can also change the location of the reference planes of
the sketches it connects.
This is because a BlueDot allows you to override the existing parent/child history
of the model. For example, if you insert a sketch using a parallel reference plane
with an offset value of 25 millimeters, editing the location of the BlueDot can
also change the offset value of the reference plane.
Refer to Inserting sketches into a BlueSurf for the process of inserting sketches.
Many of the end condition options allow you to dynamically adjust the surface using
a graphic handle (A) or by modifying a variable in the variable table. For surfaces
that have several graphic handles or variables for a single cross section, you can
create a master variable for all the variables that control the cross section, then use
a formula to drive all the variables for that cross section simultaneously.
For more information and illustrations which show you how you can control
the surface shape at the ends of BlueSurf and lofted features, see the End
Conditions section in the Constructing Lofted Features Constructing Lofted
Features Help topic.
Start Section
Specifies the tangency control option you want for the first cross section.
End Section
Specifies the tangency control option you want for the last cross section.
Edge Guide 1
Specifies the tangency control option you want for the first guide curve. The
options available for defining guide curve tangency conditions depend on the
type of element you select for the guide curve. For example, if you want to
be able to control the tangency of the BlueSurf feature with respect to an
adjacent surface, use an edge on the surface as the guide curve rather than,
for example, the sketch that was used to construct the adjacent surface.
Edge Guide 2
Specifies the tangency control option you want for the last guide curve. The
options available for defining guide curve tangency conditions depend on the
type of element you select for the guide curve. For example, if you want to
be able to control the tangency of the BlueSurf feature with respect to an
adjacent surface, use an edge on the surface as the guide curve rather than,
for example, the sketch that was used to construct the adjacent surface.
End Capping
Specifies the end capping options you want. This option is available only when
the cross section profiles are closed.
Open Ends
Specifies that no planar end caps are added to the feature.
Close Ends
Specifies that planar end caps are added to the feature to create a enclosed
Extent type
Controls whether or not the feature closes on itself.
Specifies that the feature begins with the first cross section and ends with
the last cross section. The feature does not close on itself.
Specifies that the surface will close on itself. When you set this option, the
first cross section is also used for the last cross section.
Curve Connectivity
Specifies how a cross section and a guide curve are connected. These options only
apply to new sketches you add using the Insert sketch button on the command
Use Pierce Points
Specifies that a connect relationship is used to connect the cross section and
guide curve where they intersect. The position of the connect relationship
is calculated using the Pierce Point option on the IntelliSketch dialog box.
The Use Pierce Points option is typically used when constructing engineered
surfaces, such as the surfaces for a fan or turbine blade, where engineering
data or dimension-driven criteria must be maintained.
Use BlueDots
Specifies that a BlueDot is used to connect the cross section and guide curve
where they intersect. When you connect a cross section and a guide curve
with a BlueDot , you can use the BlueDot as a handle to dynamically modify
the shape of the cross section and guide curve. The Use BlueDots option is
typically used when constructing esthetic surfaces, such as the surfaces for
consumer electronics product, where a more free-form approach to surface
design is desired.
The Use BlueDots option is available only in the ordered modeling
environment. The BlueDots functionality is not available in the
synchronous environment.
Allows you to define a tolerance value for sketches you insert. The tolerance
value you specify is used to control the complexity of the curve that is created.
Specifies the tolerance value you want to use.
Map Sets
Lists the sets of mapped vertices you have defined. You can add vertex map
sets to create a smooth surface flow; to add a new set of mapped vertices,
click the Add button, then click a point on each cross section curve.
Allows you to add a new mapped vertice set.
Allows you to add a delete an existing mapped vertice set.
Allows you to reorder cross sections that were defined out-of-sequence. This
option is useful when you modify an existing feature by adding a new cross
section. You cannot use the re-ordering capability to create a feature that
intersects itself.
To reorder a cross section, select the cross section in the list, then click the Up or
Down buttons to move the cross section entry in the list.
Inserting a sketch.
Step 1: On the BlueSurf command bar, click the Insert Sketch Step. You must
select a plane to insert a sketch on. All of the plane creation methods
are available.
Step 2: Insert a sketch (C) in the guide curve direction and notice the results.
The parallel plane is used again.
Step 3: Now turn off the reference planes and observe the results.
When the guide curve direction sketch was inserted, it crossed another
sketch. The BlueSurf command automatically inserts BlueDots at
the intersection of the curves. If there were several sketches in the
cross-section direction, the inserted sketch in the guide curve direction
would be connected with BlueDots.
Step 1: The BlueSurf feature below was created with two cross sections (C1, C2).
First, add a new cross section (C3) that was created before the BlueSurf
Step 2: Click the Select Tool and then select the BlueSurf feature. On the ribbon
bar, click Edit Definition.
Step 4: Identify the new cross section (C3). Notice that cross section C3 is
placed last in the cross section order, which causes the BlueSurf feature
to reverse direction. The cross section order below is C1, C2 and then
C3. You can reorder the cross sections to make C3 be defined between
C1 and C2.
Step 5: On the BlueSurf command bar, click the options button. Click the
Advanced tab.
Cross section C3 is shown as Section 3. To reorder C3 to be between C1
and C2, click Section 3 and then click Up. Click OK to apply the reorder.
The following shows the result with cross-sections ordered C1, C2 and
To move the cross section up in the feature tree, click the Select tool. In PathFinder,
click and hold the Blue Surf and drag it below the latest sketch as shown.
Vertex mapping
Vertex mapping is a technique to help create flow between section vertices. If there
is a vertex count mismatch between sections, equally spaced vertices are used on
each section.
Notice in the image below that section (A) has four vertices and section (B) has three
vertices. The BlueSurf command automatically inserts vertices equally spaced on
each section. Notice the surface flow is not smooth.
You can add vertex map sets to create a smooth surface flow. You can add vertex
maps while creating a BlueSurf or by editing an existing BlueSurf.
On the BlueSurf command bar, click the Options button. On the BlueSurf Options
dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
Click Add and then select two vertices to be mapped together as shown.
Click Add again and select the next two vertices to be mapped together as shown.
