Quiz-2020-Questions and Answers Ama

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Quiz 2020, questions and answers

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (AMA Computer University)

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Q1: The benefits of more usable software system to business users include:
ANSWER: *decreased user errors, *decreased user training time and cost,
*increased productivity.

Q2: HCI is about understanding and creating software and other technology that
people will want to use, will be able to use, and will find effective when used.

Q3: A software system is one that supports the effective and
efficient completino of tasks in a given work context.

Q4: There are three broad categories of user. This category of users know well
how to perform the tasks they need to perform frequently.
ANSWER: occasional users

Q5: The bottom-line benefits of usability to development organizations include:


 profits due to more competitive products/services


 overall development and maintenance costs


 customer support costs


 follow-on business due to satisfied customers

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Q6: What makes a computer a computer?

ANSWER: It must have inputs, outputs, storage and processing

Q7: Perception allows us to focus on information that is relevant to what we are

doing and it involves an audio and/or visual senses.

Q8: In achieving the goal of designing HCI. _______________ plays an important

ANSWER: Usability

Q9: ________________ among users and computers happens at the user interface
which includes both software and hardware.
ANSWER: Interaction

Q10: When humans communicate with _____________, they bring to the

encounter a lifetime of experience.
ANSWER: computer

Q11: Developers must attempt to ______________________ in order to produce

computer systems with good usability,
ANSWER: achieve efficient, effective and safe interaction

Q12: Individual differences (need for structure vs. flexibility) and work situations
(overloaded vs. bored) would mean that a one-size-fits-all solution is neither
feasible nor prudent as we strive for an optimum workplace environment and
human efficiency.

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Q13: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary area of study

focused on computer technology design and, in particular, the interaction
between ______________________.
ANSWER: human and computer

Q14: HCI encompasses three major parts within the framework, ____________,
_______________ and _________________.
ANSWER: human, computer, interaction

Q15: Humans have a restricted capacity for processing information.


Q16: Human resources provide a condensed model of human knowledge

processing, such as:
ANSWER: memory

Q17: This is the method of choosing items to concentrate on from the variety of
possibilities available for a list at a time.
ANSWER: Attention

Q18: Which of the senses actually cannot be represented in virtual reality?


Q19: Perception allows us to focus on information that is relevant to what we are

doing and it involves an audio and/or visual senses.

Q20: Humans have a restricted capacity for processing information.


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Q21: Is HCI dependent upon human psychological factors?


Q22: Which one of these is a good reason to carefully develop a good user
interface for computers?
ANSWER: Not every user is an expert on computers.

Q23: There are three broad categories of user. This category of users know well
how to perform the tasks they need to perform frequently.
ANSWER: occasional users

Q24: The benefits of more usable software system to business users include:
ANSWER: *decreased user errors, *decreased user training time and cost,
*increased productivity.

Q25: Which one could NOT be found in a good HCI?

ANSWER: A long command line to achieve a function

Q26: It helps to fulfill the needs of psychological and cognitive processing and
enhances human confidence.
ANSWER: Feedback

Q27: Individual differences (need for structure vs. flexibility) and work situations
(overloaded vs. bored) would mean that a one-size-fits-all solution is neither
feasible nor prudent as we strive for an optimum workplace environment and
human efficiency.

Q28: A software system is one that supports the effective and
efficient completino of tasks in a given work context.

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Q29: ________________ among users and computers happens at the user interface
which includes both software and hardware.
ANSWER: Interaction

Q30: What are the elements of the Gulf of Execution?

ANSWER: Forming thoughts, defining appropriate behavior, choosing suitable
interface mechanism

Q31: The bottom-line benefits of usability to development organizations include:



 profits due to more competitive products/services


 overall development and maintenance costs


 customer support costs


 follow-on business due to satisfied customers

Q32: Evaluation done during design to ensure that the product continues to
meet the needs of users are known as __________ evaluation
ANSWER: Formative

Q33: HCI is about understanding and creating software and other technology
that people will want to use, will be able to use, and will find effective when

Q34: The field of HCI __________

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ANSWER: attempts to understand and shape the way how people communicate
with computers

Q35: Developers must attempt to ______________________ in order to produce

computer systems with good usability,
ANSWER: achieve efficient, effective and safe interaction

Q36: Which of the following is a concept indicating that we understand human

ANSWER: Avoid cluttering the interface with more information than is needed at
the present moment for the user

Q37: When humans communicate with _____________, they bring to the

encounter a lifetime of experience.
ANSWER: computer

Q38: What is the fundamental insight that underlies the evaluation process of
"cognitive walk through?"
ANSWER: The idea that users earn by exploring an interface

Q39: In achieving the goal of designing HCI. _______________ plays an important

ANSWER: Usability

Q40: Real perception happens through what?

