Criterion 1 - Students
Criterion 1 - Students
Criterion 1 - Students
A. Student Admissions
The Deanship of Admission & Registration and the colleges in the University coordinate with each
other in the matter of determining the majors of the students who are expected to complete the
preparatory year program. The major for these students will be determined according to their own
An applicant for admission to an undergraduate program at Hail University must satisfy the
following minimum requirements:
1. He should have the secondary school certificate or equivalent, from inside or outside
the KSA.
2. He should have obtained the secondary school certificate in a period of less than 5 years
prior to the date of application.
3. He must have a record of good conduct.
4. He must be physically fit and healthy.
5. He must successfully pass any examination or personal interviews as determined by
the University Council.
6. He must satisfy any other conditions the University Council may deem necessary at the
time of application.
Admission to the Preparatory Year Program: All newly admitted students are required to
complete the Preparatory Year Program before starting their undergraduate study. Students may
be exempted from part of this entire program according to the implementations rules of the
promotion exam.
The preparatory year program aims at preparing the newly admitted students for undergraduate
study and university life to achieve the following goals:
a) Improve the proficiency of students in English before they undertake undergraduate
b) Develop and improve the students' knowledge of mathematical and analytic techniques
through the medium English.
c) To introduce students to new subject areas and techniques such as workshop and
graphics, thus improving their mental and manual skills.
d) Familiarize students with the various major available at the University.
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The grades earned by the student in the preparatory year courses are recorded in his transcript
together with the semester GPA and his cumulative GPA. However, these grades are not
considered in the calculation of the cumulative GPA for the undergraduate program.
A student may be exempted from the Preparatory Year Program if he proves his proficiency in
English and mathematics in the promotion examinations or by the credentials he has submitted.
Students are placed at the appropriate levels of the program as they advance through the first year's
courses and they are required to pass each level of courses in the curriculum.
Promotion to Freshman Level: A student who has a minimum GPA 3 in all preparatory year, is
eligible for promotion to the freshman level.
Article 2 – 5 of Supplement A provides the requirements and process for accepting new students
into the program.
The evaluation and assessment processes differ according to the course objectives. Instructors are
required to clearly explain the assessment and grading policy of their courses at the first meeting
with students. During the first week of every term, instructors provide students with a syllabus for
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the course which serves as a work plan for the course. The syllabus includes the means by which
the instructor will compute the course grade. Courses culminate with a final exam which is held
at the end of each semester.
As per UOH academic rules and regulations, final exams should not count for more than 40% of
the course grade and at least two other tests and/or graded projects should account for the
remaining percentage of the course grade. Courses associated with labs would also have practical
(in-lab) exams. Course projects, when applicable, are also a measurement of assessment which
counts toward final assessment.
Final examinations are usually arranged during the final week of each semester and in coordination
with the Deanship of Admission & Registration. Students who failed to attend a minimum of 75%
of their classes are automatically awarded a "DN" (Denial) grade and the students are not allowed
to take the final exam. This is subsequent upon two written warnings for their absences.
In case of a course requiring a prerequisite course, students must pass the pre-requisite course with
at least a grade "D", otherwise they are not allowed to register for such courses. If a student wants
to register for a course without meeting the prerequisite(s) the online registration system will
prevent him from doing so.
The student's performance is determined through the process of assignment of academic status. A
student’s academic status will be determined at the end of each semester and will appear on the
transcript that shows his achievements throughout his undergraduate study.
The Grade Point Average (GPA) is computed based on the scale of 4.0. Table 1-1 shows the
grading system that is used in all the programs of the College of Engineering.
Table 1-1: Grades earned by students in each course
Range of GPA
Grade Grade code (out of 4.0)
95 – 100 Exceptional A+ 4.00
90 – 94 Excellent A 3.75
85 – 89 Superior B+ 3.50
80 – 84 Very Good B 3.00
75 – 79 Above Average C+ 2.50
70 – 74 Good C 2.00
65 – 69 High Pass D+ 1.50
60 – 64 Pass D 1.00
Less than 60 Fail F 0.00
Upon the instructor's recommendation, the council of the department, which teach as the course,
may allow the student to complete the requirements of any courses during the next term. The grade
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"IC" will be recorded for the student in the academic record. "IC" grades are not included in the
calculation of the semester and cumulative GPA until the student obtains his final grade in the
course by completing all the requirements. If no change has been made in the "IC" grade after the
lapse of one semester, the "IC" will be changed to an "F" grade.
If any course of a research nature requires more than one semester for its completion, the student
will be assigned an “IP” grade, and after the completion of the course, the student will be given
the grade he has earned. However, if he fails to complete the course on time, the department council
teaching the course may approve the assignment of an “IC” grade for this course in his record.
The Banner system automatically checks prerequisites and guides the student's registration
according to his program's curriculum. By the end of each semester, the student's transcript is
automatically updated by the Banner system. Before the beginning of each semester, the banner
system allows students to register courses via the internet on the University website.
The college council reviews the course taken by the student from another university based on the
recommendations of the department which offers equivalent courses. The courses which are
evaluated as equivalent are transferred to the student's record but will not be included in the
calculation of his cumulative GPA.