Click OK in the dialog box and then Finish. The result is shown below.
This button changes function as you move through the feature construction
process. The Preview button shows what the constructed feature will look like,
based on the input provided in the other steps. The Finish button constructs the
feature. After previewing or finishing the feature, you can edit it by re-selecting
the appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel button discards all input
and exits the command.
• Face—Allows you to select all the edges of a face by selecting the face.
Deselect (x)
Clears any selected edges and the edge selection criteria.
Accept (check mark)
Accepts the edge selection criteria and selects all edges that meet the criteria.
You can also accept the selection by clicking the right mouse button or pressing
the ENTER key.
Guide Curve Step Options
Sets the edge selection method for defining the cross sections. You can use any
combination of selection methods to select a set of edges. Hold the CTRL key or
the SHIFT key to de-select an edge.
• Chain—Allows you to select a sketch or a tangentially continuous chain
of edges.
• Face—Allows you to select all the edges of a face by selecting the face.
Deselect (x)
Clears any selected edges and the edge selection criteria.
Accept (check mark)
Accepts the edge selection criteria and selects all edges that meet the criteria.
Insert Sketch Step Options
Plane Options
Sets the method of defining the plane for the inserted sketch. Depending on the
model you are constructing, some of the options listed may not be available.
• Coincident—Specifies that you want to define a plane that is coincident to
an existing reference plane or a planar face on the part. When you set this
option, a default X-axis and direction is applied to the new reference plane.
You can use keyboard accelerators to define a different X-axis and direction
for the new reference plane.
• Plane Normal to Curve—Specifies that you want to define a draft plane that
is perpendicular to a curve you select.
• Last Plane Used—Automatically selects the reference plane used for the
previous feature. This option is not available if the last feature was a pattern.
In this activity, you learn to create a BlueSurf feature. You will use provided
sketches to create a BlueSurf surface.
After completing this activity you will be able to create a BlueSurf feature.
In this activity, you will learn to create and edit a BlueSurf. You will use provided
curve sketches to create a BlueSurf.
After completing this activity you will be able to:
• Create a BlueSurf.
• Insert sketches.
• Edit BlueDots.
Lesson review
Answer the following questions:
1. When do cross sections and guide curves have to be connected?
1. When must cross sections and guide curves intersect?
The BlueSurf requires connectivity between cross sections and guide curves.
Lesson summary
You control surfaces by curve definitions. You change the surface shape by editing
the underlying curves. You edit curves using Dynamic Edit or by editing the curve
sketch or profile.
The extruded and revolved surfaces creation methods work similarly to the solid
protrusion and revolved protrusion commands. These surfaces are useful in the
development of more complex surfaces.
BlueSurf provides you the same results of a swept or lofted surface. However,
BlueSurf provides much more control and editing capability. You can add cross
sections and guide curves. You can control tangency at the start and end cross
sections. You can use BlueDots or Pierce points to connect the inserted cross section
and guides. Editing the BlueDots gives you real-time surface shape updates as
they are moved.
Bounded surfaces are used to fill in gaps in a model. A bounded surface is created by
selecting edges (curves) that form a closed loop. You have the option to make the
resulting surface tangent to adjacent surfaces.
After completing this lesson you will be able to use the surface manipulation
• Extend Surface
• Offset Surface
• Copy Surface
• Trim Surface
• Delete Faces
• Stitched Surface
• Round
• Replace Face
• Parting Split
• Parting Surface
• Split Face
The edges you select can form a continuous chain (A) or be interrupted (B).
The extend options which are available depend on whether the surface is an analytic
surface or a non-analytic surface. Examples of analytic surfaces include planes,
partial cylinders, cones, spheres, and tori. You create non-analytic surfaces when you
sweep or extrude a b-spline curve, or when you construct lofted, swept or BlueSurf
feature using b-spline curves.
When extending a non-analytic surface, you can specify whether the extension is
Natural, Linear, or Reflective along certain types of edges. For example, when
extending an extruded surface constructed using a b-spline curve, you can specify
the Natural Extend, Linear Extend, or Reflective Extend options for the two edges
which are parallel to the input b-spline curve (A, B).
For the two edges which are perpendicular to the input b-spline curve (C, D), only
the Natural Extend option is mathematically possible. In this example, the natural
extension is linear.
Additional examples are illustrated in the Extend Surface command bar topic.
Main Steps
Select Edges Step
Defines the edge of the surface that you want to extend. You can select one
or more edges.
Extent Step
Defines the distance you want to extend the surface. You can define the
distance dynamically using the cursor or type a value.
This button changes function as you move through the feature construction
process. The Finish button constructs the feature using input provided in the
other steps. Once you construct the feature, you can edit it by re-selecting
the appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel button discards any
input and exits the command.
Linear Extent
Specifies that the extended portion of the surface will be linear and tangent
with respect to the input face. This option is not available for analytic
Reflective Extent
Specifies that the extended portion of the surface will be a reflection of the
input surface. This option is not available for analytic surfaces.
Sets the method of selecting the edge you want to extend.
Deselect (x)
Clears the selection.
Accept (check mark)
Accepts the selection.
If the face or surface has boundaries, Offset Surface has options to remove or keep
the boundaries on the offset surface.
The following illustration shows an offset surface B offset in direction A with the
show boundaries option on.
Main Steps
Select Step
Defines the surfaces that should be offset to create the offset surface.
Offset Step
Defines the offset distance and the side of the surfaces that should be offset.
This button changes function as you move through the feature construction
process. The Preview button shows what the constructed feature will look like,
based on the input provided in the other steps. The Finish button constructs the
feature. After previewing or finishing the feature, you can edit it by re-selecting
the appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel button discards all input
and exits the command.
Deselect (x)
Clears the selection.
Remove Boundaries
Removes internal boundaries of the surface.
Show Boundaries
Displays internal boundaries of the surface.
User Interface
• Offset Surface command
• Construct an offset construction surface
Main Steps
Select Step
Allows you to select the input faces that define the new construction surfaces
you want. You can select one or more faces.
This button changes function as you move through the feature construction
process. The Finish button constructs the feature using input provided in the
other steps. Once you construct the feature, you can edit it by re-selecting
the appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel button discards any
input and exits the command.
