ScriptRunner PowerShell Poster 2020 - EN

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Windows PowerShell
Get-Command Get- * All commands with „Get-“

Get-Command | where module -like

All commands of a module
*ActiveDirectory* | ft Name, Module
Any number of commandlets can be joined using the pipe symbol |.
Get-Alias Show all aliases Get-Service a* | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "running"} |
Out-File c:\temp\runningservices.txt
Get-Help Stop-Process -full Full help content for a command
INPUT AND OUTPUT COMMANDLETS IMPORTANT NAVIGATION COMMANDLETS Alternatively, you can store intermediate results in variables starting with $.
Get-Help about List all „About“ documents $services = Get-Service a* | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "running"}
$services | Out-File c:\temp\runningservices.txt
Format-Table (ft) Table output Get-PSDrive List of drives Get-Help about_WMI Show help for WMI
The pipeline forwards NET objects. Forwarding is asynchronous
Detailed list Get-Location (pwd) Retrieve current location Show all properties and methods (except from some "blocking" commandlets like the sort object)
Get-Service | Get-Member
of the result objects
Format-Wide (fw) Multi-column list Set-Location (cd) Set current location

STRINGS AND EXPRESSIONS Output to consoles with colour options and COMMANDLET #1 COMMANDLET #2 COMMANDLET #3
Compare case Compare case
Out-Host (oh)
paging option
in-sensitive sensitive
Embedding of a variable in a string Get-ChildItem (dir, ls, gci) List all subelements
"The command is $Command!" Condition
-lt if ((Get-Date).Year -le 2014) { "Old" } else { "New" }
-clt Less than Get-Content (type, cat, gc)
{} must be used here to delimit it from the colon -ilt Out-File content)
"${Command}: executed successfully" -le Loops
-cle Less or equal DATA
-ile Out-Printer (lp) Send to printer Set-Content (sc) Set element content for($i = 1; $i -le 10; $i++) { $i }
The subexpression must be parenthesized in $( ) while($i -le 10) { $i; $i++ }
-gt DATA
-cgt Greater than Add-Content (ac) Add element content do { $i; $i++ } while ($i -le 10)
"$($Result.Count) objects in result set" -igt Out-Clipboard Send to clipboard
foreach ($p in (Get-Process iexplore)) { $p.Kill() }
Use of the format operator -cge Greater or equal New-Item (ni, mkdir) Create an element (branch or leaf) POWERSHELL PIPELINE PROCESSOR
-ige Out-Speech Speech output (requires module "PSCX")
Get-Process | % { "{0,-40} uses {1:0,000.00}MB" -f $_.Name, ($ Subroutines with mandatory parameters and optional parameters
-eq function Get-DLL([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$root,
} -ceq Equal Out-Null Objects in pipeline are not passed on Get-ItemProperty (gp) Retrieve attribute
Execute a string as a command -ne {
-cne Not equal Read-Host Read from console Set-ItemProperty (sp) -
-ine create one if necessary
$Command = "Get-Service a*" name.txt
$Command += "| where status -eq ‚Running‘" -like Similarity between strings, use of Remove-Item }
-clike Delete element Get-DLL c:\Windows\System32
$Result = Invoke-Expression $Command -ilike wildcards (* and ?) possible (del, ri, rmdir, rm, erase) Commandlet #1:
$Command | Format-List -notlike No similarity between strings, use of Get-Service a*
-cnotlike Import-CLIXML Move-Item (move, mv) Move element Comment
$Result | Format-List -inotlike wildcards (* and ?) possible Object of type: System. ServiceProcess. ServiceController
Export-CLIXML # This is a comment
-match Copy-Item (copy, cp, cpi) Copy element
-cmatch Compare with regular expression
-imatch Commandlet #2 - Selection:
POWERSHELL DATA TYPES Where-Object { $_ .status-eq "running" }
-notmatch Get-Process | ft @{Label="Nr"; Expression={$_.ID}; Width=5}, Rename-Item (rni, ren) Rename element
-cnotmatch Does not match regular expression
Numeric types -inotmatch @{Label="Name"; Expression={$_.Processname}; Width=30},
ACTIVE DIRECTORY (AD) *requires Module Active Directory
[byte] Type comparison, e.g. (Get-Date) -is @{Label="Memory MB"; Expression={$_.WorkingSet64 / 1MB};
-is –
[int] [DateTime] Width=7; Format="{0:00000.0}"} Get-ADObject Retrieve arbitrary objects from AD
[long] -in
– Is included in set
[single] -contains
hierarchical sets like Registry (HKLM:, HKCU:),
[double] -notin Get-ADGroup
– Is not included in set CONFIGURING AND USING NETWORKS Get-ADOrganizationalUnit Retrieve particular AD elements
IIS-Webserver (IIS:) etc.: Where-Object (where, ?) Filter using conditions
Generate random number between 1 and 49 and store in variable $x Get-ADDomain
[byte] $x = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 49 Get-NetAdapter List network cards (also virtual ones) Get-ADComputer Truncate result set from its start/end
Dir HKLM://software/ Select-Object (select)
For logical conjunction, -and, -or as well as -not (alias !) are used New-Item HKLM://software/ScriptRunner Set-ADObject reduction of object attributes, respectively
Character types Example: ((1MB + 250 + $ a) -gt 2000KB) -and! ($ A -le 2KB) Get-NetAdapterBinding Properties of a network connection RD HKLM://software/ScriptRunner Set-ADUser
[char] KB, MB, GB, TB, and PB are valid units for memory sizes. Set properties for an object Sort-Object (sort) Sort objects
Set-NetIPInterface Enable or disable DHCP Set-ADComputer
Group-Object (group) Group objects
Boolean and date types USING .NET FRAMEWORK CLASSES New-NetIPAddress New-ADUser
[bool] Set or remove static IP address New-ADGroup
Remove-NetIPAddress POWERSHELL CLASSES New-ADOrganizationa-