ANSWER: interacting with the environment

Q41: The layout of a keyboard reflects the __________ concern in HCI

ANSWER: physical

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Q42: HCI encompasses three major parts within the framework, ____________,
_______________ and _________________.
ANSWER: human, computer, interaction

Q43: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary area of study

focused on computer technology design and, in particular, the interaction
between ______________________.
ANSWER: human and computer

Q44: What makes a computer a computer?

ANSWER: It must have inputs, outputs, storage and processing

Q45: What provision(s) for consent must be made while performing a study
inquiry with human participants?
ANSWER: All of the given

Q46: Social processes such as turn-taking, conventions help us to work together

and organize our activities

Q47: It is the method of choosing items to concentrate on from the set of

possibilities available for a search at a point in time.
ANSWER: Attention

Q48: The use and creation of computational models of design processes and
digital media is described as assisting and/or automating various aspects of the
design process.
ANSWER: design computing

Q49: It's a separate intervention intended to change the structure but you can't
predict how things will work out exactly.

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ANSWER: intervention design

Q50: Speech-recognition systems allow users to communicate using spoken


Q51: Visibility is what operations and manipulation can be performed on a given


Q52: Which of the following is design's golden rule?

ANSWER: understand your materials

Q53: A software engineer trained in the development of user interfaces would

have gained experience, learned about approaches and techniques, and gained
an understanding of its weaknesses.

Q54: Several systems and technologies were developed to support telepresence

and co-presence

Q55: It's about sending back details about what action was taken and what was
done, enabling the individual to continue the operation.
ANSWER: Feedback

Q56: Sense Cam is a wearable tool that takes photographs intermittently when
worn without any user interference

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Q57: It is the design of the interaction between users and products.

ANSWER: design interactions

Q58: One of HCI's goals is to create specific capabilities and constraints for the
software and/or hardware and platform chosen for the product

Q59: Keeping abreast of what others do and letting others know what you do are
irrelevant aspects of collaborative work and socialization

Q60: HCI is about understanding and developing software and other technology
that will allow people to use, be able to use, and be successful when used.

Q61: This is the interaction of the physical characteristics.

ANSWER: ergonomics

Q62: It is a confirmation box, in which individual and isolated regions can be

selected to activate an action inside a display.
ANSWER: button

Q63: These are the windows of information that pop up to warn about a
significant incident or request information.
ANSWER: dialogue boxes

Q64: What is emotional interaction?

ANSWER: It's about how we feel and respond when we communicate with

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Q65: These are the systems where augmented reality, window system, and 3D
workspaces are used.
ANSWER: Three dimensional interfaces

Q66: It has a way to express instructions directly to the computer using

accessible keys, characters or a combination.
ANSWER: Command Line Interface

Q67: In order to define its aims and purposes, it is the method of researching a
practice or enterprise and creating structures and processes.
ANSWER: system analysis

Q68: These are the screen areas which function as if they were separate, such
as text or graphics.
ANSWER: windows

Q69: This is what you want to achieve in interaction.

ANSWER: goal

Q70: This is the nature of the interaction between the user / device.
ANSWER: interaction styles

Q71: What is behavioral design?

ANSWER: Is about use and equates with the traditional values of usability

Q72: Which of the following is NOT an Ergonomic example?

ANSWER: spiritual beliefs

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Q73: These are set of options that appear on screen.

ANSWER: menus

Q74: Those are the small pictures or photographs depicted as device objects.
ANSWER: icons

Q75: These are the reports that contain information about the incident, the
objective data analysis, and the conclusions.
ANSWER: accident reports

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