Select Options
Remove Internal Boundaries
Removes the internal boundaries on the new surfaces. Internal boundaries
are typically areas that do not extend to the edge of a surface, such as a hole
in the middle of a surface.
Remove External Boundaries
Removes the external boundaries on the new surfaces. External boundaries
are typically areas that do extend to the edge of a surface, such as a cutout
that removes a portion of the surface along its edge. You cannot remove
external boundaries if any adjacent surfaces in the select set are stitched
Sets the method of selecting the surfaces that you want to copy.
• Body—Allows you to select the entire body, such as a surface body.
Deselect (x)
Clears the selection.
Accept (check mark)
Accepts the selection.
◊ Closed curves that do not completely lie on the surface are not supported.
◊ For example, surface (B) is used to trim surface (A). Since surface (B)
does not extend to the edges of surface (A), linear extensions are added
to the trim boundary element (C). The input element you select as the
trimming tool (B) is not modified.
When you use a curve as a trimming element and it does not lie on the surface
you want to trim, you can use the Project Curve command to project the curve
onto the surface first. Closed curves that do not completely lie on the surface are
not supported.
• To remove faces from a sheet metal part when working in the Flat pattern
When you delete a face on a part body, which must always be a solid body, the gap
created by the deleted surface is automatically closed.
When you delete a face on a construction body, which is not required to be a solid
body, you can specify whether the gap is closed or left open using the Heal option on
the command bar.
When you clear the Heal option, the gap is not closed and you can construct another
surface to close the gap. This can be useful when working with foreign data which
cannot be converted into a solid body when you import it.
• If the stitched surfaces form a closed volume, you have the option to designate
the solid body as a base feature.
• You can set the stitched surface options for tolerance and surface healing on the
Stitched Surface Options dialog box.
• Notice the default tolerance on the Stitched Surface Options dialog box. Once
you turn on the Heal option, you can change this value if the edges of two
surfaces being stitched together do not meet the default tolerance.
• To remove surfaces from the select set, select the surfaces while pressing the
SHIFT key.
• To delete the link between the stitched surface feature and its parents, use
the Drop Parents command on the shortcut menu. This command reduces the
amount of data in the file. Once you drop the parent information, the stitch
surface feature can no longer be edited.
• You can use the commands on the shortcut menu to display, hide, edit, rename,
or recompute the stitched surfaces.
• If the output forms a closed volume, a solid body will be created. Otherwise, the
stitch surface will be a sheet body with free edges that can be stitched to other
• If the stitched surfaces result in a solid body and there is no base feature in the
file, the Make Base Feature command becomes available on the shortcut menu,
and you can make the stitched body the base feature for the part.
The illustration below shows the stitchable edges for surface A and surface B.
Surfaces A and B were stitched together to produce C and the stitchable edges are
You can use the Round command to place fillets and rounds on surface edges or
between two adjoining surfaces.
Blend command
Creates a variable radius round,
Surface Blend
Species that the round feature will be a blend between
two surfaces you select. If either of the selected surfaces
are part of a tangentially connected chain of surfaces,
the blend is applied to the chain of surfaces. When this
option is set, you can also specify whether you want to trim
the input surfaces or the output surface blend using the
Surface Blend Parameters dialog box. You can only select
faces that are part of a surface body when this option is set.
Select Step
Selects the edges and faces to round or blend.
Select Vertices
For variable radius rounds only, specifies the vertexes for rounding.
Side Step
For surface blending only, specifies the side in which you want to apply the
blend. You can use the cursor to position the arrow on the side which you want
the blend.
Overflow Step
For blending only, specifies options for blend overflow.
Round Parameters
Displays the Round Parameters dialog box.
Surface Blend Parameters
Displays the Surface Blend Parameters dialog box so you can define the trim
options you want. This option is available when you set the Surface Blend option
on the Round Options dialog box.
This button changes function as you move through the feature construction
process. The Preview button shows what the constructed feature will look like,
based on the input provided in the other steps. The Finish button constructs the
feature. After previewing or finishing the feature, you can edit it by re-selecting
the appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel button discards all input
and exits the command.
Command Bar Options
Select Step
Select Sets the edge selection method for constructing a round
feature. You can use any combination of selection methods
to select a set of edges to round. Hold the Ctrl key to
de-select an edge.
For variable rounds:
• Edge/Corner—Select individual edges, or to select all
edges adjacent to a corner by selecting the corner.
Shape Sets the cross sectional shape of the blend. This option is
available when you set the Blend option. You can select
from the following options:
• Constant Radius—Creates a constant radius circular
cross section blend. When you set this option, you can
use the Radius box to define the radius size you want.
The Bevel, Conic and Curvature Continuous options
all utilize the continuity Value.
When the Bevel option is set, you can use the Value to
control the amount of material removed from the adjacent
When the Conic option is set, you can use the Value option
control the shape of the blend cross section.
When the Curvature Continuous option is set, you can use
the Value option to control the shape of the blend cross
Length Specifies the linear length value for the blend. This option
is available when you set the Bevel option for the blend
Accept (check Accepts the edge selection criteria and selects all edges
mark) that meet the criteria.
Deselect (x) Clears any selected edges and the edge selection criteria.
Overflow step
Roll Along/Across For blending only, modifies the blend to maintain selected
edges or continuous blend across selected edges.
Tangent Hold Line For blending only, defines a tangent hold line for the blend.
You can define a tangent hold line for each of the input
faces or for only one of the input faces.
Default Radius For blending only, maintains the default radius for the
Full Radius For blending only, varies the radius according to the
tangent hold line.
Displays the feature name. Feature names are assigned automatically. You
can edit the name by typing a new name in the box on the command bar or by
selecting the feature and using the Rename command on the shortcut menu.
If edges on the face you are replacing have rounds applied, the rounds are reapplied
after you complete the replace face operation.
In this activity you will learn to use the surface manipulation commands.
After completing this activity you will be able to:
• Extend a surface.
• Offset a surface.
• Trim a surface.
• Copy a surface.
• Round surfaces.