Create new AD object Foreach-Object { $_... } (%) Loop over all objects
[DateTime] Set-DnsClientServerAd-
Access to static members Set or remove DNS server lUnit
[System.Environment]::MachineName dress Implementation of the PowerShell class Get-Member (gm)
Store current date in variable $d
[System.Console]::Beep(800, 500) class User Remove-ADObject Delete AD object
[Datetime] $d = Get-Date Remove-NetRoute Remove gateway from network connection Measure-Object (measure) Calculation: -min -max -sum -average
Instantiation and access to instance members # Properties Rename-ADObject Rename AD object
Object sets Resolve-DnsName Resolve DNS name Compare-Object (compare,
$b = New-Object System.Directoryservices.DirectoryEntry [int] $ID Compare two sets of objects
[Array] diff)
("WinNT://MyServer/ScriptRunner“) Enable-NetFirewallRule [string] $Name Move-ADObject Move AD object
[Hashtable] Enable or disable a Windows Firewall rule
$b.FullName Disable-NetFirewallRule hidden [Datetime] $CreatedOn
$b.Description = "PowerShell Automation" # Static Property
Store list of services starting with "a" in variable $services Set-ADAccountPassword Set password
[Array] $services = Get-Service a*
$b.SetInfo() Test-Connection Perform a ping static [Int64] $Count OBJECT-ORIENTED ACCESS TO PIPELINE OBJECTS
Get-ADGroupMember List group members of an AD group
Load and use additional assembly Send-MailMessage Send email # Constructor Number of objects in pipeline
More complex data structures
- User([int] $newid, [string] $name) (Get-Service | where { $_.status -eq "Running" }).Count
[XML] Add-ADGroupMember Add member to an AD group
sic") Invoke-WebRequest HTTP request {
$this.ID = $newid Print particular properties of pipeline objects
[ADSI] Remove-ADGroupMember Remove member from an AD group
name!","Title") New-WebServiceProxy Create a proxy for SOAP-based service $this.Name = $name (Get-Date).DayOfWeek
$this.CreatedOn = Get-Date (Get-Process).Name
A complete list of TypeAccelerators is accessible with: Export-ODataEndpoint-
Create proxy for OData-based service [User]::Count = [User]::Count + 1 (Get-Process | sort ws -desc)[0].Name
[psobject].Assembly.GetType(‘System.Management.Automation. Proxy }
# Method Method call in all pipeline objects
[string] GetInfo([bool] $verbose, [string] $separator) INDICATORS (Get-Process iexplore | sort ws -desc).Kill()
CONFIGURING POWERSHELL ACCESS TO WMI [string] $a = "$($this.ID)$separator$($this.Name)";
if ($verbose) { $a += "$separator$($this.CreatedOn)" } Get-Process Running processes
List of all WMI classes from a namespace of a computer
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Allow all PowerShell scripts return $a SOFTWARE INSTALLATION
Get-CimClass -Namespace root/cimv2 -Computer MyServer Start-Process
} Start/terminate process
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned / AllSigned Only allow signed PowerShell scripts # Static Method Stop-Process
List all instances of a WMI class on a computer List all types of packages that
static [string] GetCount() Get-PackageProvider PowerShell is able to download and
Get-CimInstance Win32_LogicalDisk -Namespace root/cimv2 -Computer Wait-Process Wait for process to terminate
Enable PowerShell remote access for this machine - even if there are public networks { install (e.g. Nuget, Chocolatey, MSI)
return "In total $([Users]::Count) users!"
Get-Service Windows system services Install-PackageProvider choco- Install new package provider
(Get-Host).PrivateData.ErrorBackgroundcolor ="White" Change background colour for error messages (increases contrast of red characters) }}
WQL query on a computer latey (of a new package type)
Use of the PowerShell class Start-Service
Get-CimInstance -Query "Select * from Win32_Networkadapter where Register-Packagesource -Name
$b = [User]::new(123,"Matt Scripter") Stop-Service
adaptertype like ‘%802%‘" -Computer MyServer Change service state chocolatey -Provider chocolatey
$b.ID = 1 Suspend-Service Register new package source for
-Trusted -Location
USING MODULES Access to an instance and change to the instance
$b.Name = "Matt" Resume-Service
$c = Get-CimInstance Win32_LogicalDisk -Namespace root/cimv2 -Filter
[User]::GetCount() Get-Win Event Event log entries
Get-Module List activated modules "DeviceID=‘C:‘" -Computer MyServer
Get-PackageSource List all registered package sources
Get-Module -ListAvailable List all installed modules Set-CimInstance $c New-WinEvent Create entry in event log
Find-Package -Name chrome Search package source for software
-Source chocolatey
Import-Module Enable local module for current session Alternatively with old WMI commandlets ONLINE RESOURCES Limit-EventLog Set size for event log
$c = [WMI] "\\MyServer\root\cimv2:Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID=‘C:‘" Install software package
Find-Module Search modules in PowerShell Gallery Retrieve important performance Install-Package googlechrome Get-Counter "GoogleChrome" from a particular
indicators -Source chocolatey
$c.Put() package source
Install-Module Download and install modules from PowerShell Gallery
Get-Counter -ListSet * List all performance indicators
Calling a WMI method Get-Package List all installed packages
Update-Module Update module
Invoke-CimMethod -Path "\\MyServer\root\cimv2:Win32_Computersys- Get-Counter -Counter Retrieve particular performance indi-
tem. "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor- Uninstall-Package googlechrome Uninstall a software package
© ScriptRunner Software GmbH Name=MyServer" -Name "Rename" -ArgumentList "MyNewServer" Time"

