ASTM D 445-11a - Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids (And Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity)
ASTM D 445-11a - Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids (And Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity)
ASTM D 445-11a - Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids (And Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity)
Designation: 71/1/97
of equal or better accuracy. When two temperature measuring be quite useful, especially when investigating issues or causes
devices are used in the same bath, they shall agree within relating to testing accuracy and precision.
60.1°C. 6.5 Timing Device—Use any timing device that is capable
6.4.4 When using liquid-in-glass thermometers, such as of taking readings with a discrimination of 0.1 s or better and
those in Table A2.1, use a magnifying device to read the has an accuracy within 60.07 % (see Annex A3) of the reading
thermometer to the nearest 1⁄5 division (for example, 0.01°C or when tested over the minimum and maximum intervals of
0.02°F) to ensure that the required test temperature and expected flow times.
temperature control capabilities are met (see 10.1). It is
recommended that thermometer readings (and any corrections 6.5.1 Electrical timing devices may be used if the current
supplied on the certificates of calibrations for the thermom- frequency is controlled to an accuracy of 0.05 % or better.
eters) be recorded on a periodic basis to demonstrate compli- Alternating currents, as provided by some public power sys-
ance with the test method requirements. This information can tems, are intermittently rather than continuously controlled.
(Mandatory Information)
A2.1 Short-Range Specialized Thermometer A2.2.2.2 Other thermometric devices, if used, will also
A2.1.1 Use a short-range specialized thermometer conform- require periodic recalibration. Keep records of all recalibration.
ing to the generic specification given in Table A2.1 and Table A2.2.3 Procedure for Ice-point Recalibration of Liquid-in-
A2.2 and to one of the designs shown in Fig. A2.1. glass Thermometers.
A2.1.2 The difference in the designs rests mainly in the A2.2.3.1 Unless otherwise listed on the certificate of cali-
position of the ice point scale. In Design A, the ice point is bration, the recalibration of calibrated kinematic viscosity
within the scale range, in Design B, the ice point is below the thermometers requires that the ice-point reading shall be taken
scale range, and in Design C, the ice point is above the scale within 60 min after being at test temperature for not less than
range. 3 min.
A2.2.3.2 Select clear pieces of ice, preferably made from
A2.2 Calibration distilled or pure water. Discard any cloudy or unsound por-
A2.2.1 Use liquid-in-glass thermometers with an accuracy tions. Rinse the ice with distilled water and shave or crush into
after correction of 0.02°C or better, calibrated by a laboratory small pieces, avoiding direct contact with the hands or any
meeting the requirements of ISO 9000 or ISO 17025, and chemically unclean objects. Fill the Dewar vessel with the
carrying certificates confirming that the calibration is traceable crushed ice and add sufficient water to form a slush, but not
to a national standard. As an alternative, use thermometric enough to float the ice. As the ice melts, drain off some of the
devices such as platinum resistance thermometers, of equal or water and add more crushed ice. Insert the thermometer, and
better accuracy, with the same certification requirements. pack the ice gently about the stem, to a depth approximately
A2.2.2 The scale correction of liquid-in-glass thermometers one scale division below the 0°C graduation.
can change during storage and use, and therefore regular A2.2.3.3 After at least 3 min have elapsed, tap the thermom-
re-calibration is required. This is most conveniently achieved eter gently and repeatedly at right angles to its axis while
in a working laboratory by means of a re-calibration of the ice making observations. Successive readings taken at least 1 min
point, and all of the main scale corrections altered for the apart shall agree within 0.005°C.
change seen in the ice point. A2.2.3.4 Record the ice-point readings and determine the
A2.2.2.1 The interval for ice-point recalibration shall be no thermometer correction at this temperature from the mean
longer than six months (see NIST GMP 11). For new thermom- reading. If the correction is found to be higher or lower than
eters, monthly checking for the first six months is recom- that corresponding to a previous calibration, change the cor-
mended. A change of one or more scale divisions in the ice rection at all other temperatures by the same value.
point means that the thermometer may have been overheated or
A2.2.3.5 During the procedure, apply the following condi-
damaged, and it may be out of calibration. Such thermometers
shall be removed from service until inspected, or recalibrated,
or both. A complete recalibration of the thermometer, while (1) The thermometer shall be supported vertically.
permitted, is not necessary in order to meet the accuracy (2) View the thermometer with an optical aid that gives a
ascribed to this design thermometer (see NIST Special Publi- magnification of approximately five and also eliminates paral-
cation 819). Any change in ice-point correction shall be added lax.
to the other corrections of the original Report of Calibration. (3) Express the ice-point reading to the nearest 0.005°C.