Splitting a face can be useful when constructing a model that you want to use for
finite element analysis purposes or when you want to isolate a portion of a face so
you can to apply a decal or image in a specific location.
If the element you are using to define the split location does not extend to the
boundary of the face you are splitting, the Split Face command will extend the
imprinted splitting curve tangentially. The original element you selected is not
extended. For example, if you split a face using a sketch that consists of a line and an
arc, the imprinted curve is extended linearly and tangent to the original line and arc.
If the imprinted curves intersect when they are extended, the split face feature will
not succeed.
When you use a surface as the splitting element, the surface must physically
intersect the surface you want to split. When you use a reference plane as the
splitting element, the reference plane must theoretically intersect the surface you
want to split (the reference plane is considered to be infinite in size).
When you use curves or edges as the splitting elements, such as a sketch to split a
face, the splitting elements must lie on the face you are splitting. You can use the
Project Curve command to project the elements onto the 3-D face.
This topic gives you solutions to problems you might have when constructing split
face features.
Missing Parent
Target faces must be from the same body: When constructing split face features, the
faces you want to split must be from the same body.
Targets and tools do not intersect. The splitting element does not intersect with
the surfaces you want to split.
To better illustrate the results, the surfaces which are split by the parting split
feature are shown in green and gold below. The surfaces shown in gray were not
split. Surfaces which do not cross the parting line and planar faces are not split
by this command.
You create the parting curve in a separate operation. For example, you can use the
Intersection Curve command or the Parting Split command to create the parting
When you complete this activity, you will be able to use the Parting Split and Parting
Surface commands.
After completing this activity you will be able to use the following commands:
• Insert Part Copy
• Boolean
• Parting Split
• Parting Surface
• Divide Part
In this activity, you will utilize several surfacing techniques to create the body for a
rotary razor.
After completing this activity you will be familiar with:
• Curve creation and manipulation techniques.
• Extruding surfaces.
• Offsetting surfaces.
• Extending surfaces.
• Placing rounds.
In this activity, you will use the surfacing tools and workflows learned in this course
to build a bathtub spout.
After completing this activity you will be able to:
• Read a control drawing.
Lesson review
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the three extent options available on the Extend Surface command bar?
2. How do you create an offset surface without boundaries from an input surface
that has boundaries?
3. Can you trim a surface with multiple open curves in one step?
4. Can you trim a surface with multiple closed curves in one step?
1. What are the three extent options available on the Extend Surface command bar?
Natural, Linear and Reflective.
2. How do you create an offset surface without boundaries from an input surface
that has boundaries?
Use the “Remove Boundaries” option on the command bar.
3. Can you trim a surface with multiple open curves in one step?
NO, only a single open curve can be selected for trimming.
4. Can you trim a surface with multiple closed curves in one step?
YES, multiple closed curves can be selected for trimming.
Lesson summary
Many tools exist to modify surfaces. These commands greatly increase your ability
to create and control complex shapes.
After stitching surfaces together, Solid Edge automatically creates a solid body.
You can delete and replace faces as needed to optimize your design.
The Parting Split and Parting Surface commands facilitate the development of parts
to be manufactured in molds or dies (often called plastic parts).
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Understand and use curvature combs.
Curvature combs help you determine how quickly or gradually curves change and
where they change direction. You can use the curvature comb to quickly determine
the feasibility of machining and to predict the aesthetic qualities of surfaces
generated from a curve.
If you have a curvature comb displayed and use dynamic edit to make changes to the
curve geometry, the comb updates immediately to reflect the changes.
• Curvature Shading
• Zebra Stripes
• Zebra Stripes are solid bands of color overlaid on top of a single face or set of
– Displayed at regular spacing, controlled by the user.
– Stripes with sharp bends would indicate abrupt changes in surface curvature
(ie., a discontinuity).
– You can control colors, spacing and the method of mapping the stripes using
the Zebra Stripes Settings.
• Striping gives quick indication of continuous edges between faces.
Lesson review
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the Curvature Comb used for?
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the Curvature Comb used for?
Curvature combs help you determine how quickly or gradually curves change
and where they change direction. You can use the curvature comb to quickly
determine the feasibility of machining and to predict the aesthetic qualities of
surfaces generated from a curve.
Lesson summary
You have learned what curvature combs show, and how to modify their output.
Methods for visualizing the quality of surfaces have also been covered here.
Draw a curve
Begin the activity by drawing a curve with edit points in space.
▸ In PathFinder, click the box next to Sketch A to show it. Use the sketch elements
in Sketch A as a guide to where to place the edit points.
▸ Click just above each of the construction points from left to right as shown. After
clicking above the last point, select Close Sketch, then Finish on the command
bar to create the curve.
Also, the Edit Curve command bar is displayed; on the command bar, the Local
Edit option is on.
With the Local Edit option, when you drag an edit point or control point, the
shape of the curve changes near the point you drag. With Shape Edit, the
entire curve changes shape slightly, preserving the overall shape of the curve.
▸ With the Local Edit option selected, drag the edit point shown to observe how
the curve shape changes.
▸ After editing the curve, on the Quick Access toolbar, click the Undo command.
This returns the curve to its original shape.
▸ Select the curve. On the Edit Curve command bar, select the Shape Edit option.
▸ With the Shape Edit option selected, drag the edit point shown and observe
how the curve shape changes.
button .
▸ In the Curve Options dialog box, ensure the degree is set to 3 and click OK.
▸ On the Edit Curve command bar, click the Add/Remove Points button .
▸ Edit the curves again to observe how the shape changes. Undo to return the
curve to its original shape.
▸ In the Curve Options dialog box, change the Degree from 3 to 5 and click OK.
Observe the change to the control polygon.
▸ Edit the curve again with both Local Edit and Shape Edit options to see how the
curve shape changes now with the higher degree. Be sure to undo any changes
you make to the curve.
Local Edit
Shape Edit
Comb button .
You can adjust the curvature comb display using the Curvature Comb
Settings dialog box.
Density controls the number of normal vectors. Magnitude controls the
length of the vectors.
▸ Move the slider bars and observe the curvature comb display.
▸ In the Curvature Comb Settings dialog box, clear the Show curvature combs
box and click Close.
