The Landlord and Tenant Ordinance
The Landlord and Tenant Ordinance
The Landlord and Tenant Ordinance
4. Ev~ry lease for life or lives, or for any other term of Freehold
· dura
uncert aln :" t'lon, s1tla11- b e and- b e tak en to b
e a'
freehold and chattel
, interest) and, every leas,e for a time certain shall be and be
942 Ch.27. No. 16.J Landlord and Tenant.
8. Every person having any :rent in arrear and ,due to- 'Distress. "
him upon any grant, lease, demise, or contract w:t,latsoever,
shall have the same remedy by distress for the r~Govery of,
such rent as is given by the law of England in, the like case. , '
Magistrate taking' such bond shall, ,at the: ~equest and "
costs of the' aVOV\Tant or pe~son making conusance; assign _
such ,bond to the avowant or pers9D 'aforesaid~ by endorsing, .
the same and attesting it .under his harid in the presence
.- of two or ;mote credible 'vvitnesses; and if the bond :so taken
and assigned be 'forfeited, the avowant or persbn making
cOnusance rna y bring an action and recover thereupon 'in'
his own name, and the Supreme Court may by a-rule give'
such relief to the parties upon such bond as may be agreeable ~
to justice and reason) arid such rule shall have the nature
and effe'ct. of a defeasance to. such bond. --~'-----~-.
Every·'·actiop. of replevin shall be brought in, t~e'$upreme"
Gourt.'· '" '" ," ..- (:. , .
944 Ch.27. No., 16.J ,Landlord and·T~nant.'
11.: (1) Where9,ny goods ~r chatteis 'jhall be .distrained
, .for r~nt for. any rent reserved and due upori ,any demise, Jease, of
, ma. y be sold. cont:ac~' ~hats6ever~ and, ~he ,tena:Qt 'o~ ': <?wner of t~e, gOQds.-
so dlstralned shall not, WIthIn ave. days next after :,such
distress taken, and notice thereof (With the cause"'of .such ,
taki:p.g) left at the chief dwell~ng-house' or oth~r ',most '.
; notorious· place on the premise's charged ,,'With the;rent·
distrained for, replevy th~same, With sufficient '.security'
[ .
such distr:ess and sale, leaving th~ ,'surplus (if any)~in .:,:th~ ,
hands of the said prescribed official.or member of the 'Po1i¢e
Force for -the ovvner's '-,.' ' ' ,
. , ·RemovalQf
(2)' For the :'purpos~ 'of ~al~~ ~he --g~ods <lJ?fl' :¢h~ttels '
$hall, at the request in writing of, the tenant <>i' ownet,,'of
such go.ods and chattels, pe re:rp.oved·to a public' auctjori-
room, or some other fit and -,proper place specified 'iR-:,:~tich :::.
request,and be"there sold:', Provided: tha~ 'th,ecosts ~a:nd '
expenses attending aJ:?y such removal, and 'any. damage to
the goods and chattels arising therefrom, shall be borne
and paid by the person requesting the removaL .' '
damages for
12. 'In ca~e of any pound~breach, ,or- resclie 'of goods' or '
. rescue or chattels distrained, for rent"the' 'person. grieved 'thereby,
'pound- -. shall, in an action for the wrong thet~by sustained,.r¢cover'
his treble damages and costs 'of suit against the"()fiender
or ~ny such 'rescue or,,' any or .
either of them, or' against the oWner of ~he, goods.)~istiain._ed,"
in case the same· be afterwards found to' have .comelo,
~. . , :, - - his" . .~ ..
use or 'poi?session~
... '
Double , .13. In case ,any~uch' distress and sale as' afor~said' sh~ll
, be' 'uuide 'by virtue or colour, of tllls "Ordinance 'Jar :.-tent,
\d costs'
pretended to' be'ip. arrear and d1J~ ,where' in, truth'!lo . ,rent'
distrainer. is in arrear '(;)l~.due,Jo the ,persond\straining, ot to-l)irri in .