with kind permission of Dr. Holger Schwichtenberg: ASR\Administrator

Global Filters: AzureAD Tags Azure Team

Filter: 67 -> 3

1 ! Sched. Name Targets Favs Last run Recently Status Tags



An ACTION is a policy set for the controlled A QUERY is a dynamic element which allows A TARGET system is the location where the A CREDENTIAL is an administrative, privileged PowerShell SCRIPTS are centrally managed
execution of a PowerShell script on a target interactive search in the Active Directory, via scripts are executed in run-time with their poli- account. Only these accounts are authorized to and used in actions and are also used to auto-
system. An action can start interactively, sche- cy settings. A collection of targets allows paral- execute scripts on the target systems. matically generate Web Forms in the browser
duled or externally. lel script execution. apps.
QUERIES can be cascaded and start automati-
CREDENTIALS can be inserted in scripts with
The ACTION determines who is allowed to cally, can run in real-time, be scheduled, or run PowerShell scripts can be executed locally on SCRIPTS can be run as main script, query
placeholders of type [PSCredential] at runtime.
start which script, in which context it is to be from cache. ScriptRunner and with remoting in on-prem, script or as a reusable function library. An own
executed, and which inputs are necessary. hybrid- or cloud infrastructures. hashtable is available to use in scripts.

Hi, I´m Jeff and this is the

ScriptRunner Admin App!

Automatically generated PowerShell report

The Windows PowerShell ISE with ScriptRunner Plugin

Web based Delegation App
A REPORT contains all information about the
DELEGATION execution of an ACTION and is split into several
AUTOMATION sections.
Securely delegate ScriptRunner ACTIONs to
groups, individual users, e.g., end users or ser- Start ScriptRunner ACTIONs from third-party sys- The dashboard and the comparison functions
vice desk employees. allow a fast drill down and in-depth analysis of
Connect with REST Web service and the email errors.
When delegating actions, roles and rights are
inbound connector.
completely decoupled and ScriptRunner exe-
cutes the action with the necessary administra- Connect with REST Web service and the email
tive rights. inbound connector.

Automatically generated Web Form

+ Team

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