▸ In PathFinder, clear the check box next to the sketch just completed to hide it..
▸ Draw a curve with edit points at the endpoints of the lines (1-5) shown below.
Make sure to get the endpoint connect symbol before clicking. After placing the
last edit point, right-click to complete the curve.
▸ Select the dimensions and edit their values as shown to observe how the curve is
constrained to the dimensioned elements.
Notice that the edit points and control vertices display as crosses. If you
position the cursor over a cross, you will see the following denoting if it is
an edit point (A) or control vertex (B).
Click point A and then click point B. Points A and B will always remain aligned
▸ Place a dimension as shown between the horizontal reference plane and edit
point C.
▸ Place a dimension as shown between the horizontal reference plane and edit
point A.
▸ Add a vertical relationship between control vertex F and the center of the
reference planes.
More constraints are needed to make the curve symmetric about the
vertical reference plane. For this activity stop adding constraints at this
▸ Edit the dimensions as shown and observe the curve shape constraints.
▸ Drag control vertex F down and observe how the curve shape changes while
maintaining the relationships you applied.
In this activity you learned how to draw and edit curves based on edit points and
Curves must be connected in order to use them to create surfaces. Only the
Swept Surface command does not require input curves to be connected. You
will learn more about this in the next lesson.
The order in which you select curves determines which curve will change
location. The first curve you select will move to connect to the second curve.
The first curve sketch plane will change to the connected location. The second
curve you select does not change.
There are several curve selection locations. See the topic on BlueDot Creation
in the theory section of this lesson.
▸ Select curve 1 at the location shown and then select curve 2 at the location
shown. Notice the resulting connection and then click Undo.
Right-click to finish.
Edit a BlueDot
The four curves are now BlueDot connected. Edit a BlueDot to observe how the
curves behave.
▸ Select the BlueDot shown. Use QuickPick as an aid to select it.
Both curves are set to Local Edit.
▸ Set both curves to Shape Edit and then repeat the previous step. Notice the
different result.
▸ Edit a BlueDot by specifying a delta distance. Repeat the previous step, but this
time click the Relative/Absolute Position option on the BlueDot Edit command
▸ Notice that the command bar changes to dX, dY and dZ. Type 20 in the dZ box
and press the Enter key.
If you press the Enter key a second time, a delta value of 20 is applied
▸ The 3D triad can be moved if it gets in the way. Click the 3D triad as shown and
drag to a new location.
In this activity you learned how to draw and edit curves based on BlueDots.
The part file contains three sketches that you use to create keypoint curves.
Each sketch has seven keypoints.
▸ Click the endpoint shown. Make sure the endpoint connect symbol displays.
There are other keypoint select locations possible on a line. You can select
endpoint (A), midpoint (B), line and endpoint (C) or line and midpoint (D).
If you select a line and endpoint or a line and midpoint, the curve becomes
tangent to the line at that point. You can modify the tangent vector. For
this activity, only select endpoints.
▸ To make it easier to only select endpoints, click the Keypoints button on the
▸ After clicking the last endpoint, click the Accept button, and then click Finish.
▸ Repeat the previous step to create keypoint curves using Sketches B and C.
The keypoint curves are not connected to each other. They are only
connected to the sketch elements. If you edit one of the sketches used to
keypoint connect to, the keypoint curve changes with edits made to the
Make sure no keypoints display when selecting the curves to BlueDot
connect. Just click the curve away from any possible keypoint.
Edit a BlueDot
Edit a BlueDot and observe how the keypoint curves behave.
▸ Drag the BlueDot up and notice how the two keypoint curves remain connected.
Notice on the BlueDot Edit command bar that curve edit fields are not
available. Keypoint curves cannot be controlled with local or shape edits.
▸ Click the Select tool. Right-click in the graphics window. Choose Hide
All®BlueDots and Hide All®Curves.
▸ In PathFinder, select the check boxes next to features Extrude 4 and Extrude 5.
▸ Create keypoint curves between these two surfaces that are tangent to an edge
of each surface. Click the Keypoint Curve command to begin.
▸ Select the endpoint of the surface edge as shown. Make sure the line and
endpoint are highlighted.
▸ Select the endpoint of the surface edge as shown. Make sure the line and
endpoint are highlighted.
In the next lesson, you learn that the two keypoint curves you just created
are a step in the process of constructing a tangent transition surface
between two surfaces. The activity is complete.
In this activity you learned how to create and edit keypoint curves.
tab®Curves group®Intersection .
▸ Click Finish.
In PathFinder, notice the intersection curve just created is named
Intersection 2.
The intersection curve is associative to the two input surfaces it was
created from. These surfaces are the parents of the intersection curve. If a
parent is edited, the intersection curve updates automatically.
In the next lesson you learn how you can use the intersection curve in surface
editing operations.
▸ Click sketch A and then click the Accept button. Click sketch B and then click
the Accept button.
▸ Click Finish.
The cross curve is the result of the intersection of the two theoretical extruded
surfaces A and B.
The Cross command eliminates the need to construct extruded surfaces
from curves and then find the intersection between the two surfaces.
▸ Hide the sketch curves and cross curve: Sketch 2a,Sketch 2b and Cross Curve 8.
Project a curve
The Project (curve) command projects a curve onto a surface.
▸ The default option is Along vector. This projects a curve along its normal vector.
Click OK.
▸ For the direction vector, point the direction arrow down as shown.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Click the Select tool. In PathFinder, select the Projection feature and press
the <Delete> key.
▸ Project the curve normal to the surface. Select the Project command again.
▸ Click the surface and then click the Accept button. Click Finish. Notice the
different results
▸ Click the surface to place the six contour curve points approximately as shown.
Points 1 and 6 are on the edge. Points 2 through 5 are on the face.
To insert points on an edge, set the command bar Select box to Edges. To
insert points on the face, set the Select box to Face.
▸ After placing the last point , click the Accept button. Click Finish.
▸ In PathFinder, right-click the contour curve feature and select Edit Definition.
The shape can be edited while creating the contour curve.
▸ Click the points shown and drag to edit the shape approximately as shown.