Landlord and Tenant. [Ch.27.' No. 16.~ 945·
15. In case any'tenant, lessee for: life or lives) term of Landl~rd ...
Y e'ars at will or sufferance
, ., . .
of 'any
, , . .
land up' on the demise and
may dlstram
or holdIng 'whereat any rent IS or shall be reserved, due goods' J
Penalty for 17. If any tenant or lessee shall fraudulently remove and"
iraudulent convey away his goods or c~attelsJ or if any person shall
removal of
goods. . wilfully and knovving~y aid or assist any'tenant or lessee in .
such ,fraudulent conveying away or carrying off of any
part of his goods or cp.attels, or.inconcelliing' the same,
,every p.erson so offending shaJl forfeit and pay to the'
landlord or lessor from vinose est~te such goods apd chattels
were fraudulently carried off as aforesaid, double the value
of the goods so c(irried :off or concealed as aforesaid, to be
.recovered by action of debt.
Landlord '18. l t shall and reay pe lawful to a:p.d for' every 'lessor' or
may dishain landlord, or his steward, bailiff) receiver,or other, person
on stock or
", cattle. or persons empowered by him, to take and seize as a distress
for arrears ·of rent, any cattle. '-or stock. of any lessee or
tenant, feeding or depastnringupon any common appendant
or 'appurtenant, or in anywise belonging to all or any ,part
of the premises demised .or holden ; and also to take and
Landlord and Ten-ant. [Ch. 27~ ,:No . .16 .
r~f~f:: over 20: In case any tenant for any terlll: of life~ or,1 '
lands. et~'1 years or other person who shall come Into po'Ssess~on ot:
~f;:ro~~~~!-' any land, by, from, or under, ·or by collusion with, such
to pay' , tenant, shall wilfully hold ·over any land after the deter...
double the '. t' f
yearly value. ?1 ma ~~n 0 ~uc
h t erm, .a? d ~Iter
(" -
dernan d e an d notIce
. In wrItIng gIven for delIverIng the possessIon thereof by
his landlord or lessor) or the person to whom the remainder
or reversion of such land shall belong or his agent thereunto.
lawfully authorised, then and in such case such person so
helding o:ver shall, 'for and during the time he shall so hold
over, or keep. the person entitled out· of possession of, the
said land. as aforesaid, pay to the person so kept ouf of
'possessio'n, his executors, administrators, or assigns) at. the
rate of double the yearly value of the land so detained, for
so long time as the land is detained) to be recovered' by
action of debt) against the recovering of which said penalty
there shall be no equitable relief. -
the landlord or tenant, by regular' notice to 'quit, alld'
tenant, or anyone holding or claiIning by' or underhini, 1
shall 'refuse" to deliver up possession accordingly after':' ,j
lawful demand in writing made and signed by th~ landlord" ~ 'i
or his agent, and served personally upon 'or left at the' 'I
dwelling-house' or usual plac~ o~ abode of 'such tenant .or !
Recovery of - 22. It shall and may be .lawful to and for the lanq.lord1"
demises not 'Wh ere the agreement is not by deed, to recover' a
~~~ reasonab1e:
. by deed. satisfaction for the, land held or occupied. by the
in an action for the use and occupation of what was so'
held or enjoyed; and if in evidence on the trial 'of, such.
,action any ,parole demise or any agreement (not 'being' by"
deed), whereon a certain, rent was' 'reserved shall appear,.'
Jhe plain~iffmay make use.. thereof as e\ddence' of the:
'q~antum of the dam:age.s to' be recovered .
'I ,
Re'covery of 23.' Where any tenant Jor life shall 'happen to die b~fore:
~~ie~:~:a~t or on ,t,he day on"\vhich ~ny rent may be reserved or mc:-de:' ,
where tenant payable. ,upon any demIse or, lease. of 'any land whIch.
~o~~~e r~;t .deterini~~d on 'the death of such tenant f~r life, the executors
is payable. or admInIstrators of such tenant for 'hfe shall and may,.
in an action) -recover of and from sU,eh under-tenant or'
under-tenants of such land, 'if such tenant for life die OIr-
the day on which the same was made payable, the,whole,.
. or if, before, such day, then a proportion, of such" Jent,.
