Indian Economy
Indian Economy
Indian Economy
Indian Economy
Power or Electricity
I Electricity and power generation plays a crucial role in
economic development.
I Electricity is a vital input for industry and agriculture. Not
only this, mainly all sectors of the economy need electricity.
I Due to the increasing dependence on electricity in every
sector, demand for electricity is increasing at a exponential
rate. So, the future development of the country will depend
upon the rate of growth of power generation capacity.
I Expansion of generation capacity
I The total installed generating capacity in the country rose
from only 2.3 GW in 1950 to as high as 379 GW as at the end
of march 2021.
I To facilitate grid operation and transfer of power from surplus
to deficit areas, construction of inter-state and inter-regional
lines was undertaken.
I Still there is large gap between the demand for and supply of
electricity. Due to which power shortages have become a
normal phenomenon.
I According to planning commission, the power shortages is
mainly due to the slippages in the capacity additions,
unsatisfactory performance of thermal stations,
non-completion of transmission line.
I Problems in the Electricity Sector
I delay in installing and commissioning of projects. delays are
mainly due to land acquisition, inter-state water disputes, late
delivery of steel etc and funding constraints.
I State Electricity Boards face a number of problems like poor
financial and commercial performance which has crippled their
capacity to finance future programmes and heavy T&D losses.
The heavy T&D losses is due to energy sold at low voltage,
sparsely distributed loads over large rural areas, improper
billing and theft.
I Cost recovery in distribution is very poor. Many state govt are
providing electricity at very low rates to agri sector. When
electricity is supplied at very low rates to the agri sector and
households, industrial sector is charged tariffs that are much
above cost of supply.
I Electricity Act, 2003 : It was enacted with the main
objectives of providing a liberal and progressive framework for
growth of power sector. It has removed barriers to entry of
private sector. It ensure protection of interests of the
consumers in terms of quality of service, price regulation etc.
I Sources of power (Electricity)