Points 1 and 6 will remain attached to the edge. Points 2–5 can be moved
anywhere along the face.
▸ Click the edge shown, and then click the Accept button.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Repeat the above step to create derived edges for the three remaining surface
▸ Select the derived curve shown, and then click the Accept button.
▸ On the Split Curve command bar, set the Select filter to Body.
Notice the original derived curve is now split and there are two new curves that
can be used for surfacing operations.
▸ Repeat the previous step to split the remaining three derived curves.
The following image shows a new surface created using the split curves.
The BlueSurf construction method was used to create the surface above.
You will learn how to create BlueSurfs in an upcoming lesson.
In this activity you learned how to create curves using several additional methods.
▸ On the command bar, from the Create-From list, select Select from Sketch.
▸ Click the sketch curve shown and then click the Accept button.
▸ Click the Symmetric Extent button and type 150 in the Distance box.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Select the extruded surface and then click the Dynamic Edit button on
the command bar.
▸ Click the sketch curve. Use the curve Local Edit option , and drag the edit
point shown. Drag the edit point around slightly and notice how the surface
shape changes.
▸ Click the Select Tool to end the dynamic edit, and then press Esc.
▸ Show Sketch B.
▸ On the command bar, from the Create-From list, select Select from Sketch.
▸ Select the sketch curve shown and then click the Accept button on the command
▸ Notice on the Revolved Surface command bar that the next step is to define the
axis of revolution. Click the line as shown.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Select the revolved surface and then click the Dynamic Edit button .
▸ Select the sketch curve. Use the curve Local Edit option and drag the edit
point shown. Drag the control vertex point around slightly and notice how the
surface shape changes.
▸ Drag the control vertices around to come up with your own surface shape.
In this activity you learned how to create simple surfaces using Extrude and Revolve,
and how to edit the surfaces by manipulating their parent curves.
The Swept Surface command has the same steps as the Swept Protrusion
▸ For the Path step, select the curve shown and then click the Accept button.
▸ Since there is only one path, click the Next button on the command bar to
proceed to the Cross Section step.
▸ Select cross section 1, and then click the Accept button. Select cross section 2
and click the Accept button. Select cross section 3 and click the Accept button.
▸ Click the Select tool. Select the surface, and then click Dynamic Edit .
▸ Click the 70 mm radius dimension on cross section 1. Type 50 and press the
Enter key.
▸ Click the 10 mm radius dimension on cross section 2. Type 40 and press the
Enter key.
▸ Click the 60 mm radius dimension on cross section 3. Type 20 and press the
Enter key.
▸ Click the Select tool to end the dynamic edit. Press Esc to finish.
▸ Click the Select tool. Select the surface and then click Dynamic Edit .
In this activity you learned how to create and edit a swept surface.
▸ To define the first cross section, click the arc shown and then right-click (or
click the Accept button).
▸ For the next cross section, click the arc shown and then right-click.
▸ For the last cross section, click the arc shown and then right-click.
▸ Click the arc shown for the second cross section, and then right-click.
▸ Click the arc shown for the last cross section, and then right-click.
▸ Apply guide curves to the BlueSurf. Click the Guide Curve Step on the
command bar.
▸ In the command bar Select list, click Single. This allows you to select single
sketch elements for the guide curve.
▸ Select sketch elements 1 and 2 as shown, and then right-click to complete the
first guide curve.
Notice how the BlueSurf follows the guide curve.
▸ Select sketch elements 3 and 4 as shown, and then right-click to complete the
second guide curve.
▸ Select sketch elements 1, 2, and 3 as shown, and then right-click. Select sketch
elements 4, 5, and 6 as shown, and then right-click.
▸ Click Edit on the error dialog box. The cross section order is the cause for the
error. This will be corrected later.
▸ Click Edit on the error dialog box. The cross section order is the cause for the
error. This will be corrected later.
Notice the order of the Sections in the dialog box. Position the cursor over a
section and it highlights in the graphics window.
▸ Select Section 4, and then click the Up button to reorder the section between
Sections 1 and 2.
▸ Select Section 5, and then click the Up button to reorder the section between
Sections 2 and 3.
▸ Click OK.
▸ Click Finish.
In this activity you learned how to create and edit BlueSurf surfaces.
The part file contains four curves that are BlueDot connected.
▸ Click curve 1 as shown for the first cross section and then right-click. Click curve
2 as shown for the second cross section and then right-click.
▸ Click guide curve 3 as shown and then right-click. Click guide curve 4 as shown
and then right-click.
▸ In the BlueSurf Options dialog box, under Curve Connectivity click Use BlueDots.
Under Inserted-Sketch, in the Tolerance box, type .01. Click OK.
The tolerance controls the number of edit points used on inserted sketches.
▸ Repeat the previous step to insert sketches at positions .50 and .25 (from the
opposite end) as shown.
▸ Insert sketches normal to the cross section curve. Click the curve shown and
insert sketches at positions .25, .50 and .25 (from the opposite end).
▸ Click the Select tool. Select the BlueDot shown and then click Dynamic Edit.
▸ In the dZ box, type 5. Make sure Curves 1 and 2 are set to Shape Edit. Press
the Enter key.
If you press the Enter key again, the value is applied again.
▸ Click in open space in the graphics window to exit the BlueDot edit.
▸ Repeat the previous step to edit BlueDots 2 through 5. Edit BlueDot 5 with a
delta distance of 5. Edit BlueDots 2 through 4 with a delta distance of 10.
▸ Right-click in the graphics window. Turn off the display of sketches and
In this activity you learned how to create and edit a BlueSurf.
Extend a surface
Notice on the Extend Surface command bar the options for Natural,
Linear and Reflective Extent. The Natural option extends the surface
to follow the curvature of the surface. The Linear option extends the
surface in a linear direction. The Reflective Extent option specifies that
the extended portion of the surface is a reflection of the input surface.
This option is not available for analytic surfaces.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ In PathFinder, select the new Extend feature and press the Delete key.
▸ Multiple edges can be extended. Select the Extend command again and select all
four edges; click Accept.
▸ Click Finish.