.according to the tiIne such tenant, for life lived, of the last
year, or quarter, of a year, or' other time in which,the said
rent 'was growing due fl,S aforesaid _(making all just
Tenant -24.. In 'ca$e any tenant -shall ,give notice of his intention
premises ,.~a "quit the premises by him holden at a time mentioned .. 1,'"
after notice in'such notice} and ,shall, not accordingly deliver up .the
to quit to ,possession thereof at ,the -time in such notice, contairied,
pay double
rent. ·..then the said tenant)· his. or administrators 1
shall 'from' thenceforward pay to the landlord ar .lessor
,double the rent or sum which he should otherwise 'have
paid, to be levied,' sued for,and recovered' at the- same
time, and in,the same manner as the' single rent or 'sum
before the giving $uch ,notice could be levied" sued for, ,or
recovered; ,.and such double rent or sum shall cOI+tinue to
be paid during all- the time such tenant shall continue in
possession, as aforesaid.
Landlord and Tenant'. [Ch~ 27. 'No. 16. 951 ~
25. Where any distress shall be, made .for ,any kind, 6f Distresses <,
rent justly due, and any i~Tegularity .or u?l~wful act. sh~!l ~o:I~:~l~ot.
be afterwards done by the party' dlstralnlng, or by" hIS etc., for any
agent, the distress itself shall.not. be therefore' deemed to ~~~l~ity
be unlawful nor the party makIng It 'be deemed a trespasser execution .
ab initio; but the party aggrieved by such unla-wfuI act of them. '. '.
or irregularity shall or may rec9verfUll satisfaction for the
special damage he shall have sustained tJierebYr and. no
more,.in an action of trespass, or on the case, afthe election
of the plaintiff: Provided. that where, the' .' pla~ntiff ' shall
recover in such action he 'shall be paid)lis full 'Costs 'of siiit~
and have all the, like remedies, for the same as in. other"
cases- of costs.
30. The form and manner of procedure given by, the Procedure.
Summary Courts Ordinanc~ shall apply to proceedinffs
'before a Magistrate under' sections 26 and 28 of thIS
'Ordinance, and all orders by a Magistrate under the
said sections may be enforced, and -aU penalties made·
recoverable before such Magistrate under the said sections
may be recovered, In the manner prescribed by the said'
'Ordinance. .
,/"" .
954 Ch.27. No. 16.]' Landlord and ·Tenant.
Broker to 35. Every broker, agent, or other person vvho shall make
. give copy of
charges to and levy any distress shall give a copy of his charges, and
person of all the costs and charges of any distress> signed by him,.
to the person or persons on whose goods and chattels any'
distress shall be levied, and in default of doing so shall be:
liable, on summary conviction, to a fine of twenty-four
ExeniI?tions 36. (l) The follovving goods and chattels shalLbe exempt..
from distress for rent; namely, the wearing apparel and
from dIstress.
bedding of the tenant or his family, and the tools and
implements of. his trade to the value of tvventy-four dollars.
Unlawful. (2) A court of summary jurisdiction, on complaint
distress. that goods or chattels. exempt under this section from
. distress for· rent, .have been taken under such distress,
may by' summary' order, direct th~t the goods and c?attels: ,
Landlord and Tenant. [Ch.27. No. 16. 955
. 37. (1) No person shall act as a bailiff to levy any Bail!ffs t-&9e:
distress for rent unless he shall be authorised to act as a ~eFtIfied. .
bailiff by a certificate in' writing under the hand of a
Magistrate and such certificate may be general, or apply
to a particular distress or distresses, and may be, granted
in such manner as may be prescribed.
. (2) Any such certificate may be cancelled or declared
void by a Magistrate, -subject to the approval of a Judge of.'
the Supreme Court; and such cancellation or declaration
shall not ,be deen1.ed to exempt such bailiff from any other
penalty or proceeding·to which he may be liable.
, '(3) If any person not holding a certificate under this
section shall levy a distress contrary to the provisions of
this Ordinance, the person so levying, and any person who
has authorised him so to levy, shall be deemed to have
committed a trespass) and shall, in additioD, be liable, on
summary conviction, to a fine of forty-eight dollars.
956' Ch.27. No._ 16.J Landlord and Tena1J;t.