A2.2.4 When in use, immerse the thermometric device to immersion condition, it shall be immersed to the top of the
the same depth as when it was fully calibrated. For example, if mercury column with the remainder of the stem and the
a liquid-in-glass thermometer was calibrated at the normal total expansion volume at the uppermost end exposed to room
A3.1 Regularly check timers for accuracy and maintain WWVH Kauai, HI 2.5, 5, 10, 15, MHz
records of such checks. CHU Ottawa, Canada 3.33, 7.335, 14.67 MHz
A3.1.1 Time signals as broadcast by the National Institute A3.1.2 Radio broadcast of voice and audio on a telephone
of Standards and Technology are a convenient and primary line at phone 303-499-7111. Additional time services are
standard reference for calibrating timing devices. The follow- available from the National Institute of Standards and
ing can be used to an accuracy of 0.1 s: Technology.
WWV Fort Collins, CO 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 MHz
NOTE A4.1—These calculations are based on Practice D6617. A4.3.1 If the coverage factor, k, is not known, use the value
A4.1 Determine the standard deviation for site uncertainty,
ssite, from a laboratory quality control program. (See Practice A4.4 Construct the acceptable tolerance zone:
D6299.) TZ 5 61.44 =ssite
2 2
1 SEARV (A4.2)
A4.1.1 If the standard deviation for site uncertainty, ssite, is
A4.5 Worked out example for kinematic viscosity zone
not known, use the value 0.19%.
A4.2 Determine the combined extended uncertainty (CEU) ssite 5 0.19 % ~default value from A4.1.1! (A4.3)
of the accepted reference value (ARV) of the certified reference CEUARV 5 0.22 % ~from the CVRS label or documentation!
material (CRM) from the supplier’s label or included docu- (A4.3)
mentation. In this test method, the CRM is the Certified k 5 2 ~from the CVRS label or documentation! (A4.3)
Viscosity Reference Standard (CVRS) as defined in 9.2. 0.22
SEARV 5 2 5 0.11 (A4.3)
NOTE A4.2—Combined Extended Uncertainty (CEU) is equivalent to
Expanded Uncertainty (U). See NIST Technical Note 1297. TZ 5 61.44=0.192 1 0.112 5 61.44=0.0361 1 0.0121 5 60.32 %
A4.3 Calculate the standard error of the accepted reference
value (SEARV) by dividing the CEU by the coverage factor, k, A4.5.1 In this example, the tolerance zone will be 60.32 %
listed on the supplier’s label or included documentation. of the certified viscosity reference standard value on the report
of test or bottle label. If this site uses a CVRS (for example)
CEUARV with a kinematic viscosity of 33.98 mm2/s, the TZ = 33.87 to
SEARV 5 k (A4.1)
34.09 mm2/s, with 95 % certainty. Viscosity measurements
NOTE A4.3—Standard Error (SEARV) is equivalent to Combined Stan- made with this CVRS at that site should fall within that
dard Uncertainty (UC). See NIST Technical Note 1297. tolerance zone (band) 19 out of 20 times.
Subcommittee D02.07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D445–11) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved May 1, 2011.)
Subcommittee D02.07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D445–10) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Jan. 1, 2011.)
(1) Revised 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 to update definitions. (3) Added reference to the International Vocabulary of
(2) Added discussions under 3.3.4 to provide continuity be- Metrology.
tween the old and the new definitions.
Subcommittee D02.07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D445–09) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Oct. 1, 2010.)
(1) Revised Annex A4 to clarify terms and add a worked (2) Revised 1.4 to clarify SI units used in the test method and
example. add units reference for users.
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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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