Offset a surface
The offset surface is offset along normal vectors from the input surface a
distance of 50 mm.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Create another surface offset from the original (bottom) surface. Use 50 for the
offset distance, and position the direction arrow downward as shown.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Select the circle shown below and then click the Accept button.
▸ Select the surface and click Accept. Position the direction arrow as shown and
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Project Curve is still active. Select the circle shown below and then click the
Accept button.
▸ Select the surface and click Accept. Position the direction arrow as shown and
▸ Click Finish.
Trim a surface
Trim surface is used extensively in surface modeling.
▸ Select the projection curve as shown and click the Accept button.
▸ Position the direction arrow as shown to trim the surface outside the projection
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Select the projection curve as shown and click the Accept button.
▸ Position the direction arrow as shown to trim the surface inside the projection
▸ Click Finish.
Notice the two Trim features in PathFinder.
Copy a surface
▸ Click Finish.
Notice the Copy feature in PathFinder.
▸ In PathFinder, delete the following features: Projection 11, Projection 12, Trim
11, Trim 12, and Copy 7.
Delete faces
. Faces on a construction body can be deleted and replaced with a new surface.
▸ In PathFinder, show feature Extrude 2. Click the Fit command.
▸ Select the three faces shown and click the Accept button.
▸ Click Finish.
Notice the Delete Face feature in PathFinder.
▸ Hide feature Extrude 2. Show feature Extrude 3. The Extrude 3 feature was
constructed with a closed profile and the ends were capped.
▸ Click Finish.
Notice the result. The face was deleted and the two adjoining faces adjust to fill
the gap. The two end caps were also modified.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Hide Extrude 3.
Stitch surfaces
▸ In PathFinder, show features BlueSurf 1, BlueSurf 2, BlueSurf 3, and BlueSurf
▸ Type .01 in the Stitch tolerance box and then click OK.
▸ Select all four surfaces and then click the Accept button.
▸ Click Finish.
Note in PathFinder the Stitch feature.
▸ Click the stitched surface. Notice the highlighted edges. These are the
un-stitched edges.
▸ In order to make a solid feature there must be surfaces stitched to all of the
non-stitched edges. Create surfaces needed to make a solid feature. Select
▸ Select the Stitched command. Type .01 in theStitch tolerance box and click OK.
▸ Select the stitched surface and then select the five bounded surfaces.
▸ Click the Accept button. Since there are no non-stitched edges remaining, the
stitched surfaces result in a solid body. Click OK in the message dialog box.
▸ Click Finish.
If there is no base feature (solid) in the file, you can right-click on the
stitched surface and click Make Base Feature to create a solid of the
stitched surface.
Replace a face
▸ Select View tab®Show group®Construction Display. In the Show All/Hide All
dialog box, choose Show All®Design body. Protrusion A is displayed. Replace
faces A and B on Protrusion A with a construction surface.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Click Finish.
In this activity you learned how to use several surface manipulation commands.
Create a new metric part file using the ISO Part template. In PathFinder, right-click
the Synchronous header and select Transition to Ordered.
You will begin by constructing a core for the mold. The core needs to be sized
to accommodate the file pad.par that will be the cavity.
Create a sketch
▸ Select the check box next to Base Reference Planes to show them.
▸ Select the Top (xy) base reference plane indicated by the arrow. Create a parallel
plane 35 mm above it as shown.
▸ Sketch the following profile on the parallel plane you just created. Make sure the
midpoints of the line elements are horizontal/vertical aligned to the center of
the reference planes.
▸ Click the Symmetric Extent button and type 200 for Distance. Click Finish.
▸ In the Select Part Copy dialog box, set Look in to the folder in which you installed
the training parts for this course. Select pad.par and click Open.
▸ In the Part Copy Parameters dialog box, make sure Design Body is checked
and then click OK.
▸ Click Finish. Notice the feature Part Copy 1 is now listed in PathFinder. Use
your cursor to highlight this entry in PathFinder, and you can see the pad
highlight in the graphics window.
▸ Select the Part Copy and then click the Accept button.
▸ Select the plane shown; it is the Top (xy) base reference plane.
You may want to change to a Wireframe view style for better visibility.
▸ On the Parting Split command bar, set the Select filter to Body.
▸ Position your cursor on Parting Split 1 in PathFinder and notice the parting split
is highlighted in the graphics window.
▸ Select the plane shown; it is the Top (xy) base reference plane.
The parting surface will use this plane as reference for all normal vectors
in creating the surface.
▸ Select the parting split curve as shown and click the Accept button.
▸ Type 150 in the Distance field and press the <Enter> key.
▸ Position the arrow to point outward as shown and click. Click Finish.
▸ Select the parting surface shown as the surface to be used to divide the core.
▸ Position the direction arrow as shown as the side to be divided into a new file.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ In the Divide Part dialog box, notice the two new divided parts.
▸ Name the parts. Click the first < click here to enter a filename > entry, and type
top. Click the second < click here to enter a filename > entry, and type bottom.
Do not click Close.
▸ The two new files are created and notice that they are linked to the parting
surface. Click Close.
In this image, the part was flipped 180° to show the cavity.
In this activity you learned how to construct two halves of a mold from a single
core part.
Create a new metric part file using the ISO Part template. In PathFinder, right-click
the Synchronous header and select Transition to Ordered.
▸ Extrude the sketch 12 mm below the plane. Keep the ends open .
Create a curve
The curve serves as the spine of the razor.
▸ Sketch on the Right (yz) reference plane an arc and line using the dimensions
shown in the following image.
Place an Arc by 3 Points, selecting the point placed in the first sketch as the start
location and making the top end tangent to the Front (xz) reference plane.
You may want to rotate the view slightly to facilitate seeing the point
and the Front plane.
▸ Close the sketch, and then click Finish on the command bar.
Sketch a cross-section
▸ Create a sketch on a plane normal to a curve. Place the plane at the bottom
end of the arc.
▸ Using the pierce point of the arc through the plane, create an ellipse. Assign a
primary radius of 18 mm and a secondary radius of 15 mm to the ellipse.
Ensure that a vertical align relationship (3) is defined between the top end of this
curve and the existing surface (1). Do not be overly concerned about exact shape.