In order to get transfer or credit for any course taken outside the university, the student should
meet the following criteria:
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A student may be transferred from college to another inside the UOH in accordance with
University Council rules:
a) A student may transfer from one college to another college within the University before
he completes the sixth academic level.
b) The student should continue to study all the courses registered for at level preceding
the transfer, in compliance with the adding and dropping rules.
c) The transfer from one college to another will be recorded in the academic record of the
student the term following his transfer.
d) A student is allowed a maximum of two transfers from one college to another.
The academic record of a student transferred from one college to another includes all the courses
he has studied together with the grades and the semester and cumulative GPA’s obtained
throughout his period of study at the university.
With the approval of the Dean of the college of engineering, a student may transfer from one major
to another within the same college according to the rules established by the University council.
a) A student may transfer from one major to another within his college at any time before
he completes the sixth academic level. The college council may consider exceptional
cases where students have already completed the sixth level.
b) The transfer will be recorded in the academic record at the beginning of the student the
term following his transfer
c) A student is allowed a maximum of two transfers from one major to another. The
college council may consider exceptional cases.
The requirements and process for accepting new students into the program are explained in Article
42 – 49 of Supplement A.
The following arrangements are made for student support, academic and non- academic advice
and counseling:
a) During each semester students are allocated with academic advisors from the faculty
members. These advisors guide students about the choice of courses, advice to set
career direction and other academic related matters. Around 15 students are assigned
to each faculty member.
b) The departmental academic registration and student advisory committee includes the
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departmental registrar and head of the department. This committee cooperates with the
college academic committee to advise students on course selection at the beginning of
each academic semester.
c) At least 6 office hours a week are scheduled by each faculty member to provide
academic support to students.
d) All students are made aware of any important information, dates and deadlines via
Blackboard System, information and notice boards.
e) Career and non-academic counseling are also available from the UOH Deanship of
Student Affairs
f) Advisory Board for IE students has been constituted to convey student requirements to
the IE Council.
The Deanship of Student Affairs has established a counseling center. Faculty members are
available to help if needed. The medical center in the University provides professional counseling
when necessary through a psychiatric physician. It also provides transport to nearby hospitals.
The training department under the Deanship of Student Affairs is the organization that monitors
the programs of cooperative training. It contacts various companies to provide training
opportunities, and then nominates students for training in these companies, each according to his
field. It also follows up on their training tracks until the end of the training period. The prime aim
of the department is to form a link between students, training companies and academic
Career Guidance
This is a specialized department under the Deanship of Student Affairs. Its role is to serve students
by helping them choose the best-fit major based on accurate information, the students’ inclinations,
attitudes, and abilities by means of various activities and events including the use of the career
program. The department informs the students about the current requirements of the job market
and prepares them to apply for the most suitable job through recruitment events organized by the
University, such as Open Day (during the first semester of the academic year), Career Day (during
the second semester), and Specialty Day for preparatory year students.
Alumni Support
There are several tasks performed and services provided by the Alumni Department under the
deanship of student affairs. These include the following: reviewing the graduation documents,
getting them signed by the concerned officials in the University, and then delivering them to
a) Issuing certificates of good behavior;
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Professional Clubs
The IE students are encouraged to subscribe to the Saudi Council of Engineers and other
professional societies. In addition, the IE club actively arranges some public lectures and field
trips for students.
F. Graduation Requirements
A student graduates after successfully completing the graduation requirements accordingly to the
degree plan, provided his cumulative GPA not less than "Pass". Following the recommendation of
the department council, the College Council may determine certain additional courses the student
should take to improve his cumulative GPA if he has passed the required courses, but with low
1. The student required to pursue his major degree plan and complete all requirements
before graduation.
2. The deanship of Admissions & Registration will provide the relevant departments with
copies of the academic records of all candidates for graduation. The department will
then review these records to ensure that the student have satisfied all graduation
requirements and will provide the Deanship Admissions & Registrations with a list of
the students who qualify for graduation.
3. A student must attain a cumulative GPA and major GPA of 1.00 or above to graduate.
4. To obtain any degree from UOH, the student must have studied at UOH a minimum of
36 credit-hours, including at least 18 credit hours in his major field.
5. The Deanship of Admissions & Registration prepares and issues the official graduation
certificates and degrees and maintains copies of these documents.
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At the end of each academic term, a copy of the student’s academic record (The Transcript) is
made available for him. No copy of the transcript is issued, given or sent to any outside agency or
any other person without a written authorization by the student. No partial records are issued. The
transcript must comprise the complete academic record of the student from the date of admission
to the issue date.
For transfer credit units from other universities or colleges outside UOH, the letter grade is shown
as "TR".
Withdrawals are noted as "W" if the course is dropped between the 5th and 10th week of the
After the list of enrolled courses for each semester, there are the term total credits attempted, term
total credits earned and term grade point average (GPA). Following the GPA are the cumulative
credits attempted, cumulative credits earned and cumulative grade point average.
If a student has completed all requirements of the IE program, the degree awarded, the college, the
Electrical Engineering major, the cumulative GPA and the date are shown at the top of the
Specimen copies of transcript shows all the necessary information are provide in both hard and
soft copies in supplemental folder.
(*) Quality points: The quality points are calculated by multiplying the credit-hours by the grade
earned in each course. The current quality point is calculated by dividing the total quality points,
the student has achieved, by the credit-hours assigned for all the courses the student has taken in
any semester.
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