To place the horizontal/vertical relationship at the start of the curve, select the
control vertex (A) and then select the extruded surface edge (B).
▸ Place an Arc by 3 Points starting with the midpoint of line (A). Use the pierce
point at the end of the curve (B) for the second point of the arc. For the third
point, move the cursor between the first two points until you get the tangent
symbol (C) and then click. Also apply an end connect relationship between the
two curves.
▸ Sketch another curve on the Right plane. Start the curve at the surface and end
it at the pierce point for the ellipse.
▸ Create an arc between the end of the curve just placed and the existing arc.
▸ Apply a tangent relationship between the top of the curve (1) and the surface.
Also, define end connect and tangent relationships between the curve and arc
(2), Ensure that an end connect relationship is shared with the two arcs (3).
▸ Experiment with the shape of the curves using Edit Profile. Edit the shape of the
spline. The command bar offers several options for editing the curve points, as
well as the ability to add points.
The curve control points are visible.
▸ Drag some of these points to observe how the movement of one point affects
the entire curve.
Create a BlueSurf
All of the curves necessary to create the razor body exist. The Blue Surf command
will be used to generate a surface based on a series of participating curves.
▸ In the Add Cross Sections step, select the point at the bottom of the curves.
▸ For the final cross section, pick the bottom edge chain from the protruded surface
placed in Step 1.
▸ Select the Guide Curves step and select each of the spine curves and Accept
each in turn.
Use the Single option when selecting the curves to ensure you do not
select the entire chain.
▸ Click Preview. The result should look similar to the following. Click Finish.
▸ Accept. Click Yes in the dialog box to accept the solid body.
Dimension this line to the top edge of the razor body, with a value of 150 mm.
▸ Select the cut direction shown to remove material from the bottom. Use the
Through-All extent.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ For the planar face selection, select the angled plane previously defined.
▸ For the face to be split, change the Select list to Body, and select the entire razor
body. Accept the body.
▸ Select the top edge and extend it with natural curvature a distance of 18.95 mm.
▸ For the sketch plane, select Parallel Plane and select the angled plane created
previously. Offset the new plane 58 mm.
▸ For the cut depth (extent), the cut should terminate at the surface extended
previously. To do this, use the From-To extent option on the Cut command bar.
The From entity is the angled plane of the sketch; the To entity is the surface
▸ Use the Thin Wall command towards the outside of the part, defining a thickness
of 2 mm.
▸ As open faces, select the top face, as well as the bottom surface of the power
Ensure the Select option is set to Single.
Round edges
▸ Select the two edge chains at the power switch opening top and bottom,
respectively. Apply a radius of 1 mm in each case.
In this activity, you used several curve and surface creation and manipulation
techniques to design a rotary razor body. The methods utilized in the construction of
this model are commonly applied during the design of consumer products due to the
emphasis on ergonomic and aesthetic requirements.
Control Drawings were discussed in the previous lesson Surface Modeling.
For this activity the control drawing is provided. For ease of viewing, the
curves in each sketch are color-coded, and color references will be made when
▸ Select sketch element (A)—PURPLE—and then click the Accept button. Select
both sketch elements (B)—GREEN—and then click the Accept button.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Select sketch element (A)—ORANGE—and then click the Accept button. Select
sketch element (B)—GREEN—and then click the Accept button. Click Finish.
▸ In the Sweep Options dialog box, select the Multiple paths and cross sections
▸ For the Path Step, select path (A) and click the Accept button or click the right
mouse button. Select path (B) and click the Accept button or right-click.
▸ Select cross section (A) and right-click. Select cross section (B) and right-click.
Select cross section (C) and right-click.
▸ Select sketch element (A)—PURPLE—and then click the Accept button. Select
both sketch elements (B)—ORANGE—and then click the Accept button.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Select sketch element (A)—ORANGE—and then click the Accept button. Select
sketch element (B)—GREEN—and then click the Accept button. Click Finish.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Select Swept. Click the Multiple paths and cross sections option and set the
Section Alignment to Parallel.
▸ Use QuickPick to select path (A). Make sure you select the cross curve element
and then click Accept. Select path (B) and right-click.
▸ Set the Select filter to Single. Select cross section (A) and right-click.
▸ Select sketch element (A)—PURPLE—and then click the Accept button. Change
the Select option to Single. Select both sketch elements (B)—GREEN—and
then click the Accept button.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Set the Select option to Single. Select both sketch elements (B)—GREEN—and
then click the Accept button. Click Finish.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Select the six edges as shown. Use QuickPick for edges A and B to ensure you
select the cross curve edges.
▸ For the second sketch, create the sketch on a parallel plane as shown. To define
the distance, click the keypoint as shown.
▸ Select BlueSurf.
▸ Select cross section (A) and right-click. Select cross section (B) and right-click.
▸ Set the Select option to Single to select the two elements in guide curve (D).
Select guide curves (D) and right-click.
▸ Set the Select option to Chain to select guide curve (E). Select guide curve (E)
and right-click.
▸ Click Finish.
▸ Select BlueSurf.
▸ Select the cross sections shown. Set the Select option to Single in order to select
the first cross section (A). Select cross section A and right-click. For the second
cross section (B), set the Select option to Single in order to select the cross
section. The second cross section (B) has 3 segments. Use QuickPick to ensure
you pick the intersection edges. Select cross section B and then right-click.
▸ After selecting cross sections (A) and (B), click the Guide Curve Step. Set the
Select option to Single, select the curve (C) and then right-click.
• Hide All®Curves
• Show All®Surfaces
Hide the extruded surface you created as a construction surface.
▸ Select Stitched Surface and type .01 in the Stitch tolerance box. Click OK.
▸ Select all surfaces and then click the Accept button. Click Yes in the resulting
solid message dialog box.
You rarely get the surface you want from the initial surface creation method.
You also need to manipulate the surface by adding boundaries, creating an
offset, extending, rounding, and so on.
Solid Edge provides several commands for you to use to develop the final
surface shape. A good understanding of these tools will help you master
surface modeling.
In this activity you learned how to create a solid model from control curves using
multiple curve and surface manipulation techniques.